It is amazing that scientology always has someone to blame for the bad things that happen to them. It’s NEVER their fault. Even though this flies in the face of some of the most fundamental principles of scientology:
You are responsible for your own condition
The overt-motivator sequence (for anything bad to have happened to you, you must have done something bad to another)
Victim is at 0.1 on the Hubbard Tone Scale just slightly above death at 0.0
Here is another example from the genius at STAAD, Mr. Ed Parkin.
Trying to catch a news tag about the mass murder of Jews in Pittsburgh, Fast Eddie brings up the story of the guy who walked into the Portland Org with a gun and shot 4 people.
Though he was upset about not getting his money back (you can see the real media report about it in The Oregonian) Eddie doesn’t mention this. The guy who murdered all those people in Pittsburgh was not an ex-Jew coming in to try to get his money back after he was bilked by the Temple. Not getting your money back is no reason to shoot someone, but it’s a very different scenario from an anti-Semite randomly killing people he didn’t know.
Of course, the Portland incident was before The Aftermath started airing, so the fault is laid at the feet of psychiatry. What a shock. There must always be an enemy/SP that is causing the bad things to happen. Despite what Ron says. Though he was pretty good at this trick too — everything bad or every mistake or catastrophe in scientology was always some SP or another, NEVER attributable to anything he did.
It’s kind of bizarre to see the statement “Behind this heinous hate crime was someone with a long psychiatric history.” Probably true. Though I wonder which was longer — his psychiatric history or his scientology history?
And isn’t it just a little hypocritical to claim the psychs are to blame when scientology — the organization that claims to have the ONLY workable technology of the mind, and has eradicated the last reason for psychaitry to exist — refuses to help anyone with a psychiatric history (unless they have money in which case they will take it first and then claim they cannot service the person and refuse to return it).
Today, everything bad that happens in scientology is a “hate crime” generated by The Aftermath. Anything that happened before the show began was generated by the psychs. (For a while they blamed Anonymous).
Nothing is EVER caused by the scientology. Taking people’s money. Destroying families. Physically and mentally abusing people.
Despite what Hubbard teaches, scientology has mastered the art of victimhood and is proud of it.
And if you asked Ed Parkin about the contradictions and lack of responsibility for their actions, he would stare at you with glazed eyes and call you a bigot for asking.
Oh wow!! I had not heard about the shooting at the Portland .Org. Any shooting or violence is sad and senseless but I can sort of understand especially if they did and they probably Did Take all his money. I hate to say it but I can understand why he he felt he had no other recourse because we all KNOW it was never going to be refunded.
The Portland .Org…wow that place brings back memories of where it began, for me, and of so much time/money wasted. I wonder if the shooting is why they moved it to a different location? I’ll be honest, the new place looks like a dump and is in a “rundown” building. Also, it’s teally hard to find.
STAAD – Stupid Thick And Agonisingly Dense.
There’s another confusion I always had…there are no victims?…but if you are deemed PTS you ARE the victim of an SP? If scn is attacked they are victims? Someone wants a refund who says it doesn’t work…oh but lrh says it works 100% of the time?…NOT. If you say it didn’t work you’ll be a real victim soon enough if you go through their routing forms or suffer their forms of harassment. Contrary facts abound!
Sounds about right doesn’t it??? John Lennon & Plastic Ono Band sign “Instant Karma”
Karma smacks you in the head…..”YOU pulled it in”…..scheez. Does that mean Davey will get back what he’s been giving out for decades?
Ed Parkin is quite glib. I mean, it’s not like we are making lists of every timeshare business, marketing company, pharma company, and internet services company that Scientologists run. That would be wrong. Those are the headlines STAAD should be focusing on as out of bounds. Instead, it’s like they are focusing on a particular topic to try to create sensationalism and a dramatization of the same thing in relation to Scientology. In fact, I was told it had happened once a long time ago. Let’s not go there Ed, as you don’t want any key-in restim. Focus on a better tone level reality to create, and stop being a low tone victim and call the whaaaaaambulance…
Maybe we should instead ask Ed how many Scientology shell companies or WISE organized small businesses are registered in and around Hemet and/or Riverside county?!
Good blog post Mike i can use this.
Spellcheck: “refuses to help my one with a paychiatric history ”
Ps: No need to post this, just a note.
STAND: Scientologists Taking A Negative Dump.
Here’s a question for some of you “old hands”. (I had this thought after watching Valerie’s episode.) Do you think the following letter to good ‘ole Ed would do any good? (Like getting him sec checked/RPF’d.)
