The below article was published by Radar Online this morning.
It is of note because it is further evidence that scientology is demonstrating to the world that everything in the movie is true. Their hamfisted footbullets are not going unnoticed as they may have done in the past. But it is especially interesting because of the absolutely astonishing arrogance of the responses. Everything they do is further confirmation of their guilt.
Who in their right mind, when confronted with an email threatening physical violence would not say “We condemn threats of violence and will assist the authorities in any way we can to get to the bottom of this,” or some other mealy-mouthed sort of statement that makes it clear you are NOT in agreement with these sort of tactics? Or even a really wishy-washy “we don’t know anything about this and had nothing to do with it.” Only an arrogant moron would try to defend in the face of this and “attack the attacker.” It just is not the time and place.
But Miscavige went full-on psychopath:
“Your sources are covering up.” (WTF?)
The spokesperson described Rinder and Ortega’s comments as “hate-filled spite.” (Not referring to the email of course….)
“The Church of Scientology has not seen the film, but from what we do know, it is bigoted and filled with bald faced lies from discredited sources.
This is the height of arrogant hypocrisy. Miscavige has so lost touch with the real world that he is trying to put out the firestorm that has been started by Going Clear by hooking up a firehose to an oil refinery and letting it rip. I don’t think the insanity could sink to a lower level, but he is a man of many surprises.
The more the world is seeing the reactions from the church the more they are going to feel the movie is an understatement of the problem with the cult of scientology.
Ex-Scientologists Claim Church Is Harassing Critics In Wake Of Controversial HBO ‘Going Clear’ Film
Scientologists are reportedly going ballistic over the new HBO documentary Going Clear, former members of the religion claim.
According to noted reporter Tony Ortega, “We’ve known about several incidents of in-person harassment that have been occurring in recent days, but we haven’t been in a position to talk about them.”
On his blog, The Underground Bunker, Ortega added: “Often, when people are targeted by Scientology’s private investigator operations, they don’t want to discuss it, which is one of the things the church counts on.”
As has reported, HBO is creating major shock waves in the Scientology community, announcing that they will now debut the documentary Going Clear, which covers the controversial religion, in a prime Sunday night slot on March 29.
According to reports, HBO has been under intense pressure from Scientologists over Alex Gibney‘s documentary, with the church taking out newspaper ads and using other techniques to voice their displeasure over the film’s airing.
Mike Rinder, a former Scientology spokesman who appears in Going Clear, has now come forward, alleging he received a frightening email on March 5.
The email, which Rinder posted online, was supposedly sent after he did press in New York.
In part, the message from an unidentified person blasts that L. Ron Hubbard, the late founder of Scientology, would “cut your f**kin balls off and hang them from a tree” for trying to stop the expansion of the religion.
The message then goes on to warn Rinder that he is “being watched, 24-7.”
When asked multiple times to comment if parishioners of Scientology had harassed ex-members who participated in the filming of Going Clear, a spokesperson for the church side-stepped answering Radar’s specific question and instead insisted: “Your sources are covering up.”
The spokesperson described Rinder and Ortega’s comments as “hate-filled spite.”
A rep for the Church previously told Radar: “The Church of Scientology has not seen the film, but from what we do know, it is bigoted and filled with bald faced lies from discredited sources. The accusations made in the film are entirely false and alleged without ever asking the Church. As we stated in ourNew York Times ad, Alex Gibney’s film is Rolling Stone/UVA redux. Mr. Gibney repeatedly refused to give the Church any of the allegations he intended to air. Contrary to his assertions, he did not ask to interview multiple Church representatives. The Church is committed to free speech. However, free speech is not a free pass to broadcast or publish false information.”
Hi Aquamarine, I love your posts. Thank you. You have helped a fellow spirit more than you know. All POWER to Mike & all you who fight so hard to bring the Truth into the Light. May the next weeks & days prove this. Take care,a forever friend, Ann Watson.
OK DM, its time to come out of that Faraday cage and meet the real world.
It is time to experience some real reverse flow drama.
Wow. Whoever is writing these press responses – do they not see how incongruent and frankly wacko they sound? It’s not even a good argument anymore. It’s like a 2-year old shouting random angry words across a room, hoping for a reaction.
I wonder when the IRS will look into the cult again.
