This is the third post in a series that began with Scientology’s Cowardly Celebrities
And continued with Scientology’s Cowardly Whales
Prompted by Tony Ortega’s recent post below, Leah compiled and wrote most of this.
Tony once again did an excellent job of exposing Scientology and its operatives, shedding light on the actions Scientology and its members have been carrying out for decades. Sadly, this is just one example of what Scientology continues to do, and will persist in doing-without government intervention
It’s exhausting to keep sounding the alarm, only to see the same destructive tactics play out time and time again. Yet here we are, with the chilling revelation that the defense in the Danny Masterson trial went to a juror’s home. Of course, they did. Scientology’s policies demand these kinds of tactics: infiltrate, lie, cheat, steal, and harass anyone perceived as a threat to their organization or their cases. And this is ONLY what we know about.
Prior to this incident, “In June 2023, two of Danny Masterson’s former attorneys, Thomas Mesereau and Sharon Appelbaum, were sanctioned by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Charlaine Olmedo for improperly sharing confidential discovery materials from Masterson’s criminal rape case with the Church of Scientology.
These materials included sensitive information about the victims, such as addresses and license plate numbers. Scientology’s attorney, Vicki Podberesky, used this information to file complaints against the lead prosecutors, alleging misconduct — a claim the court found to be “demonstrably false.”
Judge Olmedo determined that Mesereau and Appelbaum violated court orders by providing these materials to the church, which was defending itself in a related civil lawsuit filed by Masterson’s accusers.
The judge emphasized that her directives throughout the trial prohibited the defense team from disseminating discovery to litigants in the parallel civil case. As a result, both attorneys were fined $950 each. Yahoo News
“In the legal proceedings involving Danny Masterson, Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Reinhold Mueller, who prosecuted the case, reported several incidents of harassment. These included attempts to break into his home, being run off the road, having his car windows broken, and being surveilled. Such actions were part of a broader pattern of interference and harassment linked to the Church of Scientology during and after the criminal trials.
Additionally, LAPD detectives involved in the case reported being stalked, surveilled, and harassed. In one instance, the Church of Scientology’s head of security and their attorney met with the LAPD Chief of Police to accuse detectives and prosecutors of misconduct, alleging falsified witness testimony and withheld evidence. These actions reportedly impacted the case, with one detective expressing fear about testifying.”
It’s maddening and frustrating to watch brave individuals take on Scientology or its members in court without fully understanding the magnitude of what they are up against-not just the organization itself but also its vast and ruthless legal machine.
What people fail to realize is that Scientology doesn’t hide its strategies. Instead, it banks on your ignorance of its policies, which dictate how investigations into the organization, individual Scientologists, and lawsuits are handled. These policies are publicly accessible to anyone willing to look. Yet, far too often, lawyers, judges, police, district attorneys, and government agencies fail to grasp the language and tactics embedded in these policies. Worse still, they rarely take the time to consult experts who truly understand how Scientology exploits the system.
Here are just a few of Scientology’s directives on legal cases and strategies. The majority of their instructions on how to derail investigations, manipulate court proceedings, and obstruct justice is extensive.
However, if anyone in a position to take meaningful action against this criminal organization is interested, please feel free to contact Leah or me. These documents were provided to the FBI decades ago, yet they have failed to act.
Let us make this crystal clear: Scientology runs all its lawsuits from behind the scenes.
What does that mean? Let’s take Shawn Holley and Philip Kent Cohen, who defended Danny Masterson-a celebrity Scientologist and convicted serial rapist. Holley and Cohen weren’t acting alone. Behind the scenes, they had the full weight of Scientology’s resources supporting them. This included Scientology staff, its notorious lawyers like Kendrick Moxon (an unindicted co-conspirator in Scientology’s infiltration of the IRS and recently accused of trying to frame Leah Remini for a crime she had no involvement in), its intelligence arm—the Office of Special Affairs (OSA)—and its countless law firms on retainer to assist them in the background.
It was a battle of Goliath against David, with the DA and their staff left to face this overwhelming unknown force. LA Times
Unknown to the DA’s office, unknown to the judge, but not unknown to me, Leah, or the Masterson survivors who have endured the brunt of Scientology’s orchestrated campaigns. OSA, Scientology’s dirty tricks department, was, is and will continue to pull the strings with David Miscavige at the helm.
