One of our Special Correspondents just sent me a package of scientology “fundraising issues.”
I am going to publish them as a public service as a series of articles. The original Part 1 of this series is in an earlier posting from a Special Correspondent in Seattle (“Scientology Fundraising Techniques – The Use Of Shills”).
They should be broadly known and available as they show the true nature of the Vulture Culture that is scientology today. Much of it is repetitive, but it is good to have it recorded for posterity.
This is the first in the series and contains two documents.
The first is the Org Building Fundraising Program. It is undated, though clearly it was written some years ago as it calls for a building of at least 25,000 sq ft. Since that time the requirements have increased in order to accommodate the full FART Div 6 and “Golden Age of Tech II” required empty courserooms. Plus they have “refined” the donation levels and there are no more “tailored for your org” statuses offered.
But the “LRH quotes” they use to justify this activity are marvels of out of context twisting.
This IS the ONLY thing “OT Committees” and many org staff have been working on for a DECADE.
The second is a write up of “Successful Actions” and it explains the “Rule of Thirds” mentioned in the program above.
It is also more blunt.
“Line up shills who are closed in advance but not announced.”
Roland Rashleigh-Berry says
First consider a group which takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off. It is the “exchange” condition of robbers, tax men, governments and other criminal elements..– L. Ron Hubbard – HCO PL 10 Sep 82 – Exchange, Org Income and Staff Pay.
The Phoenix says
Hi Mr. Rinder,
Has all avenues to exposing this fundraising scheme for what it really is (a fraud) been tackled ?
Is there any specific angle from which to see this that would attract the interest of IRS ? Or do they have their hands tied for some reason , unable to go after DM ?
Foolproof says
Interesting that as I recall all of Ruth Minshull’s (very good) books and all other non-LRH books were removed from the Church bookstores worldwide years ago, yet we see, when it suits them in their nefarious plans to rob public and divert them from auditing and training through “donations”, recommendations for non-LRH books.
dave95694 says
I wonder what the official “Stat” of the post Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center is?
The unofficial one seems to be mass confusion and money flying in.
But is there any reference or institutional knowledge on this blog as to what the official stat is or was?
Mike Rinder says
Total Advanced Courses Value of Services Delivered.
Foolproof says
Mike – is this why then that RTC stat push (falsify and pad) Flag’s VSD stat? St. Hill and Copenhagen are probably not important enough statistically anyway in comparison. If so all is now clear. Can’t have COB being downstat!
dave95694 says
Hallie Jane says
# of people diverted OFF the bridge by declare, cancelling certs or financial rape. THAT’S where he gets his 47x number!
hadley says
In all my time working in scientology and being around LRH and at the Ship for 30 years I havent ever seen this policy .
Does any authenthic LRH com know whetehr this actual was in the time written or seen before 1980
If so please email me [email protected]/ Hadley
Mike Rinder says
What policy are you referring to?
Foolproof says
It seems to be the Money, make more money one. Last one referenced above.
hadley says
The one quoted on the blog ref Org building fund raising at the top of this thread discussion
JennyAtLAX (@JennyAtLAX) says
Re: Can someone please enlighten me as to who, or rather what, is “JennyAtLAX”? Is she a church troll, or actually one of the women at Marty’s LAX thing, or what?
“It’s embarrassing… it’s unbelievable… it’s a God damned joke!”
Foolproof says
Yes… makes thing very clear – not. I won’t bother any more. I think whatever your message, for good or bad you would get it over better if you stopped being so cryptic.
Mike Rinder says
There are some here who have failed to understand the satire of JennyAtLAX.
To make it clearer — someone has taken that moniker and takes statements made on the blog and gives a “Jenny” response to them, quoting from her statements at LAX (and maybe from Anderson Cooper).
JennyAtLAX (@JennyAtLAX) says
Re: To make it clearer — someone has taken that moniker and takes statements made on the blog and gives a “Jenny” response to them, quoting from her statements at LAX (and maybe from Anderson Cooper).
“That’s what you have to understand.”
Foolproof says
Okey dokey. Thanks Mike.
