Apparently, Seth Abramovitch of the Hollywood Reporter has caused some serious butthurt in the scientology world.
A couple of recent articles seem to have put him on the Enemies List and scientology has responded in their typically understated fashion.
On one of scientology’s many Facebook smear pages, they repeatedly posted this:
I guess the irony of this being posted on their own Facebook hate page “Leah Remini #AfterCash” never occurred to them? They keep repeating the big lie that Aftermath is about money… It must be obvious to even THEM by now that this docuseries does not compare to a network sitcom as far as remuneration goes. Let alone to an IAS fundraising event.
Nor do they blush at the fact that they are not only singling out an obviously Jewish writer for a side-by-side photo comparison to Goebbels while claiming he is “attacking religion” they are reposting their vile drivel over and over and over “(“keep repeating it”).
And the ultimate irony of all is that the “STAND League” also chimes in on this Facebook smear page with two posts that are repeated in lockstep with the Goebbels one. STAND is a dyslexic acronym for “Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination”… Surely STAND finds comparing Mr. Abramovitch to Goebbels just a little discriminatory?
But no, they pile on with two posts putting “The Hollywood Report’s” [sic] Seth Abramovitch “on notice”… Apparently to them “taking a stand against discrimination” means vague but menacing threats of retribution?
As a note, you have to love the reactions they get to their posts. Really popular…
Given the timing of their rants, which seem to launch at the end of September, it does not appear that it was this article that set their pants on fire:
But rather it was this piece about Elisabeth Moss that stirred their juices.
And though this article is about her behavior, somehow the onslaught ended up on the Leah Remini hate page? Even though the ONLY mention of Leah in the article is a gracious quote from her about not wishing any ill-will to Lizzie Moss.
I guess it’s pretty much a given at this point — anyone who notes anything untoward about scientology was caused by Leah Remini.
Somehow it seems fitting to invoke some of the wisdom of L. Ron Hubbard. He describes the criminally insane as seeing enemies attacking them behind every bush.
Scientology — take heed of your Founder’s words. Your’e nuts.
Hasn’t anyone thought of the fact that any hate mail sent through the USPS is a federal offense. Furthermore, reading another persons mail or keeping it from them is breaking federal law as well. Has anyone approached the United States Mail System about this? I read somewhere on this site that the mail is opened by the church and read by the keeper of the prison. If you open another persons mail without their direct permission it is against federal law. As far as I’m aware, any illegal activity that involves the federal mail system is almost worse than murder. They’re very sensitive about how this service is used. It may be worth your while to address this through an attorney if you haven’t already. They can hide behind their religious freedom all they like but defrauding anyone through the mail is something they take extremely seriously. Making threatening comments is too. If they’re not, this is bigger than anyone could ever know.
Beth, there is no “hate mail” provision in the U.S. Code. Also, if a person gives permission you can read and open their mail all day long. S.O. members give that permission.
Best to concentrate on what they ARE doing that is illegal. Which is having a non-profit status while not living up to its requirements.
Not sure if there is no “Hate Mail” provision at the PO. I believe “Miss Lovely” almost went to prison when the cult sent letters in her name to frame her.
I think that if you questioned anyone in the cult if their mail, phone calls, etc. was spied on, or their mail opened they would deny it per standard, “We will handle it with in the cult.” Only those out of the cult would dare to speak out.
I watched the new “Aftermath” on Tuesday Oct. 10th.
When they showed the “Paddle” that they beat the kids with, it brought back a flood of memories of my mid school years.
In 1956 I was in the 8th grade, and we had a math teacher who was made like a brick. You know the type, no neck, huge shoulders, massive arms. One of the fathers of one of the students made a thick solid piece of wood paddle of about a foot long and 8 inches wide to hit the boys if they did something wrong. He used it a couple of times, and then figured out that it needed holes drilled in the paddle (just like the one that was shown on “Aftermath”) so that there was no wind resistance and hit harder.
When it was told that some of the kids would shove toilet paper in their pants to cushion the blow, I understand that completely. The teacher would check to make sure that there was no toilet paper in the pants.
You could hear the whacks very loud down the hall from the classroom to the boys lavatory. There was more than one time that the kid would come back with tears.
What these kids went through is beyond belief, and yes, I do believe that the victims should do a class act suit to the cult.
Thank you Leah, Mike, and the victims of the abuse for showing all of us what has, and still goes on in this deadly cult.
