See the message below. Say goodbye to another Scientology Church.
As you might have heard, Celebrity Centre London and the London Ideal Orgs are merging to form London Org & Celebrity Centre! The first step to getting this done is getting the CC Files in top shape and up Ideal Org standards and their is a project working on this full time to get it done as fast as possible!
We need your help! Anyone that can volunteer their time and come to London Org to work on getting the files in order will be most appreciated and commended! We’re here from first thing in the morning till last thing at night and you can find us on the 5th floor of London Org. Contact Joel on 07984783176 or Martin on 07828095047 for any information!
Hardly matches the bs that spews forth from sockpuppet Pinocchio Pouw about the massive international expansion occurring under the sublime leadership of David Miscavige, following in the footsteps of L. Ron Hubbard.
London is one of the largest cities in the world — certainly in the Western World. And it can only support ONE Org and NO Missions?
I guess it’s just that they don’t have GAG II yet….
Or maybe it’s the lack of SuperPower.
Or maybe it’s just the accumulation of rip-offs, out exchange and wrong whys manifesting in the real world – as opposed to inside the RCS bubble where all is well.
Hell, even an email that announces the closing of an org is filled with excited exclamation points about what great news this is….
There can be only one conclusion: these people are absolutely, stark staring mad.
Scientology: Chilling Propaganda Tape for Parents
Same expansion in Paris : the celebrity center and the org will be just one ideal org against two there a few years.
High Crimes of David Miscavige are the same listed on this declare. Why does someone else get declared an S.P. but Miscavige wallows in such behavior as “normal operating condition” and nobody is willing to confront him?
Because HE is not there on the same terms, or any similar terms, as anyone else.
Spot on Oracle! And I might add that Michael Silverman was not the only one at AOLA committing financial irregularities that hurt parishoners. Cutesey little Nichole Simms, the registrar at AOLA wasn’t so cute when you found out the underhanded things she did even after 1990, when Michael Silverman was declared. Nichole would need commissions (registrars made commissions as well as the regular staff pay). So she would raid accounts. She raided the account of a close friend of mine to take money off for books or tapes or some such thing that she would receive a commission on without the person’s permission. In fact the person said, when asked by her, “NO, I don’t want this because that money is on account for my OT IV or V.” She stressed, “Don’t unmock my AP payments for OT V.” Nichole ignored this express order not to do it and did it behind the person’s back and this stealing off account was not discovered until years later after Nichole had routed out of the SO in order to continue her Out 2D affair with a public while still being married to a SO member, Harold Sims, the OT III Course Sup. So Michael wasn’t the only one. How she escaped an SP Declare is beyond me.
Wow. Really, Jane? I didn’t know that. I’ve been seeing her around town and she does seem really MWD’y. Oh well. It’s her karma. Good luck with that Nicole.
Mike I left a reply for Indie 8mill but don’t see it so I”ll post again. Disregard this if the earlier one shows up. Re Nichole Simms, when the stolen money from the account against the parishoner’s wishes (by her) was discovered years later, Nichole had blown AOLA by that time and the SO who were left instructed my friend to “write a KR” on Nichole and she did, but nothing ever came of it. Nichole eventually married the guy she went out 2D with while married to Harold Sims in the SO. Harold took the breakup of his marriage so hard that he had a nervous breakdown over it and died mostly from a broken heart. Nichole’s last name now is something like Wheedon and last I heard she works at Management Success, a Scn company.
Guys maybe we should all list the remaining whales in our areas and start mailing them direct, so they can get the real facts about what they are pouring millions into?!? Can we not post a whale list that we all update and add contact details. These sheeple will no doubt be interested that they have been listed on the FINAL LIST OF SUCKERS and then maybe pay more attention to what is really happening than to just sweep it under the carpet of “those SP’s and squirrels that are going mad when “we” expand”!?!
Andy Capp, good idea! I don’t know if you were speaking rhetorically or were serious, but I think we should actually do that.
Jane I am quite serious. In South Africa we have a maximum of ten. How on earth they are going to have to pay 4 x R40m to fund Joburg North, PE, Cape Town (been standing vacant since 2007) and Durban, god knows! PE has virtually no public, Durban is slightly bigger and Joburg North and CT are no more than missions. So it all falls on the same handful that funded Joburg and Pretoria. What we need is possibly another website or blog where we list them? I can do the SA list now, there are so few that can do more than $100,000 a year.
Good start Andy Capp. Let’s have you all list out who the big whales are that DM will or has regged big money from. Then we get the big whales’ email addresses, and then send a specific email to them that will hit their buttons and cause them to stop, look, and listen, and then maybe stop giving money, and then maybe leaving and then and then….
Yes. That’s why God made hushmail.
Hey speaking on non-existent celebs in the UK, did anyone notice that LRH has been relegated to the back page of the latest SCIENTOLOGY magazine. But 7 other pages sport his excellency. And 2 more show sheeple in awe of our Upmost Squirrel.
I second that guarantee!
Stop making fun of David Miscavige.
Buildings = orgs.
Everyone knows that.
Here is historic footage of DM having the epiphany that lead to his development of his own “Ideal Org” program which is quite different from the program described by LRH in the Bulletin “Ideal Orgs” in the data series:
And here is how the ideal org buildings will save the planet for loyal DM worshipers :
Hey Allen,
I guess what’s true for you is true……for YOU.
And yes many good people will respect your right to speak your truth.
But I want to say and even assert that I feel fortunate that what is true for you… not also true for me.
The applications of Scientology which I have experienced have far, far out weigh the disappointments. In fact I like the subject very much. Sorry didn’t work out that way for you, Allen.
Hear, hear …
Spell check, Mike. You said:
“Hardly matches the bs that spews forth from sockpuppet Pinocchio Pouw about the massive international expansion occurring under the sublime leadership of David Miscavige, following in the footsteps of L. Ron Hubbard.”
I believe you put an extra “u” and an extra “b” in the word “slime”.
Here’s how I read that email:
“We’re closing CC London!!! Isn’t that great??? Now get over here and help us pack up all their stuff!!!”
I remember reading something about being somewhere on the tone scale that is appropriate to the situation – e.g. not laughing at somebody getting hit by a car. Which this pretty much is.
