I noticed this comment on Tony Ortega’s blog a couple of days ago and thought it worthy of being preserved in a more easily searchable place.
Thank you Panopea Abrupta — I quote your comment in full and then add some further thoughts below:
There are 14 , no, 15 oops, actually 16 states so far with NO $cientology Mission or Org.
Kentucky (though they do have the Cinncinnati Org, just over the bridge)
North Dakota
Oklahoma (though they do have Narconon.)
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Our Mission network inquiry – results to date
(We’re looking at Missions only, not Orgs or Ideal Orgs)
Anchorage, Alaska – an industrial building, without signage
Boise, Idaho- a CPA’s office
Redmond, Washington – a sad suburban building in need of maintenance
Lake Oswego, Oregon – Mission closed
Temecula, CA – Mission closed
Alamosa, Colorado – a chiro’s office with a faded Dianetics sign
Santa Monica, CA – moved to a house in Fair Oaks
(400 miles north, a trifle, a mere bagatelle, to a thetan)
Wichita, Kansas – whale-financed magnificence yet moribund
Mission of Peoria – Mission closed in 2015 after 61 years of operation
Mission of Champaign-Urbana – Mission closed though now listed at a 2nd floor mall suite
Mission of Middletown AKA Mission of Catskill Mountains, Liberty, NY – chiro’s office, Mission closed
Mission of Westchester, White Plains, NY – chiro’s office, Mission closed
Mission of Genesee County, Grand Blanc, MI – chiro’s office, Mission closed
New England
Mission of Bangor, ME – closed
Mission of Brunswick, ME – still open
Mission of Merrimac Valley AKA Mission of Greater Concord – moved to a private residence
Mission of Hartford, CT – closed
Mission of Watertown, MA – has NEVER been in Watertown,
actually located over 50 miles away, in a private home with no signage
Mission of Woburn, MA – closed
Mission of Merrima, Haverhill, MA – closed
Mission of Quincy, MA – still open
Deep Ellum Life Improvement Center Hubbard Dianetics Foundation, Dallas –
a long named but empty dump
Mission of Harlingen, TX – still open
Mission of Houston, TX – still open, living on fumes
Mission of El Paso, TX – still open
Mission of San Antonio, TX – still open, living on fumes
Mission of Baton Rouge – open, active
Mission of Lake Charles – closed
Mission of Lafayette – closed
Mission of New Orleans – open, active
Mission of Gulfport AKA Mission of Biloxi – closed
This is a great start. But it got me to thinking — how many states in the US have not a single Class V org (and thus cannot even provide auditor training to anyone)? Here is the list:
New Hampshire
New Jersey
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
That is more than half the states in the US. Despite the ridiculous claims by Miscavige and scientology “we have expanded more in the last 5 years than in the 50 years previously” and “47X since GAG II” etc etc.
But then think about the entire world.
The largest country on earth — Russia, has two orgs total.
The largest country by population (China) has NO orgs and no missions.
The second largest population country on earth (India) has a few missions, and NO orgs (there used to be a lot of videos about “expansion in India” — those missions should have 1000 staff and long since have been orgs).
There is NO org in Korea. Or Thailand. Or Indonesia. The Philippines. Anywhere in Asia other than Japan and Taiwan.
And apart from Tel Aviv, nothing anywhere in the middle East or near East.
The entire continent of Africa, apart from S. Africa (and Zimbabwe sort of with two empty, derelict buildings bought by money the IAS could not get through exchange control), has not a single org.
Brazil, the largest and most populous country in S. America has no org. Only Argentina, Venezuela and Colombia have orgs. And in all of Central America, only Mexico has orgs.
And they repeatedly tell themselves “Planetary Clearing is being made a reality” and “we are Clearing the Planet for real now.” Perhaps the most amazing accomplishment of scientology is being able to convince people that what they see before their very eyes is not “reality” and should not be believed — instead believe what we tell you.