RolandRB says
Maybe somebody in the “Church” needs to update that Policy Letter of the 9th March 1972 to “TAKE MONEY. TAKE MORE MONEY … “
Foolproof says
Can someone please enlighten me as to who, or rather what, is “JennyAtLAX”? Is she a church troll, or actually one of the women at Marty’s LAX thing, or what? I don’t understand a word he/she writes or any logic in it so I assume she is an OSA troll or some sort of OT Committee harridan. (If not my apologies in advance – if so – get lost!)
Tony DePhillips says
That shit makes me want to vomit.
Congolium says
“THE PUBLIC KNOWS US BY OUR MEST” I don’t even know where to begin with the profundity of that statement found at the beginning of that horrid, vulture culture manifesto.
The Phoenix says
Hi Congolium,
That LRH quote was taken way out of context.
The Phoenix
Congolium says
I knew that it was abducted and taken far away from it’s original context. I just think it holds much irony in it’s new home concerning the subject of ideal orgs. A virtually empty building is nothing but a pile of solid matter giving off, little or no energy rendering it’s existence a useless occupation of space and time. Didn’t LRH have stringent rules on how his quoted word was to be used?
Cars says
Mike, thanks for doing this fundraising series. This will be fascinating on so many levels and I can’t wait for further blog posts on this topic!
I see the second document’s opening sentence is, “The following is a debrief from one of the top fundraisers on the planet.” I don’t know if that fundraiser actually exists or if it’s simply typical chult hyperbole but I couldn’t help but wonder if they’re referring to Charmaine Roger. From what I hear she’s quite accomplished at harpooning the top tier whales. She not only does “one on one, in your face” regging but, like with the Duggans, she actually moves in with the “heavy hitters” so she can move in for the kill.
Thanks to your Special Correspondent for bringing these fundraising documents to light so you can publish and comment on them. Exposing the source materials, methods and processes used to extort money from members is long overdue. This will be an important series.
Mike Rinder says
I think this is taken from the original “hat write up” of Ken Pirak, probably the first notorious IAS vulture. He set the trend for a LOT of “fundraising” back in the day. No idea where he is now, probably still working to defraud people out of money somewhere….
Aquamarine says
I am amazed that they used the word “shill” in this communication.
statpush says
As others have noted, fundraising is expressly forbidden in policy. This one undeniable fact proves that the current church is operating on its own policy. What public Scnists may not realize is that Scn has been doing that for decades in the form of IMEC issues. LRH effectively put management in an administrative straitjacket with the issuing of KSW. It’s Green on White all the way. It’s clear that they know this “tech” is flawed and have sought to create workarounds to introduce policy changes.
What is different about the fundraising activity is that it is so overt in its violation of LRH policy. You will not get a rational explanation from staff members when confronted with HCO PL Org Programming. I confronted a senior SO member about this and their reply was “Well, this is what we’re doing now.” Any LRH quotes they attach to this is simply justified thought, in an effort to convince the flock they are still with the program.
I think DM, SO members and org staff know, deep down, that admin tech is not as workable as LRH claimed it was. The fact that they tacitly agree to this off-policy action indicates a certain degree of disagreement with LRH, and are willing to try something new and unproven. Unfortunately they have put their trust in a man who has never really proven his ability to run an org. I think everyone can agree DM is no LRH.
So, DM and Int Management have a real problem – how do you change or fix Admin Tech without changing Admin Tech? DM has already burned the semicolon card, the lost tech card, etc. I think he’s going to have to invent some mythical LRH Advice, which says that Admin Tech was never meant to followed literally, that management has full authority to invent their own policy. Because after 50+ years of doggedly following policy, no one – NO ONE – has been able to sustain any success for very long. In short, Admin Tech, as a comprehensive administrative system, is a failure.
I am expecting orgs to be transitioning over to some new type of “based on the works of…” management system, which will be written and developed by people who never worked in an Class V org and who have spent most of their life in the Scn Bubble. It will be heralded as “modern”, “up-to-date”, “most comprehensive”, and the ever popular…”it’s what LRH always wanted”.