The last I heard from CC Ldn was about the Poetry Night, a Raffle, and someone was giving guitar lessons. I went to one of the events but all it turned out to be was a staff member giving a speech and then you were taken to see the registrar. So this is what it’s come to – keeping some files, and they need our help even to do that. Maybe they have a lot of files.
Of course Scientology is shrinking every day. The only reason I check the blogs and contribute to them is that I spent about 40 years in the CoS, so still have my obsession with it, having joined staff as a teenager. But 99.9999999999999999% plus of planet Earth could not care less.
Prediction: Year 2033
People active in Scientology: 10 – 15,000 (which would be HIGH mark, more likely less).
Scientology orgs in the entire world: LA, Clearwater & St. Hill (possibly also in New York & San Francisco just for PR). All other properties will be sold by then.
The lip (news outlet) has it at 25,000
Given the current rate of decay, Scientology will reach 10,000 to 15,000 members worldwide within five years, not twenty. I think the cancellation of the Flag building event on October 6 (Super Powers) is the beginning of the dominos falling that will spell the end of the event business. That’s one of the two main engines keeping the ship afloat. Events are the only way for the big donors to show off their status levels, since virtually every Scientologist in the world is afraid to admit to the “wogs” in their life that they are one, so telling your wog friends that you are a Patronius Gluteus Maximus With Honors who gave them $1 million will be met with either a blank “so what,” a condescending “I can’t believe you believe that crap” look or with howls of derisive laughter.
And bungling the GAT 2 launch will likely cause more people to wake up and realize that they are being fleeced because there is no better, faster Scientology “tech” available. As the Ideal Org strategy yields empty buildings and no actual expansion, the lie of being associated with a successful group that’s making a difference in the world becomes impossible to sustain. So recent developments mean that there’s no reason to stay with the cult — nothing for your personal spiritual advancement, nothing for fun and status, and nothing worth sacrificing for in order to make a difference in the world.
Perhaps the biggest news about “tent tech” is that if Miscavige is moving the tent from the UK to CW, that means he’s giving up on the European event business. Either the number of big European IAS donors is too small to matter at this point, or he’s going to piss them off, because they don’t want to come to CW for yet another event where they’ll be asked to give money. They’d rather be fleeced at a cool old mansion in England. If I were a Scientologist, I would too… So you are exactly right that the RCS is imploding towards inward-looking compounds in LA, CW and a skeleton crew at St. Hill (which I bet is pretty empty already).
Incidentally, real estate prices in LA and SF are high enough that they’d make money on the buildings there; the profit opportunity to sell those buildings matched against the small number of Scientologists in both places make them among the first to be sold, versus shells like New Haven, which would be sold at a loss and are in bad enough shape that they should just face the wrecking ball.
They forgot Pope on a box. and/or POB.
Hey Mike – Rumor has it that the St Louis Idle Morgue bought in 2007 will be, or is up for sale now because they cannot afford it. Guess its not so “Ideal” after all. Maybe the current building they are in, that the cannot the payments on either, will merge with a storage shed in the near future.
“Heey David Miscavige, Time to Liquidate Buddy”
Foreclosed in New Haven Connecticut. This was once a very large Org with a field spreading all the way down to Westport.
AND, The Freewinds is going to dry dock. The flyer sent out our encouraging people to come to the Cruise Ship while it is parked in dry dock touts:
“This is entirely unique – an experience not regularly available to Scientology public.”
Laughter! Even though you PUBLIC PAID for the ship because David Miscavige refused to let you “move up the bridge” until you would buy him a ship! Even though the ship OWES thousands of people OT8 and 9 and will NEVER deliver it because it does not exist!
Now you can go sit on the thing while it is empty and in dry dock because this is usually not “available to Scientology public” just like OT9 and 10!
He is actually revealing a bit of KSW I have been told: “You will die alone and in pain and in the dark ”
OT 8 George is.
‘cat daddy’ you leave a lot of comments, just about always low toned and sniping from behind the cover of anonimity, such is ‘free speech’ within this blog.
Free speech that probably would not be available to you if it were not for the efforts of George and others like him at times.
I just missed being in that particular video by seconds, just as well for I would not have been so polite. Why, one may ask ?
The reprehensible creeps that produced this attack knew that George, or some other staff member, would be waiting at that place for transport back to St Hill at that particular time and place. One can hear the immature sniggering in the back ground as well as witness the low toned sniping at George personally..
George had, and has, more guts and integrity than you and those other creeps put together. The church of miscavige may be wrong but George, not knowing what is known now, was maintaining what he believed to be right, AND, without resorting to the type of behaviour usually found in a girls playground.
It may interest others to know that George was severely reprimanded for reacting to this mindless ambush rahter than just walking away.
Contrary to the claims of many of the commentators publishing their diatribes within this blog, Scientology in general, and a majority of staff members, do produce excellent results using, where possible, standard ‘LRH’ technology.
Sadly, Mr Rinder believes that ‘freedom of speech’, the ‘spice of life’ also includes letting
low toned specimens and others that would rahter destroy than create have free rein to say as they wish. It is his blog, therefore his choice.
However, even though I am sitting on the fence of total dissconnection I would still rather have one of the ‘Georges’ than ten of any like you.
Mr Rinder knows who I am and how to contact me, should you wish to meet in the Uk and go over these facts then please let me know.
SW — Cat Daddy is well know by his real name to many readers of Scientology related blogs. You are right, I do tend to allow numerous viewpoints to express themselves here. I think that is healthy. You too can express your views. Or you can decide you don’t want to participate at all, and that is your choice too! (Do I sound like Larry Anderson at the end of the Orientation film?) 🙂
No, you didn’t say, “You would be stupid…” 😀
I HATED seeing that film and refused to bring anyone new to see it. Poor Larry Anderson. The best thing about him leaving is that they have to stop showing that ridiculous thing.
Funny Indie 8 Mill. Yes, Larry is probably glad to live that one down. The other thing I refused to give out was the “Can We Ever Be Friends” CD. The voice on it creeped me out. But I heard from the narrator of it, Jeff Pomeranz, that LRH (or DM if it was after 1982?) had specific instructions on how to read those lines, the tone level to do it in, the exact words to say really loudly, the big pauses in awkward places. There was a whole theory of how this would “go in” and “sink in” much more effectively to the listener. When I head him explaining all about this to me, it sounded to me like the purpose was to implant the listener.
