This, as usual, is all hype.
Somehow they slide in that LA has been “enjoying record levels of reduced crime” — as if this had ANYTHING to do with L. Ron Hubbard or the Way to Happiness. There isn’t even a WTH campaign being run in LA….
So, next time someone claims crime has been falling in an area “thanks to WTH” you can point to LA where there are “record levels of reduced crime” (whatever that means) WITHOUT the WTH.
Everyone knows that city resolutions are handed out like beads at Mardi Gras. If you submit it, you will get a signed proclamation. But the one I wonder about is who was suckered in the LAPD Operations West Bureau (which becomes “the LAPD”) into giving this badge/recognition?
Can’t ignore the final piece of idiotic Shermanspeak: the City of Los Angeles, which is ever increasingly becoming a cultural epicenter for the world. Guarantee nobody know what this means, because it means absolutely nothing. How and why is LA’s cultural influence ever increasingly? And what does it have to do with anything? Pity Stephen Colbert’s Comedy Central show is no more, he could have used some of these turns of phrase.
Valhalkarie says
This is the crap that keeps ppl in the cult questioning truth and abuse rationalizing there stagnant idiotic rationalizations, the city should have had nothing to do with this B.S. It literally gave DM another BS claim for his crazy circus get togethers. They should be ashamed. Really what has s scientology and its cherch done for skid row and the likes? Do they feed anyone? Pack lunches? Hand out smokes to addicts? They do nothing!!!! UN real!
Len Zinberg says
I read the Scientology PR piece three times in search of an articulation of Hubbard’s actual accomplishment, and, unsurprisingly, there is none. In other words, this Proclamation recognizes a non-event that occurred 65 years ago! This is PR that is totally devoid of substance, marketed to people with little or no ability to engage in critical thinking. Scientologists, in other words.
Doubtless, Mayor Garcetti has seen “Going Clear”, as have other elected officials, and they now wish they hadn’t been such willing “tools.”
FOTF2012 says
Here are the requirements to become a special officer in LA currently. Not very rigorous. May have been even more lax in the past.
Communicator I/C says
“Somehow they slide in that LA has been ‘enjoying record levels of reduced crime’ — as if this had ANYTHING to do with L. Ron Hubbard or the Way to Happiness. There isn’t even a WTH campaign being run in LA….”
In addition, they want to come up to present time. The Los Angels Times has carried stories the last several days about how there has been an INCREASE in crime in Los Angeles.
“The Los Angeles Police Department recently reported a 27% spike in violent crime and a 12% rise in property crime through March 21 compared to the same period last year.”
Mayor Eric Garcetti and the Year of Public Safety
The Oracle says
Well, they don’t read the papers. They do not communicate with the world. It is all beneath them. Then they come off looking very stupid and become the ridicule of a society. And there are a lot of virus’ that can hit a group. But ridicule is pure poison.
Aurora says
A ‘Special Officer’ like the insurance salesman in Tulsa who ‘oh, sorry’ shot an unarmed man in the back?
One would think that the masters of PR would try and avoid associations like that…
huxley says
Just watched “Going Clear” doco. I’d like to salute Mike Rinder and everyone else who has stood up to this evil, so-called church.
I Yawnalot says
Mmmm, OK… put the Hubbard stuff to one side for a sec.
Hey Davey! How about a public announcement/comment from you. Why not get in front of a room full of journalists and take responsibility for your fine contribution in forwarding the works of L. Ron Hubbard? Now would be ideal time, it really would, the people of LA would love to show their gratitude. I’m not kidding, the Police, especially since they posed for the photographs would give you all the good PR you could ever want standing in for L. Ron Hubbard. Your Church has taken quite a hit lately, now is time to give a bit back. I’m sure the world would love to hear from you and see you smile for the cameras and answer questions as you put a public face to all that fine work to make the streets of LA safer. It’s actually a little rude of you not to acknowledge the LA Police – they actually work for a living, a foreign concept to you I suppose, but you owe them the common courtesy of recognition as the ecclesiastical leader of the religion responsible for a safer LA.
Well?? Cat got your tongue, or maybe you’re a bit busy opening Ideal Orgs. A Golden PR opportunity is slipping you by.