If someone accuses a Scientologist of illegal activity and reports them to law enforcement—assuming the report is made to an ethical and impartial police department, not one like the LAPD, where Chief Moore and Cory Palka have done Scientology’s dirty work—that individual, or even the agency, instantly becomes an enemy of the organization. Reporting a Scientologist is considered a “High Crime” under Scientology’s policies, and the person who reports them is targeted for destruction.
The same is true for any government agency.
Scientology will accuse government agencies, detectives, judges, lawyers defending victims, witnesses, and even victims themselves of malfeasance. A once-decorated detective with a spotless record will suddenly face an investigation, a judge with a stellar reputation will be hit with allegations from Scientology of religious bigotry, prejudice… and lawyers defending victims may abruptly find bar complaints filed against them. These tactics are all written in directives from Scientology’s OSA and policies of the “religion” of Scientology. These directives and policies are to be adhered to by scientology staff and civilian scientologists — all trained to lie to enforcement and under oath for the “greater good” of Scientology.
From that point forward, Scientology deploys its extensive resources to silence and discredit the accuser. No expense is spared, no resource unused.
This includes over 100 or more law firms on retainer across the country.
These firms and lawyers don’t simply provide legal representation; they actively work behind the scenes to harass, derail, and intimidate opposing parties. While most lawyers operate within ethical boundaries, Scientology’s lawyers are expected to do what others won’t do.
Another example of many, Scientology celebrity James Barbour of Phantom of The Opera Broadway fame, was found to have been engaged in illegal activities with minors. That minor went to law enforcement and scientology used its resources to hire Barbour a lawyer and used its contacts and resources at the DA’s office to get Barbour a relatively easy sentence. He served only 36 days. Scientology though their own investigation, found out that Barbour had a history of engaging in sexual activities with minors and never reported any of it. Scientology successfully harbored his criminal activities. Cult Education Institute.
There is a long list of criminal activities that Scientology has meticulously documented in their own files. As we’ve said before and will continue to say, if law enforcement were to raid Scientology today — just as they they did in 1977-they would uncover a trove of evidence detailing coverups and crimes committed by Scientologists and concealed by the organization itself. US Department of Justice Scathing Takedown of Scientology
Lawyers who take on Scientology or its members — whether representing former Scientologists , former staff or those who were never part of Scientology but are brave enough to report abuses by a Scientologist or the organization — are undeniably courageous, but many are also naive. Too often, they dismiss warnings from victims about the extreme lengths to which Scientology will go, both inside and outside the courtroom. They fail to grasp that Scientology’s tactics far surpass what is typical in ordinary litigation. Believing their knowledge of the law alone is enough, they underestimate Scientology’s unparalleled ability to manipulate the system—often with devastating consequences for their cases.
Judges, law enforcement, and government agencies who take on Scientology similarly underestimate the organization’s reach and tactics. Whether investigating, prosecuting, or overseeing cases involving Scientology or its members, they often fail to comprehend the full extent of Scientology’s ability to manipulate and intimidate. Scientology targets these entities with the same aggressive strategies it uses against individual adversaries, undermining proceedings through an orchestrated combination of legal maneuvers, overwhelming volumes of filings intended to exhaust court resources and delay justice, misinformation, targeted harassment and pressure.
Without a thorough understanding of Scientology’s policies and tactics, these institutions risk being blindsided, which can compromise justice and the protection of victims.
Scientology, the “church,” also demands that it’s civilian members use their influence to silence anyone scientology deems a threat.
The Church of Scientology has a history of encouraging its members to occupy influential positions to further its objectives and counteract criticism. This strategy includes placing members in various sectors, such as entertainment and politics, to normalize and promote the organization’s image.
Recently, Rebecca Minkoff joined The Real Housewives of New York City. This is not about Minkoff seeking personal celebrity status, but rather a coordinated effort by Scientology to present itself as harmless and normal — a religious philosophy that allows her to be both Jewish and a scientologist — lies told by us all when were scientologists.
I’m a Christian and I’m Also a Scientologist
Why Scientologists Lie — Its the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of Dynamics
By associating with a widely recognized brand like Bravo, Scientology aims to infiltrate mainstream entertainment and shape public perception, positioning itself as a misunderstood organization rather than a high-control group.
