STAAD puppet Rodger Clark has produced a “sequel” to his earlier effort claiming scientology is “fun.”
He claims his earlier piece “struck a chord” with readers…
Apparently the reader(s) is me. Just me.
I had responded to his “Scientology is Freedom, Freedom is Fun,” with my take on his assertions “Scientology is a Happy Place.”
It seems Rodger was not too happy about what I had to say, as he quickly launches into a smear of me. Not much “fun” or “happiness” on display from Rodger, just a whole lot of name-calling.
He gets underway with this (after his happy stock photo you see above)…
Exhibit A: Mike Rinder. For anyone unfamiliar with “Sleepy Mike” Rinder, he’s the guy who plays Leah Remini’s version of Igor the faithful assistant in A&E’s show where Remini plays the modern version of “Scarlett the Southern Belle” with her small clan of rebels talking about how mean the Yankees are for freeing the slaves (“Why, Yankees are not gentlemen!”).
“Sleepy Mike” earned his moniker when, as a Church of Scientology staff member, he had perfected a system of getting his underlings to do all of his work while he took naps, then took the credit.
A bunch of name-calling in his first paragraph. I wonder if he thinks this is clever and “topical” because Trump calls Biden “Sleepy Joe”? But put aside the names, isn’t it amazing that anyone in the super sophisticated, state-of-the-art administrative system developed by L. Ron Hubbard could get away with this scam for 30 years… None of the smartest people in the world, who had all the incredible tech of L. Ron Hubbard at their fingertips, ever noticed?
Anyway, Sleepy Mike’s system was so good that he worked his way up the ladder until his incompetence became so glaring, and annoying to coworkers that he, umm, “felt it was time to leave” (“Buh-bye now!”). Now he makes a living by using his special talent and getting other people to grouse about the people he harmed. A classic Shakespearean scenario.
Funny about that. Apparently my “incompetence” was so glaring that I was sent to London as scientology’s International Spokesperson to forewarn and protect John Travolta and deal with the BBC. And I escaped from there. Nobody was complaining about me being “annoying” to my co-workers. David Miscavige was personally directing my every move every day.
In truth, Rinder and Remini have been there. They know Scientology works.
Interesting that this is the best they can do. I remember Miscavige commenting about people who had blown the Sea Org, “They are desperate to come back” and “jealous that they are no longer part of our team.” Hahahaha. It’s the only thing they can say that makes them right. It’s not possible for anyone to conclude that scientology is a fraud or that conditions in the Sea Org are beyond abysmal. Being in denial is an important element of the scientology mindset.
The funny thing about critics like Sleepy Mike is they attempt to issue the proclamation that I’m not having fun at all as a Scientologist, when I could have sworn I was enjoying myself thoroughly! Damn… I have a great family I love, vacations, hobbies, goals to pursue, a religion I can enjoy—the whole nine yards. But according to people like Sleepy Mike I’m really quite miserable.
And according to Sleepy Mike you have obviously never been in the Sea Org, and definitely nowhere near the top of the Sea Org. Family life? Hobbies? Vacations? Those are NOT things that are in the life of Sea Org members. Working 18 hours a day, 7 days a week, sleep deprivation, food deprivation, physical and mental abuse — those are the elements of life at the “top” of the scientology food chain. Rodger, like other apologists can ignore this by saying “I have not witnessed that.” But then also claim they HAVE “witnessed” the wins of others in scientology, when in fact all they have done is heard what they have to say. But when someone says they were abused “that’s not my experience.” It’s a double standard they cannot acknowledge.
Rodger even pulls out the old line:
Mike Rinder, a former Scientologist expelled from the Church for grossly unethical conduct.
But he doesn’t know me and he has never bothered to find out anything about me. He just takes the party line he is told and repeats it. Over and over. I escaped. I was not “expelled.” They “expelled” me for talking about David Miscavige physically and mentally abusing people. As long as I didn’t do that, they were perfectly content for me to remain the international spokesperson of scientology and sit on the Board of Directors of Church of Scientology International. Never heard that Rodger?
In truth, Rinder and Remini have been there. They know Scientology works. It improves people—their vivacity, happiness and well being. They’ve seen it for themselves.
“In truth”?
Evidently Sleepy Mike’s alternative to Scientology is to spend one’s life being a self-righteous cynic, pointing a finger at everything “wrong” which one could possibly pretend to find anywhere. Of course all that will accomplish is to lose one’s mind and, along the way, become an insufferable bore.
There is not one critic that ever lived who has created any happiness, let alone fun.
Well, according Rodger, I have never created any happiness or fun? And he knows this how?
I wonder if he has ever watched Leah Remini in King of Queens, one of the most beloved sitcoms of all time? No happiness or fun there either?
L. Ron Hubbard in his technical bulletin “Psychosis, More About,” revealed the key to why individuals and societies get suckered into losing their minds, and as a consequence, have no fun at all. They get sold on the idea that finding and stopping everything “wrong” will make everything right. But what actually happens is that they keep finding more things wrong until (in their mind) everything is wrong.
This is what real students of the mind would call projection. If ever you wanted to find someone who finds everything wrong — look no further than a scientologist and their mentor L. Ron Hubbard. The entire “wog world” is wrong. Education is wrong. The government is wrong. Psychiatry. Medical doctors. Psychologists. Bankers. Physicists. Interpol. Biologists. Astronomers. Colleges. FBI. Judges. Courts. The media (chaos merchants). SP’s. I could go on and on. Everything that is not scientology is wrong and needs to be made “right” with some scientology “tech.”
So, keep it up, Sleepy Mike and Co. You’ll find yourself speeding down the Prozac highway, straight to the loony bin where you can spend the rest of your life getting your brain zapped, drooling down your shirtfront and wearing diapers to bed.
Happy Rodger wraps up his “fun” piece with an image he hopes will come true. This is a perfect example of what “good scientologists” are taught to think. As an SP, this is what I deserve and it will be my inevitable fate. Maybe they can help it along and put together some programs to get me incarcerated in a mental institution — just the like they did with Paulette Cooper? In their minds, this is righteous and perfectly justified. So justified, they even say it out loud. Yet if you confronted Rodger Clark on “Op Freakout” which was designed to do just that to Paulette Cooper (listen to our podcast earlier this week), he would at first say “I don’t know what you are talking about” and then, if shown it, “that was done by a rogue element of scientology and they were expelled for malfeasance.” And he would deny that this sort of thing would ever even cross the mind of a “good scientologist.” While he wrote exactly that.
