A tiny Mission in the LA area sent out the following in memoriam announcement about 3 of its members.
This is a significant number of deaths in a group of people that probably numbers no more than 100, and that is being very kind.
Scientology doesn’t actually promise you will never die — though they come mighty close. These people certainly didn’t discard their bodies to continue their OT research unencumbered by a meat sack as L. Ron Hubbard is claimed to have done. Therefore, according to scientology they must have been PTS, and probably had unflat NOTs. This is the cause of all illness. Maybe they weren’t ill and just died in their sleep. Seems unlikely as the oldest of then was only 73. But that is not the point of this posting, nor the absurdity of “we can’t wait to see you again” in the face of tens of thousands of scientologists who have died in the last 70 years and not a single one has “come back.”
It is sad when anyone dies, they leave behind family who did not want to lose them from their lives. Nobody should ever rejoice in death.
But this notice does raise a larger point — the advancing age of the average scientologist.
There are few new people coming into scientology — that is pretty much limited to children of existing scientologists. The vast majority of scientologists today are in the same age group as these 3 – 65 to 75 years old. They are going to die off. Despite their claims to the contrary, scientology cannot prevent illness and disease.
The number of scientologists is steadily shrinking. Scientology has entered an era where a significant portion of that shrinkage will come about due to people growing old and dying.
The Foothills Msn is a microcosm of the larger scientology bubble. It’s become a gathering place for the old and infirm.
If anyone is interested in Scientology celebrity info – Tony Ortega posted leaked photos from the LRH birthday event yesterday & clearly pictured is well-known Australian actress Emma Booth, behind Nancy Cartwright in the red dress. Next to her & partially obscured is her hardcore scientologist husband Dominick Joseph Luna. She has never spoken publicly about being in, but it will be hard for her to deny now. She’s originally from Perth but does services at CC.
When Tony posted the pics of Scn celebs at the event, I am surprised that they posted and named Michael Roberts amongst the celebs. Are you kidding me? His one claim to fame was from the 70’s in some tv show he was part of as an ensemble cast. After that show he didn’t do much and he was never a good actor to begin with. So he was an out of work has been actor for many decades and yet they include him in the pics? Shaking my head. I saw him after a DM event in the 80’s or 90’s and FM had given him some award and boy did he work it. He went ‘on tour” to every building in Clearwater where there were people and he glad handed and bragged about this big award he had, and showed it off, and faked humility, etc. It was sickening what a huge ego he had and how he was working the press on his little DM award to try to stay relevant. After seeing his performance showing everyone his little award and glad handing, I came away thinking he was a blow hard.
I sat in shock for quite a long time. Unbeliveably, I kept replaying just the part of that episode over and over again. Then I cried. You know, the part on Episode 3 of Season 2 when the panel explains that once level OTVIII is completed, graduates discover that after all the grueling work, their immensely long awaited reward is, in essence, their arrival at being the same person they were when they started (and have always been throughout), minus millions of their dollars.
Down to the bare nitty gritty, LRH knew he had successfully scammed each and every person who read his handwritten letter on OTIII, after which they didn’t abort (leave). I could just hear an EVIL, gutteral, deep dark laughing L. Ron Hubbard as he wrote the OTVIII final message each graduate would eagerly rush to read, to learn the elusive great truth they’d expended millions seeking, as he amused himself, while reveling in his imagined looks on their faces once each had finished reading his truth!
I don’t know if LRH gave any speeches to the successful graduates crossing The Bridge, but if he did I could basically hear him saying the following: “First and foremost I’d like to say that after all your blood, sweat, and tears laboring all those years seeking the ultimate truth through Scientology you have successfully completed OTVIII to become one of my proud, my few, my elite Scientologists by conquering The Bridge. I truly want to strongly state, from the bottom of my heart,” he says maniacally laughing.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have been…scammed, hustled, manipulated…PIMPED!!! But, stick around for I’ll have a new release, soon…”
Thank you, Mike and Leah for the amazing job you did in the first 3 seasons of your show Aftermath. As I watched the series (binge watched, I couldn’t walk away) I began to notice many Scientology “policies” that are present in our current political atmosphere here in the US.
I am sickened by it. Thank you for bringing the truth into the light of day. Thank you for giving a voice to the victims of this evil and fraudulent organization.
Have you considered forming any organizations that are specifically geared to support escapees from Scientology? Are there any safe spaces for them when they are declared? Are there Scientology Victims Support Groups? There should be.
May God bless you and keep you safe – keep fighting to get the truth out!!
Thank you Leigh. Please note, I edited out a bunchy of political opinions because I don’t want to invite the off-topic flame wars that such comments inevitably generate. You seem to be new here so are perhaps unfamiliar with this unwritten rule concerning comments.
To answer your question, yes, there is a very effective organization that has helped many victims of scientology to escape, and continues to do so. It is called The Aftermath Foundation.
Apologies, I was unaware and meant no offense. Leigh
Thank you for following up with those brave souls who have escaped that evil cult. Stay strong, keep up the great work, and hugs to you and Leah from my wife and I!
I was watching the series you and Ms Remini did which is now available on Netflix about Scientology. In one of the last episodes in the first season you interviewed a journalist from The New Yorker. You discussed the military (U.S. Navy) service that Hubbard had and revealed that what the church claimed was not even close to what the truth really was…..claims more that what he actually had according to U.S. military records.
There are laws that he (or now the church) cannot legally make those claims and can be prosecuted for such claims. A law now known as “Stolen Valor” can make the individual criminally liable for making false claims about their military record. Any veteran would be appalled at the claims made by Hubbard or his organization. Check it out and perhaps this can/will “irritate” them a bit and make them tell the truth for a change.
I myself ..pay attention to History….I am now a lady, born American, now 70…I grew up being raised as a Christian. I still bileve in this…but have always questioned all the interpretations that have been written over the years.. What I do, is study the Earth…and all living beings on the Earth…it is the only major miracle that I know of…Animals that are born with instincts…Humans are born with curiosity and the ability to learn. How did the Creator of all life, happen to give mankind the ability to have choice.. We have the most complex brains of life on Earth.. Now there are 2 forces in the Universe…the force of Good and the force of Evil. These 2 forces are always present…from the beginning of human life..
History of humanity has found that many tribes of people started their religion’s, Some believe that in the early times of Civilation, God and Mankind had more of a conection. But then Evil…or Saten was also near and had conections to Mankind…Humanity was very naïve and could easiley be manipulated. Humans…As Time moved forward….Mankind gained knowledge and generations came and went…But God and Saten still have influence of Humanity….Modern life has some what improved Mankinds way of life ..but also has incerased temptation. Mankind has also been infected with many toxic chemicals over centuries, that has caused pain and suffering of humanity…Saten has also taken advantage of humans that are suffering, mentally or physically…and sets forth Charlatans…to bring those humans into his domain…..The real purpose of Life..is to learn… Love…kindness…sincerity..
.helping one another…paying attention to try to have good health…If any one or group or organization does not show this….then there is something wrong…..We just need to look back in History …the Spanish Inquisition..in 1478….The Quakers, slaves, colonists in Salem with strange backgrounds .were gathered up in the era of 1692 and hanged as witches…Hitler was in charge of the War in Europe in 1935..and brought evil to the front of the world..R.L.H. came up with Dianetics in 1950 that was a combination of ..Freud and other psychoanalysts teachings…combined with a religious theme……but.. is also based on financial gain of those that are in charge of the organization..!
It takes great strength to be able to judge you own generation and see what direction you are going in But…it sometimes helps, to look back, to see where we have been …in order, to see where you should be going forward….!
As one who has studied and researched many religions myself, I know religion can be many things… but…
Religion doesn’t force you to go without, max your cards, sell your home or go bankrupt.
Religion doesn’t bully, coerce, blackmail and entrap people into joining and staying.
Religion doesn’t force you to have an abortion, leave your spouse or abandon your child.
Religion doesn’t silence you when you speak up against abuse, mistreatment, molestation or rape – it helps you seek justice any way it can.
Religion doesn’t shut you out for doing something wrong – it pulls you in and embraces you while you learn the lessons you need to.
Religion doesn’t tell victims that they are to blame for the crime committed against them, that they drew it in.
You should not be afraid of your religion. You should feel comforted, safe, and nurtured by your religion. It should be like a blanket or a mother’s embrace.
It seems to me that Scientology is a well marketed psy-ops business calling itself a religion for tax-exempt status.
A word of advice to all…
That which you send out into the universe comes back to you times 3.
I choose love. What do you choose?
Daughter of Hecate )O( says, you didn’t do your research well. MANY religions have done FAR worse than scamology. Even a brief world history class teaches one that much. Not saying scamology is good but you lack perspective on religions.
