In the topsy-turvy Newspeak world of scientology, add to the classic phrases from Orwell’s 1984 a fourth: CONTRACTION IS EXPANSION.
As long as the news is preceded with some modifiers “greatest expansion ever” or “exciting news of our accomplishments” or something similar, ANYTHING can be presented as “proof” that the 47X straight up and vertical expansion is continuing unchecked. Even the eradication (“combining”) of a Sea Org org.
Closing an SO Org has got to take the cake as far as pigs ear catastrophes presented as silk purse accomplishments. It has never happened before in the history of scientology. Even the anachronistic St Hill Fdn has been kept on artificial respiration for decades (though I assume once Dear Leader gets to the UK for the IAS event the plug will be pulled and that too will be a goner).
L. Ron Hubbard had a lot to say about ASHO Fdn and its purpose and reason for existing. But then again, in the modern scientology bubble, that means nothing. When ASHO no longer even delivers the Briefing Course, it can hardly be a surprise. Many leaks from inside PAC over the course of this year have indicated how desperate things have become in both ASHOs. I would imagine from the staff perspective they are thrilled about this.
But there is no doubt that this is more concrete evidence that the scene is disintegrating. If they were being “flooded” with people “pouring up the Bridge” as Dear Leader assured the crowd when he yanked the ribbon on the “Ideal PAC” (including the Ideal ASHO Day and Ideal ASHO Fdn) they would NOT be “combining” these orgs.
ASHO Fdn is the shortest lived “ideal org” ever.
Here is the spin, hot off the presses:
Something MASSIVE has just occured at the Pacifica Base! This is one of the biggest administrative and organization changes ever to occur. You may have heard it on the grapevine that ASHO is no more two orgs! ASHO Day and Foundation have merged and there is only ONE org and that is ASHO!
Come and get briefed about ALL that happened today and WHY and how this will influence your Bridge progress. Come and meet the new ASHO Captain. This is very BIG and EXCITING News!!!
And while I am on the subject, just a comment about the other Newspeak phrases. Two minor variations SLAVERY IS FREEDOM and STRENGTH IN IGNORANCE might be the most succinct summations of scientology one could ever devise.
I just called L.A. Org to ask if Day and Foundation were really combined. It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just that I had to hear it with my own ears. The receptionist I spoke to said Day and Foundation were combined last Sunday and ASHO Day and Foundation were combined too. It is incredible what people will swallow when they have a lot invested. She (the receptionist) didn’t seem concerned or unhappy about it at all. COB gave the order so it must be right. If people really turned over in their graves Ron would be turning over in his now.
ESMB is reporting that LA Org has gone Sea Org.!!
Presumably this means LAD/F are now SO Orgs? Anyone have any data on this?
See post I just put up
So true, Cindy. Any ASHO F old timer will be pissed to hear this. It was the best org in the pac base and, was the pillar on which the rest of the orgs stood. As you said, ASHO F’s BC was packed back in the day. Chris Montgomery was making real auditors in those course rooms, people were also studying in the hallways, there was tons of auditing and co-auditing going on, people were winning, about one class VI grad per week was normal as I recall.
Then the diminutive twit and his cohorts canned Chris for “out tech” or refusal to follow “command intention” or some such crap and the slow slide into oblivion began and continued as inevitably as a glacier until the SHSBC was gone. Now ASHO F is gone. I’m sure that the whole house of cards is sure to follow.
DM sure must hate Scientology and auditors in particular.
Right on Espiritu. A lot of good course sups from ASHO: Chris Montgomery, Mark Hamilton, Dick Orchu… what will happen to them? Mark is out, good for him. Chris is not in the SO but I have no data if she’s out or drinking KA. Anyone? And Dick Orchu… do hope he gets out. But what about the young staff at LA Org? These idealistic youngsters want to save the world. They worked their guts out, more hours than just “Day” hours, and got paid very little and sometimes nothing. And now they are told that their best just wasn’t good enough and they’re being bypassed and let go, which is like being fired from a job. They can join SO or get out. The bypass isn’t just a one time Danger bypass. It is permanent. What a huge Inval and Wrong Indication these kids are now saddled with. But they can get that BPC handled by good auditors in the Indie field. But what about old timers like John Barber from LA Org? He is in his 70’s now and probably doesn’t even qualify for Medicare since he has been on staff most of his adult life. How will he survive? He is not SO qual’d unless they’re now taking LSD cases in. What will happen to him?
