You heard it here first — there is a new DCSI/Clear Certainty Rundown that was released in a special “closed door” briefing by He Who Shall Not Be Named. And it now being spread to the general populace in a vain effort to recruit new staff for this “rare opportunity.”
Of course, to try to fill up some of the empty space at Flag, all orgs are being ordered to send trainees to learn the “new” tech of verifying whether someone is Clear or not. Couldn’t just send it out to the orgs to USE IT, this incredible new breakthrough is too important for that. Hell, they might mess it up!! And everyone knows that anything that is trained in at Flag is absolute perfection (unless of course it was the original DCSI training program or the Clear Certainty training program, or GAT 1 or GAT II….)
Every now and then one of these “send trainees from all orgs” evolutions happens. The last time was GAT II itself. All those people that would complete the “full training” line up in 6 weeks ended up being there for 6 months or more. Some are STILL there. GAT 1 was a similar story. The pitch is that NOW everyone is going to be able to deliver standard tech. And of course, no org would want to be accused of NOT delivering standard tech…
Miscavige loves these evolutions. There are BODIES at Flag to fill the auditorium. The orgs cannot afford to pay for their staff to train so they do “work/study” and clean hotel rooms, wash dishes and do call-in as an added benefit and then when they complete their training they supervise and audit in the Flag courserooms. Just another aspect of the “we have discovered new tech” scam.
And it’s even worse for the paying public.
This is going to result in a whole new round of “Come in to get STANDARD TECH of clearing” — the vast majority of people who will be roped in for this are NOT going to be “new” Clears. They will try to bring in EVERYONE. All the people who have been messed up for decades on Clear Attests. Everyone who has not progressed AFTER they were declared Clear (obviously something wrong with them not proceeding to the next level, so must not be Clear). Everyone will get to start at the bottom again, and pay for the second or third or fourth time.
What a scam.
And the big news is that a Clear is being made every two hours OMG. That is INTERNATIONALLY. In other words 6 – 12 per day (you know it’s 6 because if they were making 12 per day they would say a Clear is being made every hour – because orgs are open 12 hours a day). But let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and call it 12 per day or 4380 a YEAR. At that rate, providing nobody else was born in the interim, all of international scientology (including, according to them, more than 5,000 Sea Org members) could clear the population of Albuquerque by the year 2471.
And in the time honored tradition of Miscavige event announcements: “Now THAT’S Planetary Clearing at correct orders of magnitude (hip hip hooray, standing ovation).”
Hi Frank,
A new training program has just been released for all Class V orgs! What this means for you, is that you, your family and friends will be able to go Clear here in New Mexico!
Albuquerque Org is right now putting together a team to send to Flag for this training program so we can bring the benefits of GAT II Clearing to our public!!
If you saw the first Maiden Voyage event you heard that currently a Clear is being made every two hours! As you have heard us say to you, we are deadly serious about getting our public up the Bridge through Clear and off to an Advanced Org to go OT. This program makes that even more possible.
If you have ever thought of being an Auditor or have wanted to Clear people as a profession, contact me now! Find out if you are qualified for this rare opportunity. This is the time to live that dream!
Jack Allread
Hi there, could I ask how many of you had a REAL life changing win with the basic tech? (Of course I mean before DM began his suppression crusade).
I think your question is a vital one, Rogge, largely because it begs the question, “What is a ‘WIN’?” Is it more than, “I cognited some horse shit and now I feel EUPHORIC, everybody!” ?
I have walked out of auditing sessions feeling like a million bucks. I have gone “exterior” doing TR’s. I have felt a certain species of self-confidence from thinking I’m superior to those “wogs”. Study tech? Nada. None of that could I take to the bank literally or figuratively over the long haul.
Here’s what made a real difference for me: taking that course in logic and critical thinking at GSU after I quit scientology. Also, getting a college degree at the age of 45, after a series of Herculean efforts. It made me realize I could accomplish way more than I ever thought I could simply by applying myself. A little cosmetic dentistry helped too.