Mr. Edward Parkin
c/o Big Blue
Whatever that address is
Dear Mr. Parkin,
I’ve looked into the stuff we communicated about and I have the 2 vehicles we will need for your escape. The first will have “the sign” on the side door. When I pull up (date and time you suggested), you jump in and we’ll hightail it to the mall where I’ll remove the magnetic sign and you switch into the 2nd vehicle with darkly tinted windows. From there “Mike” will have you on the road to freedom.
As you suggested I’m writing basically this same letter to a bunch of your fellow workmates/inmates (sorry I couldn’t resist being a little snarky there) so the “higher ups” won’t know who to watch in case this letter gets intercepted.
Good luck and will be seeing you soon,
Any thoughts on the craziness that would transpire if 200 people (Big names, guards, OAS, staff and Sea Org’ers) at Big Blue or the Int. Base all got letters like this on the same day?
Mike, there is no scientology logic, I don’t know why you say that.
scientology logic is supposed to mean knowing how to know. And scientology logic is supposed to mean once you get involved you will go clear, and then OT.
We have all come’d to realize that scientology and hubbard and DM are simply do as I write or say.
For, but in the end, there are no clears or OT’s.
The only scientology logic, really is, is you are with us or against us.
Stand League strikes again
see image above
That Stand picture is odd. The figure on the right appears to be wearing mens slacks and the hand in the crook of the arm of the black jacket looks like a mans hand. The figure in the black jacket appears to be wearing nail polish. Is this subliminal advertising or my imagination – lol
I took another look this morning and I think all three figures are female. False alarm although the center figure chooses to wear a rather large watch. End of trivia search.
I found it particularly ironic (other, less printable, adjectives came to mind as well) that they extolled the actions of a man who raised a million to help. If scientology is good at anything at all, it’s fundraising. Yet I can not think of a single incident where they ever did anything comparable with their superb wealth extraction tech at all. Or for that matter, they could have written a check outright for ten times that amount and not felt the difference in their coffers.
Now I can think of several disasters where they took it upon themselves to DISTRIBUTE what OTHERS had paid for, where they exploited the photo opportunity and released a gloating press release.
But the only occasion of them giving money away that I can think of involves donating to Los Angeles law enforcement. A good investment as Danny Masterson will attest. And given the constant burden they put on law enforcement by creating frivolous law enforcement “incidents” a mere drop in the bucket.
Yes that would make Danny Masterson happy wouldn’t it? Some day Scientology will not be able to,protect him and we’re will he be? In jail, I hope. I watched the new season of Scientology, the Aftermath and it was terrific. I am just sorry that the young lady who assisted Shelley had to go through all of the awful things she went through.
Scientology is a typical bully. Great a dishing out the crap but very unable to take it.
Scientology is so full of holes and dichotomies that if it were the Titanic, it would have sunk in port. What they’re good at, deception, lying, denying, cheating, blaming others for the crimes they themselves are committing on a daily basis.
Given Valerie Haney’s recent interview on what Miscavige is like, it all makes sense now. The little tyrant Miscavige is really a mirror image of the emperor from Gladiator. A cruel coward with no sense of morality.
Thank god that you got out of there Mr Rinder. Thank you for continuing the fight with Ms Remini, at great personal hardship I might add, God Bless you both.
You can set a clock by the regularity of responses coming from a guilty conscience.
The ironic & incredibly illogical mutterings of Scientology are based on a twofold knee jerk reaction. Individually you are responsible for all that happens to you & as a member of a Scio group it is always the actions of ‘outsiders’ be it SPs (and they’ve declared/purged countless numbers of them from their own ranks) or psyches and/or their sympathizes that causes all of their pain, all of the time. There is no negotiation permitted on this, irrelevant of evidence to the contrary, or you will be declared!
After 30+ years with a head-full of Scientology it is my firm understanding Scientology floats on a sea of complete bullshit. This article confirms it. This also suggests very strongly why the Indie movement failed. Even with a more openly compassionate approach of ‘non blame’ it still doesn’t cut the mustard as a force of truth, because the subject doesn’t show any evidence of it’s claims of attainable freedom (I’d love to be proved wrong on this), but the whole shooting match is booby trapped. Hubbard’s toxic policy generated by his own despicable character wrote the rules of engagement that is cunningly weaved throughout all of its texts for all Scientologists to adhere to, and it is enforced learning, eg KSW1. Hiding the fact Scientology technology doesn’t do what is promised is the source of their guilty conscience… oh my, the money they have taken, the lives they have destroyed and the lies they continue to tell, not only to cover it up but to keep the scam going. Unbelievable!
Yawn, very well put and the indie movement appeals to those who still grasp at straws.
