Scientology continues to carry out its juvenile attempted annoyances.
We get strange magazine subscriptions.
Anonymous “hate” emails.
The guy who walks past and checks out our house a few times a day and shows up when we have visitors (he lives in a rented house around the corner — there aren’t too many available in our neighborhood).
Now they kindly made an application for Christie to get a job at Circle K….
Not to make light in general of the Fair Game practices of scientology, they are grotesque.
I just find their juvenile behavior to be ridiculous and have to comment on it every now and then.
Sorry Mike, but this is a standard phishing email attempting to get personal information (i.e. social security #, etc…) after the recipient logs into their phony spoofed website. It is most likely not due to the Scam filling out job apps…..
Sophocles wrote in Electra (c 409 B.C.), ‘The end excuses any evil’
The scientology group must practice frequent mental bleaching to sleep at night after lying (1.1), covert evil deeds (1.1), and performing civil and criminal deeds (1.1) on a routine basis.
May Leah’s and Mike’s successes torment their souls (errr..thetans) for as long as they have a time track.
I wouldn’t be so fast to credit cult goons with the job apps at that website. I blocked their emails because of so many ‘job applications,’ and I don’t even know anyone who’s ever been associated with Scientology. I think it’s just another run-of-the-mill scam. I had to block everything from jobcase, [email protected], workpop, snagajob, and myworkday. I suddenly started getting tons of job apps a few months ago.
Does anyone have an idea how many SP’s are in the world? Chuckbeattyx75to03 has a good point. Why do people avoid downtown Clearwater? If you run into a Scientologists, give them your sympathy. Let them know how sorry you feel for them. Tell them how you know they work all day for nothing and that it’s not fun being hungry. But also let them know your not buying a stupid book if offered one
The number of “SPs” in the world is easy to calculate. Subtract the number of scientologists by the world’s human population. If you are not a scientologist you are a “SP”.
Jim, funny! But true. With Scn you’re either with us or agin us and if you’re agin us, you’re an SP.
Interesting article on the rise of commercial surveillance tech and the targetting of journalists/media figures. Considering OSA is not averse to outsourcing its fair game ops, I thought it was worth posting here.
Bill and Ted took a moment to weigh in on this absurd prank.
Circle K? Awesome! I’m sure somewhere someone is celebrating the extraordinary blow they wielded against an enemy. An enemy that they would not dare stand behind in the grocery store line, but still…
The future of the Rinder/Remini team is teetering in the balance as the tech works flawlessly on these SPs yet again!
In fact, all they have to do now is make a big contribution to the IAss, and the freedom medal is sure to be theirs. Done, sir. And all glory to SOB.
Awww, shucks. Just an ordinary day’s work shattering suppression using proprietary LRH tech.
There is more jealousy and envy in scientology than anywhere else. I think the young one’s in it are realizing that they don’t have the freedom that their non Scientology friends have. They must feel trapped by the religion, and want to pull more people in to it out of spite. If a new Religious Agreement that guarantees that Scientology will give citizenship rights to their followers could be enacted, it would be the end of Scientology. Why, because DM would either go along with it, or refuse it. If he went along with it, then it would only apply to new members…this would create anger and spite among his church go’ers. If he refuses the New Religious Agreement, then it would be known in a court of law that the US Constitution is not supported by Scientology…
To help take the burden of crap Scientology throws at Mike, what citizens of Clearwater could do is individually start using the highly effective toxic taboo words of Scientology.
If citizens of Clearwater just individually, all the small regular people who have a distaste for Scientology, can use the Hubbard designated taboo words
Me, I’d never go downtown without my “Xenu caused the Wall of Fire” T shirt on, to protest Scientology.
Every citizen of Clearwater ought to be given a Xenu Tshirt.
Let the average citizen hit back at Scientology with Xenu and body-thetans knowledge which OSA has to count on their downstats.
“Every citizen of Clearwater ought to be give a Xenu Tshirt.”
An awesome idea! Is there a copywright on Xenu, anyone know?
@aqua as a scientologist, it is their job to claim xenu doesn’t exist so if you printed a xenu t-shirt and they complained, they would be shooting themselves in the foot, right?
@ValR, yes, you’re right! Didn’t think of that. They’d be between a rock and a hard place for sure!
I’m asking if Xenu is under copyright because if it is the cult could sue anyone using that name and that image without their permission. If they’ve copyrighted the name and image it is their property and cannot be reproduced on items like tee shirts, coffee mugs, etc.
