Another scientology press release, this time repackaging their propaganda videos onto a new website announcing it as a major accomplishment. It’s the same shit they show in the lobbies of the “ideal” orgs and the same videos that are repeated endlessly on the failed scientology”TV.” But it’s now “new” and worthy of their PR hype — indicative they have no actual accomplishments to promote but are selling stories of rearranging their deck chairs instead.
Here is their hype:
LOS ANGELES, Calif., May 28, 2024 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The Church of Scientology is proud to announce the launch of Let’s better the world, a new website dedicated to spreading awareness about crucial social issues through a collection of award-winning Public Service Announcements. The innovative platform hosts a comprehensive array of proven nonprofit campaigns that effectively curb drug abuse, instill tolerance, raise awareness of human rights and uplift morality across communities far and wide.
The newly unveiled website serves as a central portal for local broadcast, outdoor and print media outlets, offering them access to a diverse range of impactful and high-quality PSAs for Drug-Free World, United for Human Rights, The Way to Happiness, Citizens Commission on Human Rights and Scientology Volunteer Ministers.
There is NO new content. It’s just a new website!
To give it an extra boost (?), the STAND League chimes in:
Of course, these guys take it to another level:
The Church of Scientology, after extensive survey and study, has concluded what you may have already suspected: The world is confronted by its own deadly Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
They are Addiction, Immorality, Inequality and Despair.
Like a plague, they do not discriminate between rich and poor. They recognize no religion, bow to no political or national standard and never sleep or tire in their task.
They go on to appeal to the media (the merchants of chaos?) to get on board and forward their propaganda…
Of course you want a better world—who doesn’t? Let us help you help the world. Use your powerful platforms to broadcast solutions to the problems that plague individuals, no matter where they are, who they are or what they believe.
In keeping with religion’s mission to uplift and offer aid and hope to all people, our Church has launched a unique hub: Its purpose is to engage communities and direct them to real solutions. Our Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are simple, direct and suited to any platform—print, screen or radio. Go ahead and sample this one or this or this or this or this. All free. All yours.
Let’s better the world together. Let’s use your platforms to balance the chaos with solutions.
“Broadcast” originally meant “to fling or spread seeds over a wide area.” That’s right: “broadcast” meant to spread the seeds of life far and wide.
You can do that, Media. Spread life. Spread the hope of a future rather than a locked door trapping us in the present.
Avail yourself and others of these PSAs, these guideposts to bettering the world.
As Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard wrote, “Our help is yours.”
How weird is this?
And it ends by identifying the author this way:
“…later discovering Scientology as a perfect complement to the poetry and magesty of Judaism.”
May I afford you the opportunity for a hearty laugh also? Thank you 🙂
The words of a Jewish Scientologogist a former friend of mine (he doesn’t talk to me any more), OTIII back then and OTVIII today, echo in my ears!
I was low on the Bridge and knew nothing about the OT levels back then. I recall asking him if his Jewish faith, belief and customs etc. “meshed” (my term) well with Scientology, and before I was even done asking the question he interrupted me rather impatiently and said, regarding his Jewish faith and customs, “I am DONE with all that bad data!”
So much for the “poetry and magesty” of Judaism as regards THIS particular Jewish Scientologist. I would opiine that he is far from atypical in this regard.
Their only hope to make a real impact would be to hire some outside ad agencies, but Miscavige would never allow that. He’ll take the cult down with him, but plans to do it very slowly.
Scientology is futile. They ought just focus on delivering their supernatural quackery, but since the quackery doesn’t make supernatural Scientologists, then Hubbard starts blaming, and focuses on who to blame.
But this counters his top level KSW principles where he says it’s wrong to blame the outside. Instead do the quackery correctly and stomp out the splinter quackery which isn’t as orthodox as Hubbard’s official quackery.
So what to do?
Quit fast. Per the LRH challenge in KSW: “….if they are going to quit let them quit fast…..”
Quit. The only sensible path.
Cite KSW #1 when you “….quit fast…” and say it’s what LRH challenged.
Deflecting front group bag holders, deflecting off of the core Hubbard cult scam of exorcising Xenu’s R6 implanted body-thetans on OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Front groups of Hubbard’s, deflect off of the core Hubbard long runway scam quackery operation.
Hubbard just overbuilt his cult on so many “fronts” which temporarily befuddled and confuse and deflect off of the core Xenu body-thetans exorcism/soul-freeing “serious” mission of the whole Hubbard empire.