Great summation Roger. El Con touted Scn as a scientific OBJECTIVE thing. As it turned out, not a single significant objective gain/ability (which were the major selling points of scn & dianetics) that Flubbard promised turned out to be obtainable using his “tech”.
Thus, you now have CoS (cult of scientology) members falling back on what El Con said Scn was NOT. A purely subjective subject and experience (aka “wins”).
Sure Rogge, as soon as YOU have the integrity & guts to honestly to answer the question put to you DAYS ago above. Until then my Troll detection meter is banging off the dial when it sees your posts…
“The constant alteration of training, processing, books and policy has eliminated most who cannot be hypnotized”.
I agree, WhatWall. Excepting those UTRs merely pretending to be on board due to fear of disconnection and loss in their Scientology-dependent businesses, I’m with you that after all these years of relentless alteration the ones still in are deeply hypnotized and will go down with the ship.
And now, the fun begins again.
Exactly 2 years after the GAG II boom was lowered on the orgs for staff to drop everything in their lives and hie themselves IMMEDIATELY to Flog for retraining, the fun begins again.
Once more the pressure will be enormous on the orgs to send the required amount of OOTs because it is Command Intention.
Once more the OOT candidates will be promised that they’ll only be at Flog for 6 weeks “if even that”, and once more they’ll be kept 6 months and fired back at the end of this coming December IF they’re lucky.
How would Danny Sherman phrase it if he were on our side?
“‘Command Intention’, which, of course , is just another way of saying, ‘The Church of Scientology, spearheading in proven ways its own assured demise – creatively , effectively, indefatigably.'”
I remember when several former Clears gave up on this so-called church at being informed that their status had changed to “not Clear”. One of them got me to look at what was going on and I got my whole family out.
The Big Lie technique doesn’t work on everyone, or at least not forever.
The constant alteration of training, processing, books and policy has eliminated most who cannot be hypnotised. Realize that the remaining ones are susceptible to sociopathic control and will likely cling to the sinking ship until the bitter end.
Miscavige needs new blood to supplement those already in his thrall and he may find enough in Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa and Central & South America to prolong the inevitable. I’m hoping he will soon bring about his own demise with footbullets so that this doesn’t have to be a long and drawn out decay.
C’mon Dave, you’re the only one who can really get this show quickly on down the road!
Ooh! I want to see the the Org Chart for that scam, including the VFP for each Division like Well Done Cleaning Hours.
Yep, you summed it up well with those stat/product recommendations.
I did one internship in an SO Org way back in the 80s. I was never allowed to finish the practical. It took a major crow bar to pry me out of there by my Org exec’s at the time. I’d still be there today if that hadn’t happened I reckon. The intern sup, (held by Qual from above) simply refused to sign off. So that disease was rife way back then too.
“Ain’t it grand to be appreciated?” (as slave labour)
Hi IYawnalot,You nailed it! Slave SO Appreciation is the highest OT Tone Scale Level Known!Ann.
I have a new bottle of windex. Does that help?
I can confirm that the local ‘org’ has been ordered to send in their one auditor for CCRD training. At one time these were intelligent free thinking individuals, it shows how effective brainwashing can be that they now believe and act without questioning this hogwash.
It’s the outer org trainees I feel sorry for. They go for a few weeks and are usually gone for months/years. Orgs can’t deliver while they are away, not that that is much of a problem. They will have to redo their pre reqs if not done previously at Flag. If you get one who is struggling and slow, the other have to wait for them to finish so they can fire back as a team. It’s like the hotel California.
As many times as DM has recycled the marks with these “do over” scams, how can anyone in $cientology have “certainty” about anything involving the ‘tech’???????????
Yes, it IS a scam, Les. That is exactly what it is.
DM is doing an inverted mimicry of LRH. He is claiming to make “discoveries” which he then sells to naive believers who are trying to be Scientologists. The only problem is that Miscavige never discovered anything that would benefit another human being.
