The hypocrisy of the OSA Front group STAAD is astonishing.
Remember when Fast Eddie Parkin and the STAAD League made an enormous deal out of the false story that someone who committed a murder at their Advanced Org in Sydney was “incited” to do so because he had read a website that had a link to an Aftermath show. He claimed repeatedly that Leah Remini and Mike Rinder had “incited a murder” along with “hundreds of other incidents and threats.”
This of course was a completely manufactured accusation. The alleged murdered has NOT claimed ANY motivation for committing the crime, let alone that it was Leah Remini and Mike Rinder. Of course Eddie provided no evidence the his assertions were true. He could not even point to the supposed website in question. The police and Crown Prosecution Service could not officially respond to inquiries due to the ongoing investigation/prosecution, but our old friend Bryan Seymour checked with his sources and determined there was NO evidence linking us to the crime.
But let’s take a look at how scientology handles it when a former scientologist claims in court that SCIENTOLOGY incited them to murder two people in Arizona.
Where is Fast Eddie tweeting about how horrendous it is that scientology is inciting people to commit murder?
But that isn’t even the worst of it. Eddie’s OSA partner in crime, the non-speaking spokesperson Karin Pouw, was quick to get a word in, offering up this quote in response to the media coverage:
“[I]t is irresponsible, and even dangerous, for Kenneth Thompson’s attorneys to make Scientology the convenient scapegoat for their client’s actions when there is zero evidence to support it,” the statement said, adding that the murders Thompson committed were against the faith’s moral code. “Nor should they misrepresent in a public forum such as a courtroom our beliefs and practices.”
When it suits them, they cry victim and “those SP’s incited a murderer” with no evidence. When the shoe is on the other foot and a former scientologist says in court “my scientology beliefs incited me to commit the crime” they reverse course to claim victimhood “we are being made a scapegoat” as part of a “vicious campaign(?)”
Hey Karin, you don’t mind Eddie making us a convenient scapegoat? With NO evidence… Let alone someone making it as a legal argument in a trial.
The endless story of hypocrisy in scientology.
Much respect for you Mike and your travels in life as a child indoctrinated into the life of a Scientologist from Adelaide (my birth place and hometown in 57) You are a true survivor and apologist of the manipulation you endured and thankfully escaped. I had been a keen member of the facebook group Leah Remini Aftermath up until i was booted about 4 hours ago. Why?… I dared to post an article about the abuse in Melbourne by an Headmistress at a Jewish School who sexually abused female students but escaped back to Israel with the help of this secretive Jewish sect before an arrest. Ongoing legal proceedings for extradition back to Australia have been hampered by suspect directives by an health minister rabbi….follow up as you see fit.…. Thing is that i will not be silenced by being thrown out of the Aftermath group by what i see as an hypocritical but powerful jewish influence….as the saying goes…those in glass houses etc…i dont throw pebbles i throw fucking bricks
I suggest you drop this one, jon, and find something else to be upset about. The phrase “powerful Jewish influence” is too volatile, consider the long, long history of anti-semitism in the world, and especially the curret virulent anti-semitism of the Nation of Islam.
The response by “Karin Pouw,” with a few words changed, would actually have been an appropriate rebuke to Ed Parkin.
Scientologists have a notable ability to exemplify Hubbard’s spin on the psychological concept of projection (caps his): “THE CRIMINAL ACCUSES OTHERS OF THINGS WHICH HE HIMSELF IS DOING”
actually…it was, “Golden Age of Fleecing” I like it that way…too.
I like!!!
Off Topic: … have I just coined a rather great new moniker, or have you heard this one on your boards:
“Golden Age of Fleece”
I’m in the middle of writing down some of my thoughts and this term came to mind to describe the total change in Scn.. where it just became about regging for straight donos and the extortion of multiple re-vamps of the bridge courses and steps.
If it’s new, I freely give this term to the world. 🙂 ..and I may use it in a post!
The disgusting liars in OSA are quick to engage in slander and libel. Thanks to Bryan Seymour for showing how Fast Eddie and Krazy Karin were lying.
