George Orwell’s astonishing novel 1984 depicts a dystopian world that has many remarkable similarities to scientology.
Big Brother is a character and symbol that represents a society where every citizen is under constant surveillance, constantly reminded of this by the slogan “Big Brother is watching you.”
If you visit downtown Clearwater, Big Brother (scientology) IS watching you.
Anywhere and everywhere.
While they claim the dozens of cameras mounted on their buildings are for “security” — the truth is a little less palatable.
And they showed their hand this past week in a strange way. In trying to claim that the operator of “Cult City Tours” is a “bigot” they provided a photograph of him wearing a T-shirt from a BBQ joint which, according to their spokesperson Paris Morfopolous, proves he is a “fake Muslim.”
But what is more interesting than their tortured reasoning is the photo they provided as evidence of this.
Here you can see Aaron-Smith Levin and Mark Bunker sitting at a table conversing with the gentleman wearing the “anti-Muslim” blue T-shirt.
What is remarkable about this photo is where this table is located.
It is NOT, as one might assume, in front of a scientology building — though one would not assume that given the people in the photo they would be seated in front of a scientology building. They chase Mark Bunker off park benches, let alone dining tables. But one would assume it given it was a photo taken by scientology looking down on the table. Obviously not just someone “walking by”, snapping a shot. It’s either from a fixed camera or a drone.
In fact, this table is on Cleveland St in front of Downtown Pizza. On a block of Cleveland St that is the only one in the downtown Ft. Harrison/Cleveland St core that does NOT have a scientology building.
Half a block away is the “Coachman Building.” That is where the photo was taken from.
Yes, at the top of the building are surveillance cameras (there are others too) which is the location the shot was taken from. You can see the blue turtle on the left of this photo that appears in the bottom right corner of the first photo and you can see what angle the shot was taken from. Not sure which of those two cameras the image came from, but it doesn’t matter. They are BOTH scientology surveillance cameras trained on the downtown area.
The question is, how did scientology know to take this photo of people sitting at a restaurant on a different block than their building?
Or are they monitoring everyone all the time?
Brendan Tighe, the former security chief of scientology in Clearwater helped provide some answers. He left scientology in 2011. Things have been updated and upgraded since then and are no doubt even more sophisticated today. Scientology does not spare funding security, spying operations, smearing enemies and paying for lawyers.
Here is what Brendan said:
Last I knew they have two or three cameras that can zoom from downtown all the way across the bridge going to Clearwater Beach.
They had at least fifteen cameras that could zoom with clarity up to about five blocks.
Any cameras with the zoom feature can rotate a full 360 degrees. And pivot 270 degrees.
When I left in 2011 they had just started replacing older cameras with new ones that have facial recognition tech.
This is something the City should investigate. Are their citizens being surveilled/spied on whenever they are in downtown Clearwater? Are they monitoring the Mayor and other city officials, or is it only City Councilman Mark Bunker… That would be an awful lot of equipment and effort to expend on just one person so it seems unlikely.
Is this legal?
Just imagine if the City announced a program to install cameras to monitor people in the downtown area 24/7? The outcry would be enormous and warranted. But because it is scientology and they are willing to lie to cover up what they are really doing, nobody is raising their voices to change this Orwellian state of affairs.
The Mayor and other city leaders are offended by the moniker “Cult City.” Perhaps they should take more effective action to make clear they don’t just object to the NAME, but actually object to the REALITY that this IS what downtown Clearwater has become.
And just for good measure, here are some other shots of cameras outside scientology buildings in downtown that are used to monitor the STREETS and people on them — not merely the entrances to their properties (which is where security cameras are usually located). And this is a SMALL sample. There are dozens and dozens of scientology cameras watching downtown Clearwater.
And finally, this sort of set up is typical of all scientology Sea Org bases. Cameras bristle from the walls of “Big Blue” in LA. They are everywhere at the Gold Base. And even more ubiquitous at the CST compound where Shelly Miscavige was sent in the San Bernardino mountains. A simple Google search will show up dozens of images.
