Two of the scientology Hall of Fame grifters came together recently at Flag: Alfreddie (affectionately known to his friends as Alfraudie) Johnson and Tony Muhammad (Tony Mo or now known as Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad)
We haven’t seen them for a while — though both were once very prominent and both are IAS Freedom Medal Award Winners.
The constant promotion of the Nation of Islam in the scientology world seems to have come to a virtual standstill, so it was a bit of a surprise to see these two pop up, along with Sister Nayirrah Tivica Muhammad, another of the scieNOI staples who we don’t hear much from these days.
Apparently, the occasion was a renewal of her wedding vows, coinciding with a “Survival and Expansion” event.
Alfraudie wearing his medal, imitating a Sea Org member… How bizaree.
Lecturing to the assembled “crowd” (no shots of how many people attended…)
Tony Mo doing some glad-handing
Alfraudie talking again — this time dressed like some sort of character out of Coming to America.
The token white guy — Emmett Osborn. Another Hall of Fame grifter, er FSM.
One thing you can be certain of, David Miscavige steered VERY clear of this. He does not want the scandals associated with these two linked to him in any way.
Wow. Aqua I didn’t know any of this. And I always knew Louise Farrakahn was evil, but now that I read what he did to Malcom X, OMG there aren’t enough words for the depth of evil he was. Thank you for the enlightenment.
You’ve got to be kidding me…
Have an idea for Miscavige, came to me seeing those cameo styled photos of Scioidiots behind a podium. Why doesn’t Flag host a “Scientology’s got Talent” series?
Be worth a giggle wouldn’t it?
All “Whales” ought to be in the “Hall of Shame”.
I’ve ceased to be surprised by anything this cult does.
How many people actually attended this event? It doesn’t seem like many. I also find it a bit strange thay Scientology has a “hall of fame” I don’t think any other religious has one. But I’m sure some other cults do.
The Hall of Fame is something I came up with, not an official thing in scientology
I believe this cheap metall of the medal is very expensive and can be bought for a lot of silver coins.
I’m just behind my time.
I sat down on the subway and noticed that the young woman next to me liked me.
It was probably my clothes, the uniform.
I started reading Thursday Funnies on my cell phone.
The young lady was on the phone, kept looking at my screen, and became very nervous and seemed disoriented when she got out.
Belief is wishful thinking.
I’m having a lot of fun here and wish everyone a nice weekend!
There is a hall of fame in Scientology? And getting an IAS medal gets them to that point. Do they even do anything like at all other than get the stupid little medal that makes them get into the “Scientology hall of fame”?
That’s my invention
Pretty interesting invention you made there. Doesn’t compare to the things you have done since leaving.
Looks like it’s not really going in the way DM would have hoped because of the scandals related to Alfreddie and Tony
Whatever happened to Rezza or Rizza Islam (not sure of last name). They were from Nation of Islam Scn group and he and his mom perpetrated a huge fraud on the Medicare system and insurance fraud. The mom died before she went to trial but the son did go to trial. Whatever happened? Did he walk free or get convicted?
You got his name right: Rizza Islam. Unfortunately, prosecutors said they couldn’t proceed and ended up dropping the charges last year. It was very odd, because at the previous hearing before this, they had said there were terabytes of new information, and Rizza Islamʻs lawyer needed more time to review it. Then, the prosecutors say they can’t proceed. It’s very odd.
What likely happened is that they were able to shift all the blame onto his mother and sisters (who all pleaded no contest). No one can say for sure, though.
Interesting. Well the sisters are still alive, so if they shifted blame to them, why were they not tried for it? Or did they conveniently shift all blame to the dead mother, which means the son “didn’t know she was doing it” which made him avoid a conviction? Also there is the other possibility, that the C of S paid someone or blackmailed someone to make them drop it? An aside here, I think they did both pay off and blackmail of Marty to get him to drop his case.
Are these people even doing any services? Are they actually doing Scientology?
You should read a little more on Scn, any ‘services’ were simply tacked on to assist Fatty in dodging taxes by claiming that Scn is a religion.
Any U.S. readers of this site should be campaigning against Sci’s recognition as a religion.
I’ve read plenty, thanks. As with most people here, I’ve very aware of the “value” of the services. Have you been here long?
What I’m asking is whether these NOI people are actually Scientologists, or if they just show up for fundraisers and such. It would seem their ideologies would clash, and surely they’ve heard LRH’s opinions on black people. What are they getting out if it?
I have no idea what merits made them IAS metal winners (I’m drawing a blank on that), but at first glance, to me they seem like the Cat and the Fox from Pinocchio.
I wish a special nice weekend to you.
I have had seen my error at scrolling down my and my phone like to send allways comments to all writers.