HUMANS claiming to act on behalf of a religion have done horrible, terrible, aweful things in history. You are correct. But the religion itself doesn’t dictate these behaviors. That’s the point I was trying to make.
While you might not have intended this, the confrontational vibe in your response is off-putting. I do not owe you, or anyone else, a dissertation on my “perspective on religions” to prove myself. (lets be respectful, shall we)
Nitpicking my comment to make me look stupid or ignorant is honestly, something a scientologist would do. #justsayin
However, as a military brat, and having grown up exposed to a variety of religions and world cultures, I’ve had a very well rounded exposure. (thank you) I’ve only recently given attention to THIS “religion” out of pure curiousity.
All religion are evil, think about it they all teach folks to be judgmental, it was also force on millions of Native Americans. They were told what they believe in was wrong many kill if they did not accept the beliefs of those who came here in 1492. For many years after slaves were free they were not allow to enter a catholic church. The early Mormon church was highly prejudicial against black people. All man made religion have an agenda, that is to get folks to give up there $$$ and step away from family members that speak out against of there church. And if you are gay every religion teach gay is a sickness and a sin and that you should disown them cause it will bring shame onto you. So religion is man made to control people and its been like that since the beginning of time.
Also love the show I truly hope you two will bring down this BS so call religion
You seem to not understand. Religion itself is not evil. It’s the people behind each of those traumatic events you described.
Your opinion is rather biased, claiming that any belief was set out to be a money and power controlling business, but the truth is that religion is only evil when someone decides to abuse it. The old crusader wars of the Catholics were controlled by the Popes that were bigger than kings, and that were themselves twisted and greedy. And religion- like anything with an influence, for example money, are not itself evil, but only when one decides to use them for horrible purposes.
Religious ideology makes people do all those things. History is a sea of example – from individuals to cults, terrorists, governments and mainstream religious institutions – all the way up to present day.
Scientology is only unique in its nuances.
Blessed be! 🧙♀️
Honestly, I think when people read too deeply into religious ideology that’s what causes trouble. It forces people to close their minds to the possibility of anything “other”. Tolerance for anything “other” goes right out the window all because someone took a sentence too seriously and then convinced others of their new interpretation.
Brightest blessings to you!
Not everything is open to interpretation, however. Some dictates are very specific. You only need to flick through a bible or quran for some examples. And those who apply them are arguably more “on source” than those who don’t.
Faith, to greater or lesser degree, requires the rejection of logic. To make religion “acceptable” one must resort to further illogic (eg. cherry picking, confirmation bias). It’s a slippery slope. The possibility of sliding down into extreme batshittery is ever-present.
You don’t need to believe in a divine to experience divinity.
You don’t need to believe in magick to feel magical.
There are some pretty hefty risks involved for those who do.
Hopefully Scientology will get more brittle and judgey as the mean age of its remaining captives rises. Demographics could be very good at dismantling the evil system that is Scientology.
I just came upon this as a result of a search. I recently started studying beginner literature. I’m working with 4 people. I was attracted to the “movement” with the promise of getting off of my psych meds and no longer requiring them. Promises of my physical pain which has required many surgeries with no positive results no longer being a problem for me. I’m 57 years old. I’ve been skeptical but thought it would be worth a try. Nothing else has worked thus far.
Stay away from them. They’re pure evil. Do some research about their history and their abuse of people and you see all they promise is lies. It’s a pyramid scheme nothing more. You’re better off trying accupuncture.
If it works for him, great! As an alcoholic I haven’t touched a drop of liqour since I picked up my first LRH book. You think I’m going to search elsewhere for help because others have an ax to grind? No sir!. 90% of these people calling it a cult are going off YouTube drama channels that are making tons of money off Scientology hating and have not picked up a single book, read it, and decided for themselves. I’m going into life repair and never been better.
That is excellent advice and as near a description one would dare without legalities. A host of profainities could be included and would be entirely accurate, but not here …
Agree. It is scary. I read the book by Ron Hubbard. This is an opiate trip dream written by a nut known as a pathological liar making up his degrees and jobs. He only saw one thing, money and ownership of his believers. No way to leave and forced to make payments to not lose your family and friends leaving you broke. We all could make up a religion.
No religion should be a business based on you paying your way up the Pyramid. It’s not a religion. It’s more like a religion from the twilight zone or an Alford Hitchcock movie. These people deserve to have their life back and money as well.
Kristen, Hubbard was using meth and becoming a bottle-a-day alcoholic in the early days of Dianetics. Two years earlier his family had probably moved him to put him in a psychiatric program for troubled vets, after he was arrested for petty theft and passing bad checks while living out of a trailer in California; he admits to being at the psychiatric hospital in Georgia but spins it as working with patients there (as he admits to experimenting on his fellow patients when he was in Navy hospitals, and was likely doing the same).
Hubbard’s drug use is well documented in his own words, such as his early encouragement about how “benzedrine helps a case run,” and his letter to his 3rd wife stating “I’m drinking lots of rum and popping pinks and greys.” Several people who worked around him at Saint Hill have testified to his going through a bottle of rum a day.
He does also refer in at least one place to how “trying to get off the soporific [phenobarbita] was a tough job.” Phenobarbital is comparable in some ways to opiates, so that could fit with your observation.
Also, one effect of both long-term stimulant and alcohol abuse can be delusional parasitosis, a psychiatric condition where people feel and believe that they are parasitized by bugs, worms, or other creatures. That’s why meth addicts often have sores from scratching themselves, and it may well explain Hubbard’s belief in “body thetans” (BTs), a sort of spiritual parasite supposedly attached to bodies.
Jon Atack wrote a good piece about Hubbard’s Tangled Relationship With Mind-Altering Substances:
> https://tonyortega.org/2013/10/26/jon-atack-considers-l-ron-hubbards-tangled-relationship-with-mind-altering-substances/
To be fair, I would not call it a pyramid scheme. The most accurate description that I’ve ever seen was written by Yashar Ali. Here is what he said:
“It is a criminal organization set up as a for-profit business masquerading as a religion.”
I would add the following: The worst aspect of this cult is they destroy a great many families and a great many lives with their policies of “Disconnection” and “Fair Game”. They use incredibly high pressure tactics to extract every penny that you can beg, borrow or steal. They are so practiced that is almost impossible to resist them. They will leave you broken and bankrupt.
You may be thinking, “But I would never let that happen to me.” Many other people have thought the same thing. But if they come into your home and refuse to leave and refuse to allow you to leave and they keep you up for 72 hours while they tag team people in and out, you will find it impossible to resist them and you will agree to max out all your credit cards and then get new cards and give all the money you can borrow to this cult. In the end, you will be financially bankrupt and morally broken.
Understand now?
What a trip Ron Hubbard must’ve been on when he wrote this book. The saddest part of all of this are the ones that have become leaders and have destroyed the lives of so many. I can’t imagine being in a religion where I have to fear not coming up with the money to pay to be in the religion or be put out on the street
I was in Scientology for 30 years, and completed the very first very highest levels there. I also workex directly with International Management, and I can tell you that while there is sincerity, there is also much corruption, hiding of crimes, and denial of plain evidence in front of one’s face. Which we know of as gaslighting, a common abuse, misinformation and propaganda technique
But I can tell you with certainty that you should not get off your meds, and that Scientology is violently opposed to all forms mental health care that isn’t Scientology, just like most religions are essentially opposed to all other religions, or even similar factions that aren’t them.
Scientology is just another religious hate group, masquerading it’s bad actions with claims of good intention, and a whole load of lying and gaslighting, and straight up threats to keep its members in line.
Reality is the exact same for all that exist. I’m trying to figure out how to make knowledge understandible for the masses and open those locked rooms keeping facts unseen. There is to much truth reality and knowledge to walk around with opinions and beliefs. Those who have locked these things up a feel are not going to think any other way and I have no idea how to get past them 1 against 1,000,000,000 is also the odds on this century being the one for men to be trully enlightened and become as the universe intended. I know this much that which strays from the protocol of perpetuation automatically cease. Maybe we will get it before that day. So hard to get past the perception that has been conditioned for each with one, all of thier lives. Seeing what is not inside of oneself is an incredable feat. After the achievement then you have to live with it. I struggle every day watching us miss each other because our minds have miss interpreted. I wish the technology that is here would be let out in the most eruptive fashion. We do have the ability to own each other’s thoughts but then again we always did prior to the technology. LOVE+ALL♾
I was in a Cult for 25 years, which appears to be the breaking point of realizing you have been USED and abused and Before you get in way over your head, which you WILL, make sure you read Margaret Thaler Singers book, “Cults in Our Midst” I’m currently in the aftermath sequence, the recovery from severe brain washing, which is beyond dangerous. Going through recovery after quitting after 25 years is living HELL.
