The relationship between the Nation of Islam and scientology is becoming stranger and stranger.
Whether anyone likes it or not, scientology membership is disproportionately white. Massively so. And Louis Farrakhan is militantly anti-white.
So, what the hell are they doing in bed with one another?
Miscavige made a big show of announcing a Harlem “ideal org” more than 10 years ago that is yet to open. No big priority there — in that same time he has wrapped up and yanked the ribbon on “ideal orgs” in Cambridge, Ontario, Malmo Sweden and Basel Switzerland. So, clearly, the “reach” into African American society was just a PR show for the benefit of Isaac Hayes at the time. He did get the IAS to fund an ideal org in Inglewood in LA. That org I have commented upon quite regularly, as though it was supposed to be an outpost for the local community in South Central LA, it seems to be populated almost exclusively with imported white people from other orgs like Linda Lombardo.
Well, now they are apparently trying to attract some segment of the local population by having the West Coast leader of the Nation of Islam come and preach about his conviction that the religion of scientology is really the way to make it to heaven. I guess this is more likely to draw some bodies in the shop than an upper middle class white woman talking about the priced out of reach OT levels. But I wonder if anyone has explained to Tony Muhammad and the other NOI people who have become involved with scientology that this is NOT really the “modern science of mental health” but is in fact the most religious religion there is (read their court filings…) Does he understand that scientology believes they have the ONLY path, and that everyone else’s beliefs are rubbish (of course the PR statements are otherwise, but that is all they are — PR)?
I could not help but be struck by the news from the recent sermon delivered by the head of the NOI, Louis Farrakhan in Miami last week.
This is quoted from the Final Call, the official newspaper of the NOI, founded by Louis Farrakhan:
Later in his message, the Minister called for 10,000 fearless men willing to make the ultimate sacrifice rather than live under tyranny. There comes a time in the life of every people who yearn for freedom where death is sweeter than to continue life under oppression, he said. Blacks must protect their lives if the federal government refuses to intervene when Black lives are unjustly and the principle of a life of a life is laid out in scripture, the Minister explained. “Death is sweeter than to continue to live and bury our children while White folks give the killers hamburgers. Death is sweeter than watching us slaughter each other to the joy of a 400-year-old enemy. Death is sweeter. The Qur’an teaches persecution is worse than slaughter then it says, retaliation is prescribed in matters of the slain. Retaliation is a prescription from God to calm the breasts of those whose children have been slain. If the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us, stalk them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling,” said Min. Farrakhan. The crowd rose to its feet and gave another standing ovation.
Where is this marriage going to end?
This couple (scientology and NOI) are not being honest with one another. It would appear that each believes the other has something they can offer them. Yet it also appears each is telling the other what good intentions they have for their relationship while not disclosing the real truth.
This is like watching a serial wife abuser getting together with an avowed black widow gold digger. Everything is lovey dovey at the outset, but who knows which side is going to prevail in screwing over the other? The only thing that is a certainty is that it’s going to be a train wreck. They are heading in completely opposite directions — but head-on toward each other.
Some might say they gold-digger deserves the wife abuser and vice-versa. And it might make an entertaining movie. The problem here is that people are going to suffer in real life.
PS: After I had written this, someone sent me this new promotional piece for Inglewood Org. Couldn’t have come at a more appropriate moment.
Hi Mike , I’m a huge fan of aftermath, on A&E. After watching the series. As well as the recent bond between Scientology and Islam. I can’t help but feel that I am being targeted for being gay and Muslim . I live in a small Los Angeles suburb called “Bell” the problem is I can’t prove anything atm. I don’t know where to start or begin, I feel that Scientology is involved or maybe with my community of homophobics. Can you help in any way or assist in guiding me, so that I can figure who, what is behind what is happening.
Thank You
“David Miscavige clearing the bank, one wallet at a time.”
MM, this is brillant,
Mike – Clearly, Miscavige is tapping into NOI for the rapping talent. Doug E. Fresh is getting old and the IAS needs to make a hip new video with a lot of “urban” looking Scientologists. They just give Scientology the cool factor that they don’t have. That said, it’s only a matter time before NOI learns LRH was a racist and believes all the Western religions are just a figment of one’s imagination.
Still on your side, yes the FBI is monitoring the NOI closely. A friend of mine is an FBI field agent. Unfortunately he said that under Obama they have been reigned in from making any major arrests of its leadership even after the open terror threats. So, looks like Davie is sheltering under that umbrella…
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has classified the NOI as a hate group for years, and its marriage to Miscavige has not gone unnoticed: In a June 2015, article about the Dylann Roof rascist massacre, Aljazeera, relying on the SPLC, identified the NOI has one of the hate groups operating in South Carolina: The FBI considers the Southern Poverty Law Center to be one of its outreach partners:
Accordingly, I don’t think its a stretch to say that the FBI has the NOI under close watch, especially after Farrakhan’s July 2015, call to arms. Accordingly, I think Farrakhan’s mate, Miscavige, is in very hot water, and it is only a matter of time before the alliance blows up.
We still don’t have an answer to why the C of S and the N.O.I. have joined forces, all we can really do is speculate on the reasons, unless someone “in the know” can tell us why.
My guess is, for Scn, money above all else, and secondarily, as someone else noted above, for bodies to show up at events, to appear as though the cult is growing.
For NOI, they are very militant, and I think they want to learn tactics to control and beat their “enemies” (basically, anyone who isn’t them). The NOI will never truly “join” the C of S, as they don’t believe in race-mixing, even for casual social gatherings, if you notice in prior posted photos at TonyOrtega’s blog and elsewhere, NOI members come as a group, and ONLY interact with each other, never with a white partner, and the women stay segregated from the men, only same-gender people pair up (women are subservient in the NOI, much like females in the FLDS) My guess for the motives of the NOI is, they are probably just after knowledge of the “tech”. However, this is purely speculation. I don’t know why they are associating… who does? Would love to hear from you.
