My book will be available in less than a month (you can pre-order it here as a hardback or audiobook) and this is obviously causing waves inside the bubble. They are scrambling to try to “do something effective” in response to the rants from Miscavige about how this book is coming and “nobody is defending him.”
You can always tell what has impact in the bubble by what consumes the OSA bots in their online activities. They mostly concentrate on Leah, but over the last week have ramped up their squawks focused on me. And most of them feature my family members — brother, children and ex-wife.
There’s nothing new here, it’s the same stuff they have been rehashing over and over since the Truth Rundown first appeared in the St Petersburg Times back in 2009.
Interestingly, the lies they push out are covered in some detail in the book.
The book is in fact written FOR Taryn and Benjamin.
It begins this way:
Dear Taryn and Benjamin,
Let me start with this: I am truly sorry for placing you in a world where your future was preordained. It is difficult and painful to contemplate that I brought you into a life where, from your earliest years, you were denied any meaningful free will. If I had known then what I know now, I would never have let that happen.
I wanted to record my life experiences, thought-processes, things about me they never knew, and the lies they have been told about me so, at whatever point they finally wake up, whether I am still around or not, they can hear it from me. And in the meantime, I hope it speaks to a broader audience about how one becomes entrapped in a mind prison, and that it is never too late to change the course of your life, no matter how impossible it seems.
I know why my scientologist family do what they do. So too the OSA bots. I know how they are viewing the world and me in particular. It’s sad, but unfortunately understandable. I can only hope they break free at some point. I will not give up hope, nor trying.
Here are some of the tweets over the last few days I am referring to…
You can see how few people look at these tweets. Most just recycle between the same three people.
The “Vetted Facts” account and two other OSA accounts “JP” and “KiwiBoy2022” are one and the same. Vetted Facts has bought a bunch of bot followers, as scrolling through the list of followers makes clear. They didn’t bother with the other two. Those bots don’t engage or “like” tweets as you can see from the above…
It must really drive Miscavige crazy how small and insignificant his presence is on social media.
but wait, wasn’t Cathy the one who left Ben and Taryn when they were babies to go to Int with Mike being the one who stayed with them?
Hi Mike! Just wanted to let you know I preordered your book and am very much looking forward to reading it. I’ve wanted to know your story for a while. A long time ago I asked you if you had written the story of your leaving. The site you suggested I look at had it so thank you for that. I’ve always been curious to hear any more of your story that you cared to tell so I must admit I did a little happy dance when I heard about your book.
Thank you for your devotion to bringing awareness of the dangers of Scientology for current and ex members as well as never ins like myself. I truly hope someday you can be reunited with your family.
This is the first time I’ve looked at Mike’s site, it’s too personally painful to dwell. But I can say these truths before I leave:
– BJ and Taryn were very proud of their father growing up.
– They are both wonderful people.
– They’re getting on with their lives the only way they can, but love him still.
I wish, with all my heart, they could be reunited with their dad… but they are in a trap built over a lifetime with all insidiousness, one that has so much power and force… even now that I’m free, and it took a miracle for me to get out, I’m still utterly trapped and likely will be ’til the day I die.
For those not born into the Sea Org, for those that didn’t stay when their parents left… be glad, and pray for us that did, for we are slaves in hell and wish only for a chance at life, a chance most enjoy naturally.
Dear Sea Org Baby – Slave 4 Life: Thank you for stopping in here. Your words ring true, that both Mike’s older children, Taryn and Ben, were always very proud of their father. This makes sense.
I am on the team that holds hope for Taryn and Ben to find their own moment of truth, each experience their final straw that breaks the camel’s back and inspires them to find their path to leave. This will open the door to a proper reunion with their dad and an undoing of all this nuttiness to which they are ordered to comply.
Something here which is extra sad and typical of C of S is the steady position they put these kids in of violating The Way to Happiness precept around Honor and Respect Your Parents. If anyone has done The Happiness Rundown—that is a nifty little rundown. Each precept feels like very old, fundamental wisdom. When you chase down the chains of instances where you did not follow a precept, it certainly can help you. It becomes easier to see and stay “in the lane” of doing normal, good things—like honoring and respecting your parents or those who raised you.