One day I will take the time to work out what percentage of the world’s population is actually served by a single org — i.e. there is a scientology org within 50 miles (ignoring the idiocy that all 15 million people are going to be served by Tokyo’s only org). Just take 7.5 billion and subtract the population within 50 miles of any org. I bet it is less than 10%. A lot less. And the percentage keeps shrinking every year. May have been double that in 1975… There are no NEW Orgs, but the population keeps increasing (where do all these thetans and their BT’s come from??)
Mike, I am sure you are already aware but the only place in my Va. area was a mission in Richmond that closed in 2011 (I want to say it was only open for a couple of years?) I guess we would have to drive to DC?
I lived in Bangor, Maine when the mission opened there. I was at the mall there and they had set up tables doing personality tests and selling books. There were complaints and they eventually left. One of the women would come into the Starbucks that I worked at and flirt with the all of the guys that worked there. One day she extolled the virtues of “Dianetics” to me, and ask me if I was interested in a copy. I said “yes please” because I love reading about cults. However, when she handed me a copy she was expecting money (I was still naive to Scientology’s ways). I quickly shut that down and she left without selling the book. I’m not surprised to see the mission shut down there.
“There is NO org in Korea. Or Thailand. Or Indonesia. The Philippines. Anywhere in Asia.”
Japan and Taiwan are both in Asia and both countries have Orgs and missions.
Correct. And corrected.
Lol that was funny Mike,I was reading the list and it mentioned some had closed but we’re in private homes,are they considered squirrels now, it’s no different than what Marty was doing is it?
Before you get angry “kiwigal” I say that in fun my youngest daughter is half Vietnamese
Thanks for this article. Two locations jumped out at me; the city of Chicago and the state of New Hampshire.
-The city of Chicago is the nation’s capitol of gun violence and murder. Scientology boasts of their “success” with Criminon here, http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/the-church-of-scientology-didnt-like-our-story/Content?oid=909928
Buying a new building seems to be the handling, not actually working with human beings. https://chicago.curbed.com/2015/4/6/9973698/scientology-wants-to-build-a-bigger-church-in-chicago
(Note the comments).
The state of New Hampshire is the nation’s capitol of heroin addiction… What, no class V org? Where are all the missions, Narconons and success stories in that state? Shouldn’t they be “massively expanding” due to the critical demand and the “solutions that only Scientology” can provide?
It would be great to do further research and challenge the false claims… What are the actual stats per ca-pita of Scientology decreasing crime and drug use–especially where it’s most needed? With each new building purchase, is the community flourishing and prospering?
Most likely, the only “upstats” are the numbers of bankruptcies, foreclosures and homeless.
Thought I had seen something years ago…just decided to confirm if its reality or not…yup! Welcome to Canada, Scientology! Lol! http://www.calgary.scientologymissions.org
Mike, what are the stats for missions, orgs etc in Canada? Just curious.
When I was last in, nearly a decade ago, they had Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Kitchener, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec. There were 2-3 missions but I couldn’t even name them, that should give you an idea of how important they were.
In all likelihood, Kitchener has closed by now. I don’t know how Winnipeg is able to even pay their electric bill and they’ll be gone next.
Yes, I believe KW is closed. There is now an Ideal Org in Cambridge.
A big hint to why Baton Rouge and New Orleans missions still exist – whales.
New Orleans floods on occasion…maybe a good place for whales to be…..
Even if orgs and missions were within a few miles of every human on earth, what would it matter? They do nothing, accomplish nothing, and are a net drain on human happiness.
What a miserable affliction that LRH unleashed on all humanity when he conjured up his sick “religion”.
“The entire continent of Africa, apart from S. Africa…” – I wonder if we should be counting South Africa.
Although on paper there’re orgs dotted around, yes, including in the major cities, I doubt if there are more than 1000 – 1500 members in the field who are still think of themselves as scientologists.
And those who are actually IN the orgs taking courses? Less than 500 countrywide?
There is no org in South Africa that can deliver Clear; and there are very few whales left to pay for the renovations of buildings bought. Durban “org” is smaller than a “mission”, so it Joburg North; same as Cape Town and Port Elizabeth is not even the size of that.
Johannesburg and Pretoria, both “idle morgues”, are just that. It’s amazing their lights and water are still on. They’re probably bribing someone in their respective municipalities.