They prey on weak minds, compliant minds, they tell you everything you want to hear, then steal all your money, destroy your self worth, and make you a slave to sick indoctrination.
If you want your life ruined, join a CULT. If you want a severe case of PTSD, join a cult, and pay for the rest of your precious life.
I’m sorry to hear of your ailments, but as most of us with chronic illness and multiple health problems figure out, being promised a silver bullet never works. What Scientology offers is really expensive snake oil. Although a placebo effect can feel real, for a time, nothing in Scientology offers to relieve us of anything but our money, our relationships, and our dignity. I’ve spent plenty of money on “treatments” I knew were quackery, because I was desperate. I would not have bankrupted myself or separated from my family, well most of them, for the costs required to ascend Scientology’s rainbow bridge.
I wish you much luck in finding solutions to your pain and psychological problems. I found the notion, not shared with new recruits, that my troubles were the result of untold alien souls attached to my body to be insulting and beyond absurd. “Go back to Lord Xenu!” I would yell at them in disgust. Go back to the volcanoes, and we’ll drop more atomic bombs on you from aircraft that are exact replicas of 1950s earth aircraft! Actually, I didn’t bother, I take medication that makes me feel better, see physical therapists for my pain, and practice mindfulness meditation. I’ll never be 100% free from what ails me, but I won’t be some cult’s sucker.
Hi new recruit – its been 9 months since your post – how have you progressed, has it helped you come off the traditional medication ? Are these methods working for you and what physical pain are you using Scientology to overcome ?
I was just searching if any of these crime shows or something of the sort have done anything about the young McPherson woman. So many appalling stories. Nothing that would be acceptable in any other business (since that’s what it’s really is) or religion. I’m also wondering why so many women have died of cancer in the org. Seems disproportionate to society. Sad. I hope these people find and realize their freedom to LIVE now.
It sounds like cult members are programmed to reject any notion that they are ill. That mentality would lead people to ignore early warning signs of any disease. Being over worked and sleep deprived wouldn’t help either. It sounds to me like these people live very hard lives.
Also, does anyone know whether the cult is subjected to inspections from the regulatory agencies that look for health risks (proper storage and use of chemicals, clean drinking water, etc.) in commercial businesses? Who would know if any of the cult’s facilities presented health risks? What about that old ship?
It’s disgusting what your anti-scientology cult is doing.
helping people?
I mean we know Scientology hates truth…
Scientology is a cult. There is nothing religious about it.
It’s disgusting that you even said that.
Clearly a scientolosheep wrote this, Scientology is so laughably very clearly a cult.
If you are soooo,”Pro” Scientology, shouldn’t you…
NOT be on the internet. Isn’t that a huge no no!
Or are you one of the high ranking, rules don’t apply to me, cause my leader can beat up your leader, members. I can’t imagine my priest running down one of our church members and striking them.
That would put our entire congregation in an uproar.
Not Scientology!
The church with two levels of rules. Those who are ruled, and those ruling the ruled.
Sounds more like corporate America, than any time I’ve, ever, spent in a church.
To those expressing their disgust with the liar leader of Scientology, Amen!
My church taught me to treat others a step above, how I’d like to be treated. The importance of family, home and community. Never mind the normal things Church is supposed to teach you. Respect others and each other, violence has no place in a church, and spread love not hate. We don’t punish those who make mistakes, we help them master the skill. Helping hands not expensive literature meant to fill the church’s pockets.
Your quote:
I believe everyone is entitled to achieve spiritual freedom and happiness, and that each is entitled to their own opinions and to make their own decisions about their life.-end quote
It’s wrong. Why? Because opinions are ubiquitious like a$$holes.
The only One that knows is God. And He chose to reveal how salvation works.
Nobody counsels God and it’s a failure to think critically and grasp God’s point that results in worldwide confusion. We are already all spiritually blind to differing degrees and like sheep go astray. So we need a strong shepherd to lead us in our blindness.
God said to study to be His approved man not to compare opinions with everyone. There are a lot of fools out there. Some of these fools demand evidence then refuse to examine it because they never intended to. They just delighted in being nuisances.
You ought to read The Fool on bible dot org to see what God has to say about associating with fools.
Scientology must have been loaded with fools and fools are dangerous and God explains why in the Bible. Especially in the Book of Proverbs.
This silly world is being taught to lose it’s natural affection and common sense. Design by a creator God is in our genes and throughout nature but we are being taught to deny the evidence of science and our own eyes in favor of the erroneous theories and opinions of men. Evolution isn’t even a law. It’s a theory and that picture they show of apes turning into men is a fraud admitted to by scientists but they show it everywhere anyway.
Every opinion is not equally valuable and why settle for an opinion when God knows?
The Bible was written by God over 1500 years through His servant prophets yet maintains themstic integrity. No group of men could do that. Only God could. That’s why the book is uniquely divine.
Hope you process this. Bye!
Not sure if you are aware of this — every religion believes their God is the one true God and the only one who has revealed the truth to them alone. Even Eastern religions believe they have the only revealed truth, though they tend to be more tolerant of others beliefs than Jewish/Christian/Muslim faiths…
Well we live in a strange world, Mike. Did you know the Buddha said many things very similar to Jesus Christ? He did but the Old Testament is older than Buddhism so, perhaps, some of God’s ideas from the Old Testament were adopted by Buddha because there’s no real boundary on the transfer of ideas.
We seem to live in more tolerant times in Western civilization these days and that can be good if it doesn’t blind you to the fact that love is the higher standard. Tolerance may allow evil but true godly love won’t.
Love makes people their brother’s keeper. Tolerance might make a person walk on by and not stop to help.
In the end, Christianity has Jesus. You have a true abiding spiritual relationship with him or you just have religion. Even unbelievers have a religion of some sort. For example, some unbelievers make a religion out of evolution then deny that they do. Others make idols out of self, etc.
We humans have a vacuum and we are going to fill it with something. Either it’s the love of the one true God or an idol. The human mind could even be said to have an idol making propensity. So I feel it’s best to latch on to the one holy God with the best motivations. I don’t know how many people in the past followed Molech, Baal or Zeus, etc. None of those are holy gods and their motivations are suspect. But people can be under the influence of their peers. They call it man pleasing. When people seek to fit in with others and fall under peer pressure instead of reasoning along with God in the scriptures.
I am a Christ centered universal reconciliationist because I believe that they understand that the scripture conforms to God in His highest character rather than to the interpretations of men. But it’s hard for people to buck tradition and family and friends sometimes and reason to a right conclusion. Everyone wants to fit in. But I always wanted to follow only the true best god and fit in to Christ’s tribe which is his family. Christ himself said those that do the will of God are his family. When you do his will sometimes you will encounter adversity and various forms of persecution just like Christ says but that just confirms the truth of God’s Word. So don’t give up. Be as wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. You can leave the unbelieving and Christ rejecting world to themselves if they object or demonstrate an unteachable spirit towards you. Don’t throw your pearls before swine but unless you talk to people a bit how do you know who the receptive people are. Like the scriptures say “bad company destroys good character”. Couldn’t the same be said for following bad idols?
I talk too much. You might enjoy a work by Geisler and Zukeran called The Apologetic of Jesus. I find it to be a well written, easy to read book that outlines some of the Christian evidence for God. Though it is faith that pleases God He also provided the evidence as Romans 1 says.
Peace Be With You!
I watched the episodes with Mike and ( I’m 85, can’t think of her name ). I enjoyed them, and hope that you all will find Jesus as your Savior. I hope you continue to expose them Mike. They’ve done a lot of damage. God bless you. I’ve been reading some more messages and found Leah Reminis name. First time I ever looked up anything on Scientology. Very interesting. Thanks for letting people write their heart.
I almost forgot to tell you the most important thing. You are personally loved by God and He knew you from the foundation of the world.
It may be the failure of people to recognize and receive this great truth that allows the worldwide religious deception and division to persist by promoting spiritual disunity among people.
And as more than one scripture makes clear: God’s love never fails.
Human love fails at times but God’s doesn’t. Cf. 1 Cor. 13, Psalm 136.
Please blast your evangelical message somewhere else…
Already gone. Sorry if you were victimized by false teacher L Ron Hubbard. If you knew what Jesus said in the scriptures you might not have fallen for him. You have to learn from Jesus in the scriptures how to spot the counterfeits.
From Matthews 20:
“You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their superiors exercise authority over them. 26It shall not be this way among you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave— 28just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”
Just stopped by to point you in the right direction. God does exist you know.
No one ever took my faith and destroyed it. It’s the real thing and I have personally debated more than 500 atheists. I also went round and round the clock with a Jehovah Witness once for about 6 weeks. He was probably logging hours on me to meet JW evangelism requirements but I tried to set him straight anyway.