I have an inkling that other Federal agencies are watching this drama play out. How could they not.
Can you imagine what they are thinking?
Scientology over powered the IRS with law suites.
Oh yeah, these guys are here watching.
They are probably thinking:
“it is on a self desctruct mission. Many ex Scios. are taking this church down. Why get involved now. It’s already crumbling.
After a bit of PR devastation and church implosion, we will come in and pick up the pieces.
Oh yeah, they are watching this passion play with GREAT interests.
Brian, first of all, I was talking about stupidity in PR, not the COS’s Nixonian Departments of Dirty Tricks, a.k.a. GO and OSA. Different subject for another discussion.
I know that your game is to find a way to blame LRH for everything negative that any Scientologist does, but there is a such thing as personal responsibility and culpability. In other words, the bible says that it is OK to stone your wife if she commits adultery, but only the insane actually do that. Your shrink might tell you that it is perfectly OK to “get a little on the side”, but if you do so that’s still adultery and your wife will still divorce you.
Over the decades DM has taken foot-bullet technology to a whole new level as he has consolidated his own dictatorial power.
I see your point Espiritu. And I agree. Everyone is responsible for their actions.
Yet I do see a clear line between behavior and Ron’s written word.
Actions come from ideas. Ideas are read in Scientology.
Attack attack is not esoteric B1/OSA info.
It’s Scientology ethics 101. The bad PR is because of the very exoteric and common variety knowledge that every Scientologists learns:attack critics.
Attacking critics is straight up LRH.
I always the indisputable connection. And hope others do as well.
“I always SEE the indisputable connection.
Duh! Footbullet after footbullet. They won’t be able to stop the wave of entheta that is already rolling their way. But all that free advertisement for the movie is a fine thing. COB makes things go right!
Trying to get logic and rationality from a robot is what you experience when attempting to get answers from the cult. It is purely droid speak and I don’t mean to insult any robots either. Some more sophisticated robots would do a better job than the “bots” in place over in scientology land.
I can’t believe it,you can actually feel the end is near,it’s amazing. Could you imagine the anxiety and Absout manic panic that COB must feel,I’m sure many ppl. Are being abused like never before. I’m sure his insanity will be so oppressive it just might crack everything and everyone just leaves or the ones that really are ksw will put him in cuffs call the FBI and tell them to take him along with 109 filing cabinets of his crimes. Amazing how you can feel the end coming like a dark cloud creeping ready to blot out the sun forever.
David Miscavige, in addition to being coo coo you are also a fucking idiot. You have made this film (the one that you don’t want anyone to see) into a BIG EVENT. If you had said “ho hum” and didn’t respond to it much, it would have blown over eventually. But no, you found it necessary to promote it personally. Your spokes holes are passing on your moronic statements such as, “The Church is committed to free speech. However, free speech is not a free pass to broadcast or publish false information.” Uh, yes it is. That IS free speech: People are allowed to disagree about what is true.
Mike Rinder is so accurate when he says that you have now put your foot-bullets into a machine gun and are holding down the trigger. It’s true. And when you come out of shock it will really hurt. At least I hope so, because that is the only way that someone like you will get any inkling of the pain that you have been dispensing to others. You have just taped a big sign on your own back that says, “KICK ME”. …..Well, OK!
Espiritu, this is not David Miscavige’s approach to criticism. This is avsacred, holy Scientology sacrament: destruction of critics
This is L Ron Hubbard ethics 101.
This is what Hubbard did to Paulette Cooper. She got it worse. At least Marty and Mike can forward an email or video online to see the insanity directly.
These folks in the past had “willing L Ron Hubbard hounds” destroying their life and was impossible to record the event for others to see.
The “church” of Scientology is committed to free speech like ISIS is committed to religious freedom of choice. About half of LRH’s list of crimes and high crimes have to do with making a person guilty of suppressive acts because of what they communicate. One of his last policies was about how a person has to disconnect (sever communication) with a declared “sp” or he becomes an SP himself just by the act of communicating. Yeah … free speech … do ANY of these people actually GET word clearing?
Great point on the communication reference.
