Tracey McManus’ meticulously researched article dominating the front page of this morning’s Tampa Bay Times is a bombshell.
I doubt many people in Clearwater realized just how complete scientology’s takeover of the downtown is.
This is why I have been supporting and promoting Mark Bunker for the city council.
Scientology ALWAYS Comes First
And the urgency of this is further highlighted by a passage in the article.
For the non-residents of Clearwater let me give you a little background that is explained in the article. It concerns the dispute over a piece of property across the street from the Ft Harrison.
In 2016, city consultants began planning what has become a $64 million effort to reinvigorate the waterfront called Imagine Clearwater. They envisioned apartment buildings with ground-floor stores, winding paths with views of the Intracoastal Waterway and a concert venue that would draw visitors from across the region.
In January and February 2017, as the council was preparing to approve the consultants’ concept, a handful of companies bought six commercial properties downtown. They paid $26 million.
After the Times reported the purchases, Miscavige acknowledged the properties were bought for a second revitalization strategy — one devised by the church. In private meetings with council members, the Scientology leader described a plan for high-end shops, Cleveland Street facade renovations and an entertainment complex involving actor Tom Cruise, Scientology’s most famous parishioner. The church promised to spend $55 million.
But his offer had a catch. He wanted the council to stop trying to buy a vacant lot on which the church was also bidding.
The 1.4 acre lot was across the street from City Hall and adjacent to a 13-story Scientology religious retreat. It was owned by the Clearwater Marine Aquarium.
The church offered $15 million for the parcel. Instead, the aquarium sold it to the city in April 2017 for a lot less — $4.25 million. Miscavige cut off communication with the city.
And a little further in the article Tracey returns to this topic and discusses it with one of the City Council members and then this stunning paragraph follows:
When the city was considering buying the aquarium’s lot, Miscavige threatened to stop communicating until the 2020 election, when term limits would force most of the council out of office. Then he would try again, with new council members.
This is the upcoming election that Mark Bunker is going to be running in — for a seat on that very City Council.
It is so important the city fathers understand who and what they are dealing with. Perhaps the downtown is lost to scientology. But even with the effective purchase of the core of the city — the tax-free wealth of scientology is always looking to expand its zone of control. The city government cannot remain oblivious and unwitting facilitators of scientology’s schemes.
They must never forget the mantra dictated by Hubbard concerning the Office of Special Affairs:
The goal of the department is to bring the government and hostile philosophies or societies into a state of complete compliance with the goals of scientology.
Let that sink in. That IS what scientology is seeking to accomplish in Clearwater.
Your response today needs to be printed in the Tampa Bay Times as a letter to the editor.
Was thinking similarly – that somehow your emphasis and highlighting certain points would be a cool “Guest Column” but highlighted Letter to the Editor is perfect!
Plus City Council needs to see the TBT metrics and audience location to recognize how much of the nation, even the world, is watching for how this will play out in CW. I don’t think they realize sometimes (“this is just a small…”) how many are watching and concerned.
Isnt this fascism?
We are not renewing our leade because of this
We were shocked when we saw this.
People needcto be made more aware.
Excellent article by the Tampa Bay Times….showing the REALITY of the perfect takeover of downtown Clear Water by COS…..and they get away with it because they CAN.
WHY would “they” allow someone who is NOT part of “their following” to run a storefront or bar or anything else that does not fall in line with their own “doctrine of belief”….it would be throwing a money wrench into their perfect existence of taking over all of downtown by keeping others OUT, so “they” MUST & DO BLOCK outsiders.
An outsider might convince “someone to leave COS”….might educate someone as to what they’ve been doing & getting away with for decades….might RUIN everything for THEM…might get members to defect…to BLOW. Can’t allow that to happen….
They’ve taken over the governing body of Clear Water….so WHO will stand up to them….??? They get away with it because they CAN.
sorry MONKEY WRENCH…..please FIX the editing feature!
Actually money wrench works also.
Agree with Komodo… even Money Wrench said it perfectly!
Youre right.
We are not renewung our lease here.
At all
I dont care how beautiful a city is.
Its the heart of the city the people
Not all want this here people should be able to live peacefully in a city accepting differences but you cant do that when obviously bullies are present. Using God s name but denying the power of God
Clams making it up to land need something to hold on to. Why not make Clearwater to a national park with endangered species?
Thank you to Mike, Tom, The Times, and everyone who helped expose this situation. What’s saddest to me is the Clearwater city council, who seem to either be caught flat-footed by this or to be apathetic. (Disney World? You think Scientology is going to build a Disney World?)
