Apparently the idea that people are curious about scientology is no longer operative?
I wonder if it has anything to do with the promotion for Scientology The Aftermath that recently began that plays on their “Curious?” concept?
These two billboards have now replaced the “Curious?” ones in Clearwater:
Surprises? Well, I guess you could say that.
Surprises you with how lame it is. The same infomercials over and over and over and over….
Amazes? Yes, that too. It is amazing that in this day and age anyone joins or gives them any more money.
Love the fact that they are continuing their magician theme of late — we will make your bank account disappear, and perhaps your family too.
And if anyone ever needed proof that the real intended audience for the entire Cult Shopping Network is scientologists — to convince them that people are interested in and being “reached” by scientology — this is it. They bought billboards in Clearwater — NOT Tampa. Tampa is where the “ideal” org is. Flag in Clearwater does not deliver to new public. In fact, if you were “raw meat” and showed up at the entrance to the Ft Harrison (you cannot even get in the door of the “Flag Building”) you would be interrogated within an inch of your life because they would peg you as either a reporter or a government agent.
They spend money to buy billboards in Clearwater solely to impress the whales who live in Clearwater. Though they could choose a better location than US 19 — State Road 60 would also catch the whales going to and from the airport…
Score another one for Leah Remini: Scientology and The Aftermath. Scientology reacts yet again.
Pardon the aside:
This regarding the unauthorised use of Mony Python from the Manchester “Church” flier in last Thursday’s funnies. I sent an email to the Monty Python Official Site regard said flier and recived a reply sometime today –
“Wow! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Where was this posted?
Sent back the full name, address, phone number, and website address of the Manchester joint.
Anyone get the feeling that they aren’t pleased, to say the least?
No offense Mike to you personally … I understand how you were brainwashed — but I’ve been following these WHACKJOBS for over 30 YEARS purely for the extraordinary entertainment value it provides.
I think two photos are emblematic of the cult. One is L Ron Hubbard sitting on the edge of a bed days or weeks before he was able to keel over dead where he looks like the long haired unhinged LUNATIC that he truly was. The other is of that unhinged Keebler Elf midget David Miscavige decked out in a Sea Org outfit on the Freewinds with a bunch of the Sea Org members. It’s hard for me not to crack up every time I see the latter posted somewhere. What a little FREAK! ???
The Hubbard photo you speak of as taken in Queens NY in 1973. He died in 1986.
Really? He looks SO OLD!
That photo of Miscavige has a certain person standing behind him, which brings up a very important question… WHERE’S SHELLEY?
They can dust her off, allow her some sleep, and give her some real food (assuming she is still alive) when the attention gets too unbearble, but it will never atone for all those missing years. To COB, well done sir!… if turning everything you touch into shit is a job that is well done.
JUST MY OPINION but I very much doubt that Miscavige is ordering Shelly to be starved or otherwise mistreated and here’s why: he knows that the world knows that he put his wife away. Her death would be NEWS. The LAPD has already PUBLICLY vouchsafed her safety and well being, stateing unequivocally that she is where she chooses to be. THEIR collective ass is on the line with this statement. The world is keeping tabs on this lady. Mike Rinder is watching. Tony Ortega is watching HURRICANE LEAH is keeping tabs 🙂 . A sick, malnourished Shelly DYING at the age of – what? 56 or so, after vanishing from view for 11 years, having been put away by the ecclesiastical leader of Scientology, a man who is STILL her legal husband? HUGE news and the death knell of the cult. Miscavige is not stupid. He has Tiger Shelly by the tail. He can’t let her go. He MUST keep her ALIVE and, if not happy, at least comfortable, well fed and in good physical health.
Not that Miscavige would not, in a perfect world for him, LOVE to be able to vent his vile spleen on Shelly if he could do so with impunity. But he can’t. The world is watching.
Again, this is MY OPINION, strictly, and as such, if anyone here sees a flaw in this reasoning, if there’s something anyone sees that I’m failing to see and factor in, PLEASE don’t hesitate to point it out. I’d be interested to hear it!
I agree with you, David Miscavige would be uncharacteristically foolish to physically mistreat Shelly. However, as the saying goes, “ve haf vays” – there’s a lot that could have happened, or could have been done with ill intent, to break her psychologically and spiritually, as Marty Rathbun and others have attested to.
