Last week we showed you the “test center” for Mountain View Org with a “For Lease” sign on it and reported about the two vacant building in an industrial park that have sat idle for 5 years now.
A few miles up the 101 is another “Ideal Org”, San Francisco. It is one of the original 5 orgs that launched Miscavige’s program a DECADE AGO (Tampa, Buffalo, Joburg, NY and SFO).
But even before the Ideal Org hype came the Ideal Mission hype for the “celebrity” Mission of SOMA (“South of Market”) — more on the other “celebrity” missions in Wichita, Memphis and Santa Monica in another post. Izhar Perlman reported on SOMA at his excellent blog a year ago.
Launched with enormous fanfare — it was “Jenna Elfman’s Mission” and Miscavige flew in to conduct the Grand Opening along with a “Who’s Who” of Scientology according to Celebrity magazine: “In the front row were some of Jenna’s closest Scientologist friends, including John Travolta, Kelly Preston, Tom Cruise, Kirstie Alley, Catherine Bell, Juliette Lewis, Jennifer Aspen, Lynsey Bartilson, Denice Duff, Michelle Stafford, Eduardo Palomo, Danny Masterson and Christopher Masterson.”
You may recall the hype….
The Bay area is the largest concentration of “Ideal Orgs” on earth — not only SFO Day and Fdn and Mountain View, but also Los Gatos and Steven’s Creek (now called San Jose) and Sacramento isn’t far away. If there is anywhere on earth that the RESULT of the Ideal Orgs strategy should be visible, it is the Bay Area. Miscavige’s infamous arrows shooting out like flame throwers from his CGI Ideal Orgs in his PR video should have created a multitude of groups that turned into missions and missions that turned into orgs by now. If 10 years isnt enough time to accomplish ANY progress on this, then there is something not too workable about his strategy.
The Bay Area, and particularly San Francisco itself should be leading the way in the massive, straight up and vertical international expansion that is promoted at every international event. In fact, it is going BACKWARDS.
Here is the SOMA building that Miscavige cut the ribbon on, photographed by Paul J Salerno last weekend:
The Mission is now located, according to the website at 604 Mission St, Suite 600. No sign, nothing visible at all except the prospect of climbing 6 flights of stairs.
Meantime, the other Mission in SFO, the “San Francisco Mission” (once had in excess of 100 staff) is here:
These are the only two Missions in San Francisco, though to be fair, the “Mission of Marin” should probably be considered part of the “SFO Org Msns” — no report on this place, but if you look at it on Google maps, it is pretty fair to assume it is not flourishing and prospering on the second floor of a building in an industrial parking lot at the end of a dead end street….
Just for entertainment, I checked out the Missions around Tampa and Buffalo too — the two “original” Ideal Orgs.
Tampa has ONE Mission — Ocala — but that is another “celebrity mission” created by John Travolta in his hometown (probably some sort of “amends” handling to create a “model mission”). When I last visited it a year ago one Saturday afternoon there was ONE public in the Purif area breastfeeding her child (not on service) and a receptionist who had been brought in from Eastern Europe with the promise of a job who told us to come back on Tuesday when someone would be there to give us an introduction to Dianetics. The Mission of “Old Tampa Bay” closed it doors a few years ago. (Belleaire and Clearwater Msns were set up by Flag and primarily handle Flag rejects).
Buffalo has ONE Mission — in Rochester. You can see it here — the location is primarily the “SUCCESS SCHOOL OF DRIVING.” No indication that this has anything to do with Dianetics and Scientology, though it is the address on the official Scientology website and shows up as “Church of Scientology” on Google maps.
I guess Miscavige’s CGI arrows are meant to represent actual flame throwers…
These Ideal Orgs are torching everything around them. Groups, Missions, goodwill, PR and their public.
I’d be happy to send in a picture of Clearwater Mission. I drove by it the other day and there wasn’t a car in the lot. In fact I rarely ever see a car In their lot. Are they still open??