This Radar piece is stunning. Radar is #802 on Alexa – which means there are only 801 sites in the US that get more traffic. Just the small blurb stating what the email said is representative of what a Scientologist (Miscavage Scientologist) says, what one thinks, what one thinks is OK to communicate within an email.
The viciousness, the hate – it’s not anything that any religion would want representing them or their faith.
This is devastating for the current C of S.
I hope it continues.
The little man cannot be disappeared soon enough for me. Look what he’s done to my church.
I am enjoying this take down. It’s like watching a movie and you can’t wait till the good guys win.
Thanks to all those who have gone before and taken more heat then those today:
The Mission holders of the great Mission destruction
And countless nameless souls and families who have been damaged by “man’s best friend”, “only hope”.
The more they fight, the deeper the hole they dig.
Attack attack use to work. Now it is a public revelation of their depravity.
Soon they’ll be fighting their own shadows.
Next to the door to Jane Kember’s Office was a sign that read
“To Attack is the only Defense”
On the next wall was a picture of Mary Sue Hubbard
Both went to Prison.
Michael, they have always been fighting shadows: L R H’s shadows projected onto society.
Jose, what amazes me is we are watching the depraved GO/OSA people destroying machine in real time as its happening.
In the past people were harmed and we had no Internet nor phones that are video cameras to be alarmed with. Only people’s stories. And the stories were so far fetched that it was easy to discount.
Dare I say Paulette Cooper.
It just ticks me off when folks only complain about what is happening now. This diabolical evil black ops garbage has been happening since the begining.
If you are being followed, if your phone is bugged, If they know your credit card expense habits………….. you can thank Ron for creating the structure, discipline and philosophy of violence.
I wonder if folks who did this to people and are now having it done to them ever get pissed at Ron.
Some people were kids born into Scientology and became OSA. Christ almighty what a fucked up abusive environment to put a child in.
Simply horrendous!!
The basic problem as I see it is letting someone else do your thinking for you. Deifying another is really self-invalidation. You become a tool of that which you consider your superior. That’s probably why DM loves The Responsibility of Leaders reference – “Don’t ever feel weaker because you work for someone stronger” I’m paraphrasing here, but it’s close. You then get these “dedicated Scientologists” looking like mindless robots.
I was not in B 1 which was the wellspring of crime.
All Criminals want to be caught, LRH said that so go figure
eventually things leak out ,even the best kept secrets.
I hope one day Jose, that old school B1 guys get together and spill the beans.
There is another documentary or feature film in that one.
I almost joined Jose. I was sitting in Heber’s office filling out the papers. I decided to stick to being an artist.
Thank you Jesus!!
Old GO and OSA folks think about telling your story.
You were a victim and perp of a great spiritual deception.
You can help others with your story. You can. I wonder if these guys have been approached for recruitment in the Sea Org.
KSW (Keeping Scientology Working) is so 1960’s. The Internet Age now brings us KSL (Keeping Scientology Lurking).
I think that a few years ago the vast majority of the country was oblivious to scientology and its antics. No one really cared unless it involved Travolta or Cruise.
By attempting to censor the internet; crassly maligning defectors and whistleblowers; viciously attacking well-liked producers and directors; continuously lying to the press; attacking rather than apologizing for his violence and abuse and all his other foot bullets, miscavige has almost singlehandedly amassed an army of very angry press and public against both himself and the cult he rules over.
Two years ago, no one cared. Now, millions are out to get him.
Oh dear. What’s a sociopathic, narcississtic, vicious little cult leader to do when no one is listening to him…only glaring at him?
Perhaps we need to send him a copy of ‘The Way to Happiness’?
Just a thought…
Yawn, I think we should dress up in our VM Tshirts, stand at the gate at Int Base and hand out a box of WTH. That should calm things down.
Does anyone know when or if this is playing on TV in the UK?
Im very excited and waiting impatiently to see this film. Im only a little ways through the book, but already am enthralled
This article states the assertions were ludicrous and insulting to Miscavige.
As noted by Mike, the media ain’t going to stop.
OMG, the Scientology video in that article is creepy as all hell. It’s so bad it’s funny. It’s a propaganda film trying to position Going Clear as a propaganda film!
I wonder when was the last time Tom Cruise saw his daughter Suri.