LRH was at least working and doing and testing procedures that helped before he announced anything publicly.
DM is just looking for the next carrot to hang in front of the poor donkeys who “believe” in HIM.
He is just a seducer looking for the next “line” that he can use to attract and control HIS prey.
“LRH was at least working and doing and testing procedures that helped before he announced anything publicly”
Espiritu, do you mean like the OT 8 El Con announced, never tested and was a complete dud? Or, the even higher OT levels he lied about researching and writing up? All in order to keep the flock hanging around giving money waiting for the level that would REALLY deliver what he had been promising and lying about?
It’s like Groundhog Day.
How many times can people see the same thing every decade or less over and over and over.
Buy the books. Oh now buy these new books they’re better. Oh now buy these new books they’re even better. Oh now buy these books now they’re the best ever.
Do the grade chart. Oh now do this new grade chart. No no do this new grade chart. Oh now do the bestest grade chart ever.
Send your staff to flag to train to be the most standard auditors in the world. Oh send more staff to do the new training to make the most standard auditors in the world. Oh now send more new staff to do the new training on the new books for the new grade chart for the bestest state of clear.
Over and over and over and over and over. And its only 29 years after the death of the man who compiled and issued it in its final form.
How can the people inside the bubble do it. How many of them have watched these evolutions over and over and over?
At the moment I’m feeling zero sympathy for any of them whose lives are being run buy this insane meglomaniac.
I know I’m not alone when I say I would give anything to be face to face with cob and laugh at him and I hope I’d spittle a lot when I did. I could care less what he thought I would just love to be able to look him in the eye and tell him I think he’s a pathetic little black soul who is incapable of the true freedom that there is to be found when a person travels the road of Scientology tech as they wish when they wish and if they wish.
Then a fast upper with my knee as my exclamation point.
Whew, I’m smiling now.
Mike…how many DCSI’s and CCRDs and corrections of same is this now? Surely, if there even is a state of Clear, any member who was first declared Clear years ago must have surely had any certainty about whether or not they achieved that state smashed into the mud by having it given, challenged, taken away, re-done, given, questioned, taken away, reviewed, re-checked, corrected, given, taken away…..etc
As a never-in, one thing I’ve learned from all of you is that the very definition of a good scientologist is to never question, suspend all logical thought and believe what you’re told to believe, even if it makes no sense!
Jack Allread sez:
…”What this means for you, is that you, your family and friends will be able to go Clear here in New Mexico!”
If I’m not mistaken, back in 1950 there was a book called Dianetics released that enabled ANYONE to be ‘cleared’ in as little as 20 hours to a few hundred hours whether they were in New Mexico or any place else. There were some fantastic claims made about the state of ‘clear’ in that book. To this day I have never seen a single person demonstrate even a fraction of the abilities claimed in that book despite the so called advances that have been made since it was released over 65 years ago. It’s hard to realize when you’re drunk on the kool-aid, but it’s all about money. Only about money. It has never been about anything else but the money. No matter how much something is re-re-re-re-re-re-re-revised and improved, you just can’t polish a turd.
(nonexistent) Exhibit ‘A’: Where’s the research?
I was in during the 60s and 70s. People *were* getting help, *were* changing, *were* having positive changes. It was truly a fun time and I’ll never be the slightest bit sorry I was aboard then. Many of the dreadful things going were simply not a part of my experience. Being on staff was also great fun and a 12.5 hour intensive was $1250, fairly easy to do. And, being on staff, we actually GOT auditing.
I’ve quit being concerned with the “still ins”. If this is their life lesson, they’re welcome to it. The amount of evidence, even within the bubble, is increasingly clear. And if they wish to live in a dream world, I say “Let them”.
This will sell more intensives for those who want to start OT Levels as now they MUST have their Clear state verified, after the re-verification of the re-verification. You have to be sure, don’t you?
More blows will occur after this WHY, which follows the tradition of other WHYs that also only caused more blows from the dark empire.
What a way to mess up the minds of the blinds that remain inside.