Margaret says
Prophetic, I suspect…
Joe Pendleton says
“Doggedly” following policy? LRH himself violated his own policy all the time (or does anyone think he followed HCO PL Ethics Review during his List 1 witch hunt? Or any other “policy.” ) LRH policy is full of very good and workable ideas. Also full of viciousness and false data. Specifics on request.
visitor says
>I am expecting orgs to be transitioning over to some new type of “based on the works of
$cientology orgs will probably go extinct before that happens. They’re almost there already.
Hallie Jane says
I didn’t think the greediness could be any more shocking but I stand corrected. The wins of pcs/preots and well trained auditors are nowhere in the vicinity of the current radical church. They are utterly in treason to the purpose of freed beings and a saner world. These fund raisers ARE the problem.
Foolproof says
Hallie I would marry you but I am already married, to another great gal like you! It seems that at least some people (like you) have made case gain, studied and apply the tech and know where it is at. Maybe next lifetime? Ha!
Hallie Jane says
Haha! Thx so much! I have a cute hubby of 35 years so I think I’ll keep him a little longer. 😉 I actually think most people who were in Scn for any length of time had some wins. The problem is they were inconsistent for so many that the win(s) became overwhelmed by losses. The potential is still there. After 10,000 hrs in the chair, the game became very simple for me; free beings. Anything that doesn’t contribute to that directly is not important. Fancy buildings, fair gaming, copious compliance reports, eval of sp items, slick promo, politics, statuses, who’s on first, etc, is all extremely unimportant. A woman called me last week with some wonderful wins on an OT level. Gains can still be made under unsuppressive circumstances if people wish it. It’s a great way to flip a bird at all the assholes who have tried to unmock the game of freeing beings.
Foolproof says
Very well done to you. Best wishes.
Valerie says
“There are new words now that excuse everybody. Give me the good old days of heroes and villains. The people you can bravo or hiss. There was a truth to them that all the slick credulity of today cannot touch.” Bette Davis, The Lonely Life, 1962
I just spent an hour sifting through the detritus of Richie Acuna’s life on eBay. The trophies for having donated so many millions to something he was told was good and right.
I know there are people out there with the sentiment is he is a “black hat” himself, I didn’t know hum or how he operated, so I withhold my opinion on that.
All I wonder is when the thing that claims to be a religion turns the people who proclaim to be its adherents into greedy vultures by its very nature, then takes away their last penny and proceeds to sweep them to the curb, where do the bravos stop and the hisses begin?
Dan Locke says
Could you please give some of those links on ebay, please? Are you referring to Richie Acunto, of Survival Insurance?
Graham says
Lots of links plus much joking & degrading over at Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker.
Bognition says
NICE JOB Special Correspondent! Keep ‘em coming!
Aquamarine says
cris says
“Put the clears and OTs up front, as 90% of donations will come from them.”
And they don’t like being alled a cult?
nomnom says
I wonder what the whales would think if they read these issues?
RolandRB says
I wonder what the whales would think if they worked out that their donations are not helping expansion at all but instead their money is being used for the day-to-day running of the “Church” which is doing nothing more than treading water to keep afloat. Donations have replaced income in the “Church” and just as income kept them running from day to day in the past, charitable donations now do so instead. They are not expanding and can never now expand because the new public with money does not want to buy what they have to sell. The members themselves don’t want training and auditing any more so how can they expect expansion in the form of new people coming in and paying for training and auditing? Who cares about being Clear and OT these days If you pay for and reach these levels then in three years time you have to pay for it again and redo it all again. And then again three years after that. Do they expect new people to buy into that – because without new people coming in and spending money then there will be no expansion?
No, their donations that they think are helping people and think is helping the “Church” expand are just paying the bills and keeping the Sea Org in fake navy uniforms with all the rice and beans they can eat. What will the whales do when they finally have that cognition?
Robert Almblad says
There are no real members of this organization anymore, there are only donors and potential donors. Potential donors that do not donate are chased down to donate and those that donate know they MUST donate to remain a member of this group.