This combined words are like a 500 page novel of fear and cruelty. This will happen, if they (this hubbardish demons) have control without getting observed.
I love your show and hate it at the same time! I cry and hurt for those hurt, but I’m angry because we don’t know how to help and get people out of their blindness to see the real truth of this “Church!” How can we help those burned to heal?
What I don’t understand is, if the Catholic Church can be sued for their crimes, why can’t scientologists??? Why can’t the victims band together and go after the Church and make them pay -literally- for the abuse and atrocities they have covered up and committed???
I don’t understand how people think spending thousands of dollars and putting their future in jeopardy for a crackpot idea of moving up a ridiculous ladder is beyond me. I read that Priscilla Presley became a Scientology because she found a book that Elvis had and became interested. Now she is still in the church. Elvis did go to one of their churches but he saw right through them. His words were something like this “F*** them sons of b******, all they want is my money.” That is what the Church of Scientology is all about. At least Lisa Marie had common sense and question the church and leave. Hopefully her children will leave to.
If you were to ask any person on the street which fringe religion exhibits the least amount class, I’d bet you a XenuBuck they’d say scientology.
From schoolyard childish ad hominem attacks, to the sullen teen “tone scale” use of the “F” word, this bunch of deliquents has completely lost any public good will.
To all scientologists: the world despises you and your ever shrinking ranks
You have an iron will, Mike; I don’t know how you and @LeahRemini can stand to deal with these obvious liars, on such a consistent basis. Their evil nature is such that many have been silenced by fear and/or ruined by the disinformation campaigns in the past. I am so glad and grateful that you two, and those who join you on your documentary series, and especially A&E for having the courage to stand up against this evil giant of a pretend “church”, are continuing to expose Scientology for the liars and the cowards that they really are.
Honestly. “#aftercash”?! Scientology is more consistently after cash, when they force their followers to spend all their lives’ earnings, credit, etc., on supporting a corrupt and vain system. I wish every Scientology follower could see your series and know it for what it is, and stand up and walk away from Miscavidge and others who laugh at them behind their backs and abuse them to their faces. Pitiful excuses for human beings.
Hello from Paris, France.
I watch every episode of your documentary and I’m so glad and proud that in my country Scientology is considered a sectarian group.
It’s sometimes good to be french. ?
Keep on working hard, american friends, the world is watching you.
Disconnet ‘Myself’ — Rollins Band
Heartbreaking how shitty some parents can be.
If I were Abramovich I’d be having the ADL on the cult’s ass as soon as I could. Comparing a Jew to some Nazi bastards is beyond the pale. Not surprising considering the source but still unacceptable.
Just wondering,
At their LHR birthday bash, I noticed that the flag of Israel along with other national flags being raised. So, does the cult have a branch in Israel. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to plaster their own message all over the country and especially on the walls of their recruiting site.
Scientology can never be described as popular but as far as Scientology numbers go, it is much more prevalent in Israel, Hungary and among secular Jewish communities in Europe and America.
They are just slinging s**t until it sticks to something. All the while, their tax-exempt donations, earned from the sweaty and beaten backs of its followers, is getting sucked up by cyberspace invoicing.
I couldn’t have said better, teen. That’s exactly what happens.
Last century they called them ‘highwaymen’. You know, “stand and delivery” or “your money or your life” (eternity in Scio terms).
Any soldier is judge and jury, everyone they meet are classified either as friendlies or not. The anticipation of the answer is indeed the scary part of life, from both sides of the equation.
Ah, this is right in line with my personal nickname for DM – Son of Schicklgruber.
Ah, yes…Adolph Schicklgruber.
LOL… history nerds unite!
Can you commit to a state mebtal health hospital a whole church? Just asking…
SO mental health has got to be scraping the bottom of the barrel. But, this is a totalitarian cult. No thinking for yourself.
Scientology gives “cult” a new definition: “Beyond the pale!”
They already are a mental health hospital….and are quite committed.
Haha, you are on a roll this morning!
I was committed once. But I got out of my straitjacket and ran away.
Hasn’t anyone noticed how much that picture of Goebbels looks like Lil Davey?
Look closely.
It’s the eyes, you know.
Well now, since we are discussing people influenced by Nazis and follow his Hitler’s philosophies — I present to you……………………..