To me, it seems under the guise of another course or excuse to bring in from all orgs, bodies, slaves to do the dirty work. Also keep up appearances of numbers in the buildings and to further regging members. More smoke, mirrors and lies.
Oh God, the “clear” scam. The scam that keeps on going. I ran into a web site the other day run by someone who was smart enough to flee from the church but couldn’t make money in an ethical manner so is running that criminal scam on ex-church members.
Determining whether somebody is or is not something that doesn’t exist is tricky business and requires an exciting new BREAKTHROUGH to ascertain!
Sorry, I’m being one point one over somebody’s act of desperation and that’s VERY naughty of me, whoops there I go again!
These guys will never sort it out. They won’t because they chose a technical leader who has never audited anyone to “clear” or “release.” He has never even completed one, single, solitary auditing internship in his entire life. He is the epitome of GLIB. A sociopath with a good memory and an insatiable desire to make others wrong with it.
They will also never sort it all out because “clear” as defined in the Dianetics book has never been achieved.
Helping people inspect their lives and let go of past traumas is useful. Helping people sort out their past, make some sense of it and get on with a new game plan for the future is useful.
Convincing people that they will be supermen and women who are the forward vanguard for miscavige’s brave new totalitarian world? This is just another cult in a world full of such.
Mike wrote: “This is going to result in a whole new round of “Come in to get STANDARD TECH of clearing” — the vast majority of people who will be roped in for this are NOT going to be “new” Clears. They will try to bring in EVERYONE. All the people who have been messed up for decades on Clear Attests. Everyone who has not progressed AFTER they were declared Clear (obviously something wrong with them not proceeding to the next level, so must not be Clear). Everyone will get to start at the bottom again, and pay for the second or third or fourth time.
What a scam.”
That sums it up perfectly, Mike.
A scam is a scam even when it’s New and Improved.
Oh, God! Don’t tell me that this is a new and improved scam! I was just getting used to GAG II.
I better go and do my Student Hat now…
Amazing and CONFUSING.
I am again very thankful I am not longer in that insanity.
And I am also thankful to those good human beings with facts, connections, information, courage and the ability and willingness to just keep exposing and opening eyes.
Truth in advertising. “A Clear state is being invalidated then a person is told to grind to the “newly discovered” clear cognition” every 2 hours.”
How many clears can a public attest to
Before he sees through the scam
And how many pcs can an auditor slam
With an r-factor made up by one man?
Yes and how many times must you say you are clear
Before you throw down the cans?
The answer my friend is blowin’ from the Org
The answer is blowin’ from the Org.
Man, that cult really blows….
Unfortunately, based on personal experience, I suspect that those who have drunk deeply of the Kool Aid will repeat whatever they are told to repeat infinitely many times, no questions or doubts allowed!
And this once again begs the question, since stats are so important and CoS doesn’t seem to have any problems with lying, why make such pathetically inadequate claims about the number of new clears? If they’re expecting people to ruin themselves financially because it’s needed to clear the planet, why not claim many millions of new clears each year? It’s all BS anyway!
If there is something the Orgs are completely uncertain is the State of Clear
CCRDs are so unprofessionally made by a bunch of robots that the end product is most of the time the Uncertainty of being Clear
I can say this having repaired several pc and pre OTs on this subject
So this is just the endless fraud at work by the master of squirrels DM
For sure now every OT will need to do his CCRD again …..
Have fun boys…..
WALK OVER TO THAT TABLE! THANK YOU! PICK UP THAT BOOK! THANK YOU! PIT DOWN. THANK YOU! TURN AROUND! THANK YOU! WALK…Ummmmmmm…why aren’t you responding to my commands. “Well, I just had a mind blowing cognition!” (cult member) “Hey that’s great! And, you had it so fast! What’s your cognition?” (member) I just realized that everything this CULT has to offer is complete and utter bullshit! Nothing really “works.” It’s all done for mind control to keep you enslaved within the CULT. I’m about to walk out the door and for the first time I will experience true FREEDOM!!! Freedom to do whatever I would like to do! I can purchase a house, A new car. Go on vacations, Have friends that are gay! Go to movies! In other words, TOTAL FREEDOM!! I realize now I’m the master of my destiny! It’s all up to me what I would like to do at anytime! Whew! Man, do I feel great! This is THE best feeling I’ve ever had!