For those who were curious about the t-shirt, it appears as if it is a slogan from a BBQ restaurant.
“Central BBQ’s Old Shirts, “Wet, Dry, Naked, Jerked, Hard” How nice of them to put their flavors on a shirt for easy reading!”.
Found this is an old restaurant review.
They call the building where they view this a GSOC: Global Security Operations Center. It is the nerve center where the ‘volunteers’ in the Sea Org watch these activities. I am sure the COB himself was watching, if he wanted, as I guarantee they have him setup to view any camera at anytime at anyplace in the world. Unfortunately, it is not only Scientology that does this practice, but any large corporation or government. With Scientology however, they go a step further and have the covert and mobile cameras ready to go at a moment’s notice to plug into their GSOC (again, for COB’s personal watching pleasure). Seeing as you were in Clearwater, there was no need to dispatch the mobile team to watch you. Not only can they watch, but they will have this recorded for probably six months or more, so they can review if they missed you the first time, or if the facial recognition analytics missed you for automatic detection based on stored photo IDs of your face.
This reminds me of London where like almost every square inch of public areas are being monitored by video cameras. I am not saying the reasons behind that are right or wrong exactly..but it’s the actual police doing it – not the security of some “church”.
I think the reason that London police feel they need to have everywhere on camera has to do with historically many bombings have been carried out in London by different groups (The IRA, the PLO or whatever).
However- Americans love our privacy and civil liberties……and this isn’t the UK !! It’s disturbing that the “church” feels justified in invading the privacy of private American citizens!
I’m wondering: Would there be any benefit to my writing to scientology’s legal sharks or other representatives that scientology is specifically denied permission to record my likeness? Then could I detail that attempts to do so will be met with “bright lights”?
Jere, you can shine bright lights at their cameras if you like. Only lasers of a certain wattage and above are prohibited.
That’s an interesting idea. I do know that in most states permission is needed to publish likenesses (per the many permission slips I had to sign for my kids regarding that issue).
I don’t live in Florida but maybe an idea is to start a petition for Clearwater residents to say they don’t want to be filmed or photographed by the church and if enough people signed maybe COS would reconsider the practice out of concern that an image of someone on the petition might be captured or at very least if most Clearwater residents signed it then it would make it harder for COS to publish any photos without including someone on the petition.
Scn is inherently paranoid. It reflects the writings of Hubbard who was very paranoid.
A paranoia that comes from knowing that they are violating many laws and social rules.
If someone completely unrelated to would write something positive on scn he would be immediately run over by OSA to find out if he is kidding or is it true.
LmR, it reflects the paranoid MIND of Hubbard. No story is too outlandish for him/them to believe whole-heartedly.
Purely and simply; an absolutely paranoid cult of the first water (to use a gem market phrase). Which I expect will only get worse as it continues on its slow motion Wicked Witch of the West death scene impression.
Wicked Witch-like melting is right, Kronomex. A true melt-down is in progress. Is there some place I can register to be notified when the implosion is compete? I’m getting tired of dancing on its grave while Dave’s money is keeping the appearance of life going.
COMPLETE your cycle of action, already, twerp!
Now, come one! If the criminal organisation known as the “church”of $cientology didn’t have those cameras out, they couldn’t spot people sitting on park benches, or people photographing the Damnation Navy slaves. In the case of anyone photographing the Damnation Navy slaves, OSA will be along to tell them that they can’t take pictures there!
XENU to the rescue.
Put XENU on umbrellas, and sell them like hotcakes in Clearwater.
XENU umbrellas would sell out in minutes!
Some vendor needs to get cracking getting zillions of XENU umbrellas for sale in Clearwater!
XENU umbrellas would be, and continue to be for all time, a hit when produced and sold in all Scientology cities worldwide!
Any citizen wishing to show their disapproval and use “XENU umbrealla tech” against Scientology, would cause maximum anti Scientology “camera tech” results.
Very creepy but 100% legal. Once can photo/video/record ANYTHING or ANYONE you can see from your own or public property. Basic 1st Amendment stuff. You can stand right outside the most secret US military base and aim your camera onto the base and take pics or vid. No possible recourse.