“But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success.” Adolph Hitler
“A consistent, repeated effort is the key to any success with this technique of propaganda.” L Ron Hubbard
“The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.” Adolf Hitler
“The art of leadership… consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention. Adolf Hitler
“Now, get this as a technical fact, not a hopeful idea. Every time we have investigated the background of a critic of Scientology, we have found crimes for which that person or group could be imprisoned under existing law. We do not find critics of Scientology who do not have criminal pasts.”
L Ron Hubbard
“Strength lies not in defence but in attack.”Adolf Hitler
“Don’t ever defend. Always attack.” L Ron Hubbard
“I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature” Adolph Hitler
“It is a frightening level of bravery to use men you know can be cruel, vicious and incompetent.” L Ron Hubbard
“Great liars are also great magicians.”Adolf Hitler
‘If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” Adolf Hitler
“THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.” L Ron Hubbard
Could it be that Ron actually studied Hitler? These sentiments betray that possibility now don’t they?
Outstanding post, Brian. Thanks for this.
Both Hubbard and Hitler read Le Bon’s works called The Crowd. One of the points Le Bon made was that a leader of Crowds used repetition as a means to create and control a crowd. Both Hitler and Hubbard expanded on it.
I have no doubts Hubbard read Mein Kamph.
BRAVO! Brian. Very nicely done. As usual, however, Hubbard failed to credit his source. LOL
Or that just makes a chill go down your spine doesn’t it? So very similar
I am shocked to see these comparisons!! Thank you Brian!!
Just wondering………….but Mark Zuckerberg isn’t a scientologist by any chance is he? Can’t see why FB would allow a hate page against Leah et al otherwise……………
I hate Scientology and what it stands for, but free speech yo. Zuckerberg can’t censor that. Scientology needs fewer lawyers ;p
I understand the concept of free speech…….but to use her image without her permission is against the law is it not? So is hate speech…I can only hope they go over the line there and the page gets taken down. Though I suppose it won’t stop them from putting up a new using Mike Rinder’s image!
50 sparks, under the U.S. Constitution there is no such thing as hate speech. The 1st Amend rules. You are maybe thinking of fascist EU laws.
Also, if non-commercial use, it is fine in many circumstances to use anyones image.
I’m not American, but my wife is and I’ve sporadically spent time in the US (lots of extended family over there) apart from doing Scientology there more than a decade ago. I have struggled to understand why the Cof$ continues to have IRS tax exemption or why it is not at least under investigation by the IRS for the obvious abuses of that exemption. The lies the Cof$ submitted to get that exemption are overwhelmingly obvious with a little investigation. There are no checks and balances or committees/boards in place in Scientology as the IRS was led to believe. Miscavige has collapsed them all and is the sole dictator of the Cof$. So why doesn’t the IRS kick his ass?
There is a brilliant discussion on Ortega’s site today by Chris Shelton and Jeffrey Augustine which while pretty long, explains in layman’s term the result of the restructuring of the IRS in 1998 by the US Congress. The bureaucratic process created a loophole which effectively removed the authority from the personnel in the IRS to call investigations into the tax exempt status of any religion. It can still be done but it is matter of understanding the roadblocks inadvertently placed there by the bureaucratic process and the removal of key positions within the IRS. If you want to know why the IRS has been ineffective in examining the Cof$ I suggest having a listen to Chris’s and Jeffery, they explain the little known facts why such a situation exists. And as Americans there is something you can do about it – it’s your Government and it can be petitioned.
Perhaps the IRS are in the back pocket of Scientology. They are rich enough to buy anyone.
I Yawn, I have explained this before but, one more time.
1:Scamology in the US is a religion. PERIOD. Now, it was given exempt status by the IRS for a SEPARATE reason. While us on the inside “know” what’s going on, the IRS cannot act on anything but EVIDENCE that will stand up in court.
2: Scamology is a TINY group/church. MAYBE 5,000 non-employee members in the USA. This makes it a VERY low priority for the IRS.
3: A finding of violation now won’t be likely be retroactive so they stand to gain almost nothing.
Makes sense now?
Yes it does. But there is a flaw in your reasoning because I have faith the power of rebellion. Wasn’t it something like only 2 to 4% of the population in the US initially actually took up arms against the British? That’s what I read once on the history of the US revolutionary war while in the America. Those brave souls who against insurmountable odds literally said. “fuck off, liberty or death” and started sticking bayonets into the Poms. Your national anthem tells of the beginning of such a story.