And while I’m commenting, I’d like to add my comments to Roy MacGreggor’s query on de-certified auditors. I am one of them. I have been an interned Class 6 auditor since 1977. I audited as a field auditor. When my certs were effectively removed by GAT I can’t tell you how invalidating that was. To get back to being a certified Class 6 auditor I would have had to pay thousands of dollars to retrain the Briefing Course and would have been subjected to a very suppressive internship schedule at Flag which, if I remember correctly was very full time, including weekends and took many, many months to complete. I actually took my beloved and hard earned Class 6 cert off my wall and stored it in a closet.
And Bonnie, that is exactly what DM was hoping would happen. That the heavy invalidation, done from the top of the org board, would push you down so hard and fast that you would just pack up your cert and stop auditing . Because he HATES auditors with a deep and abiding passion. Did you know that he is personally responsible for RPFing some of the best auditors in the history of Scientology? Auditors that trained under LRH? Auditors that had certificates signed by LRH? This man LIVES off the satisfaction of snuffing out hopes and dreams and skills and abilities. Opps, I am I ranting again? Well EX-cuse me. But every word here is the gospel truth. He knows it, I know it and a LOT of other people know it too.
Wow Roy McGreggor, the Rob Roy of the Indie world, strong words. But true ones. Wussologists.
Thank you Dan 351 for this reference that bears repeating: In Org Exec Course volume 0, page 15, LRH tells us how to make an org vanish;
“The product of an org is well-taught students and thoroughly audited pcs. When the product vanishes, so does the org. The orgs must survive for the sake of this planet.
and PS Roy, you’re right that DM gets pleasure out of snuffing out the most talented of auditors. And don’t forget he did away with the entire exec strata of Scn early on so that no one would challenge him. Maybe in years to come it will be in history books as an example of how one small little SP changed the face of religion and planet earth with his continual covert unmocking and derailing and destruction.
Yes, Roy. Some of my favorite Flag auditors are gone. What DM did to a friend’s field group in 2004 was a direct attack aimed at annihilating a very successful field group here in Clearwater. And many other field groups as well were slammed for “out tech”. Give me a break. All those auditors had to do conditions, huge retrain cycles and never again regained the momentum they had. I lost all desire to audit as it became an extremely dangerous activity in the field.
I’d be happy to send in a picture of Clearwater Mission. I drove by it the other day and there wasn’t a car in the lot. In fact I rarely ever see a car In their lot. Are they still open??
Bonnie — not sure. Any time I have been by it looks like an abandoned building. But you are really close so perhaps you could make a point of going past a few times and noting the activity level. Mike
In 19 years I’ve rarely seen any activity. But I can go by several times and take pictures anyway. I’ll drive through the parking lot and see if lights are on.
I think the Clearwater mission is only open at night. I’ll check it out. But even on weekends they are pretty dead and I don’t see cars in the parking lot. Ever. It’s a shame.
Call out to Martin Padfield!
Mike Rinder answers in this thread all the questions you asked in an earlier thread.
I started out Scientology in San Francisco at the SFO in the ’70s-that is where I trained as an auditor. I ended up working in various missions in the Bay Areaa, before becoming a field auditor. Looking at those PT pictures has a ghostly quality that I have seen in movies showing glorious times past with music and chatter of people , while showing some vacant building or ruin ie; the Titanic. It is amazing the damage an SP can do.
A few years ago my wife and I took a weekend vacation to San Francisco. During one of the afternoons while walking around the city, we found ourselves across the street from the SF Org. Through the windows we could see a lot of the bottom floor and it was clear to see that it had been very well furnished. However, the thing that stood out more than anything was the fact that we couldn’t see anybody. It looked empty. We stood there for several minutes and finally, two people who had the mock up of staff members came out from a side door. There’s always the chance that we came at exactly the wrong time when something was happening that pulled every person away, but it was the most empty looking org I had ever seen.
