Some real “scientology math” at work here.
They apparently sent a survey out to 47,565 email addresses they have.
They got answers from 132 people internationally who have actually listened to all these ACCs. These are the people who listen to Hubbard lectures because they cannot afford to buy auditing.
13 of them reported they had completed their TRs and Objectives Co-Audit in the last year which was nearly twice as many as the 7 who had reported completing the year before.
Thus — a survey of 47,ooo proved that studying the ACCs doubles your speed of progress up the Bridge.
Now, if this was true, it DID actually double your speed of progress up the Bridge then scientology should be applying this to achieving their 10,000 ever started on Solo NOTs target. They should GIVE away these ACCs to everyone (they cost them nothing to produce, remember Miscavige the genius invested tens of millions to build CD manufacturing facilities right when they were being replaced by MP3s. They only cost scientology about 10c for each CD. And they have massive overstocks of these lectures because a) they over-produced them in the first place and b) people were demanded to buy 2 or 3 sets and thus there is a glut on the [small] market.
If they gave them away and then gave incentives to people for completing them (like training awards or something) and this REALLY DOES double your speed of progress up the Bridge they would DOUBLE their income AND get people onto Solo NOTs.
Of course, this is all a complete fabrication. But that’s never stopped scientology from asserting lies.
You can bet my hypothesis on the figures above is pretty close to reality. They could not find 47,000 active scientologists on earth, let alone 47,000 who answer a survey. These days they would be lucky to find 20,000 active scientologists in the world. Their international events — mandatory viewing for everyone — see no more than 10,000 attendees TOTAL internationally.
Jim Gordon – love your answer too
More bogus data spewed out by the cult. Can’t they ever tell the truth, just for once? Just occasionally, a brief, refreshing pause before returning us to their regularly scheduled truth pogram.
Modifying my last: the number of emails received and read was likely the 13 that replied.
If the message was trashed before it was read, it wasn’t received
About that 47000…. Must be the biggest number the guy could think of, bearing no relation to scientology, or even every email @ddress they could find anywhere in their sytem. It definitely doesn’t correlate to the number of people who received the message. (IF they sent it to scientollogists, the number of folks who read the message is likely to be identical, or near, the number of replies. I years in Dept 6, working with the letter regges, we found that scientologists love to fill out questionnaires and surveys. Most of the one sent out came back filled in.
They can’t give that shit away.
True, Mat. True.
I mean, do the math. The promo in today’s blog says that IAS members can get 42% off purchase of the ACCs. Factor in that a Legacy Package(books,
lectures, congresses, ACCs) runs about $23,000.00, 42% off would make it a real $11,000.00 or so bargain.
Again, you’re right. You can’t give this shit away.
Probably that’s why it costs so much.
Scientology is having a CLEARance sale. Lol
A going out of business sale.
They can’t give the stuff away. It has no value.
By the way, I went clear doing the ACC lectures.
I read something about mocking up my reactive mind but can stop it and control it. So I attested to Clear.
I was no different. I just thought I was. That was hard to face but I did face it.
Jump off the bridge lurkers. You are wasting your life and money. It is a scam.
Just thought I would share that in the event any lurkers really believe there is a state of Clear. There is not. It is a con job from L R H.
Lrt’s se…. 47,565 email @ddresses. MUST be EVERY scientologist in existence.
47000 scientologists?!?!?
The sad remaining handful of members now know what bullshit they are being fed by Miscavige.
Amazing they haven’t used their own tech to oust that thuggish SP. Or maybe the tech doesn’t work.
Or maybe he’s just conned them on the idea that he’s the messiah.
And the dumbasses bought into it.
Based on the study of the 30 words, 1 number pulled from thin air and the three exclamation points !!! before the photo and the fake quotes after the photo, it is understandable that by the time the person writing this copy was made it to the end, they were just so exhausted from pulling things from their nether regions that they couldn’t write a complete sentence.
“I am extremely pleased to announce the following special offer of 42% discount for all those who are to attain their full LRH library!”