I wish I had better stats so that instead of my worrying that I’m not being generous enough in supposing these figures, I’d possibly, even probably, find out that I was being optimistic about them!
Anyone who can assist here?
Mike FYI I received the link via email yesterday afternoon. It wouldn’t open I got an error message. Glad it’s back up.
Yes, it was my error. I accidentally pressed “Post” instead of “Save” on a half composed post. So had to delete it but you cannot delete the email alerts that go out…
In Russia are 2 orgs (saint Pete class V and Moscow ideal org) and maybe around 2 dozen of missions, most of them almost unseen in their cities and defunct. No orgs in Ukraine or in Kazakhstan where church have up to thousand parishioners.
Scientology just has to rate as one of the more efficient buckets of sand to stick your head in while having everything of value extracted from you, especially your finances, life, family and any type of future or career that aligns with being human. This 47X expansion announcement is just a BIGGER bucket for the truly not-quite-bright!
Waking up to being scammed in this knock about world is becoming a full time job anyway. With Scientologists they prefer being lied to from a single and central source. When a Scientologist tells themselves or anyone else for that matter that they are “on source,” what they are really doing is referring to their position in the real world and saying, “fuck it – too many moving parts!” For all of Hubbard’s words of promise he truly but deviously advocated and then enforced, ‘stop all motion,’ except mine. All Miscavige did was pick up the reins and made a bigger asshole of himself than he could have ever dreamed possible – he’s technically a low life nobody, but now he just loves his job!
A scrawny asthmatic little kid with a big attitude and a temper control problem finds himself at the right hand of a demented old con man who took P.T. Barnum’ philosophy of “There’s a sucker born every minute.” , and spun it into a religion, weasels his way to the top of the pseudo spiritual food chain and wreaks havoc for decades undeterred.
if you tried to pitch it as a concept for a movie, you’d be told that it was too far fetched to be believable.
PAhahahahaaa. Yes. and when do they start casting calls…
Did anyone watch “Holy Hell” on TV about another Cult I never heard about but lil strange 1 guy looks quite a bit like T.C & all the bad stuff this guy did & some sound much like S.T give him your secrets among other things & despite 200 ppl saying Enough the guy went to Hawaii & still has few ppl who still follow him but I saw so many things so the same or darn close a good watch scary so many ppl’s life’s Hurt by these ppl & that Aussie lady who hurt so many & only got Min Punishment for her Crimes & was a 2 hour 48 Hour show last week,Religion didn’t want Gov in there business but I feel there needs to be a way to keep tabs on Churches least those sm ones esp when I hear so many sad things going on leaving Broke,Broken,damaged ppl in there wake it’s WRONG & most have no proof ? happened & the Bad ppl often get away Scott free.so wrong so if they have nothing to hide shouldn’t be any problem….
Mike Hope your having a Great Day,it’s Good to be FREE…. <3 U & anyone who's fought & got away from the Evil in the world…..
Yes, I saw “Holy Hell” and it shows how people can work themselves up into having the most extraordinary and sublime experiences merely through the power of suggestion. They believed in this guy and through their belief, not through the leader who turned out to be a nasty piece of work, they consistently had deep and meaningful experiences. So many similarities to scientology and Hubbard.
Yes, saw it the other da. It was originally done by CNN. A cult called the Buddahfield…..the “leader” Michel is adored by his followers, yet some of those who’ve left the cult claim that as young men they were sexually assaulted numerous times by him. It was also stated that the members were instructed to sell their possessions and give the money to…you guessed it.
The cult “leader” Michel would give counseling once a week to his members (sounds like auditing) & he’d charge them $50 each time.
A women claimed she was “advised strongly” to have an abortion, and she stated that in the 20 years she was a member of the cult NO CHILDREN were born…..This cult seems to still be in existence, and as noted there are a group of loyal members who follow him around like trained dogs. Sickening. You can see the tape on CNN or maybe YouTube…..it’s frightening.
I have looked up my town use to have a mission but is closed thank God! Here in the land of Johnny Cash Folsom CA. Just near the “Santa Monica Mission” in Fair Oaks!