But my mistake last time has made, that I look every day for your comments.
I learn so much and so quick.
Thank you LoosingMyReligion!
Dear friend, it is I who should thank you. What I often think is that the greatest experience regarding Scn is leaving it. And being able to talk about it. This cult is an experience in itself that, unless you fully immerse yourself in it, you can’t explain what it means to be in it and then leave. It’s important to explain this.
This is the best blog about it.
Take care.
Discover it for yourself! We find this sentence in every temple. Make yourself feel good and make the people around you have a good time. These people help you when you are feeling bad. That is my belief. Always facing the future!
I love R.E.M.
Well, good for you. It’s a shame that you can’t see a true remainer even when it is obvious.
DM decided he needed more black people in scn for diversification so he talked the leaders of NOI into bringing their flock into Scn.
Cindy, thank you so much, it’s what I had somehow suspected. And for some reason, that makes it even worse. NOI gives the impression of being an almost extremist group with fascist undertones, nothing that truly represents black people.
If these two gentlemen in the story of Pinocchio resemble the Cat and the Fox, DM is Fire Eater, the puppeteer.
Forget undertones! There’s no subtlety going on with this group! The Nation of Islam is quite openly, overtly fascistic and anti-semitic! Farakkhan is (or was – is he still alive?) the worst sort of person. Tru evil; the personificaton of evil.
I highly recommend that anyone interested in the NOI read “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” as told to Alex Haley (later the author of “Roots”).
You’d think that Haley would be the last person in the world who’d want to hear anything out of the mouth of the late Malcolm X who for years spewed hatred and resentment of whites and Jews. Well, I thought so too but then a friend convinced me to read this book.
Malcolm X, whose real name was Malcolm Little, after a very checkered criminal career, and then, while serving time in prison actually teaching himself to read by going word for word thru the entire dictionary, and then becoming a Black Muslim (as NOI was called in those days) and then the leader of this group, railing against Caucasians (White Devils) and Jews, finally, at one point had what could only be called a huge epiphany, a total change of mind and heart, realizing (in his words) that we humans are really all brothers and sisters, and that the way to lift the black man out of poverty and the degradation of his formerly enslaved condition was thru the application of this principal of the essential brotherhood of man, practicing it, preaching it, strengthening what he realized were the true bonds between humans beneath the diversity of skin color and customs, etc….long story short, he was very happy about this, very excited and happy for the first tim in his life and he wanted to take what was by that time the Nation of Islam WITH HIM IN THAT DIRECTION, he wanted to LEAD NOI to success and respect and prosperity via peace and the belief in human brotherhood and he was telling Alex Haley all about it…and that’s when they murdered him in cold blood, in the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan’s Harlem. There was a faction of the NOI which did not want to go in that direction at all. And who was behind Malcolm’s assassination? I’ll give you 3 guesses and a hint; his intitials are LF.
Malcolm X was a remarkable man. Super smart; natural intelligence. No education, Jim Crow South ignorant and poor, completely programmed to be a criminal, became one, and then, turned himself completely around, and then, once he was bent on using his sharp intelligence and personal charisma to promote love and not hate, they assasinated him, in cold blood, in front of dozens of witnesses. Louis Farakkhan, a totally evil man, orchestrated it. Anyone who follows this man is doomed, spiritually. The combination of Farakkhan and Miscavige is beyond what I can confront, frankly.
Sorry for the rant.
I don’t see it as a rant. In fact, I found it very informative. Living elsewhere, I didn’t have all this information. Thank you, Aqua.
And thank you for reading it! His story really touches me, and saddens me. Leaders who preach hate and vengeance are considered “strong” and allowed to continue poisoning the human well; leaders who preach the dissolution of our differences thru mutual respect, patience and understanding, well, can’t have that, they have to die.
Aqua Thank you. It’s so important being capable of recognizing those kind of people to don’t be fooled.
It is one of the few movies of Denzel W. I didn’t see yet. I Will.
Wow. Aqua I didn’t know any of this. And I always knew Louise Farrakahn was evil, but now that I read what he did to Malcom X, OMG there aren’t enough words for the depth of evil he was. Thank you for the enlightenment.
Thanks for reading what I wrote! I get a little carried away sometimes. You might like the book and there’s also the film with Denzel washinton.
It is funny, first I heard of it.
NoI would seem to fall afoul of Fatty’s rule against pursuing other practices.
Did they bring out the adult-size podium, or did the grifters have to lean over a podium shrunk down to fit Miscavige?
Looks like the short version to me. It doesn’t even rise to their beltline.
AA, I’d bet they always use the Dear Leader size podium in order to normalize it. Plus come to think of it, I bet he’d be furious if he ever saw anything larger was being kept around.