L. Ron Hubbard was quite succinct in stating “we are interested in a science which returns motion and action to existence.” Well, grousing, debating, complaining, faultfinding are not only not fun, they aren’t living.
And his final thought is this bizarre quote from Hubbard. It is meaningless. But he tacks on his own thought, which is a perfect description of what he has just done. If the positive, fun activities of scientology are all that matter, what the hell is he doing spending time to write and publish this drivel about someone he knows is going to end up drooling down my shirtfront, wearing diapers to bed?
Roger just can’t help himself shouting out the window of his prison that you’re definitely not having as much fun as he is.
I think we like to think of the UK as a bastion of civility, and for the most part, it is.
However, if you go on YouTube and watch any of the Brexit election result videos, you’ll see lots of name calling from both sides
Much like here in the US.
We’ve witnessed name calling for years from both sides and to argue otherwise is to engage is Scientology-like thinking “The other side is at fault….we’re as pure as the driven snow….”
All one has to do is go to YouTube…..though YouTube has been quite busy censoring and demonetizing to the point where if the word “corona-virus” is even mentioned (regardless of the message) the video is automatically demonetized.
It’s YouTube’s way of eliminating “entheta”
Poor Ed is just another robot that stopped looking and thinking for himself long ago. There was a Sea Org member named Sarge that served Hubbard to the end. Sarge made some recording after Hubbard died. He details Hubbard being obsessed with evil spirits and asking Sarge to help electrocute him so as to kill one of the spirits. Hubbard also told Sarge that his work was a failure and that he wouldn’t be returning after his death. Hubbard was also drinking heavily and definitely not happy and having fun. In the original OT 8 materials Hubbard claimed to be “the Anti Christ”. Some of the individuals on the Maiden Voyage literally walked off the Freewinds and out of Scientology. Hubbard promised that OT 8 handled amnesia on the whole track. Sounds good except OT 8 doesn’t address whole track amnesia at all. Just more lies and BS from a man that was not even remotely mentally stable. Wake up, Ed.
The way to hell can be funny but the arrival is sad.
This guy writes a long piece criticising others, about how criticising others is a bore and the path to being a loony in diapers!
What about Scientology and all their ‘knowledge reports’. They literally go around criticising each other on every little thing. What about Hubbard’s constant criticism of anyone and everything not to his liking, particularly psychiatry?!
As usual no logical thought behind this at all. And they think they are a science! The biggest joke in history is what they are becoming.
If you are funny in this company, you are a joker and degrader.
They hate fun, as fun shows that the factory is based on nothing, but false promises.
Dear sleepy Mike,
I say this is a nice name from an enemy.
It could be worse.
For example, saying pedophile Hubbard.
I wonder, why this is not discussed?
Remember the 13 year old girls he was surrounded on the ship. Nearby him, with Hotpants and open white shirts.
Isnt this a basic of a pedophile?
The one did it on his island recently, for years after years, the other on a ship. And nobody witnesses it!😒
So, Mr. Sleepy Mike, I would like to have more information on the pedophile Hubbard, please.
It is time for that. And there is a lot to grab out.
Also on Mr. Miscavige prisoners.
Best wishes to you
Slowy joe
Thank you mike for giving us a fantastic example of absolute insanity. I can’t help but think of the Invasion Of The Body Snatchers and Donald Southerland convincing Brooke Adams how wonderful it is to give in to the alien take over and become one of them. Rodger Clark has to convince himself he is having fun. He is the perfect pod person.
I am so grateful for the show that you two/all of you have done. My husband was in and on staff. It was before he and I got together and we have been together for twenty years. Your show and explaining what goes on there, what they believe, and how they are treated has filled in a ton of blanks for me. There has been many, many times when I could not understand where he was coming from on certain things. It was just so illogical to me. Don’t get me wrong, he left and never wants to go back but it is evident how DEEP the programming is. I don’t even think he knows how deep it is and how he was manipulated to think the way that he does today. Over twenty years it’s gotten better but I think we still have a road to go. We haven’t gotten a phone call in a few years but the mailings are at a minimum every month and they find us no matter where we move to.
Rodger (darn, all I think of for some reason is “Welease Wodger” from The Life of Brian at the moment) made me think of two new STAAD’s –
Speaking Trash And Absolute Dreck.
Spurious Twaddle And All-encompassing Delusion.
Personally, I think not long before he wrote his “$camology is fun” piece his blow up CoB doll developed a leak and left him in a bad mood after he had to rely on pretending his left, or right, hand was Demento.
Very funny. I was never in the church but was so very blessed to work for Narconon southern CA. Cough Cough. It is amazing on how delusional some members are. Sad really. Everyone have a great and fun day!!!
Oh, yes, it is just SO cool, so very clever and with it to give people one doesn’t like silly schoolyard nicknames, just like our President does!
I get depressed, sometimes, over this.
Coping with peoples’ continuing Covid problems at my 2 jobs, wearing a mask, social distancing and all the restrictions that go with it – these don’t depress me. They’re not fun but I know they’re necessary and as well highly successful actions, so none of this gets me down.
But the degeneration of basic civility, the grossness, the insults and name calling passing for discourse nowadays, and all of it coming from the top down – this gets me down.
The bar is so low now. Insults and name calling replacing valid arguments seem to be normalized now.
I wonder if there’s a civilized country in the world left that has not sunk to this level. England, maybe? I’m an Anglophile anyway. I could live there. America as a country seems to be getting stupider and stupider. Its depressing. End of depressing rant.
I think we like to think of the UK as a bastion of civility, and for the most part, it is.
However, if you go on YouTube and watch any of the Brexit election result videos, you’ll see lots of name calling from both sides
Much like here in the US.
We’ve witnessed name calling for years from both sides and to argue otherwise is to engage is Scientology-like thinking “The other side is at fault….we’re as pure as the driven snow….”
All one has to do is go to YouTube…..though YouTube has been quite busy censoring and demonetizing to the point where if the word “corona-virus” is even mentioned (regardless of the message) the video is automatically demonetized.
It’s YouTube’s way of eliminating “entheta”
Well, OK, so much for England then 🙂 France, maybe? Look, I’m no prude and I can be as vulgar as anyone sometimes. But vulgarity and insults ALL the time, and/or vulgarity and insults all the time in lieu of normal discussion – well, its just a bore, that’s all!