Similarly, scammers Grant Cardone and his wife Elena have strategically aligned themselves with the Trump administration, not merely for personal gain but as part of Scientology’s documented objectives. Their actions, including high-profile fundraising and public endorsements, reflect the organization’s larger goal to embed itself within political and influential spaces. This is in direct alignment with Scientology’s written policies and long-term plans, which are actively being executed as designed.
Scientology Safe in US for 4 Years
These are deliberate moves by the Church of Scientology to normalize its image and expand its influence under the guise of individual success and personal affiliations.
Scientologists are encouraged to work at phone companies, travel agencies, investigative agencies that have nothing to do with scientology that gives them access to information, they wouldn’t normally have.
Entities such as CAA (Creative Artists Agency), which represents high-profile Scientologists like Tom Cruise, have reportedly been used to block projects critical of Scientology, destroy careers, and gain insider information. Cruise’s celebrity has been weaponized to influence court outcomes and generate favor for Scientologists, creating a veneer of legitimacy around the organization.
Scientology exploits these relationships and connections not only to defend itself but also to attack perceived enemies. By intertwining itself with powerful individuals and institutions, it ensures access to critical resources while maintaining a shield of influence and intimidation that discourages opposition.
Here’s the most critical point: Scientology’s lawyers are not all Scientologists, but they are retained under the explicit understanding that they must follow Scientology’s policies.
These policies include Fair Game tactics, directives created by L. Ron Hubbard for Scientology’s KGB-like department, the Office of Special Affairs (OSA). These tactics specifically target anyone perceived as standing in Scientology’s way, a plaintiff, a defendant, opposing counsel, judges, jurors, district attorneys, or anyone involved in a case.
Hubbard’s directives are considered immutable and are intended to be followed indefinitely. These policies are used to devise operations aimed at silencing or destroying anyone Scientology deems an enemy who are in violation of its internal laws.
And who is holding these lawyers accountable? No one. This system has operated unchecked for decades, emboldened by a lack of oversight. Thanks to figures like Fred T. Goldberg Jr., the IRS Commissioner from 1989 to 1992, and Margaret Milner Richardson, who finalized the agreement granting Scientology tax exemption, the organization has been allowed to act with impunity.
This tax exemption paved the way for Scientology and its front groups to create an environment of fear and avoid accountability.
Scientology doesn’t just play by different rules—it rewrites the game entirely. It exploits every loophole, manipulates the legal system, and employs underhanded strategies that no standard law textbook could prepare a lawyer for. By ignoring their clients’ lived experiences and underestimating Scientology’s ability to weaponize the legal system, these lawyers unwittingly handicap themselves, often to disastrous results in court.
A Note of Caution for Judges:
Judges presiding over cases involving Scientology or its members must remain vigilant and informed. Scientology’s legal tactics go far beyond standard courtroom strategies. The organization has a history of attempting to manipulate judicial proceedings, whether through overwhelming legal filings, subtle intimidation, or leveraging its vast resources and influence to create bias.
Judges must understand that Scientology views them, just like opposing counsel, as targets if they are perceived to stand in the organization’s way. Scientology’s policies, such as Fair Game, encourage actions designed to undermine and discredit anyone deemed an obstacle, including members of the judiciary.
To ensure a fair trial, judges must resist the temptation to treat Scientology like any other litigant. Familiarizing themselves with Scientology’s documented history of abusing the legal system is not just prudent—it is essential to uphold justice and protect the integrity of the court.
Despite Mike’s current health challenges and his tireless fight, we remain fully available to offer insights and support to anyone brave enough to take on the immense challenge of confronting Scientology. With access to all of Scientology’s policies and Mike’s unparalleled knowledge from his senior position within the organization, we provide a unique and invaluable understanding of their tactics and inner workings that few others can offer.
— Leah Remini & Mike Rinder
Partial scientology lawyers, Please feel free to add
- Alan Kellman
- Alan King Steinbrecher
- Albert Kreischer Jr.