Cindy, I last saw Chris ~2000. She told me that her Mum was working on the Dictionary pjt. at the time. I lost touch with her after that. ~’06 I was over at Suzette H’s place and she mentioned something about her but I can’t remember what…
I was the Chief Reg, under Rene Norton. We were packed and up stat.
I think there will be a day when the Freewinds staff dump the ship and move into the unutilized “Super Power” building. OT 8 can be delivered in some corner of one of the upper floors. The rest of the ship staff can be posted in the FSO and Flag Crew. It might not look so good PR wise (like combining ASHO Day and Foundation) but it makes sense as far as viability goes based on the current scene. Sea Org staff are so disorganized and improperly utilized that they can’t support themselves (despite tax exemption and slave labor) without begging from and ripping off what public they have left. I would also take about 100 of the 120 CMO staff at Flag and give them real jobs that produce something of value. If the Sea Org is ever going to have any chance of expanding it will need a FULL reorg from the top down.
Never in the history of man have so many, worked so hard, to produce so little…….
How anyone can say Admin Tech is advanced, or even workable is beyond me. All you have to do is LOOK. The Sea Org would not last a month if they played by real-world rules (e.g. employment laws, min wage, benefits, etc). In reality, they are about as efficient (and effective) as a communist banana republic.
And this nonsense about the Galactic Confederation org board…give me a break. It’s a bastardized Navy command chart, and not a very good one at that!
Like any form of communism, the organizational entity feeds off of the worker to keep itself alive; and will do so until the worker is dead.
I agree statpush. Adding to the confusion, was the fact that admin staff constantly didn’t apply sensible policies that could have helped things be more stable for everyone. Like not ripping off staff, or no musical chairs or the tech/admin ratio. I never saw admin staff get regular cramming or word clearing. It sabotaged itself.
Most of the musical chairs and ripping off staff that I witnessed while on staff was done by SO “management”.
And been so poorly led
Just got a call from a friend. ALL LA org staff have been removed from post and replaced with 250 sea org members. LA org has now been combined into one org too!
See post I just put up. Clearly, this is now confirmed by more than a single report….
Yep, and the number of SO replacing them jumped from 100 to 250. Mike this is BIG. THANK YOU for bringing us this news and commentary. The end is nigh.
And it’s mandatory that you buy a case, so that it can be put in every library in the world NOW NOW NOW!!!
I could be wrong, but I heard the BC is not being delivered anywhere. I also heard that was because He Who Slapped His PC, Mr. David Miscavige, is busy correcting it so it can be re-released. Good thing that little puke is here to fix all of LRH’s fuckups…
Oh, yes, I remember ASHO on Rampart! Looong time ago. The Tommy’s hamburger shack was right nearby, at Beverly. Unlike Scientology, Tommy’s has weathered the past 40 years quite well. In fact, there has been much – dare I say it? – EXPANSION at Tommy’s, with burger places located all over LA now!
I still like a good Tommyburger whenever I’m in LA.
Recently drove by the Way To Happiness location in Glendale, Ca. on a Sunday. Closed.
Recently drove down L Ron Hubbard Way in LA. The parking lot north of LA Org is smaller now because of trees, plants and concrete curbs. Maybe 50 cars or so for AOLA, ASHO and LA Org. No cars parked on LRH Way.
The few people (8 or so at around 10AM) outside walking around looked down toned.
The uptone vibe was gone per my perceptions.
Thanks Mike for keeping us informed.
And thanks DM for speeding up the demise of
this “church”.
Your idealorg@hushmail box is full….
True — and for anyone else, please do not use this email address any longer. Click on the button on the home page to email me. It is a different address.
Contraction. Like blood pooling in the mid-section of a body in shock. No hi-tech ER machines or wonder drugs will save The Kult.
Core temp falling…..
tic toc.
“How I made a Religion Disappear”
and got rich !.
By David Miscavige
Available in fine book stores everywhere and
$666. each, hardcover only, no kindle.
Get your copy ,now, now, now !!!!!
supplies limited to up statistic public only.
Mike, thank you so very much for everything you do and have done.
If you had set about to deliberately make amends for your activities when you were in $cientology, then you could not have done a better job.
You are a shining example of what Lincoln meant when he invoked, “…the better angels of our nature.”
I think people who are out and recovered need to begin thinking about how to help those who will soon be thrust into the world. It seems like the end is coming and there will be so many without jobs, homes, and without the tools they will need to survive. I’ve seen so many who have offered this safety net as this has unfolded over the years – I hope there is enough support to help all those who are coming. Soon.
True Annette, people coming out the SO do need help in the form of a place to stay, job, etc.