That is correct Mike, DM has no perspective of the outside world and still believes that his language full of spite, hate, threats, and foul terms will make the media to side with the church. He has been so used to this working inside that expects the same with the outside common, small being inhabiting this planet.
The onslaught has started and the media is not backing down, to the contrary, now it is publishing what comes up in various media/blogs and, the more the ranting from the church, the worse is getting for them. There is no way to control it anymore. The demise is looming and it will happen sooner or later.
Just a sily quedtion from a non member, was not “The Collective” the Borg? Just saying.
Got the Mental Image Picture of David Miscavige running around with his inhaler trying to save the whales.
“The Church is committed to free speech. However, free speech is not a free pass to broadcast or publish false information.” Then why didn’t Davey agree to be interviewed, and rebut these charges? Or show us where Shellly is? Or show us a booming org?
… or write any of the balderdash against the church’s parishioners who spoke out against Him as well as all the utter BS written in the Freedom Mag against whistle blowers. Talk about “broadcast or publish false information.”
The nightmare has begun.
An expose of you and Ron hitting the theaters on March 13th. And you got caught flatfooted, behind the curve, preparing to address the sheeple on the 14th.
BTW, your unique blend of criminality and crimes against humanity qualify you to join the ranks of ‘billionaires’ going to prison. Have Lou google the most recent member of your exclusive culb: Robert Durst.
Have a TWTH kind of weekend in Florida.
and HBO is just the first salvo in a multiple salvo set. the BBC doc is next in line with more behind that.
David Miscavige’s own criminality is driving him insane.
He fears the “Perp Walk” because he knows it is coming.
He should have never fucked with the good-hearted people who were attracted to Scientology.
Tick Tock, David Miscavige.
Justice is coming for you, and it will not have happened to a more deserving guy.
I love the visual, Alanzo and I wish it would be true, but do you really believe that with all the True Believers David Miscavige would be allowed to go to jail? I think there are too many that would take the fall for Him – and lie under oath to do it. It’s “the greater good.”
I am sure there will be a few McCarran, but you’d be surprised how fast people flip when their other option is jail time. In his mind, Miscavige believes he’s bigger/better than Hubbard. When the shit hits the fan he’s going to find that there are precious few who view him that same way.
Enjoy your cell Tiny Terror. I hope they give you the smallest one they have.
I doubt that David Miscavige will do jail time because he’s just too rich, but if things get way too hot or dangerous for Mismanage I can visualise him, at an event put on specifically for this purpose, being immortalized as a kind of Scientology Prince Valient.
At this event he will make a grand announcement that all the Sheeples’ hard work on Ideal Orgs has not been in vain, because he will now be routing off his RTC post to compile the upper OT Levels that LRH left for them – work that only he can do, but impossible to complete while at the same time dealing with the huge volume of SPness he has for decades successfully endured on this planet.
Oh, it will be a grand event, and the dwindled down, remaining Sheeple will buy it hook, line and sinker and cry that he is leaving, and weep for joy that OT 9 and above are going to be released. They’ll adore him, shower him with love and admiration and gratitude for all the ways he has brilliantly, tirelessly, selflessly served them while at the same time doing constant battle with the SPs to ensure that LRH’s priceless tech stays safe and pure for all eternity. At the end he’ll get a standing ovation longer than the one given LRH in ’86.
I’d love to be wrong, love to see him do the perp walk, but I don’t see it, this is my picture.
Where is Tommy Davis when you need him?
I agree with you again Aquamarine. This is my predict as well.
What would Miscavige go to jail for? The only thing I can think of – remember, this is a state sanctioned religion we’re talking about – is DIRECT involvement in financial fraud, a la the Jim Bakker case. But that won’t happen unless there is DIRECT evidence, such as a video, or an audio recording, or a document verifiable as coming from Miscavige that he KNEW he was taking money from people under false pretenses (Bakker solicited money on his TV show for time shares at his religious retreat that did not exist). And there would have to be a will on the part of a DA or state’s attorney to even start an investigation, much less try for an indictment. Within the current political scene and priorities, we all have a better chance of being struck by lightning than this happening. Scientology is a non issue in the United States. It is on a par with Bruce Jenner becoming a woman (not that we don;t all find that fashinating). It is tabloid fodder. Long time Scientologists have been giving money and allegiance to the CoS for decades. No one’s going on trial for crimes that these people have been willing victims for for their entire adult lives.
