Following the recent post about Dublin and Scientology’s fictitious activites there, here is more news about the imaginary activities of Scientology in Ireland, this time from across the border.
One of our eagle-eyed readers sent me a note about the “Mission” in Belfast. They report that the Mission has been “closed for ages” even though it still appears on the official Scientology website.
No doubt this is one of the Missions they count in the 11,000 total orgs, missions and groups. And no doubt Northern Ireland is one of the countries they count in the “186 around the world.”
It’s hardly any wonder that Miscavige rails against the unemployed bloggers on the fringe of the internet. Because we are able to do our own fact checking thanks to cyberspace.
Here is the listing on the Scientology website.
However this is reality.
The phone number is disconnected, the website – is down and the place is vacant and available for rent….
And while we are on the subject of fact checking the now infamous David Miscavige New Years Non Event I got something in from another special correspondent.
He did some fact checking regarding the part of the New Years event about the Dutch WISE Consultancy company Jacobs & Van Rooij. COB announced that this WISE Consultancy company brought the Admin tech to 6117 firms in Holland and that this would be 11% of all firms in the country, according to COB’s numbers.
Sadly it seems that David Miscavige’s maths is not quite up to par. There are 1,2 million firms in Holland so even supposing that the 6117 is correct, it is only 0,5% of 1,2 million. How a half a percent becomes eleven percent is something that only David Miscavige and Dan Sherman know. Perhaps a new form of math called “Integral Lying”.
Even more depressing for them is the fact that 3 of the companies that were filmed for the clip shown didn’t know the clip was for promotion of the Church. They were totally surprised. They were told a film was made as the WISE company had been nominated to receive a prize, with no mention of the CoS. This would be the Gold Camera Crew doing whatever sleazy thing was needed to get the footage, and getting around the fact that they would have been thrown out in the street had they mentioned what the footage was really for.
My thanks to the special correspondents who are pitching in and making the truth known.
Living in Belfast, I remember when I was a young teenager.
Thankfully I only ever came into contact with one Scientologist not far from this building who had gave me and my friend leaflets on the org.
It just disappeared not long after this.
So glad now being older that I never got involved
Burkhard, I used Google Translate to translate what you said from German into English for the benefit of the blog’s mostly English readers. By the way, I agree completely with what you said.
“As long as the source of the lies not dried up, the truth becomes more and more distorted.
Someone who now comes in, gets caught in a web of lies and deceit. A pitiful fate awaits him.”
Odd Thomas,
I too, appreciate your comment and thank you.
I also grew up around the Catholic faith and I’m happy that you no longer put it down. I have heard plenty of intolerance coming out of the mouths of Scientologists regarding Catholicism and Christianity in general and it always turned me off, even when I was in the RCS myself. I don’t need to detail the things I’ve heard over the years here, I’m sure you’ve heard a few yourself.
I’ve always had a love for my religion and grew up in a half Catholic-Protestant family. We lived religious tolerance and I learned and practiced it from a very young age, along with my family. It was a must for us because we were family and cared about each other, and enjoyed great relationships no matter our difference in faith.
I would like to tell you that when I was growing up and going to Catholic weddings, etc., I saw many times a priest attend wedding receptions and parties with his significant other, which was always a woman. We never gossiped about it and just let it be. I may have thought it a bit naughty when I was young, but considered it none of my business and between him and God. It just made priests look more normal and earthly to me. So, some of them actually have fairly open relationships with women, I’ve seen it.
Pepper – you’re welcome.
I grew up in an Italian Catholic neighborhood in Brooklyn, so pretty much everyone was connected to the Church. I saw things that quite frankly, warped my sense of this religion and religions in general. I mentioned the unruly Nuns as one example. There were also the “gentlemen” who sold a large array of merchandise from the trunks on their cars on Saturday and then talked about how their children were receiving Holy Communion on Sunday.
It took me a while to see past the few to the many, who actually believed In Catholicism and received solace from it. But yeah, I carried this into SCN – my error – and allowed it to color my perspective on religions in general.
Pepper, I wish I had seen a priest bringing a date, it would have heartened me. I saw the sadness on their faces more times than I can count. This distant heartache in some, that eventually turned to anger. They were men, some good, some not, but they had one major thing in common — the initial belief and faith in what they were doing.