I have seen many who leave get jobs with public Scns and those who are lucky have a family that supports them in whatever they need to get started again in civilian life.
There are some groups who take SO members (escapees) in like shelters and church groups but I cannot remember their names now. There are some people who post here who mention this from time to time. Hopefully someone will bring it up again newly.
I wrote that post last night and tonight I read about the “releasing of the prisoners” in LA. Where is Anonymous ? they could be handing out literature letting the free know where they can go for deprogramming, reconnection to family, shelter and best of all – OPTIONS.
In England the Salvation Army has been doing a lot of work taking care of the victims of human trafficking / slavery. (This is, IMHO, the category into which falls the Damnation Navy victims…)
Katniss Everdeen said: I hope Kaiser buys it and turns it into a massive psychiatric complex.
I LOVE that idea ! I have a friend who dumped me that lives 2 minutes from the complex. She would just freak out so bad if the psychs occupied ASHO and AO. LOL.
Combining these Orgs is a suppressive act according to that Founder guy, I’m pretty sure. This is just so awesome. The more they lose and contract, the more that the people on this Earth have one less psychotic group to deal with.
This just makes my day!
Holy moly- The end is nigh people!
The orgs have run out of people qualified to give the levels, and now the advanced orgs are running out of people qualified to give the grades to give the levels…
I would what they’ll do when no one left is qualified to open the advanced materials?
Seems everything is going according to someone’s plan. The way to lose the subject is get rid of the qualified and trained people, who also provide the most resistance to nefarious plans anyway.
You all NEED to read the book 1984:
I agree with this Niels. The three most important books I have read or reread since leaving the SO are 1984, Man’s Search for Meaning and The Sociopath Next Door.
For light reading, I’ve always liked Wasp by Eric Frank Russell. It’s a wonderful look at how to bring down a totalitarian system by having it chase shadows, bite its own tail, and generally annoying it to distraction.
That’s our job Rick. 🙂
I agree on the three books, Mike. I’ve read two of them recently and read “1984” in high school or college. I’ll pull it out again
Unbelievable – I hope the misery ends quickly for those still inside the bubble.
Question though – Is there an answer to:
Is the Briefing Course delivered ANYWHERE?
Or is it totally off the line up in all Orgs?
Wow. I was a student at ASHO for years. It was once quite busy, day and night. I came in there in the 90’s, well after the golden years so many speak of here but I recall the place was full of students. Later in the 90’s there were still students but this was starting to lessen as time passed. After the Basics came out, the course rooms were emptied out but this got progressively worse. The Academy had all of its rooms closed and the lights were off. All of the students were put in ONE single section and still didn’t fill up the space. The B.C. had less than a handful of active students. I would only see one or two at a time.
I wondered what happened to all the supervisors and word clearers that used to be busily working with students and where they went. There were so many people that I didn’t see anymore. It was kind of sad to me and still is in a sense. Even though I’m very happy to see every time someone leaves the Sea Org and gets on with their life they way they want to live it, including myself.
Supervisors and word clearers were sent to the RPF due to down stats. Jon Lundeen was likely moved to a reg position. Not sure where he will go now, probably to Hemet to scrub dumpsters with a toothbrush.
Once they combine the orgs, they can find a twenty something hopefully fairly cute gal to run the show. She can recruit some of her teenage friends to fill out the ranks of the MAAs office and if they can get someone out of the casket to reg like good old Lewis Schwartz, they might make a small showing.
When LRH wrote the HCOBs and PLs on why students blow courses of course IAS and Idle Morgue donations reg scamming did not exist. I think that if he ever were to “come back” then he would have to revise these polices and HCOBs to include “Students can blow if they feel are being treated as cash cows to be milked at every student break (or even by interrupting their courses)”. Who actually would want to appear in an Org for courses if you knew you were surrounded by Reg vultures at any moment. But actually such is also somewhat covered in the existing policies by the word “interfering” with students. Such is a new factor nevertheless, introduced into the scene of students blowing and course rooms being empty since I think about the late 80s. If I was one of those Sups or Word Clearers I would simply point out the elephant in the room of IAS, Basics, Superpower and Idle Org Regges hanging around every corner in the Org.But of course they could not do that could they?
Yes, the end is inevitable, the only question is how soon. At some point there simply will not be enough staff to run a credible show, and it will become impossible to recruit new members. Then the only thing that remains is how do they sell off the property and how does the remaining cash get distributed.
That’s easy. Dave gets it. Everyone else gets to SCOHB.