I hear ya. As a Brit, after living through seemingly multiple elections and a referendum, I felt the exact same way. But I’m no longer convinced that the msm and social media provide a realistic snapshot of ppl’s views. Twitter, YouTube, mainstream “opinion journalism” – it’s not real; the closer you are to it the more distorted reality becomes, the more tribalistic everyone appears, the more hateful and divisive everything seems. It’s depressing, sure, but it’s not a fair representation. There is a silent majority out there – everyday folks who aren’t focusing on the minutiae, who don’t follow the endless churn of 24/7 clickbait “news” and marketable outrage, who don’t feel the need to voice their opinions on matters that, in the grand scheme of things, have little to no effect on their daily lives.
I don’t believe America is getting stupider and stupider. I think, perhaps, you might be focusing too heavily on the infinitely more vocal minority (the ideological extreme) and missing vital perspective that will arguably renew your faith in your fellow man.
“…the infinitely more vocal minority (the ideological extreme)…”
Yes, its possible that the majority of Americans are not getting stupider and stupider and that this only an apparency due to the extreme and shrill and extremely shrill voices of a minority.
Your point is well taken. It has validity and I appreciate your taking the time to explain it.
mwestern, I’ll share this with you too; I’m somewhat addicted to British TV. I watch a great deal of it. Its refreshing to listen to actual conversation. People speaking intelligently in actual sentences. Arguing, possibly, disagreeing, but within the general context of a debate, with civility. Making points cleverly without insults, vulgarity and vitriol. Its refreshing. So I watch a lot of it.
What I’ve just realized is that to a great extent I’ve been comparing what I watch on British TV with how Americans dialogue on issues, and its depressing.
I’ve been making an unfair comparison – British TELEVISION, British FICTION, mostly, to American REALITY.
Perhaps, just as Americans are quite diverse, Brits are just as diverse and possible even more so. Perhaps my concept of how Brits customarily interact with one another is highly idealized and based on nothing more than my own viewing of British televised fiction and/ormy reading British novels and classics!
Now, I don’t know, actually. I can’t really say if I’m being unrealistic about the Brits because I’ve never been to England, nor have I much experience in interacting with them here in America. Of course, I’d love to visit England. I’d love to go for a loong visit because I’m fascinated with England to tell the truth.
I could be utterly deluded. I’m laughing as I write this, so thanks again for sharing what you did. It helped 🙂
Oops…deleted this by mistake. 😰
“What I’ve just realized is that to a great extent I’ve been comparing what I watch on British TV with how Americans dialogue on issues, and its depressing.”
If there is a difference, I’d probably say your “thinkers” tend to be more political, more partisan, whereas here pretty much everyone despises politicians and their parties. The last vestiges of party loyalty were swept away after the Brexit referendum. It really is all about issues now.
“Perhaps my concept of how Brits customarily interact with one another is highly idealized and based on nothing more than my own viewing of British televised fiction and/ormy reading British novels and classics!”
Heh! Maybe…it depends on the books you’re reading and the shows you’re watching. You may be disappointed… 😂
“Of course, I’d love to visit England. I’d love to go for a loong visit because I’m fascinated with England to tell the truth.”
Haha, well you should definitely swing by. We’ve had a gorgeous summer this year which seemingly ended last week. That means rain from now until January…sigh. So any time between mid April to early August would be a safe bet. Don’t spend too long in London – the beating heart of England and its people lies in the countryside (ie. the flyover states). In the Lake District, the Peak District, the Yorkshire Dales, the Cotswolds, the South Downs, the Surrey Hills and Cornwall. I’m half Scottish so it would be rude of me not to also gush about Edinburgh, the Highlands, and the stone circles of Orkney and Lewis (so much better/less touristy than Stonehenge). And then there’s Wales…you can’t not explore Snowdonia. It’s a 90 minute drive from Liverpool…and a hiker’s paradise.
But I have to say, I have a whole lot of love for America. I’ve been a fair few times now and it never gets dull. More recently, I spent a couple of months island-hopping Hawaii and hiking the Alaskan wilderness – and they were, without a doubt, some of the best experiences of my life. The people also…some of the wildest, wackiest, kindest, loveliest and most down to earth I’ve ever met. From the ex-addict, ex-wife of a millionnaire who lost everything in the divorce (including her kids), now working in the kitchen of a diner in Kauai, trying to get her life back on track – to the Texans I met in a bar in Kyoto, Japan, who invited me to go trekking with them in bear country after only a couple of rounds of beers – and everyone else in between. I don’t see these kinds of people in US media. And if they’re mentioned, it often feels like an afterthought. Yet they are, for me at least, the real America. And I’m smitten.
Rizza and Tony have been recruiting on Nick Cannon for the last year..
and the net keeps getting tighter…
Nick ran afowl of the jewish community recently for his parroting Tony and Rizza babble.
After reading Rodger’s article , I realized how little fun I’ve had in life since I morphed into an SP about ten years ago … So I booked a flight to Sydney to report in to an MAA, donate all my money towards becoming an aluminium humanitarian, and do my A-E so that I can start to enjoy life again … ok, none of the preceding contains even a shred of truth …
An “aluminium humanitarian”…thanks for the laugh, Joe 🙂
Joe succeeded whereas I failed. I tried for a “Pewter Potty Donor” prize but they would not accept my Monopoly money.
Ha ha…unfair. Your Monopoly money is as green as anyone else’s 🙂
No scn minion tried to contact me this past week. I just noticed as it’s just a little past Thursday @2:00PM.
I keep signing off as (40 years recovering) because I STILL find myself reacting as scientology “taught” me to, which irks me still. Truth be told, soon after I got back home to family and friends, I had a whole new life, built upon the one scn replaced a decade earlier. My family STAYED family throughout; my friends are friends still. Unlike scientology, where family is nothing important and friends abandon you just when you need them most.
Well said
There used to be a saying, back in the ’60s or ’70s, “If it isn’t fun, it isn’t Scientology.” I think it was invented by a California Mission Holder I think. Dave HATED that saying because, under him, Scientology was anything but “fun.”
Yeah, Jeff. That was a saying in my org in the early ’70s … and yes, we did have a lot of fun then amidst a quantity of insane chaos as well …
I wonder if he liked it being called “…the coolest religion.” Or maybe he created that one.
Jefferson, that “fun=scientology thing made it to the right(East) coast. If you define “fun” as the feeling after stopping hitting your head against the wall, the MIGHT have been somewhat right.My real “win” after any objectives was “I survived” or “It feels SO GOOD to sit down!”
