See the article on Tony Ortega’s blog expanding on the new story in the New York Times published this afternoon.
The footbullets just keep rolling out.
The “PI handlers” — from Warren McShane to Linda Hamel and Neil O’Riley must be having a pretty rough go of things. This flap. The Ron Miscavige Snr flap. Paul Marrick and Greg Arnold finally coming in out of the cold. The Monique Rathbun fiasco of bumbling PIs. The bird house camera surveillance and buying my garbage caught on video. Just one disaster after another.
Eventually, law enforcement or the IRS CID is going to get interested and serious about these repeated violations of public policy in the name of tax free “freedom of speech and association.”
Kinda makes you wonder. Are DHS or FBI people being bribed to do NOTHING and look the other way? How many more lives need to be ruined? How much more evidence do they need?
I may be all wet but it’s looks to me like the IRS and now the FBI prefer to keep an arm’s distance from all things scientology. This hacking business with Mike and Tony has given the FBI a little black eye. They aren’t going after the church the way it seems they should and probably won’t until they’re pressured by the embarrassment of publicity. This kind of publicity for instance.
The decision makers in both agencies might be afraid of the church revealing details about their private lives. We have seen how crude blackmailing strategies have allowed the church to cause the mighty IRS to kowtow. Those agencies are POWERFUL but the big shots running them have their share of human frailties.
I think seeing the tax exempt status being removed is something the majority would like. That makes it the greatest good, right?
Way past a Bandaid fix Davey, time to gas up the Gulfstream and
make sure you have the air maps to Bulgravia.
Are you spending big wads of cash getting your compound in southern France ready for your arrival? We know about all of your denials but they are loosing their plausibility.
Why would our US government employees want to interfere with or stop Miscavige’s destruction of the church? I don’t see that our government has ever been happy about the existence of the church or Scientology as a subject. Isn’t Miscavige doing a good job of destroying it all?
Miscavige has been destroying it all for a long time. I wonder who he works for frequently.
Ohhh, this is simply peachy keen news!
Mike, really good picture of you and Tony. I’m glad you two finally got to meet. This is all great news! Thanks for the reporting.
The photo was in Utah at the Sundance Premier Going Clear
Scientology’s criminality just achieved critical mass.
I bet the shredders at OSA will be working well past 2pm Thursday.
The feds went after Jim and Tammy Faye back in the day. Hell, they even went after Jared this week. You’d think the little dictator is going to show up on enough radar screens to trigger a response, no matter who he’s paid off.
He’s going to have to be caught in bed with a live animal or dead woman, and posted the pictures to his Instagram.
miscavige’s watergate……….one thing leads to another.
a little Fixx seems apt for the bugger.
the deception, lacked tact, just what were you trying to say?
you have a blank face, which irritates, communicates your body T’s.
You see dimensions in two. State your case with black or white. But when one little cross
leads to shots, you grit your teeth and run for cover so discreet………
Why don’t they
Do what they say
Say what you mean
One thing leads to another
You told me something wrong
I know I listen too long
But then one thing leads to another
The impression that you sell
Passes in and out like a scent
But the long face that you see
Comes from living close to your fears
If this is up, then I’m up
But you’re running out of sight
You’ve seen your name on the walls
And when one little bump
Leads to shock, miss a beat
You run for cover and there’s heat
Then it’s easy to believe
Somebody’s been lying to me
But when the wrong word
Goes in the right ear
I know you’ve been lying to me
It’s getting rough, off the cuff
I’ve got to say enough’s enough
Bigger the harder, he falls
But when the wrong antidote
Is like a bulge on the throat
You run for cover in the heat
Why don’t they
Do what they say
Say what they mean
One thing leads to another
You told me something wrong
I know I listen too long
But then one thing leads to another
One thing leads to another
The first Amendment of the United States protects our right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression.
BUT, Good-will and good Public Relations are entirely different subjects. Good-will is earned by organizations and not bestowed upon them like the first Amendment.
*noun: good-will; noun: good will
1. friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude.
“the plan is dependent on goodwill between the two sides”
synonyms: benevolence, compassion, goodness, kindness, consideration, charity;
In terms of “good-will”, the cherch is bankrupt. No one outside of koolaide drunks and paid lawyers will stand up for the “Church of Scientology” or even stand near them. They are pariahs of society. Alone in the Western Industrialized world. Without their money, they would be in jail.
In terms of PR, in just 6 years their public relations has moved from kooky to nuts to abusive to criminal hacker.