You are exactly right, Coop! That mothertfucker is going to walk away a rich man some day. Maybe because it’s so obviously who the problem is, they just can’t see it.
That’s correct Cooper. DM just regurgitates the Corp structure so only a single “Pastor” is needed at a few key locations worldwide and he “runs” the non-profit from an very nice Island paradise HQ. No S.O. or real staff needed. He doesn’t need to give away any money once all the public leave the church. It doesn’t work that way.
Apropos of nothing: I have 2 memories of ASHO on Rampart in the early 70’s.
One, I was getting a session there from a student, don’t remember what for. As I was crossing the side street to go to the examiner, a SO member running at full speed to muster blidsided me. I mean Ka-pow, right into me. I remember nothing after that.
Two: The whole of Pac was getting the Joburg Sec Check due to area-wide downstats.
My auditor was Connie Baaska. I kinda thought she’d go a little easy on me as we both came out from Scn Puerto Rico. No effin’ way. One day she was real late, so I said Fuck This and hitchhiked back to the ship, blowing the session.
My good friend and shipmate, Fred Wagner, decided to follow later on. He was hitching a ride down to San Pedro and was knifed and nearly killed by whoever he got in a car with. He survived, thank God.
IIRC the motherfuckers who did that to Fred were caught. To whoever ordered those Sec Checks Fuck You!
That’s the spirit Civmar! Can you imagine the still ins having such an attitude these days? Nah!
This “management” has had 30 years to staff and grow Orgs so there is no excuse.
I agree, it did not have to implode this quickly. Any good organization places a priority on treating its staff with respect and dignity and paying them a fair wage. DM has done none of these.
Brilliant, War Horse!
But barely an exaggeration of what the Church does!
I can see it now! The next step to obtain HIGHEST EVAH stats!!!!
The “why” for no new Class VIII’s & OT’s:
“When a person completes their B.C. (we won’t mention that no BC grads are made anymore) at ASHO they were being routed ACROSS the STREET to AOLA. Most became lost and never made it to the AO. The same was happening to all the clears made at ASHO (zero to none) who then attempted to go OT at the AO. Thus, the SOLUTION!!!! Physically combine the two orgs into ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more lost students & clears!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Due to fluctuations in my fiscal portfolio, I have re-located from my eyesore of a mansion to a lovely and highly coveted patch of grass just adjacent to the train tracks on the other side of town. With this long-sought-after move, I can better minister to squatters and transients of all races, creeds, and colors. I have also decided to divest myself of all forms of gas and electricity in order to live in better harmony with nature!!
AS IF THAT WEREN’T ENOUGH… I have causatively and self-determinedly allowed my wife to leave me and return to her mother. AND she’s taking the kids, which affords me EVEN MORE FREE TIME to lift the spirits of aforementioned squatters and transients to levels approaching mine!!!
The local police have even agreed to provide shelter for me on rainy nights! I will be protected by bars and my own private security detail!!
I’ll be briefing everybody about these exciting changes around the campfire tonight at sunset!
Admission: any spare change, or a fifth of Jack Daniels.
I too, live on the ‘other side of the tracks.’ Literally. I’ll bring the Jack…
I see at least two more, similar moves to this, one to be expected, the other possible but probably a little further off: 1) Close down SHF, as you have already suggested; and 2) Combine the new one org ASHO with AOLA to create an AOSHLA or AOSH US. That could easily be sold as all the other ASHO/AOs are combined in one org. This certainly doesn’t bode well for the promised AOSHs in SA, Latam and Canada either. Miscavige will still probably force those through using IAS grants, but will stagger them out over years, if he even has years left anymore, so he can use their openings to trumpet inconceivable expansion for years to come. If he does that, though, how they will ever stay afloat is beyond me. I still think they will never open.
I also think that L. Ron Hubbard Hall and the PAC Auditorium will never be completed either, unless they are paid for out of reserves and/or by stripping all available funds out of Flag and the PAC orgs over a long period of time.
How long, for example, would a conglomeration of hospitals and other health care facilities last if the doctors, nurses, technicans, orderlies, groundskeepers, etc (AND even patients, for god’s sake) all just sat around and regged the crap out of each other, all day and night for endless donations to nowhere?
Occasional fake surgeries and rushed office visits would only make it worse. It’s really comically ridiculous that ANYONE still buys this scam.
In a scientology hospital setting everyone would die in a mad make-it-go-right too-little-too-late rush.
Crossed stats would be “new admissions / deceased”.