They’re about to merge into Scnoi. Look for it in the New GAT 3 release.
Michael, would you pronounce it Sk-noi (no oi). Either way, I can’t wait for GAG 3 to come out! I believe it entails every single public, staff and SO to word clear every word of DMSMH three times over while sitting in the sauna for 6 hours at a time.
SKIN for those in the now. The new GAG3 will start with M9ing KSW#1. Any stumble or hesitation will get you a sec check until you come clean. When you’re threw you’ll be properly skinned.
T.J., I share the same speculation about why the cults of the NOI and CoS are apparently ‘aligning’. You said it perfectly here. I think the NOI look to the tech as a form of empowerment and likely share similar aspirations of worldwide influence ( or dominance) in the same way that Scientology does. The CoS, which means David Miscavige, sees the NOI as bodies in the shop, statistics, and uses the NOI as propaganda that Scientology is growing and expanding because it’s tech is being used by religious groups and therefore is respected and legitimized.
I would like to add that Miscavige is arrogant and probably believes that he is saving these poor souls from their aberrated view of the world by doing Scientology courses and training.
Scientology is grown up since the fiftees .. promoted a lot of freedom .. still doing it in present time .. if NOI people will come in for service .. more logical seems that they should do that per advice .. it is a decision of a group not of an individual meaning ..
Scientology has his own meaning of freedom .. NOI has another .. the meaning of Hitler about freedom was a desaster .. well known today .. there are still people around which love Hitler’s ideas .. so they share a bad vision of freedom .. all of them want freedom for themselves .. which is not the best idea .. freedom can become a dramatization ..
Someone asked the question about NOIs getting regged. When I was in I asked that question and was told that there is “an agreement” NOT to reg NOI members “heavily” for their Bridge, and for the IAS and/or Ideal Orgs, to not reg them AT ALL. I don’t know if this is true or not. It was a public, not a staff or SO, who told me this. Now, as to refunds to NOIs, I don’t know, and would love to.
“So, what the hell are they doing in bed with one another?” Probably not what normal folks do in bed together 🙂
Attraction of opposites may be a cliche, but it’s like the perverse attraction that sometimes occurs between the super-rich and leftwing extremists, or between religious ascetics and libertines. At the level of matter, it’s like positive and negative electrical charges sticking together to give atoms and molecules their structure. LRH discussses this in one of the Philadelphia Doctorate lectures.
Here’s my picture:
After winning the IAS Freedom of Honor Medal, Farrakhan is standing alone in front of a mirror, medal around his neck, with one hand raised high above his head.
“OK, this is LRH”.
He lowers his hand about 4 inches.
“Here is Miscavige”.
Lowers the hand to about a 1/2 inch over his the top of his head.
“And THIS is Cruise – FOR NOW”.
Lowers hand to level of top of his own head, scowls fiercely.
“And FOR NOW – until I bump that CandyAss-Don’t-Ask-Me-About-Scientology Cruise – there is me”.
If nothing else, I am REALLY looking forward to finding out what will happen if the NOI should ever find themselves in the position of having to demand refunds. That should turn out to be rather entertaining and eventful!
Just follow the money channel and it will end up where it always does, DM’s pocket.
The anti-semitism, extremism, all the outre part of the NOI, is just icing on the cake for our Wavy Davy.
Are things gearing up for Big Being #4?Maybe Farrakhan will be the next FreeToBeDumb Medal Winner who could be being groomed even for 3rd place. Watch your back, TC. You might be getting bumped. Now that you’ve been ordered to clam up about all things Scientology, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan may be bringing more people into the cult than you are. Look, TC, we know that Miscavige loves you but after 25 years you must know that the cults chief operating datum is “What Have You Done For Me Lately?”.
This Co$/NoI alliance will have the same result as using the Hell’s Angels as security at Altamont (youngsters look it up…..though I was just a baby when it happened, I like to think of myself as there in spirit!).
This analogy does NOT have COB in the role of Mick Jagger!
Buy one cult get one free.
That’s funny!
NOI en masse abandoning Muhammad as an implant, for Xenu? I see some serious ass kicking when the time comes that they’re asked to do that.
If anyone has ever spent much time in a black church community, you know that the women are some of the strongest, most bad ass human beings you’ll ever come across. They are the foundation of the family and church structures and they will move mountains to keep those structures together. Although NOI segregates the genders and women are still second class citizens, like the Baptist women I spent time with, they are still powerhouses and their faith is all important to them.
I see a Regraded Being column in our future depicting the first NOI churchwoman encountering Xenu in OT III. That may be the turning point when gender equality takes hold, because there may not be any men left standing as their asses will all be lying in a heap in the basement corner.
Hi Alice Graves,Good to meet you.An interesting post.In my ancient SO time no there were no African- Americans in ASHO SO,except ASHO F and that particular person was very close to me.He was amazing considering his scientific background.I’m just now realizing how many in exec positions at SO ASHO F had that background of science.Sometimes put a scientist with a dreamer and that will start a fire.Here in Baton Rouge I know what you post about.There are many amazing black women that are so incredibly strong with their faith and their family.One of my best friends is that way.For me Boston Mass born and lived a lot of diverse places family football & faith is a thread that winds trough this state.In six years when I’m 70 we probably will move to Pensacola,the traffic and congestion here is incredible compared to when we came in 96.In fact in my SO time I never saw any minority on course or auditing at ASHO,never thought of that before.I would love RB to do that strip!Always Ann.
How are you doing Ann!??