It’s different times now but not the spirit of standing up against the odds in a good and just cause. Your comments alone, although tinged with apathy, gives food to the thought of modern rebellion. Be it through the court of public/media opinion or through the courts themselves. The American spirit and thirst for justice is a sleeping giant. I feel it’s beginning to wake up to see the development of grass roots injustices like the cults who use the social and legal system for their own ends – “what in the fuck has mere size got to do with it,” David said to Goliath.
Leah and Mike are now on stage previously well trodden by a brave few.
I wonder how many f-bombs Miscavige launched upon reading that article about Elisabeth Moss and cussing. I bet the irony of it never crossed his mind. In any case, Seth Abramovitch must be elated. Sure, these attacks on him will go mostly unnoticed by the outside world, but to the extent it gets around, it’s great publicity for him.
Goebbels Update:
YOU should know.
Tuesday at 9pm Update:
Will YOU be marching out your small band of frocked bitter bitches? Is Linda still licking her wounds after having been pranked on the Clipper Ship?
Hypocrisy Update:
No, Weinstein is not even close to YOU.
IRS Update:
Yes, YOU have reason to be concerned.
Mike’s last sentence says it all. They’re nuts.
True words were never spoken. They’re absolutely nuts. And they don’t even know it…
They (MIscavige, sycophants, koolaiders et al) have clearly totally lost it over the past few years.
Yes! Time to put them out of their misery!
I like your style, Python. It mimics mine. Keep up the great posts!
“Scientology — take heed of your Founder’s words. You’re nuts.” Good observation & very apt words Mike.
If Hubbard wasn’t bad enough with his insanely prejudiced policies and whacky tech, what absolute nincompoop splashes this sort of insulting dribble around social media?
Trying to make sense of insanity defeats and insults the use of the language we use. Insanity is a word with a meaning & has a purpose of demonstration. The Cof$ is one of the better examples of its explanation as a work in progress. Compares to such things as the GFC and “the holocaust never happened advocates”. Where in the world is the “off switch” for Scientology? You can never reason with it!
Come on judicial system, do something that will make us proud! Stop this insanity.
I Yawn, you would think that they would offer up an OT8 so he/she could demonstrate their awesome powers. I mean, if they just elevate something, people would flock to Scientology. Hmmmmmm……I know I’m missing something here. I’ll ask I Yawn. Hey I Yawn, whey am I missing?
As the greatest of my hero’s (Bugs Bunny) use to say, “I knew I should’ve taken that left turn at Albuquerque!”
You’re at the wrong address Dude, you missed the show. It’s always happening in the other org to where you’re at!
Many years ago, Yawn, I did a Friday night talk in my Mission regarding “insanity”. The culmination was simple: “In order to FULLY understand ‘insanity’, one must first become insane.” That’s why all the explanations of their actions can’t get to the core itself.
I think Scientologists should smoke more. It would clear up their cognitive dissonance and perhaps less hostile (1.5 on the tone scale).
Oh, definitely! I mean, Hubbard said smoking doesn’t cause cancer, not smoking enough causes cancer. He didn’t care who died.
Including himself!!! LOL
Cheap language, constant use of societal bad language as the norm show a complete lack of economy of words.The English language has more words than any other in the world…. and for me swearing constantly only demonstrates CoS lack of education, reading and communication. Obviously CoS never read William F. Buckley….. too bad, so sad…..LRH is a fraud! Short rant!!
Thank you, MIke, for your great work on exposing Scientology as a cult. I remember the Dianetics commercials in the ’70s, and saw the tables advertising “stress tests.” I am staggered by the stories that I hear – my heart goes out to all those who have been hurt, yourself included. You and Leah have helped me to understand how Scientology attracts people, and how difficult it would be to leave, especially if you’ve grown up in it. Thank you.
Maybe it’s time to get the Anti-Defamation League involved. Comparing a Jew to a Nazi? Are they idiots? I’d love to see how an old and established religion with a true history of global persecution would handle a recent religion-of-convenience snowflake contender like CoS. Hiding their crimes under the aegis of “religion” is so cheap and disgusting, it’s on par with NAMBLA complaining it is terribly misunderstood.