The idea that there is no magic bullet is just too much for those members that can’t deal with losing their security blanket. For every Scientology win there are a thousand losses.
And most Scientology wins are ephemeral.
Brilliant comment Yawn. It is so unbelievable!
Yes, great comment
This guy has it wrong. His argument is regarding religions, but the reality is that Scientology is a cult, NOT a religion. Scn CULT activities are criminal, abusive and fraudulent
So do not hide behind your lies and crimes!.
The Aftermath exposes your abuses as does this blog and has the back up of many.
“Scientology says one thing…and DOES the opposite.”
This is an excellent video.
Outstanding VideoScribe mini-aftermath presentation courtesy of Miss Q showing yet another heartbreaking tale of the evil propagated by the Co$ horror machine. I intend to send it to our local C of C’s, sheriff’s dept. (another of my numerous notifications to them regarding the Twin Peaks Co$ gilded gulag infesting our community), and anyone else who needs to know. Thank You, Heroes of the Heart!
Man, these guys really take that whole “do as I say, not as I do” saying to a WHOLE other level, don’t they?
Something I have never understood about Scientology is that they very clearly state that you are the cause of everything in your life, but they very clearly blame people all the time. Deviant Miscarriage certainly loves to blame everyone for things not going right. Hell, he calls his entire staff SPs half the time, forgetting that he recruited them. Quite bluntly, their doctrine is incoherent on this issue.
“But hate crimes in America’s largest cities have risen for the fourth straight year. According to a report released in May by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University San Bernardino, our 10 largest cities experienced a 12.5 percent increase in hate crimes over that period.”
“Hate crime”. What a nonsensical term. I can’t comment on the situation in the US but here in the UK the stats appear to follow a similar trend. The far right is growing rapidly and goose-stepping its way across the West. Racism and religious intolerance are rife.
Or are they?
In the UK, a “hate crime” is any actual crime the victim believes may be motivated by one of five prejudices (race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, transgender). The police must record it as a “hate crime” whether confidently asserted or simply offered up as a mere possibility when asked. If the victim perceives the crime to be motivated by multiple prejudices, it is recorded separately – ie. 1 x crime perceived as both racially and religiously motivated = 2 x “hate crimes”.
According to the government’s own statistics* over half of all hate crimes recorded by the police are for public order offences – which include using threatening, abusive or “insulting” language. Yes, that’s right. Insulting language. This was why an Anon was ordered to remove a placard calling scientology a “cult” during a protest outside London org some years ago (see Thankfully, there was no prosecution.
Only one in eight recorded “hate crimes” result in a suspect being charged or a witness being summonsed to appear in court. Most cases fail due to lack of evidence.
So whilst it is true more “hate crimes” are being recorded, it is not necessarily true that more crimes are taking place.
The media does what it does in search of sales, ratings and advertisers. Significances are altered. Truth is filtered.
Scientology does what it does to protect its sales and its tax-exempt status. By positioning themselves as victims, as targets of “hate” in an increasingly rabid, intolerant world, they have become what they have always resisted.
“MERCHANTS OF CHAOS, there are in our civilization some very disturbing elements. These disturbing elements are the Merchants of Chaos. They deal in confusion and upset. Their daily bread is made by creating chaos. If chaos were to lessen, so would their incomes. It is to their interest to make the environment seem as threatening as possible, for only then can they profit. Their incomes, force, and power rise in direct ratio to the amount of threat they can inject into the surroundings of the people. (NSOL, pp. 17-18) 2. Merchant of Fear or Chaos Merchant and which we can now technically call the suppressive person. (HCO PL 5 Apr 65).” — LRH
mwesten – I like this interesting comment you’ve made. Hubbard’s first reference you mention might be considered an accurate description of “news” at most any time. It would have been for me in the 1970’s coming from an anti war and anti establishment mindset. The second reference about SPs would be part of conditioning scientologists to reject any negative “news” about scientology.
Hey – I looked at the Guardian article you posted. Check this out:
“The group was founded by the science-fiction writer L Ron Hubbard in 1952 and espouses the idea that humans are descended from an exiled race of aliens called Thetans.”
One should ask them what overts did they commit which resulted in them pulling in SPs like Mike and Leah and all the rest of us. In this case LRH was right; without their continual overts Leah and Mike would be doing something else and you all would not be reading my rants either.
So LRH’s thetan (at least one of them) may have been Mengele and one of DM’s thetans Caligula and anything they did or anything that happened or happens wasn’t/isn’t their fault. Makes sense if you’re nuckingfuts.