I offer this because what Taryn and Ben are ordered to do is an example of how duplicitous the C of S is. How steadily the C of S does not follow its own bits of wisdom. I am troubled by the “overt” Taryn and Ben are ordered to commit. This type of group-member-violation-of-group’s-own-stated-principles is what woke me up and got me to leave. C of S is bipolar. It just cannot seem to pick a lane and drive sanely and steadily on it. I am sad that Taryn and Ben are, for the moment, caught in this. I put out my steady good thoughts for them to come untangled, and I think they will! It’s too much burdening of them with this much manufactured hate. What a mighty thunder will be heard from each when they realize the degree to which they have been misled. Even LRH observed, “Truth, though fought, in the end prevails.”
Dear Peridot,
Thank you, I didn’t realize there exists a team in support of Mike’s kids getting out, but you can consider me on it. I love that you care about them, it’s wonderful. I knew them well, and remember them fondly.
I’m familiar with the Happiness Rundown, been in session on just about every rundown LRH, or others, put together. After a long and weary life of abuse and brainwashing, it somehow pains me to say it, but it’s my belief the gains in Scientology are untrue.
Instead your mindset is manipulated into a state that requires you to appear to win and have successes so that you can be… acceptable? worthy? admired? loved?… left alone.
The sequence is something like this:
a. You’re convinced you need help
b. You’re convinced you’re being helped.
c. You need to convince others you are being helped.
d. You need to convince others, others are being helped.
e. You reaffirm and convince yourself you are being helped.
f. You need to convince others you’ve been helped.
f. You need to convince others they need help.
Wash, rinse repeat.
By the way, if you’re born into the Sea Org the first step is skipped, instead I was made brutally aware that I was a rather bad thetan, who needed help, by the time I was five or six. No one had to find my ruin, instead it was beaten into me. My first sec check was at seven.
I only mention this small facet of Scientology “process” to point out the fact that one’s thoughts and actions are controlled. In fact, they are manipulated with such finesse, and on such a gorgeously wicked and evil production line, that you end up puppeteering yourself.
My God, having come from that, indeed, being still mentally trapped in some ways, makes me shudder. The pure, mad genius it must have taken to create that world… it just boggles the mind.
I believe in my heart that Taryn and Ben can make it out and, having walked their very path, stand as a living testament that it can be done.
But make no mistake, Taryn and Ben aren’t following orders any more. They’re following programming.
And that’s the sad truth.
Wow, Sea Org Baby – Slave 4 Life — That is really something, what you describe, and of course, I believe you. Many of us here, our good thoughts are with you and others getting OUT of the Sea Org, for all the reasons you state.
Already pre-ordered your book! The wait for it made me finally order (and read) Going Clear, Janet Reitman’s book, and Troublemaker. Thanks for the motivation, and I so look forward to the Fair Game podcast coming back.
Will your book in available in the UK?
YEs, on 27 Sept
I’ve even managed to pre order a paperback edition from here in the UK. So looking forward.
I accepted the challenge to read all of the deranged tweets in today’s post but failed. I think I got through 2 1/2 before I had enough and decided to get on with my day.
Mike, I can’t WAIT for your book! I’ve watched The Aftermath and continue to listen to the podcast and read your blog and I just want to say THANK YOU!! The hard work you and Leah keep doing help ex-Scn like me to continue to heal just by hearing the truth is such a wonderful thing. Everything that you all talked about on the show and your podcast continue to remind me that I’m not the one who was screwed up while growing up as a Scn.
This book is gonna be amazing!!
Looking so forward to both reading and listening to your book, Mike.
The beginning is lovely.
Your story is being welcomed to the world’s stage – (you were always popular at the podium) ..
Not meant to be a great big raspberry to Miscavige but delightfully is sure to be!
You deserve all good the good things. 🙂
Once upon a time, I would have recognized a demonstration of “What is Greatness” in your beginning.
And we would have discussed the Greatness article and agreed about that AND all about how wonderful LRH was…
Thus transferring the cause and credit to Source.
“Well done.”
It really woke me up and helped me get out for good when I saw these stupid, pathetic OSA attacks.
If they had something that worked or was of some value it wouldn’t matter what ex members say.
Ex members are spreading the truth.
That’s why they are attacked by this crumbling cult.
I can’t wait to buy your book! Wishing you the very best and hoping that your children soon see the truth.
I remember when I was still in and heard about Leah… I asked a sea Org member why she would do such a thing and talk bad about Scn… I was told she had overts….and I was like oh, that makes sense!