- Andrew “Andy” Harris Wilson
- Angel Lou Skulos Boulis
- Anthony Michael Glassman
- Anthony Patrick Bisceglie
- Anthony “Tony” Joseph Oncidi
- Ava Marie Chromoy Sandlin Paquette
- Barbara Ann Reeves Neal
- Bertram “Bert” Harris Fields
- Bill Walsh
- Bradley Scott Pauley
- Brian Jude Pinkowski
- Bruce David Abramson
- C. Wally Pope (Wallace Pope)
- Carlotta “Carla” Dorothy Miller
- Charles Timothy Schultz
- Christopher Robson Heekin
- Craig Wilson
- Daniel Reback
- David Goroway
- David Joseph Schindler
- David Manning Chodos
- Devora Leah Lindeman
- Don Wager
- Donald Christy Knapmeyer
- Donald “Don” Delano Moss
- Douglas Andrew Crowder
- Douglas Jules Titus Jr.
- Duane Conrad Stroh
- E. Sam Alhadeff
- Earle C. Cooley
- Eliott Abelson
- Eric David Goldner
- Eric Lieberman
- Erik H. Langeland
- Eugene Carl Moore
- F. Bert Deixler
- Fabrizio D’Agostina
- G. Meade Emory
- Gary Roy Trombley
- Gary Soter
- Gary Stephen Brown
- George “Doug” Douglas Dillard
- George “Skip” William Murgatroyd III
- Gerald “Gerry” Lawrence Chaleff
- Gerald McNally Jr.
- Gerry Feffer
- Giovanni Leale
- Gonzalo Fresneda Martinez
- Alexander Petz and.
- Helena M. Kempner Kobrin
- Herman Brendel
- Hiram Anthony Raldiris
- Howard L. Weitzman
- Isabel Ayuso Puente
- J. Eliot Abramson
- James “Jim” Robertson Martin
- James Joseph Manning Jr.
- Jacqueline Grace Pelaez
- Jean-Yves Le Borgne
- Jeffrey K. Riffer
- Joe Griebosky
- Joel Bennett
- Joel Kreiner
- John A. Shorter Jr.
- John Frederick “Fred” Sinclair
- John G. Peterson
- John “Jack” B. Venturi
- John “Jack” Joseph Quinn Jr.
- Jonathan B. Lafrance
- Jonathan W. Lubell
- Joseph “Joe” A. Gowan Jr.
- Judy Fontana Julia Azrael
- Karen L. Brown
- Karen L. Brown
- Kendrick “Rick” Moxon
- Kevin John Darken
- Kinsella Weitzman Iser Kump & Aldisert
- Kobrin & Moxon (Helena Kobrin, Kendrick Moxon, Ava Paquette)
- Laura Lynn (Dizney) Vaughan
- Laurel Allyson (Lister) David
- Laurie Jo Neiger Bartilson
- Lawrence “Larry” J. Karl
- Lawrence “L. D.” David Sledge
- Lawrence “Larry” Eric Heller
- Lewis “Lew” Bass
- Lisa Callif
- Luz Almeida
- Malcolm S. Babel
- Marc Hedges Fanning
- Marcello Mario diMauro
- Margaret Mary (Morrow) Boland
- Mark Ira Siegel
- Mark Robert Weiner
- Martha Ann Miller Pomroy
- Martin Singer
- Matthew Clinton Hines
- Meldon Edises Levine
- Michael B. Hannon
- Michael C. Addison
- Michael F. Darche
- Michael Lee Hertzberg
- Michael Lin Baum
- Michael Ludwig
- Michael P. Nussbaum
- Michael Ross Woods
- Michael Thomas Stoller
- Merrill Vannier
- Monique Edwige (Yingling) Feffer
- Myron G. Finley
- Nemecio Estevez Lopez Jr.
- Nemecek Cole Law Firm
- Nevin Alan Weiner
- Nigel Tait
- Norman Floyd Taylor
- Norton Stanley Karno
- Olivier Metzner
- Oppenhejm
- Patrick Maisonneuve
- Peter Henry Aaron Wodinsky
- Peter Hodkin
- Philip Cohen
- Roger Geller
- Stuart Randolph
- “Randy” Kretchmar
- Raphael V. Lupo
- Ray J. Butera
- Rebecca Louise Hufford-Cohen
- Rebecca Nell Kaufman
- Rex Allyn (Alexander) Roten
- Richard Aaron Jaffe
- Richard Francis Griffin
- Richard “Ross” Rosser Cole
- Robert Alan Wiener
- Robert “Bob” Paul Polli
- Robert Ernest Johnson Jr.