The trauma is still fresh in my mind, dagnabit.
“In truth, Rinder and Remini have been there. They know Scientology works.”
That should be:”… know HOW scientology works; namely that it doesn’t.”
Fun? Making fun of Scientology is fun for sure. There is no end of humor to be had at their expense. And of course the grandiose, delusional, narcissistic, spectacular fabulist Elron himself is the richest target for derisive merriment, mockery and jocularity.
Scientology is lots of fun, just not the way Rodger meant it.
“Scientology is lots of fun, just not the way Rodger meant it.”
And not what he would recognize as fun, as literal and unhappy as scns are as a general rule…
scn is a DEADLY serious undertaking, don’cha know?
Pedrito, it seems the only “Fun” scns get is while they’re destroying someone or something on orders of their scn “betters”, those who are higher in the bubble’s hierarchy
Because please Massa Miscavige is privilege and their pleasure.
Pedrito, we SP Jokers & degraders are having ALL the fun. The tubby one would be aghast if he were to SEE how much fun we’re having at the poor scns’ expense.
Family & friend disconnections and bankrupting members before Thursday 2:00 PM tops the list of Scientology fun.
Surviving past Thursday @2:00 is their grandest fun, Formost. Sorta like stopping hitting yourself on the head with a hammer sort of fun.
Roger has one other thing wrong. I can’t see Leah Remini as Scarlet O’Hara. I can see it now….{dream sequence….}
Hey, youse yankees, stop f%$king with Atlanta…..youse bastards…..
Leah Remini is NO “Scarlett O’Hara”….SHE IS THE WARRIOR PRINCESS………Mike is Sir Galahad her side kick & defender of JUSTICE to those VICTIMS of COS…..himself included.
Multiple upvotes, Balletlady!
Leah Remini’s personality is nothing like Scarlett O’Hara’s personality. Scarlett was unanalytical, very headstrong, willful and selfish. If a comparison to a GWTW character had to be made I’d say Leah was more of a Melanie. Melanie was by nature gentle and kind with a kind of innocence that always believed in the good of people, but as you get further into GWTW you see that she was no fool. She was quick witted and brave, and a real fighter when aroused! Her courage was of a mental and emotional nature and she never backed down. Even Scarlett pays her grudging tribute in the book.
Mammy. Woman of steel. Voice!
Yes, Mammy was awesome! Woman of steel indeed!
Yes indeed……but….WAIT…….I’d damned well say that Leah IS HEADSTRONG………she’s got a PIT BULL GRIP on seeking JUSTICE for COS VICTIMS.
Together she & Mike will make things happen.
I do want to THANK everyone on this board for STEPPING UP….especially those who APPEARED ON THE AFTERMATH to tell their OWN HORROR STORIES……..keep it going….
I am writing A & E….I WANT MORE AFTERMATH…..
Its true. Melanie mostly kept her head meekly down and flashed out with her underlying strength, brains and courage only occasionally, startling everyone and wowing Scarlett, who was jealous of her because of Ashley. Leah now…how do I say this… Leah is…not meek 🙂 Strength and brains and unselfish courage, yes, but she’s not the meek type. No, Leah is spontaneous and outspoken, a hard-headed, soft-hearted woman – not like any one I know or any character I’ve read in a book or seen in a movie.
Balletlady observed:”Together she & Mike will make things happen.”
AND they’ve MADE things happen, like that Dwarfenführer has to wear brown pants any more.
Balletlady pined:”I am writing A & E….I WANT MORE AFTERMATH…..
What *I want is more Aftermath Foundation “graduates” successfully restored to their natural, proper conditions. At the risk of sounding like I might personally profit directly from us ALL supporting the Foundation, PLEASE support their (dangerous) work however you can. I wish something like that had been an option when they kicked me to the curb as useless.
Re: People wh o leave the SO are “desperate to rejoin” and “jealous”? I left the SO after 30 years or so, and I never for one second have had even a passing thought of rejoining or jealousy for those still on the “team”. What I did feel is lucky to have made my escape for good, and sadness and pity for those still in the SO.
Re: “Sleepy Mike” the reality was sleep-deprived Mike. One of my biggest ongoing disagreements while in the SO was the sleep-deprivation due to senseless all-nighters due to imagined emergencies and arbitrary flaps. The final straw was the sleep-deprived months-long Basics evolution. Literally months ordered off post and with little or no sleep and heavy daily penalties (beans and rice for low Basics sales), while at the same time being berated and threatened because of the state the post one was not doing because one was ordered off it.
Worst of all, is to have the total moral bankruptcy to attack Mike for being “sleepy” after subjecting him to years of sleep-deprivation. Miscavige and OSA Minions – how do you live with disgusting selves?
SSoA, after 10 years “in” and, (this month) 40 years OUT, I was NEVER desperate to rejoin; never felt any inkling that that would be desirable, not even while I was stuck on the side of a highway, in the rain, replacing the Nth inner tube on the motorcycle which was the only thing I could take with me after I’d been “Beached” (or whatever) from Flag. Rain is a real annoyance while riding at highway (ish) speeds.
I wonder the same thing, all the time. How DO they live with themselves? The only way I can see them living with themselves is the fact that they’re actually NOT living with “themselves” meaning, they’re not living with who they really are, they’re living with these false personalities, these synthetic “beings” they’ve constructed. These synthetic creatures can lie and commit fraud and defame others and feel no shame. They’re on the mental and emotional level of trained attack dogs. Have they pleased the Master? Is the Master pleased with them? That’s all they know, care about, live for. (No insult intended to dogs because I’m a huge dog lover btw.) But these long term cult creatures – who are they, really, as people, as beings, as human beings? Who knows? Their true personalities have been…obliterated, I suppose is the word. Or just extremely suppressed and buried.
Aqua, there’s no NEED or benefit for them to actually observe what condition (wog-style, not scn’s) they are in. Doing so was my downfall at Flag. I got so depressed, I couldn’t muster much of any emotion or energy to DO anything but go watch the pretty waves and the clouds floating past.