There were detailed instructions from LRH on the tone level of every line. And exactly how every word was to be said.
Originally, the intention had been for Fred Hare to record it as he sounded similar to LRH. He did the first version of it I think.
But the Jeff Pomerantz version was micromanaged by Miscavige — he had to approve every single take and then the entire edit once it was done.
Ulf may even have been around for that…
Hello Silent Watcher. Niels Martens here, full name: Corneliuis Anthonius Martens, I want to be in comm(unication0 with you.
Email me at [email protected]
“There is only one security, and when you’ve lost that security, you’ve lost everything you’ve got. And that is the security of confidence in yourself; to be, to create, to make any position you want to make for yourself. And when you lose that confidence, you’ve lost the only security you can have. … Self-confidence is self-determinism. One’s belief in one’s ability to determine his own course. As long as one has that, he’s got the universe in his pocket. And when he hasn’t got that, not all the pearls in China nor all the grain and corn in Iowa can give him security, because that’s the only security there is.”
-L. Ron Hubbard
SW, I have to ask, why was he “severely reprimanded”? Why wasn’t he given support the way colleagues do with each other? Why is it that no matter how many stories I hear of “wins” inside the church, I hear so few (so very, very few) stories of friendship, support, and yes, that over-used, much maligned word “love.” If the church is fighting to clear the planet, that assumes that everyone trying to clear the planet with the church is on the same side. Yet, all that comes across is conflict, abuse, insults, dirty tricks, physical attacks, verbal attacks, and destruction of families, and I haven’t even mentioned what the “other side” is doing…..
Well, yes, George was backed into a corner there and maybe couldn’t get away but he was using all of the tricks to introvert “the enemy”. I don’t personally know George so I can’t speak for or against his products, but he is, in fact, using “Black Scientology” on the person asking the questions. “You’re insane!” “You’re stuck in an incident.” “You’re a squirrel.” Not listening to or genuinely responding to anything that guy said. All an intention to introvert and destroy the questioner.
He may be a very productive guy but he’s an *ssh*le when it comes to handling someone’s origination. Very well trained by the OSA crew. Have you ever seen Billy Sheehan handle a group of dissenters? He has a comm cycle, he has ARC, he hears what people say. I’ll post it here if I can find it. The good thing about this comm cycle with your friend George is that now he does know that someone believes that DM beats his staff and that he’s misusing funds. That seed, once planted, can’t help but sprout, in time.
Here’s Billy Sheehan. THIS is what a Scientologist should communicate like. ARC, you know?
And, the PUBLIC are being herded in the Org to do the begging now! The burden OF BEGGING is being pushed onto the PUBLIC:
Dear All Valley Supporters,
What?! EARN $5,000… CASH MONEY!!!! How? Well the Valley Org is holding a C-Note Saturday COMPETITION LIKE NONE EVER BEFORE!!!
What you have to do is get the most amount of people to pay $100 to one of the largest Scientology Buildings on the PLANET, The Valley Org! That’s all:):)
I don’t know how many of you were at the last event, but the magnitude and the IMPACT this org is going to have I can’t even explain to you.
Be there on Saturday September 21st at the FUTURE Valley Org. 11455 Burbank BLVD. North Hollywood starting at 1:00 pm. Bring your rolodex, twitter, text, phone etc., it is going to be a dial for dollars for the greatest cause and game of this planet or any others. Also come see the building for yourself!
“Pay money to the building”. This is insanity.
“We need your help” Is the mantra now. When I first got involved I was told, “You need our help”. “We can help”. Of course, the attitude then was 180 degrees different.
Staff going with out pay in London, while new carpet is laid down for DM to walk upon. The Org put up for rent and the word from the Org is, “We need your help”.
David Miscavige sure has made a difference!
Yeah , that’s how one of my sons , even though he was having some wins , never went back to an org : he was asked to finish his course before 2 o’clock to help the staff . And he said “aren’t you supposed to help me?”
“Hell, even an email that announces the closing of an org is filled with excited exclamation points about what great news this is….”
How bizarre! And, Is that a “To Let” sign? Seriously? He has put the Org up for rent? In London?
I’m speechless!
It seems that the “pretense” of all is well is dissolving. Cancelling Super Power opening, “Final Call” wording for SO recruitment and now closing orgs. The fact that they are even broadcast tells me that there is no one 3 feet back of the operations watching carefully over what is put out. Careless at best. Signs of an implosion very likely. The shrinkage is impossible to hide any longer. Exit strategy for many are on the front burner, those totally mindless excluded. Good time to reach out and extend a lifeline to old friends still nominally “in”. This is more evidently becoming a human salvage operation.
Alanzo, the tech works even though it is not perfect or it is not panacea. I am a personal example. B4 getting into scientology I was a drug addict, illitterate and a high school drop out. After 15 years of Scn and after having done the OEC (the real ones) and Ot Levels I am a wealthy and successful business owner (one of the best in his industry) successful author, dad and with a great family. I am not able to move objects at a distance but I live the spiritual side of life to the fullest and I enjoy it. Withouth Scientology this would have never occurred. The tech works when it is not used to harm. I will always be grateful to LRH even though I was often crush regged, manipulated and at the end expelled. My 2 cents.
Paolo, great post, thank you. I also have my reality that LRH’s tech works quite well when it is applied both correctly and with the purpose to help and not harm.
I also have had gains and wins from Scientology when it is unaltered tech and is applied correctly. The tech works. And using it with the intention to help rather than to harm is the demarkation line between good and evil and works and doesn’t work and helps or harms.
Me too!
“Without Scientology this would have never occurred.” Ok, I have to call bullshit on this. All of it could have occurred through numerous channels and with no religious component necessary. This is how cults stick like they do. People try something, get some gains and then wrongly attribute every victory to it – and “it” can be down right ridiculous (you know, like yelling at ashtrays). If it helped you, great. But spare all of us the notion you’d be nothing without scientology.
Dr., respectfully, I think you are reading too much into Paolo’s words, “Without Scientology this would never have occurred.” I think you are being harsh by calling this “bullshit”.