I’m sorry, whoever you are, that you are under such pressure. There is life and freedom out here. We get to go on vacations, take naps, talk to our family, laugh, live, love. You’re welcome to join us.
47,568 one million 900 and eleventy billion people can’t be wrong: The ACC’s will quadruple your speed up the Bridge. And if you increase your IAS status 3x you’ll be an OT VIII in two days, three hours, and 12 seconds. Folks, the numbers don’t lie: The ACC’s are the shiznitz!
All in spite of what Ron said about quickie grades.
Cult Calculus. Arslykan Algebra. Marcab Mathematics.
If 6 was 9…I don’t mind…
Hell, you can get a 95% discount on eBay!
Great resale value there, eh?
Well, that’s still more than they’re worth. They wouldn’t make a good fire the way they’re packaged
Note, too, that the big claims are unsigned.
MY DISCOUNT is 100% , not even thinking of getting the S**t. No interest in it at all.
Everything sold, one bid, for $500. I considered giving away my $30,000 pile of scientology materials, then I realized that the pope of scientology said it was old tech because it had too many semi-colons.
“If you want to be happy, forget yourself. Forget all of it – how you look, how you feel, how your career is going. Just drop the whole subject of you….People dedicated to something other than themselves – helping family and friends, or a political cause, or others less fortunate than they – are the happiest people in the world.”
Michael Crichton
Comment of the day!
Hear, hear!
….”speeds up your bridge progress” or…………….is KEY to keeping you indoctrinated, on board, and toeing the lines.
I was fully in and on staff for decades, so I was swimming in it… but later on, when life circumstances had me less active on the bridge for a few years, things slowly changed. I know that this played an important role in waking up, later. I hadn’t been nearly as active and involved. Public vs staff is huge.
So I can see that it probably does speed people up the bridge, but only because the more fervent you are, the faster it all seems to go.
As staff I got a lot of training but little auditing, as public I went to the top of the bridge, and the more I got auditing and training, the bigger the wins were, and the easier they were to get to. I was a poster child for wins, never forced, just loved it all. (except grinding on sec checks – that was torture)
Somewhere … they really do know that if you don’t keep ’em active and involved… you’ll lose ’em.
0.2% return on a survey is atrocious. Internal surveys usually have a 30-40% response rate.
I received a text message from a girl named Elia (who said she was from Ventura but it was a Los Angeles area code) who asked if I would be willing to take a survey.
Tony Ortega published the survey so I just gave a bunch of Yes or No answers, called her a liar and blocked the number.
On a side note, for those who still receive their mailers and Scientology mail, I have been writing the Aftermath Foundation info on them and mailing the postage paid ones back. They only get charged if they are mailed back. I know it is a meager drop in the bucket, but they have to pay it and they will see Aftermath info and phone numbers.
I love that! ☺
“I know it is a meager drop in the bucket…”
Not when you save them all up until you have about three to six months worth, put in them in a big jiffy bag mailer with the postage paid envelope pasted on the front, adding rocks, dirt, glitter, a couple of dirty socks and maybe an old piece of chicken. Just little presents from my heart.
How can you be so mean? ):
If you have access to a printer, here’s a pdf printout you can use.
Geezes, even I know double nothing is still nothing. So, doubling one’s speed up the Bridge must be just that, ie you get nowhere twice as fast, which, by my reckoning there must be another way of saying this… you get two Bridges for the price of one or up one Bridge in half the time. Or maybe, buy one Bridge and get the second at 50% off? (Scientology, bit like buying shoes that haven’t been made yet isn’t it?)
Well… nothing wrong with my math is there?
But but but if you get up the bridge twice as fast won’t you finally catch that carrot you’ve been chasing?
Oh, NEVERmind.
When it comes to $cientology i’m afraid that it ain’t no carrot you’d be chewin on!!~
I wonder this myself. They seem to apply the carrot on a stick strategy with meat on the street, but they don’t do this internally to try to progress stalled cases. Maybe this is because they are sold out on the idea that anyone who doesn’t want to continue moving up has misunderstood words or withholds, or needs to be asked what their crimes are, or to be given a lower condition.