Perhaps legal in the way you describe it, but *what* you do with the images you capture of the public, and how you portray it, can be interpreted and proven to be illegal many ways.
Just something to keep in mind. Another thought… what definition do we give the act of using a *network* of cameras (geospatial web of surveillance) to collect and *aggregate* footage which can be distorted out of context, and has been according to this article?
Summary: Highly illegal usage of ‘legally’ recorded footage. What you do with what you have, matters. Intention matters. A lot.
“Concerned Clearwater Resident says” You are completely wrong. ONLY if you use as part of a commercial production. Like a movie or TV show do you need permission. ALL other uses are okay. You have ZERO idea what you are talking about. It is NOT “illegal in many ways”. Which is why you could list no laws backing up your wildly incorrect post.
The method of publication — whether commercial or non-commercial is the primary factor that determines legality. It is not as cut and dried as just a Tv show or movie. I don’t know all the I s snd outs of these laws.
Those were just common examples of commercial usage of video footage. Could also be stills used in advertising, etc. The point is that unless it is commercial usage (news doesn’t count) there are NO restrictions for taking video of people in public as viewed from public or private property.. One can even video people who are on private property IF you can see them from public property.
I HAD to learn all the in’s and out’s of the laws and case laws as a State investigator.
@Real: Why did my response illicit such a strong tone from you? Although my view of how a jury would perceive a case is clearly not yours, images used from public cameras to harass people in a coordinated or premeditated fashion, is *not* protected by whatever loophole you might think is relevant.
In front of a jury, the implications of the imagery’s usage would be clear.
This is absolutely true. I am a professional photographer, over the past few years have been doing a lot of architectural abstracts on large-format film. Almost every time I go downtown, I get harassed by someone who thinks I need a release or permission to photograph anything or anyone in public, and often the police get called to arbitrate feelings. More often than not, the cops don’t even themselves know the laws they are supposed to be enforcing, and try to ram policy or feelings through instead. This is because it takes two years to get the education required to do manicures and haircuts, but only six months to be given a gun and a shiny badge that gives the authority to use it.
Case law is clear on this — photography in public is not only legal but protected in the United States by the Constitution. ESPECIALLY from private property. Yes, $cientology $unveils. But they have as much right to protect their properties as anyone else. And even though many don’t like it, they own the images and video and can do whatever they want with it, including posting photos to try to cast shade on someone they don’t like.
Like it or not, this is a part of living in a free society. In public, you do not a) have a right to privacy, or b) have the right to not be uncomfortable. Ginning up paranoia about a perfectly legal activity is a BAD thing, because it paves the way towards tyranny. And enforcing feelings over law is even worse, because it WILL result in tyranny — the UK is a prime example, where even though by law there is freedom of speech, one can be arrested for singing “Kung Fu Fighting” or put on a hate-crime watch list for what you say, even though it is not illegal.
Yes, Kimo, too few people were awake in 6th grade where this was covered as part of the class on the US Constitution, US Civics and the 1st amendment. Police are not taught law in the Academy. I have studied the syllabus of a few. They are taught how to GET AROUND civil rights so they don’t get sued or arrested for violating rights.
This is really a scenario where you need to split hairs. Simply saying public photos are legal, is inaccurate. Anyone following someone with a camera or taking photos with the intention of causing harm, could be legally held accountable; and should be frankly.
Comparing taking public photos where random strangers demand consent, with Scientology’s implied use of photos, feels like conflating; or at least an oversight.
But also citizens can use XENU umbrellas walking under Scientology cams, and cause Scientology security personnel to get their cam footage vetted tiresomely to remove XENU and BODY-THETANS words filmed.
The Hubbard taboo words they aren’t allowed to keep on their footage, they have to scrub the confidential words, it’s out-security and worse, per Hubbard’s in house rules to have XENU and “BODY-THETANS” words being visible in their records.
are magical words when pointed at Scientology’s cameras!
“Xenu caused the Wall of Fire”.