Hi Chee Chalker, Oh my I know hospitals inside out,I know all the nurses’ protocol & all the back corridors to XRay!I’m sore but the good good news is every three years since 99 when I had colon cancer I have to do a colonoscopy.And like clockwork pathology here I come.But there is some very powerful forces on this blog.With your prayers,thoughts,dreams I got a clean report & do not have to do this test again until five years.I thank you from my heart.Waiting on blood tests but so far y’all are stuck with me for another year.Always Love,Ann.
Hi Ann, your great news is a superkali…dosis way to start the day! 🙂
Alice Graves, regarding your comments on Black women in the Baptist church – you are right that they can be very strong in faith and character, I’ve known quite a few Baptist families and my next-door neighbor (and good friend) for 9 years was a black women heavily involved in the Baptist church. But the N.O.I. is a group of a very different character, and in this group, women do not have much of a say in things; they are not allowed to make decisions, hold offices, or have leadership positions, except over other women, so it’s very different “flavor” than black Baptist women. My neighbor on the other side of my house was also a Black woman but she was a Jehovah’s witness, also with a strong belief, but in her group, women are mostly relegated to the back seat just as in the NOI. So to characterize all black women who are church-goers as strong leaders would be erroneous; it depends on the policies of the group itself, to which they belong, and the role that they are allowed to take. It’s kind of like saying “I had an apple and it was red, so I know what apples taste like”, but some apples are green, and not all red apples taste the same. Does this make sense? Or is this a silly analogy? I guess I’m just trying to say that because you knew a religious person with strong backbone and character, it doesn’t mean that you will find every religious women to be that way. Please, no offense meant to you, or anyone else. I live in the SF Bay area of CA, which is a highly ethnically, culturally and racially diverse area, and I have friends and family of many colors and mixes and I tend to try to encourage people to look further than the surface or their limited experiences with peoples… again, I mean no offense and apologies if I didn’t word it well, I am not very articulate at times (though I mean well) 🙂 – T.J.
Hi Roger Hornaday,Thank you from an old body out of the shop and ready for some more miles,I always love your posts and you are one of my favorite light givers,you show me a path when I can’t see my way.XXOO Ann.
CoS morphs into whatever it needs to be in order to lure people in and recruit new funders to fill their coffers. I recently read an article (linked below) promoting a CoS ‘church’ in Ohio which seems to directly contradict and mislead what I’ve read about Scientology.
It is indeed a funny pairing between whitey DM who will enslave anyone (race/color be damned) whom he can lay his hands on and the professionally aggrieved and “victimized” NOI.
But in the end, the two organizations are a lot alike: They are both paramilitary and militant. They both slavishly depend on a cartoonish world-view where they are locked in battles with some largely imaginary oppressors–you take away the “enemy” and either one would collapse from the insanity of what they’re left with. Both are highly racist: NOI obviously so; CoS virulently so if one bothers to read El Con’s emissions on the subject of races and wog’s in general. Both depend on “religions” issued by highly questionable “sources” with messianic complexes–neither LRH nor Muhammad can stand up under close scrutiny. Both of them have a clientele who will unthinkingly do anything their leader says–or else. Both preach freedom and enslave their followers.
Most importantly, both are all talk. This is not to discount that either one can and has become a menace to society at times. But both pursue an endgame–whether it’s the “clearing” of the planet or the creation of “reverse” oppression–that is transparently ridiculous and impractical. Even if it could be achieved, it would put their respective “leaders” out of a job and deprive them of all the power, money and attention they are now getting from their misled flocks. They’d wind up working for a living (at least, Louis finished High School, unlike DM, which should give him better prospects as an unskilled laborer).
Meanwhile, “salvation” is always to be found in the next “service” and the victory over whitey is imminent. Too bad that “salvation” is strictly limited to the respective cult leaders.
A good and insightful commentary, Todd Cray.
+1. Very informative post, Todd.
One thing Scientology has some success with is affecting the beliefs of its practitioner. The success rate imho appears to significantly increase a) the more one participates and b) the more euphoric the initial “wins” are perceived.
Is it beyond the realms of possibility that “Minister” Farrakhan is simply heading down the same psychologically booby-trapped path Hubbard has carefully guided thousands previously, gradually evolving into just another Scientologist “big being” wannabe, whose ass will inevitably belong to Miscavige?
It’s simple, Scientology forwarding the aims of the NOI creates mayhem and desperation in the society. The true belief of Scientology is that the dwindling spiral of the planet will reach or has reached such a pitch that they are the only solution or way out. Getting in bed with your enemy could maybe in some warped way fill up those empty Ideal orgs. Admiration, acknowledgement and encouragement are all that is required especially if the “advisor” is sitting on billions.
For good background on the unholy alliance check out Leila Wills’ “Farrakhan, The Movie” available on Amazon.
This all goes back a ways.
It’s my guess that Dave is already in deep………over his head.
It wouldn’t take much for Dave to be in over his head.
Nation of Islam and Scn are similar (in some ways): Just as journalist Paulette Cooper was stalked and harassed by an arm of the C of S, so was Oakland Tribune reporter Chauncey Bailey by the N.O.I. for running a series of investigative news articles on the local National of Islam’s criminal business doings – Bailey was then murdered. Online article:
Two convicted of murder in shooting of Oakland journalist. Yusuf Bey IV, operator of Your Black Muslim Bakery, and Antoine Mackey face mandatory life sentences. Victim Chauncey Bailey was shot on a downtown street in Oakland as he investigated the bakery’s finances.
The N.O.I has a long history of criminal doings, here is another article:
Five years before journalist Chauncey Bailey was murdered by members of Your Black Muslim Bakery, a woman stepped forward to report decades of sexual abuse, welfare fraud and violence by the bakery’s leader, Yusuf Bey Sr. She was prepared to hand over to Oakland police DNA from three of her children, evidence that Bey had impregnated her, the first time when she was 12 years old.