Robert Almblad says
Well, after HBO “Going Clear” and other publications (worse is yet to come, I am sure) there will never be another photo like this from ANY any police department in the world.
Peter Soderqvist says
L. Ron Hubbard’s Badge 2484 is real, and his ex-archivist Gerry Armstrong have the evidence!
The badge, and other identification cards was also used to identify LRH January-24-1986!
Chee Chalker says
Correct me if I am wrong, but this is just an affidavit from a document examiner certifying that LRH’s signature is authentic. Not whether the badge itself was authentic or whether it (the badge) represented any actual police power.
My thought…. If LRH ever actually held any position of authority within the LAPD, there would be.more.proof than a ‘badge number.’. And if that proof existed the Co$ would be waving it from the rooftop.
As it stands, the Co$ has to embellish or just completely make stuff up. LRH was, at best, average, but more likely, suffered from insecurity resulting in narcissistic personality disorder.
Valhalkarie says
Omg really!!! Wow
dan drazich says
Of course the crime rate is down in LA. There are fewer Scientologists in LA
BlondesAreDumb says
Mike, thanks for reporting. Irritating as heck, but LAPD has so many problems that need attention (and fixing) that this is a minor blip on the screen for taxpayers and voters.
No one cares about these recognitions; staff and officers show up for these tedious activities to put on LAPD’s “do-good-things-for-the-citizenry” reports.
Simi Valley says
Seriously pathetic attempt at damage control.
The Oracle says
“it was on the streets as a Special Officer that LRH concluded that the criminal’s common denominator lay not in what was DONE to the child, but rather what the child DID.”
I don’t recall reading anything by Hubbard on children to this account. In fact, it totally negates the fundamental theories of Dianetics and engrams. All of the references on the effects of wrong items, wrong indications, suppression, overwhelm and thwarted education. Just to name a few.
Love to know who comes up with these fairy tales and describes Hubbard’s cognitive mind to the general public.
Beyond that, this is just the worst public relations statement in history. The worst. If ever a statement was published to make Hubbard look like an unsympathetic misopedist this was it. And by Hubbard’s Public Relation’s Office!
Oblivious. The people in the Church have sunk into a condition of obliviousness.
The Oracle says
P.S. Permit me to make P.R. statement on Behalf of Hubbard. Please pass this on to his Public Relations Office:
You can put in a qualifications division in every org. But I think it’s time we come to grips with the fact that you just can’t fix STUPID.
Robert Almblad says
Oracle… you are both funny and right.
Good Old Boy says
They have to manufacture PR to show the sheeple that their IAS dono’s are helping save the planet. Its all made-up pure BS. God, RTC “knows” all people are stupid and gullible. The church has turned into a Barnum and Baily 3 ring circus. I can hear the music now in my head Da Da Data Ta Da…..while DM wheels the whip- “back you SP back! into the hole.” Talk about Mission Earth. This is just another chapter.
methenandnow says
What is up with the weird relationship between southern California law enforcement agencies and Scientology?
Ann B Watson says
Hi Mike & everyone, This post made me laugh. In ancient times when ASHOD &FDN were @ Temple St the Rampart Police sub station was very near by. The police in fact anyone working there would do anything to avoid any interaction with The SO & COS.In 74 when ASHO was really booming & there wasn’t a parking space to be found anywhere around,public would run drills with their dolls on Temple St because the Org was full up.The squad cars would pull out for their shifts & the looks we would get from the police as they drove by. Priceless! As I look back I see how I so believed all of Ron’s “bio”,& now boy do I see the holes in it & the hot winds of Santa Ana blow through 24/7.Also I do see how it takes years to finally say,I don’t need Ron’s or dm’s world to be part of my spirit.I & all of us have flown on.Take Care Mikeff Ann B Watson.
RK says
L.A. the cultural epicenter of the world? I’m really trying to figure out what that means. The definition of culture is “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.” While I agree that L.A. has its own unique culture, I would never identify it as the epicenter for all culture in the world with Scientology as a key component. It is as fictional as the information about Hubbard that was provided to the Mayor and City Council. Not worth the paper that it is printed on.
hgc10 says
When your first instinct is to say, “the definition of … is …,” it’s a possible sign that you’re TRs are holding on for dear life. You might want to look into it.