Thank Hubbard for gumming up his cult’s members’ brains with the taboo words and taboo rules to freak out when they see XENU and BODY-THETANS
Chuck, do you think that they care anymore about non-OT 3 staff seeing “Wall of fire” stuff any longer? Before the internet it was a big deal but I’d think with how widespread the info is and how many protests where the data was shown that the powers there would have given up that particular fight. I don’t know as I’ve not been around for decades.
Yes. They are stuck. Hubbard says not to allow Xenu and “body-thetans” as words, be spoken or written, or recorded (meaning they must edit it out, blank those two words out).
Akso I think it is huge, to understand even Scientology, to know these two words directly relate to understanding “What Is Scientology?”
Xenu caused earth’s “body-thetans” (surplus souls, which are messed up surplus souls infesting all humans) problem.
The OT levels 3, 4, 5 6 and 7 are not even known, not by the majority of Scientologists, to be directly necessary to rid a Scientologist of their infestation of “body-thetans” and thus to even fix their “OT cases” in themselves.
it’s just so pivotal to the stepped back, understanding of the Scientology spiritual therapy and spiritual exorcism practices.
So, in a nutshell, for multiple long range important (“What Is Scientology” level important) to define Xenu and “body-thetans’ publicly, widely, for the public who are not Scientologists, and for those who are Scientologists.
They, and most outsiders, don’t even know “What Is Scientology?”
It’s bigger than just the supposed demeaning mocking level usage of those two words.
OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7, those culminating important levels, they are factually the block of Scientology levels where exorcism of Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” go on for years for most members.
No, they in orgs can’t say Xenu and they can’t even go to the internet to define Xenu nor to define “body-thetans”.
Additionally, finally, even now, in 2021, the understanding of Xenu and “body-thetans” isn’t still commonly simply linked to the Wall of Fire and to the 4th Dynamic Engram.
Are you Real as in Lap……? Old EEI, original EEI?
PS: Also, “Information Control” is one of Robert Jay Lifton’s factors of what makes a “totalistic” group. Defining Xenu and “body-thetans” is a major undoing of Scientology’s information control on their members.
“Are you Real as in Lap……? Old EEI, original EEI?”
Sorry Chuck don’t understand this question.
But sounds like they have a real conundrum trying to make believe staff aren’t exposed to the confidential levels info. And yes, Info control is a major factor for “mind control” for lack of a better descriptor.
There was a Sea Org member whose first name was Real. Last name Lap…… He was French Canadian, he was the first Establishment Executive International, back in 1982. I thought you might be Real.
Oh! Real LaPlaine. I’ve heard of him but wasn’t around there in ’82. I had run into SHI in ’82 while he was on a recruit tour in the US.
Right, Chuck. We need a short, pithy use of Zenu and BTs which will be legible on T-shirts and hats/caps.
I’m thinking:”The lord Zenu CAUSED the ‘Wall of fire’ and the billions of Body Thetans to be exorcised on the OT levels.”
I sorta liked one Chris Sheldon had: something like, “Can I tell you about our lord and master Zenu?” with a great alien character pictured.
“Just imagine if the City announced a program to install cameras to monitor people in the downtown area 24/7? The outcry would be enormous and warranted.”
I don’t know the scene in the US, but a few days ago there was a documentary on national TV here in Belgium about the use of security camera’s by the police. In all major cities they have a network of camera’s that cover the whole surface and can zoom in hundreds of meters to recognize faces. They can literally follow you from the moment you leave your house to anywhere you go. I would be surprised if this is not also the case in the US. Legislation needs to be in place to determine for what purpose and under what circumstances the information can be used, certainly not for invading anyone’s privacy or for intimidation of your enemies as Scientology does here.
Honestly don’t mind a government agency having camers because there are legal safety checks (hopefully) however having a private business film the downtown core 24/7 doesn’t sit well with me. I live here in Clearwater.
LOL Dave. There are no enforced safety checks in the US gov with how they use the info. The courts ordered that it was illegal to monitor cell calls but most large PDs in the States still do so and just ignore the courts.
Police swap the pics of people who peacefully protest police brutality so that police can target them for harassment using a US Gov facial recognition program if they show up in another PDs area.
