David Miscavige used to conduct 5 or 6 “International Events” each year where all scientologists were “briefed” on the version of scientology in the world he wanted everyone to hear. These events were required attendance for scientologists, and staff spent weeks calling public repeatedly to “confirm” their attendance.
Traditionally, the annual “New Year’s” event was held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles in the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve and was then sent out to all orgs to be played as their “New Year’s Celebration.”
These events were vitally important to keep scientologists aware of “all the good news” from around the world. I’ve written and talked about these events (in the episode of The Aftermath with Marc Headley we covered this in some detail) and how the information was collected and embellished. Always the false impression was created that scientology is expanding, bigger and faster than at any time in history and Hubbard and scientology are in high demand and widespread use around the world. A LOT of lies. But it served to reassure the scientologists that their leadership was in good hands, and that the money they were handing over was not in vain. It helped make it possible for scientologists to ignore the obvious. The abuses — if there were a few errors or some people had to be sacrificed for the overwhelming good being done, then so be it. The empty orgs — obviously ours is the only org that is failing, everyone else is doing great! The bad press — that’s just the chaos merchants, in nations around the world the REAL opinion leaders are turning to LRH tech and successfully employing it, of course the media isn’t going to cover that news.
One wonders the impact of the cessation of these events on the scientology world. The first excuse was the pandemic. But those days are long gone. Recording artists are selling out arenas again. Movie theaters are full. People are flying in record numbers. Still, there was no IAS event and now nothing at New Year’s either.
Lorianne Isaacson is begging people to come and stay at Flag for New Year’s Eve so they can get all dressed up for the “amazing concert and then dance the night away” — and don’t forget you get a free breakfast.
Even if the COB is planning to deliver a briefing to the Flag public, they cannot announce that. He is trying to hide from process servers. So, they can’t announce his presence.
This is now reason they continue NOT to hold “International Events” — Miscavige fears being in any location that is advertised beforehand. If they started calling in for an event at the Shrine Auditorium, word would quickly get out. Everyone knows that they would ONLY hold an event at the Shrine if Miscavige was going to be there. Otherwise they would hold it in Lebanon Hall like they usually do. And an “international Event” for New Year’s is always held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. He could of course change things up and do it at Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater where the March 13th event is traditionally held, but that presents the same problem. Word would soon get out that Miscavige was going to eb there on a certain date and Ruth Eckerd’s security is not even as good at the Shrine. There are a lot of people in Clearwater who would love to help get him served — Ruth Eckerd is at the center of the Clearwater establishment.
So, poor COB is stuck in his own prison. Afraid of lawsuits he cannot go out. Not going out means no events. No events mean the scientology public are starved for “good news” and only see all the bad.
This is a big, but generally unseen, factor that is eroding his empire.
In some ways, when he is served, it will be a double-edged sword: he will be forced to answer up under oath. But he will also be free to do these events again…
I just saw this. Turns out this is just a routine reg event — a “Patron Awards Celebration.”
And, you need to have your “2020 event passcard.” What, no 2021 or 2022 “passcard”?
i wonder when Miscavige will show his face in events. he is probably at a hide out in Antarctica with all of these lawsuits all over the usa
At this rate, Miscavige will wind up like Hubbard did. Sitting on some isolated off-the-grid ranch getting reports from management and issuing * “advices” back to them. Having his loot shipped to him in sacks of cash. All while taking psych drugs to calm his rattled nerves as he constantly looks over his shoulder.
Yeh, right, a postulate seminar. There’s only one reason this postulate seminar is held. Especially with Laurie Webster, billed as in charge of Church of Religious Trust. She is one of the most dogged of the cult’s fundraisers and the only postulate of any importance to her and scientology is that your New Year’s resolution is too empty your pockets to her.
I suspect that another factor is that they’re not sure how many people would even show up at these events any more, and are afraid of throwing a party and having embarrassingly shrunken attendance. They were already having trouble filling the venues they used to use, so it may be a sort of relief for the staff who used to have to try to pull these things off.