This is Paolo’s subjective opinion about his own experience and life journey. He doesn’t appear to be attempting to force Scientology down anyone’s throat. He is sharing his own subjective life experience with it in his own words. He shared what’s real for him. What’s wrong with that?. There is a difference between a fact and an opinion. Someone who has experience with something is entitled to voice an opinion.
I happen to share his opinion of what Scientology can do because I also attribute a number of improved conditions in my own life to “the tech”.It is very true that I am a much happier person today than I was before – much more aware and interested in life, far more tolerant and understanding of people than I used to be, and more capable in my line of work too. This is my own experience, and I’m not ashamed of it. Why shouldn’t I say what I feel? Because saying this does not mean that some other practice or avenue of learning would not have given me the same gains. Maybe they would have or maybe not. What does it matter? That’s another discussion, and to enter into it would depend upon my actual experiences.
I had an aunt who claimed that her whole life turned around at age 53 when she acknowledged Jesus Christ as her Savior. Was this real for me? No.And when she would talk about this I would mentally eye-roll and breathe deeply. But that was her experience, her subjective truth I wouldn’t have dreamed of telling her it was bullshit.
Different strokes, you know?
I love you anyway.
email me at [email protected] and say hi to David boy
All this squawking about closing a CC and “merging it” with an Idle Org. Isn’t that what happened in Dallas five years ago?
POT — exactly. It’s been done in a few places. Just wasnt somewhere to squawk about it 5 years ago….
And, the tired refrain from Pinocchio hadn’t been repeated so often.
In other words…”London Bridge to Total Spiritual Freedom has fallen down”!!
Look for more in the wake of the lawsuits hitting the fan and Miscavige spinning like a top! Miscavige must be completely psycho by now – I can hear the slaps from London!
Any news from the “inside” as to what the Scientologist’s are told the reason for NO Super POWER opening on Oct.6th?
I am trying to find out but so far – the Scientologist’s do not know it has been cancelled.
Any e-mails or releases from Golden Error Productions?
Re: ongoing Org Reduction or Eradication, what is the tally now? From my memory we have: CC Dallas eradicated by combination with new Dallas Org, CCLV and LV Foundation(?) eradicated by combination with new LV Org, Copenhagen and DK Orgs combined, possibly some German orgs combined with Hamburg (CC Hamburg? Eppendorf?). Does anyone have data on other Fdn orgs folded into new orgs (Seattle? Portland?).
Portland’s CC folded into Portland Org a few years ago.
Frankly, the CC Network has always been a bit of a sham — being the “more upstat” solution to their neighboring “downstat” orgs. Mostly used as a solution to send anyone who wears a tie instead of a T-Shirt — it is amazing that it lasted this long. Most of the CC City Offices have merged with their neighboring orgs since long ago even though the CCs were doing better than the orgs.
I agree Sindy. I’ve always felt the CC’s were elitist and I think the beauty of Scn, is that it unites people in common understanding. I think the so called celebs should be doing their share of bullbaiting or drilling others or whatever. Policies on sources of trouble says to audit people at convenience and usual arrangements, and I agree with this. When I hear of people getting the royal treatment, it really offends me. Everyone should be treated with care, excellent tech and be there on the same terms.
Hallie Jane, yes I agree everyone should be audited on same terms as others. But that’s now done at Flag and at CC’s. At Flag they put one high up on the org board person one on one with the celeb (Kelly Preston, John’s wife for one) and hire or bring in a ringer who reads really well on the meter to hold the cans, and so with these two bolstering up the person doing the emeter drills, they get through it faster. And they take word clearers off post, which leaves the rest of the entire course room hanging, to have them sit right next to the celeb on course so that they’ll be there if they have an MU etc. So LRH references on “do not give special treatment to celebs or media” were not only ignored but the opposite was done. Just more proof that under DM, money is king, and money buys you out of your ethics trouble and it buys you preferrential treatment. When DM finally goes to jail, I wonder if all his money will prevent him from becoming some inmate’s personal bitch?
Hey Hallie,
The sad thing about the CCs is that they BECAME elitist. I wasn’t there in the late ’60s but Pat Gualtieri was (where is that guy anyway?), as were most of the CC staff up until the 80s and early 90s. When it started it was a place of multi-colored carpets, art happening all the time – poetry, music, acting – and anyone could participate.
Yvonne Jenzch (Heber’s wife who died of cancer), promoted the beauty of the arts. She LOVED artists (as I’ve heard) and had HUGE ARC and respect for artists. I’ve been told that she’d be having a conversation with someone and one of her staff would come up and try to interrupt. She’d say, “Excuse me, darling, but let me get back to you later, I’m talking to one of the artists.” She would bend over backwards to help them get ahead. Ask John Travolta.
She is the one who originated CC to LRH. “Wouldn’t it be great to have an org which catered to the needs of the artist?” Ron said, “Yes, go do it!” haha. 🙂 Man of action.
But get the inflection there. “Catered to the needs of artists.” Not manipulating them for gain. At least that seemed to be her intention.
On the other hand, welcome to the last 20 years or so – Pamela Lancaster Johnson. Who is she connected to that she gets to stay? Not only that, but she was married to a non-SO member and didn’t have to leave the SO.
If there is an SP at CC, there’s my vote. She has told artists, “Why don’t you join the SO? You’re wasting your time as an artist because you’re not going to make it this lifetime anyway.” True story. She said that to a friend of mine.
To another friend, she said, “Your dead parents would be ashamed of you…” because she wouldn’t contribute or join the SO. WTF?? My friend went out of there with tears in her eyes.
What a bitch. Not Biatch, bitch.
I knew that we were in trouble in the 90’s when they took Yvonne’s picture off the wall of the lobby.
Since Pamela and removing the spirit of Yvonne out, it’s been elitist and yucky.
Those are my thoughts.
The shop in TCR is still there. The CC moved location to a bigger and better building not long ago, with the usual expensive redecorating. The Church also owns Hubbard’s first residence in London, done out as a museum with posh fittings and furniture that he never owned.
Scientology is not a religion in the UK for local rates purposes, some local councils were caught giving voluntary rate reductions and were firmly told to stop by the Government.
