Haven’t gotten around to this one until now.
A journalist tweets about the Jerrod Carmichael joke at the Golden Globes and the 3 usual “STAAD League” bots rise up as one (they probably are literally one person in OSA Int) to scream their disgust and accuse him of bigotry.
“A lady living a great private life away from the unstable” — wonder who came up with that piece of idiocy?
The people writing these tweets have never even laid eyes on Shelly Miscavige. They know absolutely NOTHING about her life. But they believe everything they are told. This statement is like one that the North Korean propaganda ministry puts out about how wonderful, peaceful and prosperous life is in their totalitarian state. And they present it with a straight face. They know if they didn’t they would be sent off to a hard labor camp. Just like the people in OSA Int.
These robots rail against “hate” and “bigotry” while spewing it every time they do or say anything.
Hey STAAD people, doesn’t Matthew Belloni have a right to express an opinion without being called names? Aren’t you the champions of free speech?
Hubbard is gonna make haters of his quackery, by leaving the Scientologists holding the bag with bad options for forcing the Hubbard quackery down Scientologists’ throats, and then condemning those Scientologists as apostates when they can’t stomach the Hubbard quackery.
The Scientology causes itself haters conundrum, which Hubbard blames on the staffs of Scientology and blames on the followers who were sickened by Hubbard’s quackery.
chuck beatty
x team xenu 75 to 03 (mainly in the cult bureaucracy depts making staff Scientologists who learned to blame each other for Scientology’s quackery failures, and never blame Hubbard which was disallowed)
Asking what has happened to a leader’s wife, especially when the group claims to help people with their relationships, and particularly when the circumstances are so strange, is hardly bigotry or hate – this is probably the weakest claim I’ve seen in that regard, that no outsider other than one of their paid shills would consider a legitimate grievance. Even ex-Pope Benedict, who resigned – publicly – and went into secluded retirement in a monastery, still made some public appearances, received guests and was interviewed, wrote and corresponded, etc., partly due to knowing he still had a following and friends who would want to hear from him.
This kind of thing always makes me feel like I need to try harder. I posted about Shelly and articles from this blog on the Post and Twitter:
“It is a good day to ask where Shelly Miscavige might be. Was she abducted by Xenu? We suspect that David Miscavige, Tom Cruise, and the upper echelon of @Scientology could answer that.”
Admittedly I have few followers and you have to dig deep to find my blog where I posted a longer version of the above. Matt Belloni deservedly gets more attention. But with all the time on their hands in their almost empty buildings, I might at least hope that someone would remind me that Shelly is living a great life.
Maybe the nod to Xenu scared them off. But I am going to have to do better.
An OSA / Scn account named “quentin” tweeting the phrase “cringeworthy and disgusting” is level of irony I was not prepared to experience. I’m going to lie down for a while.
“A lady living a great private life away from the unstable.” Is this a dig by an OSA operative who has faced the wrath of the “unstable” miscavige and is confirming that Shelly may be indeed better off safely disappeared away from the punching pontiff?
Someone better check the quip author’s intentions toward dm!
The!! Expose!! Network!! is!! causing!! massive!! waves!!
329!! Following!!
569!! Followers!!
If $camology can do it, so can I.
10,400 tweets and every single post a slice of mindless and utterly meaningless drivel aimed at the shrinking flock of sheepbots.
Three comments from three disgruntled cultists is hardly a wave of outrage. What these OSA minion don’t understand, and may never know is just how insignificant they are.
Dave, you and Tom are getting cancelled. Don’t go down with the ship. (Burn it to the f*cking ground.)
To: v£da
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: who’s getting cancelled.
If anyone is getting cancelled it’s YOU!
For disparaging the most theta personalities of myself and IAS Freedom Medal with Valor winner Tom Cruise! I hereby not-is you and declare you to be a Suppressive Person!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: preparing for the inevitable.
Fortunately v£da is right, Freedom Medal with Valor or no Freedom Medal with Valor, you and your bosom buddy are only a few steps away from the inside of a courtroom and maybe a jail cell.
Stay cool
No love at all,
To:David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: who’s getting cancelled.
Being declared – by you – is a joke. YOU are the true SP, the most “successful” in scn’s 72-tear history. I can’t think of ANYthing you haven’t squirreled since you took the “reigns” from Ron’s cold, dead hands. And you are the real “why”, the *WHO* explaining why scientology has no presence in today’s World. partnering with NOI? REALLY!? That’s a real match made in a heavenly Ham shoppe.
To: Jere Lull
From: Alcoboy
Re: recent comm particle to an ecclesiastical dwarf.