Thanks again.
I’m a little further down the chain from where this topic was first brought up, but felt the need to insert a comment or two. This concerns the :”Brainwashing” of Scientologists referred to above, and I supposed the general dysfunction of SCN and its technology.
One comment read: “My nephews are robots, now they are in the Sea-Org. You almost hope their mother never realizes what a crock of shit she is stewing them in, how she ruined their lives, ….”
Another, “Frankly, as a never in it is astonishing just how bad LRH’s work is. I could make up a better religion myself, but maybe not a better cult.”
I was born a Catholic. I ceased being one when I was 14 years old. I never understood the Catholic faith, not really and never agreed with it. It was something passed down to me by my parents, not unlike an old car or watch, and with as little communication about it. Not understanding how Catholicism might impact a person’s life, not seeing a connection between the rituals within it and a person’s spiritual well-being, I was prone to my fair share of snickering and nay-saying about the entire subject. I seldom let an opportunity pass where I could wag my finger or shake a knowing head at someone’s protestation that Catholicism helped them and had true meaning. I didn’t believe them, because I only saw the faults in this religion. I only remembered the few psychotic Nuns that inhabited my early life. I only heard about the priests and their penchant for little boys. I longed for some good solid heterosexual tabloid gossip about some monsignor bonking a volunteer or even the mayor’s wife.
I’m still not a Catholic, actually I don’t care much for organized religions as a general rule. They are too prone to being hijacked by lone-wolves with messianic complexes and a need for fast cars and cash. But I no longer bash Catholicism. That changed when I started understanding it. Looked behind the robes, and incense, set aside the lawsuits and asked some relevant questions about why this religion had lasted two thousand years and why so many people were still in love with it. I could not ignore the love that was expressed in thousands of ways. That reached me.
When I see comments about Scientology and LRH, like some of those above, I become conflicted. I want everyone to have a fair say on this blog and be able to speak their minds. I would just appreciate it, if they would differentiate their opinion from fact.
“I could make up a better religion myself…” I seriously doubt it, my opinion of course. Believe what you will, but LRH spent a lifetime building practical applications that bring about spiritual relief. No small feat and a completely contrary endeavor for someone, with obvious intellect, who just wanted to make a fast buck. Philip Arlington, I would welcome your take on a religion or even a workable modification to ours. Please forward this to the moderator and perhaps he’ll be kind enough to post it.
As far as robotic nephews, I feel your pain. But I do need clarification on which actions of theirs has prompted you to place that label on them. Was it an overly devote belief in the rightness of their own religion? Was it the continuous acts of faith, even though misplaced? Was it the acceptance of orders that lead to obviously bad decisions, like say an entire Church focused on preventing people from marrying who they wanted to? Religions without people cease to exist. People, however, are often flawed. As a result religions are often flawed and prone to errors of faith or the interpretation of it.
Many current Scientologists still engaged within the RCS, began their religious lives with an open heart and an open mind. With an abiding belief in the potential that people could live better, saner and happier lives and have struggled for decades to achieve that. We are all coming to terms with the heartbreak of having our religion dismantled in front of us and don’t really need a constant reminder of all the “mistakes” we’ve made along the way. I think we got that memo some time ago. What we need are solutions, insights, practical glimpses into the workings of a psychotic mind, so that we can bring about meaningful change to a group (a subject as well) that deserves at least that.
Just want to say that I appreciate your contemplation, reflection, humility,
and generosity of spirit. I think that we need more of this as we move through this experience and try to make sense of our lives, spirituality, purpose, and religion.
Thank you. 🙂
great comment, Odd.
I second that
Brilliant Odd Thomas! 🙂
Odd Thomas, you have contributed greatly to the discussion, and with a fine sense of love and caring, often missing from many of the diatribes on this and other blogs.
For those who are “never ins”, it’s unlikely you will *ever* understand why some of us got in, flourished, then left.