Hartley — that shot is the new CC location isnt it? It’s taken off Google Maps. Not sure if there is currently a “TO Let” sign on it?
After more than 60 years of “production” from the tech, it is no longer possible to hide, distract from, or prestidigitate the customer’s attention away from the fact that Scientology technology does NOT produce Clears or OTs, as defined by L Ron Hubbard.
It is also no longer possible to hide or lie about the fact that it has never produced them.
This is the reason for the contraction of the Church of Scientology.
Scientology is a spiritual deception.
The gig is up.
That is all.
There ya go stripping it down to the bare facts again. Thanks for always moving the debris off the road my friend.
1. Who are you?
2. How do you know what Scientology produces?
My experience is, Scientology delivers just fine and you’ve never had any good auditing. This we can easily rectify if you come to Haifa.
And Mike, do you really have to publish such stuff? Well, I guess “Freedom of Speech” does have its cost.
Dani — Allan has been around forever and likes to make provocative comments on blogs. He has been banned from a number of them. He is a bit of the spice of life.
Dani –
1. Who are you?
My name is Allen Stanfield. I was on staff in Missions around the US for 7.5 years, and a Scientologist for 16. I am “Clear”, trained to Exec Status One, spent many years as a Book One Auditor and a Div 6 Supervisor, am an Elementary Data Series Evaluator, and have trained to Level J of the BC.
I saw many abuses in Scientology and almost went bankrupt from it until I looked at my situation as a Scientologist and asked myself “What’s the difference between this and a bad cocaine habit?”
2. How do you know what Scientology produces?
I know from 30 years of experience studying and critically examining its products all around the world.
My experience is, Scientology delivers just fine and you’ve never had any good auditing. This we can easily rectify if you come to Haifa.
I’ve been to Haifa. It is beautiful. Not to your org, which I admire. And I have never met you, whose courage and integrity to your ideals I understand, and which I also admire.
I spent over a year in Israel, working in Kibbutzim and even a Moshav. It was the best time of my life.
90% of my auditing was delivered by Class 8 auditors who were trained directly by L Ron Hubbard. I was in a very unique position. I had many wins in Scientology.
I also had many losses.
The losses, obviously, out-numbered the wins. I am certainly not the only one for whom this was their experience. In fact, if you stand back and look at it, most Scientologists throughout its history have become Ex-Scientologists.
And Mike, do you really have to publish such stuff? Well, I guess “Freedom of Speech” does have its cost.
Dani – I have a question for you.
What do you hope to gain by shutting out critical examination of the products of Scientology?
If the products are there, they are there for everyone to see. Yes?
If they are not there, just as with criticism of David Miscavige – which you seem to have no problem with – does not everyone benefit from the critical examination of the products of Scientology itself?
Why or why not?
And a note about Mike Rinder: I used to think that it was impossible that Mike Rinder and I shared the same values and ideals of intellectual honesty, free speech, and open debate. His actions since leaving the Church have thoroughly disabused me of that viewpoint, and I have a huge amount of respect for him and the work he is doing.
Any technology requires rigorous examination, from every viewpoint, if it is to maintain its workability and effectiveness. Criticism and non-aligned viewpoints – with nothing to lose or gain from their examination – are vital to that.
Do you agree?
Why or why not?
I think your statement included everyone and therefore was obviously an inval for people who disagree. I’m not sure how you would know so completely what is in others minds and what states they achieved in Scientology.
Ha, jeez, pretty scathing. Methinks you shall see no reply.
Hey Alanzo,
I used to enjoy your posts over at Tony’s blog some time ago. Any thought of coming back more often? Seems that some of the veterans hope you do!
I admire what Mike has done here!
Much admiration for you and what you and those with you have produced in Haifa.
At the same time, let’s have a little reality check. You’re criticism of Alanzo’s comment is way off the mark. He said, “… the fact that Scientology technology does NOT produce Clears or OTs, as defined by L Ron Hubbard.
Now- that is absolutely true. As defined by Hubbard, there is not, and never has been on planet earth ,1 “clear” produced by Hubbard’s tech. Not one. Ever.
For you to emphatically imply otherwise is surely falls under sales & marketing, of you marketing your services, a bit of salesmanship for your organization’s services. Okay- that’s fair.
But don’t claim there is 1 clear – as defined by Hubbard – in Haifa. Or 1 clear anywhere, ever. That is false. You know it. Hubbard new it, from the 1950s on, he knew it. No asthma cured. No near sightedness cured. No IQs raised. Ever. Reality check, Dani.
At the same time, you provide service to people and there are “wins” for them. But what Alanzo said is true. Absolutely.
Yeah, but there’s another way to look at it. In my opinion the way to design a bridge or to understand one focuses on the awareness levels. Most all here know these things. Clear was the linchpin. Clear is purpose, which means knowing what the hell to do with your life. It might take awhile, but when it does manifest doors begin to open.
Here I diverge. Those who know what profession or talent to develop and use, and so on, don’t need it. It is bullshit to them. Go find something else to do. All the other nonsense, the grandiose claims, well, I take with a grain of pinks and blues because my DR worked. Clear ID purpose and OT the rest of them. On the 2D things are not often clear because of genetics, credit cards and the existence of boobs.
I personally have audited people who had their diseases and afflictions get better or go away entirely. This is actually common. I have raised many IQ’s with the study tech and related auditing and it’s not even hard. Again this was very common. I audited a woman with pneumonia once and she got completely well, before my own eyes. It was super fun. These are personal and spiritual experiences that occurred to me and if someone doesn’t want to play, that’s ok.
Dani, thanks for your views. Your comments are understandable, given Mike’s explanation on the comments of Alanzo. You need to know that, as an all time genuine admirer of the Ol’ man, I will always feel that there is simply NO one individual, living or dead, that can surpass his staggering legacy of WORKABLE answers to the problems of the human mind, answers and handlings of the human spirit and the development of axioms and tools of communication which lead to the better handling of life – IF applied as laid out in the technology he developed.
That said, I’ll say this to you, particularly in the light of the development of your Dror Academy (which I greatly look forward to visiting, and meeting with you fine and dedicated people some time in the future.)