Aquamarine says
That’s true, Robert A. You can’t be there taking services without donating, and the only reason the staff want you there taking services is so that you are someone who can attend an event and donate. That’s the staffs’ real job now, and the rest is just window dressing and/or an excuse to tap you for event attendance and straight donos.
Paul J says
Because I’ve been off lines since before this crazy fundraising got started, I never really understood how so many good people got conned by DM. Now I think I understand. DM took a few obscure comments by LRH about how to handle occasional donations and focused the entire energy of the church on fundraising. Everyone involved had to ignore the clear policy by LRH to never do fundraising. Since DM can never admit he’s wrong this insanity will continue and the church will keep contracting.
Elegant Mess says
Oh, Mike, thank you for this!
I was always perplexed by the constant fundraising announcements of “Plans Announced” or “Blueprints Finished”. These documents explain a lot about the fundraising techniques we’ve been seeing lately.
Also, I’ve only heard of the “rule of thirds” in reference to photography. The definition above given by Mr. Seymor, is far more nefarious.
Gerhard Waterkamp says
How funny. I do not think any of these religious fundraisers would ever realize the astounding fact there is literally no HCPL or HCOB from LRH on fundraising tech.
Now if that is what LRH wanted Scientologists to do there surely would be volumes on that topic. But no, all sources given are WOG authors that have nothing to do with Scientology.
One would think a highly aware and analytical being like any OT would look at this and go: Hmmh???
And even if one does not know what LRH said about “solving it with Scientology” one does not have to be a rocket scientist to fall over that pink elephant in the room it is just in so plain sight and obvious.
One conclusion could be that the current Clears and OTs in the Church seemly are the most gullible of the gullible. No idea what it takes for them to wake up.
Maybe some of the big sleepers in this club look at the story of Richie Acunto who gave tens of millions to the CO$ and is now the laughing stock on e-bay where his trophies and other worthless crap he got for his donations are actioned off for a couple of bucks to pay his storage fee debts.
If he had payed just a bit of attention, he might not be a penniless outcaste “who pulled it in” by now.
Valerie says
Gerard, I do believe highly aware and analytical beings have taken a look at it. Thus the steady stream of departures.
Aquamarine says
You nailed it, Gerhard. When as a public I was asked to help fundraise my fellow public, I asked for an LRH reference. I assumed there was one. None of the staff in my little org could provide me with one. Instead they kept shunting me around from one terminal to another; “Oh, So and So can help you with that”, and then that person referred me to someone else, and so on for another time until the 4th person referred me back to the original terminal. It was kind of funny. I had the OECs at home which I was in the habit of reading, so I searched all of them and couldn’t find anything. I thought it was strange because my org was incessantly fundraising, and LRH had been so prolific on writing up how things should be done, major and minor, from the sublime to the mundane – OTVIII processes to how to wash a car, do laundry, water a plant, for crying out loud! So, when I couldn’t find anything on how to FUNDRAISE I was puzzled. And that was the beginning of the end of my participation in this cult.
Beryl says
Just the way they write up how you go about lining up donors, shows how little regard the Church has for the financial well being of its parishioners. If they go bankrupt, that’s their problem, not ours. Pathetic.
McCarran says
Yup. It is one extremely heartless, soulless group.
Valerie says
Austin contraire, Beryl, Bankruptcy is a preference, it gets rid of all those other pesky creditors the people felt obliged to pay. After they lose their monthly bills, they can just move into a cheap rental, take public transportation and use all that excess monthly income for the greatest good.
Valerie says
Damn autocorrect Au contraire
War Horse says
“Work out how to use hats and whips to get all contributors promoting donations for the org building.”
What are these people into exactly?
Elegant Mess says
Someone with shopping skills needs to illustrate this point for us. 🙂
Elegant Mess says
*edit: shooping, not shopping
Valerie says
I like the shopping skills comment better ;-). Heading out for whips and hats now
Cooper J Kessel says
I’ll bring the leathers and chains!
Chris Mann says
“From this, it is clear…”. Yeah, super clear. Even at the beginning of the Ideal Org scam it was apparently difficult to find any policy or writings to support it.