Sooner or later the members are gonna have to realize that it doesn’t make sense and that there are entirely too many people being declared etc… and why would so many people want to hurt such a ethical organization?!?! I just hope they all stop ignoring the signs..
Could Scientology exist without telling lies to itself, its membership, its staff, Sea Org, and public?
No. Absolutely not.
Vetted Facts…hm…I mean Vacuous Fuckery…looks like it was slapped together in a huge hurry while Dipshittus Mephitic was boiling the scotch in his barrel into steam in rage.
Excuse the naughty word but it was the only one I could think of that suited how I felt at the time of typing.
Squirrel King David Miscavige is squealing–you know what that means!
I lived at Flag for 20 years and left in 2005. In the 80’s and 90’s Flag and the surrounding area was a bee hive of Scientology activity. By the year 2000 staff were not allowed to walk between buildings and more and more effort was made to withdraw from the outside world. Vacations and even days off were almost completely shut down. I routinely drive through downtown Clearwater (social and work related reasons) and the place always feels shut down and in hiding. It is like a herd of scared sheep cowering inside the buildings and in the middle of it all is their little shepherd (Davey) paying free lance wolves to help hide and protect him. I can easily imagine all his whining and crying for someone to do something to stop Mike Rinders book from further exposing his insanity and that of the dying cult he runs. Pretty sad.
Your episode was by far my favorite.
Thank you.
These OSA Sea Org members signed a billion year contract to join a *Religious* movement to “help others and the planet”.
BUT it is obvious they see no harm in posting vicious hatred on their targets.
Mike Rinder gave up a good part of his life working for them, slaving for them with sleep deprivation for a pittance for more than 2 decades.
Their spite and vengefulness boggles the mind.
How very *ecclesiastical* and “Church” like !
I was really STRUCK a few days ago when Aaron Smith-Levin had Amy Scobee on his Growing Up In Scientology You Tube channel when she listed out not all but quite a lot of the horribly cruel terms and rituals the church of scientology inflicts on its own members. It’s a huge list. It drove home how utterly cruel this “church” is.
This post once again PROVES that point. To see Mike’s brother, son and daughter speak about their brother and father in such a hateful way is indicative of what this group does to its own members. It works on loved ones and does what it can to destroy that love.
The last several conversations I had with my son, he talked to me and treated me with disdain. That’s the work of this vile group that calls itself a religion.
Interestingly enough, its Mike that speaks with love and understanding about his kids.
It’s me that has the light (and love) on for my son Sam.
It really says all one needs to know.
I saw that too, Mary, and was also struck by Amy Scobee’s litany.
I had decades on staff and wanted to start telling stories for days.
Scientology is a circus of Hell.
Yes. I know what you mean. It was quite remarkable and surprisingly eye opening.
Mike Rinder,
I just admire you for rising above the hate, insanity, lies, and the evil intentions that have been directed at you, and not stooping to respond in the same manner.
Instead you respond with Love.
The church of Scientology should take lessons from you…and LIVE by their best teachings instead of by their worst.
Meanwhile, my thanks to you for contributing some decency and sanity to this world. 🤗
After looking at all those tweets that Mike included in this posting, I see who is the intended audience of those tweets = the people who who want to believe that those tweets are true, the people who want to believe that Mike Rinder is a vicious, evil person and a constant liar = members of the Church of Scientology.
I read through those tweets just now, and imagined myself if I were looking at them when I was still a member of the C of S. I would have believed all of it because I would have wanted to believe it, because I was heavily invested in the C of S (my time dedicated to it, and lack of money to live on, being on staff).
These kinds of publications, engineered by OSA, are there to keep the people still in, to remain in, regardless of Mike’s book, and they are effective only on those people, who are the people who want to believe all of it. Those are the people they work on. They are designed to keep the people in line, dedicating their time or donating a lot of money, to continue to do so. They don’t work on others.
She wants to be clean and honest but cannot be because she has her orders and Command Intention and whatever Miscavige needs or wants at any given time is the fundamental purpose of her life from which all other purposes spring.
. And I think, underneath, is the pain of that child of years ago who probably adored her father, missed him, wanted him in her life but was denied that much needed relationship, that closeness with him, by the cult and its orders. Which of course she well knows, and she must lie about him; she is being made to lie thru her teeth about him. Can’t lie, must lie. What a merry hell that woman lives in. Talk about living with non-stop emotional pain that will never “as is” as she’s not allowed to tell the truth about it, even to herself. She also has to live with the painful knowledge that mother is of necessity a liar also. Hell on earth, really.