Rock of Hubbard, cleft for me
Let me hide myself in Thee
Let the money and the mud
Kill the family I once loved
Be of sin and give some more
As Dave proves he’s but a whore
That is really good, Scribe!
What does the damn thing cost anyway? How many trees chopped down for worthless paper? How did they arrive a 42% discount? Why not 40% or 45%? Questions, questions.
You can get probably get a Bible free for the asking anywhere (lots of pages!), just by way of comparison.
The Bible is squirrel tech promoted by the psychs and financed by international bankers who are in cahoots with every major government. Please donate to help make planetary clearing a reality.
Jenny – Letter Registrar in Training
Damn! Thanks so much for clueing me in, Jenny. Okay, I’ll get my credit card out.
I wonder if Scientology considers the Gideons SPs. After all, they are the ones going around putting bibles in hotel rooms. Lol.
The Gideon founders Samuel E. Hill, John H. Nicholson and William J. Knights were declared suppressive in a confidential issue to Flag Missionaries in 1976. The main reason was violation of the policy Free Service, Free Fall. The fact that they’ve distributed over 2,000,000,000 bibles is irrelevant. It’s other practices and should be treated as such.
RTC Policing Authority
Global High Crimes Unit
How much to clear the planet of corrupt, greedy religions that exercise behavior and mind control on their members and separate families? I’d donate to clear the planet of that.
@bix, LOL!
Harvey Dent – lol ?
That was hysterical and a $cientologically spot on answer. Now ….the rest of you….drop and give me 20…..thousand dollars as your amends for squirreling and giving us verbal tech ?
They say they get better gains when they are also reading or listening to Hubbard. Absolutely true. Where do you think he got all those “insights” and “revelations”? From people he had in session!
So all he has to do is spout some seemingly profound platitudes. They will act as suggestions and the subject will regurgitate them as his own!
For those not familiar with the counseling procedure, every process has to be run until the person has some grand realization, feels better and says so. Sounds good, but in practice the person knows the only way out is to at least pretend to have some amazing epiphany. With all the endless bloviating of the master of the art, Hubbard himself, in the back of your mind it is much easier to find something to blurt out that will end the endless procedure.
The situation is much worse for the Survival Rundown. They are trained to keep on doing it for hours, days, long after it has become a terrific form of torture. The processes themselves involve touching walls or guessing the temperature of objects, actions that are designed to make a minute seem like an hour.
After days of this the poor subject just wants it all to end. But to end it, he knows he has to be bright and enthusiastic. Conflicting goals. But in this case it is confirmation bias to the rescue. Have a random thought – latch onto it – decide that it has changed your entire life in unimaginable ways. The whole point of the procedure is to have such a thought, so it must be working! Express it with great joy to your auditor and great God Almighty I’m free at last! Until the next process…
While writing all this up you suddenly realize that it was all in a tape you heard last week. So much the better! Ron knew me better than I know myself! That goes in the success story too, as you can see in the example.
Yea, objectives never did a thing for me except make me want to get out. And yes, you do try to make up or try real hard to realize some kind of win in order to just end it!.
Has anyone here had ANY kind of gains from doing objectives? I’d really like to know.
I sup’d some co-audits in the late 80s and the students seemed to like doing them and reported gains. Into the 90s and finally that expression, “when push comes to shove,” made sense. Scientology’s RTC had thoroughly infiltrated & interfered (video passes, missions etc) in the day to day running of the Org and it all turned to crap. Plus SO recruitment & its intense pressure not only stripped the Org of staff but also targeted the students in the academy, they hated it! Also, the relentless high pressure regging grew to fever pitch and what use to be fun turned to shit and took all genuine smiles along with it. It became a very serious business Scientology. By the mid 90s I fell off their wagon and by 2000 they had critic who turned into an enemy.
Back in the day, I do remember many a student sitting at my desk and pleading with me to stop the vultures harassing not only them but their families as well. I got into a few scraps with some SO assholes about it & my KR collection grew & grew.
Some religion hey? Spiritual freedom my ass!