And the line about parishioners donating to their churches is bizarre considering that even before ideal org fundraising Scientologists were routinely pressured for IAS and other donations as well as exorbitant “donations” for services. Scientologists are expected to donate far beyond any mainstream religion.
Beryl says
Yes, if it had ever really been about clearing the planet, donations would have been low, not high. Even before the debacle of the 5% per month increases in the early 1980’s (which LRH called slight, even though 5% per month compounds to 100% in a year) donation rates for auditing were already too high. When donation rates start out high and go even higher, that is a sure sign that management cares more about money than anything else. Pathetic.
Dan Locke says
Not a huge big deal, but just to have the right “time, place, form and event”, it was LRH ED 284 INT, 16 September 1976. Prices would escalate, getting to nosebleed levels, particularly for new people with 0 reality on auditing gains, and then an SO ED or something would come about to lower the price a bit. Right about the time of the mission holder conference of ’82, the price lowered quite a bit for a very brief time, and then up it went again on a monthly basis for some time.
Marie guerin says
“People do not give based on logic”
Well , scientologists are the best candidates, they cannot even think with their own founder’s policies. There would be much to elaborate on this, but I do not feel like it.
Jens TINGLEFF says
hence the big emphasis on “increasing your IQ” throught Co$ processing. The victims are made to feel that they’re doing the smart thing in donating while their emotonal weaknesses are being worked on. For this reason, I think that it’s wrong to ask of ex-members “how could you be so stupid as to be manipulated?” because it’s not a question of intelligence – IMHO.
Potpie says
wow what a bunch of goggbly gook to create unneeded
action in the wrong direction.
By the way…..who is the “top fundraiser on the planet”??
Yes, the subject has been covered before, nevertheless it is always eye opening to see where the religious views of ‘scientology’ stand and how the ‘religious scriptures’ are relayed to the flock.
Now, most of the people that are still in may have something that makes them agree with all this money, money, money.
Many get high commissions, so, easy money. It seems the orgs keep the commission if they did an event=easy money. Of course the ecclesiastical leader keeps his share.
Lets face it – scientology is gone, is lost, it is not there anymore- the environment, the main ‘purpose’, the real activity that occurs daily is money. Yeah, they may publish stats and inflate them at events, but in reality it is not happening any longer.
This is going to continue as long as they find people that give money; it could be years…or, it will continue until the ecclesiastical leader gets seized by proper authorities for fraud, scam, and whatever any other criminal charges he does have.
JennyAtLAX (@JennyAtLAX) says
Re: Lets face it – scientology is gone, is lost, it is not there anymore…
“Oh yeah, let me tell you…”
Valerie says
Jenny I do so wish this was really you and LAX was your wake up call that all was not right in the world of David Miscavige. For anyone reading this blog, please understand, our J&D is simply a way to let you know that should you jump, there is a soft place to land and we will welcome you with open arms. The abuse has gone on long enough. There are more of “us” out here than in there and we will take care of you.
Call 1-888-xseaorg
Jenni S says
I think the main outpoints are the conviction, heavily promoted and enforced by DM, that these buildings are necessary to deliver Scientology services, and the way this ridiculous fundraising has interfered with the delivery of services. I believe that DM is deliberately fixating Scientologists’ attention on these buildings and fundraising for them to make them believe things are really happening and there is expansion. Whether you think Scientology (as developed by LRH) was good or bad or part good and part bad, at least it was a definite study and practice with a definite goal other than buying and renovating buildings.
JennyAtLAX (@JennyAtLAX) says
Re: I believe that DM is deliberately fixating Scientologists’ attention on these buildings and fundraising for them to make them believe things are really happening and there is expansion.
“Brilliant. That’s the point.”
RolandRB says
If DM can create the illusion of expansion then that illusion itself (if believed) can draw in more donations. And what I think is happening with those donations is that it is spent on just keeping the “Church” running globally in its day-to-day operations. He has to open new buildings to keep that illusion believed in but at the back of the scenes, nearly all that money being regged is just to keep the organization ticking over. At some point, as more whales abandon the “Church” or go bankrupt, more money per member will be required and an unsustainable point will be reached where the money is not forthcoming and the “Church” will suffer a rapid financial collapse.