Although a Xenu coffee mug would be kind of cool, I think!
Or, wait! Wait, I’ve got it! The PERFECT gimmick for Xenu’s image and name – a “male enhancement” product. Xenu’s image, and then the volcano exploding …I’d bet it would sell like crazy! Not like the cult needs the money of course. Just saying 🙂
Aqua, you cannot sue for using a single word in a work. Otherwise any author could sue if anyone used the name a character they had in a story. If I have a T-shirt with the name Luke printed on it, the Star Wars people could not sue me. Hubtard didn’t create art work to go with the Xenu story
Thanks for explaining this, Wynski. I’m not a legal person (obviously).
From what I understand Natures F P does not accept any Scientology related , business cards or flyers on their community bulletin board.
Office of Special Affairs follow Hubbard’s policies to counter attack and this won’t ever stop.
Scientology’s biggest inescapable weakness for them is Hubbard’s taboo words
The OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the exorcism levels of Scientology supposedly to teach the exorcism and do the exorcism to rid a Scientologist of their infestation of Xenu’s “body-thetans”.
That’s the con of Scientology. There was no Xenu, of course.
There are no body-thetans infesting anyone either of course.
But Scientologists are taught they are infested and that they need to pay fixed donations to exorcise their body-thetans off of themselves.
Exposing the con of Scientology necessarily has to involve explaining Xenu’s earth dumping of the body-thetans onto all people on earth, and how doing OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 is how Scientologists get rid of all of Xenu’s body-thetans off of themselves.
It just needs explaining, over and over, it’s Hubbard’s fault this info is so mind jarring taboo to them.
Hubbard made the penalty rules.
Hubbard made the policies OSA is obligated to follow to counter all the negative media and press that Scientology rightfully gets.
Hubbard made the system so it targets those who cause the most negative media, which OSA keeps all the stats weekly of how much negative media Scientology gets.
The way average people can rebut Scientology is use Xenu and body-thetans theory, and just hit back at Scientology with the taboo words and just blow the deeper theoretical con of Scientology out of the water.
No one gets to the “OT” supersoul powers.
I say use Hubbard taboo words every chance one can, countering Scientology.
Those words, when printed or spoken in media, when the explanations are simple, then the public widely will know that Scientology OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are directly, supposedly, because Xenu earth dumped the body-thetans onto earth and that’s why Scientology does OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism levels to supposedly rid a Scientologist of their individual infestation of Xenu’s earth dumped “body-thetans.”
Scientologists minds are tied up into the horrible compartments of information control that Hubbard has built into the whole Scientology system.
Xenu and body-thetans are helpful untying words to keep pushing back onto Scientology until they get more sense knocked back into their heads.
There is no way around getting crap from Scientology.
Scientology can’t do anything but do this, it’s just part of the Hubbard system.
A pox of Xenu’s body-thetans on all OSA staff.
Xenu caused the Wall of Fire, and body-thetans are now everywhere and Scientology’s stuck with trying to sell this Hubbard con fraudulent exorcism snipe hunting fake religion,.
It’s just a massively interconnected losing proposition.
OSA defends the fraudulent Xenu body-thetan exorcism fake religion and they cannot do anything but continue these cheap tactics.
Post Xenu posters everywhere. Post Xenu caused the Wall of Fire posters all around one’s house or in window signs in the windows that the PI hired people try to film into.
Xenu and body-thetans are taboo words that at least they cannot record, they have to edit and block out of photos the words Xenu and body-thetans.
I say freely use Xenu and body-thetans as backfiring words.
Let them eat Xenu and body-thetans, left right and center.
Somebody needs to set up a Xenu and body-thetans lineup of clothing that can be worn in constant protest of Scientology.
Let em stumble over Xenu and body-thetans, those taboo words are quick easy toxic rebuttals and also deeply significant counter truths to Scientology and Hubbard’s horrible con fraud fake religion that pretends and convinces the members they are infested with Xenu’s ‘body-thetans.”
To me, the best justice back on Hubbard, is use his toxic taboo words back at Scientology.
Excellent 🌵
Keep posting Mike! One thing “The most ethical group in the world” can’t stand, is a light shining on their activities, whether illegal or not.