I always thought the constant swearing was simply a ruse to appear to be hip and cool to the 60’s generation. Especially since, as Mary pointed out, a lot of the other restrictions sound like something out of a Victorian book of virtue for young ladies instead of a modern and logical philosophy. (Most other religions with tenets like that were started centuries ago when those kind of moral values were pretty standard fare in society, and other modern organizations that propose them now for clean and healthy living do so for logical reasons – they are always a choice and “violations” are not punished like some antiquated British prep school demerit system.)
I find the Tone Scale explanation a bit cognitively dissonant as well (although that reaction is what I have to most of CoS dogma which often seems half-baked and frequently contradicts itself). The reason most people who swear edit their cursing in public is because a) there are still people who are offended by it and b) it sounds kind of coarse, unnecessary and unprofessional (unless it’s dialogue for a Western, spy novel, college campus, or military movie). That would mean that, for most people, the objective of Tone Scaling would be to sound a lot lower than the audience instead of matching their feeble abilities. Which seems a bit counterproductive at the very least. I know there is still a lot of swearing in the military as a matter of course – maybe it’s a way to equalize backgrounds or something. Another reason people avoid overusing curse words in public has class connotations – it sounds less educated for some reason.
I grew up swearing simply because my parents didn’t much and I suppose it felt rebellious or something. But when I raised my daughter I realized that a lot of it in today’s world is simply laziness. Using four-letter words as place-filler adjectives, nouns and verbs or emphasizers is just ignorant. And it becomes the kind of habit that is difficult to strictly use when socially appropriate.
It felt hypocritical telling her she couldn’t say words she might hear in the house from time to time, so I came up with a rule. She could say any curse word she needed to (inside and in front of me) as long as it was flanked by something polysyllabic that would send me to a dictionary. I didn’t want her vocabulary to lack precision, imagination and depth. I didn’t want her to rely on coarse words because she had no other choice. I have long admired other cultures for their creative invective and think that, in America, we are rather like the fast food of swearing versus some of the four star restaurants of Europe and Asia when it comes to imaginative expletives.
I hope Mr. Abramovitch contacts the ADL for this insult and they can give the amateurs in CoS a crash course in what real bigotry actual consists of these days. THEY are the ones sounding like sniffling Nazis complaining that their rights to hateful “free speech” are getting trampled on. In order to claim bigotry, you have to show you have a history of being persecuted by others with more privilege that have the power to impact your social status, not that you have aggressively persecuted others for superficially pointing out your corruption and crimes. That’s the old gaslighting “abuser is the victim” trick. Good luck with all that!
I’ve always felt that when one constantly swears, it loses its shock value.
I like to reserve my swearing, so that when I do employ it, my kids scatter. Because they know they are in trouble if they hear it coming from me.
My mother was a real broad. Raising 7 kids on her own when 2 husbands weren’t good enough role models. She was tough, intelligent and self educated. I once asked her why she used the “F” word. She said “baby, there is no other word in the English language that has the power to get your message across. Learn to use it wisely.”
What a fucking incredible Mom you have. And if she’s not around, had. Either way, you’re lucky to have or had her. That’s on special person.
Well, fuck me! Swearing is in my veins.
Geezers, what would life be like without cussing it?
I wouldn’t be able to function.
Answer your band’s FB q’s OSD!
Very boring most likely…..
My thoughts exactly! The Anti-Defamation League is very likely to rip the cult a new one for their typically hysterical, over the top comparison of an obviously Jewish reporter to one of main architects of the Holocaust.
“I hope Mr. Abramovitch contacts the ADL for this insult and they can give the amateurs in CoS a crash course in what real bigotry actual consists of these days.”
Xenu willing, that’s just what this “refugee from the 50’s” killer clown college deserves as its karmatic comeuppance 😉
Scilons don’t know jack shit about other religions than their own. I remember when I was at CCNashville that, during Sunday Service, the band would sing traditional gospel songs like ‘I’ll fly away’ and other stuff thinking that it was all just part of Southern culture and that it would impress the locals. And all this right before Group Processing! These songs have spiritual meaning to those who believe in Christ as their savior and for a bunch of angelenos (most of the CCNashville staff were from L.A.) to think that these were just part of the local culture is demeaning!
Unfortunately that could be said about a lot of people these days. We don’t take much time to truly study other religions but stereotype them based on really superficial grasp of history and culture. It’s a big reason for actual bigotry I think. It’s easy to create bias from ignorance.