Above, someone mentioned “fun”. And back in the early days, it WAS fun. It was also adventuresome, exhilarating, useful and productive. Many of us learned a great deal about ourselves. We also actually helped others, too. And those were our reasons for being there. And I don’t care if Hubbard took the work of others and presented it as his own. Back then, there was no internet and researching ideas or techniques was hardly simple. Mostly, we had to “try it out”. We did. And many of us found that the ideas and techniques actually worked. Of course, it was “WE” who had to make them work. You didn’t get the wins and gains without “doing the work”, as I’ve heard it said. Neither LRH nor the auditor could do that for you. But they paved the road, so to speak, permitting us to easily walk down it to get whatever is was that we go. We stuck because we were getting real results, things that made us better humans.
And the prices were very reasonable. Nothing like the insanity of the 80s and onward.
Then things changed. Not all at once, but over a period of a couple of years. At first, we thought “just one of those things”. But the things began to accumulate. And it became less “fun”. It didn’t happen all at once (though the destruction of the independent mission holders was THE major turning point for many). Then the outward bound floodgates opened and many thousands left. Did LRH know? Certainly the Demon was in control of the comm lines to him. But I find it *very* hard to imagine LRH condoning it as it was a major inflow into the church.
So figuring out why we went in and stayed in for so long, it was because we chose to. If you can’t grasp that, you’ll never understand any of it.
It is like the world…and in this case phone companies…..are disconnecting from Co$.
Mmmmmmmmm thats good irony.
That’s good news from Texas.
Desire Justice
Solange die Quelle der Lügen nicht versiegt, wird die Wahrheit mehr und mehr entstellt.
Jemanden, der jetzt herein kommt, verfängt sich in ein Netz von Lügen und Täuschungen. Ein bedauernswertes Schicksal erwartet ihn.
The essence of the subject of Scientology does not equal abusive applications of its principles or the demented yapping of the rabid mad poodle, A.K.A., Mi$cavige.
Many people have actually received great personal benefit from learning and applying these principles in a caring and benign manner. Applied in this manner they can greatly enhance a person’s life.
I wonder how widespread this phenomenon of phantom missions is. The summer before last, while spending time in Southern California, I searched for a three missions on the Scientology web site and then called them and then went to the addresses listed. No one answered the phone at any of the missions. One had a disconnected number. And when I went to the addresses listed on the COS web site, there was no mission at any location. At one location I asked people if they knew where the Dianetics or Scientology mission was and they had no idea what I was talking about.
“Integral Lying” 🙂 That’s hilarious!
I hope that everyone here is in agreement that all future SCN events must be put on the internet. Of course there may not be too many before it implodes…
So how long do all of you think it will be before the CoS disbands?
David Miscavige takes the award for creating the biggest, loudest and grizzliest out P.R. situations the Church has ever faced. He makes Mary Sue and the G.O. look like cheerleaders.
If my memory serves me correctly Dr. David Minkoff, who was the ER physician the crew drove Lisa McPherson’s lifeless body to the Pasco county hospital in Florida so a “Scientologist” could pronounce her DOA, did Amends at this Mission in Ireland to turn it around and pump it back at. Looks like the trick didn’t work!!! So much for OTVIII influence!
Off topic but Monique has been granted her continuance and per Judge Waldrip the RCS has to turn over to her all their surveillance dox, vids, etc of the Rathbuns from I believe 2009 thru 2013. Can you believe it? Tony’s got the story of course and Radar Online has picked it up. Whoo Hoo!
It is a relief to see David in a comm ev. It is a relief to see some real justice.
The planet is putting ethics in on the Sea Org. It’s a wild world.
From a conference in Ireland 2011
It is so crazy to see that almost everybody in the bubble believes this BS.
I know somebody who left the church because of the big lies of the little man with the big mouth. In the IAS event of 2012 DM told several lies about the Dutch CCHR chapter, but the most ridiculous one was the statement that the Dutch Parliament ordered to stop all child drugging. In the first place the Dutch Parliament cannot order anything. It is the government which makes the rules, which need to get approved by the Parliament. In the second place there has been no ruling whatsoever!
RightOn at WWP
This thread is for debunking the 2013 IAS vids. I painfully plowed through the vids and took notes and
wrote down stuff that I felt was worth mentioning. And the entries may be totally out of sync.
I am not going to include the times. Don’t beat me up on mistakes, typos or misspellings. I just don’t give a
shit. It was hell to go through and to listen to Poodle drone on and on.
Great write up!
