The below mailing is sent out by scientology as a big success: Take out loans. Stretch your finances beyond what any sensible person would do. Go deeply into debt. And then somehow it all works out due to a windfall that was completely unexpected.
What a way to handle your money? Doing exactly what L. Ron Hubbard said NOT to do, so you can be really “on Source” and hand over everything you own, and more, to the great scientology cause (of course “ideal orgs” are totally “squirrel” according to Hubbard, but that is not what the sheeple are told).
What about the 100 or 1000 other people that didn’t have the last minute luck fall in their lap? The ones who filed for bankruptcy? Who lost their homes? Are living without a penny to their name…
Perhaps someone should start compiling those stories…
The fundamental principle this scam is based on is believing that everything will all be right because you “did the right thing.” You sacrificed yourself for the greater good.
This is precisely how televangelists pitch their prosperity gospels for “seed faith” — send me $1000 in the name of the Lord and it will multiply and you will reap the benefits because of your faith. And I will prosper, buying a lavish home and a new jet which is proof that the Lord shines His light on me.
If you have never watched John Oliver on this subject, you owe it to yourself. And if you have watched it before, watch it again.
At about 4:55 he talks about seed faith, though everything that leads up to it will turn your stomach and ring a lot of bells if you have any experience with scientology. Last Week Tonight (video is also embedded below the mailer)
When are you going to write a sit-com, OSD? You’d be great at that.
+1 Mike. 🙂 I wonder what little birdie told them all about it. 😉 Good job.
Oracle. Dead on, as usual. Can’t wait for the meme. lol!
Dan 350 – and completely disregarded by regges. Suppressed, to be sure.
Also, in the PDC called, “Havingness”, Ron says, “If someone offers you credit – run. If you win the lottery, don’t take it.” All of these things mess with the natural flows of exchange.
Now, in this, later policy, he says to keep a good credit rating and that’s for reputation and emergencies only.
I would still take the lottery money though. And it definitely will not go to the cherch. Maybe give part of it to real charities to keep the flows balanced…and then pay the bills, invest in service facilities, etc.
Hi Mike
As a postscript to this, John Oliver had to close his church, even though it was completely legal and he legally received thousands of dollars in donations, since some people sent him (ahem) the wrong type of seed…
Here is the follow-on video, and note what he says right at the end…
“do not send us anything anymore, if you want to send your money to a fake church, send it to Scientology…”
NoEyeDeer – that’s my new, favorite phrase. SOS is same old sh*t. “Somebody put out an SOS!! It’s getting deep in here!”
So true, what you said.
Those SPs at Time Magazine are still annoyed a $ci tax exempt status.
This article from June 2015, is just one of many I have seen this year on doing away with tax exemption for religion, which is costing billions every year.
I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if this Success Story by John Nesbitt was being widely distributed to cult regges for use as a tool on their non-whale public.
Reg to Public:
“See, this guy played big! He wasn’t rich! Look how he risked everything, how he went flat out to accomplish his purpose, to get his Gold Humanitarian, and he made it go right! Just an ordinary guy with a small business, not a trust fund baby, not a movie star, just an ordinary guy but with a huge purpose! If he could do it, so can you!”
I do believe that this SS is intended for NON-whales. It hits ALL their buttons.
I have this picture of regges using this to squeeze SOMETHING out of the most balky, uncooperative public. They’ll be shamed into donating something, if nothing else.
Wow. I wish I didn’t have this picture, but I do.
The upside is that more non-whale public will be squeezed, squeezed, wrung out and hung out to dry, and they’ll get turned off quicker than if they had been left alone.
Actually, the greedier the cult behaves with its public is the faster the cult will die.
A good thing, as Martha Stewart would say.
Hey Aquamarine – that’s right. Now that they’ve beached all of their whales, they’re farming the minnows.
Total depletion.
Indie, that is one spot on mixed metaphor. Permission to steal it please? I still occasionally receive isolated and no doubt desperate begging snail mail from the cult for one thing or another. I would love to be able to write back, “Hey, guys, what’s the story? Are you farming the minnows now that you’ve beached all the whales?” 🙂
John Nesbitt thinks he applied the Affluence Formula, of which the last step is “Invest the remainder in service facilities; make it more possible to deliver”
Now, he say’s he’s paid every bill, which is one of the steps, so that’s good..
But then he’s violated the last step of this formula which is “Invest the remainder in service facilities; make it more possible to deliver”.
An Ideal Morgue is NOT a service facility, that’s for sure. Its not going to serve him and its not going to serve anyone.
And by “investing” in this boondoggle he has violated the first step of the Affluence Formula, which is “Economize”.
So, to recap, he made a lot of money unexpectedly, paid off all his bills, bought his Bridge and some Bridge for his family, but did not economize and instead of investing in service facilities to help him sell more flags, he threw a great deal of money down a rat hole.
Not good. Not good at all.
Ordinarily I would have compassion for him. I made mistakes like this when I was drinking the koolaid.
But then, in him we have political wingnut who is ok with peddling nazi flags…nah.
I wonder if all of the places he “borrowed” from are being paid back.
This guy is a COMPLETE WRECK.
How far in debt could he be spending like that?
I can only shake my head at how dumb people can be.
It’s too bad our fine government can do NOTHING to protect people from themselves. This guy and his family have been brainwashed.
We are the fools!
I have a great idea for a home business if anyone is interested?
Lets market “Intergalactic Kool-Aid”? Put a little LSD in it.
Guaranteed to get them all up the bridge, or jump off a bridge.
First we get their credit card numbers.
Whooooops maybe the Co$-a-No$tra, bankrupted them first. Bugger.
But at least some of the fools, if they have any money left, would buy it.
Bingo, we’ll be rich. Let me know, pronto, if you are interested.
I am so interested! Only dropped acid once, so this will be a reunion. And having the acid in “Intergalactic Kool-Aid” makes it better than getting all the OT levels for free! Let me know when you want my credit card….
BTW, will this make me an Intergalactic Stoner?
Governments generally don’t care about the little people, and all the hopey changey stuff in the world won’t change that.
Anything and everything to bring down this cult has been and will continue to be done by individuals willing to stick their necks out.
The calvary won’t come until its over, for photo ops and hand wringing.
$cientology: the most UNethical and greedy cult on earth.
Wait a minute, visitor, you forgot a bunch more adjectives: Toxic. Abusive. Pathological lying. Fiendish. Family destroying. Financial ruining. And…the biggest domestic spying scandal in our country’s history.
the regges must love this guy, every time some bullshit new thing is announced, I bet they’re lined up at his door.
those of you who were in, how much of this story do you think is true?
I just don’t want to think that anyone could possibly be as much of a sucker as this guy is, it’s destroying my faith in humanity.
I was in, and I think his story is bullshit. I’ll bet he either declared bankruptcy, or he’s still in deep debt and just lying. The story just reeks of Scientology PR. And Scientology PR means bullshit put a happy face on fake it ’til you make it Amway crap.
Miscavige wants more money from the regular people so He made up a testimonial directed at them. I’m sure every reg is making their non-whale public read this and pushing them to go even deeper into debt. That’s why the story was made up in the first place – to beat their dead horses with.
I am familiar with this type of Scientologist, having close relationships over the years with a few. This type of public has zero compassion for their fellow Scns when they don’t come up to their standards. He would have no problem dismissing any hardship his peers may be dealing with and probably tells people that they have “plenty of money” when they have very little in the bank and have stretched their credit to buy their ‘Bridge to Total Freedom’ (just not financial). He no doubt encourages public to take out loans, and borrow from other Scientologists, and when things go bad, he’ll be the first to say that they “are responsible for their own condition.”
This is the type of Scientologist who should be avoided and not listened to. If he wants to engage in high risk behavior for himself and his family, that’s his business. He shouldn’t be promoting it for others.
Take a seat Mr. Nesbit.
Hey Still-in friends of mine. GAMBLE MUCH?
That’s exactly what you’re doing with your personal finances with this game. How many times have you rolled the dice? How’d you do on that? How did YOU do, not the planet or the org?
How many friends have called you, asking for loans or complaining about how hard it is to pay their bills after give their LAST windfall to the org/IAS???