However, one would think if you were trying to impress a group by “speaking their language”, you’d do a little more homework and get it right. Advertising is full of examples where a shallow study of culture has had poor sales results (The Chevy Nova is a prime example – it did not sell well in Mexico or South America, where No-va obviously means “No-go”).
That’s because Scientology is not a religion. Period! It’s a massive business. Trust your OWN instincts. Everything you need is inside you.
Holy crap, is that where my 12″ socket wrench went?
Took me a long time to clean that sucker up.
I believe the cherch can always find a rabbi-on-a-string (or dress someone up like one) to tell us how much it hates anti-semitism.
Around the corner from where I grew up was a family with three boys. All of them, even the youngest, were allowed to cuss in front of their parents. The rest of us kids greatly admired them.
My daughter is in the military so she has a great command of swear words. But at least she also sends people to the dictionary every once in a while to learn a new word!
My father commented – often – that using curse words was extremely limiting because there were actually so few curse words. He felt it was a sign of a very limited education. And both Hubbard and DM score high in *that* category.
Well, what they said is TRUE….about THEMSELVES…..i.e. “If you tell a lie big enough etc”……No disconnection… no coerced abortions…no “hole”…no beatings….no attacks on enemies of the cherch….none of it exists despite their OWN PRINTED MATERIALS in their writings…….WTF…they’re wolves in sheep’s clothing keeping “their sheep” insulated from what’s really going on inside their OWN “cherch” ,
After all, how is someone on the inside supposed to realize that what is going on isn’t the way life should be if they’ve never seen any other kind of life. It’s like those certain strict Christian religions that keep their kids bound to home & church & not permitted to see, read, or listen to anything else BUT church doctrine.
The TRUTH always comes out eventually, often in not so nice ways. The shake up has awaken the sleeping bear….don’t poke the bear…’ll be bitten in the ASS little man.
Tone deaf as usual. First off, Abramovitch is the kind of “ethnic name” that would make wiser PR agents seek a line of attack NOT involving Hitler. More important, they may also want to choose a photo of Goebbels where he does NOT so closely resemble the worldwide leader of a certain “religion.” Come on guys, this is not rocket surgery!
Exactly, Todd! WISER PR agents! Try finding those in any org!
I’m not meaning to play devil’s advocate here, but the old saying about lies becoming perceived as truth really happens. How do you think the numbers got exaggerated throughout history, about the numbers of deaths in the Spanish Inquisition or the Salem Witch Trials? And for that matter, how about the continuing popularity of macro-evolution theory…in spite of zero conclusive evidence to support it?
Exactly. No contemporary evidence that Jesus of Nazareth ever actually existed (or any archaeological evidence – and it has been diligently looked for – of Moses and Hebrew slaves in Egypt) … But hundreds of millions of Christians and Jews perceive Bible stories as truth .
Incorrect Joe. The 2,000 year lead codices talk of Jesus by name and include a drawing of him All testing done to date verify their age…
Spot on,Wynski!
Uhm … no. Not only has “all testing” not verified the authenticity of these (testing verified the age of some of the materials used but at the same time called into question the age of the writing, picture, etc), but most testing has severely called the legitimacy of these into question, especially the language used and the picture of the alleged Jesus as well, which is suspected to be based on later mosaics, etc. I have an open mind and would certainly be open to the actual existence of this Jewish carpenter who claimed to be God come to Earth.
But whether or not these texts are authentic (and the evidence is against it), the greater point is how a simple comment on a blog puts forth something as though it is fact (as political memes do on facebook every single day). People who WANT to believe in what they have developed FAITH in, will almost instantly accept any proofs or just plain assertions of whatever might verify said faith; whether the existence of Jesus, Moses, the golden plates or Lord Xenu himself.
But if any of y’all out there in blogland are sufficiently interested in this byplay of ours here, you can start by devoting a half hour or so on the wikepedia entry on this matter, pretty fascinating stuff. I was never much interested in religion at all until I started my 35 very active years in Scientology as a teenager. But I have interest in the area now, living in a city surrounded by more Buddhist temples per square mile than anywhere else, and also since my Scio days having been a member of a Pentacostal Christian church for a couple of years, studying the New testament.
Show all the tests that were negative then Joe. Tick, tock..
I’ve been closely following this for a decade.
