Scientology is hyping a new link and video that purports to tell the world about their astonishing accomplishments. But really it is designed for the sheeple inside the bubble to convince them all is well in the world of Miscavigology. They spew out numbers that are unverifiable and are only accepted at face value by their own people and perhaps a few gullible individuals who want to hear that scientology will get them votes.
I’m going to comment on some of this and I took some screenshots of notable things.
Of course, “millions” have already watched this propaganda, including 16 new VIDEOS. They can’t even get enough people to go to their website to rank higher than my blog…
In some unnamed city they helped 17,325 families.
Of course, the city is not named because they do not want Stefani Hutchison or anyone else to verify their lies. The photo is of the parking lot in front of the LA Org… I wonder if this mysterious city is supposed to be LA? If so, they are probably counting the events they hold every week where if you come and submit yourself to being regged they claim to give you food…
Here’s some hot off the press news: the “message to RISE” was delivered to “more than 100,000 fans” — because that is how many people attended the Super Bowl. If you surveyed them, 99,990 would have no idea about the “message to RISE” — but they were present for the game.
“Partnering” with 169,000 groups and organizations. Which means absolutely nothing. And of course the 6 photos are too small to identify except for the people in the blue t-shirts pushing the drug education message which is them “partnering” with themselves. Odd they didn’t have any other photos from those 169,000 groups and organizations so had to use photos of themselves…
Thousands of awards and recognitions, but too small to be identified.
61,000 “community events” — whatever the actual number is, a large number of them are events held among themselves. Like the Drug Education photo above. Probably even counts OTC meetings (“everyone is invited so that’s a community event”).
3.2 million volunteer hours. Gosh, if there are millions or tens of millions of scientologists this is not impressive. Even if it’s only a million scientologists, they do 3 hours each a year?
But they did supposedly “sanitize” 9 BILLION square feet with Defcon 7 (or whatever it was called) in S. Africa. Not that it did ANY good for anyone. Spraying disinfectant all over could not have been environmentally friendly. Remember those people wore HazMat suits to do that for a reason.
They did include some things that if you zoom in on you can identify the person involved.
This one is from Rep. Scott H. Peters from San Diego. Don’t know what he said, but he should be more careful who he supports as Karen Bass will tell him.
This one is from California State Senator Maria Elena Durazo. Ditto on the Karen Bass advice.
Doug Halter from the Ventura City Council….
The entire Board of Public Works of Los Angeles
Check out this globe image — looks like they have hundreds of organizations in S. America and even more across the MidWest of the US…
They wish.
Everything that comes out of scientology is lies.
Spraying Defcon 7 or any disinfectant is pointless theater against an airborne virus. The only effective ways to get rid of it is open the windows and get fresh air, or have a ventilation system that replaces stuffy indoor air with fresh outdoor air. All that fogger does absolutely nothing but lull people into a false sense of security. So it’s worse than nothing.
Hm. Sea Org are volunteers, not employees, right? So maybe the volunteer hours comes from 3,000 (??) Sea Org members, 100 hours per week, 52 weeks per year = 15,600,000 volunteer hours – Voila!
I was wondering if part of the hype is the personal stat of Miscavige, what ever it is, and I am thinking that it never goes down.
Will they EVER learn to proofread things? As I read it, they had a food drive in one city alone, but then re-read and saw it might have been 17,000+ in just one city, and then thought that had they done anything like that, it would have made wog news and no one’s seen and reported anything like that, so what are the odds that they helped ANYONE with food drives? Truthfully, I doubt anyone is watching out for scientology news like this crowd, so scns won’t have seen it IRL.
They claim “thousands” of Organizations (I think the latest claim was “8000 Organizations), yet if you check their own address lists, they tell a different story. They used to publish full lists of Org and Mission addresses in their books. A 1992 edition of their book “What is Scientology” listed 148 Orgs and 343 Missions. If you go to their own website, they have a list of their Org and Mission addresses, and they list 132 Orgs and 189 Missions. So in the last 30 years, they’ve lost a third of their centers!
Not only that — most of those missions aren’t real missions. They are places in people’s houses that are open a few random hours a week…
Many ‘missions’ are also side entrances or back offices of franchisees’ real businesses. The mission holders probably wouldn’t pay separate rent for an operation that likely isn’t bringing in enough to even cover it, but when it’s just taking up part of a bigger space it’s easy to ignore the loss; and that’s why no one is opening up new missions.