It’s all not successfully happening as Hubbard falsely claimed, naturally.
What does one expect of a quackery cult?
Hail Xenu’s body-thetans shower on all OSA staffers reading this, and remember OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are just more and more exorcism of Xenu’s body-thetans you missed! That so much continued exorcism is done, tells much as to Hubbard’s final beliefs of what was keeping people supposedly harnessed up. Hubbard’s exorcism is the final biggest scam, it’s snipe-hunting. (Knowing the Hubbard exorcism OT 3, 4, 5, 5 and 7 steps, compared to psychiatry, you can also see why Hubbard deflected, deflected, deflected, it’s policy now, all Scientologist bag holders continue to deflect, just like Hubbard ordered.)
When I got into Scientology, in May 1975, I wanted the spiritual practices of Scientology.
NOT the front group stuff.
I presumed the spiritual practices of Scientology were the fix up for a person, person by person, thus fix the world.
Just do the Scientology “auditing” (quack pseudo-therapy) between people, one person to the other, train up how to do it, and just do it, and thus fix or spiritually unleash another person to regain their supernatural soul powers!
That’s it.
But this whole anti psychology/psychiatry, the other front group efforts, weren’t the spiritual practices, they are after thought things. Maybe to be done and participated in by the OT 8 highest advanced spiritually accomplished Scientologists, when they get to the end of the Hubbard spiritual lineup!
The lineup is so long, that I highly highly believe at NO time did those front groups consist of anyone but a fraction of the OT 8 Scientologists!
IN my whole time in Scientology, and to today, there is a fraction of the movement in “good standing” who have reached OT 8, the top.
Hubbard’s runway is so long, so restrictive, at so many parts in the runway one gets blocked, and Hubbard had his minions lie constantly about “unblocking” things so people could reach the OT 8 top levels.
No, the front groups have always been a side effort, for all the never-reached-OT-8 club of Scientologists to land and think they are doing some good in the whole Hubbard scheme/scam.
The core of Scientology was the spiritual betterment, supposedly. Getting up to the Xenu body-thetans exorcism/soul-freeing off of oneself, to unleash one’s supernatural abilities.
Never happened, never happens, thus the Hubbard cult empire is just a long runway scam of never reachers to the falsely promised supernatural powers the Hubbard quackery was supposed to deliver to the “paid public.”
“Paid Public”
People who were just non staff “public” were “Paid Public.”
I was a lower than that in hindsight, I see now. I was a dupe staffer servicing the “Paid Public”.
Hubbard’s cult no one should ever join, at any level.
Chuck Beatty
ex mainly Sea Org paperpusher cult bureaucrats training department staffer in my most productive years in the Hubbard cult. 1975 to 2003
$camatology CoB Penis Stroking Hub sounds better.
This always confounded me, as a Scientologist and staffer (1975 to 2003 for me).
Hubbard omitted and disallowed big parts of the whole Hubbard operation from being open to the public’s view and understanding.
First, omitted, by Hubbard, was what the upper band of actual Scientology’s beliefs are and how those Scientology practices would actually help the world.
Second, what really disheartened me, was when Hubbard wrote and issued his “The Way to Happiness” precepts in a booklet, he did not call for a complete overhaul of ALL of this Scientology empire to conform with his “The Way to Happiness” principles.
Had he called for a total overhaul of ALL of Scientology to fit with The Way to Happiness, to me, is grounds never to join ANY part of official Scientology today.
Hindsight grading of Hubbard’s full mammoth sectors and broad paper pushing divisions that oversee the whole Scientology Cult Empire, and which “manage” the empire, shows Hubbard was caught up in “managing” the cult, rather than making the cult’s divisions actually DO what Hubbard says in “The Way to Happiness.”
There’s no winning the setup that Hubbard left others holding the bag to implement within the restrictions Hubbard left them.
Miscavige, current leader, too. He’s constrained by the Hubbard bag he’s left holding.
I like old Brian Weinberg, the long ago leader of The Way to Happiness Foundation, he was a decent person.
There’s no winning playing any of the paperpusher manager roles in the conflicting groups of the Hubbard full cult empire.
And they can’t even blame Xenu, yet Xenu’s the culprit for earth’s problems, really.