Good article with excellent analysis.
It makes me want to play the part of DM in this tragedy.
So what has DM got going for him?
– A ruthlessness that successfully got him to the top of the heap
– Basically an unlimited war chest
– An organization built on “say so”
– An organization with huge inertia
And against him?
– A ruthlessness that has driven away his competent people
– A more aware judiciary that isn’t falling for his “gaming” of the system
– An org. that is reliant on his hype, but he’s currently “unavailable”
– A growing cascade of info that is harder for the sheep to “not hear”
– An org. that is getting older, poorer and more aware
– He thinks he’s risen to the top due to his intelligence (not evilness)
Looks like to me all he can do is play the long game of survive another day. Be sure his “escape plan” is always ready to be executed. Try to put off as long as possible making a run for it (just like his predecessor).
Superb comment, Phillip! Nailed every point.
What is a postulate?
Here’s a Scientologese dictionary, sometimes called Sciospeak or Clamspeak. Much new and unique terminology will be revealed!
Postulate, to wish into existence; a supposed OT super-power along the lines of Tone 40 and Intention, qv. “David postulates that the Psyches will all be destroyed by the year 2000; our program of dead-agenting them will make his postulate stick.” Ted Mayett: “I have a definition for Postulate. – body english on a bowling ball.”
Here’s the definition of dead-agenting to save you the trouble of looking it up. If you feel like it you can look up the definition of Tone 40.
Linguists agree that words represent concepts. There are upwards of a thousand specialized words in scientology thus making scientologists conversant in numerous concepts the average person has never even considered. Thanks Ron! Hip hip hooray!
(facetious – haha)
D/A, verb. Dead Agent; to spread malicious lies and rumors about an Anti-Scientologist person or organization, in an attempt to so thoroughly discredit them that everyone concerned will be disgusted with them, and not listen to the information they have to give about the cult. Many attempts to Dead Agent the recently destroyed CAN (the Cult Awareness Network) and FACTnet (Fight Against Coercive Tactics network; a BBS that supplies information about the cult) have been posted to ars. (alt.religion.scientology)
Here’s a simpler more condensed Scientologese dictionary with an index.
Tone Forty or Tone 40, the top of the emotional tone scale, seen as a godlike state of command and control of others; see Intention, Postulate.
Tone Forty Command, an order given at Tone Forty, and therefore filled with mystical OT, Operating Thetan intention that must be instantly obeyed.
As a scientologist I was exposed to a fascinating array of mystical and metaphysical concepts although many of the concepts were more mundane. Your mileage may vary.
verb (used with object), pos·tu·lat·ed, pos·tu·lat·ing.
– to ask, demand, or claim.
– to claim or assume the existence or truth of, especially as a basis for reasoning or arguing.
– to assume without proof, or as self-evident; take for granted.
– something taken as self-evident or assumed without proof as a basis for reasoning.-
Mathematics, Logic. a proposition that requires no proof, being self-evident, or that is for a specific purpose assumed true, and that is used in the proof of other propositions; axiom.
– a fundamental principle.
Miscavige continues to f¥^k things up.
Tick Tock, tick tock….time IS on
*our* side!
Love to every, single person who stands UP and speaks out. 🌹
They should make the podium normal sized with wings on the sides and back. Add a couple of monitors inside so he can see what’s going on and set it over a theatre style trapdoor/lift. Dweebendwarfer Munchkin (he would have to oil his pompadour because it’s almost as tall as he is and would be a giveaway) could use it to put in an appearence without anyone seeing him. The only thing that could give him is the enraged squeaking and empty whisky bottles flying out of the hideyhole when he realises that there’s no microphones.
Breaking news: More on the Dweebendworfer Munchkin incident has become available.
It now appears that the “accident” with the podium and theatre trapdoor/lift was caused by a faulty relay. The lift was supposed to raise Dweebendworfer Munchkin to the stage, but the control relay, which had not been checked, stayed on the normal sized human being setting. When Munchkin stepped onto the lift it fired him and out of the podium to land on the stage five metres away.