Mid to late 50s wouldn’t exactly be an uncommon age for a scientologist to die – Shelly’s friend Annie Broeker only lived to 55 – particularly if they were a smoker and typically were not receiving normal medical car, and especially for a staff or Sea Org members subject to chronic sleep deprivation and other stresses, on top of which such factors could be compounded by their being in a situation where life offered little joy or hope. The reported recent sightings of her suggested that she wasn’t in good health, and while her premature death, particularly if she were in ill health, would be a problem for her husband, it may be yet another debacle he “pulls in.”
Yes, you’re right. Psychologically break her. Make her feel so useless and worthless and just plain wrong that she CAN’T eat, CAN’T sleep despite not being actively prevented from doing so by others. Tell her lies about the problems Scientology is dealing with, all of which are HER fault. And of course she’d have no way of knowing. She’d believe whatever she’s told. You’re right, the depressed, grief-stricken, anxious mind can work on a physically healthy body and make it sick and make the person WANT to die. I know that’s true. And I also didn’t factor in the likelihood that she’s a smoker, another huge stressor on stressed out immune system.. Wow. And as you say, I can easily be giving Miscavige too much credit for intelligence. Its quite possible he’s so far gone now that his actions and reactions are beyond his own control, with any semblance of his normalcy due to his actions being monitored by those in his inner circle. Its very possible that he is by now a raging idiot and completely off his whack, lashing out at anybody and everybody, yet his anger and destructive impulses checked and contained, and his more insane orders disregarded, quietly, until he forgets about them. Its possible.
she could very easily be legally committed by a husband, and she could easily have been legally doped drugged mentally impaired in medical therapy to make her a vegetable for life and the blame all placed on her. Prescription drug-abuse is always blame placed on the patient. And if she is in a permanent REST-HOME law prevents media harassment which means Miscavage has won. Perfect murder. Living vegetable and plenty of money to leave it be.
“That photo of Miscavige has a certain person standing behind him, which brings up a very important question… WHERE’S SHELLEY?”
There’s no way in the US that the police can investigate such a question? Makes me rather scared of the US…
I have an odd idea that may just work.
1. Billboards are great attention “getters” because one cannot unread what was read…. Duh! I know!
BUT what if billboards are strategically placed in and around all COS locations with small inserts of “Truths”. Technically they cannot read anything against COS on purpose for fear of reprisals and auditing… Well what happens when it is unintentional reading?
2. How to pay for it?
Since there are more Ex-Scientologist THAN Scientologist then everyone who wants to help can donate 1$ to a billboard fund. Start with 3-4 locations that people can choose to donate to keep the billboards up. Eventually expand to more high-vis locations.
I’m just saying that other functional things can be done… not everyone has cable TV or Hulu so why not expand, reach, equip, and save.
One must think about saving the ones that need saving before thinking about reaching the ones that are not even in yet.
Personally I love the show. I have never ever been interested in Scientology, albeit that it does have a seemingly good nature for humans to be decent human beings “in theory”; but my Criminal Intelligence degree screams at me every episode I watch with all the ideas on how to make a Criminal fall to their own crimes… more than legal justice, social justice must be paid….
Side note… billboards should not say…
“Stop doing this or that”
That language of oppression or negation will not work with people who are brainwashed.
Instead using language such as quoted doctrine and from their own books and offering an alternative outlook on the same information.
Another good option is posting the side by side documents of the military service for L. Ron Hubbard.
Or explaining the oddities in medals received in common plain language.
No one in the military gets two different records at their discharge (unless they have errors). Not even people who work in secret stuff because the discharge records does not contain sentisitive information that would require two records to be create to hide one.
I wonder if they deliberately choose to buy billboard space from Clear Channel.
I accidentally ran across the FB page of STAND (Scientology Taking Action Against Discrimination) Blogger T. Reeves. The content of his first post gave me a good chuckle and fits in nicely with what must be their new and and improved plan to win souls and financially clean their clocks:
“Will You Be the Journalist Who Covers Scientology Right?