How many times have you found yourself in hardship after giving more than you could or should, and still, you think that you are valiantly sacrificing (the sadly noble honor of it all) to “save the planet”.
Who’s going to save you…
and your family…
and buy food…
Food stamps?
You’re not getting any younger. How many more years of hard work do you have left in you to keep living in the Matrix and giving all of your energy to someone else, dear friends?
Unplug and come out of the Matrix. We have great food and LRH trained auditors and course sups out here. The best on the planet are here, in the Indie Field.
As Debbie Cook used to say, “Come join us!”
Then you get this:
You can have your standard Bridge from OT VIII/Class 8s, some trained by Ron. And no IAS/Ideal Org funds to steal your money away from you. Your REAL eternity is here.
There was some common sense to Hubbard’s financial policy for the churches….too bad Mi$cavige and all his little cowed associates go in the complete opposite direction (for maybe 20 years now?) when running church finances and “encouraging” others to donate. I was regged that way and knew darn well I was being chased down to do off-policy things. I bought in once for a small amount of money and then withstood all other attempts. Am actually very proud of it! Thank goodness I had some training in policy and could see clear through the BS. Looks like very few public see through the lies.
Gato Rojo – Yes, Ron said something like, If you don’t know and apply policy, you become a clay pigeon for any cross orders, etc. etc.
A. No one is being taught policy anymore and
B. If you show policy to defend your viewpoint, the staff believe that you’re being CI to “Command Intention”.
It’s all become a farce, straight out of the Twilight Zone.
bait and switch
Very true, Indie. The only LRH policies followed now are the destructive ones, the OSA advices and so forth, that public are not allowed to read. These they followed to the letter. As for the rest, the policies in Green On White that anyone can read, well, better not quote any of THAT if you know what’s good for you.
Edit: “These are followed to the letter”.
Dear Aqua , there are many “White on Green” policies that are as destructive as those “confidential” OSA (actually GO) “advises”. I’ll be very happy to quote them for you should you be willing to publicly discuss them with me with no Q&Aing with my questions. Let me know if you wish to engage in such a debate. If not, then you should not make such uninformed and generalized statements.
By the way, those OSA (GO) “advises” , were not advises at all but “limited distribution” policies. They WERE signed by LRH ; I have studied them ALL , the full hat. Let’s not change the history here.
What is very sad in this story is that these Kool-Aid drinkers actually believe that Scientology IS going to save the world ; they DO believe it. They believe that their kids deserve a better world to live in , and are willing to sacrifice anything for it. I personally know many of them , and for them it is not about status , it is about sacrifices. Sacrifies for the “Salvation” of this planet. They actually believe this. And the ones who “get the flow back” from the physical universe (which amounts to probably no more than a .2% of them ) , frequently are very, very able individuals used to turn things around for them even before any contact with Scientology. Nesbit is probably 1 in 2-3k , an expected probability. Nothing to do with “The universe will flow back at you” at all. The universe only “flows” back to the smart people , who correctly uses the laws of economics.
Yes. I know more than one who donated millions. The universe flowed back to them; they had all the “right postulates” (seed money). They were filled with so much hubris that they didn’t think it would ever end. The physical universe (or at least the United States) laws of economics came crashing down on them and they nearly bankrupted – one actually did. The church doesn’t care how many they hoodwink or break or piss off or blow off to get their money.
That’s because the Church knows it is finished and its only a matter of time before the next shoe drops, and the next and then the next, and so on, so any money that can be milked or bilked out of the koolaid drinkers now has to be gotten while it is still possible to do so, and the hell with stupid suckers if they’re bankrupted, ARC broken, etc. If the Sheeple don’t like it they’re kicked to the curb, disposed of quietly and without sorrow, and the focus stays on whoever is left – theoretically until the last cultie leaves the building, I guess.
+1 TC
Any news about how things panned out filling up the Shrine? The waiting lists must have been enormous as millions of “parishioners” were vying for tickets.
There are two things in this “success story” that I can’t “get over.”
First off, I am shocked about the callousness with which these people treated their “friends.” Basically, what they are admitting to is that they took out personal “loans” that they had no hopes of being able to ever re-pay. In other words, they re-located “other people’s money” from their pockets into the “church” coffers–fully expecting that they would most likely wind up stiffing their “friends.” If you do that to strangers, it’s called “fraud.” If you do that to “friends,” that term does not even begin to describe it!
Second, so what is the outcome of this “success” story? They acquired a bunch of gaudy statues, helped build an “ideal” org that few will want to go to, paid for services that hold out promises that will NEVER materialize, and are still broke. In other words, the scientology cult’s ideas “helped” them solve problems that without the cult they would have never had in the first place. However, these decisions will come back to haunt them if their three kids ever decide that they want to go to college or when the time comes to retire.
It’s like the person who jumped out of the 50th floor of a building. Delighted with his decision, he quips, “See, I CAN fly”–as he passes the 20th floor.
Mike, this is one of your best posts, and that’s saying something because they’re all good to excellent. The concept that is being conveyed here is that donating to the Church of Scientology = opening oneself to receiving back a windfall and/or to substantially improving one’s production. There is so much missing data here – this success write up is so outpointy with Missing Applicable Data. Its disheartening to realize that a portion of the still ins will read this and fall for it and do the same thing, but there is no doubt that some of them will indeed be “inspired” by this and will do it.
For those who may be UTR and reading here, I would suggest that you apply the Bean Theory and your common sense.
I’m with the poster here who said he/she wants to hear from these people in 6 months.
I’ll tell you this: violate the Affluence Formula (call it what you like, it IS a condition of all of a sudden having LOTS more of something than you ordinarily have) and you are screwed.
Well of course! You can’t possibly pull in anything bad for “doing the opposite of a motivator” can you? I can’t tell you how many times I heard that shit from church fundraisers. Oh, and if you do pull in bad things like bankruptcy, losing your house, IRS problems, failed businesses, broken marriages, etc, it’s because your ethics are out. Uuuuugh! I can’t believe people are still falling for the same old shit.
A person I discussed my involvement in Scientology with a long time ago said to me “But, I don’t think the Church of Scientology would do something like that to you right out of the blue without a reason. You must have done something to them”. Isn’t that the “truth” church attorney’s get paid to defend the church with even though it is a lie in the first place. And all these donations, that is where a lot of them go. To fund legal actions and OSA pranks. Every day I am thankful for one thing and I also thank the Church of Scientology for it.
If I had never been honest enough in the first place in this life to admit I needed improvement I would never have turned to a local org for help OR ever learned that there ARE such things as Scientologists with evil purposes.
I never became an evil purposed church member and there is no amount of fund raising anyone can do
that is going to restore their integrity with their fellow man. I guess I must mean to laugh because just as you said not only is it the same old but it is the same old that him and his wife are full of. Look at their family all posed in a group in that picture. They do not look like well and happy high IQ human beings to me, nor do they seem like a group of them, no matter how much fund raising they think they did. 🙂
Hi Lawrence, A great post! Thank you. I so agree that no amount of $ or pix of grinning parents and kids and grand kids proclaiming their Sucess stories to cob, will ever entice me to get back in. Behind the smiles are tears. I was never an evil intentioned being.But when a small group could even just be one or two,labeled me as such, just fighting that for years was very draining. Looking back now with more maturity and just more life experience, I am amazed at how much back biting,exchange of confidential info and cliques of I am the most OT and you are not,went on there. Of course I was so love rocketed in the beginning I did not see.Love, Ann.
John Nesbit: hypnotised, moronic pathetic . Or a liar. Probably all of it. How pitiful.
It appears that Johns’ useless stock has done better than Qualcomm and Microsoft when they went public.
I have a good Financial Advisor. What is this useless stocks’ name?
A con man can “make things go right”.
The supreme test of a thetan is the ability to confront an inconvenient truth.
So the kids got their purif paid for? .Like, I’m sure they are all toxic from street drugs.
Looks like this guy made his turnaround profit in selling Rebel Flags. He says that demand for the flags go up every time the government attempts to ban them.
For some reason, he also has a thing about big pharma. He writes, “Over the last few years nearly every occasion of mass murder in the United States have been linked to the use of these legal (pharmaceutical) drugs.
I wonder if the good old boys that he encourages to buy his flags know that he’s a scientologist.