What they don’t consider is the fact they are wasting the time and efforts of the good people at CircleK. And when the Circle K people are informed of the bogus application, the church will have created a dozen more people who think poorly of Scientology. Good one.
Scientology never fails to find new ways to show its ineffectiveness. More truth. More exposure. More shrinkage of Scientology and its scam.
That sounds like something I would have done when I was 13 years old. I guess we can call Scientology the anti-aging religion.
The anti-aging religion. Solidly stuck in the past. Partying like it’s 1949!
Deb, I was thinking the same thing… my friends and I would do that in jest with each other… order pizzas, magazines and then realized it had negative consequences on others SO WE STOPPED!
Scientology is the only “religion” that causes you to lose maturity emotionally BUT physically ages one 2x+ as fast due to stress, lack of medical care and if in the SO due to chronic & severe; overwork, malnutrition and sleep deprivation. That’s why they need to offer additional lifetimes, because the present one is going to suck and be short!
Yes, its very teenage, fer sherr.
When I was a teen the man I was seeing and crazy in love with (quite a bit older than I ) was, I found out, cheating on me, occasionally, with a woman who was older than he was! Compared to me he was pretty old, and she was even older. T Well! When I unexpectedly discovered this and knew conclusively that it was true I was flabbergasted, flummoxed and furiously jealous! How COULD he? This OLD LADY! I didn’t want to confront him, though. I was infatuated with him and somewhat intimidated by him being so much older than I was. Long story short; my best friend and I decided we’d prank her, “get even” with her by – are your ready – sneaking over to her house in the middle of the night and putting newspapers all over her front lawn. Can we talk immature teenager here? Don’t ASK me how we thought up this silly and utterly ineffective – actually, given what was then my imagination and immaturity, it was very likely MY idea. So that’s what we did, in the middle of the night. Covered her whole front lawn Then the next morning we watched unnoticed from a distance as she stood outside her house together with her neighbor gesticulating and talking animatedly…we laughed and laughed. Sooo very childish! I “got even” with her. OMG. Of course it solved nothing. Months later something else solved that problem for me and made him stop seeing her once and for all but that’s another story 🙂
@aqua, the best cheating revenge I have heard in a long time is one of our clients who discovered her ex had multiple side women. She took his phone and sent photos of each women’s dirty photos to each of the other women in his phone with a text saying “Sure love this photo of you.”
Then she changed the locks and had him served with divorce papers while he was at work. It kind of ruined his day (week, month, year).
OMG! That’s revenge alright. But Val, here’s what I learned about that sort of thing: its like breaking a window. It make you feel “good” for a short time. I put “good” in quotes because its not really a good feeling, its more like a temporary release, like a drug, and then afterwards you’re just as unhappy and full of pain and anger as before, and possibly even worse. That man I was in love with back in the day; I was out of my league with him, experience wise. I did other things to “get even” with him – went out with other men who liked me and made sure he found out about it…I didn’t like these other men. I was just putting on a show, to hurt HIM, the one I loved. Instead of confronting him with dignity and simply leaving him (what I should have done) I tried to get even, make him jealous! None of that worked and in fact it made me even more miserable than I already was. I was only hurting myself, not him. I learned that lesson early because of that man. Do your best to make something work but if you just can’t then leave, calmly, head up, no drama, no recriminations, no threats Leave with dignity, leave with humanity, leave with understanding and respect even, but leave – and MEAN it. In the end, that’s the best way, because there’s no toxicity that way.
You should get the local prowler dox’ed Mike. Then put all info with pics and video up here.
The Circle K??? Come on everyone knows that best jobs in your area are at Sears. Just get in before the bankruptcy.
Hubbard’s total immaturity. Someone needed to give him the biggest head “noogie” ever created. There is a supreme principle in Buddhism. The stronger the errors in views on life, the stronger will be the platforms of support for them. Take Hubbard with his erroneous views. It would be natural that he would come up with these silly ideas to protect them. This pattern is ancient. Hubbard knew nothing about the reality of life. He had to create a falsified version of it. This falsified version needs to be defended. The more wrong it is, the stronger the defense. You can actually look at the entire subject of Scientology in its wrongness from this point of view. Truth stands alone; Scientology is lies and thus needs to be surrounded with BS.
Ok we officially need a shoop of LRH getting a noogie & wedgie @the same time!
I do think that would be truly karmic.
Since we “anti’s” are a supposed cult, could that be our statue that we salute???