Your Black Muslim Bakery,founder, Yusuf Bey, was arrested and charged with forcing an underage girl to have sex. Subsequent investigation suggested that he had a long history of rape and abuse of his followers and had fathered numerous children out of wedlock. His son Yusuf Bey IV has since been arrested twice, first on suspicion of leading a gang that had trashed two Oakland liquor stores and intimidated their owners, and second for running over a San Francisco bouncer with his car. Nedir Bey, one of Yusuf Bey’s “spiritually adopted” sons, is also alleged to have beaten a business rival with a flashlight, while another member of the gang tortured the victim with a heated knife.
Life was harder than has generally been known for some of the women who lived and worked behind the brick walls of Your Black Muslim Bakery in Oakland. While Yusuf Bey, owner of Your Black Muslim Bakery, was holding himself up to the community as a successful religious and business leader who gave downtrodden blacks a second chance, the view inside the bakery during its four decades as an East Bay institution was quite different. Some women and girls worked long hours while Bey regularly raped and beat them, according to five women’s testimony.
If you can stand one more article:
The troublesome history of Oakland’s most prominent Black Muslims — and the political establishment that protects them.
Black Muslim leader Nedir Bey allegedly tortured a man for several hours, beating him with a police flashlight and jamming the barrel of a gun inside his mouth. When Oakland police arrived to investigate the incident, Bey’s associates mounted an organized attack in which mob leader Basheer Muhammad allegedly rallied his troops by shouting that white officers would soon die. In May 1994, mayoral candidate Yusuf Bey organized a massive hate rally that featured disgraced Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Muhammad ranting about the “no-good, hook-nosed Jews sucking our blood.”
*note from T.J. Can we all just try to treat each other humanely and with kindness and compassion? Can we just try to be good human beings? I don’t understand this hate and violence towards other people, I really don’t. Freedom of religion and thought is good and should be encouraged, but hate groups… how tolerant do we need to be? How accepting?
NOI has been around for a while. Malcolm X practically built the NOI after he got out of prison as their main spokesman after having embraced the teachings while in prison. After having built it up he then left the NOI and denounced it completely. He switched to Sunni Muslim. He was then assassinated by NOI members in 1965. I read Malcolm X’s autobiography a couple of years ago. I didn’t enjoy the book a whole lot but I feel I learned something.
It’s pretty obvious that Tony Muhammad’s training has included the highly restricted How-to-Stand-at-a-Podium-Like-David-Miscarriage module. He’d be perfect if he could do something about his height,
Mentally impaired Raul Lopez was $1.7 million richer as the result of an accident settlement — until he joined the Church of Scientology.
Michele Ross should read how the COS drained Raul’s settlement and left him – still disabled, after the money ran out. I personally knew Raul and it was obvious to everyone that his near death accident left him with life long, major disabilities. Raul told me that the “church” kept promising that auditing would “cure” him of the horrible damage that he suffered as a result of his car accident. It was obvious to everyone else that he was being drained of his settlement but myself and others did not want to dampen Raul’s hope for a better future. For me, It is one of those “deaths” that we all die as practicing Scientologists, when I didn’t pull Raul aside and tell him that the church was draining him and he had no hope of getting better with auditing. It didn’t, of course and Raul was left with very little money from the settlement, to live on for the rest of his life. Raul was a good guy when I knew him and deserved much better than this. Here is a link to his story. It is an accurate and chilling account of how the COS is all about the money and the hell with the individual.
Bob, thank you for this link. I remember hearing about this story. These people will take candy from kids.
They do a lot more than that to them ………… and Dave gets away with it with a shit eating grin.
Yo Dave,
Know this dildo brain……after the shit has hit the fan and blown it back in your face …….. no one and nobody will give even one micro milli givashit for you good buddy.
Islam condemns sorcery.
In Saudi Arabia, men and women are routinely executed for practicing sorcery.
So the concept of Operating Thetan is incompatible with Islam.
I believe you’re right, Curiosus. But isn’t ‘sorcery’ the art of throwing saucers in the air along with the cups? Just wondering…
Hi OSD,After my day yesterday I feel like Alice at her first tea party with Ron The Mad Hatter.Always Love,Ann.
The word “sorcery” comes from this article:
Do you mean that this word is not used in the U.S. ?
To be noted: Saudi Arabia also executes fortune tellers and faith healers.
At the slightest hint of “OT abilities”, the “sorcerer” must be beheaded.
Ann B, I hope every day you’re getting better and better!
Hi OSD, Thank you so much.Catch a beautiful wave for me today.XOAnn.
Curiosus, do they use the duck -sorcerer logic in Saudi Arabia?
The documentary this came from was very interesting and educational for me. I gained respect for black leaders of that time and a greater understanding and sympathy for the subject. But Luis Farrakhan is a snake. I don’t know why some people don’t see that. The man is evil. I’m not just saying that because he hates white people. Look at his eyes man, he’s a psycho. He’s worse than Miscavige. Maybe Miscavige admires him and is learning from him?
Yes, that and whatever happened to Malcolm X?
I think Farrakhan endears himself to DM to the point of trust, a few well placed in higher Co$ and they’ll have the keys to the kingdom, and Co$ is ripe for a hostile takeover. DM who’s watching your back with the best gone?
That’s a weird mental image picture. The announcement that Louis Farrakhan had been promoted to Chairman of the Board and DM has gone to target 2 to research new OT Levels. We’ll be seeing DM “Up the line.”
I haven’t seen anything lately about Doug E. Fresh putting out the message to the Hip Hop community letting them know how great Scientology or about him touring the Orgs. I just looked him up and I guess he has a back tax issue… he must-a been-a donated when he should-a been-a payin those taxes.