There is a VERY strong link between Scientology (Church and Indie flavours) and right-wing libertarian / “Tea Party” / Alex Jones style politics. It comes from the top, Foul Ole Ron himself who hated communists, the IRS and “international bankers” equally.
“Foul Ole Ron”, hey? Oh yeah. Having spent way too much time with a dyed-in-the-wool Libertarian late husband and with the California Libertarian Party (under duress, a whole other story), I can well believe that Scilons and LPERS go together, each trying to scam the other. Some day when I’m not posting from a phone, I’ll have to get all of this down, including the months I spent as California state secretary of the LP.
P.S. to Doloras: I’ll see you on the streets of Ankh-Morpork where Foul Ole Ron holds court, berating a mouse about something called I Deal orgs…Millennium hand and shrimp!
Mrs Tachyon may or may not be there.
Another Terry Pratchett fan I see (RIP). One of his books is called the “Thief of Time”. Would have loved to have seen him write a book named “Thief named Mi$cavige and his insatiable lust for money”. The testimonies of these fools above, is beyond sad. How about that other greedy criminal called Creflo Dollar?( not kidding Google him, that’s his real name). Maybe the Co$-a-No$tra, could teach him a trick or too. Last time I heard about Creflo Dollar he was trying to hit up his parishioners for a multi million $ jet, and failed. So, wee davey, Creflo needs your help.
This 100% opposed to Hubbard policiy on How to maintain solvency. He says if you make 1 millon and spend one milion and one, you are miserable.
“Make a lot of money spend it frugally”
What they do he call it “bank on the finance”. And this only occured after Miscavige was in power and was stripping the suckers !
I was never in money trouble in the 1970 and could afford any sevice, while I was a youngster and quite poor.
In the 1980 I became a rich businesman, and I was broke, all the time, in debts didn’t realize I was so pressurized by people like Charmain, soon I had more debts every month than the amount of my salary. It screwed my solvency for life, domino effect. Miscavige should go to jail.
You do know that L. Fraud stole that remark in your first paragraph, right? And, of course, when he stole (which he did all the time), he stole from the best:
“Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.” – Charles Dickens, David Copperfield
As for your story, if you didn’t know that you were so in debt due to being regged, you were a moron. In Dickens’ time, they did the correct thing for people like you and threw the debtor in prison. Miscavige shouldn’t be the one taking the blame for your stupidity.
ESP, are you saying that you should enjoy “Dickens’ time” also?
Lighten up , dear Espi, he is a good man. The only one to blame here is the cult leader, not its members. Are you saying that all the thousands of professional cult experts and therapists out there are wrong ?
Takes two to tango, Peter.
Oh, I don’t know about that, Espi. I’ve tangoed with myself many times. Probably because no one would tango with me. My sad life….
Hubbard didn’t steal the remark. He quoted David Copperfield.
What Hubbard wrote was;
“But solvency depends on how you handle things, not on how much you have, Micawber in David Copperfield, said that if you had twenty one shillings and you spent a pound, you had happiness. But that if you had nineteen shillings and spent a pound, you had misery! A pound being twenty shillings, that’s all there is to solvency.”
This from “How To Maintain Credit Standing And Solvency” OEC Vol. 3, which also says the secret of solvency is;
1. Make a lot of money.
2. Spend less than you make.
3. Make it before you have to spend it.
4. Gather bit by bit a cushion of cash to fall back on and don’t ever fall back on it.
5. Keep your credit excellent as a second cushion.
Obviously, this policy is not well known among Scientologists.
third cushion: bankruptcy, more bait and switch
Espiando, as Dan 350 said Hubbard didn’t steal but quoted Dickens. Actually have you been a scientologist or are you just a kind of lurker?
I wouldn’t give a dime ever to a televangelist because I ‘m not christian, I have never trusted monotheist religion therefore I wouldn’t give a cent. I am deeply anti-religious. And I think God doesn’t exist.
But I thought I was a spiritual being myself and get interested in scientology to be free. And before I could realize I get caught into the regging. And this occured after Dr Goebbels junior took over the church and is not part of scientology. Dan 350 quoted the exact policy.
This mad regging is off policy madly, from a real scientology viewpoint it’s simply suppressive as Miscavige is.
But you are right I was a moron, and as I hate moron (I’m actually much more snobish than you and I’m not a cultist at all) I dispies myself to have been so stupid (sorry for the english but i am an european bitch).
And to be in full ARC with you : fuck you!
And I had to hide from my family and everyone I knew that I was givng this amount of money to the cult. Nobody could understand I was so stressed while I should live a confortable life with the amount of money I was making. I was witholding being part of scientology being affraid to be an outcast in my country. I really was supressed both sides : the church and it’s opponnant. This situation makes a scientologist miserable, especially in Europe. In America law protect them, in Europe no. But they are still pressurized to donate. I wasted 30 years of my life being supressed. Scientology as a subject is not guilty, Miscavige is. He is the vilain of the play and should be put in jail.
The person to blame for you giving all of your money to them isn’t Miscavige, it’s you. This time, you are definitely the one who took it in.
“The person to blame for you giving all of your money to them isn’t Miscavige, it’s you. This time, you are definitely the one who took it in.”
You’re 100% right, Espi.
And what you’ve stated applies not only to FG but to every one of us who did our own version of what FG did.
No one physically forced any of us to write a check or charge up our credit cards or hand over our cash. WE did it, and as McCarran recently pointed out, its not ALL about the money. There was effort, there was time involved for many here.
That said, many here did what we stupidly did for the cult because we trusted and thought we were helping.
We were dumb to trust and not verify. Good intentions are NOT enough. Plenty money was given and for many here, much effort and many years of time were expended, and at least as far as the money was concerned, none of it helped. None of it. Not one dime made a damned bit of difference.
So, here we are posting on this blog, in varying stages of getting over that we expended money, effort and time that served no purpose.
That’s the tough part, you see. It didn’t help.
We read Mike’s articles about these dumb still ins who donate and bloviate about all the good that their donations of money/effort/time are creating and we J & D them and bash them and its all good because it helps us confront and process the fact that we did the same damned stupid things and said the same damned stupid things.
We’re ex-cult members, Espi. Be a little kinder, please. We know better than you do how dumb we were.
By the way,that’s not to opine that you don’t care. In fact, I’ll go out on a limb and say that IMO, and with appearances possibly much to the contrary, you are a sensitive individual who cares intensely.
OK, enough sentiment: Happy New Year and go fuck yourself 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thanks Aqua, I have been through it. And I knew down deep that something was wrong, it actually was the first perception : it was no longer scientology, it was a trap. But having been parano so many time, you don’t want to be that nasty and so negative. Once you want to say yes. Yes, i’m good!
Wrong, you are not good, and being good is being trapped. One has to be suspicious, watch twice before to move.
Miscavige scientology is a trap we know now, I knew then but couldn’t confront.
Leaving scientology was not the optimum move. Shooting down the mother fucker, putting this small bastered to sweep the floor would have been.
Soon even his father will write against him. He’ll loose completly his position. Even his near allies will let him down. then truth will come out. It will be impossible to stop, like a torrent.
He’s “only” a Gold Humanitarian. That’s not enough to even get a mention by David Miscavige. He’s got such a long way to go before David Miscavige will even acknowledge his existence.
He’s not even close to done. He’s going to be so bullet riddled by the time someone spits him out that he will not be able to even form a sentence much less brag about it. You’ve got to feel just a little sorry for someone who brags about his crimes to a crime syndicate.
What is actually funny, is that David Miscavige can convince people they are humanitarians if they pay him for the label. See, they are NOT humanitarians if they have not paid him taxes on the identity.
First he got in the business of selling the “Scientologist” identity. You can not call yourself one if you have not paid him taxes. he has exclusive rights on that. Humanitarian used to come with the identity Scientologist as a given. If you were a Scientologist you were considered to be a humanitarian.
David split the identities. Now he taxes you for both. Now there are a whole bunch of Scientologists out there that are NOT humanitarians.He busted them all! Now you have to pony up extra to be a really good Scientologist. And people will pay for approval.