That’s telling him, Jere! The little man in charge refuses to admit that all the problems in Scientology can be traced to his doorstep. Keep it coming, brother!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: His Ruin
Re: He doesn’t have the fucking rank
Declaring me would mean acknowledging my existence.;)
ML? A girl can dream
Future Mrs. Mickiewicz
You just know they’ll be adding your comment to the list of 1,935,622 other hate crimes the trifecta of hate Remini, Rinder and Ortega have caused against the sweet, innocent, deeply religious Church of Ron. They’ll claim your comment is a direct threat to burn the freewinds to the ground with Dave and Tom inside, and that you’re the sole reason Shelly has chosen to hide, completely of her own free will, for almost 20 years. It was all that religious bigot operating on the fringes of the internet vǝda’s doing. 😂
Burning “Fleecewinds” to the *ground* would have to be done QUICKLY — while the poor dear is still in dry dock. After she’s been refloated, if that’s ever possible, the best you could do is burn her to the waterline. Not that I recommend that: It’d be an environmental disaster with all that blue asbestos flying around.
In my opinion, the relationship between active Scientologists and the Truth is essentially the same as the relationship between vampires and sunlight. Toxic.
Weeeelllllll, unless its a vampire from twilight…. then it’s sparkly. lol
While I agree with the ‘active Scientologists and the truth” statement, ironically – “what is true for you is true by observation.” – I say – even crappy observation by a crappy observer could find a ‘truth’ in that level of observation.
What we “wish to observe” is also a matter of perspective, and with that observation, we can additionally “create our own truths”. Even an “agreement” of a truth, is still ‘creating a truth for oneself’ – regardless of how others see it.
Even an individual pounded by “indoctrination” of “truth” would eventually make that their own truth.
As Mr. Rinder has mentioned on several occasions, this “truth” can be very difficult to circumvent (my own experience on that, affirms that statement).
Despite the “attacks” the church dishes out – Let’s also take a step back, and feel for the situation / truths, that the additionally attackers have been “forced” (essentially) to believe.
We (well, I’d imagine a majority of us reading these blogs) have been there, while *we* discovered how completely crazy it is, (for me) – I can only imagine what current torments (mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally), they are going through, to “maintain their truths” to “avoid adverse confrontations”.
We’ve all (most of us anyway) been there, haven’t we? Additionally, we all tend to have different levels of confront, and doing a “mental detox” of the indoctrination is immensely difficult, (which I’m STILL undergoing – since 97). There is always this fleeting “truth” that somehow pops back, and I still even now, have to go “hmmm, no – that was BS”.
Anyway, just my thoughts, any my own experience(s)
sinjiansmythe: As I reread yours to TRY to glean some sense out of it, my impulse is to bid you crawl back under your rock — or into your OSA senior’s office.
I’m just saying that: enforced “truth” (churchs’ indoctrination), to many that “cry wolf” on bigotry, etc, is still “technically” a truth. As I mentioned, those of us that were in – are quite aware of how difficult it is to “see things from other perspectives” or to “realize other truths exist” – I definitely struggled with that myself.
I was being empathetic to them, for I know what it’s like to have your faith, truths, belief attacked, and how I would reply if I were in the same mindset / faith.
I know I’m using an “alias” name – so that I guess, could perhaps lean you to think i’m still in, which I’m not – but simultaneously, I have family that are – and I already had a heartbreaking disconnection, and I don’t think that I could go through doing that again with those that are in, hence, using an alias.
I, have experienced the pain of disconnection:
My first disconnection, was with my mother, who was an Int staff – that blew. I was indoctrinated to disconnect, which was around 98/99 (don’t recall exactly when, may have been 2001-2002 somewhere too).
In 2019, I said to myself, “F that”, and started looking for her. I found her, in 2020, she was literally living about 30 min from where I live the past few years. However, I was never able to meet her, or talk to her.
When I found her, in June of 2020 – She was in a hospital, due to cancer (and June 2020, if you recall, was when we were in “covid lockdown”). However, On June 16th, my mom died….
I’m not too keen on repeating this, losing someone I care about, and never being able to see them, or find out things too late.
While I am also – utterly and completely *not* responsible for your “assumption” or “conclusions”, if you do find I wrote something that may not make sense, there could be a reason – *some habits, and some things* can be difficult to change, I would be more grateful for more constructive comments. I’d rather you point out what it is that was written that seems odd to you – than for you to simply conclude, or assume.
I am still learning, and I do welcome anything that would help me along that path.
Thank you for sharing your story. It has many similarities to mine. I am sorry for the loss of your mother -especially before you could reconnect with her. Devastating what this cult does to people and families. Mine left the SO and later died of cancer as well, and while we did get to reunite, the cancer cut our time short.
Or between Ton Cruise and Katie Holmes