Peggy – ‘nuckingfuts’ – I Love it ! ! ! ! ! ThankYou
I seem to recall an Int Event where Miscavige proudly proclaimed that the psychs would be handled within 5 years. That was in the late 90’s or early 2000’s if I recall. It seems their bigger enemy are not psychs but former members as a lot of their money, time and attention are spent trying to suppress the truth of their ugliness.
I think it was that they would be eradicated 2000
Well, here we are, 18 years later, and the psychs are still here and scientology is slowly being eradicated. It will probably never be completely eradicated so long as the whales throw money at it and DM can keep the newborns from leaving.
Their biggest enemy is their deliberate blindness.
DM announced it at the Dec 31, 1999 Ny’s event. We would eradicate psychiatry in that year. – the year 2000.
It did not strike me as plausible at the time. Seemed a bit of a reach..
It boggles my mind that Scientologists don’t use the “overt – motivator” sequence on Scientology.
When people attack Scientology – they are hiding crimes.
The truth is OSA and Lurkers – is Ex Scientologists are trying to warn you that you are being lied to and people are getting hurt.
You are trapped in an evil organization where the leader takes the money and lives a lavish lifestyle while hiring private investigators and sleazy, unethical attorney’s to sue, harrass and spy on ex members.
Your church does more harm than good and you are being willfully blind to ignore it.
Bad things may happen to you if you don’t wake up, get out and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
You are committing overt’s daily by not looking and not taking responsibility by supporting this evil cult.
Please – for your own sake – LOOK and do something about it. Get out of Scientology and do a thorough investigation on your own of the leader, the founder and the organization.
Follow the money! You are out of excuses now. There is way too much on the internet and available in books and documentaries for you to continue to put your head in the sand.
Funny how their own words and tech work against them. Either they are absolute or they are not – and if they aren’t that just makes them falsehoods & cultspeak. You can’t have it both ways.
Sooner or later it will catch up with them as it has now being well underway. Just a matter of time before everyone still in sees the man behind the curtain clearly. Thank God for the people who are standing up and fighting it with the truth.
Nice typo! 😀
Ed is a shining example of an RPF graduate.
Enough said.
The church of scientology has become adept at accusing others of what it is doing. Tolerance? Compassion? Free Speech? Hate crimes? …”HATE” crimes? The “Church” of Scientology does this best.
They are masters at projection.
Such miserable pricks.
One thing that always bothers me about this Scientology doctrine (you must have done it yourself earlier for it to happen to you) is the blatant illogic of it. How could any bad thing ever happen, if it can only happen to a person if that person did it to someone else? How could any bad things ever get started? I’ve always wanted to ask a Scientologist to simply explain that much about the doctrine. Does no one ever ask this question when it’s taught to them?
It’s a minor thing, since my major objection is that the doctrine is victim-blaming and denies reality, like many other beliefs and philosophies that do the same thing in ways that sound more logical. I just wonder how anyone could ever believe it when on the face of it, it makes no sense at all. There’s no way to come up with a version of the doctrine that is NOT riddled with fatal contradictions.
And all those folks whom Xenu put into space ships and then threw into volcanoes in “Teegeeack”? They must have pulled it in. Why blame poor Xenu?
Xenu was PTS to his mother who made him do it.
Scientology: Making victims one at a time. There are sooooo many more victims of Scientology than Scientologists. Some are quiet, some are not, but the vast majority of people contacting Scientology leave as a victim. Even groups like the IRS get smashed. Those who make a stand against this abomination here are brave souls….. Brave souls indeed.
Thank you for pointing that out Robert A. There are more victims of Scn than there are members of Scn because Scn breaks up families with its disconnetion policy. So mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, uncle aunts, grandparents etc are all harmed and they aren’t even Scns.
It’s definitely a “chicken or egg, what came first” scenario.
Maybe the head chicken of scientology, hiding in his shell somewhere, might man-up and emerge to answer some of these questions.
Mr. Miscavige, please do another interview with an independent journalist like you did with Ted Koppel. Then you can confront and shatter all of the allegations against you and scientology. If the allegations are not true, then you gave nothing to worry about. Your silence is deafening.
Dave: I’ll do it on the following conditions:
1. I am paid $1,000,000.
2. I am only asked questions I have approved beforehand.
3. Any departure from 2 above will double my fee and immediately terminate the interview.
As per usual, you and the trumpet player and others have got it all wrong. Listen to the tape “The Overt Motivator Sequence”. You really shouldn’t believe and repeat the misunderstoods of others, Mike included. In summary for you dolts and know-bests the overt motivator sequence is actually an apparency but beings believe it is true, and thus has force and effect upon them. It is not an invented thing by Scientology at all but occurs “naturally”, well, not really if you have understood what I said, or rather listen to the tape – before casting thy stones of disapproval and chagrin. Next you will be saying that the E-Meter works on skin sweat or one will spontaneously combust if running a spoof version of OT8!