Simply this, Dani: The very best antidote to criticism, whether we realize it or not, is to make an increased sense of humor your very best defence thereto. It took me a VERY loooong time to learn not to take things “too seriously” and this lesson has had an enormous impact on my life. Laughter really is the BEST medicine — after all 🙂
Alanzo, critique extraordinaire, can you name ONE individual – living or dead- that can claim he or she has come up with WORKABLE answers that can be learnt, applied, and taught to others, who may in turn teach others for the above mentioned benefits (definitions of “clear” & OT excepted) – than L. Ron Hubbard?
Good advice Calvin…. +1
This will make it easier for Anonymous to do what they do.
Craigs list is Scientologys last stand on the interwebs’it seems, Thank you Tony for high lighting it, I occassionaly saw those ads pop up but didn’t expect it was so viral.
I have discovered that two hogwash sellers stayed under the radar all the time because they cleverly hid in plain sight and when you search them on Scientology you find nothing.
These two vultures are called
Arte Marten
and Freddie Ulan
Cat daddy, I don’ t know exactly what you’re talking about with Arte Maren and Freddie Ulan “stayed under the radar and hid in plain sight.” I know these two. What are they doing or have done? They were big Kool Aid drinkers and scammers as far as I knew. Are they actually under the radar Indies now?
No they leech off of parishoners and unsuspecting people having set up shop in the “real” world. If you search on Scientology on Youtube they do not show up in the search results, That’s what I ment by under the radar.
When all orgs are empty of public (which Cap’n Davey is accomplishing just fine), there will need to be a plan to free the Sea Org workers. He’ll never let them go.
Does scien pay taxes in London?
There is no tax exemption.
But the Co$ – as far as I know – is registered as an Australian organisation.
This is how they avoid taxes in the UK.
Not really — they avoid taxes in the UK by being VAT exempt and operating a sham balance sheet that shows they ALWAYS have greater debts than assets and bills are greater than income. THeir bills are all to FSO/CSI and NEP. Thus, no profit. Thus no tax.
I thought it would finally end up at “L. Ron Hubbard Library” (CST), which is a for profit organisation.
To get VAT exemption in the UK is not difficult. It does not require a lot of paperwork. I myself am VAT exempt. You more or less only have to show that you are buying, storing and selling items. I am astonished that an organisation can be VAT exempt without any purpose to earn money. When you apply for VAT exemption you have to show your purpose to earn money … as far as I understood.
But there is no real tax exemption for Co$, right? They would have to pay taxes on profits.
I would love to learn more about the money flows inside the cult.
There are documentaries available on YouTube:
The entire flows (eg. like on a flow chart) – as far as I know – have never been reported on any TV show. They are pretty much unclear. Mike, it would be really nice if you could bring that up someday.
BFM — CST is tax exempt. It was a requirement before the estate of L. Ron Hubbard was transferred to it that it be tax exempt.
The money flows are relatively simple, but it doesnt much matter as just like the corporate structure, the labels put on things are window-dressing. The money comes in to orgs and IAS and goes up to CSI and RTC and CST and IAS Reserves. All controlled by the same person.
If Miscavige (pardon my language) were smart, he would admit defeat, gather the faithful to big blue or Clearwater, regroup and quit the attacks. If he were to do that, or better still, if he were to step down and have Diana or someone like that take over there is still a snowball’s chance in hell something could be salvaged.
Ain’t gonna happen. He has worked long and hard to amass his own personal fortune, his goal at the outset, and his secondary goal of destroying Scn is also in his sights. The only unfortunate thing, in his eyes is that some of the mud he has worked so hard to sling seems to be hitting him squarely in the face. He thinks he can go into hiding and be protected like LRH was. Problem is, there were people who protected Ron because they liked him. When Miscavige (pardon my language) disappears, the fear will go too and with it his protection.
Stark raving crazy is honestly his most lovable quality. After that there is stuff we don’t dare discuss.
So, does anyone know what it means to get the files into shape as far as USING them goes? All I know is that they file all the backlogged pieces of paper into manilla folders and then put them into file boxes and store them…somewhere. This seems like a complete waste of time and energy. Do they ever DO anything with them, like computer entry? I know the boxes at our org contain names of people that have been gone for over 20 years…it all seems like a bunch of wasteful, paper pushing to keep people busy doing nothing. Yet, such a big deal is made of it. Am I missing something?
Yes, I’m afraid you’re missing something. The “Ideal” way to maintain a CF folder is in date order (oldest is furthest back in the folder) with an folder summary (a log of what happened when in the folder, especially when the person completed a course, bought a book, or attested to a level). That’s a bit more complicated that “putting particles in a pasteboard folder”.
POT…OUCH!! That sounds like torture!
In the US they’ve had org’s sign up for the online services to track people down and attempt to recapture their identity for mailings. This was also how it was supposed to standardize CF worldwide so there weren’t double, triple, quadruple mailings to a person. After which such an evolution I began to receive mail from AOSHUK where I haven’t been. It’s also supposed to be computerized so central marketing can mail out the org mags that don’t go out on the per policy schedule and rarely include actual success stories from the local org because there aren’t enough of them to publish but once every 6 months in truth. This project to get CF in to new and pretty folders the same worlwide has been ongoing for at least 10 years now.
Oh, Gayle. That would also explain why I receive mailings from many places that I have never been to as well. Of course, I am ever so grateful for the “unsubscribe” button. What a waste!
It follows the path of destruction planned by the Devil Moron-unmock Source, alter the technology, close the Missions, Groups and Field Auditors; make “FSMs” become IAS Registrars; alter the form of the Org with chaotic orders and throw every one off hat, Qual has been gone since many years ago, the products of auditors and pcs were covertly replaced by only “donations and status” and his trail follows-if you have huge buildings incapable of supporting themselves, then, one may conclude, his evil intention is also to get rid of the Orgs and the above data confirms it. It is not an accident, it has all been planned and this is a real test for the confront of evil.
However, lets not forget, we are many courageous ones standing up and saying “No way Mister, you are not going to get away with it. Sooner or later you will have yourself what you have attempted to cause: destruction, misery and oblivion forever” Over to you Devil Moron, no one wants to be on your shoes. Your attempt will fail, guaranteed”.