People think topless dancers need approval from bodies? I guarantee you, you will not find a topless dancer anywhere on this planet, that is that desperate for approval. Neither a stripper. And you have Dave producing all of these events to honor himself. The expense and labor used in the Church to obtain the applause for him, monumental. Approval from bodies makes or beaks Tom Cruise. And David Miscavige. E
Every beggar dollar Miscavige deposits, is a tip for him shaking his ass somewhere.
I mean, he does make a living sponging off of wealthy or credit able men that get involved in Scientology. He organizes private parties for his patrons, he puts on a show to get them all worked up. And you can purchase his approval.
Unfortunately in the cult you are never done, but John and family have not discovered this yet. They sound like they might be relatively new to the scam. Here’s what I’m reading between the lines. John and his wife are ‘securing their bridge’ by purchasing services to get them to ‘clear’. I’m guessing that this would include some ‘grades of release’ auditing and some NED and if all goes smoothly, they will then receive a CCRD and verify the ‘state of clear’. That’s IF it all goes smoothly. Even in the best of circumstances, there is need for review, correction lists, ethics, etc. None of that is free, so add a few more intensives down the line in the next several weeks or months. Once they are ‘clear’, they will most likely be in a state of temporary euphoria and be writing up more success stories to help solidify their newfound awareness and abilities. This is very short lived though. Why? After completing ‘clear’, they will find themselves smack dab in the ‘non-interference zone’, that conveniently placed area between ‘clear’ and OT III. Why? There is no such thing as ‘clear’ and soon problems will start to raise their ugly heads (supposedly in the form of ‘body thetans’). Next stop: the regges’ office to ‘secure their bridge’ (again), this time to get through OT III. Mysteriously, this won’t handle things that continue to pester a being, so that means: off to the regges’ office to ‘secure the rest of the bridge’, AGAIN. Since John has proved to be so able when it comes to making things go right financially, it will be subtly pointed out to him repeatedly that if he can do it once, he can do it again. If he ‘forgets’ this, all the regges have to do is refer him back to his wonderful success story. The smart thing for him to do would be to just get off that endless hamster wheel of ‘the other side of done’, but that won’t happen any time soon I fear. Meantime, the rest of us can read his success story and thank our lucky stars that we had the good sense, intuition, fortitude, insight, perseverance, etc. to extract ourselves from the cult by whatever means necessary. In this holiday season, we can only hope for the best for John and his family despite the odds of their never making it out of the mind control cult and the associated financial ruin. In his success story, John comes across as a bit of a pompous ass, but I still feel sorry for him. He must have one helluva ‘ruin’ that they are continually pounding him with. Poor bastard.
John Oliver the comedian has done more to make the word Scientology synonymous with hypocrisy than the maker himself.
I know the ladies in the knitting club in the village, (they know me thru community theater). I talk with these people and so I know what I’m talking about. They watch TV. They read magazines. Hubbard was right again about the power of film and media and it is a particular pleasure, watching the church burn by the match lit by their very own neighbors, such as the producers and directors and actors of Hollywood. I’ll go on limb here and add, without having met, the Editor In Chief of Time magazine.
Took them all a few decades too long to get over the intimidation tactics of scn, such as they were, thanks god that’s over. Good to see everybody stepping up to the plate.
I do so love the new reality.
An incisive view of how scn really operates, sadly one that could be obtained only by first hand experience. Of particular note is the observation of how they use your own success stories to trap you again later. I did get wise to this later on and kept them as bland and non committal as I could, mind you by that stage that was how I was feeling about the subject anyway.
So…..ummmmmm…’s that working out for you?
super, dude
Well, yeah, but, you were born with Super Powers, mark. The rest of us had to pay for them.
Hi mark Marco, OSD and those in his age group as I am know whereof we speak. You were born with super Powers, I’m just trying to catch up! Love, Ann.
o, thx again, a day in the life.
wuz wondering what the hell that thing in my neck was, explains it nicely.
A flaw in the system revealed itself today, happened at the beach. I go. I run, I balance step by step on the new crop of big and o so beatiful fallen trees and driftwood, my favorite thing, really, it is joy in motion. I just strech and get happy and run some more…
This one piece, at least 10lbs anyway,
… it looks more like it melted.
I am joe backpacker in a tri-athelon suit, ready to launch. Hydration, check. This thing has my name on it.
At the staircase,
half way up the first rack
my neck lodges a complaint so i stop and stretch it, keeping the thing up, really stretch that spot in the neck, until… starvin the brain for oxygen, oops, here in the balance i have created a real, honest to goodness hazard, a virtigo rush, the second of the day, actually. In such an episode, i know, time rushes right out the window.
Fall straight down, check, well shit, uncheck because i am not really sure, every particle of attention dedicated to knowing this one thing, just GO STRAIGHT DOWN…
Bam, I got popped.
My eyes were open but not exactly hooked up anyway and I got a very pretty dubble jo-jo lip (love those lips) here, looking very much like the red queen’s heart shaped lipstick, kiss me, right now. I could use a kiss i mean, shucks, right there.
Tonite the real adventure begins, optimistically think i might make girl friends at the bar, one i know loves minor injuries, assumming big bad narco aint stoppin me. EW, please don’t touch me there. Have fun and thanks surfer for all the beach stories, you ever dare to stop you meet my happy little friends, a pair of genuine fire engine red EverReadies, when you’re warmed up i can let you borrow ’em for being nice. Crapo, there’s blood on the keyboard.
Well, its worth it.-m
OSD do you use your super powers to keep the sharks away when you are surfing? That ability alone has to be well worth the cost of auditing.
We do have adolescent Great Whites that sometimes come into the surf line. At that age, they only know to eat fish. But, yes, Doug, I’ve always wanted to grab the big fin and have the shark take me for a short ride. My super power is surviving surfing in Hawai’i with Tiger Sharks. They’ve been known to come out of the water and clamp down on a surfer’s thigh! I remember that happened decades ago in a place called Napili on Maui. The Tiger bit the 54 year old surfer’s thigh. He was able to paddle in, but, the bite either punctured or severed the femoral artery and he bled out and died right there on the beach.
Yea Dave,
How is that working out for you? Tell your buddies Bob and Tom how wonderful people think Your Cult really is.
What do you say about a man who risks financial ruin by going into debt and even borrowing money from friends NOT to provide for his family but to donate it to his notoriously rich church in exchange for status??? How about “morally depraved”?
But that’s not really the point. The point is what do you say about a church that circulates such a story to its parishioners with the intention of influencing them to embrace such squalid values? How about, “morally depraved”?
The CoS, through a process of “reverse Darwanism”, has effected a perverted natural selection through its practices whereby only the morally and intellectually depraved of the species elect to remain scientologists. You could call it, “survival of the UNFITTEST.” Thus the likes of Mr. Nesbit prevails in the church to tell his lurid story.
I choose brainwashed and brain dead. Wow! I just realized that makes them Zombies!
I remember back in the day when I was asked to write up my OWs and realized just today most of them were “ODUBBINS”.
Hi ClearMF, Thank you, that was funny! Love, Ann.
ClearMF – Oh yes.
Sounds like a breakfast cereal: “Get your O’dubbins today! They’ll keep you powered with O’dubbin motivators all day long! O’dubbins – when you can’t find anything else.”
Sometimes when the layers of scn are peeled away, it is evident why they were susceptible to scn in the first place. Crazy to the core. Dave seeks out those who are sociopathic to the core. Then there are those who got stung and made it out, all the wiser.
Thank god for reality.
(still feels like Christmas)
What if,
when you got out (weather thrown out or having escaped)
you look around
at other people
other churches
other ways to get along, other ways to get educated, other ways to make something of yourself,
other ways to have fun
Other ways to run a business or religious organization or school… what if the whole world and reality ran the same way as the church of Scientology, what would the world be?
What if schools threw out critical thinking and adopted a single-source philosophy?
( It is hard to consider that a serious question, but that is what scientology proposes, in reality-
substitute science and put in scientology – QUICKLY!, flush science down the toilet before god finds out you’ve been playing with fire again.)
Well, there is one thing we don’t have to wonder about. Witness the Church of Scientology, as it is.
Compare the church, as it is, to WHAT THEY TELL YOU IT IS.
The Leader, judge him. Judge him by how he treats others.
The quality of your life, question that.