I hear you, jere! This is just my opinion, my subjective opinion because I know that its true for me; that being purposefully and continuously false to one’s own true nature and values causes mental depression and actual physical illness. We all have to pretend a little, about little things, to get along with others, I think, but I don’t consider doing this actual PRETENSE or lying because the things aren’t too important. But when for whatever reasons one has to pretend and lie frequently and ongoingly about matters that are fundamentally important, about issues that MEAN something to one, well, as far as I’m concerned, there’s no better way to get physically sick and depressed! Just a horrible way to live. Nothing is worth it. So glad you got yourself OUT and reclaimed who you really ARE and are now living life as YOU and not some…God knows the correct term…artificial, synthetic cult creature, let’s phrase it that way. A synthetic personality with one’s true character and personality utterly suppressed and buried…so that one can be “free” and achieve “native state”. Its just so horribly ironic and a horrible, horrible way to live. I’d rather be dead, frankly.
Personalities? Surely you jest!
Perhaps artificial imaginary plastic cut-outs of dubbed-in wanta-be hubbard substitutes. Or, delusional mirror shadows of phantasmal specters from hubbard’s final days. Or, …… something really bad.
Having to endure things that you cannot change is bad enough; Considering that YOU cannot change at all is very depressing, and personally damaging.
Jim, a blank personality is STILL a personality of sorts.
Yes, indeed! Back at you on everything.
They are not man or woman enough to ADMIT they made s serious mistake in getting involved & continuing to Believe this SHAM is for real… sad.
They still believe in the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy……I’d say Santa Claus but we know there IS a Santa Claus….right???….right???
Balletlady, at least Santa Claus was based on one or more real people, even a little inflated.
Sometimes… I sit and try to imagine… if I’d not spent my entire adult life experiencing bouts of absolute debasement, hard labor, sec checks, Bullshit goldenrod, groveling liability formulas, and the constant knowledge that my eternity as a spiritual being depended upon surviving the latest injustice circus.
Most people don’t live like that, right?
It might have affected me?
My parents are long dead…and I’m glad they’ll never know the crap I took all those decades.
Honey….GOOD PEOPLE make mistakes…..we NEVER think that another person or group is out to hurt us or do us wrong….OR….that they would LIE TO US about something so serious as a “religion”.
We TRUST them because WE are GOOD PEOPLE……sadly….good people get suckered all the time because we FAIL to see that EVIL DOES EXIST & IT COMES IN MANY FORMS.
With all good graces you are free, out, have a new life. Your parents I am sure KNOW everything….parents ALWAYS DO…even when they are no longer “with us”… As far as I can see & hear….they are watching over you & CHEERING you ON……stay Strong my friend!
I think of it from the wonder, “is this super weird?”
Is there a real world counterpart that regular non-cult people experience as part and parcel to their normal lives.
Armed forces, priesthood? Anything?
When you’re a kid (back in the day) you might be put in a corner for punishment or correction at school. Public humiliation was part of a 1960’s-70’s public school experience.
The feeling from this is the only bit comparable to some of the ethics justice actions of the cult.
I don’t think most adults continue to go through this type of thing into adulthood from their careers or society.
Don’t do that to yourself, Rip. Live today. Today is beautiful and precious. The hell with yesterday and why you did what you did and why you didn’t do what you didn’t do. To hell with what you once were, and why, etc. We only have now. Its true. Its all we have. And “now” quickly becomes the past. You’re decent and honest. Stop worrying, its a waste of time. Live now. End of Sermon 🙂 And here’s a hug 🙂
I think sometimes I come off as more wounded than I actually am. I’m pretty decent at being expressive conveying emotion when I’m gettin goin…. but that wasn’t what I was meaning with the post.
I start telling some of the stories, just in my head, and they’re ridiculous. I go, Christ, has my neighbor ever gone through anything like this? Is this kind of stuff NORMAL anywhere else?
I was trying to convey this to a never In. I finally said, “look, there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING I have ever done to my body, with my body, to different body, that I have not discussed in DETAIL, over and over again with many auditors. I lived with NO secrets. Ever. Period. They would imperil my eternity, why would I keep them?”
The depth of IN is wild.
I get it, totally!
Solidarity. Damn I know of what you speak.
Every moment is a victory away from their clutches
Breathing Free!!
SSoA, Moral bankruptcy is required to be “in” scn, particularly after Davey-Boy weaseled his way into “power”(such as any power exists in the bubble). 2-year-olds have a better understanding of right and wrong.
“Scientology is Fun” has got to be the Bizarro World statement of the year. Here’s an excerpt from the latest issue of DC Comics “Tales of the Bizarro World.”
Bizarro Roger: Oh how lucky me am to be in Bizarro Scientology!
Bizarro Reg: Rest assured, we will take all your money. You be bankrupt in no time.
Bizarro Ethics: And we put you in Hole and take your family.
Bizarro Roger: Me so happy to have so much fun.
Roger hasn’t even cognated that after he spends his million on the bridge, he will need to spend another million on a Gold Meritutidous do-nothing award. More ‘fun’.
Luckily. I got “out” before I had accumulated enough money for them to take. IIRC, I had about $30 in my pocket as I put Flag in the rearview mirrors. Getting back home was a real tale of “making it go right”. A few years later, I started working for a real company and never was that poor again.
Not bad for a guy too DB to hold any available post in scn. I can even afford to be retired and pay for Medicare (so much for Obamacare’s empty promises, much like scn’s
Everyone SHOULD BE POOR once in a lifetime….It makes us even MORE THANKFUL for what we have NOW!
P.S. Can I borrow 50 cents? LOL!!!
Balletlady, If I happened to have 50¢ on me, you could certainly borrow it — OR have the last cigarette in my pack, or anything else.
“Bizarro Reg: Rest assured, we will take all your money. You be bankrupt in no time.”
Bizarro Roger: Oh. that’ll be a load off of my mind.
The Party Line, version 2020, succeeds in failing once again, though the principals involved simply can’t see their own failure.
If this writer-in-denial would only open his eyes (and the Internet) he could see that the Scientology is a pure donation scam, with lies, deception, and false promises at every level, from the initial lies inherent in the “Oxford Capacity Test” to the TRs which are where members learn to obey instantly and without thinking, to the Word Clearing which is meant to create cognitive dissonance when Hubbard’s words make no sense, and on up to the scientific and common sense implausibility of the promises of the OT levels.
Just today it’s been announced that there was a scam to get donations “To Build The Wall”, promising that the principals were strictly volunteers and every penny would go to building The Wall. But in fact most of the money went to enrich the guys at the top – same as Scientology, only with four guys instead of a Hubbard and a Miscavige. If found guilty, those four may go to prison for a long time.
One day the poor guy who wrote this weak attack may realize that no matter what he offers Scientology, it wants more, and more, and more. Maybe he will be like Mr. Duggan, who finally capped the well of his donations, but at such a huge amount of money that even Miscavige dared not ask for more.