And a wet willy. Plus a deep swirly.
However, since LRH remains absent without leave just administer these advanced techniques to Fleet Admiral Miscavige until source returns to beingness. Perform twice daily.
I like it – a noogie and a wedgie at the same time.
“Noogie…wedgie”. Except for a certain type of heel on a shoe I don’t know what these things are. But that’s OK. Something tells me I’d rather not know. I’m not going to google them. Please don’t tell me 🙂
PS: Also if you don’t mind above request applies to “willy” and “deep swirly” also.
What an odd thing to do. A weird practical joke as harassment that only goes as far as the victim receiving this email. They surely are a demented lot.
Anything to “strike an effective blow to the enemy of the group….”.
Hubbard’s conditions are filled with control mechanisms. So Scientology can direct it’s minions to carry out childish acts of vandalism. They are fools.
I think it’s absolutely sickening what Scientology has done to Clearwater and it appears it’s just getting worse. This is a little off topic, but does anyone know if Natures Food Patch is owned by SCI? I won’t shop at any stores owned by them and was told that they do own it. Thank you. Nancy
I tried to check their WhoIs record regarding who owns/runs the website but it’s privatized. The family who owns only lists the last name (Amort) of the grandfather who started it on their “About” page and I didn’t see any completions for him online via just a last name. They have Co sponsored some anti-drug activities (5k races) in Clearwater that we’re organized by scientology, but so did other businesses that clearly are NOT co$ affiliated (like Costco). So it is hard to tell.
Mike has that store listed in an OLD blog post as a place he visits near Flag that clears out when he is there, but I’m not finding anything definitive. So other locals/local exes would be the best way to find out. Interestingly I DID find a YouTube video stating that a majority of what they sell is NOT organic and that their salad/food bar isn’t very sanitary… but most “natural” food stores sell a mix.
Unless you know for sure, I wouldn’t paint them with that brush until/unless it is confirmed they are owned by scientologists. But I only did a cursory search after reading your question.
Hopefully someone more “in the know” will respond.
Thanks very much. I’ll keep digging!
Slightly OT, but I think the cop on the right is silent film legend Fatty Arbuckle. As the self appointed US Secretary of the Dept of Popular Culture, it’s my job to bring such things to the attention of the American people. Fatty would have made a great OSA goon BTW.
“The Keystone Cops in a typical pose from In the Clutches of the Gang (1914). The chief (using the telephone) is Ford Sterling. The policeman directly behind Sterling (extreme background, left) is Edgar Kennedy. The young cop to Kennedy’s left is Robert Cox. The hefty policeman at extreme right is Fatty Arbuckle. The young constable with bulging eyes (fourth from right) is Arbuckle’s nephew Al St. John.”
That is indeed Fatty Arbuckle to the far right. I have a couple of books about him that I’ve carried around for about 40 years. My favorite is called The Day the Laughter Stopped which covers Arbuckle’s life but concentrates primarily on the criminal trial(s) that all but ended his career. You can get it on Kindle for $2.99.
The cop with the bulging eyes (fourth from right) is Arbuckle’s nephew Al St. John who worked with Arbuckle throughout his career. Arbuckle introduced Buster Keaton to film and partnered with Keaton in a series of shorts produced by Arbuckle’s own studio. Upon the collapse of Arbuckle’s career, it became Keaton’s studio and launched his legendary career. Buster never forgot his mentor and credited Arbuckle for much of his success.
Also in the picture on the far left is Ford Sterling as the chief and directly behind him is Edgar Kennedy who became one of Laurel and Hardy’s best foils in a number of films as well as having a running battle with Harpo Marx in Duck Soup.
So why do I go on about this here on Mike’s blog? Well, as a chubby little kid I faced childish taunts of “Fatty Arbuckle” on a regular basis. This led to me using the public library to find out more about him and I discovered a large collection of super 8 silent movies I could watch for free starring Chaplin, Keaton, Arbuckle and more that helped fuel my fascination with movies, opened up a way for me to see the silent films which didn’t air on TV and helped change the course of my life.
Decades later, childish taunts of “What are your crimes, Mark” led me deeper into investigating Scientology and fueled my interest into finding out more about the group and what could cause its members to behave this way. Another life changing moment.
Scientology will never understand why the way they behave in little ways and big will thwart whatever plans they have to save any of the planets in this or any other galaxy. They however will continue to part their members from their money until the group implodes.
