Scientology has many front groups that are designed to create the impression that the organization is a benevolent group that does good work in their community.
I have noted many times that the “good work” does not happen if it cannot be documented by a video team who then use the video to fundraise and for propaganda pieces about the great things they are doing around the world.
Here are some very recent pitches from some of their main front groups. They tell the sheeple literally anything to persuade them they need to participate — but if they don’t they are shamed into giving money. After all, what sort of lowlife would refuse to help make human rights a reality? Or help respond to disasters? Cut off the international drug pipeline? Make LA safe and green? Eradicate barbaric psychiatric practices? Only an SP would not want those things….
Request for Expert Help:
If you or someone you know is an expert on building websites and website security, please let me know in the comments. I am looking for someone to assist on an important project. If you Give a shout out I will email you for details.
I was being extremely sarcastic. (: With a concentrated number of $cientologists in the LA area after all these years (compared to most of the rest of the world), one would think they would have had a positive influence on the “MEST” around LA and there wouldn’t be a drug problem. This just shows that they make no difference whatsoever.
Love the Reckless sign on the header, and yes Scientology does Suck.
I know a little bit about web sites, as I have created one from HTML and CSS for a college project once. I am fairly technical, but far from an expert.
Based on what is happening in the world they are convinced that “people need LRH tech”.
Sure. But nobody is asking for it.
On internet people seeking for spirituality or self confidence are mostly looking for basic meditation and yoga.
Just concentrating on your own breathing is a powerful meditation and it freed your mind.
What Scn tells you instead is that as being one is totally fucked up. And that you won’t really get out of this spiritual grave you are buried in until you aren’t OT blabbla (and paid a lot of money).
Overall human consciousness is increasing and it is part of a evolutionary process that Life does
Scn is just mind stuff. Mind (and the consequent ego) is the opposite of spirituality.
They have really nothing to offer to the world.
For anyone who may not be certain, when these people use the word “green”, it is not meant as in “greening” the environment. It is meant as in “greening” up these greedy bastards’ bank accounts.
That has always been strictly a “one way” process. The money goes from your account into their accounts and nothing is ever said about it or done with it again. The only traces of your money can be seen when the so-called “Poop” of this scam drinks it up in the form of the World’s best Scotch whisky. After all, nothing but the world’s best could ever be good enough for that creep.
The “Youth for Human Rights” is probably more like the “Hitler Youth for Human Rights”.
Heil Miscaviage!
That last statement from CCHR is really telling, “we have them in the crosshairs and ready for eradication”. I know that is paraphrasing but that is a viable threat by the CCHR against either some specific people or organization. I was stationed in Vietnam in 1969, plus I was a hunter for years and I never have used that phrase. Nothing usually surprises me but some of the terminology shown above could be taken as a direct threat against someone’s Constitutional rights of”life, libery and the pursuit of happiness”.
Wait a minute, how is it even possible that “Los Angeles is a major pipeline for drugs going to the rest of North America” with Scientology’s massive presence in LA?
Jay Tee:
scientology’s “presence” in California is all smoke & mirrors and sock puppets of Davey-Boy’s minions ( the few who still remain)…. ARE there more than the 30 or so scns who show up in pictures from time to time? Are there even that many? He’s been caught trying to use Photoshop to artificially inflate the numbers captured “in the wild” at various events he’s had staged for his glorification. AND we’ve seen calls for actors to play the parts of scn “extras” in other photo shoots.
“legislation requiring the human rights be taught in schools…”
How about requiring that English grammar to be taught to whomever writes this drivel?
They’re not Key-to-Life grads!
I echo Aqua’s
” Wyn.
Darn, that didn’t copy-and-paste properly;-)
These transmissions are coming from that spacecraft that is about to be consumed by the black hole (The Internet) that now has total control of their ship. It seems to them that “Something Can Be Done About It”, but for us way outside of the event horizon, it is seen as a call for help from a ship that doesn’t know it’s past the point of no return. All the other orgs are ships in the same doomed flotilla. All because of the internet, and the shortsightedness of the criminal commode odor LRH. Very few newbies joining the crew nowadays, only the old timers trying to get up the bridge, and others trying to get them up the bridge. They don’t notice the black hole, named “The Internet”, inexorably pulling them in.
Dotey, the old-timers are WAITING to finally get up the Bridge someday;perhaps even within THIS lifetime, but if not, at least sometime in the next BILLION years, Xenu willing.
As for your requests for someone to build a website, isn’t that the business that Debbie Cook and her husband are in? They are in TX now and are still building websites. It would be nice to flow power to them in the form of giving them the business.
“…you need to….” The most commonly used addendum to sentences used by regges who want your money or your time.
I am SO done with that phrase.
I love being free of it.
100X me too! “You need to…” Just READING it makes my stomach tighten a little.
“you need to”, or “you should” are also the buttons pushed by those too lazy to get off their own asses and DO something, as anyone who has volunteered for any social group will recognize. I finally started saying”If you’re so hot about it getting done, you’re the PERFECT person to take charge and get others to work on it. You’re appointed, effective immediately.” Worked every time, even when I didn’t have any authority. Either they dug in nd got ‘er done, or they quietly slunk away. Some good new programs came of it, too.
Not sure how well my “expertise” will stand up, but I’ve been designing sites since 2002. Solid experience in HTML and WordPress. I’m not an IT guy, but in addition to HTML, I’m pretty fluent in CSS. I usually fake my way through Javascript and PHP.
It looks like your site is based on the WP platform. Depending on the security issues you most need to address, there are dozens of plug-ins that deal with all of them. If your issues are back-end related (those things you access through your ISP server) that’s usually a tech support issue with your ISP.
Chris, NEVER try to build a secure site using WP. A security nightmare and sieve. There is a reason it needs so many plugins to work. It wasn’t designed for secure computing at its core.
Wynski, WordPress has its share of critics and evangelists. I’m neither. Serious WP security issues throughout the years have been legion, without a doubt. Nevertheless, I think your view isn’t unanimously held. What has been your experience, and what would you advise in order to host a secure interactive website? Keep in mind I’m not an IT guy, but I speak the language.
We can discuss this in private if you prefer.
Chris, I don’t have an opinion. I ran, from the tech side, one of the largest international IT security companies. I still keep up in retirement. WP is one of the top vulnerable web platforms out there by stat. Search: wordpress
Wynski, sounds like WP builds on the security issues started by M$. AFAICT, security in the Micro$..t world is a lost cause, having had to deal professionally with it for about 15 years or so.
I have to shake my head.
I shake my head and little cob’s start coming out.
Isn’t “Little cob” a *bit* redundant?