Oh. And LA would be hounded with calls “just calling to confirm you are coming for your operation today” and “cash or credit”?
They even have all the paper for you to sign before starting on anything. Maybe they bought into the hospital theme too much when they acquired the Cedar Complex.
I wonder how they get around LRH ED 7 INT, CLOSING OR COMBINING ORGS,
“Closing or combining orgs with their Foundations is unlawful and is an act of high Treason. Planning for the opening of new orgs is the duty of each OES. All such planning must include the primary target of having and training staff. L Ron Hubbard”
Well done Nomnom for digging that out. Blue on white, states the facts, end of story! One feels something is wrong in doing so (combining Orgs) and the very least it is a statement of defeat no matter which spin is put on it
Well, unless Dave the Dildo says so and then it is OK ……………….. as long as it is done by yesterday.
“Something MASSIVE has just occurred at the Pacifica Base! … This is very BIG and EXITING News!!!”
Mike, there is nothing deceptive or “news speak” with this announcement. What you didn’t know is that this was written and sent out by one of your readers who understands the Scn scam. It is VERY exciting indeed!!!! 😉
What specifically is driving this? Are there too few SO to fill the Org Charts at ASHO and elsewhere, or is it that the number of hours of services provided is becoming so small that they can only make it bearable by reducing their internal competition? They can lie about services, but if the SO is retracting that would be huge news.
Probably a bit of both. Sea Org recruitment promo has been out the roof of late.
I love the promos that say, “See if you quality for the Sea Org!” If you’re breathing and believe the dwarf is God, you quality.
Science Doc, I agree. I think the hours they put in, the pennies they make, the ABSOLUTE SHIT they have to put up with, the slop they’re fed, the NO TIME OFF, at some point, becomes more than they can bare. I’ll bet more and more SO are leaving. And, of course, who can blame them? It’s a living hell…
OSD, I think they would put up with all of that, but the most important reason they will leave is because they are not following what LRH tech or policy, and they will know it!
Also why are you having a briefing about the new ASHO at AO? I mean wouldn’t you want to have it at ASHO since it is so exciting. And a new captain??? Whoa has Lundeen finally but the dust? I predict that in a couple more years ASHO, AO LAD, LAF will all become one org called the Pacifica Ideal Org and they will just close down the right side of the street all together. Until it is all closed. I can’t imagine that they will be able to keep the lights on much longer. When we changed out the sign on Sunset that was mainly to save money. To run the old sign with bulbs in it cost nearly $8000 a month. Just for the sign. That didn’t include any of the other buildings power costs. Unless they get some more public in it’s gonna be awfully dark in there.
Dave knows that the Kaiser hospital has been salivating over purchasing that entire block. Dave’s next dim bulb idea will be to set a deadline for all orgs to be Ideal. When those 80 or so buildings that are not ideal don’t make the deadline, Dave will begin to sell off the buildings as ‘punishment.’ Once those buildings are all sold off, Dave will then procalim that ‘all Orgs are now Ideal.’ He just needs to maintain the balancing act between yanking ribbons and losing whales who realize that he is actually pulling their leg.
I hope Kaiser buys it and turns it into a massive psychiatric complex.
Maybe he can sell that super power monstrosity to Marriott or Renaissance…and return Clearwater to its citizens..nothing seems to be really going on in there…and…all those sea orgers ever seem to do is huddle around the big lot where the tent was last year and smoke….
Kaiser has made massive improvements to the hospital and surrounds. It looks beautiful now compared to how it used to. No doubt, Kaiser would love to purchase the block that PAC Base sits on. If they did, they would definitely tear the whole thing down and build something modern, which is what they have going on now.
It would be a good day to see that base demolished, I’m sure for a lot of people.
Lou, the Flag Bldg can not be used for anything useful. There is too much interior space too far away from any exterior walls to be useful as a hotel. It is a stupid building in conception and design. It serves no purpose now and never will.
I use Kaiser. I had to go to the Sunset facility with my son when he had an emergency situation earlier this year. I didn’t want to go there because it was right across the street from PAC. Thankfully we had a garden facing room. But when I walked to the cafeteria I had to walk down this long hallway that faced the base. They had just had an event the night before and I saw the RPF scrambling to clean it all up. It didn’t make me angry like I thought. All I could think was, here is this amazing hospital that is saving lives, like really saving people and there are all these insane people over there running around telling themselves that they are saving people when all they are doing is screaming at each other, and stealing money from one another. What a pity.
First, I want to thank you again, Mike, for your dedication and hard work. We are winning! In no small part because of what you do on this blog, and, I’m sure, elsewhere.