All the various sorts of mission operations have been shutting down and vanishing at a rapid rate for the last decade or two. And I don’t think we know yet how many of their dwindling number, were lost during the pandemic.
They must be including groups they try to work with like the Los Topos rescue team, and the people and efforts of those, all going back who knows how many decades, to get the absurdly high numbers they do for such a small organization. Though if you divide those 3.2 million hours by best estimates of their actual active membership, it’s under 200 hours per person, not that much if it’s since the front groups were founded in the 1970s and 1980s.
Also, haven’t they done almost nothing along these lines in the US, since the pandemic began? It seems they got a few people out doing photo ops after the hurricane that hit the ‘mecca’ side of Florida, but that wasn’t much and is all I can remember seeing in their homeland.
Oh my Gosh! And Golly Gee! How is the boy supposed to order in some food when all of my favorite food delivery services on my Interweb are down?
What in the world is going wrong? One thing I know for certain. I know this is FatBoy’s fault. Of that, there can be no doubt! I just got through a major shit dumping session on LRH for letting me down.
After all, I know that I have not transgressed any sins in the past few days. So why is it so difficult for me to get fed now?
Fatboy tells us that anytime something goes right in our lives, the credit goes squarely to the Cult. But any little wrong we suffer, is our own stupid fault. I hve not trangresses any transgressions whatsoever during the past 48 hours. So, how come Gino down at Pizza Boys is telling me he is out of Pepperone? That jest cannot make any sense. Is it possible that I have put my faith in the wrong religion after all? Is it possible that I could have actually made some mistake. I really and truly cannot accept that!!!
Thengs were all going so well. it seems. How could this cdcult have let me down. It just ain’t making me ay sense, Son of aa Beech! Hwat the heck is happening! what could pobssibly be going wrong?
Is it possible that Gino has actually gone off his tracks? How could that have ever happened? After all, that ahs never done anything like that before!
OMG! Son of a Bitch! So hard to believe!! Oh LRH? Can you please revisit your wonderful lil creation here and set things straight? In the meantime, I will have to go long and set things right and go into my Registrar and buya bunch of auditing. Shit! Sommofabitch! I best set things right!
Shit Le Mare! What could possibly be happening?
I am left without a country, without ad nation, without any towels. Oh my Lord! Is this what it feels like to be Zoned out?
Imagine a first responder, rescue worker or even a citizen volunteer going around with a scoreboard carefully tallying up all the people that they are helping. To say nothing of being outnumbered and outworked by the camera crew they’re dragging along with them wherever they go. Hard to believe that anything would ever get done!
Years ago, pre cell phones, Scientology sent me out as a volunteer to give people whose homes were ruined in the Earthquake, clothes…and a
Way to Happiness booklet.
To my total shock when I came back, the head of PR only cared about 2 things:
1) Did we get press
2) Did they mention LRon Hubbard?
She did not care about the people At.All!
Hi Tory, didn’t you post an interview video with an ex-Scientologist who had been in the Sea Org in the last 5 or 10 years? He was, maybe, in his late 30s, and the interview was at an outdoor table at a restaurant. He talked about how the claims about the 76 million-year-old volcano made no geological sense. I don’t remember the interviewee’s name and I can’t find the video…can you please reply with a link?
They get one Representative to sign a commendation which means they now have the entire House of Reps on their side–an unheard of feat of bi-partisanship. This is not an exaggeration, not even a mere guess. They say so themselves!
They had Cruise trying to get Clinton to exert “religious” pressure on other countries, notably Germany, which means that the Presidency is on their side. And of course, everyone who ever registered Dem along with it. Even the Germans are ready to throw off their shackles, “rise” and stand by the planet’s coolest religion. How could they not?
And they have members who claim to be Catholics, Christians, Buddhists or Jews which means that they have all the members of the world’s religions on their side as well. So one way or another, like it or not, we’re all rooting for them!
If millions have watched and all of the orgs are still empty……maybe they’re just watching for the laughs.
“Scientology, getting more like North Korea every day”.
And you better believe what we say…or you will pay.
Free Bright Idea for Scientology dissemination:
a) Revised Introductory Film that explains Scientology’s secret beliefs, make it free.