David’s comm ev is moving right along in Texas!
that’s so exciting!,
We Anons do like Dox (evidence/documents)
The fact checking spree that has been going on the past few days has been eye-opening and awe-inspiring for a great many people. Those still in are hopefully getting a look at just how dishonest the Church’s PR machine actually is now. Even many who have been out for quite a while are surprised by the depths of the deception. It’s not really any big surprise. A liar of Miscavige and company’s proportions will say anything and do anything to maintain their power.
All of this event PR, by the way, is based on exact LRH policy which specifically states that you have to create news, not report on it, and that taking pictures/video of actual events is usually boring stuff. So to anyone who thinks this kind of thing is all just Miscavige’s show, re-read your PR Series and think again. The dishonesty and corruption within the Church started a long long time ago, before Miscavige ever got on board. The PR lies have been going on for many many years. And yes, this is despite the fact that one of the PR Series issues also states to never use lies in PR. Somehow, you’ll have to reconcile those two facts for yourself. I never could.
On a more lighter note, Why are these Tarvu videos so well produced ?
Did my first protest in Belfast five years ago, the mission was pretty dead then and things only got worse. It only existed at all because one of the Scientologists was running a building business from the offices on the top floor and let the Mission camp in the place for free. They never were in the bottom shop area which was always empty and they ended up having to take the advertising banner out of the window.
The Dublin Mission claimed they came up and handed out thousands of leaflets but there isn’t any evidence of that and the former ED of Belfast is now on staff in Dublin.
Northern Ireland has an estimated population of 1.8 million. I’d be surprised if the number of Scientologists made it into double figures.
I’ve had the privilege of visiting Belfast (its a great city, really friendly people too) frequently loved the past 4 years through work and while I’m there I pass the ‘mission’ on twice daily basis.
I’m usually there for 2 weeks at a time. I’ve passed it countless times and always look to see if its open. The only time there has been any sign of life I took my opportunity and rang the bell and knocked the door. I stood for 35/40 mins. I saw someone briefly look out the window above. They looked at me and I assumed would come to let me in. But no. Nothing. I waited another 20 mins, rang the bell, knocked but no-one came so I left!
Last time I was there it looked like the picture and I figured they’d finally just packed up and left (though in truth they were never really there)
“Is that clear enough”, you should google ‘Dublin Road’ before making such a statement. The Dublin road is the A1 leading out of Belfast to Dublin. The wikipedia reference follows – The M1 motorway (Irish: Mótarbhealach M1) is a motorway in Ireland. It forms the large majority of the N1 national primary road connecting Dublin towards Belfast along the east of the island of Ireland. The route heads north via Swords, Drogheda and Dundalk to the Northern Irish border just south of Newry in County Armagh, where it joins the A1 road and further on, the M1 motorway in Northern Ireland. It also forms a significant part of the road connection between Dublin and the Northern Irish cities of Newry, and Lisburn.
Might also be good to have additional data on the origin of Northern ireland as in – Northern Ireland is today one of the four countries of the United Kingdom,[1][2] (although it is also described by official sources as a province[3] or a region[4]) situated in the northeast of the island of Ireland, having been created as a separate legal entity on 3 May 1921, under the Government of Ireland Act 1920.[5] The new autonomous Northern Ireland was formed from six of the nine counties of Ulster: four counties with unionist majorities, and Fermanagh and Tyrone, two[6] of the five Ulster counties which had nationalist majorities. In large part unionists, at least in the northeast, supported its creation while nationalists were opposed. Subsequently, on 6 December 1922, the whole island of Ireland became an independent dominion known as the Irish Free State but Northern Ireland immediately exercised its right to opt out of the new dominion.
BTW, the Irish in Northern Ireland serviced German u-boats in the Northern lochs during WW II.
Saying “Only thing surprising about all this is that there’s a Dublin Road in Belfast. That’s like having a Hitler Road in Jerusalem” is ridiculous in itself. Nothing like it at all.
The “Dublin Road” is merely the A1 called the Dublin Road by the locals.
CO$ wants to announce big upstat news splashes while keeping its involvement hidden and concealed because it’s reputation has been trashed by criminal acts against its own members.