Ok, now, as for this “great news” of 2 major orgs collapsing into one, here’s my take on it: For as long as I was in, there was NEVER any bad news. News was always good. The exceptions were when some org in Europe was being suppressed and we were being regged for donations to deliver it from under the thumb of the Merchants of Chaos – but even then, we would be told that the reason that org was being suppressed was because it had been doing very well. In my experience, it was never admitted that orgs ever did anything but very well, nor was it ever admitted that Class V org staff as such were ever less than flourishing and prospering. And the staff, btw, would go out of their way to make you believe how great their lives were, and how they were flourishing and expanding as beings by being on staff – they were for the most part, really, really good at mocking this kind of thing up to make you believe it.
For many years I accepted all this PR at face value because frankly it didn’t occur to me that anyone could be capable of lying so blatantly; it had to be true, you know?
Around the time I realized that the Co$ was not doing well at all, coincidentally I got to see that the staff were also compulsive good-newsers, and that a number of them who I’d known for years actually had lives which sucked far worse than mine did.
And then came the internet…
For you, Aqua and OSD too, +⭐️
This reminds me of something I think MJ said recently: We are closing for expansion.
Yes, it was in relation to the Sunland mission. Truly straight up and vertical.
Incidentally, I have received a couple pieces of promo lovebombing me and making it sound like I’m one of the chosen special few honoured with an invitation to come and join “7000 scientologists” in the 30th IAS anniversarry celebrations. From leading names no less.
i think that was Amy Scobee that posted that. Either way, “We are closing for expansion” is very telling. Sort of like, we are curtailing auditing to get people up the bridge faster.
Hey, grab a chair and a beer and sit back and watch the fun!
Yes, I think your are right. Sorry, Amy!
“We are kicking their butts! No worries! We have never been doing so well. I know you see the Russians surrounding us here in Berlin, but take my word, we have them right where we want them! We can now eradicate all of our enemies!”
Adolph Hitler, 1945
But …. but …… it was already IDEAL … and I just word cleared “ideal” and …..
DM: I deal.
Everyone: we lose.
This is shocking, really shocking news. I actually am having a really hard time swallowing this one. It’s been pretty clear from the state of the outer orgs that the contraction has killed them, but now it has hit the SO org bases too. I was going to post on the article yesterday about event attendance that I thought that was the most obvious external indicator we could track to follow the decline of Scientology. But this blows that away as far as a clear cut indication of just how desperate the situation is. You nailed it Mike that no amount of clever wording can change the obvious truth: Scientology is dead and just hasn’t realized it yet.
Chris, I was only staff at a mission in Honolulu. My question is: Does Fdn & Day have their own students and staff? And are they completely separate? And, what was the reason for having Fdn & Day in the first place?
It’s all laid out in Hubbard’s policies. For ASHO specifically, Day was supposed to co denigrate on the Americas as a whole (Canada down to South America) since those out-of-owners would be coming for full time service. ASHO Fdn’ s purpose was to service the local LA field. They were the people who would be working during the day and would be off work nights and weekends, so wouldn’t really be Day org public. This has a certain degree of probability if the orgs stay calm and cooperate. But the toxic stat-push mentality of the SO makes such cooperation impossible. So the problems were endless between the two orgs ripping off each other’s public for the sake of stats. Happened every week. So this will “solve” that, amongst other problems such as too little GI being made by each org to support themselves.
The main point of this is that in any world or business model, consolidation = contraction. There is no positive spin on this. The contraction of Scn has now clearly hit the SO bases and this is quite simply, fantastic news.
It is probably also a way of getting those staff who are not full time to be so. Some SO management hated the fact that some staff had lives outside the Org or had spare time in any day (gasp! shock horror!), when they could be being utilized on Call-In or writing letters etc. or other inane activities to try and bolster the falling stats caused by the same SO management, and despite the Moonlighting Policy and the policies on Foundation Orgs. Thing is that study time, family time and libs etc. were also gradually and covertly abolished – which was and is the real intent here.
Chris, I also felt this is very shocking. I am more upset about this than the other changes that have taken place even though some of the other changes (I’m thinking of the denigration of study tech) have really been more destructive. Or have they? How can people still in the Church swallow this and even think it’s a good thing?
Do you consider ASHO to be your successful pilot program for closing down Orgs? What about selling off buildings?
H-O-L-Y S-H-I-T!