Scientology is totally designed to be on the world stage. It’s in its DNA. And, DM has managed to make Scientology the laughing stock of the world and now criminal. This will no doubt end badly like Snow White with criminal prosecutions.
When? Ughh!!! I’m starting to see that the government “for the ppl” is really just a mass of ppl to be exploited by them,by forcing us to fight wars for rich pigs seeking a regions natural resources,or for large wealthy entities that give the gov. Enough cash,information,Intel. Etc. That aids to understand modern thought progression on how to exploit the masses to ensure the slave mentality is broad and subconsciously understood. This planet is run by psychopaths,just what the hell do they think they are doing and to what ends!? I don’t think anything will change until many are harmed,ppl.who were psychological victims of the sci cult should just sue the government for allowing this obvious harm to go on n on n on,so much evidence,it’s so apparently to me this is deeper than I can imagine,dirty secrets,this mind control cult started in the era of”the men that stare at goats” anything is possible,humanity needs needs to wake up and clean the planet for real.
Amen brother! I couldn’t agree more!
I’d like to see the books that detail how much tax free money goes to spying,
hacking,dirty tricks, cameras in birdhouses,garbage collection,etc. etc.
That was promised for saving children in third world counties,reducing crime,
religious books for far away libraries.
We know about the motorcycles the cars , exotic clothes with gold buttons
and john lobb shoes.
IRS and FBI (and police forces) make it swift and hard. Low
cost and plenty in return. Now IS the time. Waiting at this time
while they regroup would be stupid. Right Dave?
Wouldn’t several billion in back taxes make a lovely gift to us all?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if my broke retirement age sea org parents could get even a meagre stipend from the ruins?
Well logically it makes a lot more sense for the billions to go back to the people coerced into handing it over in the first place, many of whose lives have been utterly ruined. After all it was ALREADY TAXED money that was handed over by generally tax-paying citizens. There may be an argument for the tax exempt part of it to go back to the Treasury (IRS or whatever).
It’s been a while since I last used the word, but my “postulate” for 2015 is that the footbullets roll out with such regularity and ever increasing stratospheric magnitude that the remaining true believers will be too embarrassed to pretend they aren’t happening.
Such good news. Neil was the replacement for Chuck Uhl (spelling) in about ’81-2, whom both were my only contact with the GO during my Intelligence gathering and undercover volunteer mission in Clearwater, until retired in ’84. Glad to see his name mentioned.
Chuck Ohl. I remember being course sup for the Guardian’s Office Flag, and Chuck did a revised Data Series Course, and submitted his “eval” to LRH, and got an LRH “pass”, one of the rarest things to get at that moment in time. That was 1979 I think. The whole Flag Bureaux and evaluators were all trying to get LRH passes on their evails, LRH had supposedly taken over the final verification authority of that moment in time, and Chuck submitted his student course “eval” for AVC pass, and it came back with an LRH approval.
It is abundantly obvious that the cherch is like no other church. And they make so many mistakes, it is unclear why the government has not jumped in. They have money and but very little respect.
Mike, is Neil O’Reilly the same person as “Joe Neil” and “Joe O’Neil”?
Neil O’Reilly was also the HCO Area Secretary of the San Francisco Foundation Org before he joined B1 in the Guardians Office under Paul Elkins. Neil has always fantasized about fairgaming people! And now he plays it to the hilt.
I thought that when Snow White went down there was an agreement by DLHDM that no GO personnel would be there after retained in an CofS organization – or something like that.
Excellent! I hope it all goes back to the tiny dwarf!
Your comment reminds me of the string pulling PL where the EO is supposed to keep “pulling the string” on out-ethics indicators till eventually he finds the “General Sherman Tank”. (Only in this case it would lead to a very small amphibious landing craft hiding behind a large desk…)
Interesting comment, Martin. That PL about string pulling, applied, was what got me out of the cult. In my case it was a tiny string and it wasn’t even bothering me much. It was just this little something that didn’t add up which aroused some curiosity – idle curiosity as I had major issues pressing at the time. Months later, in a free moment and with nothing better to do I begaon to idly pull that little string… long story short, some time later I got that General Sherman. Applying this HCOPL with full conceptual understanding was an interesting, valuable and life-changing process which got me out of a lying, ruthless cult, and I’d like to give a hand to LRH for the tech.
I would definitely like to see the tax exempt staus of Scientology annulled because of its abuse.
My thoughts exactly.
Great news, Mike!