The future of Scientology is bankruptcy, disconnection, heartache, and more deception, with an end product of inner humiliation at having been scammed so completely for so long. But there is a bright side – the quicker one leaves Scientology, the faster they get to enjoy the actual freedoms of this life, the only life we can ever be 100% sure we have.
“The future of Scientology is bankruptcy, disconnection, heartache and more deception, with an end product of inner humiliation at having been scammed so completely for so long.”
True, that. And the “more deception” will come from THEMSELVES. The ones I know who are still in will NEVER admit the truth to others. MAYBE to themselves, alone at night, in bed with the lights out, that sort of thing. Maybe.
But never to those who warned them. The ones I know ARE that stubborn. Sad for them, actually. But most of the pity I used to feel is evaporating. I can’t help it. I wish I still felt it, but I don’t. Feeling constantly sorry for people who refuse to look and/or listen to reason is exhausting. After a while I just somehow zone out and feel nothing. Obviously, Mother Theresa, I ain’t.
…and a good thing you ain’t Mother T., or worse yet suffering as one of the people she claimed to be ‘helping’. Suggested reading about her is Christopher Hitchens’ fact-filled expose of the not-so-saintly Mother Teresa in his book “The Missionary Position – Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice.”
Having read that book I’ll never think of Mother Teresa as a humanitarian ever again. She was just another driven person with her own inner demons who had an ability to raise money, which was supposed to be used to alleviate the pain and suffering of the terminal patients who arrived at her facilities because they had no place else to go.
Unfortunately for the suffering thousands she “helped”, her idea of help was insisting the people under her care continued to suffer until they died. When spending a small part of those millions she raised would have alleviated their pain and ills by something as simple as a Tylenol, Mother T denied the purchase of any drugs or other items intended to relieve pain and suffering. Her ‘patients’ remained in a state of constant pain and suffering as they waited to die, lying on a thin pallet at one of Teresa’s hellish facilities.
Mother Teresa insisted that her patients must suffer on their way to death, because that suffering was what she “knew” God wanted for them.
What I notice is how so many Scientologists have to have someone to ridicule and feel contempt for. It’s like Hubbard’s narcissism percolates through their brains, even if they don’t themselves have a personality disorder. As someone who has cared for people “drooling down their shirt fronts and wearing diapers,” it really offends me that this is what he chooses as the image to have maximum contempt for. We all stand a chance of losing bodily functions, either from accident or age, and people in that position deserve maximum compassion, not contempt. But this is the religion of Scientology, which made ruthlessness into a virtue and compassion into something disgusting.
Cat, of COURSE they have to have someone they can point to and think;’THEY are worse off than us.” Otherwise, it’s too depressing.
Cat W, I have thought a lot about what you posted and just didn’t know how to respond other than to say I am glad you said what you said. Everyone is one slip and fall, or disease, or car accident away from having life as they knew it taken away.
jere, you are right that someone who lives the life that is so depressing that they have to envision such a horrible fate on someone else does it to convince themselves that they are better off even if they live in this horrible cult. At least they could get out of their situation if they wished to.
Scientologists never really look into what Hubbard was hiding. They follow blindly all of his steps for a better world. But Hubbard’s real world was controlled by demons, entities and spirits. Sorry to tell you Scientologists that these ideas were popular in the 19th Century. Fascism was popular in the 20th century but ended with WWII and that is what Hubbard is hiding. Hubbard seriously believed that the ancient Thetan was a fascist. Hubbard split families and called for killing his opponents. That sounds familiar because million of people died stopping Hitler and it is part of Scientology.
On OT VIII I gave Hubbard the benefit of the doubt and went into the modern gas chamber called an e-meter. Guess what? Hubbard’s Dianetics principles are totally foolish. You can run out Hubbard’s engrams and implants and you do not get a fascist thetan. Hubbard missed the fact that entities and demons are a natural product of the mind and have been for 40 centuries of conscious thought. But Hubbard takes his misunderstanding and kills people who do not agree with him. That is a cult leader. He maintains a secret so hard in his mind that he cannot question it. But Hubbard takes it one step further and forces a small group to see it as universal truth. Some follow.
George, what PASSED for Ron’s real world involved demons, entities and spirits. I’m pretty sure he blew up too many neurons with his copious drug-use to ever operate in the real world again. Since his needs were taken care of by fawning minions who would NEVER point out his many faults, he didn’t NEED a connection to reality. His slaves keep him somewhat “functional”; fed& clothed, at least.
good point
The one thing, the one thing about the real and not the fictional Scientology LRH, but the REAL LRH that completely blows my mind is his drug taking. All those HCOBs and HCOPLs he wrote referencing drugs and how harmful they were to a human body, and here he was, taking them, all along? It blows my mind. Almost like he was a split personality, something like that? How could he write so incisively, so sincerely, about the harm that drugs do when he himself was taking very strong drugs AND alcohol. A puzzlement.
Aqua, even as I read his rants about drugs, I was fairly certain he knew those things because he’d taken them to excess like every druggie did.
Huh, it sure doesn’t sound like Rogers is having a lot of fun.
On the other hand, Mike seems to be very happy to out of the cult.
Maybe Roger is confused. He needs to go to his happy place if there is such a thing in the cult.
The Happy Place in the Cult is like stepping on a nail.
It’s never so good until the nail is out and the wound healed over.
Until then it’s a life of pain, anxiety and constant application of antiseptic and band aids.
Yo Dave,
One more hour good buddy before you get todays nail. Yup, more shitty stats …….. unless yer being lied to. Could they be falsified? Think about it Dave!
Newcomer sagely noted:
“It’s never so good until the nail is out and the wound healed over.”
LONG afterwards….
Good analogy Newcomer. One that only someone who had endured time in the cult could make so a never in like me would really understand.
I wonder if DM got your message? That would be great.
If the nail metaphor is too much, replace it with a splinter. Those danged things can be a PITA to get out, but it instantly feels better.
Yo Roger,
Bless your lil pea-pickin’ heart, babe.
Are you… REALLY… havin’ fun?
Tell Mama.
Tell Mama the truth.
Cuz y’all don’t sound like you’s havin’ fun.
To us on the Fringes, you be soundin’ kinda…ANGRY- like.
Sumpin’ on your mind honey chile?
Spill it, honey.
No one here gonna Write You Up!
You safe with us, darlin’!
Tell Mama all.