Personally I don’t remember the objectives, except I do remember I thought the book and bottle was ridiculous. In those days I wasn’t that far removed from handling military hardware and live ordinance – I was already trained to look and act carefully but confidently the first time.
I Yawnalot – Thanks for the write up. It gives me an idea of how things degenerated over time. After I left Scn in 1982 I never followed what was going on in Scn until watching “Going Clear” got me interested. Students asking you for relief from regges is sad. I suppose things went sour gradually over time and people adjusted. Even with the internet exposing Scn, maybe some of the lower level “processes” survive and some people are still getting some “wins” despite all the obstacles which keeps them hanging around, but that’s just one small part of the picture and a guess.
Per your request for feedback on Objectives, I was audited on Objectives in the HCG in my org (not Flag) back in the mid-80’s.
I didn’t experience upset. I did experience the EP, or what was then the EP of Objectives and it was very nice and this EP has stayed with me; I haven’t forgotten it.
Before I left, I was told that EVERYONE had to re-do Objectives because they had been done incorrectly.
Well, they didn’t exactly SAY “incorrectly” or “not standardly”..there was a lot of double-talk coming out of their mouths.
Somehow, the original Objectives HAD been standardly given YET they STILL had to be re-done because none of us had REALLY gotten the EP.
Well, I listened to this bullshit – this was before I began reading the blogs, mind you – I listened and tried to make sense of it and couldn’t, and every instinct in me said I should simply refuse to re-do Objectives!
.So I refused.
I told them that I was QUITE satisfied with the EP I’d gotten when I’d been audited in their HGC and that I had NO desire or need to be audited on this AGAIN, that it would be a complete waste of my time and money, that, possibly OTHERS might need or want to be audited on this again but that I was not one of these PCs and I didn’t need it and didn’t want it and that was that!
I’ll skip over the various reactions to this refusal of mine to redo my Objectives.
I’m not an auditor and I don’t know what Objective auditing is NOW, i.e., how it differs from what it used to be. I know what it was then. It was a positive experience and it helped me. My auditor was very smooth with the meter and she and I were in very good communication during the processes. As I recall I think it was over in 2 intensives – maybe 3? I’m a little blurry on the precise length. I do recall the processes though and that they did not cause me any upsets and the end result was positive in a lasting way..
Many years later, being CS’d to do it again was to my mind, absurd. And wasteful. I didn’t need it. I got really annoyed at the staff for insisting and pressing me on this and it took all my self control to not lose my temper with them (which only would have wasted more of my time in Ethics, lol). They couldn’t make me do it. I told them, “I don’t WANT to. You can’t FORCE auditing on me! If you do, it won’t work!”
I went UTR soon afterwards. I knew something was very, very wrong. I didn’t know what it was, but it was SOMETHING 🙂
Overrun in CA
I had two wins on my 4 th round of TRs and OBJs in 6 years.
It cost me $59,650 for the purify, sec checks and retreads….plus IAS donations of $175,000 for my wins
I now have complete knowingness that….YES…..Birds do fly
Hell yes….Fish do swim !
Thank you, Sir, for the tech!
So theta!
Overrun – When I delivered the objectives in the 1970’s they weren’t a grind and most people could honestly say they got some benefit. Back then dianetic auditing came before the grades. I was an interned dianetic auditor and doing auditor training on the grades when the monthly price increases resumed which caused me to split. This might explain the discrepancy from my recollection to that of other people.
As I recall, at least in introductory auditing, there were four or possibly eight CCH objective processes. A few hours were spent on them and then we moved on. For never-ins, CCH stands for Communication Control Havingness and an example would be “Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. Touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you. . . . repeat”. Out of context it sounds stupid but there is theory behind it, although some people might say it’s programming. Anyhow, I’ve always been highly resistant to being “controlled”. I don’t recall what realizations I might have had when I did the objectives, but no doubt it had an “effect” – haha.
One time I dated a gal who apologetically admitted to me that when she was a kid she made her younger brother call her “Master” and made him do some of her chores. That guy probably had some issues with being controlled.