This world is loaded with false teachers today. Still Jesus could come any day soon. The signs Jesus mentioned as precursors to his return are happening all around us. So don’t be fooled by what the world says. The scriptures say every eye will see him returning in the clouds.
Be a seeker. God rewards seekers. Don’t let your bad experiences blunt your seeking ability or take all your hopes and dash them. You might discover your true spiritual identity in Jesus.
Have a good day.
Oh, I see my comment was removed by moderation. Atheist now? The atheists aren’t innocent either. Google and read up on the Militant Society of the Godless.
The Militant Society of the Godless gulag’d millions of Russian Orthodox Christians when they didn’t kill them outright.
You couldn’t rise high in the communist party unless you were an atheist. Examine what the godless did in China, Cambodia, North Korea, etc.
Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Jong Il Kim….all some of the biggest tyrants ever seen and anti-religious too with no accountability to God. Stalin was a defrocked priest.
On the other hand Jesus saves all though most don’t teach it accurately.
1 Timothy 4:9-11
King James Version
9 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation.
10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
11 These things command and teach.
I won’t be back. I hope you become a true seeker but maybe you aren’t. Who confuses a wannabe like L Ron Hubbard with Jesus Christ.
There is no free speech on blogs but how do you expect to eradicate Scientology without it?
Truth can’t be told without free speech.
I hope you see the light. God bless.
No, it wasnt. I just hadnt gotten to it yet.
This blog is focused on the abuses of scientology. Readers here are not expecting this site to be a source of information about anything else. Christianity. Judaism. Politics.
Please try to keep on topic.
I am generally pretty tolerant of allowing people to say what they want as long as it is not abusive, but I do try to keep things to the subject of the blog as much as possible.
Well I was concerned about the Scientologists losing all faith. I was kicked off an ex-Jehovah’s Witness blog once by an atheist moderator when I tried to deliver the true Gospel to them.
You can have people working against your spiritual advancement in this world or helping but making mistakes. Probably why Paul told everyone to stop being milkfed. The scriptures were given to be our spiritual food to maturity but not every Christian reads them.
When you meditate on the scriptures the divine osmosis occurs. God is working on, in and through us..The scriptures are our clean spiritual food like a cow eats grass as a clean animal. The cow has 2 stomachs so the mediation, osmosis and assimiliation is long.
Many, many people get confused on the Old Testament but start with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John…the Old Testament shows we are sinners and law keeping wasn’t enough. We needed a whole new change of nature that only Jesus provides.
Why the Old Testament wars? Well the devil is trying to wipe out Israel and destroy the Messianic line before Jesus can be born. Look at Pharoah trying to wipe out all the male babies in Moses time….that’s an attack on the Messianic line. Under Queen Athaliah almost all the male line is killed but the Levite priests hide one boy to become king. Herod murdered all babies up to age 2 in Bethlehem trying to kill Christ. Fortunately, the world was blessed and Jesus arrived.
You couldn’t be born again in OT times but now you can acknowledge Jesus, be baptized, and become adopted into God’s family. We abide in Jesus cf. John 15 not really in denominations though some are better at communicating the Gospel than others. It’s confusing but we’re members of the corporate body of Christ. The outward trappings of organized religion confuse people.
This is an endless topic. If you ever have the time spend time with the universal reconciliationists. Personally, I believe they are the most accurate because they believe God saves each in his own order cf. 1 Cor. 15:23. Paganism entered Christianity and tried to scramble a lot of God’s message under the Roman emperors early in Christianity. There’s a doctrinally advanced free ebook called God’s Plan For All that explains it.
I don’t want former Scientologists to be lost. But the scriptures are a multilevel book and keeping all the truth straight can be challenging so God appoints teachers. Some are a lot better than others.
Many Christians have been inculcated with eternal torment but why? It says right in 1 Tim 4:9-11 God will save everyone. Still he has an order. Some people make it to the first resurrection while others are raised in the second.
Have a blessed day!
Sorry for going off topic. Thanks for your patience, Mike.
Hi Mike, Been watching Leah Remini’s show debunking scientology and sorry you had such a terrible time with false religion but then the Bible says “Satan deceives the whole world” in Revelation 12:9. Apparently L Ron Hubbard had some ties to the occult through Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons as well as an interest in it himself. Many of the cults have freemason connections as well.
But don’t let any of the terrible experiences from the cultists hypocrites trying to claim they were godly while they insisted their followers do evil fool you.
There is a God and He had only one begotten son Jesus Christ. Unlike L Ron Hubbard he actually rose from the grave. So seek him. Read the book of Romans, chapter 10. God rewards true seekers with heavenly blessings. You were just young and sought enlightenment from the wrong group.
Study the lives of the founders of religions. Only Jesus was sinless. Buddha abandoned his family to seek enlightenment. Mohammed conquered with the physical sword. L Ron Hubbard swindled Jack Parsons, was a bigamist and hung out with Church of Satan founder Aleister Crowley.
No religion founder matches up to Jesus because he’s the original holy one sent down from God. Everyone else is a counterfeit making false spiritual claims.
Remember: Romans 10 and be a seeker but be careful. Especially in these times there are a lot of false teachers roaming around.
May His grace abound to you. Blessings!
You’d think their members would notice the lack of an office or employed staff for dealing with returnees from the afterlife to continue on the bridge…
Amazing how religions can have totally different views on “GO FORTH & MULTIPLY”….as it states in the Bible.
Some religions forbid the use of birth control in ANY form….including the “rhythm system”…..they EXPECT a woman to birth a baby EVERY year. THAT assures that “God’s Army of Christians” will continue to grow & prosper due to donated MONEY from the larger group of parishioners where parents keep on adding more children to their families…which in years to come will bring in more & more tithed money.
Here the “big cheese” is forbidding it’s OWN STAFF from biologically reproducing…thereby cutting down on the number of “a growing list of parishioners”…..meaning LESS people to support the “cherch”. Less children raised & brain washed into this belief system when in reality…THAT alone should be exactly what COS wants…..kids raised from birth with THIS belief system ingrained in them.
A belief system where they are fed a constant daily stream of ONLY this information…no access to anything else on the outside…the outside world is EVIL & will harm them if they take part in it. These same kids will never see or hear anything else about any OTHER way of life or religion because THIS is all they will ever have. Wouldn’t one THINK that allowing the staff’s children to be born into this belief system is a really good thing to keep people in???
Look at what has already happened to Mike’s children….& the children of those on this blog who have left/blown…those same indoctrinated since birth children are STILL LOYAL to the CAUSE…rejecting their own parents/siblings who have left….BORN IN & BRAINWASHED & UNDER FULL SPELL OF COS.
IF Staff had children they would be spending time & MONEY caring for said children instead of being available 24/7 to work for nothing but yet have to donate whatever money they DO have to the “cherch” to keep moving up the Bridge to nowhere.
Tithing is wrong. It is an Old Testament system that was designed to provide an income to the Levites who didn’t get any land. But the Old Testament is obsolete as the Book of Hebrews says.
Any Christian church still insisting on a tithe is wrong because the Levitical priesthood was replaced by the Melchizedek Order. No one is told to tithe in the New Testament. Tithing was an Old Testament law and Christians died to the law cf. Romans 7. We obey the law of love now which God writes on our hearts. When we are born again we graduate out of the law. It was just a shadow of things to come and a school teacher.
Hope you re-examine the scriptures so you can identify God’s true teachings. Men sometimes rationalize the wrong way and teach their rationalizations as if it is truth.
Have a blessed day!
So how do you expect your church to pay the preacher? Or for that matter the electric, water….
‘Scientology is Dying Off’
Embedded within this cute play on words for a seemingly causal blog entry by Mike Rinder, contains a profound postulate so poisonous to LRH’s Frankenstein that programmed into its very DNA is its antithesis.
KSW is fundamentally a commandment to make the scientology hydra survive forever. KSW is also a swallowed cyanide pill because it commands itself to stay fixed in its behavior and mindset forever, unable to adapt and improve with reality as a result.
The few remaining deformed, crippled, diseased tentacles obediently lash out in vein at the inevitable reality that the scientology hydra is coming to an end forever.
Being born in 1947, 1949, 1954…………dying in their not so “very late years”….People are living well into their 80’s and 90’s these days….so WHY are these people dead?
As far as most religions go nowadays….I know that our church has “lost many members/parishioners” over the past two decades…for many reasons. YOUNG PEOPLE are drifting away from religion…they attend religious education classes….once confirmed they seem to drop out.
Downtown there are/were churches on every other block…some are for “different nationalities”…..Polish National Catholic, Russian Orthodox…etc etc. The ELDER PARISHIONERS who financially supported and once attended WEEKLY OR DAILY RELIGIOUS SERVICES are DEAD….or too ill or incapacitated to attend formal church services.