As the dogma fails to keep the “sheep” in line …..violence will INCREASE!
Exactly, Python. That is what happened with the Jim Jones cult. When he found out some people wanted to leave, the violence increased. I saw that documentary on the Jim Jones cult last night on TV and I saw many similarities and parallels with the C of $. Things like taking and keeping their passports, telling them Jim Jones had all the answers and no one else did, any differing thoughts would label you a traitor. And he told the cult members not to talk amongst themselves because that means you have secrets (withholds) and that is disloyal. We were told not to discuss our cases. And they were told to rat out other members (like the Scn KR policy).
Cindy said, “Things like taking and keeping their passports, ”
That started with Hubbtard in the 1960’s. He wrote it into Policy. DM is just following orders from the Founder.
Hubbtard was much better at this evil “game” than the novice, Jim Jones
Truce Update:
Good to see that you are continuing to hunker down to Christian Science Reading Room mode. Your ‘gentleman’s agreement’ is shaping up to be a boon for downtown Clearwater. The word is getting out that your minions will go out of their way to stay in the shadows and as your cult continues to retreat.
Soooo,….. if little Davey had gotten his wish…WOULD a CO$ swimming pool built on that tiny 1+ acre parcel of land in Clearwater COUNT as “an expansion”??
And it would require donations.
A lot of donations.
Well of course silly! Expansion could be 3′ deep? 8′ -9′ maybe even 10′ deep!! Oh the depth of expansion could be a huge, but if Dave didn’t want to get in “over his head” I would keep the depth of expansion under 4′
I am from WV. Scientology was never a word I had ever heard spoke while growing up.The first time I seen it was on a magazine with Tom Cruises face beside it.Then, I watched Leah and Mike’s show. My heart broke hearing all the stories.I now look forward to reading Mike’s blog daily.I’ve mentioned the show to quite a few people, they have seen the previews but not one has any idea what Scientology is. So, no clearing the planet around here.
right I only heard from bits & pieces from TV but I looked them up & back then I could’ve used help w ? don’t remember nothing huge but when I saw the Cost to help me I said WHAT esp if there under a “Church Name” what Church charges to help ppl & they might either pass the plate or have a donation box but it’s Not Mandatory to give least any real church I’ve been too anyway but there Cleaning alright ppl’s Bank Act’s & trying to ruin ppls family’s & I’ve Never seen any there buildings or ppl so can’t be very big.
I had friend who eventually bailed Moonies & Hare Krishna….some had family or friends that helped…MOST were on their own because they “screwed” everyone over….i.e. , took tons of family money promising to “get out” but never did, gave the money to their “organization”. a few had mental breakdowns from the stress of begging for money, and not eating or living well.
As I mentioned before, when “the light in the attic” went on, and they realized they were being duped for months, or years….they bailed out with nothing but the clothes on their back. Some were living in the park in NYC, sleeping on benches and in alleys. Some recovered their sense of well being and did ok, some did not.
I’d heard small little murmurings of CO$ way back then too, when I was about 14…I had friends who LEFT lovely homes and parents to “run away to the circus that was Monies/Hare Krishna because of the “LOVE generation” and all the GOOD these organizations CLAIM they do.
Yet another sicko cult “the Buddahfield.” caught that replay on HLN originally from CNN…another sicko cult leader who led many young men and women down the “garden path”….some of his young male followers were abused by him sexually & HE IS STILL OPERATING and has many followers……just like CO$
But, but, but… I thought that there were over 11,000 Orgs, Missions, Field Groups, WISE businesses, etc. I’m not even including the shadowy front groups that use even more nefarious bait and switch techniques to lure in the unsuspecting. Thank the gods for google, where it is easy to find out who is behind even the shadows in the shadowy front groups.
“There are no NEW Orgs, but the population keeps increasing (where do all these thetans and their BT’s come from??)” No worries. It’s just some folks screwing around. 🙂
This is exactly how $cn acts to dissociate you from yourself if you’re true believing $cilon!