This is kind of awesome for a couple reasons. First, I had many years on staff at ASHO Day and I have said OVER AND OVER AGAIN that any reason for every having Day / Fdn orgs had long since become irrelevant and that these orgs should 100% become combined. Combined they would be the biggest SO org outside of FLAG (at least at the time). And the strength of the team would have been amazing!!! Most of the dev-t in those orgs came from fighting each other for stats and public. I mean like WARS. It was horrible.
Combined, they’d have MORE than enough sups, MORE auditors than auditing rooms, TONS of decent administrators, etc.
Of course saying something like this was borderline RPF’able.
While all this was happening it was announced that concurrent to the Ideal Org program, ALL Class V orgs would become Day / Fdn, as this was THE LRH solution for muckety muck and whatever.
I thought “JESUS CHRIST…it doesn’t even work HERE….why would it work anywhere else?”
So on the one hand I think it’s pretty cool the orgs are combining. Hopefully Renee Norton will not be CO any longer, so the effects of her clinical insanity might be mitigated a bit.
On the other hand, this would never be happening unless stats at both orgs were total shit, and they want to cover it up by combining orgs and saying the stats are now “highest evert” — (SCN MGMT doesn’t really do math well)
1/2 the Div Heads are about be demoted. 1/2 the Exec Secs are about to be demoted. 1/2 of most everyone in the org is about to be demoted. This has to be a real hit with the crew.
Also…I have to assume this means the plan for Class V orgs to all become day / fdn is bust.
Interesting Alex.
There is a difference between an SO split org and a Class V, but I wonder about the “Day and Fdn” orgs. Quite a number of them have combined. The ‘ideal” Portland (first Clear city) org used to be Day and Foundation and it just melted into one and there has been no attempt to split it up in its idealness. THere are a bunch of them like this. On the other hand, Tampa DID split up and make a big deal about how they were the first to do it and become TWO ideal orgs. So, who knows. I think it all depends on which side of the coffin the head vampire gets out of in the morning….
Mike, don’t forget that the Portland Day and Foundation also merged with the CC PTL to make it the great idleness of just one org. First SCN City? … Heh!
Further to Mirari’s comment I believe that London CC merged into the idle mOrgue.
To reiterate Jens Tingleff’s comment that London CC merged with the London Ideal Org (at 146 Queen Victoria Street) then this is confirmed by correspondence I have had with a staff member at London Day. I asked when this happened and was given the imprerssion that this occurred some time near the end of 2013 as rumoured but I did not push the issue. I asked why the sign was not on the door or wall of 146 QVS and was told that they are still waiting for their new sign to be delivered. So you can regard it as solidly confirmed that London CC merged with the London Ideal Org at 146 QVS some time before the end of 2013.
Huh. I wonder which of the existing captains survived this, or if it will be a new captain.
Not surprising that ASHO is failing. Many of the staff treat the public in a condescending, rude manner and make it clear that the public are nothing but out ethics particles who are really just too much trouble to service. The rest of the staff seem to be afraid to do anything about it.
Not the Scientology I joined, that’s for sure.
You have hit the nail on the head there Simple. Pure disdain – it comes from not delivering services to the same people they are disdainful to, but rather overt products (services).
Wow. I thought there was something written about combining Day and Foundation Orgd being a suppressive Act by some guy. His name will come to me . . . Hmmm I am drawing a blank. I guess since they don’t even mention LRH any more ready the aren’t following his policies either. Pathetic. What I want to know if are they keeping he ADHO D uniforms or are they gonna go with the cow tie from ASHOF?
Since I’ve never been in scientology, here is a very basic question.
Does the foundation provide services at night and weekend while day provides services 9-5 M-F?
Do they share the same building and working spaces?
What was L.Ron’s rationale for having two organizations instead of one?
Yes, you have it right.
The reason was so that the staff would have time to do other things, study etc It was not originally for orgs staffed with Sea Org members, but for orgs staffed with people that lived in their own homes and had families. ASHO Foundation was an anomaly, the only Sea Org manned “Foundation” org.
We are watching the organized and orderly shutdown of COS. At some point the weight of untended matters will overwhelm the remaining administrative capacity of the beast, and its head will fly apart like that guy in the movie “Scanners.”
I remember watching Scanners, hgc10. I remember the main guy saying, “Ok, we’ll do the scanner way.” Then they tried to explode each others head. Sounds like scientology to me…
It now occurs to me that LRH was trying to create a race of Scanners. First you try pushing ashtrays around — since your average ash tray is not smarter than a soap dish or a plumb bob (well, actually, the plumb bob has some smarts; it knows which direction is down). Anyway, you move on from there to reading tone levels, doing touch assists, and handling people, being at cause over their mesty ways. Then, with superpower meritorious maximums, you can make their heads explode. It’s ecclesiastical, I say!