Sorry they drag you through this shit, Mike. But at the end of the day, they’re just fleas on a dog’s ****.
Just a random thing that I was just thinking about….If Scientology was actually a religious, charitable group, they’d be out tying to help homeless people, like the other churches do. The problem with that, however, is that homeless people have no MONEY and so they are useless as “targets.” Scientology cares ZERO about the poor and homeless. This alone proves that they are just a business trying to make money, and should NOT have tax-exempt status and should not be considered a religion or a church.
Since I’m a “never in” (thank god), can someone help me understand the crazy reasoning in scientological terms. Let’s see-
1. Anything bad that happens to you is your fault (meaning you did something to ‘pull it in’)
2. If it’s the individuals fault for being stabbed to death, how then can it be Mike and Leah’s fault?
3. furthermore, If Mike and Leah are causing harm to Scientologists, then according to Hubbard, it’s Scientology’s fault for being there to be a target…
4. Ergo: it’s Scientology’s fault that the guy was stabbed since they pulled in Mike and Leah, and that in turn made the kid crazy, which led to the stabbing death…..
Ultimately Scientology should be convicted of murder!
By Jove I think I’m beginning to understand everything now! Yep- clear as mud- just like everything this cult believes.
If you are looking to make sense from some of their crazy shit, the only answer they have anymore is, “Donate more money! Donate more money! Donate more money!”
Logic and reason have precious little to do with this crazy cult. But if you ever find anything logical or reasonable about them, please post it here and maybe we will find a way to use it against them.
Good Luck!
Their circular reasoning and magical thinking processes endlessly fascinate me. I know there is no logic to them, but still, watching these people metaphorically bang their heads against a wall continuously is like watching a train wreck in slow motion!
I can’t understand how Scientology reconciles the completely contradictory policies in their cult. If Hubbard says that bad things happen because you did something to bring it in, then how could the attacks on Scientology be anything but their own fault- if you attract the bad, then surely the way to get them to go away would be to improve yourself- not attack them, which would only invite more attacks….And if the OT8 peeps are perfect superbeings, then how do they attract negativity?
Like I said- endlessly fascinating!
The essential Hubbard maxim is the we are each responsible for our own condition. That does not mean we are each FULLY responsible for our own condition, but they we, each of us, bear A DEGREE of responsibility for what happens to us in our lives, good or bad or whatever.
But Scientology, the organization virtually EXEMPTS itself from this.
The above maxim is for EVERYONE ELSE. Not the cherch. NEVER the cherch! They NEVER do anything wrong. They’re speech, actions, reactions NEVER cause them others to want to suppress them!
With ONE exception:
When something bad happens to Scientology, when the the organization or David Miscavige or Hubbard get attacked, the ONLY “responsibility” the cherch takes for “pulling in” attacks is – get ready, Kat – is because THEY ARE WINNING!
I kid you not.
They’re getting attacked because they’re doing so WELL that the evil ones can’t STAND it, are being driven INSANE at the concept of Scientology expanding and helping people and so forth – so they MUST attack Scientology.
But then, everyone else? Well, what did they DO to pull this in?
Now, in fairness, I have had Ethics Cycles (not sec checks, I never had one of those) in which I was asked to “take a look” to see what I had done that could have contributed to whatever bad or unhappy or stressful situation I was attempting to handle at the moment.
During these cycles, I was HELPED by spotting what I had done that had CONTRIBUTED to the situation occurring (not fully CAUSED, mind you, but “contributed” to)
When I looked I was able to see some things that I had done, or not done…each time, it helped.
But let me stress that these ethics cycles were done properly on me, which means they were done GENTLY, with gentle coaching, with no make-wrong, with kindness, with understanding!
I had a few of these types of Ethics Cycles when I was in and they helped me. Taking responsibility for my condition in THIS way with the proper treatment and someone there truly interested in helping me DID help me deal with things and did help me relief my pain and distress.