Consider your wealth to be measured NOT in terms of money or property, but of how much free time you have to do what YOU desire to do, nobody to interrupt you. How much time like that, how many full-day holidays did you own? Was there ever a random day of freedom in Sea Org? Was there ever a promise of such a thing?
Perhaps for ever-after, a promise to enjoy the one and only true divine gift, a moment of time for the sake of joy, restful time for the mind and heart for a time other than sleeping, for a time other than being dead. Why do we forget how short a humans’ time is, and how could a church demand to take ALL of it away?
Would god be pleased,
to have and hold his precious human race in the chains of Scientology?
You know, if scientology were actually a real thing, something to actually believe in.
The RED Flags just keep pouring in.
Spending More than your income,letters from law firms
that promote bankruptcy.
Some things a person learns has to be the hard way,
it never fails, there will be more people who can manipulate
others to walk a path of ruin thinking they are headed for Glory and riches.
Don’t know what to say to end off .
THESE are the kind of reports the IRS needs to see. All of them. Over and over I hear scientologists not only admit to financial criminal activity, but boast about it like in this letter.
Let me repeat that. This couple is bragging about financial fraud, financial crimes in the real world, and encourage other scientologists to do the same. They are promoting this as the approved policies of scientology. They are saying you can commit fraud if you believe your cause is a great and noble cause. They are promoting their knowledge about other scientologists committing financial crimes.
These are also the kind of stories that the public needs to hear because it is the taxpayers who wind up paying through the nose. It is the real ethical business that pay one way or another. It is the residents who pay their mortgages, take care of maintenance, and pay their debts that wind up paying for scientologists’ financial irresponsibility, fraud and outright financial crimes.
What I’d like to know is how the IRS sees tax returns with mega scientology donations right beside the foreclosure and bankruptcy expenses, thousands and thousands of them, year and year, and they are just fine with it. I just don’t get it.
Hi TheHoleDoesNotExist, Thank you for your post. I have been thinking along the same lines for years regarding the IRS and cos. Somewhere back on the blog, I posted that the IRS asked to meet with me at the Fed building in Boston, Mass in 79 I think.For some reason they knew I had blown the Sea Org in 78 and that I had been pulled off post one night to write and sign checks for Asho that went through Treasury.I was told to do this because my handwriting was so legible and it was known I would be up all night if necessary to finish my assignment.Well these two agents were absolutely ridiculous! Wanting me to recall every check I signed for what amount and who it went too. Yes I was young but not with that photographic a recall! So we went around in circles for an hour or so then they gave up.Threw $200.00 bucks on the table and never removing their mirrored sunglasses walked out.I felt they actually cared not one iota about the cos or me. Today with the cult tax exempt I never thought that would happen when I was in, it seems religion if any type is a live wire for the IRS so they will not touch any of it. Very sad. OK I love your posts.Happy 2016! Love, Ann
Hi TheHoleDoesNotExist, I meant religion of any type.Bad IPad! Laughter, Ann.
THDNE, I think what this couple did was foolhardy in the extreme and something they’ll regret deeply and soon. I’d like to see what financial shape they’re be in six months to a year from now. However, having said that, you’ve accused them of financial fraud. Upon whom have they committed fraud? Just asking because from what they’ve written I can’t see how you’re drawing this conclusion. All I see amongst all the gushing is the missing applicable data, i.e., how DID they earn/receive etc. enough money to come out clean with Bridge paid and all their (6 figure) debt paid in full. Demand for flags increased – ok, so was it done selling flags? Or did one of them win the lottery? Inherit? or a combination thereof? That’s what interests ME and its missing because, like, he didn’t want to BORE us, lol. But because this key data of HOW he passed the Supreme Test is missing, doesn’t necessarily mean that he committed fraud. I wouldn’t be surprised if he DID, btw because what these koolaid drinkers will do to get some praise and a fake looking statuette seems to have no bounds, but as far as committing fraud, we need PROOF.
The Hole – I remember, back in the 80’s, there was so much credit card fraud with Scientologists – charging for services and never paying it back – that the credit card companies were threatening to take the Church’s merchant accounts away.
I don’t know what they did to handle that, but it was a very big issue at the time.
say, TheHoleDoesNotExist, that is a fine and valid point.
It is perfectly logical that THE TAXES on all monies accrued by persons claiming financial ruin, bankrupt, BE PAID, in full, by the church, especially every dollar that was borrowed in order to make a donation.
It is a no brainer.
A lawyer worth his salt should be able to easily label the church as predatory, also categorically harmful to society at large, as well. The IRS fined me, four years in a row paying ever dollar I didn’t need for food the whole, long way and fined me again, calling the second fine – interest!
The least they could do is impose the same (type) fines on a corrupt church.
The lawmakers are failing us, here, again.
I see where he made his money quick. He is selling Trumps “Make America Great Again” Hats under his “Political Items” section. Trump and Scientology. What a match made in Armageddon.
Make America Go Bankrupt Again
Yeah riiiight, better to have the taxpayers pick up the tab, like they do for Solyndra, Government Motors and Scientology.
Equal time: GO TRUMP!
Not going to allow any thread to degenerate into a political debate. It accomplishes nothing here. Debate away the relative merits of Trump, Cruz, Clinton and Sanders on any of the thousands of flame sites that exist for this reason.
Thanks, GO MIKE!
ditto thanks
Hear, hear.
Here’s how this situation will play out for this guy: the cult will hound him even more. He’s on everyone’s list, every reg’s radar now. He thinks he’s home free; he’s not. He’s now a prime target for the IAS et al, who’ll tell him, “You did it once, now do it again for us! You’re a huge thetan/big being/etc. etc, you can do it! They’ll take his success story as re playing big for Ideal Org fundraising and hobson-jobson it to fit their own donation targets. I would advise this guy to start drilling the word, “No”, start practicing this word to all cult begging from now on, or he WILL be bankrupt.
That John Oliver video is brilliant. I was not aware that these ‘vangelists were so blatantly criminal. The person who wrote the script for this video must have read the letter from Mr. Nesbit first. ron wasn’t kidding when he said the way to get rich is to start a religion !
Hi EagleEye, Along with just a few other gems Ron stated, one of my favorites is the quote you posted. He was being truthful about starting a religion that would make him rich rich.He also hooked so many of us to the ride to end all rides. A joyous 2016 to you.Love, Ann
Really? You weren’t aware that “these ‘vangelists were so blatantly criminal?” I see…
Allow me to introduce myself, I am pastor OSD (which stands for Opportunity, Snark and, most importantly, DOLLARS! Brother EagleEye, your eternity is at stake here! You must act quickly! Send me your “seed money” now! All of it. Including any college funds you might have started for your kids that they really don’t need. And the blessings of giving will turn your life around! Oh…and there’s no refunds….
I saw John Oliver’s video way before I got interested in what’s been going on in Scientology and I remember saying to my husband “I bet Scientologists are like this”! Even though John doesn’t specifically mention them. Great video!
No, he doesn’t. But believe me, the show is VERY well briefed on scientology.
Internet search led me to john nesbit, owner of He claims he is a descendent of paul revere, and his site is steeped in tea party style rhetoric and graphics, and liberal bashing-‘why liberals hate flags’ hes standing tall waving the confererate flag, and claims it s not a symbol of racism and repression, but thru revisionist history a proud symbol of freedom. He also clams to have a minority partner, of what ethnicity he fails to mention.
So there is an internet listing at least for a flag co with an owner using this name. Some of his statements about personal rights and freedom are highly ironic considering his connections.
Oddly enough, i was just reading an old post by John P on the bunker which describes the old bond financial scam fishman used, and heres john nesbit talking about the same thing! Only for him it wasnt a scam, and it really worked, and kept him away from financial ruin!! Is john pitching the old, rediscovered rainroad/chinese/confedarate bond scam himself, and using his testimonial as a pitch to other financially ruined scis?
His minority partner — his wife of course.
ithilien – thanks for the info on Nesbit. I now think he has richly deserved having been conned out and that he now needs to upgrade to his NEXT status! (I mean, if it was SUCH a successful action!). Hey Nesbit, get this done before 2 pm on Thursday, ok? Or are you a mest loving middle class money grubbing slacker?