The essential problem with Scientology is and never HAS been “DM.” The problem is why allegedly aware and enlightened and “self determined” beings all jump like trained monkeys when they are given an order by him or anyone else in the “church” and why they go through life sleep walking as beings.
You’re so right, Joe P, because as they unthinkingly obey David Miscavige, so will they do with someone else. The unthinking, robotic and blind obedience to him and other superiors is the Situation.
Felony assault is also a crime but he won’t go down for that also. I agree with you Joe.
Miscavige can go to jail for the IAS fraud in that he has been collecting this money, not for the stated purpose of expasion and helping mankind, but rather to make up for the huge shortfall in income from auditing and training. In 2015, IAS funds might be funding 90% of the organisation’s running costs worldwide. This is a fraud worth billions. But somebody needs to make a criminal complaint otherwise, like the Garcia case, the litigation will be stretched out for many years and through it, DM will escape accountability. The most likely way forward is for an ex-high-rolling ex-big IAS-donor, who is now bankrupt, to demand their contributions back using the threat of a criminal complaint is it is not forthcoming. The first few lucky ones will get all their money back on this basis. But when the funds have dried up and these demands for refunds cannot be met, it can be moved into the criminal phase.
Good post Joe.
I understand your point, Joe.
But the Tiny Tyrant is increasingly becoming a target in civil suits. I have to believe that law enforcement is watching and waiting for ANYTHING that they can use against him to put him behind bars.
All eyes are on David Miscavige right now, and he knows exactly what they will see.
I think a Perp Walk is very possible.
My question is whether Anderson Cooper can be there to pepper him with questions as they lower his head into the patrol car.
That would be fabulous.
We need a follow-up video Mike: Shit Scientologists say…to the media.
Hope you feel better soon!
Just show the world scientologists being scientologists.
Guys, it’s not us – it’s you!
That e-mail was one swing short of a rock slam. Get the FN out of there!
Yo Dave,
You know what to do good buddy ………… pull that little inhaler thingy out of your pants and suck on it. And you had better see that your supplies are stocked up ………….. you are going to need them in a really big way after Friday the 13th.
Hammer ……. meet forehead!
Keep it up Dave. People who normally wouldn’t have given $cientology, or the movement against it, a second glance are now clamoring to see this film. It’s like you’re doing our job for us.
And for Xenus sake, we haven’t even begun to cover all the court cases ahead this year. Feeling the ground starting to slide underneath you yet? 🙂
It is such a stupid knee jerk response and shows David
Miscavige as very idiotic (I don’t care if he’s considered
to have a high intelligence or this reaction is just a show
for the bubble dwellers). It is so lacking the most obvious
concern and compassion that anyone in his right mind
would feel. But then again, when I was in that was kind
of what I expected.
Mike thanks for keeping the world informed. And get
better fast!
I bet your following has doubled since the movie
premiered and it will swell even more after 13 March.
Miscavige may very well be intelligent – in fact Mike has pointed that out to me one or two times when I called Miscavige stupid. I think Mike is right, as he certainly knows the Captain better than I do (although I imagine Mike would rather he didn’t).
Ol’ Slappy may be quite intelligent, but He is one ignorant motherfucker. He just doesn’t give a shit about others or the world outside of His bubble. He has no clue how His idiotic pronouncements (usually over the name of Karen Pouw) or His treatment of those who have left the cult are perceived by the wider society.
His intelligence manifests itself not as consideration, deliberation, or wisdom, but as lupine cunning more appropriate to a sharp conman than the “leader of a worldwide religion” He so fancies Himself to be.
DM’s thinking of redoing the Data Series and calling it the Davey Series.
But on a more pressing note, he should arrange for the Squirrel Busters™ to picket The ArcLight in Hollywood this Friday while the Jive Aces® entertain the crowd.
He’s intelligent, but his ignorance of the world outside of the “church” will be his downfall.
“Your sources are covering up.”
Are they nutso, cuckoo or bonkers? That’s the question. It’s always about Hidden Crimes with these people, who are all programmed to “duplicate” LRH. One of the effects is that they share Hubbard’s lack of awareness of how the world works. This charge of Hidden Crimes (“covering up”) is completely, utterly meaningless to anyone outside of Scientology. It’s gibberish in the outside world.