- Robert Francis Brennan
- Roger Allen Larson
- Samuel Charles Alhadeff
- Samuel David Rosen
- Seymour M. Wasserstrum
- Sharon Appelbaum
- Shawn Holley
- Sherman David Lenske
- Stephen Allan Lenske
- Steven Lee Hayes
- Steven Michael Burris
- Tabitha C. Zimbert
- Thomas Arthur Mesereau Jr.
- Thomas Courtney Spring
- Thomas Donald Heekin Jr.
- Thomas Milton Small
- Thomas “Tom” Robert Hogan
- Timothy Bowles
- Vicki Podberesky
- Wallace Pope
- William “Bill” C. Walsh
- William “Bill” Thomas Drescher
- William Douglas Katz
- William Maxwell Hart
- William “Willie” B. Wilson
- William “Woody” Woodson Galloway
- Willy Blumel
The Church of Scientology has a documented history of infiltrating government agencies and engaging in covert operations to protect its interests. Notable instances include:
Operation Snow White (1970s): In the 1970s, Scientology initiated “Operation Snow White,” a large-scale effort to infiltrate and remove unfavorable records about the church and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, from government files. This operation involved infiltrating 136 government agencies, including the IRS and the Department of Justice, as well as foreign embassies and consulates. The FBI’s 1977 raids on Scientology offices uncovered extensive evidence of these activities, leading to the conviction of several high-ranking members, including Mary Sue Hubbard, L. Ron Hubbard’s wife.
Operation Freakout (1970s): Another covert operation, “Operation Freakout,” aimed to silence journalist Paulette Cooper, author of “The Scandal of Scientology.” The plan included framing her for bomb threats and other illegal activities to discredit her and halt her criticism of the church. Documents detailing this operation were discovered during the FBI raids in 1977.
Legal Tactics and Courtroom Strategies: Beyond these operations, Scientology has been known to employ aggressive legal tactics to intimidate critics and influence legal proceedings. The church has a history of filing numerous lawsuits against individuals and organizations it perceives as threats, often aiming to overwhelm opponents with legal costs and complexities. This strategy, sometimes referred to as “Fair Game,” seeks to neutralize adversaries by any means necessary.
These examples illustrate Scientology’s persistent efforts to infiltrate government entities and manipulate legal systems to safeguard its interests.
Kendrick Moxon
We can only dream of Biden doing the right thing, and ordering someone to do something against this evil cult. He easily could, and has nothing to lose anyway. If Trump were then to decide to kiss Miscavige’s ass and call off the feds, that might even help the Democrats.
Of course none of this will happen, Evil will be allowed to win again like it always does. That’s just how the system works.
Thanks for this article. First ever that the legal puppets of the cult have been laid out in so much detail.
The European contingent also has:
Giovanni Leale, Rafael Burgos Perez, Gonzalo Fresneda Martinez, Fabrizio D’Agostini, Isabel Ayuso Puente, Luz Almeida Castro, Alexander Petz and Oppenhejm.
My Dear friend An Ex and how can we forget others Alfredo Biondi, Daria Pesce, Fabrizio D’Agostini, Giuliano Pisapia, Alessio Lanzi, Luigi Vanni, Sebastiano Scatà, Giuliano Spazzali, and then Raffaele Della Valle at the Milano trial.
If I remember well all they had gone to the US – and Leale – to talk to Miscavige and Ratburn and had been told that the funds were unlimited.
Hello LMR, Nice to see you chip in.
I wouldn’t want to publish my real email address here but you could email me at [email protected] (that email address will only be active for about the next two weeks) and I will then reply to you.
Given that SCN tactics are so well known and so brazenly open that we can almost predict what they are going to do, would it not be best to produce a guide that can be offered on what they will do and how to counter it? If what Mike says is true that they follow LRH policies to the letter without deviation then the combined knowledge of ex-SCN should be enough to put forward an action plan that will thwart, counter, obfuscate SCN and ensure that all parties (Judges, lawyers etc) are ready to go. The old adage “Forewarned is forearmed” could never be truer with SCN.