I drove past CHARLOTTE mission in NC the other day. It’s supposedly in a house in an industrial area. No signage and no indication anywhere that’s its even a mission. Nothing in the covered up windows. The mission here was always slow but now it’s just as good as closed .
Richard — next time you drive by, snap a shot. A picture tells a thousand words!
Mike, bit of a derail here … Does Miscavige still believe in the dream of Scientology at all? Or is he just in it for the scam, the power and the money? He knows his own lies. He can’t think this has a happy ending. Or does he?
Dude he knows there is a happy middle and a happy ending for him personally and after all- what else really matters? Anyone with 2 billion dollars at their disposal is going to be expecting a happy everything. And no, his happiness has nothing to do with the Scientology dream. It has to do with the David Miscavige dream which is a very different scenario. The best way to understand David Miscavige is to read the “coming out” stories of the many ex-staff from the International Base who worked under him. Their stories when taken together paint a detailed picture of David Miscavige and his sick appetites.These stories appear mostly on Marty’s blog with some on Steve Hall’s blog.
Way to go misscaviage. You fucked it all up again you loser.
LOL. Got to hand it to you Tony. You sometimes say the most message with the least amount of words.
I just wish you could learn to tell us what you really mean without making it so glitzy and PR’ish. hah!
Yeah, Tony, just spit it out 🙂
OFF TOPIC :- I just want to congratulate Mike of his selection of illustrations for his daily posts They’re witty, droll, ironic, scathingly funny and always to the point of the post. Nice one, man. You definitely have a healthy sense of humor.
Why thank you… 🙂
Your post is right on. You have a larger perspective than I do. Even so… from my perspective I could see that something was off with all “do-overs” they were requiring of trained people I looked up to. And I was also amazed by the incompetence of most of the So$ faithful I met. Even OT-whatevers were having a hard time paying their rent. That is not much “cause over MEST”… even to my Newbie-eyes.
Thanks for shedding new light on the whole GAT program. (I came after it was implemented). Of course DM is an SP. And he’s succeeding in destroying the whole church. The fascinating thing will be to see how he succeeds in destroying himself.
I hope all these posts from you and Marty are not just preaching to the choir. I have talked to several people still active in the church, and they have no clue and defend it vehemenently as well as dear leader. Dont look, dont hear. It is a fact all you people are squirrels. All the ots and class eights etc. ones trained by Hubbard, all have overts etc. etc. etc. But keep up the good work
Hi Gretchen,
I know sometimes it seems disheartening when you talk to someone still blinded.
BUT…truth is truth, and there will come a time when one of those still in will dare to look, or accidentally see or hear something that will prompt them to look further. And when they do, ALL of this will be here for them to validate their perceptions…just as it was for me and others who, at the time they were written, were not looking. But when I finally did…wow!! So glad all of this was here!!!
I continue to gain and regain my perspective of things with every bit of truth exposed.
I had feelings for years that things were not right. Am so very, very grateful that so much data was present once I finally broke down and decided to look at the Internet.
Bela, your response to Gretchen was so spot on. For years I would have been outraged at hearing even a hint of criticism of the RCS and would have labeled it as suppressive and written a KR on that person. It would have been unthinkable to me to condone critiicism of “Scientology” (put in quotes because we here all know that the RCS has little to do with Scientology)
Now, I can’t detail at this time what occurred which caused me to begin querying and looking, but I will tell you that it was a small thing, and not even that important to me, nor was it something on which I had any significant attention. It was just this little something, a little thread that I began pulling in a rather idle, unfocused manner, just something to do, idle curiosity, basically. WELL!!! Long story short, I DID get the Sherman Tank.
Took a while, took lots of internet searching to weed out the chaff from the wheat, but I got it. I know what the RCS is now. I know that the RCS is not Scientology. And lots of other stuff do I know now. I am no longer one of the blind, clueless sheep
And, I am pleased to add, that nothing that I researched, nothing I read about Scientology, good, bad or indifferent, (and I’ve read it all) nothing I’ve read about LRH, (ditto) nothing has ever changed my mind about the workability of the tech. My reality is that the tech, correctly applied, works. And by that I mean LRH’s tech, not DM’s SP squirrel crap. And I will also say that I will never, ever ever again be unwilling to look. As Kate Millet said, “The truth sets you free, but first it pisses you off”. I seek to live with the truth now.