Richard, that’s how I remember my Objectives auditing. Not a lot of time spent on each CCH. I don’t remember exactly how many of them there were – 5 maybe?
Anyway I don’t understand what the Objectives are today in that people share about the processes they did going on for MONTHS. Such a length of time would necessitate scores of intensives! More processes HAD to have been added. I’m confused. Oh, well.
Aqua – Maybe you and I were on the lower bridge before Miscavige squirreled it for whatever reasons. I think there is now a “Survival Rundown” with MANY objectives and students are required to co-audit on it for endless hours. I haven’t been able to locate a current “Classification and Gradation Chart”.
Thanks, Richard. I can’t – I don’t want to – imagine doing these processes for “endless” hours. These poor people – OMG. I am so glad, so deeply thankful to be out of there.
Maybe the still ins are better off – if they have to get fleeced and scammed – maybe they’re better off NOT being able to afford auditing due to being pressured so much for IAS and Ideal Morgue donations, you know?
Maybe they’re better off being “cheated” of these services. Better off NOT training as auditors,better off NOT GETTING AUDITED if they’re going to be receiving or God help them DELIVERING this – whatever it is – Golden Age of Insanity-Creating Crap. What a mind fuck!
Thank you all for your responses.
I wonder who all is on the list of 47 thousand scinos? Maybe Mike and Leah and friends? LOL
I can think of about 3,000… 😉
They are at least not saying millions. They are only using a multiplier of 10 or 20 or maybe 100 for their survey – if, in fact, they surveyed anyone at all.
I suppose that Scientologists haven’t heard that correlation isn’t causation. OF COURSE those those that would buy this lecture series are going up the bridge faster – those that are unsure about or tired of Scientology aren’t keen to buy this monstrous waste of money.
Ah, but if you want the discount of 42% you have to pay first for the IAS membership if you don’t have it.
One way or another money is what matters most.
I’ve just completed the ACCs and let me tell you, it was the greatest experience on my whole track! My auditing went super smooth as I knew just what to look for in my case. It’s like having Ron right inside your head leading you to vast vistas of truth you’d never realize on your own. Thank you sir! My utmost thanks to COB for making this all possible. We’re really clearing earth!
Jeremy von Braune Nase
Have you seriously lost yourself and your own idenity? Scientology IS the very definition of a cult.David Miscavige is just another Jim Jones and his followers are just another Jonestown blindly following a sociopath!!! RUN RUN RUN away as fast as your feet can carry you!!!!
Satire dude.
Pretty sure that’s irony. Lol. Brown nose. ☺
Note the sig…Jeremy the Brown Nose
Tiny bit of history.
when I worked at the INCOMM (computer room) Int Base as the night time “Data Protection Officer” (person who made tape backups of computer data on the INCOMM Int computer room computers), one of the steps is to do searches on the “SIR Data Bases” to ensure no glitches.
Test searches through the various sub category data bases, is what the Data Protection Officer is supposed to do, to ensure that the latest updating didn’t enter a bunch of glitches into the whole Search system.
SIR used to be the Source Information Retrieval system, that allowed the top execs (this was limited to HGB level management people on upwards to Int Base managers, and also ASI staff had access to the SIR data bases for their jobs also).
when doing this, I’d always just get lost looking up things I wanted to look into. Like the infamous “….and if you see WDC SMI spit on him for me…..” private order/comment from Hubbard to Miscavige.
This was the most cognitive dissonant thing that just brought me up short, and I searched that one up a couple of times, just to really understand it. I thought, back then, this was 1991ish, that Hubbarfd was being figurative, and that this whole violence kick that even in 1991ish was happening (the rumors of Miscavige’s beating up people here and there, even back then, was known and rumored).
I was trying to feel out the norms of why the hell INCOMM top staff were petrified of Miscavige, and worried to not trigger Miscavige into a rage, John Busby in particular used to act totally different whenever Miscavige physically came into John’s presence, and it was worrying to me, I could sense John Busby was being irrationally cautious around Miscavige.
But even in 1991, Miscavige had that reputation of being explosively dangerous to anyone’s career in the Sea Org top ranks.