That said, I have read about the kind of Ethics Cycles that people have undergone that are just …horrendous, would be the word. Getting screamed at, getting made wrong, getting HOUNDED until they admitted what the EO wanted/needed them to admit…unspeakable, that’s all.
Frankly, I cannot imagine being subjected to such treatment in the name of help and “ethics”.
My sympathies are totally with these people I believe them. I am in solidarity with them, even though I was not subjected to this kind of mental torture myself. There is no worse type of abuse.
Yep- I guess if they are looking at the number of attacks as winning, I guess they are- theyre winning the right to be called a cult, winning the right to (hopefully) be prosecuted, winning the right to be chased out of the US and the world, winning in how wretched they treat people.. the list goes on and on. They are definitely winning at being slimy!!!
I get that we all contribute in some way to the many of the things that happen, but good god- things happen to people every day that are horrible and aren’t their fault. The lengths that they go to to pass blame and play the victim is ridiculous!
I just read what I wrote above again, and apologize sincerely for all the typos and misspellings. Having problems with my internet again – it keeps going in and out. It makes me nervous that my post won’t go thru, or hasn’t gone thru, so send the post before editing.
No worries! I think we are all having some posting problems!!
Kat, there is a certain logic to it – that’s part of what attracts people, that it’s supposed to be a “science,” and that Hubbard even introduced supposed “axioms-logics” and a “data series.” Of course, he never actually taught about proper scientific method, or the basics of real logic including how to identify fallacies.
There’s a certain logic to most conspiracy theories, too – and Scientology is sort of a big conspiracy, with imagined figures like “psychs” being used to explain some of the inconsistencies, such as why attacks on Scientology are caused by outside malevolence rather than their “pulling it in.” Unproven or false premises are often slipped in, and those go unnoticed by the credulous, and true believers.
love your thinking
AND Since scientology is a “religion”, it’s beyond reasonable to expect them to pay attention to anything but they ‘beliefs’, no matter how irrational they seem to be. Can’t be REASONABLE now, can we?
Why am I so unsurprised at scientology’s hypocrisy and inconsistency? Scientology is so “Don’t confuse the issue by introducing facts which can be verified.” All that matters is their attacks on anyone external to their so-safe bubble. Now, STAAAD et al can say that “Aftermath’s” incitement to cause scientologists harm has repeatedly bee “Proved” because Fast Eddie said it twice. It’s a shame that a suit against him/OSA wouldn’t accomplish anything. If only I had unlimited resources and could harass the little guy the way he does to others. Even 10% of the trouble he causes would likely drive him batshit crazy, I do believe.
How does one drive batshit crazy someone who is ALREADY batshit crazy?
And if you did would they then ‘go sane’?
I don’t think Ed is able to go sane, just IMO.
I’m pretty sure Ed is heading for the hole- his STAND league has been a total failure and caused Scientology to look bad re the forged letter….his time is limited. Tick-tock Ed- wonder who’s left to replace him?
Jere (et al),
I have reported STAND to several news outlets and pointed out the NOI connection and the hypocritical underpinnings of the group. I am writing to each of the people pictured in the photo to point out the same. I’m also trying to find the correct way to contact whichever temple is most active in the LA area (and I’m going to write to the UCLA professor as well).
I also wrote to the LA District attorney to point out the blatant co-opting of her likeness by Taryn Teustch (sorry Mike), and the other front groups she has co-opted. I wrote to Ohio state to let them know about their mascot.
The cult seems to think they can do and say anything. They also seem to disregard copyrights and trademarks in their zeal to gain money, so they may have made themselves vulnerable (hubris will get you every time)…..
I’ve received encouraging replies from several of the above entities, including the DA and Fox News. I would encourage everyone to make as many reports as possible to start blocking access to areas, and to publicize the issues and hypocrisy of those associated with the front groups.
While the show has opened some eyes, there is also a way that Scientology can reasonably dampen internal questioning by saying they are disgruntled former members. While some here were members, some of us are wogs and have no connection other than honest concern…,
Please join me in my little “spread the knowledge” campaign!!