I just checked his website and … yes, right there at the bottom is “The German Nazi Party Flag” … and he puts it next to THE BETSY ROSS FLAG fercryinoutloud! Yeah, make money selling the nazi flag with the swastika on it! Another example of the “enlightened” and “intelligent” current members of the “church” of scientology. I’m tellin’ you … these people that stay in and actively support the miscavige evil deserve to be bankrupted and conned. That’s the exchange for the evil they support and participate in. I’m hoping Nesbit continues to be squeezed and squeezed …..
“I’m hoping Nesbit continues to be squeezed and squeezed…”
Oh, he will be. That is a given.
Selling Nazi flags, huh? So that he and his family can traverse the Road To Total Freedom.
I really have no words.
Years and years agço, someone of the anticult asked me help for a girl who was going, tough afraid – to take, imagine that!, TEN years of her total salaries as debts, in one of these crook swiss banks. The only urgent advice I could give was: please, don’t go to the rendez-vous, and HIDE yourself for more than one week, so as to think about what you thought.
Don’t speak to your family where you’ll be, even your mother, and say why you won’t call and answer.
The next step was that the girl called and got her first money back 😉 and she got it, the poor cultists being afraid of getting one more complaint in that country.
If I were to read about this in a work of fiction I wouldn’t believe it. I’ve even performed the ceremony of throwing the book across the room on a bad novel once.
Well, if it’s true, I’m sort of happy for the guy although I’d be interested in seeing how he’s doing in 6 months or so after he’s been torn to pieces once again by those wolves. Wonder how many more forgotten and unrealized assets he’ll have to save him then. I almost don’t want to look.
John Oliver – priceless as always. I’d join his church.
I’m the associate pastor of John’s church. I’ll see you next Sunday, Paul.
Sure OSD – just send me your surfboard imprint, a greenback and some of your Old Spice for me to rub on it – think I know the drill.
Oh, crap! Yeah, I can send the surfboard imprint and a greenback, but, I ran out of Old Spice about 3 decades ago.
Truly inspirational. Going to sell the house and cash out the 401k today and send it all to the IAS immediately.
Doug, you are THE most dedicated Scientologist I know! However, can you loan me a few bucks? I’m a little light this week……
That’s out exchange OSD! See you in the boiler room – it’s an RPF Christmas for you!
OH YEAH? Well, you’ll have to catch me first! I will miss wearing those cool overalls in the boiler room.
If you promise to give free surfing lessons to all Sea Org members I will loan you a few bucks.
Surfing lessons anytime, Doug! Although it much, much better in the summer.
These folks are victims of hypnosis.
One of the most dangerous of LRH’s hypnotic commands is:
“Scientology is senior to life because Scientology handles life.”
Think about what that statement, agreed to, would do. The value of life itself is put in a position below LRonHubbard. All of this family betrayal and pain, all of this betrayal of friends, all of this imprisoned bubble thinking now has a “greatest good” justification. Going into debt is now a courageous victory because Scientology is superior to LIFE.
Life itself is not as valuable as Scientology. Now DM can not care about his father dying. Now cult victims can deny and reject family.
Having sympathy below hate on the tone scale supports this life distorting “philosophy.”
From the mind of L Ron Hubbard has come a sickness.
This truly is one of the worst stories from the cherch other than family disconnections. Look how they have a picture of superman’s body with his head superimposed on it – unless of course that is really John Nesbit 🙂
The reg’s will keep coming for him and blow him up with more and more smoke.
Atlanta was never a big deal in the scn world and I’d be shocked to smithereens if their new fancy digs changes that very much.
One of my best friends that I did OT8 with is in Atlanta. Her husband was much lower on the bridge and has/had a successful business there. They would be hounded to the point of him not wanting to have anything more to do with scn.
My x-long-time-friend from Clearwater would fall for the smoke continuously. He could afford it. He would often tell me – no way I’m paying anymore this year. The reges would come with either “you are such a big being” or “you have the money and are preventing the expansion of scn.” whatever it took.
He told me a story about how the captain of the fso and the ethics officer were majorly hounding him for another 250K. relentless hounding on a 3way call. He finally said “Fuck you – I’ll give you 100K” and he hung up on them. They were probably high fiving.
And drinking Scotch…..
After his org goes Ideal, and its still empty, and his footsteps are echoing in the hallways, and the staff keep blowing off, and the Div 6 course room has 4 people in it, 2 of whom are old timers doing some Basics course, and the Academy is turning out zero auditors, and the HGC is a tomb…in short, there is zero impact occurring because of the Idealness of his org, then, THEN, it will dawn on this fatuous fool how stupid he was. We’ll have to give him some time. And the wolves will need to tear at him more, even after he fed them handsomely.
Actually, that’s an insult to wolves. I like wolves and they don’t tear at you if they’re well fed.
I was on tour, as an FSM in the early 80’s, with a SO reg from ASHO at a mission in another state. We were regging a young couple for one intensive….I think $3800 or $4000 for ONE intensive (I paid $312.50 per intensive when I received a bulk of my auditing). They clearly couldn’t afford it. I saw the angst, worry and fear in their eyes as the reg cycle progressed. We were giving them a very large problem….my idea of Scn was to handle personal problems, not give them…..I was an auditor not a reg. I finally got up and walked outside. I needed some fresh air. There was no consideration for the life of this young couple, just get the money. I felt like a member of a pack of hungry dogs doing what ever was needed to get that money…it was like a frenzy. It was not how I would treat a pc in session. I didn’t go back into that room and it was the first step in my walk away from Scn. Did the couple get the intensive? Sadly yes they did. Did I split the FSM commission with the mission? No I did not.
Hi Potpie, You are such a lovely Light. Bless you and yours always, Ann.
Thank you for your comment Potpie, it remembers me when I did the HSDC course and started auditing. In those days I paid all the way to Clear and Level 4 and it was not a huge amount of money. There were registrars around, but they didn’t belong to the same species they have now in flag they didn’t have fangs neither horns. Sharks, piranhas and vampires didn’t haunt the Orgs and the core of the money pump, (the IAS) did not exist yet. I stumbled on one of my old friends by chance in the street, he was a brilliant man when he was younger; now he is broke, lives with his old mother because he has too many debts to pay for rent has divorced once more because having a true lasting relationship is difficult in such an environment. I am so glad I am out, but when I look at the people still in I can’t avoid thinking that they wasted their lives utterly.
Yeah, potpie. I remember when an intensive was $625 and 312.50 professional rates. And you know what? That was in 1970, but for the workaday person on planet Earth (like 99.9%), that is STILL too much money to fork out for the amount of auditing a person will need to just go clear. Which is why I remain convinced that there is ABSOLUTELY NO DESIRE OR INTENTION ON THE PART OF THE CoS TO EXPAND TO ANY GREAT EXTENT THE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE IN SCIENTOLOGY. This is one reason why the prices are so stratospheric. Miscavige is one cagey genius at what he does. His business plan has always been, keep the amount of people in Scientology SMALL, a manageable 15 – 20,000 at all times (of mostly upper middle class folks) so that they can each be tracked, beaten down and robbed of every cent. Expel ANY person who exhibits ANY sign of self determinism or threat to management, so that the remaining small number remain relatively “uninfected” as they continue to be brainwashed/crush regged so that ALL their money can be taken. AND most importantly … GET RID OF THE OLD TIME AUDITORS! They know too much because they studied Scientology in the days when the brainwashing was at its lowest level. Miscavige wants a “church” of the old brain damaged (and I could name names, believe me …) and the young nazi youth type.
Hi Joe Pendleton, Thank you for your wonderful post. I had to go warm up my coffee after reading your take on dm. The picture you presented of old brain damaged SOers and young Nazi types is horrific.So goes the mind of dm.What a junk yard! Love, Ann
I love all you people who remember how it once was. Many of us were so well intentioned and never wanted anyone harmed, and had integrity about it.
These are part of the seeds to plant for a new day. Plant the seeds for leaving and plant the seeds for human kindness.
This was a masterpiece as far as Im concerened. Could see dumb scientologists prancing around in super heroe costumes everytime someone promises to hand over a load of cash he or she got lent by another zombie in order to achieve the next IAS status.
The letter is an absolutely discusting display of downright evil manipulation.
Oh dear lord spare then for they havent got a clue!! Materialize in their faces the book ” the sociopath next door” and make them literate!