Cops from Clearwater don’t do that…
What’s wrong with a Muslim wearing a BBQ T-shirt? For starters, Muslims are only prohibited from eating certain kinds of meat. But the cult brags to those they wish to ensnare that it’s perfectly OK to practice other faiths along with Hubbardism. (Of course, they tell the IRS the exact opposite of that).
So does enjoying BBQ make Ted a fake Muslim?
Does stolen valor make Hubbard a fake war hero? Does flunking out after a few basic classes make Hubbard a fake engineer? A fake doctor? A fake psychologist? Does providing no evidence and being demonstrably incapable of applying scientific method make Hubbard a fake scientist? Does a cult systematically buying up books that few care about make Hubbard a fake bestselling author?
I could go on…
Does the T-shirt have something to do with barbecue, or is it simply in horrendously bad taste, or is it perfectly innocent but suggestive?
Google is not my friend here, all I am finding is porno. Maybe there is a famous barbecue joint that uses this logo, I’ve certainly never heard of it.
Just like the famous judge that said something like “I can’t define pornography precisely but I know it when I see it” perhaps the evil is in the eye of the beholder.
I was a bit surprised to hear a Girl Scout cookie commercial that had a little girl saying “Eat us America!” but then realized that you have to have a dirty mind to see the pernicious implications.
In fact, none of George Carlin’s “Seven words you cannot say on TV” are on the T-shirt so we will have to take it as a rather tasteless joke, a barbecue joint logo or a trap for the dirty-minded.
To call it “anti-Muslim” is a real stretch.
Yes indeed…..I’ve mentioned it before. The reason several friends moved OUT of Clear Water because the smaller stores were being taken over little by little by COS. Also noticed back then were the cameras all over the place, of course, starting with & then spreading about the area.
To feel unwelcome in the “city” itself, while military styled uniformed groups of people were walking about etc….one began to feel totally out of place, uncomfortable. The once mecca of places to stop to eat, drink shop…..slowly disappearing & taken over by other things where one felt out of place.
Friends sold out, & moved out…..displaced by “them”. How sad is that?
That’s all I can say… too sad.
Sounds so much like many other communities and neighborhoods that went downhill over time. Normal? Maybe for normal places but, as you put it all so clearly the infection of Scamtology into downtown Clearwater is quite unique. Sad indeed.
Mike mentioned how photos of sci security pile up on google image searches. Here is where google is getting a lot of those images: https;//
I counted over 40 cameras at big blue alone and dared my viewers to find more in a video. They spotted two I completely missed in person!
When are you heading back up there to freak them out Pope?
I would love to help you, Pope.
The cult has little confront for anyone with AIDS and even less for anyone who is gay. I have never been Gay but they probably believe that I am. Easier for them to confront than the fact that they supervised contaminated blood products given me. If that was all they did it would be no big deal, but that was just the beginning.
I would like to thank you again for producing the videos with Karen de la Carriere. If I can be of any service, sir, just let me know.
Someone needs to cash in on the XENU umbrella angle.
If XENU umbrellas were produced in quantity, then “XENU umbrella counter-tech” could be used to aim XENU at all their cameras, and Security have to have then an OT Sea Org member go through their cam footage recorded and scrub the XENU words.
XENU word is the major most stumbling block and advantageous word to aim at Scientology’s cams to ball up their fetish for recording everything and everyone.
If the citizens all knew the power of the XENU taboo word on the gummed up minded Scientologists, then XENU tech would be gladly used.
XENU on umbrellas, shielding people walking under the XENU umbrellas, under the Scientology cams would just be freak out time for Scientology, going into Hubbard self caused conniptions about XENU word power against their Hubbard feebled minds.
Someone needs to get some XENU umbrella tech swag made and marketed!
XENU CAUSED THE WALL OF FIRE 95% of Scientologists don’t even know their own theory of Xenu and that he caused the Wall of Fire. Imagine they don’t even know who XENU is, most of them. They don’t know their OT levels 3, 4, 5 6 and 7 exorcism of “body-thetans” is due to Xenu’s causing the Wall of Fire and causing the “body-thetans” problem that the five exorcism levels of Scientology fix.