It’s a great idea Geoff but
Unless the person has some personal experience of the kult’s behaviour it’s usually unreal to the person who’s about to get stonewalled by a kultie.
As I said in my previous post, I’ve educated a lot of peeps on the kult and they usually don’t get it. But once they’ve had an encounter with Hubbardian “handling”, they are ready for the truth.
One example was a journo who interviewed me then went to the local org to talk to OSAbots. I’d pre-warned her but she didn’t “get” it. She rang me after and was hesitant to tell me what the OSAbots had said to her. So I told her what I reckon they would have said.
She was gobsmacked. Because I gave her almost word-for-word what she’s been given. THEN I told her that they have to say that because that’s what’s in the Sacred Scriptures of $cientology. Now she got it and did a good article. But she couldn’t get it before until she’d actually encountered a read live kultie.
Your mileage may vary but that’s what I’ve experienced when I was very active trying to get media interested in the kult.
I would add to the article that attorneys for the plaintiffs need to be careful who they call as witnesses. Not all ex-Scientologists are trustworthy and/or truthful, and some have highly questionable personal agendas of their own.
I think attorneys should also be shown this Hubbard quote from HCOB 29 July 1963, “Scientology Review”:
“Incredulity of our data and validity. This is our finest asset and gives us more protection than any other single thing. If certain parties thought we were real we would have infinitely more trouble…without a public incredulity we never would have gotten as far as we have. And now it’s too late to be stopped. The protection was accidental but it serves us very well indeed. Remember than the next time the ignorant scoff.”
Hubbard called it “confront of evil” (sadly the evil He Hisself created) and that’s what most peeps who’ve never been in don’t get.
I’ve warned every journo, pollie and lawyer I’ve ever spoken to about the kult about this but they don’t get it because it’s so far out of their usual experience that it’s unreal. What you’ve put here will certainly help fill that gap.
Bryan Seymour expressed it perfectly years ago when he told me that he expects $cientology to hack his phones and emails and he acts accordingly.
Thanks for yet another weapon for the arsenal to fight this toxic group.
To add to the list – Nigel Tait, who heads up Carter Ruck here in the UK & represents Scientology in the bigger cases Hodkin’s firm can’t handle.
Excellent post. Very informative. So if Biden‘s last act is to revoke scientology and all its entities tax exempt status. Or at least initiate an investigation and hold congressional hearing. What happened then? The floodgates open and scientology cannot hide behind its tax exemption. Everything it does from that day on and before will be completely illegal, under scrutiny and criminal. Correct?
Too late. Biden won’t do anything — even if did it wouldn’t get going before the new administration takes office and would die right away.
That’s sad. Biden’s administration would be the one to lead the assault on the fortress called Scientology. By the way, I watched some old Golden Fleece commercials on YouTube yesterday. Stanley rocks!
Scientology and illegal and unethical lawyers.
Lets not forget Merrill Vanier, who the cult used as their operative and got to be hired by and act as the personal lawyer for the Mayor of Clearwater Fl Gabriel Cazares. Once hired Merrill reported back the to the cult almost daily and gave it huge leverage in ongoing court proceeding he was engaged in with lawsuits with the cult. One of the cult’s operatives Tom Richey bragged to me directly how Merril was being “run” and how all this was playing out so I know it was true. Yes, the cult will do ANYTHING in its own best interest. Regardless what the law says or what is just and right. Despicable indeed.
Yes. Thanks. Added
Yes, Glenn, the “fact” that they are the only ones saving the universe means that ” homo-sap-meat-sack considerations” about laws, ethics, morality, and decency don’t apply to them-ever. In a “race against time”, they can and do do whatever they want to…and the rest of us can simply fuck off.
So “theta”, eh?
Yes, Mark; the cult definitely has the mantra that it is far superior to the wog world and uses it to justify its sidestepping oh so much, especially morality, laws and human decency. We are the answer to all mankinds troubles and ills so must be permitted to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING it takes to cure society’s of all it’s troubles. PUKE!
I worked with all of the Hubbard family and I now look back on on the fact that only one of them, Diana, is still in the cult today. The rest left long ago and I am certain they are very happy they did. I think it is an interesting stat.