If there is unprecedented expansion, the stat would be quantity of “Event Lies Told” and “$$$ Scammed from Parishioners” in addition to “New GAT Bridges invented & Sold”.
Oh I am quite certain DM and the Sea Org know exactly what the people of Beverly Hills want and need. People who have signed vows of poverty demanding compliance reports! NOT!
B.H. Mission was a GREAT a mission with a FABULOUS Mission Holder that was really making a boom of it! He snorted a few lines of coke at a party and he was an OTV. Oh Big Deal!
The result? Ho help, no cramming, no bridge repair, NO MERCY! Some kid in HCO who had never audited anyone in their life had the power to lop off a head and just went for it! He was instantly declared!
And that was the end of B.H. Mission! It folded over a few lines of coke! Who “puts ethics in on the planet” by destroying any possibility of out ethics? Every thetan on the planet is a ticking time bomb?
I suspect everyone in the Sea Org has gone type 3.
Dear Oracle,
Just ask Gretchen Swartz ( dropped dead at her desk on post)
I agree. Declaring him for only that was unjust. Also barbaric and uncivilized.
“It [ the Warehouse VIII Meter ] will take your public up the auditing side of the Bridge to Clear with astounding speed and unprecedented accuracy through the delivery of the new Golden Age of Tech Phase II services.”
This GAG II Tech is really amazing. Once gets the idea from this dispatch and other missives from Dear Leader and his minions (those not yet fed to the dogs), that an Auditor is the least important component in the delivery of Auditing services—a rather inconvenient and unreliable component at that.
Perhaps the Cof$ should simply dispense these pesky degraded creatures and put robotronic David Miscaviage Auditors into every auditing chair.
“Therefore every Field Auditor is required to obtain their own Mark Ultra VIII E-Meters in sufficient quantity to enable the delivery of standard tech to their public as covered in KSW Series No. 1, HCO PL 7 Feb 1965, KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING.”
Let’s follow the “logic” here. Adherence to KSW demands that one “have the correct technology.” One would presume that this means “LRH” technology, but these lines have become rather blurred in the age of Dear Leader. DM/LRH? DM/LRH? DM/LRH? But I guess the message here is that if one doesn’t have the “new” Warehouse VIII meter, one then doesn’t have the “correct technology” to deliver Scientology Auditing and if one were to do so, then one is in violation of KSW. According to the Ethics Book, this is a HIGH CRIME. A suppressive act, no less.
Well then Wizards of Smart in the land of Miscaviagedom, this means that all the auditing delivered by LRH himself and the Official Church since the establishment of the church have been, in fact, in gross violation of KSW and therefore SUPPRESSIVE?
Mike, they claim 11,000 orgs, but their site only lists about 500, plus 500 others on Narconon / , so a 1000 total, and most of those 1000 are, in fact, empty (Belfast was listed a few years ago, as was Beverly Hills).
Well, Silvia, DM is a product of one who never finished high school.
GobGat, take heart! I think the church will crumble and fall and that then your nephews will come out and be in the real world again. They’ll need help at first and we are all willing to help those coming out to see the truth, to decompress and to heal.
I thought I had seen it all when it comes to the C of S. But this week has been an eyeopener for me as the Skinny Dwarf has been busted on so many FACTS that he spouted off at the event. When I was in the Church, I really believed the facts that were stated. I NEVER would have thought at all that this was fake information. I never would have thought that ONE thing was a lie as I was in such an ethical group. I knew this as I was required to spill my guts every 6 months at Flag. If I had to be so “ethical” then wouldn’t the people that enforced this “ethical” behavior have to be even more ethical than I was?
The people that are still going to these events would never think to check out these FACTS for themselves. It really is brainwashing stuff. They just do not have a chance of waking up if they go to these events as they just get indoctrinated again. I feel so bad for them and so many of the “Churchies” I genuinely like a lot. And dug a lot of ditches with.
Cindy, you sing my song.
Since 1992 all the events and success stories published had sound “berk!!! ugh!!!” to me, but I had never imagined that the management could lie.
I was questionning the disappearance of some terminal (Guillaume Lesevre, Heber…), and for me DM was the “spokeman”. I had never realised his dominance on the religion. Perverse indoctrination!!!
“Price of freedom: constant ALERTNESS…” you know the rest!!!