They’re just letting it all hang out aren’t they?
I got arrested for that once….
I don’t doubt it for a minute, OSD. 😀
To John and Rosa,
And you are still naive enough to think that you are on the other side of done? News flash John …. Quinn will be calling soon to brief you on the Ideal Morg Alliance in your area. Oh yes, and don’t forget the new hall for El Con in Clearwater that needs a few dollars.
And before I sign off, what exactly is your next IAS status?
I suggest you think about selling more flogs ………… a lot more! And I suspect you will rue the day you put together your little write up on how a good cult member is supposed to ‘Git Er Done’! When you balk at the 250K for the IAS, Dave can show you your own success story. Enjoy!
Yea, I thought I’d be “done” when I walked off the ship. The “other side of DONE,” is that they don’t leave you the hell alone. Try being OT VIII; now “as an OT VIII” you must do this, be that, contribute this – push push push. Someone once told me that they had never been so invalidated as when and after they finished OT VIII.
Hi McCarran, That triple sux what is done on OT8 now. And with all cos. Love U, Ann.
People go from being a cash cow on OTVII to a worker bee for the church upon completion of OTVIII. Some evolution, as they pay for the “privilege.” If that’s not a scam, what is?
Oh no, you’re absolutely right, Hennessy! It’s a global scam of biblical proportions.
There is no such thing as a “Done” in the Church of Scientology.
It does not matter what you have completed: auditing (needs to be redone), training (ditto, or your certs will be cancelled): the buying of materials and books (turn ’em in and buy’em again) and donating (not enough, give us more).
In the Church of Scientology, there are only “Not Dones” and “Half Dones” , but one is never Done, with anything.
And, these days, it doesn’t matter how much you’ve helped. No one has any ethics protection unless they keep giving and giving. And if you don’t have money, you can donate your time…and because you’re a downstat because you “don’t have any money”, you’re almost having to donate your time as punishment for not having any money to contribute.
Another aspect of the circular Bridge.
Are they that hard up and effect seeking for someone/something to worship that they crave acceptance through sacrifice? Church of Fools…
Similar to why the infantry doesn’t really want new recruits over 25. After that age they aren’t so silly. Corporate scientologists are sillier at any age.
(Which infantry is that? not United States I trust. We need serious and capable men and women of both intelligence and experience to combat a very real enemy, I hope I am getting across.)
In the United States, we employ a volunteer army. Let’s take a moment to admire and encourage the people that do, thank you. Ok, back to bashing foolish things… to believe in.
It was something discussed while I was in the Australian army. It’s not saying over 25’s aren’t serious, dedicated brave etc. What was discussed was the willingness of younger recruits (I’m talking about infantry recruits here, there are other corps more suitable to some types and ages) to do what they are told without question once indoctrinated past boot camp. As one gets older and rises in life experience etc. you get to know what you would consider to be a sane and sensible order under certain circumstances and the older you are the less willingness you have to do something you consider stupid. A young’un has the tendency to leap in boots and all without question = good soldier! Especially infantry where that sort if discipline is necessary for the team to function and survive.
Rest assured training and discipline in the US & English armies was very good and the morale high from what I saw and served with myself. Don’t know how it is now from within, it looks much the same.
Modern soldiering is pretty mind bending in other ways especially with having to be half policeman/politician, half warrior, then have restrictions like “rules of engagement” to contend with. Any soldier past or present deserves the respect and acknowledgement of their country and allies. I agree for everyone to admire and appreciate the armed forces, police and all uniform based professions dealing with safety, security & medicine, it’s a tough ask for them sometimes.
All armed conflicts are fucked up messes to be involved in, volunteered or not imo.
I get you.
Can’t let it slide if you wanna say older guys are unwanted.
ISIS has me a little on edge. I swear if I could swap out a youngster for myself I would.
We did take back Ramada today, did you hear that this morning on the radio?
That kind of news does not happen by chance or accident.
That is stopping the bullies, simply put.
That’s a real shitty mess they have with ISIS.
At times I wish a lot of things concerning those thugs but the ideology of it all swirls around wanton violence of increasing complexity in God awful country, resulting in a high body count for what reason? Their objectives and mindset are as evil as it can get. They simply cannot be permitted to exist as an armed entity.
It’s insane but all wars are. This one is still evolving and seems to be having known results and objectives but the truth is always a casualty in war. Understanding the media reports is a game itself. There are many players involved, it’s tough to trust anything until proven across the boards.
I feel horrible for our troops and allies in this one, their job is ugly but necessary. Then again I remember Vietnam too, different country, different times, different objectives but the loss and sorrow is still the same, people die.
And they think they are now done…as if the COS is going to just let them keep going without more cash. Everything they think they are “paid up” on will only be granted once they do all the new crap DM is busy coming up with.
Hardwood floors? Hardwood floors are for Ideal Orgs…how much did those cost? That’s money that could have gone to buying boxes of WTH booklets or police officials. DM must be pissed that they spent HIS money on themselves.
So John Nesbit, you did all this Ideal Org donating THEN “secured your path to clear.”
In other words, giving money to build an org to deliver services is more important than actually receiving those services yourself.
Nice logic.
PS. How’s the retirement planning going? And college for the kids? And your company will always produce at this anomalous rate “because LRH,” right? Even if you get sick? You couldn’t possibly have intermixed your business and personal funds during that time your obligations outstripped your income, right?
“College for the kids”? I’m sure the Sea Org recruiters will come knocking soon, if they haven’t already. (The oldest one looks like he’s old enough to join.)
Any legitimate religion would be ashamed of this kind of story. Tithing 10% is the norm in churches I know. Even then, there is no pressure to give – the doors are always opened whether or not you are able to donate. It is shameful to advocate borrowing money in any way, shape or form to donate to a church or a cause. I would love to donate thousands of dollars to a soup kitchen, but I can’t, unless I want to be one of their clients. I know that if I went around to family and friends asking them to give me money so that I can donate it to my church I would be minus a few friends, and my family would think I had gone crazy.
Did you watch the John Oliver video. There are plenty of legitimate religions that do exactly this sort of selling of salvation.
More than you can imagine, Mike. Our country seems to have more religious con artist than the rest of Teegeeack. And….I DON’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP!
I don’t consider any religion legitimate when it acts like a telemarketing company selling a Ponzi scheme. I admit I have limited knowledge of any church outside of my local Catholic church and local Christian church. I cannot imagine either of these churches advocating financial ruin as beneficial. In fact, both offer seminars on how to live debt free and financially sound.
Legitimate being an interesting word – plenty of people claiming to be “legitimate” are nothing but hucksters.. and that is sadly acceptable. That is the way with our silly world – if you fall for it (and it’s not illegal) shame falls upon the buyer, not the seller. Otherwise we would have neither “mega-churches” or Bernie Madhoff.
Members of my family hit me up for money for their religion all the time. And sometimes I give it to them – not because I care about their religion, but I value what their organizations do with the money. That is legitimate use of a donation (in my mind). Yet sometimes, I give the money because I really like the coffee cake Ethel makes for the sunday bake sale. I am a sucker for coffee cake.
Hi gtsix, Good post as always. I am a sucker for Kona Coffee( Hi OSD) and I adore abit of excellent coffee cake. Come to think of it, that would have been great in the Sea Org with all the coffee I guzzled then. One to two large cups a day is my limit now. I was lucky to get a piece of burnt bacon and the heel of just as burnt toast when I had my first breakfast at the expediters table! Were we ever young and sure we could save the Planet and Universe from harm. Laughter! Now I know a lot better! See you in 2016 and love you always as we move toward the future.???Ann.
Ann B, you and I both know that there’s NOTHING like Kona Coffee from Hawai’i. And, like you, I too love coffee cake!
This is what happens when you put “apparently” good concepts (like “The Greatest Good,” that evil exists [SP’s], or even “Too Gruesome…”) into a container called “religion” and into the hands of tyrants. It leads people like this into bankruptcy or disconnecting from loves ones or beating people or worse.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with “The Greatest Good” unless, of course, you let someone else decide for you what that might be….Sucker!
I had a sucker once. It was good, but, it wasn’t the Greatest.