I was unhappy that Erinn Hayes got the boot from Keven Can Wait. I know that Kevin James and Leah have that ‘chemistry’ that works, but I didn’t think that the show needed her. This is a fairly drastic retooling of the show, I don’t understand why it was done, but what do I know about episodic TV?
Yes, $cientology dead agents and gaslights every one who gets their anti-$cientology views in print or on screen. What a surprise. If this is the best harassment that OSA can bring, they have reached new lows in harassment. They have mastered the Streisand Effect.
Leah Remini has turned into a major thorn in Miscavage’s ass. I love that, but I love more the education that the general public is getting. Pretty soon the only recruits that $cientology can get will be Mongolian Reindeer herders.
Hey, Z, what have you got against Mongolian Reindeer herders??? LOL
“Birds of a feather”? Herr Goebbels was a Jewish pacifist? Sounds like something Rathbun would say. Cray, cray.
Goebbels was a Jewish pacifist?!!!
Who da fuck come up wi dat shit?!
It amazes me that this so called church is coming up with all these smear ads just because either someone has left the church or disagrees with the way things are going!! I truly believe with all the hard work and also all of the people that have come forward to tell their stories you will finally get justice not only for yourselves also for all the victims! I support you both ?! I can’t wait for the new episodes!!!
Per policy, they are REQUIRED to attack.
They are the most belligerent of organisations I’ve ever been duped into being associating with. It’s all they know how to do when it comes to handling any of life’s situations that don’t go according to the visons of Hubbard/Miscavige. For practice they attack and belittle their own members. The Church of Perpetual Tantrums is a good moniker for them too.
“The Church of Perpetual Tantrums”! Oh, I absolutely LOVE that. Both funny and true at the same time. LOL
You hit gold, I Yawn. Now that’s some funny shit!
A religion is supposed to be about spreading Love, Empathy, and Understanding. You know, ‘The Route to Infinity’. Are these two Facebook accounts Official pages of the Church of Scientology? If so, how does operating from a condition of Fear raise both parties up?
I’m at the end of my fuse on the cults nasty, insane attacks. I hope the backlash on this is massive. Thanks Mike for pointing this out. Scientology continues to add black marks to their already soot covered reputation. The organization is quickly taking on the mantle of a plague.
I am shocked. How can this filthy cult have a FB page with Leah’s name on it and get away with this too. I am so over this Scientology demon continuing to get away with shit!
Well, what gets me is that they don’t look at the results of their attacks to see if it helped them any. Are more people coming in the door? Are more people asking questions about whether or not Leah and Mike are telling the truth? And this from a religion that claims to have the ‘tech’ for collecting and analyzing data!
Within 2 months of “Aftermath” airing last year, I started receiving monthly “invitations” to join. I’m 64 with no connection ever to Scientology. They are trying to recruit people because it’s apparent to me members are leaving by huge numbers.
You mean to tell me that you DON’T want to join the most ethical people at on Teegeeack? Shocking!
Forgive my ignorance, I don’t know much about the Hollywood Reporter other than seeing occasional links to articles. Is it written for the public interested in Hollywood or is it more of a trade journal for those working in entertainment? The reason I ask is that if it’s more of a trade publication, it seems that COS is in dangerous territory with the industry considering those folks were a big target market for them.
I think it used to be more of a trade publication, but their articles get linked a ton on Twitter and on blogs, so it’s become more popular over time.
i think the church should be charged for slander,they tell nothing but lies
Darren James, I think the same. Corporate Scientology should be held accountable for their lies, slander and defamations. It’s time to push back. If that means the courts of law become inundated, then so be it. Maybe..thats what it will take to get another branch of the government’s attention.
I hope he sues they azzoff!
There’s lies, damn lies & Scientology lies. Lying comes to them as easily as breathing comes to the rest of us.
Fibbers, the lot of ’em!
Article in Tampa Bay Paper this am about Scientology and how they have a number of people in government in Clearwater now. It would be like the pope having some of his cabinet now in power. I thought religion and government was a separate thing, but I guess not with Scientology.
Never really thought about why scientologists swear so much, but as a generality it is true. The Tone Scale explanation does not ring true for me.
I thought invoking foul words regularly (especially the “F” word) was scientologists’ way of saying that their TR 0 Bullbait was flat. I mean they can’t take drugs, minimal alcohol intake, can’t have out-of-wedlock sex or foreplay; can’t masterbate, can’t joke around about scientology, can’t this, can’t that. But by god, they can swear! Motherfucker! That’s one thing they can fucking do without ending up in Ethics.