II always find it ironic that extremist Christanics look at extremist Islamics and denounce their violent insanity, all which they support and applaud Christian terrorism — and make no distinction, what Christian terrorists did to the city of Fallujah and to the entire country of Iraq *was* war crime atrocities and terrorism.
If the Scientology crime syndicate were at all concerned with human rights like they pretend to be, they would be denouncing the death cults, not embracing them and manipulating the dimwitted like this to steal their money.
If Scientology really were concerned with human rights, they would partner with left wing Christian and left wing Islamic organizations which actually follow the proposed higher ideals of real religions.
“If Scientology crime syndicate were at all concerned with human right like they pretend to be, they would be denouncing the death cults, not embracing them and manipulating the dimwitted like this to steal their money.” All very true, EXCEPT when big amounts of money are involved.
VM, Scn has NEVER been concerned with human rights. El Con’s proposals regarding the liquidation of “sub-humans” was right up there with Hitler’s, Stalin’s and Mao’s actions. FAR worse than any Christian or Muslim actions.
Since you didn’t know this fact, your study of El Con’s writings is EXTREMELY incomplete.
This is silly rhetoric. If you compare some theoretical writing in a book to the real world actions of people who exterminated millions, it is you that is presenting an EXTREMELY incomplete picture. THis sort of statement does not make you more credible or likely to win anyone over to your view of the world.
Mike I stated his WRITINGS. Not actions. It was what he proposed if Scn came to be in power over “wogs”. I presented nothing that wasn’t accurate.
You compared WRITINGS to ACTIONS. Everyone can read what you said. I was pointing out that it doesn’t serve you well.
Volunteer, thank you for pointing this out about extremist Christians. Extremism is repulsive no matter from where it sources. Not only that, it doesn’t work – never has, never will.
VM, I need to ask: Are you referring to the U.S. Military as Christian terrorists?
Good questions, Mike.
For anyone interested in the NOI, I repeat the recommendation of “Farrakhan, The Movie” by Leila Wills (a written out film script, if you like, pre-echoing Mike’s closing remarks…)
I’m a little disturbed by farrakhan openly encouraging the slaughter of all white people. Why is this scumbag not in prison?
The same reason Miscarriage isn’t. Mutual out ruds,
I’ve always been amazed that Scientology and the Nation of Islam (also known as “Black Muslims”) have anything to do with each other. The N.O.I. is not an “empowerment” group for people of color, but a strict separatist “racial hate group” determined to separate people of color from everyone else, especially white people and Jewish people. For those unfamiliar with the N.O.I., a good place to learn about them is the Southern Poverty Law Center, an authority on racial hate groups across the nation:
They preach hate and intolerance, it’s part of their everyday speech. As Mike Rinder has quoted above, that wording is typical from the group, it’s very unsettling. This group is and has been for years, very active in my area (the San Francisco Bay Area of California) and they are very unpleasant to deal with and have been linked to many serious crimes including the murder of a Black Journalist for a local newspaper, Chauncy Bailey (the son of the local leader was convicted of this crime) and the leader himself was charged with imprisoning and marrying undergae girls (12 and 14 years old). They have tactics similar to CofS “fair game” where people can be mistreated, and are a known criminal organization in this area.
Their “core ideology” states that an evil Scientist named Yakub created white people by draining all the good out of them along with their skin color (I’m not kidding you) leaving pale skinned, evil “blue-eyed devils” which are white people today. So who has the more ridiculous creation story, Scn with Xenu, or NOI with Yakub?
While Scientologist can leave non-believers or Wogs alone, Black Muslims believe that people not of their “faith” should be destroyed entirely. This is a seriously militant hate group, if you are not familiar with their methods and actions, please avail yourself of the vast knowledge available on the internet and look up what they are about. As another commenter posted above, the NOI is not considered a Muslim group by mainstream Muslims, but regarded as a racial hate group.
I used to be concerned that the NOI and Scn had joined, but now I am not, because it can only hasten the end of Scientology as this pairing becomes more well known.
Farrakhan also claims there is a mother ship hovering around near-Earth space and he has visited it. That’s where he learned that then-President Bush had breached the levees on purpose (during Katrina) to deliberately kill black people.
Mother ship? Is that the scout from Scientology’s next invader force? Maybe NOI and Scientology have more nonsense in common than meets the eye!
It is baffling that American blacks would pick Islam and NOI (not that NOI is true Islam, and not that Islam is not richly deserving of criticism too). Islam has held onto slavery far longer than Western countries. Some of the Gulf states only outlawed slavery in the 1960s (that’s right — 1960s, not 1860s). And I have been told by Saudi men that slavery is still practiced — just under the table. (Just like there is “no prostitution” in Islamic countries because you can temporarily “marry” a woman for a night or a few hours and then divorce her and pay her — no prostitution here folks — just the result that Iran, for example, has one of the highest venereal disease rates around.)
Also, it appears that NOI’s beliefs are not just from Islam, but from a mix of Islam, Jehovah’s Witness beliefs, and certain “heretical” Christian teachings.
Even weirder — if NOI can possibly get weirder — it appears that the founder (Wallace Dodd Fard) was probably actually a white guy (mixed race at best) who passed himself off as black. (Some say he was actually Wallie D. Ford, a _white_ ex-con born in Oregon in 1891.) Ford — or Fard — is now “Allah” in NOI. I guess he made it to OT VIII or the Eighth Dynamic a different way.
So let’s see — a fraudulent founder, meeting all the criteria for a cult, belief in aliens, weird pseudo-science, lies and fabricated history, concocted “scripture” cobbled from multiple sources, etc. — sounds like birds of a feather.