As for LA being a cultural epicenter, one could make that argument, considering the impact that American movies have had around the world for going on 100 years now. But then, “cultural epicenter” is a vague term, getting its meaning from context and the speaker’s intent, despite what the dictionary says. What it has to do that silly con-man LRH getting some fake recognition from the LAPD for a mythical episode from the mists of history, I don’t know.
And of course any tortured locution that includes “ever increasingly becoming” is the product of a deseased or befuddled mind.
Al Brown says
Mike says he wonders “…who was suckered in the LAPD Operations West Bureau (which becomes “the LAPD”) into giving this badge/recognition?”
Mike, that is a good question. Someone does have to ask. I had it happen to me: In 1981 I caught a burglar in Hollywood. For that I got one of these proclamations from the City of LA. I got a bronze plaque from the LAPD Hollywood Division and got a free lunch getting honored in the Banquet room at the Roosevelt Hotel on HW Blvd with someone else who was being honored who happens to be a celebrity now. A news reporter was there taking our picture receiving the awards and plaques from the LAPD and it was in the newspaper. And I found out pretty much as it was happening that it was the HOLLYWOOD OPTIMIST CLUB that pushed for all this to happen (I wasn’t a member) as it was their “Law and Order Week” and they had called the LAPD “looking for heroes” and my name was given to them. So it does take someone to ask for all this it seems. I didn’t know how all that worked but I found out that is how news is made. Basically this Optimist Club wanted press. I ate the free food.
statpush says
Hell Al, you should start a religion! This stuff is gold for the faithful
The Oracle says
This is a great story Al.
Al Brown says
nomnom says
I don’t know if the LRH Pers PRO posts still exist, but back in the day, the main job was to go around and get proclamations, key to the cities, recognitions, etc just to create an image.
Rick Mycroft says
Hopefully they won’t forge more LAPD approvals.
The Way To More Questions August 18, 2005, Carl Kozlowski, Pasadena Weekly
Betsy says
I think I remember reading somewhere that crime goes down (except for internecine crime) when a part of a city is controlled by the Mafia…
Well, Co$ brings internecine crime into areas.
D Taylor says
These folks really need to stop stealing my oxygen.
Pete2 says
maybe people in the LA area should write to the mayor and council? I would be embarrassed to have my name associated with this.
Jose Chung says
It is the job of the LRH PRO to get Keys to the City and badges mounted on award boards.
There is step by step Blue on Blue programs to do this.I’m surprised that D.M. took time away from the Going Clear scramble to push this through. Behind the scenes there were some SO RPF’ed and some
moved to new posts.
Mike Leopoldl says
L. Ron Hubbard as Joe Friday is too funny for words.
But, to give credit where credit is due, this is the first bit of good PR OSA has managed in the last 10 weeks of ceaseless “entheta.”
So, a second helping of rice and beans to all involved!
Katniss Everdeen says
Joe Friday? That was a pretty good show. I think LRH would have been more like Barny Fife. Or Chief Wiggum who docked Marge Simpson points for missing the “blind guy and little girl” in her shooting simulator.
Roger Hornaday says
First of all there is nobody on the LAPD who by any stretch of the imagination gives a rat’s ass about Ron Hubbard. Even in the most severe phase of my brainwash I knew exactly what to make of this kind of fictitious propaganda but it didn’t matter because scientology was booming and morale was sky high. Today what was once a bit of phony but silly PR is now an Pythonesque pep talk on a smoldering battlefield with five or six soldiers left who can just wiggle their toes.
DeborahAndy Burkey says
It makes me sad that people really believe this bs.
Doug Owen says
Dang, wouldn’t you know it. I move out of LA and 2 years later it’s the cultural epicenter of the world! Thanks for nothing, Ron.
cindy says
“Cultural epicenter” translation: we have more people from all over the world immigrating here.
Aquamarine says
LA is a fabulous city in many ways, but “cultural epicenter”? Most of the world’s movies are made in Hollywood, and films are part of the culture,certainly, but then, if that’s the logic, then LA has been the cultural epicenter of the world since 1925.