On the one hand, $cilons are told huge whopping lies about “47X expansion” and “planetary clearing is within reach,” and can not openly question or disagree with these obvious falsehoods. Yet, on the other, Scilons know full well through their own direct experience that the Ideal orgs in their regions are mostly empty, missions are closing (or shacking up with dentists offices) and very few new folks are joining up.
The result is that in order to remain in good standing with the cherch you have to not only avoid discussing the obvious with your fellow co-cultist or speaking out about the glaring discrepancies, but you must NOT even have those thoughts form in your own personal head for fear of having to rat yourself out during your next sec check.
The 100% standard result there is an individual who is dissociated from herself, split and at odds within her own sense of who she is and what she knows to be true. This kind of “divided and in conflict with self” state is incredibly aversive to humans and creates incredible internal turmoil which no amount of Kool-aid or happy talk is ever going to rememdy.
The way out, of course, is to (slap, slap) wake up to the fact that any membership organisation that requires your blind, unquestioning allegiance and obedience, on pain of excommunication, IS a cult and doesn’t deserve your loyalty to begin with. If you can’t openly and safely discuss the good, the bad and the ugly within that group and with others outside of it as you see fit, then you are a mind-controlled zombie, not a free thinking human any longer.
..”The 100% standard result there is an individual who is dissociated from herself, split and at odds within her own sense of who she is and what she knows to be true.”… so true and well said. It is becoming very clear to me after 10 years being out that the culture within Scientology is psychologically and spiritually dangerous.
I remember clearly 30 years ago when people would just smile as a polite way of indicating the obvious BS in some aspects of Scientology, but these days even that would land you in trouble. It truly has become a mad house.
“If you can’t openly and safely discuss the good, the bad and the ugly within that group and with others outside of it as you see fit, then you are a mind-controlled zombie, not a free thinking human any longer.”
Ain’t that the truth.
Cancer is caused by cells in the body going rogue and destroying that body as they feed off the healthy cells. It took about 30 years for the Scientology cancer to start really metastasizeing.
Hubbard was the first spiritual cancer cell which has grown into a huge tumor that now looks like Miscavige and his Seaborgs and is destroying the organization as spreads deeper and deeper. I hope it’s not a long and painful death. A quick demise is the most humane thing that could happen.
I googled Betterment. First up was an online investment firm. :o. I googled betterment club, ia, and got images, one of which has a bridge on the logo. Then further down, HipHop Detoxx, one location in Clearwater FL, and an old article about a HHD event cancelled. Of interest (to me) was that the event was called Golden Era Summer Soiree. Eh, this is probably old news to yall but, to me it just underscores how insidious this criminal organization is. Elron must be soo proud.
The statistics here are startling in regards to missions/orgs but of course I knew this already.
It got me thinking how “complicit” scn’ers are about what is happening in their “church”. They have to know something is afoot and things are falling apart, but they refuse to believe it.
I am currently reading a novel about Germany during WWII – and specifically about the German people who were not Nazis. How complicit they were – they heard things but would not confront it. The book is called “The Women In The Castle” by Jessica Shattuck- here is the paragraph describing this “complicity” and such belief in their “dear leader”.
“In the last year, Ania had heard new horror stories: Of inmates worked so hard they drop dead, of women and children shot to death in the woods, of giant ovens where Jews were gassed. She does not believe the worst of these. The Fuhrer who dreamed up Landjahr lagers (a summer camp for boys which was actually fun in the beginning) and one-pot Sunday dinners would never order such unconscionable things. It is one thing to deport Jews, another to murder them. The stories smack of Allied propaganda – the kind written on the leaflets that the RAF drops. But, all the same, they are unsettling.
In the future, when Ania tries to explain this to her daughter, words will fail her. She KNEW of the horrors and she didn’t. She half knew – but there is no word for that. She knew it the way you know something is happening far away in a distant land, something you have no control over……….”
This is so true. One “half-knows” but won’t allow the information to flow in. Deft use of thought stopping.
There is good, there is bad and there is some very very ugly.
They refuse to believe it because they feel comfortable, safe and secure in their ongoingly self-created bubbleworld which is held together with lies. They’re not only lied TO, they themselves ALSO are actively lying to others AND themselves. They HAVE to, at this point. They must keep weaving that web, actively, themselves.