Hallie Jane says
Excellent comment Jenni S. It’s all a big smokescreen with a gooey criminal center.
Hiatus57 says
LRD did say “an irregular souce of income”
But “little Big Man” has has misunderstoods in the gargantuan range + his own Evil purposes and you have the current insane scene of
“never ending, ongoing, daily begging for money in order to deliver the Tech, which was always wrong and everyones an SP (except him) and has counter intention and the worlds against him and so on and so on.
How an earth do they put up with this rubbish every day
Jose Chung says
All this tech to fund raise? I thought it was a Ski mask and a gun.
Grandiose Pal;aces to show off Scientology with no public and NO TOILET PAPER.
LDW says
Amazing how they play so fast and loose with out of context quotes.
In a policy letter of 25 July LRH says, “If wheat were being processed, then the whole space and terminal allocation of the plant, or org would have to deal with wheat.” It is therby mandatory that all new orgs have IDEAL silos as part of their basic construction plans.
It is that nuts in there right now.
So, since Paul “Sy” Seymour’s original book is no longer available, and Laurie has a Xerox copy, I will have to assume that it is now totally acceptable to the cherch for me to Xerox any or all of their “no longer available” books and distribute them?
I believe I have all of the original OEC volumes and the newer ones too. Since they are no longer available in the cherch I guess these invaluable references should be Xeroxed for anyone who needs them.
Since Gung Ho group policy is now being applied to org fundraising and since the Gung Ho group policy isn’t available in orgs, it would seem to be a public service to provide them xeroxed copies for them to study the original issue.
I doubt any of it will matter though. The courts are apparantly getting the hang of how to put actual ethics in on dave and his most unethical group on the planet. Maybe dave could tell the NAFC that since HE is the pope and they are suing HIM that they should have to use HIS internal arbitration system for justice. “Why it’s an ecclesiastical matter, your honor.”
Mike Rinder says
Excellent snark Les. Made me a little jealous 😉
LDW says
Awwww…I come up with a good one every month or so. YOU on the other hand seem to hit the nail on the head every day.
I have a feeling that davey boy is going to find out real soon the difference between honest ecclesiatical privilege and FRAUD.
Potpie says
Quite a show to watch what with Narconon and the NAFC.
Seems the more lawsuits occur, the more the Church (Miscavige)
shows their true colors to the world.
Lawyers aren’t stupid, they are now seeing his pattern of defense
and will come up with ways to handle his game. It can only go on
for so long before his jig is up.
theofarnsworth says
This literally makes me want to vomit.
Mreppen says
Facinating information deep in the fish bowel.
Idle Morgue says
Scientology only needs two books to $ell to its members:
“ASKING” by Jerold Panas
And there you have it.
Scientology – the science of members extracting money from all members everywhere.
JennyAtLAX (@JennyAtLAX) says
Re: Scientology – the science of members extracting money from all members everywhere.
“That’s the truth.”
Curioser2 says
I wonder if the IRS has an opinion about Shill Fundraising Tech being tax deductible in that IRS/Scientology special agreement. Can you imagine that tax return – Expenses incurred for duping our marks?
This explains how public are duped into raising more cash than is actually used for their stated purpose. They are given amounts to raise but never see the actual expenses, cost layouts. Sooner or later one of the whale/shills is going to get wise and very soon. Hopefully by that time the Garcia case will be decided and pave the way for an Express Checkout late for refunds.
Is there a list of all money raised for building purchases, renovations, furnishings in the last 10 years and what those amounts total?
Margaret says
“Is there a list of all money raised for building purchases, renovations, furnishings in the last 10 years and what those amounts total?”
THAT is a very good question…
Anon says
The IRS doesn’t care how you get your funds for your non-profit. They do, however, care if you are profiting through your “non-profit.” It baffles me that this glaring illegal act hasn’t been caught yet.
McCarran says
You can put my name on the Tier One List of Patsies.
So glad I woke up and got out.