I love it, hgc! Maybe, just maybe they have morphed into…wait for it…it’s coming…Scammer Scanners?
OKAY , Two SO Orgs that produce nothing are melted into one org and still produce nothing. Is this some kind of Bartender Joke ????
Three auditors walk into a Bar, a Class 5, class 6 and class 8. They each order a drink form the Bartender. In walks David Miscavige ( remainder of joke is censored)
Jose, it makes perfect sense to me. Take NOTHING away NOTHING and you get NOTHING! Truly smoke and mirrors. Slip sliding away…
It was considered suppressive to combine two orgs, therefore the staff never spoke of it. However, when I was on staff at ASHOD, it was (even more) stressful not to be able to feel “at home” in one’s own work space. Every day you went to work and your desk was not really YOUR desk because you shared with someone in the other org. If you tried to keep personal items there, they would invariably be misplaced, misused, or disappear. One could never feel stable at his work station. I can see why the staff would be (temporarily) thrilled.
I know Anita! Scn orgs have the worst case of “no one ever owns anything” that I’ve ever experienced. These small indignities really add up and result in an unsafe work environment. Add no pay, no privacy and mental torture and the demise of the orgs was certain.
Thanks for the duplication, Hallie Jane. When I was the BSO ASHOD, I cried every single day….
This was not a problem in the Orgs I worked in Anita.One never felt stable because of the FOLO sending destructive and off-policy missions and ripping up the Org, not if one’s pencil sharpener was missing. (I don’t mean to be rude here if you think I am.)
I get it, Foolproof. The missing pencil sharpener just added insult to the injury, and gave one a target for his BPC.
Dear Anita, but won’t they still have this problem because even if the orgs are combined, there must be different shifts to deliver to the public (whatever public is left) so staff must still be sharing their workspace? Or can it be that they just aren’t delivering in the evening?
That may be the case for some, Jenni. When I was on staff at a mission, the staff had certain hours they worked depending on what their post was. Your desk was your desk. Your post was your post. You did not share a post.
Mike, always love the way you phrase things in your posts. The ship is sinking faster and faster. The writer is correct – This is MASSIVE.
This is huge and this tells me that critical mass has on their contraction has hit. It will go faster and faster like water circling the drain at the end.
I remember when on ASHO Fdn BC there were 200 students lined up for rollcall in the hallway and it would take 15 to 20 minutes just to get through all the names. So now there aren’t even enough students to hold any roll call at all cuz the BC has been axed and the BC is no more. My prediction is LA Day and Fdn will be next. And Sunland Msn is no more. That one combined with the Foothills Msn. We’ll see how they try to spin that as expansion. It is double-speak a la “1984” variety for sure.
However, they will be able to announce with fanfare that “ASHO is now as big a Flag!!!!!!!!!!”
Count on it.
The collapse of the Cult is not likely to proceed in a linear fashion as you note. The Titanic struck the iceburg at 11:40 PM on the 14th of April, 1912. The belief by those on board was that the ship was unsinkable; nothing to worry about here!
By 12:40AM the first lifeboats were being prepared for loading. Not all lifeboats were loaded to capacity, after all, it was a chilly evening out there! The last lifeboat with people on board began to lower at 2:05AM while four men played cards in the first class smoking room!
By 2:20AM the Titanic was gone. 2hours and 40 minutes elapsed from the striking of the iceberg to its demise. All the action took place in the last 15 minutes.
One empty lifeboat floated off the deck as it went down. Of the 2230 passengers and crew, 1500 went down with the ship.
I have no doubt we are watching a similar process here with the demise of a Cult. It took about 30 years to build it. (1950 to 1980) It took another 20 before it struck an iceberg (Lisa McPherson ?) It took a few years to get the lifeboats in position. (Marty left 2004, Mike Left 2007) Now most of the lifeboats are away and we watch as the great Cult goes down in the bow. The Miscarriage plays cards and drinks Scotch in the Parlor of Hemet. The Cult will disappear soon and we will need to do what we can for those bobbing in the frigid waters of the wog world.
Great post Coop. Yes, we will need to prepare for incoming wounded from the lost souls leaving or ejected from the church during its death throes.
The Titanic is a splendid analogy! Let’s hope the cap’n goes down with his ship, and doesn’t commandeer a lifeboat. Time for indies to reach out a hand to those who want out of that dark water…