Well gosh darn it Fool, thanks so much for clearing up this crashing misunderstood we all seem to share out here on the fringes of the internet. Since the ‘overt motivator’ sequence is actually an apparency I guess I was totally correct in blowing that mind fuck of a cult called scientology when that last auditor started the ‘session’ with those charming words, “I’m not auditing you”. Any ‘overt’ I may or may not have committed was just an apparency in the first place and all that money I was spending for spiritual freedom was all for not.
One thing that is NOT an apparency is the fact that my purse is not empty since my fortunate departure and I’m many orders of magnitude happier and infinitely more content. You can’t buy that in the cult marketplace no matter how hard you look.
Ms. B. Haven, Chief Lab Rat I/C
Chief Lab Rat: Let’s forget it eh? You still haven’t understood a word of what I said. Hint: the overt-motivator SEQUENCE is an apparency – your overts are quite real, aren’t they? What fools post comments on this site! Back to the Lab for more rats.
As everyone knows, the e-meter works on money, and skin sweat or thoughts in the ether have nothing to do with it. If effect, the more you pay for an e-meter, or services associated with it, the more valuable are its answers. It is a relative of the Boardwalk fortune-telling machines, only the money intake slot is much, much bigger, and has a definite suction effect liable to capture and turn inside-out anyone who wanders too close to the coin slot.
As for getting anything right, the last thing one should do is listen to Hubbard, the Master Bloviator himself, a guy who never understood anything in his life unless it fit with the story line he was creating in his oft-drugged head.
“…the overt motivator sequence is actually an apparency but beings believe it is true, and thus has force and effect upon them.” Now that is a prime example of bloviation at its worst, along with a few made-up definitions to insure confusion keeps the peons in line.
For Example:
In The Scientology Handbook, written by L Ron Hubbard, he explains the Overt-Motivator Sequence. The last entry on the page explaining the sequence makes it clear that the writer believes a battered wife is battered only because she hit the husband first, a truly Hubbardian way of looking at relationships between a battering husband and his wife.
Shortly before that, the writer conflates the overt-motivator sequence with Newton’s First Law of Motion, which states that “an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force” according to wiki. The First Law describes natural, predictable actions that happen in the physical world without fail. Overts and motivators occur in the thought processes of people, and are changeable events, not laws of nature, but Hubbard teaches they are truly natural laws.
Perhaps this is another instance in which Hubbard say one thing one day, and reverses himself later, or earlier, or at the same time?
However, Scientology in the words of Hubbard presents the overt-motivator sequence as if it were a law of nature.
One must not put much belief in the words of the master bloviator, but here it is, right there on the never-ending Internetz.
The writer of The Scientology Handbook, Hubbard, expects his readers to believe revenge is a force of nature equal to Newton’s First Law of Motion. It is not, but in Hubbard’s normal manner he continues the lie until even he believes it is true. If it was a force of nature, revenge could be measured, and its prevalence and extent predicted with accuracy. It is at best only the desire for revenge that might seem a natural force, and even that is not likely among the many people who believe revenge is a useless activity more harmful to the revenger than to the revenged. The physical vengeful act comes about from an unpredictable directed act of will, not some predictable force of nature. Of course, the more one has a narcissistic self-image, the more they might be paranoid enough to see the need for revenge against any of the actions of another person.
In Hubbard’s overt-motivator sequence, a bowling ball sets up the sequence in which the bowling pins must seek revenge on the bowling ball. Just because a bowling ball knocks over pins does not mean the pins will arise, chase down the errant bowling ball, and strike it a few sound blows, once for each pin knocked about by the ball in the first instance, and with a force exactly equal to the force the ball used.
In the case of a stringed clacking ball set Hubbard uses as an example, the balls on a string properly set up will clack back and forth until general friction and imperfect rebound effects slow them to a stop. But, remove the strings, or change their length, and the whole clackity-clack overt-motivator sequence breaks down, perhaps before it even begins.
And just because Joe borrowed five bucks and didn’t pay it back does not mean the lender will always and automatically enact five dollars worth of revenge on the borrower.
The worst part of overts and motivators is that Scientologists instill that belief into young children.
Children begin to believe they should feel guilt not only for what harm they do, but also for whatever harm is done to them. That leads to the overt-motivator sequence wherein a so-called religion insists a child should *not* report sexual abuse to the police, because it is the child’s own fault that the sexual abuse happened to begin with.
One of the most difficult barriers to healing sexually abused children is getting past the their own belief that they are somehow at fault. Child sexual abuse is not the child’s fault, no matter what Hubbard taught, or what Scientologists believe about the overt-motivator sequence.