If Xenu hadn’t mass murdered, mass implanted the body-thetans with the Hubbard claimed R6 implants, and these damaged invisible souls, body-thetans, now infesting all humans alive on earth today, and requiring the Scientology secret exorcism steps called OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7; this is so under reported about when it is relevant to why earth is really messed up.
Earth does need moral improvement, always. But it is doubtful that Xenu’s R6 implanted body-thetans are really what will fix earth, as Hubbard’s cult front groups all supposedly add up to getting humans to come do the Scientology stepladder of spiritual services ending up doing the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 6 exorcism/soul-freeing steps to rid themselves of their share of the Xenu R6 implanted body-thetans/”invisible souls” which are really the core reason we all are messed up here on earth.
Hubbard’s front groups just delay people putting it all together, this whole Hubbard scam.
Chuck Beatty
ex paperpusher cult bureaucrats training dept mainly, in my 27 years in the cult, 1975 to 2003
It’s getting weirder.
Stand League … just a bunch of two-bit low-life cattle rustlers wearing old beat up boots, riding broken down old nags and swearing to god that they’re the heroes of modern law and order, sworn to bring all those “other” rustlers to justice.
But wait … could that be the introduction to my blog post, “The Stand League … Scientology’s cattle rustlers who don’t appreciate their cattle being rustled?”
Why yes — yes it is:
“In the Old West, rustling livestock was a tempting and lucrative crime. It became such a grievous offense that it frequently resulted in lynching by vigilantes. In light of such grim consequences, history does not reveal that the rustlers ever organized an official committee to register complaints about the harshness of the crimes THEY were committing.
Fast-forward to Scientology’s Stand League.”
It seems like they ran out of content really just putting the same old content that they have been putting out for years on this website. It’s not doing much for them seeing that a lot of people already know the videos that they post are lies
Bit boring on the part of the cult. Dan Sherman would have had a field day (I could not resist):
In the hallowed halls of our sacred institution, where the luminous beacon of truth shines ever bright, we have embarked upon a journey of enlightenment—a journey that has led us to a profound revelation, a revelation that reverberates through the very fabric of existence.
For after extensive survey and meticulous study, we have arrived at a conclusion—a conclusion that may come as no surprise to those who have witnessed the tumultuous currents of our time. We stand at the precipice of a world besieged by its own formidable adversaries—the deadly Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
They are Addiction, Immorality, Inequality, and Despair—four harbingers of chaos and discord, whose insidious influence knows no bounds. Like a relentless plague, they sweep across the lands, sparing neither high nor low, rich nor poor.
These malevolent forces recognize no creed, bow to no authority, and heed no boundaries of nation or creed. They are tireless in their pursuit, unyielding in their resolve, and relentless in their quest to sow seeds of destruction and despair.
But fear not, for we stand as guardians of truth and champions of righteousness. Armed with the timeless wisdom and unwavering principles of Scientology, we shall confront these adversaries with unwavering courage and unyielding determination.
For in the crucible of adversity, we discover the true measure of our strength. And as we unite in purpose and solidarity, we shall vanquish these Horsemen of the Apocalypse, casting them into the abyss from whence they came.
Together, let us march forth with resolute hearts and indomitable spirits, for we are the torchbearers of hope and the architects of a brighter tomorrow.
In the name of Scientology, let us stand firm against the forces of darkness, and usher in an era of enlightenment and salvation for all mankind.
Perfect duplication! Just add a couple of “wherefores” and “given that’s”…
Ok. 🙂
In the hallowed halls of our sacred institution, where the luminous beacon of truth shines ever bright, we have embarked upon a journey of enlightenment — a journey that has led us to a profound revelation, a revelation that reverberates through the very fabric of existence.
For after extensive survey and meticulous study, we have arrived at a conclusion — a conclusion that may come as no surprise to those who have witnessed the tumultuous currents of our time. We stand at the precipice of a world besieged by its own formidable adversaries—the deadly Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Wherefore, they are Addiction, Immorality, Inequality, and Despair — four harbingers of chaos and discord, whose insidious influence knows no bounds. Like a relentless plague, they sweep across the lands, sparing neither high nor low, rich nor poor.
These malevolent forces recognize no creed, bow to no authority, and heed no boundaries of nation or creed. They are tireless in their pursuit, unyielding in their resolve, and relentless in their quest to sow seeds of destruction and despair.
But fear not, for we stand as guardians of truth and champions of righteousness. Given that we are armed with the timeless wisdom and unwavering principles of Scientology, we shall confront these adversaries with unwavering courage and unyielding determination.