The Oracle says
Right now L.A. is the cultural time bomb waiting to happen. The media was kept on suppress about the drought for as long as possible so as not to effect real estate values (property taxes pay for the government). Then the Governor came out swinging with the news and threats of cease and desist orders for people wasting water. Now it is being stolen, large quantities to keep crops alive. Arrowhead just busted for taking water with no permit. The fights have begun between cities about who gets what. If you know anything about geography, you know where this is headed. Las Vegas used to be an area under the ocean. 4 million people in that city now soon to have no water resources. And Miscavige is buying real estate and renovating there. KCET! Thank God he doesn’t work for FEMA!
Sir Upticious says
I looked up the article about Hubbards exaggerated past, but it stops right after world war 2. Is there any documented proof that Hubbie actually worked for the LAPD. I suspect that anybody could volunteer and badges are cheap and easy to forge. The article says he went on 45 patrols. Assuming it was daily patrols, that is six weeks. Did he go alone. Why did he quit after only six weeks? Inquiring minds would like to know
Rick Mycroft says
He didn’t work for the LAPD, he was employed by the Metropolitan Detective Agency, a private security company. All private security guards needed one of those cards at the time.
Wayne Borean aka The Mad Hatter says
Don’t worry. The Cobert Report may be no more, but I’m certain Scientology will be providing late night joke fodder for a long time to come.
Hmmm. Not so sure the ‘long time’ part looks good. How about ‘Sxentology will be providing late night joke fodder while David Miscavige is alive’
Mark Fisher says
I saw DMs latest PR attempt last night at the end of the Tonight Show. It was PR tv ad about LRH. It recalled his false biography and achievements. I don’t know if it was a national ad or just in the Vegas area.
cindy says
Wow, he is throwing a lot of money at this if he’s buying ads on TV. I’ve noticed a huge increase in mailings of glossy print magazines and ads. And I moved AFTER I was declared and gave no one my address but I’m now getting mailings from the church. Maybe they are trying to salvage some SP’s to get their stats up. Also I was told via some KA drinkers who were trying to “handle” me right before my declare, that , “Well yes, there have been SP’s in the church. But we find them and kick them out, so you don’t have to leave. We have kicked all the bad SPs out so the church is good again. Why just look at how we kicked out and broke down the biggest SP of them all, David Mayo…” How deluded is that that they think the problem is handled when the fox is in the chicken coop
McCarran says
cindy, I thought you were declared – no?
Aquamarine says
“Maybe they are trying to salvage some SPs to get their stats up”.
Bingo, Cindy. Desperate times, etc. Easier to try and recover an SP than getting Raw Meat to give the time of day to their toxic brand.
cindy says
Yep, Aqua, they are trying to get us declared SP’s back in the boat. McCarran, you asked me a Q but there was no reply button to reply, so I hope you get this. Yes I was declared and now they are mailing to me which shows how desperate the church is to counter the bad pr from the movie.
Alex Castillo says
Where were the scns when the LA riots exploded years ago? Or was that nasty event ignored because it was not part of their Clearing LA “mission orders” ???
Aquamarine says
Alex, everyone – shame on you all!
You’ve heard of Rodney King, right?
Well, on LA’s mean streets, back in the day, some caring VM handed this man a Way To Happiness booklet, which he proceeded to read from cover to cover while bleeding in the street waiting for the ambulance, and THAT’S why he had his huge cognition: “Can’t we all just get along?”.
Credit where credit is due, guys. You’ll read all about it in the next issue of FreeToBeDumb Magazine.
Ron Dolittle says
Are you talkin bout Rod King the famous west coast philosopher that brought the good citizens of LA together? The town hall meetings were going well until those belligerent Koreans converted some of them to ambient temperature.
Ms. B. Haven says
Mike sez, “Everyone knows that city resolutions are handed out like beads at Mardi Gras.”
This reminds me of a red flag (that I ignored) way back when. The Volunteer Minister’s Handbook was just published and of course I acquired one right away. There were all sorts of proclamations and ‘keys to the city’ listed for podunk towns on the Gulf coast if I recall correctly. WTF? Why couldn’t even a moderate sized town issue a proclamation? What about a real place with real significance? Even back then Hubbard was supposed to be this great humanitarian and explorer, so why was he not recognized as such by a real entity? Was he only able to receive these honors from podunk towns because they hadn’t been influenced by psychs, big pharma or SMERSH like the rest of the world had?