I hope all the job done by Mike and Marty Rarthburn and so many others will put on the scene the actual doings within the CoS. And I hope it will arrive soon in Europe.
So true. As the “Vitamin H (Hype)” begins to be depleted out of your system, you are given another dose.
I respectfully disagree. They absolutely have a chance to wake up. After all, we woke up, and for many years we went to those same brainwashing events. When I attended those things I also never questioned what I was told. It never even occurred to me to question as the idea that I was being lied to by the Church was beyond the scope of my imagination at the time. But I woke up.
You would be amazed if I told you the little thing that was fundamentally responsible opening my eyes.. Just this little thing, that wasn’t even that important to me, that I didn’t even have that much attention on. Except one day, it popped into my head again as an unanswered question – I wasn’t upset, just mildly curious, that’s all, and having nothing much else to do right then I began pulling this little thread. And that little thread that I started pulling, in a kind of idle, mildly curious way, eventually brought in the Sherman Tank.
This was a process though. A silent process, I might add, as I told no-one about it. It took about 8 months of reading everything out there and sorting thru data.. But I woke up, did I ever. Others can too, and I believe a number of them are mid process right now, saying nothing, lurking here and elsewhere, possibly. I don’t think I’m that different or unique.
And who knows what particular lie or obfuscation currently emanating from the RCS will be the thing to trigger off the next person, and the next and the next?
The Corporate Church of Scientology doesn’t seem to be able to stop lying, after all. So many lies, so few sheeple. I’d say the odds of wake-up are greater than ever. My 2.
Aquamarine, I have the same experiences: little things, tiny details which don’t fit with what I had grasped from the philosophy.
I totally agree with your comment!!
And same with Ashaman: for me Scn technology, correctly applied, works.
Shame is that taking credit of that, I haven’t taken a look further!!!!
They totally “goofed the floof” on the Netherlands part because they consider it a SFO despite the Anbi-status Scientology has now and their own uninspiring building somewhere in Amsterdam.
I heared something about Auditing being done on a great scale in the netherlands too, couldn’t watch the videos, I had my fill, watched too many in the past Blah Blah Bla pfffft
Another article of more false claims by Black Heart..enjoy it.
Thanks to Sinar who posted this on FB
No wonder Shortarse Miscavige is so loath to see his turgid harangues exposed to real public scrutiny: the disjuncture between the twaddle he peddles as ‘stats’ inside the Scientology bubble (which has surely shrunk to the size of minnow-flatulence by now) and the real world of checkable facts is bound to come out. First Dublin/Donegal, now Belfast and the Netherlands – I’m sure there are plenty of other lies and distortions just waiting to be exposed in that New Year video. May this one run and run!
As a never in, but with a family member in for more than 40 years, I feel like I have been in. However, I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that SMART, INTELLIGENT, AMBITIOUS, EDUCATED INDIVIDUALS buy this hogwash, blindly follow commands that are absurd, absorb this gobblygook hook, line, and sinker. What does that mean or say about how fragile mentally, and spiritually they were before going in? And now they are “worse for the wear?” My nephews are robots, now they are in the Sea-Org. You almost hope their mother never realizes what a crock of shit she is stewing them in, how she ruined their lives, as they were educated in the schools also since they were 3 years old. She will never handle the guilt
CobGatYour$$ said: “I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that SMART, INTELLIGENT, AMBITIOUS, EDUCATED INDIVIDUALS buy this hogwash….”
It’s because it’s not hogwash. But, you are right, if it was hogwash, SMART, INTELLIGENT, AMBITIOUS, EDUCATED INDIVIDUALS would NOT buy it. I have been in for more than 40 years and I am now out because the wrong person got in charge of it…
Read Jefferson Hawkins on Tony Ortega’s blog. Frankly, as a never in it is astonishing just how bad LRH’s work is. I could make up a better religion myself, but maybe not a better cult. Everything LRH made up as he went along was designed to close off ways out of the trap. You still have some way to go, but I wish you luck.
Bonjour CobGatYours$$. I will give you the testimony of a mother.
My daughter is staff in Brussels org and I could say like you that she “buy this hogwash, blindly follow commands that are absurd, absorb this gobblygook hook, line, and sinker”.