Five unknown people seated in the third row stood up, one of whom was filming the incident while the other four ran up on to the stage to supposedly help the stunned Dweebendworfer. It now appears that when they reached him they instead placed folded papers in his hand. The documents have now been identified as court summonses. The unidentified five persons disappeared out of the building before security could get to them.
No comments were forthcoming from Munchkin but the rain of empty bottles and screaming and swearing that was seen and heard from his office on the top floor of the $camalot building was considered by some as a sight to behold as they passed by..
Poor SOB… er, I mean, COB.
David Miscvige what are you doing?
David Where is Shelly Miscavige?
What is Scientology?
I can not understand why he wouldn’t fill his purse with all the money he can and run away. He really is living in a prison he created. A prison where everyone around him is his slave, but a prison none the less. He is even scared to throw a party for himself to be praised. Sad state of affairs Davey boy. Sad state of affairs.
Why doesn’t Miscavige delegate Tom Cruise or someone else to do the events in his absence? They could say that COB is busy doing the final research on OT 18 and 19 and that would explain why he didn’t have time to do the event himself. Then they could keep the cash rolling in and Miscavige safely hidden from any process servers?
Ditto. Outsiders have countless excellent ideas to fix Scientology, should Scientology have uncensored ears to listen.
‘fix’ scientology?
What are you talking about?
I wonder if he’d even be able to fill the Flag auditorium these days, if he did have an event there? Maybe if he had half the Sea Org staff attend as well.
Phil, last year’s event* was in the Flag auditorium filled with large round tables for banquet seating, which made it appear full even though as I recall the head count appeared to be around 200. It seems to me that’s a viable model moving forward, they should surely be able to round up that number of diehards in the Clearwater area for at least however many more decades DM is around.
* or something else early in the year
Poor, poor, David. His ego must miss the enforced admiration and all of that theta energy at those BIG events of the past. Maybe he can call for a portable DVD player to be delivered to his dark cave, re-re-replay the past big events, and get substitute satisfaction. Sorta like mental masturbation.
I remember those event call-ins we used to do at CCNashville. The local I/C for the IAS would get a box of very expensive chocolates and give one to anybody who got a confirm, a reconfirm or a re reconfirm. Know what those bastards did to me? They gave me a list of public whose phone numbers were either disconnected, wrong number or blown antago public still in our CF.
No exquisite chockeys for me.
By leaving the tiny podium empty, DM risks having someone else fill the ‘leader’ role. He can’t have that and he can’t be in any public venue. All he needs is an Airstream motor home parked next to some stinky horse barn to become his hero.
With luck, lawyers undertaking new cases have noted how afraid Dave is of being deposed or called to court, and will judge that it’s worth targeting him personally in the hope of an early settlement.
That means he will be sought for service more often because, by avoiding it, he’s shown how much he fears being questioned.
The fact that he’s also avoiding being questioned by contriving endless delays means that, even if he’s never sought for service again, it’s going to be a long time before he’s off the hook. I’ve come to doubt that these ‘events’ will ever resume.
In the meantime, all those events and openings, which must have been a morale-booster for Scientologists, are off. They are all isolated in their orgs with only the occasional magazine and that awful TV channel to bring them propaganda.
It can’t be a lot of fun to be a Scientologist, just now.
Yeah , it is no fun . The fear , the pressure , the disconnection , the insistence on being right , trying to rally agreements …I feel for them.
Mike, This is a good analysis. When you are Still-In, the splashy content of the big Int Events abates your gnawing feelings of dread and confusion around A) the abuses you see and/or experience as a member of the group, B) your always empty org, and C) the bad press and vocal push-back you receive from co-workers or family members if you mention that you are in Scientology.
In the last few years, what is the dam to hold back these ever-present forces that can engulf one and prompt them to leave?
For me, it was the enforced retraction of the org’s claws, so long embedded in me, during the first six months of the pandemic [when orgs were closed] that prompted me to re-inspect the nature of the group. The outcome of my Doubt Formula was to leave.