The “younger generation” have little to no interest in going to church every Sunday. Yes some will send in the tithe…but most simply do not care for religion. Our local Catholic Church has lost members for the same reason…some because of the “sex scandals”. I recall parents saying what my parents said to US & what I said to my own kids…..”When you’re 18 you can make your OWN decision on church attendance and/or religious belief”…..
At least two dozen churches in the surrounding downtown communities/towns/cities have CLOSED…been SOLD….are VACANT or UP FOR SALE…….these now EMPTY Churches have COMBINED WITH OTHER LOCAL CHURCHES only a block or two away. Those “closed churches” were NOT “pulling in enough donated money” to keep them going.
These ARE church buildings….towering bell steeples…. stained glass windows…wood pews……they LOOK LIKE CHURCHES. Possibly these “COS BUILDINGS” will sell more quickly with a dwindling population of parishioners….since they DO NOT LOOK like a “standard church” house of worship……they can be sold as office buildings…hotels….or possibly COLLEGE DORMS.
So said to see those mentioned above never got to enjoy what SHOULD HAVE BEEN their GOLDEN YEARS.
In the past year or so, I’ve had three very good friends from the old days die. All OTs, two of them very accomplished auditors, all former staff at SFO. (all disconnected from me) They were Decee Ray, 65, Dennis Negley 70, and Bill Crawford, 73. All in bad shape for years .
*and there are probably others I haven’t heard about.
Joe – what is “an accomplished auditor” ? Just think about it. An auditors real help is limited because of the way Scientology cleverly hypnotizes and gaslights the victims without their knowledge using the tech. The auditor facilitates these covert methods of mind control. It ducks people up.
Well, OEP, I simply have a different viewpoint and different experiences than you do. For me, getting and giving auditing was a largely very positive experience and not hypnotic. But as I value diversity in opinion, I thank you for yours.
OT accomplished auditors are people who should not be dying at those ages per everything they’ve done in and for the cult. Its physical universe contrary facts on display in their parlance, if they could only look.
Accomplished auditor means someone who has been thoroughly indoctrinated into Scientology and has little chance of breaking the mental prison.
“Accomplished auditors know the tech is correct because they have witnessed it with their own PCs time after time.”
I regularly deal with someone who qualifies on all counts. Though not currently active, fully embraces the mind set, despite now dealing with a medley of health concerns brought about by normal aging. (decrying its normalcy and spending thousands on natural remedies that do nothing)
TRs trap a person into Scientology. Training traps a person into Scientology. Auditing people traps the auditor too.
Accomplished auditor is someone who has been indoctrinated under threat and duress using hypnotic and repetitious methods. As an auditor they are constantly subjected to continuing indoctrination with daily or weekly cramming.
Auditors, unwittingly, are the slaves enslaving, viewing the results thru Elton John Glasses.
I went to St Louis Org too. Quietly faded away. A nice man who was public, Irving Ward, went to Flag for services. He was 45 years old. When he got back he was diagnosed with brain cancer and died. A woman named Sandy Adair was an OTVIII. After she completed the Bridge, she lost her home to foreclosure. She told me not to tell anyone because she was OT. She later died at 57 years old. Found dead in bed. Jackie Levine, another public, was on the OT levels. She was found dead in bed at 58 years old. Mary Benope, another OTVIII, died of cancer after obtaining this level. Candice Kindred, OT ?, died of cancer. Robin Hanses, long time staff member, died of cancer. Rachel Wilkinson, killed herself after serving Scientology her entire life. Cindy Nobs Fish died of cancer at a fairly young age a few years ago. The group is small. Scientific research would undoubtably conclude that Scientology is hazardous to your health.
Love your name. Thank you. Clever!
And that’s an awful litany.
Kelly Preston was all over Flag. For years, Whenever I was at Flag, Kelly was there, clapping by the CO as another VII comp came out of the examiner, attest and routing form in hand. Leaning next to Snr Execs during the wins and briefings in the Flag AO lobby, crammed with public on the couches and floor.
She was never in our regular course rooms, and didn’t wait in our waiting rooms. But she was on service like an IV drip.
When Dear Johnny would get some salacious accusation headlines in the press, Kelly was glued to Flag, in ethics, qual, all being attended to by the top.
She and Kirstie hung out at the Sandcastle restaurant, Ben crawling all over her..
It’s only been a couple years since I was there.
But she practically lived in the AO. And I wonder what the hell all those public and staff think. She was OT VIII, had access to the best the cult had to offer, for DECADES.
All those SO staff, all the public who witnessed her involvement.
She had all the time, money, and access. For all of her Scientology. And she was involved, so also, “in ethics” ..
And she died, and died quickly.
I wish every Scio could realize how in and active she was. Makes it harder to explain away with all the standard blaming points.
Could the reason for a higher death rate on Scientology be as simple as this:
Scientologists put auditing, touch assists and the like before scientific medicine
They believe these things are more effective, and they are pressured to pay money to Scientology for services instead of going to a real doctor.
Consequently they don’t have chronic conditions treated, so they grow worse, and when the suffer from acute conditions (eg cancer) they don’t present to a doctor until it’s too late for treatment to be effective.
That’s if they present at all. Quack doctors seem well established in Scientology culture.
Yes. Stress, poor nutrition, sleep deprivation and the like can destroy your health – but believing those terrible headaches can be cured by auditing and “the way out it is the way through” will give those brain tumours plenty of time to become inoperable. And take all your money.
Yep. All this. I lost several cult friends this way.
I’m sorry to hear that. It strikes me as genocide in slow motion.
Yep, that’s how it was with my mom. I think most of them find out about their cancer late stage and by then it’s much harder to beat. Then some are coerced – or worse – into not getting medical treatment and getting auditing instead. Look up Roxanne Friend. I don’t know why she is not being talked about more. She was an OT public held against her will and prevented from getting the cancer treatment she wanted. She died. Sickening.
My mother died of cervical cancer. Embarressed to go to the doctor, she kept it to herself, and was only diagnosed after having to be admitted to hospital to die a few days later.
That was quite bad enough. The idea of people being persuaded to deny themselves medical advice and treatment – or even prevented from seeking it, is terrible.
I’m sorry about your mother. Mine died needlessly young and it is heartbreaking. Just to clarify – in reading my post I realized it might be misunderstood that Roxanne was my mother – no, she was just a friend. Both died needlessly young though. Roxanne was held against her will. My mother just didn’t do the usual check-ups and screenings…there’s an attitude that one isn’t PTS so one won’t get cancer and one doesn’t need traditional medicine and doctor’s visits. You can bet I get a physical every year!
Despite the health problems cognative dissonance causes (more then ussual in any destructive cult imo), we have persons dieing of heart break. As someone else mentioned, where are these peoples families?
Guaranteed there is disconnection if not from family, for certain from many friends.
Diane Clark and her brother Dennis Clark are from that mission at least in the 70/80s. Dennis was a big wig in CCHR who was abandoned with cancer and passed. Diane won’t take my calls these last 7 years but last call she had lost her home and her hubby passed (Huey?).
Excellent artical Mike and everybodys comments.
I worked with Bill Newby at AOLA. Don’t recall him ever getting in trouble.
We had some other staff members from St. Louis – Diane Christian. Forget her husbands name because he was in another org.
To pu it in L RON Hubbard’s tech
Scientology is A=A=A
Scientology is a held down 7 in life
It is a stain on the cloth of living
Scientology is death
Scientology= Cancer = Suicide = Death = Foreclosure= shattered family=divorce=financial ruin= delusions of grandeur=disabled=mental illness=broke
Photos of a formal event at the mission show about 60 people – perhaps including some guests from other mission or orgs – and a couple of others more like 40. Plus of course the majority are in the gray-hair age range. The loss of 3 in such a short time is indeed significant, but perhaps telling of the demographic cliff Scientology is approaching.
I’m actually surprised they have that many at events – it rivals smaller orgs. The mission holder appears younger, and I wonder if for instance she is a popular field auditor, which seems to have been what got a lot of missions started (at one point independent field auditors were even forced to buy mission packages) and kept them going.
One of Scientology’s most glaringly blatant and divisive policies is their blockage, stopping and opposing
the area of love, marriage, sex, reproduction.
Babies had co-erced abortion for some 25 years and even now the rule is that Sea Org may not have children.
Married spouses were poisoned against each other by private folder confessional data being revealed as in “3rd party”
Miscavige ordered divorces were numerous:
What do you mean, “not a single one has ‘come back’”? I went Clear last lifetime while Hubbard was at Saint Hill. I was an original Saint Hiller. I came back, picked up a body from a Scientology couple, and got back on the Bridge.
I was able to construct this fantasy from hopes and dreams, and the certain knowledge that I was a spiritual being, timeless and deathless. I knew other people who were past-life Clears. We were all dreaming. We thought a number of us had come back. You can see how we bought the lie that Hubbard had left this body, and, as a spiritual being, continued his research.