For in the crucible of adversity, we discover the true measure of our strength. And as we unite in purpose and solidarity, we shall vanquish these Horsemen of the Apocalypse, casting them into the abyss from whence they came.
Wherefore, together, let us march forth with resolute hearts and indomitable spirits, for we are the torchbearers of hope and the architects of a brighter tomorrow.
Given that we stand in the name of Scientology, let us stand firm against the forces of darkness, and usher in an era of enlightenment and salvation for all mankind.
I started getting dizzy reading An Ex’s post and the thought occurred to watch out for his/her posts in the future.. skimming down I then read Mike’s comment and realized that An Ex was Sherman-speaking…terrific imitation! It alsmost put me to sleep, no kidding! Still laughing!
It’s interesting that they don’t mention Narconon or some reincarnation of that drug program. That program got so much bad publicity from the deaths and the recidivism and counselors bringing in drugs for the people trying to get off drugs. Clark Carr, the head of Narconon fled to Mexico when it got so hot that he could face prison for it. No wonder Scn is trying to pretend it doesn’t exist.
I find it kind of funny that they didn’t have any new content about anything it was just old content that has been online for a while now.
Pointing out dishonesty, subterfuge and hypocrisy in cult publications is like shooting fish in a barrel. But one trope that they trot out less frequently is “inequality.” And pretending, of all things, to actually being OPPOSED to it! Are you kidding me?
Does this mean that they are now repenting of their “religious” mission of catering exclusively to “the able” and letting the rest fend for themselves? Are they now opening their doors to all, regardless of financial substance and social prestige? Will they now make sure that no one is held back by financial barriers from practicing their “religion” and storming up the “bridge?” Are they now abandoning the racism and classism of their founder along with the ludicrous pretense of a world made up of homo novis vs the rest of us ordinary homos? Is this the end of a “church” membership neatly divided into statuses according to their financial ability and generosity (or simply credulity)?
Does this announcement mark the public and official end of the “religion” that in its practice and “teachings” abhors and studiously avoids equality like none other? Didn’t think so!
That which can claimed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
It’s true. There IS no new content. It’s just a new website. But I think they know that. Let’s give the COS some credit for having at least some fundamental knowledge of online promotion–a medium that’s global in reach and has long since been thoroughly established.
My educated guess is that this isn’t about the substance of the content, but merely a way to maintain their internet presence in a favorable way. And I’m also guessing that they’re banking on engaging whatever public is out there that hasn’t yet gotten wise to their scams.
Having said that, it may very well be a fool’s errand after all’s said and done. But we know that hope springs eternal in COS fantasyland. Just like the proverbial man falling from a skyscraper who reassures himself: “So far, so good,” they will persevere all the way down.
So same old content, but on a new website. It’s all just lies from Scientology. Not only what they do but the content they post.
They always manage to amaze.
If I had to translate this situation into ‘scientologese,’ I would say it seems like a tone of propitiation but actually hides a nice 1.1 (covert hostility). Anyone who has been in the SO knows well what they are really thinking.
Just to gain a minimum of acceptance back, they are now ready to do anything.
But in other words, it’s also fine to say they are scraping the bottom of the barrel with a broken spoon.
…lying for the greatest good.
Scientology always presents itself as a non-denominational in public relations efforts or when engaging with the broader public.
However, during negotiations with the IRS regarding its tax-exempt status, Scientology emphasized its status as an exclusive religion with distinct beliefs and practices. By presenting itself as a religion with unique religious doctrines and practices, Scientology sought to satisfy the IRS’s criteria for tax exemption as a bona fide religious organization.
Scientology can be whatever it needs to be for any person or organization, for any reason or purpose, at any given time.
When it needs money it is a quid pro quo for hard cash business with NOTHING given away.
When it needs protection from the law and reasons for its exploitation of its staff and public, it is a church.
When it wants to sign you up as a new public, its an “applied spiritual philosophy” to be accepted or rejected as you see fit, and in the process, whatever you are, and whatever you believe is just fine; you can be a Christian, Muslim, a Jew, a Hindu, Wiccan or Druid or an Atheist, and continue as such for the duration of the universe, just sign here, cash or credit card?
To the IRS in order to maintain its tax exempt statusi it is a religion with its own specific codified beliefs and practices.
What do YOU need Scientology to be? Rest assured whatever you need it to be, it will be…for a while.