For all their claims off Ethics, it is easy to see the immorality of certain practices of Scientology. Teaching young children the overt-motivator sequence ranks up their with the worst of those immoral practices.
Ammo! Wowza! Thank you for that.
After reading the nonsense above from Ammo I suggest you go into an Org now and get false data stripping – there’s enough “ammo” in there to keep a Qual busy for weeks.
But Ammo makes sense, you are the one posting nonsense.
Ann, Foolproof cannot introduce facts into a discussion or cite empirical data to leaven his vitriolic ad hominem. All he can do is robotically quote Hubbard and insist that Hubbard’s verbal diarrhea is sacred and unassailable. He can’t prove anything or engage in intellectual discourse.
He fits, perfectly, the scientological definition of stupidity:
unknowing of time, place, form, and event. He is a robot: he repeats what Flubbard said, insists on reminding us of his superior status and “knowingness”, and childishly spews insults.
FP, I am glad the Internet is somewhat a forever wayback machine. One day you will tire of being a troll for Hubbard’s scam, and wonder where your life went, why you accepted Ethics as punishment instead of having ethics as a moral code, why you had the knowledge to help in the fight against Scientology but instead played your little game of one-upmanship. The internet will keep all your posts forever for you to ponder and re-examine.
You’ve mentioned you have financial success, and apparently have not bankrupted yourself donating to the cult. In that, you are different from most ronbots, but one can not be half-in and half-out in Scientology, so you are either in… or out. Like someone said, Scientology is not for dilettantes.
Only Hubbard could have written this megalomaniacal nonsense:
“We’re not playing some minor game in Scientology. It isn’t cute or something to do for lack of something better.”
“The whole agonized future of this planet, every man, woman and child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology.”
That quote is “the tech,” pure and simple, as set down by the one and only Source, the only source for anything workable in Scientology…and you advocate for use of pure tech, yet… yet you float along and play at an occasional Scientology quip, a counter-puncher to those who are seriously in the fight to disband Scientology and all its hateful methods.
Believe me, you are not really convincing anyone around this blog that you are the least bit serious about being a Scientologist. When anyone bothers to think of you, they think of just another joker and degrader, another anxious little insecure dilettante, playing with the parts of the Hubbard mind game that please, or that work as a troll comment, and ignoring the rest. A perfect squirrel. Hubbard would have locked you away and thrown away the key.
The idea that anyone needs to go to a Scientology org for anything shows you have learned nothing, absolutely nothing, about the cult and its practices.
Repeating the thoughts and words of another is the definition of being brainwashed… and yet you keep repeating Hubbard, year in and year out. You might as well go to the special room set up for Source’s office in anticipation of Hubbard’s return from Target Two, then face his bust and his extra-large framed photo, salute, and give three hip hip hoorays, then clap and clap and clap for being such a good ronbot.
It saddens me that anyone, even a troll, accepts Hubbard’s mind washing.
But I am sure you will have a pithy one or two line rebuttal, or complete silence; it is as predictable as the sunrise. Why is it so predictable? Because it is exactly what Hubbard would do, no much different from his fake smile and sputtering response to a question he was ill-prepared to answer “There was no second wife.”
Amazing – a whole website that is dedicated to trolling yet I am the one accused of being a troll, by one of the (now) biggest trolls. I don’t mind, just pointing out the irony. As to trying to convince anyone here of anything – hah! You do realize that anyone who knows something of Scientology tech looks at your self-embarrassing posts and sees through them straight away. But you have a nice little audience here – well, if they can be bothered to read through the mounds of nonsense – I bet most would stop reading after the first few sentences and think “Jeez, he’s got a bee in his bonnet! I wonder what it really is?”
All this terrible, striving voluminous verbose effort and in the end you still haven’t grasped it. But then that’s one of the reasons why you post such rubbish here.
I wonder, does pulling it in count for everyone? Like the raped women Danny Masterson created by his actions were asking for it, literally/ Does it then mean if he gets prosecuted and ends up in prison finding himself on the receiving end of a sexual assault that he pulled that in?
Ah, where would religion be without degrees, built in ambiguity and self-serving contradictions…
Overt-Motivator sequence.
Isn’t that where someone slugs you on the jaw and you go around muttering “Hit by Bill! Hit by Bill! Hit by Bill!”?
Or am I thinking about something else?
What a clever rebuttal, FP. The overt motivator is actually an apparency but beings believe it is true, and thus has force and effect on them. Cult logic is apparently unassailable.
New topic: Do Scientologists comprehend irony?