Me too!
Last Life Clear through DMSMH
(Until GAT auditing made me do NED after OT V, to go clear again, before getting onto VII)
I loved my last life auditing, right up until they shredded it for me with that big long interview asking where my old PC folders were.
“this is how we are going to cost you anther 20 grand”
(oh, but wasn’t VII worth it? )
I wonder what will happen to all that money when His Tinyness finally kicks it? And can you just imagine the FIT he will pitch when he finally realizes that no, he actually can’t take it with him???
If Shelley is still married to him, given no divorce papers have surfaced, then she will have dowger rights as his surviving spouse. That is unless she signed a prenup or he has placed his millions in a trust.
Most of the IAS and the other dozen or so donation rallies are supported by the elder long-term members. As they die off, so does their fraudulent, no-exchange income.
Scn is dying off in many ways. No new recruits, no new public, old generation “dropping the body” but not coming back. Not changes in the society after 70 years. No effective technology. Just huge bank accounts.
The king is naked fortoo many people. . The point of no return has already been past since a while.
I wonder, as I read these announcements, are there any children or grandchildren they’re not mentioning. I see that only one mentions any siblings (2 brothers of Chantal)…what about nieces or nephews…I can’t believe that 2 out of 3 of these were only children. What about parents. Only the first (also Chantal) mentions a mother but no father. Alive or dead the parents are usually mentioned in obituaries. Disconnection is easy to see if you look for it. Even in these tepid memorials.
There is a good chance the advancing age of the remaining slaves will cause the news about the true nature of this scam to break through to the world’s media.
Most of us know the true nature of this monstrous scam and so we know that as the majority of these people become aged and infirm, this cult will not spend a penny to help them and as a result, some tragic event may well transpire where there are a great many infirm members that descend on emergency rooms or nursing homes who will simply be unable to cope. Or maybe there will be a great many of these people housed in one of the Double Wide trailers (The Hole) in conditions that would be akin to the Brazilian Prisons. If you Google what’s happening in the Brazilian prisons now, it’s a horror that may be something like the Nazi concentration camps. This is news the media should carry to the world’s attention.
It is at that time, the world’s media may well blitz the public showing the true nature of this monster (many people refer to this group as “them”. But we all know it is just a single monster that controls it all). When that happens, it may well be the “tipping point” and the world may then sit up and take notice and some good things might well happen – like their Tax Exempt Status may be revoked as well as some other good things.
Let us hope and pray.
P.S. This might make an interesting twist for a Podcast episode. What does “Fair Game” mean to the hundreds of aged and infirm members? Is there a way to bring this topic into the podcasts?
Looks like the Foothill Mission which was located on Foothill Blvd in Sunland Ca. is no longer there. It appears that they just moved a few staff over to the mission on Honolulu Ave in Montrose Ca. Years ago I had the pleasure of talking with the mission holder and his wife. I had left Golden Era in 1990 and in the early 2000’s I was working as a driver and generator operator for the studios. One day I happened to be working on the show True Blood and we were filming in Montrose.
Our base camp shared their parking lot. During our dinner break I went i and spoke to the mission holder and his wife. I told them I was ex so. It kept the conversation light. I did ask how they felt about all the regging for cash without an exchange for training, auditing or books. They both admitted that it was what was preventing them from getting their public into their next service due to being cash poor. I wished them the best in their endeavor. Seems like it still continues to shrink on its way to collapsing.
Scientology’s “Ideal Orgs” are one-up-man-ship more Guinness Book of Records world record emptier than Christian Science “reading rooms.”
The problem that Mike discusses, Scientology’s aging population, is compounded and partially caused by another major problem — i.e., small families, a lack of biological reproduction, and hostility to families and children.
Religions grow (or at least maintain their membership base relative to other religions and ideologies) in two ways. In no particular order: (1) recruitment; (2) biological reproduction.
The pressure to recruit for the future is less if your members are having large families, and in particular families larger than competing religions and ideologies. Conversely, the pressure to recruit new members is greater, indeed much greater, if your members are having small families, and in particular families smaller than competing religions and ideologies.
Increasingly, new Sea Org members are young second and third generation Scientologists. The problem is that Sea Org members cannot have children. The result is that the biological reproduction pool is greatly reduced.
Even if some such Sea Org members eventually leave the SO, the fact that they wasted many of their biologically reproductive years in to SO and their reduced earning power mean that they are likely to have fewer, if any, children.
Similarly, while contracted Class 5 Org staff can have children, the economic pressure of being on staff and time demands mean that they are also likely to have fewer, if any, children.
The same economic pressures apply to Scientology public generally. Who can afford another child, or even a first child, when they have to pay for their OT levels?
Systemically, the problem is Scientology’s over-reliance on and obsession with weekly statistics. It leads to an “eat the seed corn” mentality. (I witnessed it many times; someone who would have contributed to the COS for decades being over-regged and ARC broken, thus depriving the COS of years of income just so a reg would make their weekly target.) In this case, the “seed corn” is almost literally seed corn, the potential for biological reproduction of the membership.
The bottom line is that Scientology families are not large enough to maintain Scientology’s membership size even if we assume no defections, that none of the children left. That is a direct result of Scientology policy.
I would like to add to my argument two historical and practical observations.
First, it is no coincidence that historically most successful world religions had an admonition along the lines of, “Be fruitful and multiply” — i.e., have a lot of children. That is very helpful from the standpoint of memetic, competative and evolutionary success.
As a specific example, there used to be a tradition in many Catholic Irish families where the second or third son would become a priest. But only one of them would. The other sons would get married, have a lot of kids (who would remain Catholic) and earn money — some of which would be contributed to the church.
Likewise, one of the daughters might become a nun — but again only one of them. The rest would get married and, you guessed it, have a lot of kids.
A religion or church can largely be sustained this way even absent recruitment.
Contrast this to stories that I read and hear about Scientology families. Small families; only one or two children. And all (or most) of the kids wind up in the SO such that they can’t have any children themselves, or very few if they later leave the SO.
This is unsustainable absent massive recruitment, and we all know how that is going.
Again, Scientology is almost literally eating its seed corn.
Sea Org members can not have children. And Tubby shoots himself in the foot yet again.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone or imagined someone who acted like they were so passionate about a cause and worked so hard to make it a success. Yet every time he took a step forward, he also took one or more steps backward.
This bozo complained that Psychiatrists were his big enemy. The truth seems to be that no one was a bigger enemy than he himself was. What a Dumbass!
His biggest dumbell move was when he decreed that absolutely nothing he wrote could ever be changed. Then, just a couple of years after he died, we have the Internet and that changed everything everywhere – except for this dinosaur cult. It is to LAFF!
All excellent points.
And Scientology policy is pegged to Hubbard’s thinking.
Have you read the final 6 pages of “Going Clear…: book by Wright, and what’d you think of Hubbard’s admission of failure to Sarge? In context, all that Sarge spoke to Wright has pretty significant importance which is denied average existing and ex Scientologists who don’t hear what LRH said to Sarge.
So much info withheld from Scientologists about LRH’s final thoughts and state of mind. And also his intent to circle the distant star as “rehab” as Sarge says, and that info of ancient “OTs” doing rehab by circling stars, is per the Hubbard “running program” advices part of the Cause Resurgence Program’s today theory.
back in my old org….
it appears to be propped up by the core couple families that have kept it there, the middle aged children of the people I was staff with, and now some of those are reproducing.
it’s getting smaller….
sooooooooooooo glad I look at it from over here.
Scientology and Scientologists are dying off. That is an understatement. The Org in St Louis is really shrinking. Members are dying off too.
An OTVIII from the St Louis Org died last year or the year before and I just learned from a staff member that her death was horrible. If she was at cause over dropping her body, it was violent. Sounds more like she was PTS, for those of you that believe in the tech.
The woman was long time Scientologist Fran Turner, OT VIII, and she died of a traumatic head injury after being found in her driveway at her home in Illinois. She was in her 80’s and had been working on Staff for years in St Louis when she died.
That pretty much proved to me that OT’s are manipulated into spending a lot of money and decades of their lives going up the bridge for no powers over anything. Then to join staff after all that? That is crazy and intentionally designed by the covert tech of L Ron Hubbard.
This is Just more evidence OT’s do not become at cause over MEST. They only become delusional.
Staff told me the Executive Directors, Chad Lane and Matt Hanses, milked a lot of money out of Fran Turner over the years. Some day I hope they wake up. They are hurting people.
While poor Fran had delusions of super powers, Fran only displayed stupid powers. She married another OT Scientologist who had allegedly been kicked out of the Sea Org or he routed out. His name was Bill Newby. He moved in with Fran.
