This analysis provided by J. Swift. Interesting….
Thanks for all your support 🙂
1. is down 30.83% in the past one month. There was a seven day blip up 20% coincident with Portland Ideal Org grand opening and the attendant controversy over the photoshopped image.
2. Mike Rinder with a new blog — and no billion dollar cash bank account — powers out of Non-E with an 80% + change in one month:
3. Using Alexa to compare Mike Rinder with Miscavige Inc., we see that Rinder’s blog is overtaking Miscavige!
Way to go Mike!
Rinder … No dancing in the end zone, pls. Hubris. Not so nice.
(Nonetheless, I take your point.)
Mike Rinder, you just ROCK, that’s all! Excellent new, excellent job you are doing – THANK YOU !!!
Honestly reported stats are what reflect the true scene and cut through all the PR. And the trend of a stat tells you what condition it’s in. Enough said. Well done Mike – really enjoying this blog.
Straight up and vertical! I love it!
Up is up and that’s all that matters!
Impressive stats, Mike:-)
First congrats on the up stats. I hate to burst you bubble but your % reach is 0.00099 and COS is 0.0013. Not to negate your rise in stats and their decline but tha’s a big % difference in global users.
Didnt burst my bubble. I have no delusions of grandeur. But I still enjoy being “upstat” 🙂
Stat Correction – the 0.0013 of the RCS was the seven day blip co-incident with the Portland opening – and likely because of the media courage because of the photoshopped picture. I seem to recall the stat of that website also spiked when Tom Cruise got divorced (to me that reflects morbid curiosity rather than real interest). On these graphs the RCS trend is down and Mike’s trend is up. Most impressive is the super-imposed graphs……… a picture paints a thousand words.
Well done Mike!
I don’t see it as that big a % difference, roughly 30% if my math is right. Understanding on one side you have a multi billion dollar Goliath, and the other Rinder, writing out of his living room, while keeping a day job running and diapers changed on young jack, a blog only a couple months old, I would evaluate the difference as relatively minimal!!
Mike, I’ve been out of touch due to work commitments. It’s just great to get back to your blog to catch up!
Some astute comments on some even more incredulous Mustdamage manoeuvres. And when will Little out-of-valances David / Goliath / COB / Al Capone / Great GOD of Scientology stop imbibing his Not-Is
cocktails of self delusional Drambuie? The guy is in a serious nose dive that is is threatening to see him make a splash in the Supreme Courts way out of proportion to his diminutive stature! It seems there really IS something strange still “flying over the cuckoo’s nest.”
Congrats Mike, WELL DONE !!!!!
Good job!
Other than still-in members and press looking for photoshopped images to investigate I can’t see how they get any traffic at all other than through search engine PPC advertising. And if current reports are accurate they pay through the nose for that traffic. But I suppose that when you have hook-in-mouth whales like the Duggans money is no object.
I see they’re running Google Analytics. Man I’d love to have access to that to see what their organic vs paid traffic stats are.
I check this blog several times a day to see if mike posted any thing new. On many occasions during the past week, the blog was down and my FIRST THOUGHT was the COS was somehow involved because MR is doing some serious damage to the COBMEISTER. You just know that many fence-sitters and doubters are checking this site too, and this blog is COMFIRMING that there IS something seriously wrong.
Of course!
Great choice of reference, Mike. And who wouldn’t want to be the famed David in this morality play ;D
Excellent Mike. Thank you.
Go Mike! 🙂
This is greatly pleasing Mike. Good job. Thank you for being there and for providing the facts for all those who see. Very much needed and appreciated. Plus I love reading it always makes my day! 🙂
This is great. We will see some real sparks flying when Davey sees this post. The google ad words will get bumped up to $10 a click to try and drive more paid visitors and perhaps overtake Mike Rinder Blog! Something Can Be Done About It Davey. Just turn yourself in, no need to prolong the inevitable.
VERY WELL DONE MIKE and to All Those who contribute to and support this blog!