“Whether you are an amateur blogger, the curator of a Facebook page, or a content creator for a prestigious international news organization, if—by your writings or your multimedia content—you seek to inform people about the world, you’re a journalist (or want to be). And if you’re a journalist in any capacity, I’m directing this writing specifically to you.
“I’m assuming that, as a writer, a Facebooker, YouTuber or content creator, you have a sense of personal honor and would want to do what’s right—to demonstrate in some way that public enlightenment founded on the truth is indeed the forerunner of justice and is foundational to a free, democratic society.
“Assuming I’m still describing you, and not some evil sockpuppet internet troll or slimy tabloid paparazzo, this would imply you would subscribe to the Code of Journalistic Ethics detailed by the Society of Professional Journalists. And since you are on this site, let’s assume for a second that you’ve considered doing an article, post or video on Scientologists or the Scientology religion.
“Given that you’d want to cover Scientologists and Scientology with ethics and decency, allow me to excerpt a few key points of the aforementioned journalistic Code of Ethics which can help you craft an engaging, incisive, and yet fair and accurate article about my religion, or any religious group, for that matter.
“Let’s focus here on the first section of the Code: Seek Truth and Report It.
Now THAT is amazing!
More deceit and lies. How about just coming clean, admit the wrongs, clean up your damn church and move on.
We in RTC decided — and this was done by actual survey — that the public was no longer curious about Scientology for the simple reason that we fully answered 3.2 billion queries following the launch of Scientology TV. All questions having been answered by two way comm, we thereupon routed 3.189 billion people onto introductory Scientology courses.
Nice tux Dave. It will come in handy should you be nominated for best comedy show posing as a religion.
They probably realized that the ‘Curious’ button just made people Google Scientology, if anything.
A new billboard in Miami proves your point.
While driving home on 95 North the other night from having dinner in downtown Miami I almost slamed on my breaks and said in my head “What the Fxxk?” There is was a Gargantuan (LOL) billboard, high up, off on my left about a block or two off the highway.
All I could see was a big picture of Grant Cardone with his name in big letters and a huge 10X. I couldn’t read all of it as I was doing about 70 and some trees were blocking part of the billboard. Hell, you would have to pull off the highway to read it. It took me just a moment to figure out who this intended billboard was for. The Miami org is not far from this billboard. And who in the world outside the bubble of SCN would know what 10X means. What a bunch of knucleheads.
Not a lot of ‘Granting’ of beingness there.
That is a board advertising Grant Cardone’s 10x growth conference for entrepenuers. It is in Miami at Marlins Park coming up next spring. Last year he had it in Vegas.
Grant Cardone = douchebag
By anybody’s standards.
Especially on a billboard.
Cardone this year invested $13 million in an office building and $90 million in a condo complex in Aventura, FL (yes, where the MAGAbomber is from).
Should anyone want to do their own teaser for season 3 using the great ideas COS offers in Mike’s blog post, here are the lines for the one done by Leah and A&E.
With season 3, is there anything about Scientology you’re still curious about?
Yeah, (bleep) curious
I’m curious where the leader of Scientology’s wife is?
I’m curious why someone would have to disconnect from their own daughter, cause your church thinks they’re enemies.
I’m curious why you have your members sign non disclosure agreements and then claim you have nothing to hide.
I’m curious why Scientology continues to have tax exempt status.
They have millions and millions of dollars to bully people, have people followed, to destroy their lives utterly!
Well yeah!
Since you asked!
TrevAnon, you nailed it. Scientology, thy name is oxymoron.
How NOT to take care of your elderly Mama:
Four brothers left home for college, and they became successful
doctors and lawyers.
One evening, they chatted after having dinner together. They
discussed the 95th birthday gifts they were able to give their
elderly mother who had moved to Florida.
The first said, “You know I had that big house built for Mama.”
The second said, ” And I had the large theater built in that house.”
The third said, “And I had my Mercedes dealer deliver an SL600 to her.”
The fourth said, “You know how Mama loved reading the Bible, and you
know she can’t read anymore because she can’t see very well. I met a
preacher who told me about a parrot who could recite the entire
Bible. It took ten preachers almost 8 years to teach him. I had to
pledge to contribute $50,000 a year for five years to the church,
but it was worth it. Mama only has to name the chapter and verse, and
the parrot will recite it.”