I feel worst for long time Clearwater residents who have stuck with the city and love it, only to see it taken over by a cult and turned into a ghost town.
Scientology might succeed in constructing a Vatican City/Forbidden City in Clearwater, but when there are just a few drones and nobody else there, will it amount to anything?
Hubbard tried to take over Rhodesia.
Seems to me DM is trying to do the same with clearwater.
I don’t know why, once DM is dead, stuff will change.
Weren’t there a lot of diamonds in Rhodesia at one time?
I’d be surprised if he never tried to take over South Africa – an unbeatable combination there – diamonds and gold!
He’s got many years to go unfortunately…..
not necessarily, he smokes and drinks to excess, and there is the small problem of the exploding temper which sends blood pressure thru the roof. just sayin’…
We can only wish and pray
Went to Clearwater today to help Mark Bunker. I managed to talk to a few people and to push him as the best for the job.
I spent over 90 minutes walking around the Fort Harrison and near Coachman Park. Although I saw and passed about fifty SO members, I did not see even ONE public person.
My Religious Museum idea was derailed when Scientology bought all of the properties downtown. It might seem strange to them when they lease to me and I open a religious museum with negatives about scientology.
Great article Tampa Bay Times!
Plz stay on this. In 1979 I moved to Brandon, Fl and then Largo, Fl with my then husband and son.
I was told by Milte Wolfe: “This is top secret. We came here on a lie, and the City Commissioner, Richard Tinney, now running for Mayor, is running a program against us:
“SAVE SPARKLING CLEARWATER, STAMP OUT SCIENTOLOGY” + don’t trust them, they are liars”
Milte then told me: “Since we did come here on a lie…we (the Sea Org) cannot handle it….you need to.”
That’s a whole other story showing how sneaky scientology really is.
My best, Tory Christman
Church & State the 2 biggest lies on earth..
An Epic update to the classic story: when Scientology came to town by Bette Orsini
What a chilling article. Great work on this by Mike Rinder and Tracey McMannus. It really lays bare the hidden intentions and mandates of the COS for all to see. Elect ark Bunker, donate to Mark Bunker. He will be one of the few NON Scn voices on the board.
Any estimation of how many surveillance cameras there are to monitor the ‘Wogs’ who are walking in their territory, among other things? Must be hundreds.
CMA sold that lot to the city because Scientology influenced and killed the Aquariums plan for a brand new aquarium downtown. Plus because they felt it should be owned by city for Coachman Park expansion and improvements. Belonging to city of Clearwater residents….not just for Scientologys plans. Do note Scientogy remains secretive of their plans and has not made them available to the public.
Someone (IRS?) needs to be taking a very hard look at where all the cash came from, in such a short period of time, to to buy all those properties at 3 or 4 times there actual valuation. It stinks to high heaven.
Wrong tree PickAnotherID. They need to look at what public good they do in exchange for tax exempt status. Sudden cash is nothing the IRS cares about with an organization like that.
Exactly! Remove their (fraudulent) tax-free status and they will crumble.
Great article.
A short investigation I’ve done on Facebook profiles (nothing fancy, really, it took just five minutes after reading this article) reveals interesting facts:
(1) The current fundraising going on with public Scientologists at Flag is about LRH Hall (I’m not really up to date with what this building is supposed to be, this is just the label attached to their current fundraising actions)
(2) Prominent local Scientologists are awarded “commendations” for contributing (not specified if financially or otherwise) to this project
(3) Several high profile Flag Scientologists (Flag OT Committee members and others), who proudly show their “LRH Hall commendations”, are real estate brokers who also boast about helping other Scientologists move in to Clearwater
Does anybody (in or out of Scientology) really wonder if the Church is actively mandating this takeover? What are they coordinating during their OT Committee meetings?
Excellent work by the Tampa Bay Times.
There is ALWAYS a catch when dealing with the cult. It’s like some evil entity that promises one thing but, in reality, they do only the things that forward a sinister agenda. How sad for Clearwater.
With 10,000 catches…probably more. Scientology is pure EVIL. And it’s always been that way. The Dwarf is EVIL.
Glad the Tampa Bay Times is doing real journalism on it. If only the LA Times would do that.
Is clear, City Council and Clearwater are dealing with a hypocrite bastard, small in size, but big in sociopathic criminal dealings. No doubt about it.
And what Hubbard understands with ‘Hostile Philosophies?’ – Sometimes he is covertly full of hate and using deception, a hallmark of scientologists.