They would really be better off going to complete radio silence. Not a single utterance of any kind to the press. That’s the best option. They are constitutionally incapable of making sense. It won’t matter in terms of recruiting new membership, because that path is blocked anyway. But then thankfully, we will have our caek and eat it too.
There’s a very big difference between carping criticism and spotting outpoints. If there were no difference, then one could just kiss goodby the Esto Series and the Data Series…oh, wait…
For those OSA Int staff that read and compile reports on what is contained in this blog: come on, at least some of you must be cringing inside at what is going on in the Church, the way Miscavige makes you respond to the public disgust with what goes on in the Church, the lies and BS you have to spin, and cruelty with which you have to act. Miscavige is the greatest violator of LRH references ever seen, and at least some of you must have enough perception and understanding to understand that to be true. And you are literally killing yourselves slowly with the stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, lack of exercise to defend his squirrelling. Literally. He has pinned you to him by compelling you to commit virtually continuous overts against people, especially your own members, by perpetrating Miscaviges reign or terror and squirreling. Some of you must know this….
“cretinized attorneys”
I love it.
vampire henchmen of the fire breathing hydra.
A truly knowledgeable reporter would have retorted: Captain Miscavige, now that we have established that my source is covering up, let’s talk about what your “Source” is covering up!
As usual, the “church” is a delicious source of irony. I will miss them when they’re gone!
I love the abject insanity of these violently insane Scientology criminals. THIS is the mind of the typical shitting crook, they are incapable of achieving even the level of a Sarah Palin.
Sarah Palin is on a much higher level than David Miscavige and his merry band of criminals. I don’t even know why you feel the need to bring her up in this blog. There are plenty of other blogs where you can belittle her all you want.
Thanks Potpie, for your response, unfortunately a fool (VM) can display his or her own ignorance for all to see.
I love really love the cult stupidity. Its insane leader can’t do anything but attack, attack, attack, as its mind maker Hubbard did. That’s the problem.
He can’t either think “I’ll lose”, as its insane guru thought.
It’s something that’s not even allowed to scientologists, since their god said that was the truth, and no errors are allowed, or, like Mike, you’ll get punched by the scientology “pope”,
My wife and me and friends had a “good” scientology org. But the insane guru who had been sentenced to 4 years unsuspended prison thought he should attack France.
And cretinized attorneys of the cult attacked me for nothing… but getting more hard blows from me and my friends. This is the very core of the hate of scientology for humanity and for humain having their OWN thought, even when slighlty different from the original “techs” of the guru.
So, whatever the cult could do now, it’s lost forever. Nobody could have tkhe least chance to make it running without this hard won reputation of a fraud, a wwide one.
“The Church is committed to free speech. ….”
This is rich – coming from David Miscavige.
Consider this – ANY and ALL parishioners from the church are only allowed to Not only does what you read dictated to you by David Miscavige, if you do have a grievance, it is hardwired into the “tech” that your only terminals are your CS, Auditor or MAA, who are all in the pocket of David Miscavige.
You get upset if its called a CULT?
Sorry. bad editing above should read:
“ANY and ALL parishioners from the church are only allowed to not only read what is dictated to you by David Miscavige, but if you have a grievance, it is hardwired into the “tech” that your only terminals are your CS, Auditor or MAA, who are all in the pocket of David Miscavige.
My first experience with David Miscavige was in 1986 when I wrote him a letter saying why it wasn’t okay to cancel family time. I explained in great detail why parents needed to spend some time with their children every day and I pointed out various policy that the order violated.
Miscavige had also put into effect that no Sea Org members were allowed to have children and if they did, there would be dire consequences. This resulted in massive abortions being ordered by executives in the Church of Scientology.
Shortly after my letter to David Miscavige I was ordered to the HGB building where a very nasty executive screamed at me saying that if I didn’t like it I could leave and that parents are no longer going to be given time to be spent with their children because it was just too much time and expense being wasted. I remember feeling pretty helpless at that point but all of the screaming and invalidation did not cause me to change my viewpoint. I did then leave the Sea Org routing out properly and have had the pleasure to spend time with my children. I am so thankful to be out of the cult and no longer affected by those running the organization.