FOTF2012, respectfully, the fact that NOIs believe in some Mother Ship hovering and stuff like that. Certainly, its kind of funny to me and makes no sense but then neither does a lot of stuff in the Bible, like talking snakes and a guy spending 3 days in a whale’s stomach, the male and female of every living earth creature making it onto Noah’s Ark, Moses parting the Red Sea, Jesus feeding 5000 people with a few fishes and loaves of bread…you get the idea. This is all fantastic type stuff and Christians and Jewish fundamentalists believe it literally. No one I know has ever seen a talking snake but a number of people believe the Bible is all the truth there is and that everything in it is to be taken literally. Point being, the NOIs beliefs are no more or less bizarre than other religions and cults but most religions don’t have leaders who get up and publicly advocate the extinction of a group or a race as their solution to survival as Louis Farrakhan does.
Come to think about it, though, LF is actually overt about his hatred, whereas the Co$ pretends to love and care about people while doing its dirty tricks undercover. When you think of it its depressing to know that the NOI is more uptone than the Church of Scientology.
It could be simply summed up as ….. a separatist “hate group” determined to separate well intentioned people and families from each other, their kids and their money.
The Church of Scientology and the Nation of Islam are in good ARC.
What…Artificial, Ridiculous & Crazy?
Rightly so. Something about Birds of a feather comes to mind.
OSD, they’re both suppressive groups was what I meant.
Thanks T.J. I’m going to learn more about this. I had never paid too much attention to NOI before and had thought of them as a fringe political-racist, cultie group, which it appears they are. It’s not so far off that the NOI sheep are prodded in the direction of the COS. This will keep them busy, busy, busy and provides new ways to keep the mind under an external control. Just as long as they don’t assimilate into the COS population and get any ideas about ‘freedom’ and break away from the NOI. Kind of like the COS sheep getting any ideas about ever leaving the COS. Cult leaders always seem to trot out creative methods to keep their people in line.
Do the NOI public study with the common public of Scientology? Has anyone ever had a NOI twin? Does the NOI do OT Levels? I don’t directly know this but my instinct tells me that Farrakhan will not want them mixing too much with the non-believers. There will be issues.
NOL is also very anti-Semitic. I was sitting on a lunch break at SFO Day talking to one and the subject of Israel came-up and boy the rant on Jews was livid. A couple of Jewish OT’s were in hearing distance with a half understanding smile on their face the other half was WTF?
Louis Farrakhan has called Judaism a “gutter religion.” And Hubbard didn’t seem to be fan of African-Americans. Hey, maybe they are made for each other…
NOI’s anti-Semiticism is appalling. When I was in the cult I was amazed at how tolerant of this some Jewish Scientologists I knew were. Adolph Hitler used to rant like this about the Jews! I am not Jewish. I was raised by parents who had each traveled extensively for business and pleasure, who each had wide and varied experience with different peoples, their religions, customs and cultures. Thru them, and on my own, I have been fortunate to have this experience also. I have also lived outside the US in a very different culture from the American Suburbia which spawned me. This scapegoating and demonizing of whites in general and Jews in particular by the Nation of Islam is ignorant, rabble rousing and downright dangerous trash talk which back in the day made me ashamed to be associated with this group, via my CHURCH, of all things! I’m still embarrassed that an organization of which I was a part has such ties to this disreputable group and withal demonstrates its tacit acceptance of Louis Farakkhan’s hate speech. I’m glad to hear from Mark KamRan that the Nation of Islam is not recognized as a viable part of Islam by any Muslim country. I’ve met and done business with and been entertained by many Muslims over the years. One out of 5 people on the planet are Muslim! I’m very glad to understand now that the NOI is simply a cult of hate which calls itself “Muslim”.
“Scientology & Nation Of Islam” they should invite the Westboro Baptist Church to complete their three ring circus
The moonies can’t even get an invite? Poor fellas.
Yeah, that is harsh…
Perfect! That would indeed be the greatest show on Earth!
Oh my! I do believe that would be the trifecta! What a perfect combination of hate…
Miscavige could supply the tent and they could all have a big get-together. You know, a hateathon.
Sweet! A ‘hateathon!’ Indeed! And there’s certainly enough hate to go around! Nice, I Yawn!
That’s the face of Inglewood all right.
I suspect that the church of cob is on the terrorist watch list through the connection to Unfarrakhan, hater of whites and caller of bloodshed in America. If so it would be prudently so.
Ooooooooo Very interesting Gayle; I didn’t think of this.
Alfreddie! Take cover! I know koolaid drinking whales don’t do this, but I hope Jim and Fumei Mathers are journaling the meeting, dating and marriage of these two. They may need a defense.
Mike, let me clarify that NOI is not part of mainstream Islam. They are not accepted by any Muslim country in the world.
Its a small group which suddenly emerged in last 5 or 6 years from oblivion. Its history dated back almost 80 or 90 years old and its teachings are not per Islamic text such as Quran (Koran) and prophet Mohammad (peace by upon him).
They believe in Elijah Mohammed as last prophet, which expels from begin identified as Muslims and they never claimed themselves as Muslims either.
YEs, thanks. I very well understand that they are not mainstream Islam, but thanks for making the point to anyone who was unaware of this.
As said above .. NOI is a group of Sources of Trouble .. none should be accepted per original scientology scripture from LRH .. all of them are weak guys .. going only on authority of others .. all of them are basically PTS .. but really ..
Two hateful cults coming together. I wonder what their product will be…
Mohammad and Hubbard are two very jealous gods. A choice will have to be made and I’m not betting on it being Hubbard. Let’s see what happens the first time the church of scientology wants to impose its disconnection policy on one of these guys. That should be good for a laugh.
Rather odd that they use the Lion in the ad. We know the Lion in Scn is associated with the BC yet the BC is currently not being promoted as a course to do. Is the BC even a course anymore??