The atmosphere of the movement, I thought, was to be guided by Hubbard’s words.
The “….and if you see WDC SMI, spit on him for me….” was written in 1982 but it was interpreted literally by Miscavige as license for Miscavige’s explosive irrational violence punching and throttling that he did from the moment Hubbard wrote that despatch/comment all the way into the heavy violence period of the 2000s like when the beatings by Miscavige and then the others who followed Miscavige’s lead, were happening.
To me, that violence still gauls me, and as a member back then, I never interpreted the “spit on him for me” statement by Hubbard literally.
I never crossed into that viciousness mindset, it’s Hubbard’s extreme mindset though, and others in top Int Base history did cross into that vicious mindset.
That mindset, maybe someday some ex member who lived it, crossed over into that mindset, and joined Miscavige’s interpretation of Hubbard’s malevolent intent, will write in detail about that history.
It’s a sick sick aspect that will unfortunately stick with the Scientology movement.
thank you for all of this.
hearing other stories like this is very helpful. It meshes with other other stories and helps fill in back stories.
There is so much stuff we saw and did and wondered about or excused … the longer I look, the more I reflect, I see how frequently I had to “get my mind right”.
At first, it’s only the common things that you recall, when peeling the onion and thinking of all the ways one had to fix your “think”. … LRH death, events with overblown rah rah, GAT and changes…
but actually………..I see………..
staying IN was WORK. It was daily. It’s like…the instances tumble out of the basket like a hoard of rowdy kittens….unending.
It was non-stop, squishing thoughts, passing things off, putting things down to case or upper level stuff, blaming the aberration on the person, never ever ever…the teck or Lrh.
While In, I had no idea how much I was having to do that.
Thanks. Your stories are helpful!
“staying IN was WORK. It was daily.”
You don’t even realize how exhausted you were from attempting to hold on to the slippery surface of “in” until you finally let go and realized that you were working so hard because it just. wasn’t. right.
TY for the Interesting info chuck. ☺
It would seem that the further away from Hubbard and the sea org the better. I got out in 1982 before he ramped up the sea org and tightened the grip. Maybe he decided scn was growing too fast and wanted to slow things down so he could maintain absolute control. Who knows.
I have doubts about study speeding up auditing. The biggest win I had in auditing (and I made it as far as OT7 before I realised there just weren’t any wins to be had at that level) was on Objectives. The reason I had great wins was twofold. Firstly, it was a co-audit on the HQS course and so I wasn’t paying by the hour. Secondly, at that time I had no idea about EPs, wins or anything. I continued running objective processes until they were coming out my ears with no idea as to how it would all end – but in the end I had an amazing ‘coming into present time’ win when colours really did seem brighter and sounds clearer, and a sensation of euphoria. If I’d stopped doing scn then, I’d still be praising it to the gods. Sadly, the cost of scn is almost exponentially contrary to the wins.
I know what you mean about those kind of wins.
I was in the course room studying one time, having trouble with meter drills… and then I got something worked out, the penny dropped and I understood. The room got so bright I was squinting. It got bright, then brighter and brighter, until I actually squinted. I asked the Sup and my twin if the lights just got brighter. They laughed and said no.
I have no explanation for it, and it doesn’t matter to me, I don’t have to have one. It does not mean anything in scn “works” or is true. Not a bit – for me. The mind does weird things, and that’s enough for me now.
It never happened again. $250,000 worth of service, and decades in the course room. all the way through VII. Nope. I also made a basket behind my head from mid-court once. *shrug
Not-so-humble suggestion to dr mac: plead read about hypnosis, if you haven’t already; Ericksonian hypnosis , perhaps. Check out Derren Brown on Youtube. The objectives are non-consensual hypnosis, as are the training and auditing procedures in scientology.
Wow really interesting information. Can’t really understand how people pay this kind of money and take this kind of abuse. There has to be a great great awakening to start this process in the first place every body is looking for something. A feeling or a place to call home or be accepted by people and feel you are doing for the greater good. Outside looking in it all sound super crazy.