It seems to me that if it is OK (meaning not illegal) for The Scam to perform these kinds of pranks to regular people (meaning people who are not enslaved by The Scam), it should be possible for people to turn around and do similar kinds of things back to The Scam. (Oh dear. Do I sound like Tubby?)
In other words, why not turn these kind of pranks around and do unto The Scam as The Scam purports to do unto us?
I’m thinking of pranks that would cause ordinary people to solidify their opinions of The Scam – that is to say that it is a nasty cult that tries to enlist members with these awful recruiting events and then pressure people to raid their bank accounts and give thousands of dollars (or more) to The Scam in the way of donations and prepaid course fees.
It just seems to me that if it is OK (meaning not illegal and not litigeous) for The Scam to do these kinds of stupid pranks unto ordinary citizens, then it should be likewise OK for ordinary citizens to to pranks back unto The Scam whose effect would be to raise public awareness as to just what The Scam is and how it operates.
The objective would be to make it easier for Ant-Scamologist Activists to:
1) remove their tax-free status
2) make it easier for people like Valerie Haney to sue The Scam and make them pay for all the damage they have done to people (emotional, physical and monetary damages) as well as enabling people to recover all the money they have paid in advance but never actually used
3) reunite families they have destroyed
4) enable people who have worked for them for years for less than minimum wage to recover their wages
and so many more things.
I believe that would not be very difficult and if handled carefully, it would not be be litigeous – meaning people who do this could not be sued for doing it.
The cult is trying to engage and/or enrage Mike. He’s not playing their games. He’s not responding.
The cult produces nothing of value. The cult is helping NOBODY. The cult has endless time and money to “work” at childish stratagems, hoping something will stick and one day Mike Rinder will explode with exasperation, or, as regards Taryn’s lies and attacks, with rage and grief.
Mike is wise to these tactics.
He’s ignoring the cult’s annoying silliness – spending money to house someone around the corner from him – how stupid, how wasteful of money, time and effort, really!
He’s ignoring cruelm harmful lies told by his daughter on the internet about him.
He responds to none of this because it is all SO obviously being done to CAUSE him to respond.
Instead, he is directing his valuable energy, knowledge and experience, his physical and mental efforts ONLY to those actions which will be EFFECTIVE in bringing down the cult. And in that, he has been and will continue to be HIGHLY successful.
Of course, this is driving he cult WILD.
“Why doesn’t he respond? Why can’t anything make him lose his cool? Remember how Marty lost it and grabbed one of the Squirrel Busters’ by the arm or something which somehow got him arrested? That was great because we posted Marty’s arrest all over the internet. Why can’t Rinder EVER lose it the way Rathbun did? Let’s keep harassing him. Let’s keep it up in ways that no one can really fault us for yet which, cumulatively will HAVE TO, eventually, make him lose it…that unshakeable Rinder cool…let’s keep it up, we’ll get to him eventually, he will crack eventually!”
(Yo OSA, did I get that right?)
But, yes, OSA, Mike Rinder IS human. He does get annoyed, he does get fed up, exasperated, hurt, angry and sad. He’s not a robot. He has feelings and he feels those feelings.
But unlike any of YOU in the cult, Mike has a wife who he loves and trusts. He has a woman who in turn loves him, understands him, respects him and who is utterly loyal to him and whose goals are utterly aligned with his.
Unlike any of YOU PEOPLE, OSA, Mike has a REAL marriage, a REAL relationship, from which to draw strength, to reinforce his own considerable strength. And he has 2 children who love him and need him, whom he loves and needs and to whom he is a REAL father – again, unlike any of you.
Also unlike any of YOU PEOPLE, OSA – and I use that phrase very deliberately – unlike any of you, Mike also has REAL friends, who CARE about him a great deal, who understand him and like him and love him, and whose goals and purposes align with what he is doing.
Can any of you say the same, OSA? Do ANY of you have any REAL friends? A person or two who won’t turn on a dime against you? Think about that for a while.
And last, he has US as an outlet. We who come to his blog are glad to listen ANYTIME encourage and support him ANYTIME if or when he is feeling down. We admire him, his strength, his courage, his persistence, and we are grateful to the voice he gives us here, to share with one another, to learn, to laugh and to heal.
We admire that Mike Rinder is a big enough man to own up to having been wrong in the past and to having done wrong things.