Bill was OT something and a highly skilled manipulator ( auditor ) from AOLA. That is where they met. Fran proved she had obtained, in my humble opinion, stupid powers by marrying this guy who was broke and also had delusions of grandeur. Fran, as an OT, could not handle his dandruff and apparently, Bill became an ethics particle because she had to write him up constantly. Staff said there were many ethics knowledge reports written up by Fran over his dandruff and other hygiene problems. What is baffling is he surely read the Way to Happiness, right? WTF?
Fran bailed him out financially and then wrote up the knowledge reports of him not paying off his debt or holding down a job. He went OTVIII while he was married to Fran. Obviously, no super powers for him either if Fran had to write up knowledge reports over simple hygiene and paying off his debt.
To anyone considering doing Scientology, buyer beware.
Promises of super powers are fraudulent claims and Scientology wasted poor Fran Turner’s life. She was a kind soul who got caught in the Scientology death trap.
Thank you for telling this important anecdote on OT 8 Fran Turner’s death after a lifetime of Cult gouging.
This is more recent history of cult conduct.
Wow, St Louis SP. Thanks for the intel.
I also went to that Org and knew Fran Turner. She told me she had been on psych drugs. She would have received the standard illegal pc label had she not constantly given Scientology money. They allowed her to go all the way up the Bridge but if she ever complained about Scientology, founder or leader, they would pulled out the illegal PC Card.
After I purchased my bridge, they told me I had to go to ASHO. After signing the legal documents & debiting my intensive so they could keep my money, they told me I was an illegal pc because of my work history. They told me I could not have auditing.
Then they put me in a room with several Sea Org staff, kept me up all night and ran the standard brainwashing doom and gloom cycle that the planet was going to hell and would I like to give all of that money to Scientology to help save the planet.
After hours and hours of the torture, I conceded to their demands and caved in to signing away my life savings. Scientology uses extortion and it was traumatic.
Another St Louis Scientology death was Rachel Wilkinson, a Sea Org ex that was on staff, also died a horrible suicide. She hung herself after getting kicked out of the church. The Church of Scientology covered it up.
this is such bullshit.
I have stories like that too. (backspacebackspacebackspace)
I’m so effin sorry you had to go through that, and sorry they made you cave.
I once signed a paper that sold my soul.
37 years, 7 months ago. (Hope you’re in Hell, RS. HAS of the org)
I remember, even if no one else does.
Thank you for sharing your stories here. I was in my 70’s and I went to ASHO where they kept me up for hours and a bunch of Sea Org people pounded me for hours until they drained my 401K. I left broke and broken. I never went back to a Scientology Org after that. If it were not for my family, I would be homeless. That is what I got after spending decades in Scientology giving them my time and working for pennies. They called me into the Org a few times and even sent a demand letter on that golden rod paper stating a date and time I must go in or I would get declared. The letter went into our burn pit along with all of the Basics, Way to Happiness boxes of booklets I used for furniture because I had none, Congresses, e-meters and piles of mail. That is where it all belongs. Scientology is nothing but a criminal organization. The members have no clue. It took my family showing me books, movies and the internet for me to finally see what I was part of. I am most grateful I am out. Hang on to your family. Scientology is designed to get you alone from your family where you are vulnerable and easy to exploit. Someone please, tell me again why they are still in business?
Someone made the point a few months ago, that Scientologists have a higher death rate than the average person in the population. I agree with this and it has been my experience. In the almost fifty years since joining Scientology, a large percentage have died.
I’m not surprised. They literally work (Sea Org & Staff) and bleed (Public members) the poor bastards to death.
I wonder if it’s because they don’t have health insurance because of they don’t believe they will get sick or they can’t afford it because their money all goes to Scientology.
I knew Ron Litchfield decades ago, in the 80’s/90’s. A decent man when I knew him. All the hard-core Scns I knew, and most of them at least OT 7, died in their 70’s or earlier. They are subjected to so much stress, financially and otherwise, they cannot live a full life. Sad.
Yeah…. Litchfield. One of the very many, from so long ago…
you get a mixed bag of stuff with these guys. When I found out, I told a few people to cheer them up, and a few others with a little more decorum.
Well, it should die off. Where’s Hubbard?
I so wish Mike you and Leah would digest the final pages of Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear….” book and take up in depth the final LRH state of mind, and the fact that LRH did at least momentarily admit to Sarge Steven Pfauth that LRH had failed, and explain that when LRH said to Sarge that LRH planned to go circle the distant star, that this is part of the theory of the Running Program advices, today’s “OT theory” part of the Cause Resurgence Rundown.
LRH said to Sarge he’s not coming back. What LRH then said to Ray Mithoff, or to Denk or to Annie at the end of LRH’s life is also relevant.
I think LRH only momentarily privately admitted in a moment of despair to Sarge that he’d failed. but in all cases this is “Doubt Condition” ethics level admission on LRH’s part, per LRH’s own theory of lower conditions material. If LRH did have, he never did, but if he had his own “Ethics Officer”, then this kind of LRH statement to Sarge, had Sarge written a Knowledge Report on LRH, with that conversation info form LRH in the report, then the Ethics Officer ought to have been obliged to call LRH in and present Sarge’s KR to LRH and ask if LRH was in “Doubt” as to Scientology!
Really, the theoretical details of LRH’s own rules, LRH did not apply to himself.
Janis Grady said once she never heard of LRH ever applying lower conditions, let alone other weekly “Conditions Formulas” to himself, as do all other staff in the LRH organizations around the world do daily.
Really, there is much to discuss relating to “failing” and declining Scientology.
Also, “The Path” TV series, was written by a very brilliant screenwriter who drew upon clearly much of Scientology/Hubbard’s movement’s rules and specifically in part, this story of Sarge’s, in that Sarge heard the LRH admission, and that admission was NEVER transferred down the ranks, and LRH himself to the end of his life, did not again apparently bring up his doubts, not to Mithoff, not to Annie and not to Denk.
So, this LRH end of life, and LRH’s despairing admission, Mike, truly, this detail of WRight’s book is a sitting blockbuster nugget of info, for the Scientologists present and past to think about.
LRH was in “Doubt'” for at least momentarily, toward the end of his life.
It’s still dynamite news. It needs discussing.
AT least in a part of LRH’s mind, he said, as he said to Sarge, that he planned to go out and do distant star circling as soul rehab (the OT rehab techniques which in the Running Program advices LRH had already written about way back in the late 1970s). it does all make sense, at least to me, in hindsight.
There is still so many more details I wish could be dug up, of Ray Mithoff’s final time with LRH.
it is important for a more realistic final history of LRH to be laid out, as Wright began in the final pages of his book.
The fuller on the ground final week history, which Camila Anderson told was told to her by Annie Broeker is spectacular info to.
Mike, I hope or wish Leah and you get Camila on, and Janis on, in a future podcast, and delve into the final LRH state of mind history.
Be it whatever it really was, I so hope you can bring up the further details out of those who know more.
Well said, Chuck. I would also like to see more said about or from Camila, Janis, Ray Mithodd an dothers about the final days of LRH.
Interesting Chuck. I’m not sure where you found many of these references, and I would like to review if possible. First time I’ve heard some of this info, then again I need to read that book as well.
No, I am not avoiding entheta, it came out before I left and I never got around to looking into it dealing with putting my life back together after being part of the cult.
Oh, and everyone please give to this blog or the Aftermath Foundation if you can spare it. I think it’s important to remember that there are more victims that will be leaving in the future.
Good point. One way to help is to contribute to the Aftermath Foundation, a thing put together by Aaron Smith Levin and others so that Scns leaving the SO can get financial help when they first come out penniless. You can contribute to it through Smileamazon.com. It is with Amazon.com and you can pick the charity you want a portion of money for each dollar you spend on Amazon to go to the one you specify. It is coming from Amazon and not from you. So every time I shop I go to Smileamazon.com knowing that a portion goes to the Aftermath Foundation.
Where is Hubbard?
There is a big problem with that. He is where he belongs. So what is the problem?
The problem is that he should have gone there an awful long time ago. Like the first time he opened his mouth.
Bravo! I just wanted the Scientologists to leave me alone. I would move and they would find me. I would ask them not to call and they would call. I think they even got into my house. pretending to be a vacuum salesman. I ended up in a mental hospital having to tell the male nurse to send back word that I wasn’t going anywhere with them when I got out. They had sent word they were coming to pick me up. My husband’s family had just come into a lot of money. They swindled them probably threatening to sue because they said I insulted their religion. I just made a simple observation: Why are they using the cross, a Christian symbol on the top of their church or cult. as I saw it. Yes, I threw the book I bought from them in the garbage because I bought it thinking that it was about science when it was actually about science fiction. Nobody can give me back my mental health that suffered after their harassment and threats. I can’t get the years back with my children growing up without me on a remote island. Some of what they said and did to me was criminal and sick.