The other brothers were impressed. After the celebration Mama sent
out her “Thank You” notes.
She wrote:
“Milton, the house you built is so huge that I live in only one room,
but I have to clean the whole house. Thanks anyway.”
“Marvin, I am too old to travel. I stay home and have my groceries
delivered, so I never use the Mercedes. The thought was good. Thanks.”
“Michael, you gave me this expensive theater with Dolby sound and
all. It can hold 50 people, but all of my friends are dead, I’ve
lost my hearing, and I’m nearly blind. I’ll never get to use it.
Thank you for the gesture, just the same.”
“Dearest Melvin, you were the only son to have the good sense to give
a little thought to your gift. Thank you so much. The chicken was
Love, Mama
I recently checked out the Scn TV line-up and it looked pretty darned slick as far as PR goes. It impressed me as an attempt at a complete makeover, as if they’re trying to purge the past and put on a brand new face that has no resemblance to their sordid past. I wonder if their strategy is to cultivate a new, young audience that may be less familiar with their “old” brand and may be more susceptible to their new-and-improved brand.
I get the idea that training and auditing are headed to becoming a side line and that the main activities are going to be the front groups.
The PR of Scientology is so bad they are pretty much forced to attempt some effort to handle it. It affects their ability to recruit both paying members and staff. It also causes the non Scientology family and friends of their staff, to encourage these people to open their eyes and leave. Scientology does surveys and they know what the general public do and don’t want to hear. Scientology will say ANYTHING and claim ANYTHING that they feel will help facilitate their con game. I know someone in Clearwater that has been convinced that Scientology no longer applies the disconnection policy. 10 years ago Tommy Davis went on TV to claim there was no such thing as disconnection applied by Scientology. Scientology continues to repeat this even today. Travolta has a line in the “Gotti” movie where he says to his son “If I was arrested for robbing a church and I still had the steeple sticking out of my ass, I would say I didn’t do it.” That describes the Scientology mine set exactly. Scientology can put some lipstick on and try to walk a little differently but it is what it is.
Tweet from Stephen King 0/28/2018 6:47 p.m.
Note to writers: “Amazing” is very tired. “Amazing” needs a long vacation. Therefore, please don’t write about your amazing party, your amazing girlfriend’s amazing dress, or your amazing vacation. Something more pungent & specific, please.
That should say 10/28/2018.
But somehow writing about my wife’s pungent dress just doesn’t sound as good. She may take that the wrong way.
What I’m most “amazed” and “suprised” about is the massive amount of damage Mike and Leah have done, and are doing, to COB after he arrogantly and dismissively abused both of them. They have stood up for themselves and challenged the ostensibly omnipotent fuhrer of Scientology and with a powerful coalition, have brought incalculable harm to both Scamology and the undersized tyrant.
I’ll bet that little asshole never dreamed his ruthless behavior would come back to bite him in the ass like this.
As a former fighter what Mike and Leah are doing, to him and the whole rotten structure, gives me a warm fuzzy glow inside!
Speaking of ‘curious,’ years ago while on staff (Late 70’s) I was in charge of getting the little cardboard boxes of OCA’s (Oxford Capacity Analysis or personality test [nothing to do with Oxford]) into dry cleaners, laundromats and other small businesses. The surveyed color was hot pink, with the word Curious at a rakish angle emblazoned across the front.
At some point later, a couple of years maybe, they noticed less people sending them in. I’m sure the stat had to crater before they paid attention to it. (And put a head on a pike.)
It turns out that the hot pink had become the color of the gay movement and people thought it was a test to see if they were gay. Thank you gay movement for saving 100’s or maybe 1,000’s of people from filling out an OCA at a bored moment during the rinse cycle.
I remember that they loved using the Curious word. For years. The fact that you and Leah’s show is using it, is just the greatest thing ever and makes me smile.
To impact the micro you must understand the macro-world around you. Hot pink, indeed! I wonder if the color was chosen in group think or by executive fiat?
How about a billboard across the street from Flag….AOLA, ASHO and every $cientology Idle Morgue on the Planet
Curious about Scientology?