So do I.
I can only presume it is reaching some as the numbers leaving the church continue to increase. That is their doing, but I am trying to give them a helping hand.
Super news, Mike. Because you can’t have Scientology in the church anymore, so anyone leaving now has a chance to truly have it, or to regain what he once had.
Ok Dan, thanks for asking nicely but noooooo!.
No correspondents report will be forth coming showing even one Org or Mission that is surviving. Your request is outrageous! Puleeze indeed!
Still…all the best to you.
David Miscagive touts himself as the master of arbitraries with his “arbitraries removed”
events while strutting up and down explaining how his juniors screwed it up while he wasn’t looking. But he is DIRECTLY and PERSONALLY responsible for the most egregious arbitary and the one that is crushing the entire Scientology network. Nope, its not all the crush regging. It’s the requirement to retrain to be allowed to audit or supervise. In one fell swoop he de-certified 40 years of tech trained people and put them out of the game. If you were to go to any one of these missions and ask how many certified auditors they have they will tell you “NONE”. The only thing they can deliver is book one sessions. If you ask the same person how many PRE GOLDEN AGE OF TECH trained auditors and supervisors are either there on staff or could be called in at a moments notice they will start listing them off and the list will be LONG. It’s not really that the bad PR is killing Scientology, its not really that the vulture culture of regging is killing Scientology. Those are impediments. What is KILLING Scientology is the de-certifying of everyone EVER trained to supervise or audit. Used to be that Auditors, Supervisors, CSes were dime a dozen in any big city. Now Class V orgs struggle to come up with ONE auditor and many have none. Missions are just a joke. They don’t deliver anything except a few milk toast basic courses. This one aspect of David Miscavige as an SP has been really downplayed or missed altogether. I want to ask anyone who knows of an example of this to send it in to Mike and I want to ask Mike to do a post on this if there is enough feedback.. David Miscavige de-certified Class VIIIs who were personally trained by LRH. And he gets away with it. You have people who have audited thousands of hours and produced tons of releases and clears and they are “not allowed to audit” until re-trained with DMs robotizing techniques. Excuse me but the one thing that has truly shocked me in the last 4 years is exactly how spineless the general Scientologist is and how they will suck up ANY kind of suppression and SMILE to the ethics officer as they bow and scrape. Scientologists should be called WUSS-ologists. They know perfectly well that it is FORBIDDEN and a SUPPRESSIVE ACT to suspend or cancel an auditor or supervisors certificates without a full comm ev. But they smile and bow and cover their eyes while their religion goes straight down the toilet.. How many Indies are there? Four hundred and Sixty? That’s how many Scientologists there are. All the rest are WUSS-ologists.
Nice post. Worth reading twice.
Thanks Roy – Great points about GTA effectively de-certifying the existing trained auditor base. I know when I first heard about it, I thought to myself they just continually keep revamping and selling the same books and courses over and over again as a way to continually squeeze more money out the existing base. But here, years later, I think there was a more nefarious purpose to effectively wiping out existing trained auditors. BTW – Your spell checker let you misspell “Arbitrary.”
In Org Exec Course volume 0, page 15, LRH tells us how to make an org vanish;
“The product of an org is well-taught students and thoroughly audited pcs. When the product vanishes, so does the org. The orgs must survive for the sake of this planet.
The policy referenced is “Tech Degrades”.
I think what we are looking at here is the need for Ideal Missions. We need another round of fundraising for Ideal Missions. It’s covered in the “Gung-ho Groups” PL and something LRH said in a lecture in 1951, so bring your checkbook and credit cards. I would come, but I ask too many questions and am therefore “suppressive”
It gets sadder and scarier with every honest look about. Pure genius Dave, pure genius.