But I know she operates on the hope set forth by LRH and that is perverted by Miscavige.
I started in CoS in 1982 and she is born in 1983. So she “received” via me all the benefits of the philosophy and also all the exagerations and bs already spread out by the “new” management. (It’s only now that I am out, that I realise my mistakes and the perversions I accepted without inspection.)
I am “disaffected” for decades, seing that something is going wrong… but all by herself my daughter decided to join staff some years ago (after having denigrated Scn during years).
She is of a new generation, and can’t compare with the old times where the “spirit and fun” of Scn were around. So she doesn’t understand at all that I decided to quit publicly. She is bright, able, uptone… but trusts in Miscavige like oldtimers trusted in LRH, except that he was trying to teach that we have to LOOK.
As a mother, I feel guilty of some things: mishandlings devoid of compassion and altitude… but it is HER decision to be on staff and to continue. It is HER game to place her willingness in this group, as she believes that anyway the church can help people.
I think young people don’t have the same critical mind as we have, they “buy” so many manipulations in the society!!! Sounds awful. Luckily they are not all like that!!!
I am sory for your nephews and their mother.
“What does that mean or say about how fragile mentally, and spiritually they were before going in?”
People chosing Scn or whatever religion are not necessarily in bad shape !!!! lol.
Some are really bright and powerful, and are so happy to find a philosophy proposing actual tools which can be applied in real life (in addition to “love your fellowman”, etc.).
It is really great that this post reveals the truth about the manipulations which corrupt a valuable set of knowledge. THANK YOU so much to Mike and all participants to this blog.
When you say the ‘perversions’ of what LRH meant what do you mean?
I got into Scientology watching through beig a Tom Cruise and wanting know more about his beliefs. I then saw the Truth Rundown and looked deeper and was under te impression for a while that this was a religion that someone had taken and corrupted.
That was until I applied the same objective investigation of Scientology under LRH as I had under DM and discovered that it had always been corrupt. There are sadly, v b few differences between the two men.
If you’re going to be truly objective and follow LRH’s own saying ‘Look, don’t listen’ then you’ll read Bare Faced Messiah an A Piece of Blue Sky.
Otherwise you’re just looking at LRH through th same blinkers that te current sheeple look at DM
I can say from having had two kids join staff that it is not all bad. I wouldn’t encourage anyone to do it these days because the Church is even more militant and “culty” than when I got in. I had no way of knowing at the time how much DM had hurt the morale / production / atmosphere of orgs. I had nothing to compare it to. My staff experience was not fun. and my involvement in SCN has practically ruined me personally, but my kids have turned out okay, and they were on staff at a young age. I thought D.C. would be a better experience than Philadelphia…but…not so much!
I don’t mean to sound rude but when you say ‘ I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that SMART, INTELLIGENT, AMBITIOUS, EDUCATED INDIVIDUALS buy this hogwash,’ it shows that you habent fully realised the level of brainwashing that these people have undergone.
If you look at the recent post on Tony Ortegas site by Jeff Hawkins about what is considered a crime in Scientology you’ll see that ‘Non Compliance’ is on the list!!
These people have it drummed into them from so early on to accept what is said, to never question & to always toe the line.
It’s not a wonder that most of those who have broken free have done so as result of something extreme. For Mike & Marty, & Jeff Hawkins it was ears of physical & mental abuse, for others it was forced abortions or family break ups etc.
Such is the level of deep seeded compliance it takes something major to break it!
To CobGatYour$$: I think you have hit the nail on the head — why do people follow and obey Hubbards, Hitlers, Genghis Khans, Pol Pots — and fake science cults by the dozens.
There are lots of good studies with insights into how and why people who are otherwise quite intelligent can end up in cults.
In the case of Scientology, the fact that some people can do seemingly well really doesn’t count for much, because human beings are so adaptable they can become accustomed to pretty much any tyranny, hardship, suffering, or nonsense — and then live as best they can in that bubble.
So living in the Scientology bubble, even happily, does not mean their lives have not been stunted and their potential wasted.
Also, I would profoundly disagree that Scientology went bad just because of Miscavige. Miscavige, trained and mentored directly by Hubbard, is arguably the exact end phenomenon (outcome) one would expect from Scientology training.