The Co$ Cult and their Degraded Master (DM) is on a one-way, no-turning-back, absolutely assured collision course with oblivion. (THE SP ALWAYS DOES HIMSELF IN). This has been made ever increasingly more oblivious with the help of the brilliant job Mike Rinders’ doing on exposing the Oh So Sad Desperate, completely off- purpose and absolutely squirreled attempts at raising money. (one could almost admire it if it wasn’t so ineffectively off-source)
The only Stat that is “Straight Up And Vertical” in the universe of tiny degraded one and his dwindling cult is the Massive Numbers Leaving! – most quietly – “under the radar” – (that would be a very interesting stat!)
Great Job Mike and please keep the heat turned on high!
And the picture of David and Goliath for today’s post is the right comparison.
The real stats are that COB has opened 909,729,066 new Ideal Orgs scattered across the 15,901 countries of the world.
Moreover, by way of emphasizing just exactly who COB is and what he means to the spiritually impoverished citizens of the world who are clamoring for Scientology, COB is greeted by wild and fanatical applause wherever he appears. COB’s power is so great that camera lenses deform in his mighty presence and the crowds swell from hundreds to over two thousand as if by prestidigitation and the magic that is COB.
But then again, what did you expect?
Mr David Miscavige is an ecclesiastical leader unlike the world has ever seen, for truly no other religious leader has ever cared so much for so many that he is willing to spend about $7.00 per click on Google in hopes that Church websites can rise above the entheta and reach people with the simple message of Scientology: David Miscavige is your leader and you owe him all of your money!
Thank you and please donate to COB today via the IAS.
For your love gift to COB of $50,000 or more you will receive an official RTC burlwood pen!
OTVIII says: …”the simple message of Scientology: ‘David Miscavige is your leader and you owe him all of your money!’ ”
That is very funny.
I am sorry, you are understating things. The chairman of no board is running Scientology on many planet all at once. He has duplicated himself many times over so he could o it. What a noble sacrifies.
Yes sir, I’ve said it from the beginning – this blog of Mike’s is very important. Good going Mike.
And no budget had to be approved for Non- E formula application. (joke)
Way to go Rinder.
And for you dm; here is one of those ; you like so much ;
Additionally, the most recent photos and videos (no photoshop but plenty of make-up) of the dilusional manchild seem to indicate that he is physically very ill.
Threefeetback, can you publish the photos of the manchild that indicatehe is physically very ill? I’d love to see them as well as possibly others too.
Take a look at Ortega’s website.
My immediate observation was that he has lost weight and looks sort of unnatural. I wasn’t sure if he looked bad, just unnatural. His face looked strange. I guess that was the heavy makeup? I’d say it was somewhere between a geisha and a wax figure. Not a cheap wax statue though- a good one. Very lifelike.
Tanning beds, little food (as it may be poisoned) guilded thongs, scotch and heavy makeup just don’t go well together…
Ho-hum, what else is news? Great job, Mike. The CoS ought to try facing reality for a change. It is called “confront” and actually LOOK at what is going on with respect to how they are perceived by OTHERS, not themselves. I think they will find a rather large disconnect. I found a site today that ranks brands by how well the public regard them. Unfortunately, they did not have a category for religions or churches. Fortunate for the CoS, probably.
First of all, THANK YOU and VVVWD to Mike for putting this awesome blog up and having very well written and researched articles on it and very astute comments from the commentors. It is the Anti-Christ antidote so to speak. And Dan, the church and DM would never look at how they are perceived by other because an anti-social personality (psychotic, sociopath, etc) doesn’t have the luxury of self-reflection. With them they never do any wrong and it is always someone else’s fault, and it is all about themselves, narcissistic to the max. I just finished reading a Marty/Mike recommended book, “The Psychopath Test” by Jon Ronson. Great info and I recommend it. Also recommend Martha Stout’s book, “The Sociopath Next Door.”
The statistical comparison is very short and sweet.
This is in spite of many Miscavige Inc paid Web PR releases coverage of Events at their facilities, new brochures printed, hosting seminars and open houses, taking back communities, ad nauseum directing traffic to the Main Miscavige Inc site. Goes to show that folks want to hear the truth and not BS obfuscations, printed matter and functions which are purely PR by a Liar.
Love it! Thanks, J Swift. And THANKS, Mike Rinder. 🙂