And around that same time, the LRH Comm International at that time, Cheryl Benson, was RPFed for bringing up to Miscavige that there were specific LRH references/advices for the SO that DID establish family time for SO members that had children in the SO with them.
Would this be the same Cheryl Benson married to Tony Benson.
Perhaps what is missing in the “implementation” or “interpretation” of the philosophy is that your Dynamics are YOUR Dynamics, not somebody else’s.
I’m so proud to hear stories of people like you who don’t change their mind and get out. It fascinates me how some of us hang on longer than others. I have several friends who got out years and years ago; I love hearing their stories of success and liberations without too much endured brutality.
What an important decision for your life and for the lives of your children. The ripple effect is now being felt out here with us. Thank you. ! BTW – I love your Avatar.
Retake. Perhaps, as you have realized, there is widespread misinterpretation of the philosophy. One’s Dynamics are one’s own Dynamics, and not the property of somebody else.
Many are call, few are frozen.
Isn’t it many are frozen, few are thawed?
Many are pollo, few are flawed.
More to the point: Many are called more are blowing.
Wow Dean – that says it all really! Unfortunately you had to experience it personally, my condolences man. That organisation treats children and their parents in the most vile manner imaginable, unfortunately I’ve seen it first hand many, many times. It is true Scientology opposes children within their ranks and punishes parents for having them. Let’s say it did work… they have been at it long enough now to prove it benefits mankind – it does not, never has and never will, the only benefit is that it makes more money for miscasvige. That’s the saddest human indictment and crime there is – to deny a child’s time with their parents and visa versa.
It also breaks the heart that that cannot be translated across to the justice makers and powers that be sufficiently urgently enough that actually gets them motivated do something about the basic human rights abuses within the Church of Scientology. Those children need a voice – and it’s you Mr FBI, State legislator, or whatever you call yourselves.
Forced abortions on teenagers, denied access by parents to the children, children used as a labour force working 12 plus hours a day, family education and unity denied. Do we need to look further to shut that group down, pending a full criminal investigation? Enforcing another human to accept it’s a crime to fall in love and have children… try thinking with that next time you sit down to have dinner with your family and realise it’s happening on your watch.
Oh… that’s right Scientology calls itself a religion – that’s makes it OK then.
It religiously opposes anyone with a modicum of common sense and decency who voices an opinion that counters the fixed ideas of the intellectually disenfranchised.
The best part (And I konw Michael Mallen goin’ love this) is that Ron said something about how governments and organizations that attack the family unit will quickly disappear. but Ron does seems to love to try to prove himself above his own advice. Like it’s only meant for you the little guy until he tells you to do the opposite because it would benefit Ron… We can only pray he was right when he said attacking the family unit was suicide!!!
The abortion mandate in SO has always baffled me.
First, DMSMH (for what it was worth) highlighted attempted abortions as an engram. And a successful abortion, per Scientology, would still be an engram that a thetan would carry to the next life.
Second, most religions grow through procreating — have kids that you can then indoctrinate into your belief system. I wish that form of “rearing” which so often amounts to arguable child abuse were not there, but it is. If DM wanted the church to grow, one way would have been to demand more kids, not abortions! If he did just that — nothing more — the church would grow over time without even having to recruit many or any new members.
FOT, agreed on all you’ve said, but this argument is predicated on the assumption that David Miscavige has always wanted the Church of Scientology to grow.
The church’s hypocrisy knows no bounds. They say free speech is not a “free pass to broadcast or publish false information” and yet they have all sorts of false information included in their advertisements, their website and Freedom magazine. What a truly astounding bunch of liars.
Truly. It’s mind boggling the power of the mind that gets wrapped up in this cult-like think.
Here’s a thought regarding the Church’s claim that the movie has lies. With such a history of litigation where is the libel suit? You can be sure if there was even one little stretching of the truth in the film there would be an injunction naming each theater as an accessory. In the absence of such a suit the lie claims are hollow.
you’re absolutely right. they would pounce on the slightest crack.
That not only indicates that it’s all true but that it’s been scrutinized to death for anything false.
It’s has to be a totally vetted truthful account.
You know TC and others had to have had the “why don’t we sue?” reaction at some point.