Why am I so unsurprised at scientology’s hypocrisy and lack of consistency? Scientology is so “Don’t confuse the issue by introducing facts which can be verified.” All that matters is their attacks on anyone external to their so-safe bubble.
Be they 100% true, be they 100% accurate, FACTS which do not flatter the cult,
which are detrimental in any way, shape of form to the cult, are “entheta” and “enemy line” and are NOT to be “forwarded”.
In pedestrian lingo, if you can’t say anything nice about the cult, zip it. Keep your trap shut.STIFLE!
Apart from digging holes in the New Mexico desert, telling lies is the full strength of the Scientology religion.
As long as there are more sea orgers than to be found in a common mafia they will continue to be a threat to humanity at large. Continuing to bring out the abuses and flaunting of their ‘rights’ i working, albeit slowly(IMO).
The fact that they spew such obvious lies for all to see helps put them in the cray-cray category of cults. I approve.
FPjr stated:”The fact that they spew such obvious lies for all to see helps put them in the cray-cray category of cults. I approve.”
I somewhat agree. Forget who it was, but someone smart said, “Don’t disturb your enemy when he’s making a mistake.” scientology shoots little or nothing other than footbullets of late, and the Dwarfenführer still excels in his self-assumed task of dismantling scientology inc.
Hey Mike. The following is just my opinion. But I’m pretty certain that if you have decided not to sue them in a Civil Court because of that idiotic “billion year contract” and you may be thinking that they can claim you are a member of their whatever-it-is so they are free to slander you and they are protected under their religious practices exemption, IMO, any lawyer will tell you that contract is not binding because it’s just ridiculous. They cannot defend themselves from a civil lawsuit because of anything in that contract. I’m pretty sure you must already know that. But I just wanted to make sure that everyone else here knows no “billion year” contract can ever be binding.
Is there some other reason why you hesitate to sue them in a civil court? Now that you appear on a regular TV show, you should have some celebrity value worth protecting and worth suing for damages.
No, nothing to do with the billion year contract, nor any of the numerous “confidentiality agreements” or any other “contract.” It has to do with whether there are lawyers willing to take on litigation against scientology, and whether I want to have my life tied up in court proceedings.
Skyler, you never attack an opponent at their strongest point. For the COS that is Legal and Finance. Together, it makes them virtually invincible on those fronts. On the other hand, they’re weak in producing reliable stats that show success, progress, and expansion. They’re also weak in the area of Public Contact. Their toxic reputation is severely hindering the of gaining of new public. They may be the weakest in the area of Marketing and PR. Their clumsy attempts at promotion and damage control can be ludicrous, comical, and are often downright deceptive. They’re losing on these fronts, and are the reasons why they continue to fail as a credible and effective organization.
humor , sarcasm and ridicule/ satire are things they won’t handle. Some of the Youtube stuff must really get up their nose. By highlighting the stupidity of their billion years and volcanoes may help deter young people from engaging with them.
US law suits are problematic and chasing the money is best left for IRS and tax departments world wide. You need to pick your soft spots, the US appears to have constitutional protections, other countries do not, so it makes sense to attack OS. And then work back to the US
I think they channel most of the overseas funds back to the US for tax purposes- many other countries don’t have the exemptions the US has- which is why their international division is here and not overseas. I would imagine if something happened here to threaten their money, they would take a page from Hubbard and relocate. Which would be great for the US, but wouldn’t solve the bigger issue of stopping the cult.
I think the best solution is to make sure the negative publicity never lets up. Younger generations are very savvy about the internet and social media, so they will definitely see the stories- and hopefully be embarrassed to be a part of this. The older group may be a lost cause- until it starts effecting their day to day “wog” lives. Again- negative publicity could be the best weapon against this cult of “status” seekers. If it starts hurting their -perceived- status, I imagine many would hurry to distance themselves.