While I agree that the destruction is far greater than most can confront, and that it is intentional. the bottom line on this bold venture of Scientology is that the unknown upside of life itself is harder to confront, to grasp, to see, and to be comfortable with, than the evil.
All the evils of the world will, hopefully, in time, seem like the (horrible irreparable) skinned knees of childhood, the (life-ending crushing) disappointment of not having a first date one wanted in high school, and other such (major and totally terminal disastrous) mishaps in life. The future, hopefully, will unfold – for those with eyes to see it – as an overwhelmingly beautiful and never-ending fertility of certainty and aesthetics.
That is where to courage comes in, to see the goodness, to believe that one’s own sins can and will be forgiven and forgotten. to abandon hatred and revenge and evil forever because those only produce greater problems, not solutions, and to push forwards in thought and reason and aesthetics, to work for and to HAVE that future. So many will snicker in ridicule at that notion of goodness and beauty, so many will scoff at such idealistic fantasy, and so many will, themselves, doubt it.
Beautiful, Carcha. No snickers here.
Beautifully said, Carcha.
Thanks Carcha, that was cool. I needed that.
The very best kind of glass to have Carcha. Never totally empty! Always at the very least a dropFULL!
Beautifully said Carcha
Hey Mike,
What’s the photo of? Is that the London CC building now being rented out?
Years ago I found out Tel Aviv Org was bigger than London Org. We didn’t even have any materials in Hebrew in Israel and the English have all of LRH translated into English, and a fine translation too, I joked.
So I was asking, how comes London Org is so small? “The English are low-tone!” was the scholarly explanation.
But from friends who were on lines in London in the ’60-’70’s I know there was a bustling booming scene back then.
My good friend Vivi Cohen was senior C/S London Org for years, at no exchange, her health deteriorating, no progress on the Bridge. Last time I saw her was exactly two years ago when visited Israel, a few months before we bowed out.
I asked her for news at London Org. She told me that a few months earlier she was surprised to see all carpets at the Org being replaced, new carpets were put in.
The “ideal org” was just a few years old, she protested, and the carpets were in perfect shape save a few spots. She found out the new carpets cost over 100,000 Pounds, abt $160,000!
She was mad, no staff pay, no public, no promotion etc, but new carpets purchased. She asked why and was told COB was coming for a visit soon so the place has to look perfect.
Perfect for Miscavige is spotless carpets!!! She was so upset, poor Vivi.
I am sure she was later put on “Lowers” for bitching to an SP about COB. Poor Vivi, still trapped, still trying to make sense of insanity.
Anybody in London reading this pleeeeease give Vivi my love. Tell her there is still hope outside DM’s madhouse.
Hello Mr Lemberger,
The building in the caption picture is the original LRH ‘org’ of the 60’s in Fitzroy Street.
The large white patch in the window to the right is where the room was degraded to fit a
very poor quality kitchen into a room that was not designed for it.
It is many years since I last had the pleasure of being with Viv Cohen but fear that if she cannot see exactly what the situation is then she needs help, quickly.
Sadly, mainly because the UK is not directly connected to the madness in in the U S of A,
the only awareness that most Scientologists have of the general situation is what they are told. Plus the boiled frog syndrome.
On the subject of the CC merging with the dying org I could write a lot but my machine
is on the blink today.
By the way; do you have any knowledge of another ‘good Scientologist’ that stole my television production in order to pay for her OT levels ? The last trace was that she returned to Israel. Her massive missed withhold symptoms would indicate that she is another ‘ O.T.’ that will never be an OT.
Ah yes, the curious phenomena of thieving “OT’s”
A long time “friend” of mine that stole funds from our firm earmarked from me, who later flat out embezzled $25,000 (directed funds that were supposed to be paid to our firm, secretly to another so he wouldnt have to share proceeds with me), is now a NEW OT VII Truth Revealed superstar in the world of DM.
Interestingly, in his long climb up the “OT” levels, and while i was myself still in good standing and on services with the “church,” he never once addressed these thefts or gross out ethics with me in any meaningfull way.
I know of others who have suffered much worse financial thefts by Scientology “OT’s,” but i can tell you in no uncertain terms that the fact that such a thing could 1) occur and 2) never be taken up by the theif for redress and yet continue on services, and 3) Never be taken up by “Ethics” officers in the “church” for handling, is one of the major factors that convinced me that in many respects Scientology (at least as practiced under DM) is an utter sham.
This was not the case in the late 70’s and early 80′ at AOLA. Such overts in life were unacceptable and would keep someone off auditing, and they were encouraged to handle it with good responsibility. It was common knowledge that the process of achieving greater OT abilities included keeping o/w’s cleaned up in life, and making choices, that actually were the greatest good for all of YOUR dynamics. MAA’s with high integrity like Mike Howson and Gary Jacobs were a pleasure to talk with. Their perception levels were very high and sane.
Moonshot, I”m sorry to hear you were mistreated financially by your business partner. Unfortunately this has happened to several in Scn, and the Rex Fowler case was very public and high profile in the news. Now that you are out and declared an SP? (are you), how about suing the former partner? It would do two things: It would put justice and ethics in on him since the church obviously won’t do it, and it may get you all or part of your money back, and it would help bring light on the vulture culture of money money money to pay for Bridge and donos and Ideal everything, and I’m sure Tony Ortega would pick it up and give it air time, which all helps bring down DM sooner. What do you say? Lawsuit time?
Actually, the pic in Mike’s post is 91 New Cavendish Street. The Cult had the third floor of the building as CC London.
That location represents the second downsize since 2008; They used to have a place in the affluent Ladbroke Grove suburb, but sold that building (presumably to get the money to keep the lights on at Queen Victoria Street) and moved to the ground floor of a large building just near #91 (#93, I think).
For a while, there was an Ideal Celebrity Centre proposal being used as a cash cow (to , however, noted fraudster and cultie Fraser Lee Scott was involved, so if the funds didn’t get channelled into the Ideal Org accounts, or uplines, he probably made off with some.
The “Original London Org” is 37 Fitzroy Square, and is now a RON museum that nobody ever visits (although given that it’s supposed to be a reconstruction of how it was then, the books on the shelves might still be original, unsquirreled, pre-DM versions)
Looks like they are in a state of Glee of insanity.