Watch Leah Remini on A&E ….Scientology, The Aftermath. November 13, 2018
Together SP’s
Something CAN Be Done About It!
IDle Morgue I love your idea. Billboards across from the major AO’s: Flag, AOLA, ASHO, etc
To: ctempster
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: billboard idea.
Well, I don’t! Our super billboards will communicate to the wog masses the need to tune in to our fabulous network and watch really theta programming that will draw millions into my ideal orgs and clear this planet in no time!
Leah Remini! What a laugh!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: an even better billboard idea.
Just wait until MY billboards go up! These will really attract attention! Each billboard will have a picture of you dressed in a onesie sitting in a highchair being spoon fed Gerber Strained Beets from a jar. The caption will read:
Betcha the loudest thing you’ll hear in Clearwater will be car horns! In fact, I’m going to put two of them near Flag Land Base. That way no one on course can study because of all the loud horn honking.
No Love At All
The “mystery sandwich” policy in the Scientology marketing series is less well executed by the “surprising” and “amazing” one-word billboards though.
Cramming Order to whomever approved the one word “surprising” and “amazing” promo.
Clay Demo the difference between an ineffective “mystery sandwich” and an effective “mystery sandwich.”
Now, now, Chuck. Too steep a gradient. They might need to go word clear the term “mystery sandwich” first.
More like a misery sandwich, with a reg on one side, an ethics officer on the other and the former raw meat in the middle.
Miscavige is failing to even stay on top of marketing these days, well good for that. He used to know it halfway well enough, he’s versed in come-on and mystery sandwich stuff, he knows all the Marketing PLs. The cramming order was for him.
Looks like he could use it.
Off to Qual, Davey!
Every time I read “Mystery sandwich”, the voice in my head says *pig ear sandwich*.
Leah is the perfect medium for exposing the truth!. It has been a long wait for Season 3 but here it comes! I can’t wait! ☺
Here’s a billboard for ya:
(Sponsored by the families who have been destroyed by The Church of Scientology and millions of others who care.)
REACT to that Dave.
Mary – I’ll contribute to the motion of paying for that billboard
I just love it
Sponsored by families who have been destroyed by the Church of Scientology
How about this one ….
Scientology – STOP ruining people financially
While you hide behind the religious cloak
Sponsored by ex members who were financially ruined by the Church of Scientology
And this one….
Scientology…..stop LYING
Sponsored by ex members who wasted their lives and savings paying for a Bridge to No Where!
While the leader beats people and lives a lavish lifestyle
I am on a fricken role
Thank you Mary
I am having win after win after win!
Three Billboards Outside Clearwater Florida
I wonder if we could start a 501c3☺️
Mary I will help pay for a billboard like that. I want to add a few words to your Billboard: ‘STOP DESTROYING FAMILIES THROUGH DISCONNECTION AND SHUNNING.” That way people know it is a church policy to use disconnection against enemies and that the practice was not “stopped years ago.”
Guys, I like today’s blog:
To: Mary Kahn and company.
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: billboards.
Here’s my reaction to it! NO ONE IS PUTTING UP ANY BILLBOARDS EXCEPT ME! Only I am allowed to advertise via outdoor posters! Right now I am sending members of the Sea Org to tear down every sign in Clearwater with Little Miss Sunbeam and Little Miss Coppertone on it. These will be replaced with MY fabulous signs promoting our all-theta Scientology Network. No one needs bread or suntan lotion! THEY NEED MY TECH!
Now to stop that Alcoboy before he gets those billboards up depicting me as an infant in a highchair!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: new billboard idea
Thanks, Dave! You just gave me inspiration for my next billboard! I’m going to take Little Miss Coppertone, replace her face with yours and then replace the dog pulling down her panties with Tom Cruise!
The caption will read: THIS IS SCIENTOLOGY!
Neat, huh?
No Love At All
OMG…ROFLMAO……you are soooo naughty!
Yes, I am. I love it.
You stated so succinctly the two guaranteed end phenomena of Scientology:
“We will make your bank account disappear, and perhaps your family too.”
The saddest part about that quote is that those still in don’t believe it will ever happen to,them.
Until,it does.