(cult member) “Ummmmm…ahhhhhhh…”Can I, ummmmm, go with you? Please?
To the best of my recollection, this whole business about the CCRD started in 2000. Then between 2000 till as late as 2007 there were at least three major revisions that I’m aware of. When I say “major revisions” I’m talking about Snr C/S Int Bulletins and Programs with targets like:
Review all Clear and OT PC Folders using this newly found data, blah,blah, blah
Call-in all Clears and OTs found to have suspicious CCRDs for interview (basically everyone)
Give the PC “The R-Factor” and handle any bypassed charge, blah,blah,blah
Route the PC to the register to purchase his or her TE, blah,blah,blah
Serious it got so bad that no one wanted to return any phone calls from the D of P, knowing what was waiting for them.
I ended up doing three CCRDs during this time period.
My conclusion – the church, at all levels, including the Snr C/S Int Office, were in Confusion on the subject of Clear and the CCRD.
None of this is terribly surprising considering Scn or Dn does not produce “real” Clears, never has, never will. As well, the “definition” of Clear has been altered so many times in history that no one really knows what it even means anymore. Until you end up with this gem:
A being who no longer has is own reactive mind.
Implying the being may be in possession of reactive minds of others. Good luck with that one. Talk about losing the plot…
It’s quite a rare opportunity, indeed. Not a lot of chances to clear people when there is no one to clear.
At the Valley org it should be called “the like-totally-for sure-for sure clear!!!”
Totally! And then they can gag themselves with a spoon & bag their faces if they’re downstat. I think, it’s like, you know. totally awesome!
Dear Jack Allread:
I am “CHRYSTAL F%#ing CLEAR” that Scientology is a SCAM!
“If you have ever thought of being an Auditor or have wanted to Clear people as a profession, contact me now! Find out if you are qualified for this rare opportunity. This is the time to live that dream!”
Of course he’ll be qualified! They are so short of people the only qualification is breathing maybe even warm (and even then I have my doubts that those are qualification – heck empty seats could end up looking like a “Weekend at Bernies” or a dress up your sex doll/mannequin convention. (I have my reasons for stating the former)
“And everyone knows that anything that is trained in at Flag is absolute perfection (unless of course it was the original DCSI training program or the Clear Certainty training program, or GAT 1 or GAT II….)” Well said, Mike. How come no one puts to and two together and sees that all four revisions were done because the previous Flag ones were “bad” or “squirrelled” and yet each time they announce a new DCSI, New CCRD, New GAT I, New GAT II, no one figures out that the earlier times they were told it was all handled now and all “in tech” and “as Ron intended” that those earlier all handled ones are now being revised as “bad tech” “squirrel.” Just rinse and repeat ad infinitum. The ones left in can’t or won’t see it.
Or, have your phone disconnected, close your email address, and move to outer Elbomia where the Internet is two tin cans connected by a long string…
FYI, Elbonia is a country in the Dilbert comic strip, famous for it’s lack of technology.
I did the very first DCSI with no hitch. Then the new DCSI with no problemo.
Standard tech OT eligibility was a breeze then extra questions no hitch
and 24 special sec checks. What this fishing expedition was all about was secret KR’s that had to be run on the meter. When you attain the state of Clear or finish an OT level you get secret KR’s added to your PC folders by the wheelbarrow full.
This new revision I can guess is slanted to handle the hidden agenda’s
and Status police.
The guy (DM of course) is simply a psychopath that are pulling everyone and everything around him down to the level of enturbulated MEST. But he won’t stay in the current position forever, but what many of us know as REAL Scientology tech, will do… and we need to learn from our “doing nothing but complain” that brought about this disaster.