Unlike you and your cult, OSA, Mike’s strength and power derive not from his money and the paid attorneys and private eyes making a living off of his money, but from his own honesty, integrity, intelligence, knowledge and experience, and from the love and support of his family and friends.
He’s helping many people and telling them the truth; you’re ripping them off and lying to them.
OSA, in what truly matters in life, in what is the true foundation for all wealth and success, Mike Rinder is rich, and you are poor.
Excellent points Aqua! Brilliant in fact. They are trying to get Mike to confront them & cause a problem so possibly “someone could get injured again by Mike”.
Mike knows the ins and outs and so does Christie. The folks at the Circle K I am sure are very familiar with the bogus tactics used by COS.
So sad that COS is still trying to harass Mike & Christie by “renting a house around the corner”….in order to keep track of what’s going on inside the Rinder residence & to write down license plates numbers to “check up on visitors” to no doubt investigate their backgrounds to ANYTHING the COS deals to be “illegal”.
AAAhhh, geeeee Mike & Leah & the REST OF YOU must really be pissing COS off big time since they are still after all these years, upset that Mike Rinder BLEW….last laugh is the BEST laugh….MIKE IS FREE!
Beautifully said, Aqua.
Supporters like you are a huge help to Mike. He can take advantage of your wisdom and that must be a great source of power to him.
Excellent post, Aquamarine! So true. And also let’s not forget that Mike doesn’t lose his cool and respond in kind to the C of S pranks and harrassment ibecause he used to be on the other side orchestrating those same kind of bullbait on the church’s enemies, so he knows what their game plan is in spades. He and Tommy whatzhisname bullbaited that reporter, John Sweeney, in an interview with him. John lost it and had a meltdown on air over it.
Thanks Balletlady, Skyler, Cindy.
Are you kidding? The CoS made application for employment on behalf of some one? Do they do this on a regular basis (not just as a form of harassment)? Or only in harassment? Is this actionable as a privacy violation?
oldbikerdude, there is no such thing as a “privacy violation”. IF there were one would have to violate privacy. Sending in a job app with someone else’s name has nothing to do with privacy. You haven’t disclosed private info. Even an SS# once exposed to public access is no longer private info.
Exposing their actions is the best remedy. As Mike is doing.
This reminded me of something back in 2000 during the LMT Days. Not a prank but after I moved out of Clearwater, I noticed on my credit report that there was a Dunedin post office box listed under my addresses. I had never had a post office box anywhere at that time. Always been curious about what Scientology may have been up to with that.
If the cult knew your address in Clearwater they could easily have forged your signature on a “Change of Address” form at your post office AFTER forging your signature and purchasing PO Box in your name in a Dunedin post office. All done in the hopes of effortlessly intercepting your mail. Just a possibility, btw. As Sherlock Holmes said to Watson: “When you eliminate the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” Again, just a possibility. Credit reports can have errors and your name is not that unusual.
That’s what I assumed they did but I had no evidence. Dunedin seemed more than a coincident. There are a bunch of Mark Bunkers around the country and their addresses never popped up in my report. Only that P.O. box.
There are so many possibilities for different kinds of pranks. The best way to look ahead to see what kind of pranks they may try is to think like a 12 year-old.
When I was 12, my friends and I felt abused by one extremely evil teacher. Among other things, we called the telephone company and pretended to be her and had her phone service disconnected.
We also called the Electricity Utility and had her power disconnected on Dec. 24. We thought we were so devious because we knew that utility was closed for 3 days over the holidays and so we figured she would be without electricity for those three days. It is freezing cold where we lived then and we had a big laugh thinking about how those pranks would be especially nasty because her entire family would surely have their holidays ruined if they didn’t check into a hotel.
But thinking about Aqua’s post, it is clear now just how useless, stupid and bad Karma that was. It was just a waste of time. There were some other things we could have done that would have had a much better effect (like asking our parents to go see the School Board and tell them just how this teacher had tortured us. That part of my story is true. That teacher did not deserve to be trusted to care for a room full of children. We should have taken the appropriate action and tried to have her removed.
So much easier to see that with hindsight. Thank you Aqua for providing me with a good lesson.
LOL, Skyler, you’re most welcome, but, candidly, as were you, I was also no slouch in the Absurd Childish Pranks Department back in the day. See what I shared above 🙂
Mark, that PO Box probably wasn’t scamology related but ID theft related.