Valerie the sad truth about the statement ‘we will make your bank account disappear, and your family too’ is still actually happening now. A leopard doesnt change its spots or what it does to survive, neither does Scientology & scientologists they are who they are and they cant and wont change the way the do business.
So transparent! Thanks for rubbing their noses in their culty control fumbles.
I am so proud of you Rip Van Winkle. Waking up from scientology its amazing what you did.
Thanks, Gary.. I’m regularly amazed afresh…
Remind me, we’re you ever working on the Athena cramming line in LA in 79/80?
Good job Mike Rinder and Leah Remini
You have done something about IT!
Very Well Done on legally, morally and ethically SUPPRESSING the SHIT out of $cientology
Please continue until the government shuts the cult down and yanks that tax exempt status.
Apparently the idea that people are curious about scientology is no longer operative?
I wonder if it has anything to do with the promotion for Scientology The Aftermath that recently began that plays on their “Curious?” concept?
Certainly. Dave must have hated it how Leah used “Curious?” like JiuJitsu and he must have reconsidered that he, in the final analysis, doesn’t want people being too curious. But “TV That Amazes” is so lame, they must have changed it in a hurry.
The church doens’t want people to be too curious about the SP’s they declare. I was shown former Flag Registrar’s Goldenrod (SP Declare) on Hy Levy. It lists two pages of his so called crimes. But nowhere on it does it say that he went to the press and did an interview for the Tampa Bay Times’ TV expose of Scn called “The Truth Rundown.” That is what DM is most angry about and yet it was not listed in his SP Declare as a crime he committed. Why? Because curious people may just start looking on the internet to find that interview and view it. I know I did and it started me down the rabbit hole.
I would like to see the subjects of Sex Checks and OW write-ups addresses with a thorough look at what types of things are addressed.
We talk a about “crimes” being disclosed and to potentially be used as a weapon against the person. Often it seems like the examples used include petty theft or other real-life low level/scofflaw criminal offenses.
Using this type of example lends a bit credence, paints the preclear as a bad guy.
If the truth were known, scn would be shown to be creepily obsessed with all things sexual, physical, and hyper paranoid against infiltration or criticism.
Sleeping in, being late to post, taken earlier similar to when you blew up a planet ..
I’d like to see this area ripped open and explored, maybe a Shelton or Smith-Levin vid….
I live and work in Provo Utah – home of Brigham Young University BYU.
I talk to over 900 people EVERY week (I work as a Cashier at a grocery store) and when I’m doing my job I engage in polite and interesting conversation.
Most of my “customers” are college age students attending BYU or UVU (University of Utah). 2 out of 10 are being dropped off at the Missionary Training Center (MTC) to jettison into some far place they’ve never been to before and work for the LDS church spreading their message (and getting new members) walking door-to-door. [My youngest daughter did this for 18 months (the stories are crazy) in the sticks of Montana.] Their entire FAMILY is with these men and women to send them off with blessings. LDS families are GIANT. 5-8 kids at LEAST and if you meet a Nanna (Grandma or Grandpa) they have close to 60 grand babies! They are definitely family oriented and believe in the family unit being built and strengthened.
Then there are the STUDENTS. The BYU students come from around the globe. Every Semester there are new students being dropped off and their parents accompany them to fill their kitchen/dorm for a few weeks. They buy them $300 worth of food (the point here is that it takes a little longer to scan and bag $300 worth of food). During that period of time I always find out where they are coming from…
100% of the people that come from anyplace near Riverside California (Int Base) and Clearwater Florida (Flag) know about scientology but know it as a CULT. When I tell them I escaped and a quick 30 second review of how they are interested but NOT surprised.
This has to be because of the awful PR they have as well as The Aftermath presence.
Thanks for sharing Toot.
With such responses from Scientology it is very apparent that Leah & Mike have put Scientology ‘in session.’ If we’re lucky we can get through the rudiments sometime this decade.
“Leah & Mike have put Scientology ‘in session’ “.
Try blowing the charge off THAT engram!
Hopefully my kids will only hear about Scientology in History class someday.
At the rate history is being taught today, your kids may never hear of LRH, Scientology or the little COB.