Much love,
Peggy, their “Happy place” strongly resembled unconsciousness, in my experience. Anything involving actual thought was dangerous.
Unconsciousness or denial, either one seems to work jere.
Aqua – did he spill it?
O/T. Another update concerning the partnership between the Church of Scientology and the Nation Islam. This is probably nothing, but may, just may, prove to be something.
As previously mentioned, Nation of Islam Sister Charlene Muhammad was the Dianetics Auditor of the Year at the Church of Scientology PAC Base in 2018. She is also a Scientology Classed (i.e., E-Meter) Auditor-in-Training. I have documented that she has completed the Method 1 Co-Audit Course and the Professional Metering Course, at the very least.
I mention all of this because her first book, “Pumps on the Ground: Trench Work and Analysis – Police and Street Violence,” is scheduled to be published this week. My understanding is that the book will largely be based on her work as a National Correspondent for The Final Call, the official newspaper of the Nation of Islam.
The question is, will the book discuss her education, training and work in Scientology?
Unfortunately, it appears that the book is not available on Amazon. You can pre-order the book for $24.99 at:
If anyone is interested, I created a thread on ESMB Redux where I try to keep abreast of news about the book:
I would really like to get a copy of the book in order to do a review, but would prefer not to order it from her website. I will see if I can think of something.
“I would really like to get a copy of the book in order to do a review, but would prefer not to order it from her website. I will see if I can think of something.”
Smart! Don’t give them any chance to grab your personal info or access to your cash/credit..
OMG! Where to begin? I think I better say as little as possible. Otherwise I could just spend all day making smartass remarks about this stupidity.
The first thing that got my attention was that it is so obvious these pieces (he calls them blogs but he does not know the meaning of a “blog”) are designed to be read by people who will just accept all his nonsense as factual and will never attempt to question or look anywhere else to determine whether there is some (or any) truth in them.
He says “my last blog on the subject” which shows he doesn’t even know the meaning of the term “blog”. I Googled “what is a blog” and found the following:
What is a blog anyway? In short, a blog is a type of website that focuses mainly on written content,
He seems to think that a single post or a single written note is a blog. The people enslaved in this cult just don’t get hardly any education. In fact, they are expressly forbidden to ever read anything on The Internet. (I think the one exception is any of the hate sites created by any of their hate groups).
So, I decided not to go any further. Why should I waste any time writing about someone who is so obviously an ignorant fool. It is just to laugh. This person and all the other drones that produce this kind of nonsense are really just a waste of my time.
After listening to Paulette Cooper in Mike & Leah’s recent podcast, I have decided to not waste my time dealing with trivialities and goofballs. I want to find more serious avenues to put an end to this horrible scam. It is after all, a crime against humanity. Fucking animals!
Paulette? If you read this, I want you to know that I think you are absolutely wonderful. If I had met you when we were both younger (and single), I would have wanted to marry you and spent my life together with you trying to combat this miserable evil. I wish you the very best of everything. God bless you, Paulette.
Bravo Mike.
This one takes the cake.
If one is still on the fence or inside and has an ounce of sanity left and then reads this article; it just may very well save their sanity in its entirety.
L. Ron Hubbard in his technical bulletin “Psychosis, More About,” revealed the key to why individuals and societies get suckered into losing their minds, and as a consequence, have no fun at all. They get sold on the idea that finding and stopping everything “wrong” will make everything right. But what actually happens is that they keep finding more things wrong until (in their mind) everything is wrong.
This is what real students of the mind would call projection. If ever you wanted to find someone who finds everything wrong — look no further than a scientologist and their mentor L. Ron Hubbard. The entire “wog world” is wrong. Education is wrong. The government is wrong. Psychiatry. Medical doctors. Psychologists. Bankers. Physicists. Interpol. Biologists. Astronomers. Colleges. FBI. Judges. Courts. The media (chaos merchants). SP’s. I could go on and on. Everything that is not scientology is wrong and needs to be made “right” with some scientology “tech.”
Great article. I enjoyed it. Mike you have a real good humor.
This guy is really another puppet (Are they trying to put the Muppet show back together? We have already Eddy ‘Gonzo the Great’. Because at least this could be funny. The Muppet Stand).
The idea that who left the SO is jealous and would like to come back is so grotesque and idiotic that is another piece of fun. After what I have seen and experienced, I would rather go and live under the bridge like a homeless person than go back there.
This foolish and pathetic article from this guy shows you hit the spot.
Also I don’t know if they have any idea how many people are listening to the podcast and are being informed of what scn REALLY is (certainly NOT fun), but it would be good to let them know at one time or another.
Paulette Cooper story is astonishing and well documented and leave no room for “explanations”.
Loosing observed:”I would rather go and live under the bridge like a homeless person than go back there.”
Some of the “under bridges” abodes I’ve seen were at least as good as the staff barracks/berthing I encountered in a couple of Orgs. At least a floored tent keeps most of the bugs out while allowing fresh air flow.
Jere. Thank you and laughing. The first week I joined the SO I slept on the floor without any mattress and it was February.
By the way, best wishes for your 40th years recovering.
I thoughoughly enjoyed your rebuttal Mike. Using facts rather than allusion to invalidate the brain-washed still-ins false narrative. Nothing more needs to be added to it. I’ll only add that I will be renewing my donation to this blog, and encourage others to do so (it seems we have finally raised the ‘Church’ above the state of apathy on the subject of Victims of Scientology, thus the angry response).
I can’t imagine that the church of scientology has turned over a new leaf and is now fun. That would only happen if it stopped using extortionistic-style regging, stopped padding programs, stopped demanding redo’s, stopped with the grueling “Refreshers,” stopped yelling and physically torturing staff members with lack of sleep or assaults, stopped heavy-handed Ethics, stopped… well, Hell, it would just have to stop existing to be any fun at all.
I can understand you sentiments Mary and I can’t blame you one bit.
But I would take it one step further. In order for anyone to have any fun with this monstrosity, I would think we would have to turn to our medieval ancestors – you know, The Rack, Tar & Feathering, Drawn & Quartering, The Iron Maiden, The Roaring bull, … oh what great fun we could have with those techniques – if only we had the right and if only we had no morals or scruples. Alas, none of us could ever sink so far … I hope!
There may be one other outside possibilty for a tiny bit of potential salvage. Lets say that on the eave of Daves incarceration we got a few of the remaining members together and released the NEW OH TEA NINER RUNDOWN for all past present and future members of the cult.