It is now well documented from many angles that Hubbard lied about many things (e.g., his military career, his injuries, his marriages, his children, his education, his supposed accomplishments and travels, etc.) and made pure bull up that was somewhat plausible in the 1950s but which has now been thoroughly been debunked (e.g., claims of current civilization including freight trains on Venus, his complete misunderstandings around radiation, etc.). Further, his “technologies” do not stand up to scrutiny and independent validation (e.g., study tech, Narconon, Purif, creation of clears and OTs as defined early on, etc.).
So, CobGatYour$$, you ask a good question when you ask why do people continue to belief hogwash? Is it because their critical reasoning skills have been blunted? Because they naturally defend their investment of so much life energy? Because there are good and interesting things mixed in with the poisonous baloney? Because it works (just as every other religion works for its adherents)?
If Scientology really wanted to clear the Earth, all it would have to do is produce several clears as described in Dianetics, Modern Science of Mental Health and have them verified by skeptics — and you would not be able to have enough regges to sign up people fast enough. Scientology is a faith that pretends to also be a science offering deliverable, standard results in this lifetime (not in some afterlife as most religions do). Therefore, it has placed a heavy burden on proof on itself that it can and does deliver, in this lifetime, what it says it can do. It has not demonstrated that to the satisfaction of anyone independently looking at the supposed results and comparing the results to other religions and -isms.
I disagree. Most of my time in the “church” was while Hubbard ran the show. It was inexpensive, wildly fun, and the tech really worked. How Miscaviage came to power is a whole other story. (I was at the Paladium in Hollywood in 1986 when Miscaviage introduced Pat Broeker. I guess we know where. that went.)
Hubbard’s stuff,when correcly applied works, the stuff is unreal.The stuff is powerful
The change in the church was rapid after Miscaviage’s coup. I think my first awful IAS reg cycle happened in 1988.
So believe it or don’t. Hubbard’s a liar. a crook, a monster, or whatever. I don’t know. All I know is his stuff works. And though I never met the man, just through his books, and lectures I really like the guy.
I’m really glad there’s an Indy field out there keeping his work alive..
“If Scientology really wanted to clear the Earth, all it would have to do is produce several clears as described in Dianetics, Modern Science of Mental Health and have them verified by skeptics”.
Yes, I can see that. We’ll it put it out on the Obamacare website. Or maybe we’ll have our republican house representatives give a hearing on it, after they finish with lying about the NSA and the IRS. Yes, the “wog” world is in splendid shape. I’m sure they could find a few hack experts to make the the judgement.
Us scientologists certainly have our problems, but it’s very minor compared to world at large. At least we haven’t started any wars (yet).
My message to Sir David Miscavige, Il Papa:
Yes, Ireland newspapers have also reported that, after checking with the Government statistics, the crime in the las 12 months decreased 4.7%. I guess Black Heart used a broken calculator as he reported, at the event, the Mission actions decreased it to to 85%…quite a bit off we may dare to say.
Not only he is short, but he can’t even add a few figures…pity. Like the Irish Newspapers wrote: FAKED
I think it was a “Held Down 7”. That would explain it…
Of course the math is lacking, He’s a highschool dropout ferchristsake!
But you also have to cut him some slack since some SP disabled the chip via long distance Xenu-waves in Daveyboy’s “new” Mark Ultra VIII E-Calculator when they realised he hadn’t paid the $5000 due for it.
Is anything COB says true?
You were being rhetorical, right?
Rumor is that his name is really Miscavage.
Wow. Thank you for following up on this and giving us even more transparency.
Operating Apostate Level VIII: Truth Revealed
Yep, the truth was revealed for sure by this wonderful correspondent. And how sleazy and underhanded for Gold to lie as to why they were filming the co’s and using it in the Scn church, which would horrify the companies once known what the real use was put to. I wish the Sheeple could see this stuff.
Maybe the media will start fact checking. They seem to be unclear on the concept.
Um…not quite. If you said it’s like having an Iraq street in Washington you’d be closer.
Only thing surprising about all this is that there’s a Dublin Road in Belfast. That’s like having a Hitler Road in Jerusalem.
That’s funny.
Sod off, ye know nothing about it.
Gee the full moon has brought out the sub comedic and sub genii.