Since when does David Miscavige need someone to lie in order to sue? But Damn! All those lawsuits are draining and all those incompetent lawyers who can’t settle these things and the SP judges ruling against Him.
David Miscavige is probably sucking on his inhaler 24/7 and He REALLY wants to hit someone. But He can’t do that anymore because those CSMFer escape and whistle blow on the Anderson Cooper show. Oh! The pressure! (I can hear the hyperventilating now.)
He should hire Duggan to find a miracle cure for asthmatic paranoid narcissistic megalomaniacs.
You know, McCarran, you’re being very funny but he may not only want to hit someone but actually need to hit someone. Sounds to me like he’s been habitually dramatizing his case with impunity for an awfully long time, and if ,out of fear of disclosure he must now restrain himself, or if his lawyers have advised him to cool it with the punches and slaps this could have serious health consequences for him. Not that I care, mind you – just saying
I agree with you Aquamarine.
Exactly. Per the “Data Series” that is the big, fat “outpoint”. OMITTED DATUM!!
Why the kool-aid people won’t mention this, even to themselves, is very telling.
Absolutely right. If this is “defamation of character” then why isn’t the Co$ suing? Why don’t they actually go SEE the film and talk about SPECIFIC inaccuracies? OMG…this is getting to be so wonderful. You guys out here are all so SMART.
There were no lies in The Scandal of Scientology or the 1991 Time magazine article to name just two but they were sued like crazy. I think the problem is that Miscavige has tied himself too closely and too publicly to the Church and any suit would inevitably drag him into it. Unlike Hubbard, Miscavige has left no layers between himself and the Church so he cannot risk his own neck by flinging lawsuits around like in the “good old days”.
a good point flyonthewall. a lawsuit might cut too too close to home this time.
he’s just gonna have to take his medicine and like it.
I think Alex Gibney has analyzed it correctly. If Scientology sues this time there are tons of witnesses muffled by nondisclosure agreements that can be brought into deposition during discovery that would love to tell the story. All those agreements fly out of the window if those people make their statements in a court of law. Any Lawsuit against “Going Clear” is suicide for the Cherch. All it will do is prove that the docu is right in all aspects.
So with their power card,- outspending others and harassing with lawsuits -, disabled, all they have is the area of their greatest expertise: PR 😉 (I know it I am fully hatted PRO)
And we all know how well they do in that area.
They are basically caught in quicksand, the more they wiggle the faster they go down.
Looks like Dave could use a sec check.
And he does NOT want to be deposed.
They can’t help reacting as if they are talking to other scientologists. They can’t adjust to the fact that the outside world doesn’t adhere to their brand of logic.
You can see what a narrow tunnel their collective mind operates in.
I get that sense too – that David Miscavige is running around with his inhaler trying to figure out how to keep the remaining whales in his pocket and the remaining sheeple in line. Got to insure that applause(es) at the next event.
Or perhaps he’s packing.
Before watching the screening last night I only had my memories to serve to remind me what it was like there. At the events, inside the orgs. Doing those endless Gold shoots and smiling constantly even though I felt like I was going to die mostly from pain and fatigue. Watching all that unfold and watching all the stories that were told brought so much more back. Things I didn’t want to think about. One of which being the crazy. The tyranny that all of us experienced. Every senior, every CO would do their best to emulate COB down to the face rippings and physical abuse. It is not a shock to me that he has gone full blown bananas. He is now “IMPINGING”!
I am very jealous that you got to see Going Clear already BBJ. Sounds cathartic for you. I hope so.
BBJane — your story needs to be told. I’m so glad you are sharing out here. What you said about “…smiling constantly even though I felt like I was going to die mostly from pain and fatigue..” So important to share your emotional journey with all of this. It reminds me of how moving Andy Porter’s story was told…not a “Doubt Formula”…but a real-live experience by another human being looking for Truth and longing to help their fellow travelers in this lifetime. Please keep SHARING. !
BBJane, I enjoy your posts. I read your review of GC also managed to make me feel as if I were sitting next to you there. Thanks for sharing your truths and experiences with such honesty and vitality.
Right, all they have to do to rebut Going Clear is show what Scientology is really like. Show us an active org, or Shelly’s typical day, or Miscavige working 100 hours a week…