Like a letter from the White Star line that The Titanic sunk on its maiden voyage.
Isn”t that exciting, hit an ice berg at full speed and not enough life boats !
Are they going to take out of the oec volumes hcopl org reduction and eradication? Mike, this is a glaring off policy. How can people like mark yager who know the oec live with it?
Marc Yager and all the rest of the people who have been in the Hole for years fully agree with anything Miscavige says. Otherwise they would have left. They have been beaten into submission by physical and mental abuse and brainwashing. They have no spines left whatsoever. It doesnt matter whether something is right or wrong, on or off policy, immoral or amoral, a half truth or lie. ALL that matters is whether Miscavige approves or disapproves.
Yes, Mike. DM is their master, much like Igor’s or the Frankenstein monster’s. He is their source to life, to living or dying. DM has such atrocious Karma coming to him. Much like the black meanies in the movie, Ghost. As much bad as he’s done, there is no other result possible.
plus LRH policy is so last year…or last 3 decades…
Jose – right you are.
“We want to let you know that we “disassembled” the Titanic to increase expansion! Your one Titanic is now dozens of Ideal Missions, floating in the Atlantic!” “(whispering, ‘what? there were hundreds of people who drown? oh well, that’s ok. they won’t mind contributing to Titanic’s expansion. Send out commendations to their families saying that they were heroes who gave the ultimate price for our expansion’ ‘That ought to hold the little bastards.’)”
They’re finally closing the Tomb of the Unknown Celebrity eh?
As well as the Idle Org, do they still have the dinky “Life Improvement Centre” shop on Tottenham Court Rd?
To my knowledge they still have but I will put a fishing line out on the boards
I was such a failf*g, here you go:
Their facebook page has a picture of the staff. 17 people total. I guess that’s why they need to close CC London and grab the CC London staff- to pump it up. The thing that is most interesting to me is that almost all of them are scowling or frowning. I see that a lot in photos of Scientology staff. People in black jackets and sun glasses trying to look tough or cool or something. Even ten years ago staff photos tried to look upbeat and happy. I guess they have just given up pretending. This is the new thing, where everyone tries to look unpleasant and solid and act tough towards others. They figure “we are suffering like crazy and can’t wait to dish some of that misery out to you to”. I imagine public rush in for some of that shit. Another photo on their facebook shows the tech team – supposedly 13 people. Three of them are smiling. The other 10 have hard, nasty looks on their faces. Several look very out of valence and a couple look sadistic. There is also a sad recruitment poster-the 8 male staff of London org, all dressed in black, all looking miserable, sad or resentful, with the title – “This is the kind of team you want to be on”. I think not guys. No amount of cool red ties could make up for spending my life miserably unhappy.
Interesting pic CD. First though, this is the “Ideal Org” staff Queen Victoria St, not the Tottenham Court Road LI Centre. Second noteworthy thing here is there are 17 staff. Not exactly St Hill size, nor Ideal. Thirdly though, and of most interest, is that apart from ED Sharon Kloss almost all the others are 2nd/3rd generation Scientologists. Where’s all the “raw meat” staff? Where is the flood of new staff that Idealness is supposed to bring? London has been “Ideal” for nearly a decade, and it seems to have shrunk dramatically. I guess some are at Flag getting Gag II’d, but goodness me. Shocking.
As far as the CC closing, I’m only surprised it wasn’t sold off years ago – it was always empty despite London having more celebs per square inch than anywhere outside LA.
Yes, the LI Centre is still located on Tottenham Court Road but pretty much empty. Towards the end of 2008 it boasted a Fdn crew of between 2-4 staff at any given time and the Day compliment was very slightly more. In the dozen or so times I’ve been past since then I have never seen more than 2 people evident there, either during Day or Fdn hours. On a couple of occasions the doors have actually been closed with no sign of life whatsoever – and this being around lunchtime or early afternoon time. I believe the bill for renovating this empty palace (it was the main org building between 1969 – 2006) was around £1/4m.
The FB page images do not include any Fdn staff faces from what I can see. Certainly all the ones I recognize are Day terminals but these are not all of them either. The shoot must have been done VERY early on a summer weekday for them to have been able to have such a clear street. Possibly around 6am. Most, if not all of the Day staff commute from East Grinstead so these guys are probably only the ones who could travel up that early or who had arranged to stay over in London the previous night. If it had been done at the weekend then surely a few Fdn crew would have been persuaded to show up a bit earlier too. So these are the desperate few who think that arty posing in the middle of the road and trying to look cool or tough or whatever the intention is here, it’s going to make a difference. Well, I’m sorry but all I get from this is desperation and pretentiousness. The only image that works on their FB page (assuming you’re trying to attract people) is the one of the girls on the staircase.
There are certainly a few more staff in London than these images suggest though. They’re probably just not as tough and dedicated as these guys are.
The image posted at the top is definitely not Fitzroy Street, as has been asserted in one of the comments here. It looks like New Cavendish Street which is where I believe the CC relocated a couple of years back.
All in all, quite sad and pathetic. Wake up fence people! You’ve got to at least be in Doubt to have observed so many gross and glaring outpoints and not to have written up something.
Yes they do.
The Ideal Org at Queen Victoria Street gets so little foot traffic that 68 TCR is the preferred protest location.
Closing an org is a condition of Treason for whoever approves it. Since only David Miscagive has the authority to approve SHUTTING an org, this makes his condition crystal clear. Even the most dedicated of Scientology “Bubble People” should be able to figure this out – but you would probably need to write it in big letters on the front of phone book and then hit them with it. Welcome to the bubble where everything is great! and has exclams! exclam!
Miscavige has closed a number of orgs over the years, but until now, he’s been able to erase that from the organizational memory. The people who might personally remember otherwise are either dead, gone, faded into the background, or learned to keep their mouths shut and their needles floating.
Isn’t it considered suppressive in Scientology to even propose the sale of Orgs?
Anyway, I contributed to London Org. I want my money back!
E-mail this guy and he or another from his firm will direct you in the right direction.
CatDaddy, Mr Berry has lost his license in the past. Is he trustworthy?
Sorry Mike this is the right one to post
Surely you jest BFM, you must be stuck on the track referring to the old and not used anymore LRH policy, tsk tsk tsk.