Currently $ci is just like it’s founder, paranoid as can be. This is another example as to why $ci should not be tax exempt.
Okay. At first I objected to calling it “Cult City Tours.” Now I don’t.
Luckily scn has almost finished sinking, instead imagine a world where it really had some power.
One morning there is a knock on your door and they tell you that you have to show up at the city’s Hco building that they have a couple of questions for you. You don’t know what they want. But you know, even if you are 100% innocent just because you pulled it in this situation you will have to make amends.
Worse if they think you are at fault. You wont come home for a while.
It’s fascinating to see Americans outraged on this issue. As a Londoner, my city has been under 24/7 CCTV surveillance for decades and has rolled out facial recognition since at least 2015 (with no public or parliamentary debate). Private companies have also been using it – not only focused on their own turf but public spaces too. Recent legal challenges have only exposed the UK’s currently “insufficient legal framework” but has not prevented its use or its continued expansion.
I’m genuinely haunted by the likes of 1984, The Circle and the Black Mirror episode “Nosedive.” China’s Social Credit System scares the bejesus out of me. And it all starts with facial recognition, big tech and the ever-increasing surveillance powers of private companies and successive governments. The time to speak up has almost passed. This sh*t is happening now.
Thanks Mike.
The terrific number of cameras is just more evidence the cult is in fear of the world around them. Not at cause. But paranoid instead.
What makes that an anti-Muslim Tee shirt, all it means to me is something slightly naughty.
This is crazy! Scientology continues to fascinate me and crazier how nothing is being done for years…
I used to work for the Church back when I was 15 years old (child labor) remodeling the building. At the time they didn’t know I was 15 nor question my age and why I was working in construction. I met very nice people, but I don’t agree with anything they do.
Very sad to see downtown Clearwater be taken over like this and public officials not doing anything or standing up to them. What we should really organize is a call to action for the public to come out and protest right outside their doors. Unite in numbers, call out their bullshit, and raise awareness nationwide. Change starts with one person and we need to take out city back and call them out for what they are, fraud.
Dreamer said, “We need to take out city back and call them out for what they are, fraud.”
I would not disagree with Dreamer at all. I would just like to add what Yashir Ali said along the same lines,
“……and call them out for what they are – a terrible criminal organization set up as a for-profit business masquerading as a religion.”
Perhaps that might make Dreamer’s characterization of what they are even stronger?
Protest what? Surveillance cameras?
Public photography?
I understand their attacks on others, but this is NOT ILLEGAL.
Please save the torches and pitchforks for something important.
Mark should bring this up at the next City Council meeting. Why are $cientology “security” cameras surveilling individuals having a meal at a location that has nothing to do with $cientology?
Because Scientology is paranoid. (Or perhaps DM is.)
Because they CAN.
Because it’s NOT ILLEGAL.
Do you have a Ring or other kind of security doorbell? A dashcam? A baby monitor that does video?
Why should you be allowed to surveil people who come to your door? Other on the road? Your own child?
Legal does not mean moral, however. But that’s not germane to this posting.
Yes, Scientology is paranoid and evil. But what about the Macy’s at the mall? Or the local jewelry store? They’re just as paranoid (albeit for different reasons, down deep), but nobody here is grabbing pitchforks and torches against them. $cilons are not doing anything wrong by having the cameras. In fact, I can’t think of a way they would be able to use exterior security cameras — even the best ones — illegally, unless they position them to look into women’s restrooms or something like that.
As a photographer, I can legally stand outside a school or go to a park with my 300mm f/2.8 Canon L-series telephoto, hooked up to a 2x converter, and shoot photos of other people’s children, and it’s perfectly legal. Creepy, maybe, but legal — and the cops can’t do anything about it because it’s LEGAL.
No, sorry, it’s beyond legal. Legal means you are allowed to do it. Public photography is protected by the US Constitution and has been upheld as such by the Supreme Court many times.