@Dave Fagen,
“I would have believed all of it…”
I would have too, when I was in.
Because, incredible as it may seem, back then, it wouldn’t have occurred to me that Scientology would lie about it to me.
Yup I was that gullible.
Or just plain dumb 🙂
I trusted the Church of Scientology.
Because of their constant emphasis on the importance of truth and the importance of having “clean hands”, etc., etc., it was beyond my ken that they could lie, would lie, about anything!
Embarrassing, yes?
Me, who for the entirety of my life DEVOURED detective fiction!
And yet, as regards Scn I was totally trusting, totally unsuspecting.
Oh, I would have believed that propaganda and loathed Mike Rinder!
What can I say? Live and learn, y’know?
Speaking of detective fiction, have you read any of the Bryant & May series by Christoper Fowler? If not, then you are missing out on some fun books.
Not yet, GL, but thanks, GL. I’ll take your suggestion. I’m addicted to good (actually pretty much all) detective fiction. Never enough 🙂
“Vetted Facts.” Tone deaf as usual considering the, ahem, “Source.”
And is it funny or what, that the two followers to the “Vetted Facts” are trolls with names “Ethan Reacher” and “Where Is Shelly?” and that “Vetted Facts” didn’t spot these obvious trolls?
I pity those left holding Hubbard’s bag.
Scientology really ought to unveil Xenu creatively, and milk Xenu for all they can.
Xenu is a massively underutilized unexploited “LRH Property.”
Cathy describes her injuries and nerve damage…. damage she lives with every day.
Really?!? Is that so??
Why if that would be the case, she (Scientology) would have sued Mike Rinder for pain and suffering damages trying “to ruin him utterly”.
Well, they didn’t. And they didn’t even report to the police when it happend but scurried away when they noticed that the police was called because of their ambush.
Facts don’t lie. Scientology/OSA/David Miscavige does! … using Mike’s family members with their cult and Sea Org subservience as pawns for this.
Can’t wait till Mike Rinder’s “A Billion Years” gets media attention.
Whoever did the special effects makeup on her arm, along with the fake blood artfully dripped on the other, rates in my book as a 10 year old just starting out. Pathetic!
I have to ask, how old is Cathy, because looking at those images make me think she’s an old haggard 75 plus. $camology has well and truly ground her down.
I immediately thought that was fake blood too!!! My daughter had a better fx makeup kit in high school!!! Lol
I hope and pray that one day the truth will set your family free Mike.
Vetted Facts? They seem to be on the wrong social media platform. Trump, er “Truth”, Social would be more apropos for the level of alternative facts they’re trying to pitch. Who knows? They might even manage to get a few more followers there.
Separately, it is really telling that they have nothing new to claim. It’s all the same old refrain with a few embellishments, stale as a fruitcake.
Lastly, there’s a term “DARVO” that commonly refers to abusers and the actions they take to deflect earned criticism: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. Every one of those accusations fit that description. It’s basic Scn tech for dealing with anyone revealing its evil and corruption.
Mike, I am very sorry to say this, but Taryn has crazy eyes.
Wholly subjective on my part, but when I see photos of Taryn while she’s accusing and otherwise attacking her father and lying about him so blatantly and cruelly, the expression on her face – how can I best describe this – her expression, to me is that of aa small girl-child having a huge tantrum, a very angry and stubborn little girl, who, at the same time KNOWS she’s wrong and is about to cry a storm of tears.
Again, wholly subjective – that’s what comes across to me.
Her eyes are very wide; I read a kind of desperation in them.
BTW, I used to resent the hell out of Taryn’s vicious lying.
Sorry, Mike but without knowing her I used to dislike her intensely and hold her in contempt.
I don’t feel that way about her any more.
Now I pity her and can feel compassion.
Taryn as a being is controlled by Miscavige in every way that it is possible for a person to be controlled. She is his creature. Owned.
This is a tragedy.
I’m so sorry, Mike. While my hat goes off to you for all you do, for all the responsibility you have taken and continue to take, at the same time my heart goes out to you for the pain you endure while you get the truth about the cult out there.