No irony, satire or just plain old humor for a true believer when it comes to Hubbard or his tech. They are sacred cows to be revered.
No no. I find it hilarious that George White thinks one will spontaneously combust and you believe that Solo NOTs is all your imagination. Never mind Back Porch Brain and his OTIII. Nothing could be more humorous!
Still these dolts can’t duplicate – it is the overt-motivator SEQUENCE!
Listen to Foolproof, the expert who knows best. His use of scientological loaded language is one marker of his exalted status, and he knows all about “apparencies” and has deep insight into the recorded streams of Flubbard’s diarrhea. He is also the holder of El Con’s rigorously conducted, voluminous scientific research on the ” e-meter “, which, by the way, DOES NOT measure galvanic skin response, but DOES register, um, ” thought energy ” or ” charge “.
Nevermind pesky, current scientific data on galvanic skin response; Foolproof knows best, you degraded, dead-in-the-head, useless humans! All hail the Great And All Knowing Foolproof, Tin Foil Titan, Tremendously Thrilling Thetan, and
Anointed Arslykan Asshat! Bow down and give thanks for his deep and abiding…IDIOCY!
Aw shucks Mark, I think you might have scared off Proven Fool.
Haha! Mark at least realizes that the E-Meter reads on thoughts or the charge related to them or does he still believe in “galvanic skin response”. Have a look at Marty’s pinch test of John Sweeney – he got in a terrible state when he realized that the auditor could find out things about him. I wonder which question would read on Foster? THAT! yep, THAT! As for the rest of his mealy-mouthed comments, all I can say in response is. fuck off!
Poor FP, doesn’t recognize a parlor trick when he sees it.
No wonder he still adulates all things Hubbardian, the master parlor trickster of the twentieth century. Please understand, Hubbard made it all up, some of the time while drugged, certainly only for the profit, there was no research, he came by the emeter by accident, it was designed to measure electricity and still measures exactly that and nothing else, and when badly built it produces Rock Slams.
There are any number of scientists who, with a suitable grant, would take up genuine science to determine what and how the emeter works and what it measures. I guarantee Scientology, with billions to throw on PI and lawyers, won’t spend a penny on genuine scientific research regarding the emeter. They may pay off some schlub to skew results to their liking, but they wont buy genuine research – why should they? Ron said how it works, and he said he did the ‘research’, and it can generate parlor tricks to fool the brainwashed, so it must be true.
He lives in hope that the E-Meter doesn’t work. Well, of course! All those naughty thoughts and deeds that that foul E-Meter might divulge eh? And now he has also joined the ranks of the Lab Rats as well in his desperation. “Designed to measure electricity” eh? Well, that’s a new one. Is this a result of “scientific research”? Do explain. I’m all ears.
One thing you are not is “all ears”, unless it is when listening to the words of your lord and master Elron. As for the emeter, look up the inventer. He was obviously attempting to deduce the thoughts of ripe tomatoes, but all he got was static from clams.
After reading the silly “answer” below, or rather childish attempt at deflection, of course I am still waiting. I must admit to not being sure what is more ridiculous – “designed to measure electricity” or “works on skin sweat”. Wonder what we’ll get tomorrow? As they say – you couldn’t make it up.
You missed the irony/ sarcasm in my comment about the e-meter, Proven Fool.The e-meter is a modified Wheatstone Bridge; its history goes back to the 1800’s. Try an internet search of ” galvanic skin response “. If your head can manage to resist the gravitational pull of your sphincter long enough, you will learn that, factually and scientifically, in the physical universe that operates on observable and provable laws of physics, an e-meter measures galvanic skin response ; that’s why a person
holds the cans in his hands. There is nothing scientific about scientology’s use of the e-meter; nada, zilch, nothing. And when Hubbard was busted by the FDA in the US for his fraudulent use of the e-meter, he was legally required to label the e-meters with a disclaimer-which he never did. Furthermore, to this day, ANYONE signing up for auditing signs a contract that refers to the e-meter as a religious artifact and enjoins the signer to not hold the church responsible for providing ANY of the claimed benefits of dianetics and scientology. Hubbard himself flip-flopped on the use of the e-meter in the 50’s, first insisting it wasn’t needed, then insisting that it was-not that any of that matters in the real, scientific world of verifiable, reproducable phenomena…
Of course, you are welcome to present some real scientific verification of your claim that the e-meter measures thoughts or emotions or intentions or ” dates and locates incidents on the ‘ whole track’ “. But, you know what? You can’t produce said evidence, because it does not exist. But, like the true model of peristalsis that you are, you will probably come back here to spew more shit; it’s what assholes do.