I made the comment on several occasions that Miscavige should keep an eye on Farrakhan because Farrakhan is no dummy, if he could take over the church he would have a couple more billion to spew his venom across the US and overseas. And for one to think Farrakhan is promoting the use of Scn and Dianetics within the NOI for humanitarian purposes is quite naive indeed. Farrakhan lives and breathes the NOI, Farrakhan is the NOI first and foremost. The things he does and the words he speaks are to further the tenets of the NOI. And if one were to google the basic tenets of the NOI you would understand what I’m talking about. Strange bedfellows indeed.
Given the right circumstances Farrakhan could steam roller Miscavige with not much effort. Miscavige is not even close to being in the same league as Farrakhan in terms of power. Yes some would say who cares but Mike is correct in saying people will suffer in real life. And one way they will suffer will be that the tech (no matter what one thinks about the tech) will be in the hands of man who makes David Miscavige look like a walk in the park.
Potpie may be the most insightful reply, ask Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X and I’m sure a number of others. One megalomaniac seeking the others domain?
What?!? Farrakhan steam roll david miscavige!
Since david miscavige is just the unaware ecclesiastical head of the church of scientology, if I were Alfreddie Johnson, I would take cover. He’s the pastor that married this couple and its his head that will roll.
Oh my…
Nothing good can come of any of this. Two unblendable agendas getting together in the field of “modern” religion is the stuff nightmares are made of, and who knows what motivation will morph into extremism as a result. Oh my…
Hi Potpie,I’m with you the moment I saw the lion I said, That is the ASHO Lion,being a Leo too,I want that Lion back!Love your posts.Always,Ann.
I would like that Lion back too Ann. And I hope you are doing well after your most recent round of
Of medical treatments I ment to slay
Hi Potpie,Thank you so much.I am not in roaring or purring form today,more like sore.So far it looks like I will be around for a while.We’ll both coax our Lion tot he bright side,away from the cult of cosAlways,Ann.
That’s why im proud to be a Catholic .
Good for you, george. If it gives you solace, more power to you!
As a non-believer I do have one belief: I believe I’ll have another beer…
DM & Farrakhan remind me of the Molotov & Ribbentrop;
El Con wanted only clears and above to have full rights and he wanted the liquidation of certain lower tone levelled people.
Mohammed wanted all to covert to islam or be 2nd class citizens, with those resisting that, slaughtered.
A marriage made in Hell indeed
Again, John, I think that’s an insult to all those who reside in Hell.
LOL, sorry ’bout that OSD!
Begin at 1:27.. NOI and Scientology Harlem.. also many videos on youtube.. Farrakhan receives 2.3 million from Scn. is one..
It’s like Deja Vu all over again !
Too many pieces of the puzzle don’t work !
What??? Jose, you mean SOME pieces of the puzzle do work? For some reason, I thought it was a complete and utter clusterfuck (my favorite non-word).
The pieces that do work take your money.
I was shown RED on WHITE that it takes
three years to Clear this Planet.
That was over thirty years ago.
Jose, I remember that well. But, of course, you know they keep moving the goal posts. And, for some strange reason, staff and SO don’t notice. Do they have a course that teaches staff and SO NOT to notice ANYTHING? Just wondering…
Great post Mike. When the Farrakhan article came out I could only think of the news facing all of current kool-aide consumers.
‘In a new Epic discovery, Chairman of the Bored and Ecclesiastical Leader of the fastest collapsing cult on the planet, Captain Dave (the Dildo) Miscavige announces that He has determined,after careful review of all of LaRdoHs folders, that there is actually a light at BOTH ENDS of the tunnel. And furthermore and without further ado, has announced that these bright lights all end up at the same Ideal point in matter, energy, space and time, which is another way of saying that all $cientologists are 100%, completely and totally fucked unless they fully abandon all worldly possessions and assume the position with their local IAS status creator.’
Gosh, Coop, assuming the position sounds so painful! I love,”…the fastest collapsing cult on the planet…” And I also love, “Captain Dave (the Dildo) Miscavige!” Again, you do have a way with words…
I don’t get it either. I look at myself as a typical liberal white person with all the typical liberal white person hangups one acquires from living a somewhat racially isolated life in the suburbs. I have plenty of friends of color, but I’m not going to try and fool myself into believing that I am someone untainted by undertones of racism no matter how much I don’t want to be that way. That said, I just can’t see ANYONE from NOI setting down and word clearing something like KSW and trying to get that to mesh with their NOI beliefs. Of course as an ex, I can’t see ANYONE trying to accept ANYTHING in KSW. Chris Shelton has some recent videos on this subject entitled ‘A Peek Behind the Curtain of Scientology’. Thought provoking (say it isn’t so) and well worth watching.
Minion: Ah sir.
DM: Spit it out you piece of excrement.
Minion: Thank you.
DM: Say it dumbfuck.
Minion: I have a report that the NOI is really not on the same page as us.
DM: Us? Who the fuck you think runs this show you idiot?
Minion: We do, er I mean you do sir.
DM: And you’re telling me this because?
Minion: I wanted you to be briefed sir.
DM: You wanted me to be briefed? Listen, you worthless CICS. I’m going to ask you one question. Let’s see if you can put a couple of brain cells together and come up with an intelligent answer you moron. Is the NOI bringing in money?
Minion: Yes sir.
DM: And you’ve read the policies about never punishing an upstat or nagging a rise?
Minion: Yes sir.
DM: Then why are you bringing me this stupid shit when I’m busy saving all of mankind?
Minion: I’m sorry sir.
DM: You’re sorry? Get your worthless ass out of my sight before I have you sec checked within an inch of your life.
Minion: Thank you sir.
DM: No wonder I’m stressed. I have total idiots under me.
(Phone rings)
DM: Tom! Yes, I’d love to go out with you for some sushi. I deserve a break!!!