(cover Xenu, body-thetans, R6 implants, explain how the leaking R6 implanted “body-thetans” are ruining all humans today, and how OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism fixes up everyone.)
b) Have a new film, “Interview with Xenu”
c) Have another film, “Interviews with Freed Body-Thetans”.
d) Have another film “How R6 Implanting Works, and How to Fix It’s Negative Effects In Your Life”
that’d get some of the better informed public to come in, and I’m sure some would fall for the Xenu and body-thetans implanted with the R6 implants, all leaking into our minds, and Scientology’s exorcism solution, that WILL get quicker people to come on board Scientology and go for Scientology’s pseudo-therapy and exorcism solution.
Just weed out the skeptical followers, and just get the hard core interested persons right off the bat.
Three words, Chuck: Not gonna happen.
If there were some nearby gag and trinkets stores, that sold XENU T shirts, or XENU hats, etc, then more people would show up to the complex to just walk the streets and see Scientologists’ reactions, THAT would get more foot traffic to the complex.
Similarly, worldwide, gag/trinkets stores need to add XENU Tshirts, XENU umbrellas, and that might get Scientology more foot traffic.
THEN the Division 6 Dissem Drilling “body routers” could hone up their steps for handling dissenting interested future followers, and go out and pary with the XENU umbrella carrying citizens.
XENU could revive Scientology, they need to use him!
Scientology needs to come out with their own XENU introductory film!
That would be people in!
“Curious about XENU, we have the film for you!”
“Have you always wondered what ‘body-thetans’ were? We have the answers, and learn about XENU too!”
“The new and improved Scientology Introductory Film connects all the dots. Learn about XENu, learn about “body-thetans” and learn why the R6 implants which XENU instilled in the “body-thetans” are what is ruining your life. Scientology has the exorcism you need! “
I’ll use the same three words that I used in my last comment: Not gonna happen.
The way $cientology used Decon7 fog was NOT approved for use against COVID by the EPA. In fact it can cause respitory system problems for people with asthma and COPD when sprayed on fabrics such as taxi and bus seats. Which they were doing in S. Aftrica. They also got themselves a ‘cease and desist’ from the S.A. government for giving the impression they were part of a government operation.
*** YAWN***
Nothing to see here, folks; move along.
Karin Pouw Miscavige must be counting all the “incredible things” Scientology has done to Body Thetans (BTs) in this and other universes because here on Earth, in the real world, Scientology is as relevant and helpful as a warm cow pie. P.S. WHERE IS SHELLY ???
Well, in all fairness, the cow pie can be use for fertilizer. scientology, not so much. It is useless as a fertilizer making it totally useless.
But that’s just me.
Well, hold on a minute. Scientology might be useful as fertilizer if we mulched all the Basics books. I mean, they’re just sitting at Bridge Publications waiting for people to buy them.
Or if put to another use, Proctor and Gamble might be forced out of business.
It’s getting to the point where Miscavigology will only be able to fool none of the people all of the time. I wonder if he can feel the shrinkage.
I’m sure the ‘shrinkage’ is occurring at both ends of the spectrum for our fav cult leader!
Yo Dave,
No doubt the scotch has addled yer brain good buddy. But have You checked yer shorts lately??? Now that’s some big time shrinkage ………. but it probably is just atrophy. Ya snooze and ya lose big boy.
Five ‘ll git ya ten that yer stats are toilet water this week. Hey, why not tell them plebes to git with the program and screw the Thankgivin festivities with the wog family an all. Yall got important shit to git done fer gawds sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To: Newcomer
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re:, showing respect to awesome, theta beings.
I have warned you numerous times about addressing me as ‘Yo Dave’ yet you refuse to heed my warnings. I now have no choice but to send my loyal enforcer Midshipman Shananay Muhammad to your house to bring you to submission.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: Shananay Muhammad and respect.
Yo, Dave!
You pull that stunt repeatedly yet our dear Shananay never shows up on anyone’s doorstep.
I think it’s because she’s still behind bars waiting for you to post bail.
No love at all,
“…’shrinkage’ is occurring at both ends…have YOU checked yer shorts lately???….ya snooze and ya lose…” 🙂
Stats in Affluence today, NC 🙂
Words like “shrinkage”, “small” and “short” are no longer allowed to be used in Scientology. No one is allowed to use the “S” words.
Mary, history shows that cults have surprising numbers of diehards and dead-enders who will remain loyal true believers even when it seems to make no sense, unfortunately.
One question is whether DM, like other authoritarian leaders, isn’t at the point where his underlings feed him so much misinformation in order to keep him happy and themselves safe, that he has no idea of how much the CofS may actually be shrinking.
“Oh look, their lips are moving again.”
And I think their pants are on fire too otherles.