If this story is so true and indicative of what happens when you go 4x in debt to save the planet with a building, then why doesn’t Dave take out a ten billion dollar loan and put up 1,000 massive ideal orgs all over the planet? Done deal. Planet saved. Just add snake oil and stir.
Yeah, exactly Les.
Sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander when it comes to spending His money.
I like the capital “H”, Mike. At least in his mind, he’s a His.
The other side of dumb. When I was the Treasury Sec FSO we had to call all the OT 7’s on the level to get their bi-annual payment of $2,000 for the supervision of their solo auditing (6 month C/Sing payment).
Easily 75% had severe financial problems and were VERY unhappy about all the money they were being raked for. Realize they were also supposed to report to Flag every 6 months for 2 or 3 intensives of interrogations (called sec checks) at $7,000 per intensive. Many openly stated they didn’t even want to be on the level and just wanted to give their materials back but of course Flag wouldn’t let them. The whole thing was a nightmare.
I know two folks who stopped auditing on the level. Sent one an email last week but didn’t hear back due to his/her UTR status in the bay area. I saw the other at a Christmas party last week and he/she/it is doing great having bailed on the cult and it’s tentacles.
Halleluja !
when you are on OTVII you have to pay for auditing yourself? also you have to do the sec check every six months for how long? Until you move to OTVIII on moneywinds?
Yes, Jeff, if you get auditing while on OTVII, you have to pay for it. It is a nightmare to be on VII; I wanted off but couldn’t figure out a way. I know someone who faked an illness while at Flag on 6 month check; went to a doctor; “passed out” in the MLO’s office; cried about having to “get off” the level – the whole nine yards.
Mary – I think your friend was simply demonstrating that he/she had reached the EP of VII – isn’t “being able to get off the level without the Church knowing you’re never setting foot in another org again” the desired product?
Seems like that’s the EP all the people on VII I knew were going for….
Can’t you lie about how much self auditing you did so you don’t pay as much?
Laughter! On the floor!
Jeff, the solo auditing, or OTVII is paid for as a level upfront and however long it takes you, 2-25 years, it’s paid for. You pay for the security checking, which is a form that everyone else is given. The sec check is audited, not solo. However long it takes you to complete, whether it’s one or four intensives, you pay by the intensive. Plus you always have to have one, unused intensive on account. God forbid that you use your hours on account in a long session and get one additional minute for free. You also have to have C/Sing time on account too. The auditing intensives for the sec checking are the most expensive though, and you have to do this every six months.
” Until you move to OTVIII on moneywinds?”
Sec Checking is too good for business. After you finish OT VII at Flog (think complete your leaving base sec check) and bored the plane to the ABCs for Oh Tea Ate, you will get another sec check on the ship to clean you up from all of the bad things you did while on your flight (to total freedum).
After a couple of 7k intensives on bored you will have had many bognitions about how bad a person you really are (left unsupervised and flying around the planet in a plane). Then you get to do Oh Tea Ate. When you finish that, all will be revealed about what a big and powerful being you now are and Teddy Braggin will discuss with you how you are going to make it go right for your next IAS status. Any signs of shrinking away from that request will result in a potentially longer leaving boat sec check. Always remember the size of your being …….
And so it goes in the Cult with no shame ………………
Bognitions are wonderful things. Vital, actually! Mine came in ’82. Eventually, all cult member will have their own Bognitions. And, like the greatest scientologist we all know, when he said regarding SPs, “You know, maybe some day it will be like that! We’ll just read about about them in the history books!” (cue maniacal laughter).
Tom, I really think you’re on to something! It’s just that, we’ll be reading about your cult in the history books. And, Tom? The authors will not be kind to your cult nor to you….
This is like asking someone to jump off a cliff and believe they will land safely on a cloud
That’s what happens when you join the Sea Org. Laughter!
I am sooooooooooooooo glad I dodged that bullet. I was public for thirty some years and avoided the SO regges. I should get a cert or a pin or something for that, shouldn’t I?
It’s sort of like a real life Admin TR pass. “Give that SO contract to those people and tell them (very nicely so that they feel supported and not slighted) to shove it up their @ss. Thank you.”
This is the most horrible thing I have read. I cannot say anything else about it. I want to cry for the families that fall for it.
John Nesbit’s story will never offset the stories of financial collapse, hardship and misery suffered by a number of personal friends who were bilked by the cult. You’re right Mike! The numbers should be collected so the truth can be told.
It’d be interesting to see the number of people harmed or destroyed (directly and indirectly) by this church. I think it’s one of the main reasons close to 6 million watched HBO’s Going Clear in its first week of airing. People in general know, have experienced first or second hand, and/or have heard or read about the abuses inflicted by this “church.”
I think it is directly proportional to the number of Dianetics books sold!
Burn all the Dianetics books! On the beach so we can have a huge bonfire! And watch the words of fatso rise gently into the sky and blow away. Then pull out the food and beer and celebrate!
I don’t believe one word of John Nesbit’s story. NOT ONE F-ING WORD!
“I have been on a rocket ride of production” – who thinks, talks or writes like that? No one. The whole story is BS.
It ain’t over yet. Not by a long ways. And we all know that ‘THEY’ will be coming for him.
(add in the sound track of Jaws here)
Probably written by miscavige – just for fun.
Miscavige can’t write. He has a 6th grade education, doesn’t he, Mike?
No, he left high school when he was 16. And he can certainly write. He is very far from illiterate, even though his shermanspeak drivel may make him sound like some sort of parody.
“Rocket Ride”is a BUZZ word in Scientology
since the 1960’s. Became popular after
John F. Kennedy gave his speech on
reaching the Moon within a decade.
As in, “Rocketing up the bridge?”
Yes,except the fuel was all your money.
Most never got off the launch Pad.
Now you will be hit up more for contributions. Making the mistake of writing words that will come back to bite you.
If I was a reg, I would be calling you. And I would know exactly how to pitch you.
Hi M Greene, Good to meet you. Yes and the reg can then give you a good pinch if you do not follow the pitch.As a long ago letter reg I never pinched til I became Advance Scheduling Reg at Asho F & then only verbally as my entire stat was $ up each Thurs at 2:00 and bodies on the SHSBC! Not letters in and out as when I letter regged. Very stressful indeed!Always,Ann.
If I was a reg, I would be camping out in your front yard so you couldn’t get by me. If you started to back your car out of the driveway, I would puncture all 4 of your tires. If you did happen to still drive away, your wife would be alone….
“We are tough sons-of-bitches.”
Hi OSD, Oh heavens if you were a reg and I had walked into your Org, let us just say you would have been one happy reg because I would have given you $ and bought all the books too. However if you were a Sea Org Recruiter well I had some choices so you would have had to give it your best shot… Gosh thank goodness you were not! Love you both. PS I thought about the rock by the ocean I will be sitting on waiting for you both to walk by on the other side. A big chunk of black opal I love those, that is what I’ll be sitting on blowing tunes thru a conch shell. We will all shine brighter than one billion stars. Seriously. Love, Ann.
Can I be one billion and one? I’ll sing harmony to your conk shell melody.
Kind of like this:
Hi indie8million, Found your posts! My IPad sent them to infinity and then retrieved them! Of course you can be one billion and one!! Love, love to have you sing melody. Beautiful! Wishing you the brightest of New Years to you and yours. You are a laser Light.??? Ann.
Yes, John Nesbitt, that Success Story you were coerced into writing was a huge mistake. Its your blood in the shark infested waters and they’re coming for you.
Something else is going on here – I flat out don’t believe him. Flags? And even if his business boomed, you can’t spend 4x your income. He’s omitting – or lying.
I think he is omitting and lying.
Yeah, omitting OR lying is not nearly has bad as omitting AND lying. They just seem to go together.
You would actually think that about a member of THE MOST ETHICAL GROUP ON THE PLANET? 🙂
Hi Newcomer, I like your post. Exactly! And the most Ethical Group on the Planet knows just when to chuck the Ethics for other methods of penance.May 2016 bring you laughter,love and light.So look forward to your posts in 2016. Love, Ann.
Happy New Year to you Ann. Let’s toast to another twelve months of crashing stats and flailing about with much ado over nothing for the friendliest Cult on the block!
Yo Dave,
I noticed with pleasure that several of Your minions were ‘out of town’ for Your big event. Did you have to bus in some of the homeless to fill the seats?