The best comment you have ever made! You are bringing something to the attention of the public that is true. As an old OT VII, you have penetrated Scientology more than the average person.
You should read my book carefully because I cover that exact point in my discussion of Kant.
Hubbard hated Kant but claimed to have attended his lectures in the 18th century in Germany. This is nonsense. But the point is that anyone can say that all is illusion. Anyone can say thatt the overt/motivator is a natural phenomenon. What you miss is that it all depends on your initial viewpoint. With Hubbard, you start with the thetan. His prison is “double perception” Read OT VIII from the Freewinds 1988. From that perspective, a thetan fools himself. and you can dream up any BS you want. You can also merge fiction with “reality”. But it does not work as presented by thousands of us who fell for it. It is only circular. It never ends. No, you need to change your initial assumptions, then you will be free. Not Hubbard’s way. It does not work. In case you have not noticed, most of us a NOW free after Scientology.
Confused ideas George? (I have never read such diarrhea as your comment above!)
Read my book Foolproof. It will be an education for you. You are typical Hubbard. You downgrade the discussion to fit your mind.
Damn it, Fool, someone forgot to tell Ron what
he, hisself, had said about this apparency that
thetans believe in before his (un)timely death
and before he tried to electrocute all his little
BT’s in one big shock. Well, we mocked it all
up anyway. After a few hundred thousand $$.
I bet DM did not say anything so he could go
to Reno and have some fun. The only reason
DM has is still there is due to the fact that he
is not believing in the Scienttology Tech., so
it seems to work for him.
Did er, Hubbard mention this on April the 1st? Or don’t you understand irony or humor? BTW, unlike Mike’s conclusions on Solo NOTs, it is not an apparency. Humorous eh? shows no King’s English usage of overt as a noun and no definition for motivator so we’re back to the secret language of scientology. Where’s my Tech Dictionary?
…you left it over beside your apparency.
Sheesh, even I could postulate that.
Phrases like “instant karma” and “What goes around comes around.” are used with no firm belief being expressed by the user. Obviously if I didn’t put my hand in the cookie jar Mommy wouldn’t have whacked me. I pulled it in – lol
When I entered Scn I had little to no background in science, religion or philosophy so many of the concepts in Scn made sense on the surface. That’s not to say that all concepts presented in Scn are false. Some of them cross reference mainstream psychology with different scn-speak terminology.
Knowing the whole picture of Scn and from the outside looking in it’s easy to see what was and still is going on.
In the six or seven years I was in Scn until I left in 1982 I freely admit to being a believer or maybe even a bubble dweller. All people after leaving cults, religious or otherwise, have their reasons why they stayed in for as long as they did. I didn’t pursue the OT levels so I can’t say if I would have bought into it. From my point of view back then I didn’t see too much on the lower levels that depended purely on belief. Reading all of Elron’s books and listening to early lectures wasn’t required for auditor training which focused on the procedures themselves.
At about 26 or 27 years old when I got into Scn I thought attempting to be AT CAUSE over MEST, Life and Thought was a good idea.
I don’t know what auditor training you had but many of the books are part of the auditor checksheets, as are related lectures, so what are you on about?
No Richard – the use of the word “overt” is indeed a specialized use in Scientology. Alright now?
Perhaps I have found your Crashing Misu here Richard – you looked up “overt” in a normal dictionary! Flunk eh!
Hi Foolproof – A King’s English translation of overt would be a transgression and motivator would be a motivating factor. I realize that simple definitions are not fully descriptive in a debate about the overt motivator sequence. Pass?
This is a daily blog which mostly reiterates stupidities and lies coming from the CoS with an occasional swipe at aspects of the subject itself. Debates about the pros and cons of various aspects of the subject on blogs ended a few years ago.
In answer to your question I was an interned dianetic auditor and training and co auditing on the grades when the Dianetic Drug Rundown came out and myself and my co-auditor were transferred to it. After some time on the rundown I attested to Dianetic Clear which to me was a something rather than a nothing. In its simplest statement it was a letting go of the past and a realization that nothing in my past need affect me in the present. I left Scn soon thereafter.
Sometime later in a transcendental type moment i cognited/realized that regarding the universe in general “Everything is the way it is just because it is, and everything is already alright. already.” Not everyone would share that viewpoint, of course, and it doesn’t negate people having noble causes to improve mankind within their sphere of influence. “Salvaging” a planet, sector or whatever is Utopian dreaming and in my opinion all religions present some version of Utopia and if you don’t get on board you’re heading to the final countdown.
Well, ok Richard – good for you. The amount of auditing and training you have had is reflected in the balanced non-chagrined posts you sometimes, well, mostly, make.