I would really like to see more Before and Now photos. It shows the death spiral. And how out of touch the insiders are… cheering on those stupid statistics with the music blasting so loud nobody can think. Thanks for your excellent reporting.
Here’s an idea. Call me crazy, but in order to bust through to the Kool Aid drinkers on the inside and get them to see, and leave, what if we did this:
Took up a collection amongst the Indies (don’t tune me out yet), and buy billboard space in prominent places in LA and especially near ASHO and AO PAC area (we could start with LA and then move on to other areas once that was a success). We buy prominent billboards and then post BEFORE and AFTER picture of “Ideal Orgs” and ask, Where are the numbers? Where are the stats? What happened? And then under it all put a web site to refer them to, such as Mike R’s blog or Marty’s Blog or Saving Scientology or IScientology or Scientology_Cult… whichever site you wanted them to go to. I guarantee it would shake up some of them, some would leave, and it would shake up DM, maybe even to the point that he would have a psychotic break (another one) and leave the church by whatever means. I remember LRH saying either in the PTS SP course or in the FPRD course that if you break the dramatization of a dramatizing psychotic, they get very ill. Maybe these billboards would be the push needed to get DM out of there. And we could save some of the people who are “in”. And it would get news coverage which is always good to spread the word. We couldn’t be sued for libel or slander cuz we are just asking “Where are the stats” and “What happened?”: and leaving it to the imagination of the reader to piece it together.
Random comment: It seems to me the Missions and Orgs that had some degree of success had little or no interference from management with a strong leader at the helm. Add those two ingredients to abolishing staff contracts and the proportional pay system and the sky could be the limit. In a nut shell: Set up franchises that are NOT tax exempt. My last comment for sometime: I personally I have zero interest in any organized religion or self help activity but for those who want to see Scientology succeed IMHO the only way to accomplish that is to find a smart lawyer who can figure out how to legally remove DM. There must be a way to do it. A “whale” would be needed to help finance I imagine. Once DM is removed, from there, one would need a group of proven producers, experts in individual admin areas, to go through LRH policy and accept or reject as needed. I’d personally recommend doing away with tax exempt status. Award franchises. I think there would be a boom. See ya later gators.
Kevin, you raise many good points in your comment. My thought (former management consultant) is that even if Miscavige is removed tomorrow, there are too many operational disasters in the organization that it will not be able to recover successfully. It’s probably hopeless, and it’s not even clear to me that the rate of decline would be reversible in the short to medium term (1-5 years) with new and competent management.
You are absolutely right about tax exempt status. When I was interviewed for Larry Wright’s book, he seemed surprised that I concluded the Ideal Org strategy was driven by pure incompetence; he (and many other folks I’ve talked to over the last two years) believe that it is an attempt to use the tax-exempt status to garner outsized profits in investing. But I walked him through a very simple example that showed that a moderately competent real estate investor who pays the full maximum tax rate will make more money than RCS in holding a commercial building for ten years — the RCS does so much to screw up the resale value of its buildings that almost anybody can make more money on all that real estate than they can. So you are absolutely right that competent management can make more money paying a 38% tax rate than Miscavige can paying 0%.
John P — I have said since day one that the Ideal Org strategy has nothing to do with making money. It has something to do with SPENDING money as Miscavige is constantly in danger of IRS scrutiny over accumulating TOO MUCH cash. Buying buildings for his churches is considered a valid exempt purpose to spend the money on. But that is only a side benefit. The ONLY reason for the Ideal Orgs is to have something to SHOW the flock that “proves” he is lording over an expanding empire that is truly saving the world. To maintain his position of power and authority (which is what is important to him) he must convince the flock that he really is the chosen one. And the proof of that is the enormous expansion he has created and the evidence is in opening “new churches” to “cope with the expansion demands” everywhere, q.e.d. the church is achieving its goal of planetary clearing and Miscavige must be supported.