The Special Officer for the LAPD is a new one on me and sounds like complete bullshit. If one were to try to find the records for this and came up empty handed, the cult would certainly claim another ‘sheep dipping’ incident cuz guarding banks and warehouses and patrolling the general neighborhood is surely classified work. As the commenters on Ortega’s blog might say, “dox or STFU”. As for writing WTH in Newport Beach, wasn’t that time period when he was on the lam and unable to be located by law enforcement? Maybe it was just before he disappeared, you know, the time period when Mary Sue and the other GO criminals were being thrown under the bus for their involvement in Operation Snow White. Perhaps he was just working undercover again doing serious ‘research’ into the criminal mind.
tony-b says
I wonder who got bribed what amount to have the LAPD say whatever they really stated before it got shermanised into this sh.. -speak. Isn’t it marvellous that LRH parading around reduced crime in LA. even as “LA ever increasingly became a cultural epicenter for the world”?
Jeff René Drea says
lapd looks like bunch of schmucks to me I may be wrong .;
Old Surfer Dude says
Schmucks and they’re all brainwashed too…
Espiando says
It’s well-known here that my loathing of Hubbard is based on the fact that he lied about being a physicist and the lies about his war record. I feel that as someone with a degree in Physics and service in the US military, I have every right to be offended, and have every right to strike back whenever someone attempts to worship him or gloss over his “character flaws”. I’m fighting two cults: RCS and the cult of personality surrounding Hubbard.
Now policemen can join me in this feeling courtesy of Special Officer Hubbard. I remember the look a local LEO had on her face when, during a protest, I played her a recording of exactly what Hubbard thought of police officers. She was ready to draw and shoot the bust in the org right through the forehead.
Remember that with L. Fraud Flunk-Out, iconoclasm is acceptable and desired.
Rick Mycroft says
They like to equate Hubbard’s “LAPD Special Officer” as being an actual police officer. In truth, in the post-war period in Los Angeles, that was the same as a present California security guard license with a firearm permit. The card might be real, but I think the badge is fake.
zemooo says
Steve Cobert could never get into Lron, he violates the ‘truthiness’ clause.
1984 says
Esp, “…is based on the fact…”. No, it seems to be based on extreme prejudice, and you are rapidly becoming an example of “one becomes what one resists”.
Mike Rinder says
This is not going to turn into a back and forth. You have both expressed your views.
steve says
1984 didn’t you use to go by foolproof?
Foolproof says
Steve, no Foolproof is not 1984. There is only one Foolproof – and that is me (well, as far as I know). I am sure 1984 will confirm that. Mike would confirm that by his observance of email addresses as well (well, as far as I know). There are (or were in my case) others who post on here that also disagree with some people’s statements. I don’t post on here anymore and am just clarifying this issue.
1984 says
Mike, As for hitting the RCS, logical focus on illegal / immoral issues should suffice. Ad hominem attacks will not go far and they only dig the instigator deeper in the mud.
Steve, I have no idea what you mean by “foolproof”.
roger gonnet says
Yes, I saw some such campaigns saying that South Afirca crime rate had been reduces some 50% or whatever… in the ninetieen fifties. Or in Mexico. Or in the kingdom of drugs in South America.. Anywhere! It’s incredible to read such imbecillities.
With or without any of the more than thousand “associations” or “web domains” fabricated in more than a hundred countries.
Scientology could remain for centuries ahead as the most boasting and most lying kingdom of false allégations.
FOTF2012 says
Or just notice how TWTH helped Ferguson! Things went far worse after Scientology claimed it had “pacified” the city.
Not only does this crew not understand scientific or social research, they also do not understand statistics and correlations, and they have lost all sense of critical thinking.
WhiteStar says
things like this used to provoke feelings of outrage in me, but now over time i’ve come to realize they’re just signs of how pathetic they are. they’re not winning, they’re losing.
statpush says
“…officially recognized LRH a for his continued contribution to the City of Los Angeles through his humanitarian works”
I hate to break it to them, but – LRH has been dead for almost 30 years. Not too sure how he has continued his contribution.
Anything LRH penned or “researched” he SOLD to the public. This is how me made his living. This is how me became a multi-millionaire. So, let’s just drop the “humanitarian” pretence.
Roger Yost says
Point well made!
CM says
Epic cringeworthy!