That being said, the cult is extremely vulnerable right now on this front. We need to report EVERY possible scandal to news outlets, law enforcement, branding people etc, etc, etc. I would also suggest that we should make sure the whales know about the scandals rocking the cult.
Mr Miscavige, your practices for sure deserve a courtroom.
By the way, where is Shelly?
love that as a catch cry….where is Shelly
Yeah, as Lron said in his ‘commandments’, don’t murder anyone. Yeah, that stopped every $cientologist everywhere from committing murder.
Barkin Parkin and Cryin Karin Pouw are not moral authorities in any sense of those words.
Hubbard specifically said “Do Not Murder” – not do not kill. Weasel words again – the precepts also say “Don’t Do Anything Illegal,” but was written just a couple of years after he was an unindicted co-conspirator in Snow White and his wife and others had been convicted, so apparently “illegal” has some scientological shade of meaning (or justification) not obvious to us “wogs,” too.
If the shoe were on the other foot, and it had been a “psych” facility and not a Scientology one, and the child of a member trying to get his mother out of a lifelong commitment under terms of virtual imprisonment and slavery, thought reform and violence at the hand of her keepers, Scientology would have justified it – at least for internal consumption, such as claiming that the psychs “pulled it in.” The organization and its management blithely play the victim card when it suits them, only holding members and lowly staff to account, and even to punishing and extreme standards of “responsibility.”
Well said Peacemaker!
“Do not murder”= “Don’t get caught, or make me look bad.”
Well, just my take on it but I think the poor kid’s mind had to be reeling when he recognized that what he was supposed to believe about the cult of scientology, and then what he was witnessing what the cult of scientology was practicing just the opposite he went in to fight or flight mode to save his mother and himself. I think in his mind it was self defense.
ASL has an interesting and thorough early analysis of what could and could not have been the situation with the murder that occurred at AOSH ANZO involving a 16yo Taiwanese boy, his mother, and two security staff (one of whom was stabbed and died):
Sea Org Member Murdered in Australia
Aaron Smith-Levin | Growing Up In Scientology
Published on Jan 14, 2019
Will there anytime be possible that these people will look themselves in the mirror and cognite that they have been grossly out-of-valence? ( CoB´s e.g.)
Sociopaths NEVER look in the mirror except to admire themselves. Self-reflection and assumption of responsibility are not a part of their game plan. Everything bad that happens is always someone else’s fault. That’s just the way it is.
Fast Eddie fits that description perfectly.
“Everything bad that happens is always someone else’s fault.”
Yes, even when, or I should say, especially when, the sociopath is in full charge.
Actually, since they’re emotional vampires, they don’t actually have a reflection, so…..
Stefan – What does ‘out of valence’ that mean in English?
Many of us do not speak Hubbard.
A valence is an identity. It can be somebody’s own identity or someone else’s identity assumed by a person unknowingly. Actors will assume various identities in their work which is done knowingly. A schizophrenic could probably be considered out of valence in the extreme.
This cult just keeps amazing me with their audacity and perversion of the truth. I’m a little awed (in a very creepy way) at how they can take any issue and find a way to twist the truth to suit their agenda. Luckily, it seems to backfire on them more and more!
I’m a little surprised that they haven’t attempted to blame Mike and Leah for Hubbard’s death, the conflict in Columbia, the problems with Narconon, the loss of the Rams in the super bowl, and the wildfires in California- but they are still here, so those accusations should be along any time now…
“I’m a little surprised that they haven’t attempted to blame Mike and Leah for Hubbard’s death, the conflict in Columbia, the problems with Narconon, the loss of the Rams in the super bowl, and the wildfires in California- but they are still here, so those accusations should be along any time now…”
Yes, please, Kat! There are just so many hours in the day, you know!
I guess we can take the blame for Joy Villa too….nope, they brought that in all on their own.
OMG! I hope that you have consulted both a criminal lawyer and a civil lawyer. I have no idea what your chances are. But I hope and pray that you may be able to sue The Scam and everyone associated with all that slander and hopefully some good will come out of it.
Go get ’em Mike!