Now, if, the first time they spotted a lie they had disagreed, had said, “NO! That’s NOT true!” the first timewell, it would have had no power over them.
But they didn’t do that.
Instead, they said, (conceptually), “Aw, what the heck, its no big deal. I know its not true, I know better, but, let it go, its not important.”
But, actually, it WAS important, and they knew that is was important.
At that instant, they had a choice to make. Their own integrity, or…pretending it didn’t matter.
They made the choice. They lied to themselves.
And that was the beginning of the slippery slope.
Life became more and more complex. More lies were needed. More and more lies and less and less observation – a very dangerous way to operate in life, in any area.
Because it got worse. Down and down the slippery slope.
They’re now so far down in their awareness that they are fully complicit, willing helpers, in their being lied to and betrayed.
Really, it couldn’t happen without their active help and support.
They are waaaaay down in their awareness because they’ve been actively suppressing their own awareness for a very long time.
If someone suppresses his own awareness, he is suppressing his “self”. Keep doing it, doing it , doing it and he becomes a robot, a machine.
That’s what these people are.
Only a great shock will pop them out of this operating state and into present time.
That shock will come. I don’t know how, or when, but I know it will come.
What’s with the many Missions in chiro offices?
Scientology = Lies
CST owns land in Wyoming. There has been a stop.work in the property in effect since 2009. The signs are still there. Our sheriffs office continues to inspect the site on a regular basis to ensure that.
Mike, I understand that the Enhancement Center in Sherman Oaks which was one of the more successful missions in the LA area has recently been asked to move because they continue to be unable to pay their rent. I guess the landlord finally has had enough.
Back in the nineties I recall hearing about how the See Orge was sending in missions to find out what they (The Enhancemant Center) was doing to boom the stats and were purportedly going to replicate the successful actions for other missions. Looks like Dave had a better idea ……… do it my way and whither.
There was another mission in Stockton owned by Freedum Medal Winner Rohn Walker and run by an Oh Tea Ate as recently as 2010. I heard that mission has withered and has moved into the house owned by the Oh Tee but my data is sketchy.
Yo Dave,
Why not float those folks over in Sherman Oaks a loan good buddy? I think that mission is a main feeder org to your new Valley Idle Morgue Dave. If they can’t pay rent then what does that say about doing it your way.
At least put someone in charge over there that has some experience Dave. Oh, I see. You don’t have any of those types around any more.
And BTW Dave, nice move in Clearwater. I can only imagine all the great PR you are generating in that fine city. When are you going to do something that produces a win for your admirers Dave? Just sayin!
The Starbucks across the street from the Sherman Oaks mission is always busy, and rarely do any staff go over to Starbucks. The mission is DARK on Ventura Bl, but occasional staff sneek in and out the back door.
As for Dave’s Valley Mortuary, it has begun to meld into the North Hollywood ambiance: one clearly labeled SECURITY guard, in all black garb, at the main entrance, and a yellow vested ‘private security’ guard located at the bus stop on the corner of Burbank and Lankershim. The bus stop is the favorite spot for the body routers to harrang the public; as their brown vested senior paces back and forth to the Morg, puffing on cigarettes.
David Miscavige is probably creating great PR for Clearwater. After his and Monique the Blink’S latest wan fest, people who had never heard of it before will visit there just to spite him.
Wah fest. Sheesh. I can’t type. I’m going to throw a David Miscavige now (that’s what we call temper tantrums in our house).
In Iowa they hide behind Betterment club I am under assault by them and an officer of Scientology who moved their practice so they wouldn’t get into trouble with law enforcement I’m still being brainwashed and threatened as they attack someone I love because I speak to my son who’s father is Scientology and gave my son to them I fought against it so one of the sea org broke in and tried to murder him and blame us but he was able to tell human services it was his fathers friend but I still lost my children because I refused to hand over my son
Good for you, Tammy! I hope everything works out for you. I hope your other kids get out soon.
This is the worst disconnection story I’ve ever heard! Adding attempted murder to it takes this out of the realm of “merely” breaking up a loving family and into that of chargeable crime.