Just like we hear of the big Bernie Maddoff Ponzi Scheme being taught so as to warn people, maybe our grandkids will hear about Scn as that big cult that disappeared. I hope it happens in my lifetime so that I”ll see my daughter and son again.
They would never admit it but they probably realized that “curious” was not resonating because today most people think only an idiot would be curious about Scientology. It has entered the realm as the butt of jokes – no one is afraid to make fun of Scientology anymore and the only time it is ever mentioned in the media is as the object of derision. Mike Rinder is correct, the only reason they bother with the billboards is to impress the few remaining hopelessly brainwashed who moved to Clearwater to be “close to Source” How Pathetic!
When I was on staff, we tried to recover a family in Birmingham, Alabama and get them back on course. The wife told us that they were moving down to Clearwater to be closer to other Scientologists as well as the fact that ” They were sick and tired of fighting the KKK”.
They got run out of Dixie. Hooray! Hooray!
Curious? Yes – once upon a time when I first signed up for a comm course.
Surprised? No – Scientology’s actions are quite predictable: attack, reg, disconnect, declare, deny. Ad nauseum.
Amazed? Yes – that I ever fell for the bullshit, self-evisceration and group think of Hubbard’s thought manipulation program.
Not only is it a nutty marketing message, but the “where” info is hidden by the trees — at least from the angle of the photo … a major billboard fail.
Scientology pulling the ‘Curious?’ ads is so reactive!
You know, I noticed a difference. When Leah speaks this minute or so, she does it naturally, no effort and it conveys the message. She feels it, she means it, but with no effort at all.
When miscabage speaks, first he looks bad with his faked hair then, he is sort of acting, he does not look as relaxed as Leah and has a forced smile…tsk,tsk.
Another note, whenever I am looking for a program on TV I think in finding something interesting, but never thought looking for a program that surprises or amazes me…wonder who decided to wrongly use these adjectives for the billboards.
The church will claim how scripted this ad is. I thought Leah sounded very natural (and very Brooklyn) as well as looking beautiful I’ve always admired how she openly admits to getting ‘freshened-up’. Miscavige should take a page out of her book (and get her doctors’ numbers) instead of claiming it’s his ‘Big Being OT powers’ that keep him looking so, um, well, ‘fresh’.
It’s bad enough that more people aren’t leaving this organization, considering what we’re learning about it, but that they still get more people to join them is truly mystifying. Keep reporting the truth about them and hopefully your efforts will cause the entire organization to disappear, like they have done to so many.
Wouldn’t it be cool to find billboards in the Clearwater & Tampa area & post:
Curious….Aftermath Nov 27th…..
Their strategies always leave me scratching my head. It’s not based on marketing expertise, or the old surveys that were done at least…there seems to be some other reasoning going on here. Curioser and Curioser.
I think it goes something like ……..
Look for a whale…..
find a whale…
beach the whale….
pillage the whale….
forget the whale.
Dave is Captain Ahab.
“Thar she blows…”
Newcomer….you have invented $cientolgys Whale Scale
Degrees of WhaleNess
If L Ron Hubbard had not moved on to Target Two
He would have stolen that from you
He did a lot of stealing of other people’s work and money.
Scientology is a bloody serious thing,
depending on members hard-workung.
rosemarie, The more bigger overall biggest fault of the movement, “no OTs”.
The Hubbard policy options and “why finding” just keep the members wrapped up shifting blame on one another, forever within the movement, and I realized even outside, with the reform possibilities dancing in my head for a decade now.
But since “no OTs” are made, reform would be just a milder level of internal blame shifting, because even a reformed Scientology wouldn’t produce “OTs” .
The status quo of official Scientology is wrapped up constantly executing the Hubbard bureaucratic blame shifting policies. The presumption is Scientology works to make OTs. Thus blame shifting will always be the norm.
Members and staff carefully tiptoeing through the Hubbard rules system of blaming themselves, blaming each other, for failing to follow Hubbard’s rules at every turn, every moment of the day in their Scientology lives.
They follow the Hubbard rules that they must blame themselves and blame staff when none of them are achieving “OT”, and funnily those who were around Hubbard who write today, Janis Grady, tells they never saw Hubbard do any supernatural “OT” powers to amount to anything.