The added stress level of being in $cientology I have no doubt shortens lives. It’s like having homework and an unrelenting loan shark on your tail your entire life. The way to happiness is 180 degrees the opposite direction.
Looking forward to when $cientology is just another sad footnote of cult history if it isn’t already.
I felt like the people the Foothills Mission mentioned who had died were all youngish to be dying compared to the population at large and the average age of the population at large. Scns don’t go in big for medicos or for tests such as breast xrays once every couple of years etc. And one Scn I knew who was a big KA drinker got cancer and refused to tell anyone about it (except her closest of family), and she actively withheld her illness from everyone even though it was obvious she had some kind of big time illness and was dying. She didn’t want people to know she had cancer because she felt they would judge her to be unclean or bad on the second dynamic. She had MU’s on the bulletin, “Pain and Sex” that Ron wrote and on the “Cancer” bulletin he wrote. So because of that she withheld the truth from everyone. That withhold could not have been good for her.
I think the only ways they get new members is like you said, children of current members and also people from non-english speaking countries like Russia and the south-east Asian territory. These places may not be as informed about the BS of Scientology so the cult see’s them as easy marks.
The real tragedy is seeing these people who literally wasted their entire lives in this bullshit prison of belief. I remember how Tom DeVocht was saying how he regretted that much of his life was wasted because he was in the cult, luckily he got out and has a great new life like Mike and many others.
When you start digging and looking for BTs (body thetans) on your body you start a dangerous practice.
In meditation you can address your attention on body areas to check for negative energy hold in your tissues but you must never judge. You must be just a witness of it.
Scn goes over. It gives an identity to these energies. So they don’t just keep existing, they take a new form. This is just a creation of the mind but can have deadly effects. Because now the person believes not only that “they” exist but can be real and be causative.
I hadn’t thought of this before, but I think you definitely have a point, Loosing, (although I may be approaching it differently). We have so little understanding of the power of our brains & imagination. I can see where someone concentrating endlessly on what’s wrong with their body could cause devastating, and predictable, results
Yikes. .
Thank you Briget. In my opinion this is also why one can get vagons of reads on an emeter.
What do they print when assholes die?
That they get resurrected on Uranus as haemorrhoids?
There is a certain amount of truth to the concept that “PTS” causes illness. It’s well known that stress does precipitate illness. And being around stressful people or environments does rub one the wrong way.
I’m sad to hear about Ron Litchfield. Knew him well back in the 70’s. He was a truly nice guy.
I just can’t help getting the idea that he and many of the other recently departed just throw their hands up and scream inside their heads, “I just can’t take any more of this shit.”
The Co$ is and their incessant salesmen are among the most stressful pricks on the planet. There always seems to be someone nearby to remind you that you haven’t done enough or donated enough or prostrated yourself enough to the alter of “saving the planet.”
There was another Foothills Mission guy who died several years ago at a young age of cancer. My memory of names is bad and so his escapes me at the moment. But he was very active in his band and they performed lots of places and he was a good musician. (Now that I’m typing I am reminded of another musician from same mission who died young, Marty Butwinick). But this other guy lived in Sunland and everyone liked him. When he was dying and needed help I offered to do any kind of assist he wanted, TA, Body Comms, any assist from the Purple Assist book. He turned all assists down and said he just wanted someone to drive him to and from his chemo therapy treatments. So that to me was very telling that a died in the wool Scn would turn down assists when the chips were down.
Governments save the planet. It is not up to a failing pseudo-scientific movement to save the planet. Their job, I shouldn’t say it lest I give them ideas, is to improve lives and increase individual spirituality. Money can’t buy faith either, thus the reason for putting the work in at a church.
As for some truth in Scientology, I had that thought a lot about concepts while Still In. If you stretch a lot of the tech, it always became a justified truthism. I don’t agree with the label PTS personally, it’s judgemental.
Sharron Weber is only a year younger than one of these people. She had better start recruiting her replacement and training them to be a fully hatted face-ripper.
And, if anyone happens to run into her, say hello to her for me.(She was my first wife). I am sure that she thought that I died many years ago.
Boy! I would not be surprised if she moves along in the not-too-distant future.
Yep Mary, with the amount of stress she must have on her to get the stats up on a rust bucket that can’t afford fuel to sail and no more customers coming because of Covid and because the numbers in the church are way down, it must be huge stress on Sharon Weber. I think she’ll be moving alone soon too.
path and”Ron is well loved and adored.” Bwahahahahahahahahahahah. Whew, this is fun!
“We wish him much happiness and success on his future path and thank him for his tremendous kindness and friendship.”
He was an asshole!!!! He abused the people he worked for!!!
FOR GOD’S SAKE!!! He’s DEAD!!! Good riddance to that idiot!!!
Must have gotten into the persona of a “dedicated $cientologist.” He wasn’t that way back in the 70s.
Hey OSD! Why don’t you enter the contest with those 3 ways that this scam is fun?
You could win that recording machine or one of the many other valuable prizes.
I hear that second place gets a popsicle (slightly licked though). Third place? Well an elephant recently died at one of the country’s zoos and third prize wins the corpse. But you have to pay to have it transported to your home.
Still, you could win a valuable prize and you may even have the opportunity to take it and stick it up YKW’s ass! Wouldn’t that be fun?
We all have our “moments”. OSD just had his.
Yup. Litchfield was a rip-off artist par excellence.
Pretty sad. Also pretty common to see these days. It’s been my theory that being in Scientology causes 24/7 stress which takes its toll on our body’s. Our endocrine system goes haywire. The result is heart disease, cancer and numerous auto-immune system maladies. Such a waste. They die believing lies. Criminal in my opinion.
Here is Scn think on illness and death: I in a moment of insanity, joined the SO at an older age. (The SO is for young people and not old people). I started in on the EPF. Luckily for me the recruit cycle was out tech, so I got to go home when I completed the EPF to do the Project Prepare which should have been done first. I went home, got away from them and changed my mind and then said NO and never went back. That saved my life. Because only a few years after that I had major heart issues and had to have an artificial heart valve put in. (turns out I’d had a congenital heart problem that was not detected until later in life.)
Fast forward to a bit after my mechanical heart valve was in and working fine and I was at Flag and saw the recruiter on my cycle. he asked me about this as word got around Flag about it and I told him, “Thank God I didn’t continue and route into the SO because I’d be dead now if I had.” He said, “No, if you’d been in the SO you wouldn’t have been around PTSness and suppression in the world at large and you would be in a theta place so you never would have gotten heart trouble in the first place. as you’d have been sheltered from that suppression.”
This is the prevailing viewpoint of them. Insane. I was already living the sleep deprivation and face ripping during the short stint on the EPF. So I saw what lay ahead for me. And it would have put me in my grave. The stress of suppressive orders, sleep deprivation, face ripping is big stress. I’d have died in the SO especially because no one was allowed to have a cell phone so I would not have been able to call an ambulance if I collapsed with heart trouble. They frown on ambulances coming to Flag land base.
So glad you did the right things. I was deep into that belief system and I know it well. The PTS/SP tech is one of Hubbards big lies. And has killed many and destroyed thousands of family’s.
Once I got out I realized that the emphasis on SP detection was a ploy and not the source of all illnesses and mistakes. That belief could have killed you is right.
Thanks, BK Mole. I think you’re right.
Our best is not always sufficient or complete. Men start works and other refine and evolve it. There is much truth to scientology updates are required by all things existing. I have many ideas but I have very few ears that can still recognize possibilities or hope for that matter. I have but one comfort being of the universe is an involuntary participation and all things comply and yield to it’s perfect way. LOVE+ALL
66, 71, 73 years of age. Not only are they dying off, they’re dying off young. Age of death is decidedly worse than the average for the population in the US – 78.9 years of age (81+ for women and 76+ for men). And the US only ranks 38th out of all countries in the world. Small sample size but food for thought.
SSA, life expectancy is even higher for the educated and well-off – a demographic Scientology ought to be competing with, while instead they seem to be in a race to the bottom with the likes of Jehovah’s Witnesses for rejecting education and modern medicine, and suffering the socio-economic and health consequences.
It may be largely because such factors also track with religius affiliation, but I found that while fundamentalists are below average in life expectance, for mainline Protestants and Catholics the average exceeds 80, and for Jews it approaches 90:
Mortality Differentials and Religion in the U.S.: Religious Affiliation and Attendance
> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3035005/
I find this announcement interesting. When I was IN, one seldom saw these announcements for whatever reason or because you “never announce a departure” bullshit. But I think these days the church of scientology wants to look more normal – you know – like it cares – like it feels love. Maybe individual members do but the church as a whole does not; in fact, it tacitly teaches how not to love.