D’ya think Tony Mo and “Minister” Louie have ever read Keeping Scientology Working? Yes – I can imagine the checkout now … Louie, demonstrate to me why the agonized future of every man, woman and child on Earth …….
Miscavige is getting some benefit out of this relationship with NOI that isn’t apparent. It must be pretty major. I can’t figure it out. Are these people rich? Do they own a diamond mine or something? Some how there is a large potential for money/power (at least in Dave’s mind) or Miscavige wouldn’t be playing along. Definitely a train wreck in the making.
Mat — I think it is the fact that the NOI can tell their people to do something any they get crowds. So, they send them in for Dianetics seminars and in places where the orgs normally gets NO public, they will have 50 people do a seminar. This then allows Miscavige to announce at the next event “New Public In Starting the Dianetics Seminar has 7.3Xed in the last 13 days alone…”
They rent the Applied Scholastics campus in St Louis for a “Couples Weekend” and it is more income than they get for the entire year from APS courses.
That’s my guess.
david miscavige doesn’t care what it takes to get money or stats as long as no fingers point in his direction. I do believe that there is a belief by parishioners that scientology is going to reform NOI to a group that starts to preach non-violent reforms/change, or that NOI is going to learn the error of their ways through dianetics and scientology and then david miscavige will be able to preach at one of his events the incredible inroads the church of scientology has made with race relations in this country. It’s quite a disconnect from reality but what else is new.
I always find it interesting how the church of scientology and david miscavige have gotten the money or the stat no matter what the destruction, damage or cost and handle the destruction caused by their means when it happens. OR NOT. Just make it the other guy’s (or the parishioner’s) fault.
This marriage between two violent groups is not going to end well.
David Miscavige clearing the bank, one wallet at a time.
They use these people with “death is sweeter as a solution for suppression” for “rent a crowd?” Good God! They are just going to love the concept of PTS handling when they get around learning about that. Puts a whole new range of meaning to ‘handle or disconnect’.
The motivations of miscavige are as bewildering as they are insane. Perhaps he has been sampling some of his product after all.
Yes Mike .. with NOI they get some people into shop .. but per LRH policy they are all Sources of Trouble Typ (forgotten) .. simply a guy who is ordered to take Scientology services because the order of another .. this is all what it is and ever will be .. LRH did not want such group associations
I don’t think that they’ve had their singles retreat at Applied Scholastics since 2013. This years event is in Texas.
Spot on Mike Rinder. There is nothing easier to recruit into a cult than other cult members. The staff were told not to REGG the NOI. I wonder if they are allowed to now? I have not seen one NOI listed on the Meritorious Bastardorious Dupedagainorious LIsts for giving donos. A few did join staff though – they did not last.
Peas of the same pod.
Two parallel nutty groups with deeply institutionalized symetrical blindspots allying with each other.
I think for now it is a marriage of convenience. NOI leaders may genuinely feel they are empowering their members, giving them a way to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. And it’s quite likely they are getting something out of their Dn Seminars.
Several benefits for CoS:
1) As Mike mentioned, it’s bodies in the shop = stats
2) Photo Ops – lots of them
3) DM can claim Dn and Scn is no longer rich white man’s pursuit
4) DM can claim all the good the church is doing in the community
5) DM can claim people of any religion can be Scnists
But are they “really” Scnists? Me thinks not. I doubt that any of these students will be made to word clear KSW #1 and read the riot act.
Like so many things in Scn, nothing is as it appears. Realities are manufactured to serve the interests of the group.
The Church of Scientology will morph into whatever it needs to, to get what it wants. They can be your “best friend” if that is what is required for you to give them money. But, the bottom line is – it is ALL about themselves.
As soon as NOI is perceived to be a liability COS will throw them under the bus, just like they have with so many of their parishioners. That time may be sooner than we think.
There’s no denying Farrakhan’s militant stance, but what happens when his flock move into action and start to exact revenge against it’s 400 year old enemy? Will COS stand by them as blood runs in the streets? Extremely unlikely, unless of course there is a way for them to profit. Maybe they could send in the VMs and launch a new Way to Happiness campaign?
The public think that because Scn is a church, that they have ethical standards and some type of moral grounding.
They would be wrong.
“The pubic thinks that because Scn is a church, that they have ethical standards and some type of moral grounding.” Stat, I respectively disagree. I’ve talked with high school kids that refer to it as a cult. Worldwide, they have a very toxic reputation. In 2011, while waiting for our 30 year high school reunion in Pasadena, I hung out with body routers. There were several women trying to hand out tickets to their current intro video. Not one person took it. One gal, with her kids, in a very sarcastic & dramatic way, declined their offer. And I could see it was taking a toll on them. About 6 months later, I was there again and all the previous staff that I had talked with, were gone. A year later, they were all gone again. Now, of course, because no new public are coming in, the SO has taken over. Including body routing. Two very young gals stand in the doorway and try to hand out tickets. Again, when I was there NOT ONE PERSON took any. I guess they feel safer standing in an org doorway instead of walking 1/2 block to the intersection of Colorado Bl (Pasadena’s main street) and Raymond St. where there are tons of people coming and going. I guess that’s a bit to far to be away from source.
But, Stat, that’s just me…
That is some damn good suppressing done in LA – Keep Suppressing Scientology! It works when standardly applied. Good post OSD!
When they first opened the new Pasadena Org building I remember being annoyed all the time having to dodge body routers to get to the parking garage next door. These days I don’t see them there even on busy weekend shopping days, though they sometimes prop open the doors to the (empty) building.
“Keep Suppressing Scientology! It works when standardly applied.” LMAO! Standard Suppression! No deviation. Thanks, Idle! All in a days work! As a Super Powerful SP, I take great pride in my suppressiveness.