Step Zero: ACH CEE OH BEE on Jokers and Degraders revised: (old issue hereby canceled)
It has been found that perhaps the greatest danger to a Thetan has been his inability to send or receive a joke. This has resulted in a morose and very degraded approach to life and especially livingness whereby the being himself ceases to exist and moves into a sort of solidity and fear of getting into action. It has also been found by extensive research that it can often develop into a kind of snitching culture where a degraded being then takes apparent pleasure in snitching on others. This is an inversion of happyness.
The cure for this is to run all four flows to full EEE PEE on the following:
Recall a time when you were able to laugh at yourself
Recall a time when you caused another to laugh
Recall a time when another caused you to laugh
Recall a time when others caused others to Laugh
Repeat with ‘joke’
‘Joke on yourself
Joke on another
Another’s joke on you
Jokes by others on others’
Flow zero is perhaps the most important factor because an inability to laugh at ones own foibles is an action that the being takes on himself which is similar to what ended up causing the bank to ,exist in the first place!
Yo Dave,
For gawds sake man, lighten up! it’s just a joke!
BTW, Do not try and run this on yerself Dave, ya may be staring into a pit of blackness that is unrecoverable. Just sayin!
How were tadays stats anyhow? ………………. speakin of a joke! But don’t worry, the above process is really not a joke at all fer you good buddy. Give it a whirl but get them damn copper rods plugged in first!
You’re first line was brilliant. I will add;
The only fun was what I made of it hauling mattresses around the Manor from floor to floor every time we had a Hill 10 for a Celeb, lol. How about figuring out how to survive on beans and rice while while on study and wash clothes on no pay. Rooming with 16 strangers and Jockeying for the shower in the morning and hopefully find some TP on the roll too if lucky. Need I say more.
Well just a little more… Yes, getting hit up for$$$$ while on staff for every conceivable front group.
How about a mental guinea pig for Asho auditors and the like. Oh yeah baby. Nothing like a good mind shaggin .
Ahh the good old days of fun. Nah, I don’t miss it. The carrot done died, or decade if you will ! LoL.
I have other fish to fry, yum.
Typos 🙁 auto correct gets me all to often.
Your first line…
William, that carrot was always a plastic replica of what they seemed to offer — JUST as soon as you do the NEXT course/level/grade which I GUARANTEE will clean up the mess you’re in.
Exactly Jere, you got it.
Sure and have student auditors @ Flag rates do it and video tape the whole shabang for review and fodder. Man… Criminal exchange at best. I should have asked for a refund. …For all all the fun.
No more extortionist-style regging or grueling refreshers, no more yelling and physically torturing staff members with sleep deprivation, etc. etc., – Geez, Mary, let’s end the abuses, sure! But, can’t we leave in the fun stuff?
Why can’t there be a Church of Sexualogy?
Right, Skyler. Life’s too short to get down that far in the noise & fury signifying NOTHING. Go get a drink of whatever suits your mood and chill for a bit. Let the emotion just drain away.
There isn’t!?
There isn’t!? (a church of sexuality)?
I believe Parsons & Tubby’s foray into Crowley’s OTO might qualify.
I think Danny Masterson is running it as a squirrel group for Dave. Dave even has a special mailing list created which is really clever; he sends out various simulated body parts to the workplaces of potential new recruits.
News on the street is it a quickly expanding group but has a problem cause they are all headed to jail.
So this guy Rodger, by his own admission and after repeatedly criticizing Mike has never had any fun or happiness? What a sad guy! It must’ve been one of his goals that he came up with on one of the many of his lovely vacations with his loved ones…. Dave must be the loved one he is talking about!
NoWell, I was told by the Security Clearance I/C OSA W/US that ” Ex- Sea Org Members do not have friends”.
My Fitness Board Turndown states clearly that I am ineligible for the Sea Org “Solely for medical reasons”. It went on and on about the great work I did in the S.O. It was the greatest commendation I ever received.
So I imagine that in order for myself to have friends I would have had to die as the Captain told my wife that I would.
Well, it worked. I am dead now and I have a lot more friends now than when I was alive. One of the main reasons I am still alive is the FU it gives them every time they read my comments on this blog.
In a few weeks I have to go in the hospital for some work on my heart. My heart was damaged by the HIV being allowed to run loose in my body for 13 years.
My last auditing on the Freewinds was a tailormade FPRD list given to me by Joan Heller, then the OTVIII review auditor. It had been ordered by RTC after I had suicidal thoughts after not being allowed to go to my parents 50th wedding anniversary after seeing no member of my family for 7 years. (At the last second, I got OK to go.) The FPRD was never finished because my body was so destroyed by HIV that I was basically an illegal PC.
A few weeks ago I was prescribed Wellbutrin for smoking cessation. When I picked it up I asked the pharmacist if it would make me go ” Postal”. He said no.
I took one hit and hours later I had greatly increased thoughts of suicide. I did not take any more and I feel OK now.
I guess I should finish off my FPRD but I cannot as I am an illegal PC for taking Wellbutrin.
My father once told me that he was going to get a U-Boat (submarine) and sink the Freewinds to which I replied ” Do you need an engineer for your U-boat?
Now that he is dead I guess that I will be forced to do the job by myself.
Heil Miscaviage!
The cult does not want people who are really alive.
When they thought that my death was imminent, I was a hero. Now that I somehow survived, I am an SP. Mike and Leah are really alive, they get things done. That is why they are vilified. My target is to be as vilified as they are. Then I will know that I am getting somewhere.
Bill, Good luck with those procedures. Hope to see you up and giving OSA the big old FU by Labor Day.
???. eh=Eh?? You were actually able to read his drivel to catch the “loved one”!? I gave up much earlier, as my mind started to overheat.
The more they enforce the ‘tech’ and ‘admin’ the more loony bin Scientologists become…became, be done. Thank you mike Rinder for reminding me why Scientology is now so toxic to the human specie.
Cool Dad, Bill.
Sad he’s no longer around. But you HAVE friends; Most everyone here, I expect.
He was not always cool, Jere. He was a self proclaimed alcoholic and as my mother said, a mean drunk. I am sure that he could have given DM a run for his money. Like DM, the local kids growing up referred to him as “Der Fuehrer”. But he was no dwarfenfuehrer, he was a big guy.
He was a large factor in my getting into Scn, I wanted to know WTF?
Is there a “Bewent” to match with become? Wiktionary to the rescue…. Colloquial English is just SO flexible.