Mike, one minor detail: I am not sure that religions are subject to the 3% rule the way that charitable organizations are. That’s the rule that says that a charity must spend at least 3% of assets each year to retain its tax exemption, on the theory that they aren’t doing enough good work if they are hanging on to too much money instead of putting it to work. This has been a problem for some big charities, most notably the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which makes money hand over fist on its $50 billion endowment, and also for the J. Paul Getty trust, which had to spend $2 billion building a new museum in LA because the rise in the price of oil over the last 20 years made them so much money they couldn’t spend it fast enough on precious artwork to expand their collection.
If you assume Scientology has about $1 billion in cash reserves, and if they are subject to the 3% rule, which I don’t believe to be the case, they would only have to spend about $30 million per year out of reserves per year. That’s not a huge percentage of overall RCS revenues, which I estimate at $180 million to $200 million per year.
So I continue to believe the point of the Ideal Org campaign is, exactly as you say, for Miscavige to give himself tangible evidence that what he’s doing is working; he knows deep in his heart of hearts, as misplaced as that part is, that the stats are all lies and that the organization is failing at nearly everything it is attempting to do. So the MEST is a touchtstone so he doesn’t have to deal with unpleasant thoughts of failure.
John — yes, I dont think there is a 3% rule. But there is a general principle that tax exemption is predicated on the concept that the organization works for the public benefit. And if it isnt spending money, but simply accumulating it, it is an indicia that it is operating for a non-exempt purpose. During the years following the initial exemption in 1993 there was an annual meeting with representatives from the Exempt Organizations division of the IRS and the so-called CTCC (Church Tax Compliance Committee) of which Miscavige was Chairman. Each year there was a presentation that showed what had been done to ensure the church was in compliance with its exemption and that included showing major projects that had been funded during the previous year and what was projected for the following year. I was involved in those meetings (attended some and prepared for others) and Yingling was very insistent on making sure there was a good showing of expenditures. Mike
What may have been overlooked, which you briefly touched upon, is before DM gave the world the Ideal Org in all its splendor, the world of Scn had an existing Super-duper Ideal Org on Steroids – FSO. FSO has been “ideal” for several decades and we have not witnessed any type of “natural” growth within its field, like dozens and dozens of missions or 10 new Ideal Orgs in its vicinity. Hell, the FSO STILL doesn’t have PR Area Control in its own backyard! Even though they practically own half of downtown Clearwater.
No, the animated arrows shooting out into society to deposit seeds of expansion is pure mythology, no basis in reality. But, doesn’t Clearwater have one of the highest concentrations of Scnists on the planet? That may be true, but Flag didn’t create them, they migrated. So, what about that high concentration of OTness, surely the theta-factor alone would have “destimed” the environment allowing spawning of new missions and orgs. NONE OF THIS IS BASED ON REALITY.
DM, RCS and the IAS are delusional. Ideal Orgs, Library Campaigns, or whatever the flavor of the month is, are fairy tales Kool-Aid drinking staff and public like to tell each other.
Beg to differ. I don’t think FSO was ever close to “ideal.” It was more about money than actual results. YMMV.
And while we are talking Bay Area, let’s not forget the Palo Alto Mission that, under Phil Spickler several decades ago was truly making an impact on the society. If rehabilitating broken down John Brodie to a point where he is named the league MVP the next season isn’t making an impact then the word does not exist. Last time I checked (summer of 2011) the once mighty Palo Alto Mission was located in one of the industrial garage/storage units near the railroad tracks next to a Cross Fit type operation that was just in the opening stages. While for transitioning from the ridiculous to the even more ridiculous, let’s not forget the Mission of Redwood City which last year occupied a decent sized building in downtown with big sign and all. Two weeks ago I was there and there is no sign of the sign or the mission. Frankly, I would like to see a report on just ONE org or mission that is surviving, not necessarily expanding but just surviving, ideal or not. Dave, is that asking too much? Can’t someone in OSA put together a correspondant’s report on some org somewhere that is making it? Puleeze?