Mike, have you and Leah gotten everything for the next season in the can already, or are you still shooting? Any chance you two could help bring some justice to Tammy’s predicament?
Tammy, do these “Betterment clubs” get involved in Iowa politics, by any chance? Given your state’s first-in-the-nation caucus, any such involvement could potentially have significant impact on national elections…
We are not able to cover everyone’s story, we try to get things that are representative and not repetetive. If Tammy reaches out to the show we will review in light of all the relevant factors.
As an outsider – CoS proselytizing is nonexistent – it’s their harsh feelings about those (WOGS) they are saving that turns ppl off (among others)…
IMHO ppl perspective of CoS is “a money-grubbing cult that crazy Hollywood stars belong to. “…that’s it….ppl don’t see behind the scenes.
every “religion” has had missions to spread the news about how great they are…come on & join. But CoS does none of that.
I don’t see how they can survive – membership wise. It’s just a matter of time – members quit & financial burden crushes those that remain, until only a few remain but they are financially set for life. Hats off – no pun intended – to you & everyone who wants ALL the truths to be shown.
Basically, they’re surviving on the past. And vast expenditures from Whales.
Yes, apt point. It’s sort of like a really, really “bad memory only” club Scientology. All they deal in while enduring membership is that all the bad things of their personal past will go away and like magic, a utopia will engulf them for eternity. Coupled with that is the threat of it all coming undone WILL occur if they leave or get themselves declared. Added to that is how anyone else who isn’t a Scientologist hasn’t a snowflake’s chance in hell of ever understanding that the truth of life is Scientology and Scientology only! They know and are told continuously that wogs and their comm lines like the internet will infect them with some sort of nasty virus. So they insulate themselves from the non-believers and their communications so they can continue convincing themselves the future can only get better with the one and only tek. They continue handing over vast amounts of money or if they have run out of $, their life to the Cof$. It really is a Religion of the Damned.
Mission of Burbank CA -,sign (maybe – can’t see) on storefront
Mission of Sunland Tujunga – home to thousands of $cns – moved to private residence
NJ used to have a Day and Foundation Org – Teaneck Org. Closed sometime after EDs moved to run newly reno’d NY Org.
Moved to a private residence? Wow! That must be the most crowded house on the street with thousands of Scientologists there.
Also another Mission of Sunland that came after that other one moved to a house (I don’t think it is operating at all from that house anymore), but that other Msn of Sunland that came after that couldn’t pay its rent and had OT’s paying their light bill and rent for years and then finally the donations from those OT’s dried up and they had to vacate. So they closed that Msn and it is now the H R Block Income Tax place. They moved to combine the Mission there with the Foothills Mission in Montrose, CA. So they combined into one place because they couldn’t pay rent. The Foothills Msn put up posters over their windows so that no one can see inside. This was after a local Ex Scn took pics inside to show how empty it was. So no no one can see inside.
Cindy, if you find the individual posts Mike mentions above… at Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker blog, look down in the comments (sort the comments by Best) and find the poster that should pop up towards the top, Panopea Abrupta, you can click on that screen name and see previous posts and Pan has been doing a daily post with links going state by state and has covered the missions your mention above and links pictures of the current location (or in MANY cases, private residences they’ve moved to) as well as info on the Mission Holders and some history on each. It’s been really interesting to read about some of these former booming missions that have either closed or moved into a home or become part of someone’s practice/office (a number are located at a dentist’s or chiropractor’s office). Hope that helps!
You are not a very nice person. Here Davy is putting his flock to sleep with beautiful bed time stories, and you have to ruin it with the truth. ?
So true and so sad. It really is playtime for DM. Tom C. John T and Kristi A. Sad for regular followers but a great place for the afore mentioned elite to have their there egos stroked and live a pampered life. Tom, John and Kristie ought to be ashamed of themselves participating in group were so many are abused physically, financially and mentally.
don’t forget Travolta
All of those celebrity scientologists are NOT getting out the demise of scientology guilt-free. To their eternal shame are they still in, and defending, scientology.
They will all be held to account.