Someday Taryn will know the truth. And indeed – and again this is wholly subjective – this is just my truth, my evaluation, for whatever its worth – indeed from her expression I’m picking up that for Taryn “some day” has already arrived, though she dare not acknowledge the truth, even to herself.
Zee Moo,
Sad too say, but I have to agree with you about that, she has look of a completely brainwashed zealot.
A basic set of instinctive reactions are: Fight, flee, or freeze.
She looks to me as a trapped animal frozen in fear.
Thoughts that came to mind:
Cathy’s injuries must be copied from Ron’s war-time hand-to-hand combat injuries. It gets worse with every telling.
Vettedfacts fits right in Qanon, MSMBC, FoxNews, Conspiritualists, and all the political outlets. Everybody seems to have it in for anyone else who ain’t fitting into their picture/mindset/universe.
And, in this quiet corner we have Mr Rinder who has has been through the Inferno, has risen from it, and has no desire to revisit it. Carry on good Sir.
Good for you having the courage to face the “shit storm” in order to get your story out. All the squawkers have little to say & even fewer to listen. You may or may not ever get a honest loving relationship with the older children/adults. I hope that you do.
You have love & respect from so many – you could have become a victim instead you have a voice for those that can not or will not speak to their pain & history with the Scio-bots.
Stand tall & proud as the man you became in spite of their “best” efforts for you to do otherwise.
To even to quote Hubbard, “How the overt doth speak loud in accusation.” And, oh the natter!
Truly, if the CofS actually has the ‘tech of life’ & can produce immortality as they claim their bridge does – what’s their problem, why don’t they just go free? Why would they be so terrified of a book that isn’t even available yet? Enjoy the wait DM, got the chills??? A real blast for you is on the way…
You’re a brave man to dig your heels in Mike and take that sort of crap, you knew it was coming.
Preordered last week and can’t wait to read all about your truth. Ignore the bots, all publicity is good publicity don’t they say…..although I’m sure with every lie spilled by your family your heart breaks a little more. I’m sorry for you yet happy for you all at the same time that you got out.
I too am chomping at the bit to read this, gotta say!
Wow! That’s an amazing picture of Taryn!
She appears to be sitting on something very painful. I can only speculate as to what it may be that she is sitting on.
A throne of lies?
I like that!
She wants to be clean and honest but cannot be because she has her orders and Command Intention and whatever Miscavige needs or wants at any given time is the fundamental purpose of her life from which all other purposes spring.
. And I think, underneath, is the pain of that child of years ago who probably adored her father, missed him, wanted him in her life but was denied that much needed relationship, that closeness with him, by the cult and its orders. Which of course she well knows, and yet she MUST lie about him, there’s no other option, she believes. She is being made to lie thru her teeth about him and underneath in her heart of hearts she doesn’t want to. Can’t lie, must lie. What a merry hell her life is. Talk about living with non-stop emotional pain that will never “as is” as she’s not allowed to tell the truth about it, even to herself. She also has to live with the painful knowledge that her mother is a liar too. Hell on earth, really.
Scientology appears to be suffering from a self-induced stroke. With the release of its death certificate, it should be cremated without fanfare, much like it’s “founder,” L. Ron Hubbard.
I totally see their evil tactics. It’s become pathetic. Same story over and over like the one about her arm. For scn to say Mike never saw his kids is laughable because that’s the orders in the sea Org. You’re not allowed family time! They are terrified of Mikes book coming out so…They follow policy…attack. Always attack. Sigh. This too shall pass. Meanwhile Mike has a great life, a wonderful family, and many friends. We all love him. ☺️
I would like to second what @Rosemarie says here. The Twitter tactics, phrases, and titles of the posts are so juvenile. It shows how much people who are Still-In honestly believe they are superior and that, by a mere utterance, can change minds and change the world. It is so silly and brutally unrealistic.
Mike, You lead an honorable life, have a beautiful family, noble friends. Your book is going to be a bestseller. All adds up to meteoric and undeniable “stats.” I believe LRH himself observes: “When we are doing well, the enemy really howls.”
Yes people are often in the CYA mode.
Oh, that’s funny! One of VettedFacts’ followers is an account called “Where is Shelly Miscavige” – what a sheer delight 😁
“Followed by … and Where is Shelly Miscavige”
Bwahahaah! Well played, sir or madam
I see it’s now “injured her arm FOR LIFE”. Good grief. I wonder how much more they can exaggerate The Scratch.