In reality, I could legally stand outside your house all day long and photograph everything I can see from a public place — even through your windows — and you can’t do a thing about it unless I harass you. But that is not legally harassment, and if you want privacy, draw the blinds.
What I do with the images I shoot. — so far, 66 terabytes of them — are my business. What the $cinos do with the images they shoot are their business.
Since this is a public way, there is also nothing prohibiting someone from spoiling your shot. Anything that is not actual assault is fine. I could deliberately block your photo, hold up xenu signs, or even shine a non-harmful light at your camera. If it is an unmanned camera, pretty much anything that does not damage the camera is acceptable.
It works both ways.
Just a warning – if you do try photographing a person who is unwilling, do not use an direct viewfinder. A laser pointer is not safe to view through magnification, especially some custom modified versions or low quality designs of green lasers. It also damage the CCD sensors.
Scientology is exactly like George Orwell’s book, 1984. Uncanny are the similarities and insanity. How does a Scientologist, who just read that book, not see the similarities? Because they are insane per LRH. See his reference on insanity. NOT ABLE to see similarities or differences. Scientologists are disabled. They live in a false reality.
I love the podcast show. Just finished listening to Karen DelaCarriere story. Heart wrenching.
Thank you Mike and Leah. The shows are eye opening!
How does Elizabeth Moss not see the similarity between her “religion” and the plot of her film A Hand Maid’s Tale” It’s sheer and utter blindness the cult imbues their victims with.
I have had the exact same question ever since we watched the Handmaid’s Tale. Wish the press would ask her.
Mind control and Brain Washing are extremely powerful forces. They are far more powerful than the popular media seem to realize.
OMG Yes!!!
I am not the only one who sees that parallel!!
I was really disappointed because I liked that actress before I just saw she is a Scientologist.
Get this though – it’s not just the Handmaiden’s Tale….have you guys seen her in the remake of the invisible man???
She does a great job in that movie and I loved her in it but it’s about being in an abusive relationship, being spied on …..C’mon !!! Really, Elizabeth…you don’t see it ??? Not trying to make a pun there but I did just now ..invisible- can’t see it 😂😅
Andy S: I totally agree. Elizabeth Moss can’t see the similarities because she is insane on the subject of Scientology. I love her as an actress but am losing respect for her because she remains a Scientologist in light of the overwhelming evidence on the internet, television, social media, newspapers, radio podcasts, Youtube videos etc. Scientology kills, maims, destroys and harms people. Not only that, now that she is one of their biggest celebrities, they will only let her see what they want her to see. Read Janet Reitman’s book, ‘Inside Scientology’ and read how they duped Tom Cruise, spied on him and got all involved in every aspect of his life.
When I say “they”, I am referring to David Miscavige.
Nonetheless, today, there is no excuse to not know the whole truth about Scientology. It is wilfull ignorance and insanity.
Scientology creates cold hearted narcissists. They won’t look until something bad happens to them via DM or Scientology Organizaiton.
O/T. Concerning his having an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) page about him AND being named one of the “Disinformation Dozen” regarding the Covid-19 vaccine, Scientology Youth for Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam says:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
All praise is due to Allah! When you stand with God’s man Satan takes notice. Think we are afraid? No sir. We ALL must challenge our fear! Satan is coming at us with full force. We should return the energy! No…. SERIOUSLY! Stop being afraid!
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Memorialized with a screenshot on ESMBR at:
My brothers from the Nation of Islam were out on the streets of East Tampa today. Bought a newspaper from the “Fruit of Islam” as they are called. These NOI ministers are really great. I had a conversation with one of them. He said “God Bless You!”. All praise is due to Allah!
With any luck, the justice system in CA will catch up with him first. Not for being a Muslim of sorts. But for being a garden-variety fraudster. They can tenderize him; Satan can have his turn next.
But seriously: Is stealing millions from your fellow citizens, the tax payers, more likely doing the work of Allah or doing the work of Satan? I don’t think you have to be a Muslim to be able to figure out that one!
Are you talking about Louis Farrakhan or the Pizza Man, the new leader?