Hi Mary,
I always thought it was due to limited vokabalury and them big words that require concentration to say properly, or possibly parroting what daddy DM always said.
Jim! That there! Mimicking BigDaddy DM.
Can’t drink, party, have fun or sex, or a normal life, but can swear – and smoke. Oh, and poop without needing tp. Is that significant for a high placement on the tone scale? Tone 40 pooping. Nirvana.
Is that still true, no tp in the CoSs (except CC, maybe, and there it would probably be golden rod sheets)? With food like that shown at the Bunker today, it is my guess that cuisine like that never makes it all the way down and through anyway. I’d be bringing that right back up onto the plate.
But I am a ‘wog'(what do I know) who once wandered into a CoS, long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, and mentioned to the people there that the bathroom was out of tp. I got the strangest looks. Little did I know back then: No tp was the least of the seriously bad stink/PR for CoS.
Oh… I like the way you talk. You give a shit where it’s needed most.
Hey K Katzen my doctor’s name is Katzen. You don’t hear that name very often.
Mary…..did I ever buy you a drink at a bar in Pensacola ?
No. Never been to Pensacola.
I’m sure the swearing came about because those that worked directly with LRH heard him cuss and swear like a sailor and saw him rage.
They applied, “What would Ron do?”
I always thought Scientology swearing had to do with believing that you should not suppress yourself, or your own communication.
But what do I know?
I”ll leave it to the experts like Tony Ortega to explain what Scientologists really believe.
Swearing is woven into the fabric of Scientology.
Hello Mary.
I saw the video on Facebook where the cult had taken bits and pieces of your interview with Aftermath, and showed your hurt, anger, and pain. At first I thought What the F… is this. Then it dawned on me that this was not a feed back from “Aftermath” with Mary Kahn, but a propaganda message from the cult. I am not sure Mary, but it seems that you could take those SOB to court for slander, and you Leah for using a scene from “Aftermath” for the cults own use.
Freedom media& ethics (obviously a cult site) Leah Remi: The Aftermath, Whistle blower: Mary Kahn.
For those who have not seen the video, (I urge you to watch it). It shows the interview with Leah, Mike, and Mary, no voice, but an spokeswoman saying that all of the Aftermath shows are scripted, all lies (of course), and each person is being interviewed for money.
I should be obvious to anyone that the emotions are real, the interview is real, Leah, Mike, and Mary are real, and the cult most definitely is not.
I still say that after all the times that the cult has called anyone (which includes Leah and Mike) an liar and their interviews are scripted, only for money, has a hatred for the cult, etc. that one show should have a lie-detector, not just a E-meter which is just a cheap lie-detector. As the cult always wants the questions written out before they answer or have an interview there could be a lie-detector with Mike and Leah asking simple questions such as: “Have you scripted your programs,” “Have you told your guests to show emotion (cry for instance) to get more out of the interview” etc. Then have a few questions of “Have you ever seen DM strike a fellow cult member.” “Mike, have you ever been attacked by DM.” Etc. this would put paid to the “Leah, Mike, and their guests are all liars, and we are telling the truth. You would not have to have the whole lie-detector sequence, just the questions, and then the read-out and results. I can bet that the cult will shy away from something like that with a 10 foot pole.
The upshot would be that any reporter, newspaper, TV show, etc. that interviews their blinking lawyer, would go after her tooth and tong asking really hard questions of why nobody from the cult has not came forward.
Just my two cents worth,
Yes, that WHOLE “whistleblower” thing the church put up is a lie. The church concocted that whole thing, obviously. The church accuses Leah’s show as being scripted, dramatized and the contributors paid and unvetted. All lies. AND YET!, they put up this scripted crap from an unvetted “whistleblower” who the church wanted to claim was someone I knew who they offered to pay.
I wish I could sue for defamation but I have neither the funds nor the mettle to do so.
I find this incredibly, incredibly offensive – as well as hypocritical. I HAVE to believe that the scientologists that create these anti pieces are deliberately trolling.
I don’t think they are that clever. Knee jerk reaction has better ring to it imo. If Scientologists even had the slightest inkling of what they are doing they wouldn’t do something like this to expose themselves as complete idiots. Stay tuned, there will be more coming… they will find a variety of ways to insult your intelligence.
They have no fucking clue how the rest of the world views them.