Sounded like a slice of hell when I was in and still does.
But wait, I don’t think it was ever offered that I could stay at the Oak Cove for only $145 and get a FREEEEEE breakfast. Ooooooo I’m IN! Oh wait. There’s a Postulate Seminar the next day. Yea. I’m OUT. Those too are a slice of Hell, so phony, ineffective and probably REALLY is a reg event.
So what do they tell you at a Postulates Seminar? Something of all the lines that all you have to do is make a firm intention that the money to go out the bridge will appear and will magically appear? And that maxing out your credit card at the event will strengthen the postulate? Similar to the TV get rich preachers?
Right before I bailed from the cult for good, way back when in the 80s, I went to a similar “seminar”. It was supposed to be about the true nature of money. The Thursday Funnies here are loaded with flyers for all sorts of these scams. They ALL boil down to regging or recruiting or both. Nothing else. Ever. The postulate seminar will be no different. These are aimed at “regular” scientologists doing services at flag, not the whales or celebs. Those folks are handled with kid gloves to extract their money more carefully so as not to kill the golden goose. For the regular Joe and Jane scientologists at flag you can pretty much assume that they have been maxed out already. That doesn’t mean that they will be ignored by the regges. No, no, no… There are still friends and family to beg for anything that can be begged for to get the GI stats up on Thursday at 2:00. That is all this postulate seminar will be about***. That and the FSM commissions to be had. I would bet the cost of 100 flag auditing intensives on that (plus my annual commissions from Big Pharma and SMERSH for good measure).
***What sort of postulates you ask?
1) I want to postulate myself rocketing up the ‘bridge’. Big money for that.
2) I want to postulate my family rocketing up the ‘bridge’. BIG BIG money for that.
3) I want to postulate myself being financially independent. Auditing ($$$) can help!!!
4) I want to postulate myself being in control of MEST. Auditing ($$$) can help!!!
5) I want to postulate peace of mind. Auditing ($$$) can help!!!
6) I want to postulate being an opinion leader. Auditing & training ($$$) can help!!!
7) I want to postulate a cleared planet. BIG donations to the IAS will take care of that.
8) I want to postulate blah, blah, blah… scientology (i.e. MONEY) will take care of that…
Thanks, very interesting
9) I want to postulate freedom, integrity and the right to the pursuit of happiness.
Little pussy Miscabbage will more than likely do just what Blubbard did. Climb aboard some vessel (maybe the Fleecewinds) and roam the seas attempting to escape process servers and all other threats. It is what Blubbard did so isn’t it “the Tech” that should be followed “religiously”?
At $145 a night for the hotel room and free breakfast, this sounds like it might be a good deal. Public folk could dance the night away in their finery and get totally shit faced (the bar tab won’t be included) welcoming in the New Year without risking a DUI because they could just take the elevator to their rooms. The locals know that this will not really be the case though. It’s the ‘postulate seminar’ on New Year’s Day that will be their downfall. That is where the money will be extracted. With horrendous hangovers, the attendees will lose their grip on their purse strings under the pressure of crush regging. Anyone foolish enough to attend will deserve to have their cash extracted. These are the slow learners. On the plus side, they won’t be ‘sessionable’ after the drinking binge and will not have to endure any auditing on the ‘bridge to total freedumb’.
When I was a cab driver there was a massive number of drunks that had to take a cab home on New Years Eve.
Freedumb 🤣🤣🤣
DM is now the center of legal attention.
Well it’s hard find a receptionist or salesman becoming head of organization just by coincidence, like the one under discussion.
Result the CEO/Chairman shall be doing speeches like receptionist or salesman and act as per his/her real worth.
If it continues, then remember the famous child story ” The Emperior Clothes ”
Only insider knows if the audience has escaped due to pendamic or some one has tipped the King , like the little boy in the story.
Or……it doomed to happen as they are migrating from Age of Paranoia to Age of Extinction, 2025
It’s not me ,it’s written on the wall.