DAVID “LET HIM DIE” MISCAVIGE is like a black hole. It’s sucks in everything, including light, into the black abyss of insanity.
Rogge, I don’t think you will find many of us here that have/are “doing nothing but complain” and are thus the cause of ‘this disaster’ (what ever you mean by that). Or did I miss-understand you?
Sorry for the commlag! The word “nothing” is of course incorrect.
What I mean is that “we simply didn’t do enough” (including myself).
If we had done so, the psycho DM simply wouldn’t be where he is. I see that as an very obvious fact, but thats my way to see it.
CeCe, Rogge is blaming you for not doing enough to handle the criminal El Ron for placing the criminal DM in a position of power in Church management. And after El Con died he is blaming you for not rearranging CST, CSI & RTC upper management posts from your post at AOLA.
In other words, Rogge is an insane troll.
Rogge – Responsibility is definitely a key issue. Pretty much everyone would see that, including those who bad-mouth Scn. Below that I guess you could say it’s politics, or matters of agreements. Anyone who has even bothered to glance at Scn should see the KRC an ARC triangles there. It was all beautifully laid out, plain as day, but when you start dealing with an individual’s reality, it’s like rearranging his desk or home for him, and no matter how right you are, you get blamed for “blackmail” (e.g. Greek stance on being loaned more money is that it’s “blackmail” to request they pay it back). So we’re in the tangle. We can shrug, or continue to communicate even when people want to stop that communication in the name of their ‘reality’ about free speech.
Hi Nickname,I like your post & I’ll go for continue to communicate,see Ron I learned some fundamental Tech.Having been a letter reg/ASR back in the days there was a green on white I can’t quote it verbatim but it was in admin training where Ron said auditors letter regs & my old brain can’t recall if it was c/ss’ or executives have to have the least entheta on their lines because communication is our order of task at the front of the line,into buy more services in the Org.Opps Or was it also my favorite Ethics Officers! Ann.
Hi I Yawnalot,Pass me the Windex..That will polish them up so they will gleam all bright & shiney on the outside, but with a mind & soul hard wired to Ron/David on the inside.Mind boggling indeed!Ann.
“We can shrug, or continue to communicate even when people want to stop that communication in the name of their ‘reality’ about free speech.”
Nickname, who is saying the Cult of Scientology people shouldn’t have freedom of speech?
“but what many of us know as REAL Scientology tech, will do… ”
Correct Rogge. REAL scn tek turned El Con Hubbard into a mad man trying to get his personal staff to electrocute him so he could finally get rid of his “BT’s”. Ah, I forgot. The Indie Cult members understand and can apply El Con’s tek SO much better that even He could.
Carry on with the delusion. ROFLMAO
Hi Mike,I can see it all now.Make more Clears very fast,to bring in more $ so these new clears will be so confused by the lightning speed & the fact that new GATII clearing can be done right in New Mexico! Whoopee! Even at my grey age I see right thru this scam for over a billion miles away!And oh boy, turning out a clear every two hours will really help to clear this prison planet! More like send them all into orbit holding on to their bank accounts for dear life in order to get to mythical OT country at warp speed.What a mess.Always Ann.
Isn’t it just intensely interesting Ann that something like cause over mental forms is given or taken away by some “only way authority”.
How could someone be clear for years, then not really clear, then declared “real” clear, then told not really, then then then then……
What a dispicable and sad mental state for these poor students of Ron’s.
Cause……………. Is not something bestowed with a standing ovation and piece of paper.
Only hypnotized subjects could allow themselves to go through such a charade and believe even minute of it.
Giving an outside source the power to know and validate our own ability to think clearly is being under a spell of Altitude Instruction.
The irrationalality of it is only answered for me with the word HYPNOTIZED.
These situations are completely absurd. The word absurd really discribes it accurately.
A hypnotic operator can make a person jump on stage like a chicken while clucking.
These poor people are surrendering their spiritual lives to David Miscavige.