As Dan says above, I would like to see JUST ONE ORG, anywhere on the planet, with a normal stat in releases and clears made, and auditors graduated (any Class). Just ONE Org with 6 week normal trend on those 3 products. This is a challenge to those “in charge” to prove you are for real in your claims. Otherwise you’ll just have to live with all the facts that have been presented here and other sites. And that’s not living at all.
In the meantime I’d love to see some production figures of our auditors and course sups out there. We could use some good news now and again.
You actually can. It’s called Dror!
CO$ seems to have given up on training.
Freewinds 2012 completions not one auditing course. Mostly basics and tape courses.
AOLA Training stats 1994-2004. Not one single auditing course completion in 2004. And almost certainly in decline since.
Also, never even noticed the building at the 101 & 85 interchange, let alone a sign.
Come on Dan. You are asking too much of Dave. You know that he is not in the business of building orgs. He is in the business of building ideal buildings. After all “org” means “building”, right? He delivers photo-ops and collects donations now. He isn’t interested in delivering Scientology services. That is so yesterday. Dave is in the Big Time now. He’s “up on top”! He is flying high!
Let him fly right over the cuckoo’s nest. He kind of reminds me of Babyface (George) Nelson as portrayed in the movie “Oh Brother Where Art Thou”.
I visited San Francisco’s “Ideal Org” several times in 2004, not so long after it had been proclaimed Ideal with all the attendant fanfare — and it was empty each time I visited it then.
Thanks for the update on the Missions.
I remember your words written last summer on the subject of another Celeb Mission in Memphis, which is proving to be more true:
“When the lights and cameras are packed up and there is no more “PR caper” to be had, the sad truth is that the Mission network is disappearing from the face of the earth.”
Wow Mike…I used to FSM for the Mountain View Mission when Marc and Penny Silber ran it back in the mid 80’s when I was living with with Bob Adams in Palo Alto. I was also FSM’ing for the SF Mission when Lynn Irons was there and Llyod Latch Consultants (Chiropractor) was big then. I saw the expansion back then it was real and thriving and a great place to be at. It was also where they launched the IAS Lifetime Event. What a huge Fall From Grace since then mate…this house of cards called – Ideal Orgs – Ideal Missions -Ideal Idiots Pgm is glued together with nothing but pure bs…and I’m sure my step sons Danny and Chris Masterson would be hard pressed to explain this.
Thanks Joey — nice to have you contributing here! Yes, Danny and Chris WOULD have a hard time explaining this. So would ANYONE who isnt totally hypnotized by the bs.
I LOVE looking at this reality. It would be wonderful to put a few Before and After shots on a nice flyer with the dates beneath the photos and hand them out at an event. Or mail them to dear friends who are still inside. Hah. Maybe even design the flyers to look like they come from Co$. !! Thanks for sharing all these photos, dates and other details with us.
To Zana: Make sure to include straight up zig-zag arrows on the flyers for cognitive dissonance, so they’ll feel comfortable and look at it The churchies are used to lies, and won’t trust anything else. E.g. If you put down arrows, that would be the truth, which they have learned to instinctively recognize as lies. Is everybody with me on this? It”s a tough reality to confront, kind of like Linda Blair’s spinning head in “The Exorcist”. We’re performing an exorcism on the Co$.
Anytime Mike…and a pleasure to respond and contribute but more importantly great work on your part and the guys contributing to this blog so we can see the real truth..cheers
Fact-checking — what a concept! The six flights of stairs are indeed daunting. But I have to admit my favorite of these actual facts about Miscavige’s great Ideal Org expansion results is the “SUCCESS SCHOOL OF DRIVING.” LOL!
>> my favorite …. is the “SUCCESS SCHOOL OF DRIVING.” LOL!
Maybe more success in driving through the application of Co$ study-tech and TR´s ? Hopefully noone does his OT TR0 during driving….. Is the driver-license even affordable there ?