“…injured her arm into THE AFTERLIFE…AND BEYOND.”
If she’s such a good Scibot shouldn’t that little scratch have healed by now, may be she needs a sec check to find out why.
Predictions- This year won’t be so “Ideal” for them. Between your book and Rapey Danny going to fed prison… the money train will start to derail. At the current rate of scandals, in 3 years, ol’ Maverick quietly leaves and Lil Dave’s empire falls apart. Kirstie Alley will wander onto movie sets looking for free hamburgers.
The third world crowd the SO is recruiting to puff up numbers will be working actual cruise ships so they can get [checks notes] MONEY. Once they stop coming and the gray hairs all die off, this will devolve to a handful of Niacin-poisoned losers left holding the bag until another QAnon pops up and they go there.
She needs a sec check out the wazoo for all her whoppers!
She pulled it in.
My compassion for Mike’s kids with her does not extend to the ex Mrs. Rinder. She knows very well she was not merely “trying to talk to her husband”. What a witch. She’d make a terrific Miss Gulch. You know, from the Wizard of Oz? That Miss Gulch. Certainly not Glinda 🙂
And PS: I know that this is not the right attitude, and I should have compassion for Mike’s ex also. She, like Taryn and Ben, is also Miscavige’s owned creature. Even though unlike them she has not been in the cult from birth, still she too is thoroughly controlled. Owned. Possibly even more than Taryn and Ben are. Ok, ok I got it!
Cathy deserves compassion too! I’m working on it. Give me some time.
I will always love Leah for the way she has gone to bat for you. Those of us who have followed your post-Scientology life know just how egregious their lies about you have been, but we’re a relatively small contingent. Leah has ensured that their hurtfull nonsense will be defused on an international scale. Go Leah!
PS. I cannot wait for publication day 🙂
You will always love Leah? I think you’ve got to be careful with words like “always”.
Someone called Cathy “a witch”. I think you’ve got to be careful when calling people names like that. You can bet she did not start off as a witch. I’ve had a few experiences with girlfriends to know how the transition from “loving wife” to “a witch” is a very common experience.
When someone believes they are in love, when that relationship breaks down and they break up with their former loved one, it’s interesting how often and how similar the pattern repeats itself. Ex-wives and Ex-husbands become bitter, vengeful and extremely nasty when they are rejected. Of course she is acting like a witch now – after the breakup. Seems to me that almost all ex-wives and ex-husbands act this way once they are rejected.
Loving relationships almost always devolve into lying, cheating and other hateful behaviour. I don’t think anyone should be surprised at this.
I’m pretty sure Andrea is not in a relationship with Leah. I’ve gotta say, this is a really odd tangent.
@Gabriel Halliwell,
I called Cathy, Mike Rinder’s ex, a witch.
Which she most certainly is.
Now, I didn’t say she started out as one. That I would not know.
That said, she certainly ticks every box as one now.
But her hatred of her ex-husband is not as simple as you make it out. She has since their divorce, long remarried. Her treatment of her ex stems from bitterness far beyond man-woman reasons.
She is a person completely controlled by a ruthless cult. She is not her own woman, with her own mind and heart. Even if she wanted to forget the divorce from Mike, and move on and be happy with her current husband, Scientology has not let her; will never let her, you see.
It might be a good idea for you to read up on this and then revisit us with what might be some new insights under your belt. A Sea Org marriage is not a normal marriage. There’s a 3rd person in every Sea Org marriage and his name is David Miscavige. Not in a sexual way. Kind of like a farmer who breeds animals, coupling and uncoupling them according to his needs at any given time. If they best serve him together and married, then they stay married. If and/or when they cease to serve him as together married, they get divorced. Its that simple.
Then again you stated, “Loving relationships almost always devolve into lying, cheating and other hateful behavior.”
IMO I think a more accurate statement would be, “Loving relationships can sometimes devolve into lying, cheating and other hateful behavior.”
Last but not least I’ll offer my own opinion in possible agreement with yours; that Cathy did not start out as a witch. Very likely not. However, that it was the cult who made her into one does not make her less of one now. They did a good and thorough job on this woman.
It is my hope and prayer that soon you will be reunited with your children.
Looking forward to read my ebook edition.
God bless you for your work , Amen.