Flag Update:
This video was taken yesterday by the intrepid Deb Maxwell yesterday (Saturday 28 March).
Nothing has changed — except it appears they have blacked out the windows of the buses.
She also noticed they have some sneaky cameras hidden under the stairs at the side entrance of the SP Building.
Deb reports that as she was taking this video, Flag Security called the Clearwater Police Department and when they arrived, the security guards complained that SHE was in violation of “social distancing”. Seriously. They left.
What a horrendous waste of taxpayer money and the time of police officers who would otherwise be doing important work in the community. One would hope the CWPD and City Manager would make their disgust known to scientology, but given the track record up to now, that seems unlikely. It is so scientology — someone is there to document their clear, organized, deliberate violations of social distancing and they call the police on her for being within 6 feet…
Does anyone know about what is happening at the Narconon Locations?
The staff at a couple of those could be greater than 10.
The Larry Hagman property?
Warner Springs?
Corona kill old and sick. A cult reaching 70 years must be careful in the take-over of power. The waste of clams has been a mistake in the history of clams.
Mike i just called Milano org. Someone is there in reception but are officially not opened. Then they ask questions who you are etc. They are performing a huge drill. But they have what’s app msg and other stuff organize the show abd to see how to keep up stats. Like going to the auditor house or viceversa. A friend of mine got msgs till few days ago from somebody of the academy. They are on the “they are trying to stop US! ” drill.
“They are on the ‘they are trying to stop US!” drill.”
So typical of these low information, conspiracy theory addicts.
The Covid 19 Pandemic is an elaborate, world-wide, strategically planned scheme to take down Scientology.
You know, because of all the unprecedented expansion.
Honestly, these people are really too stupid to live.
Aqua. Ciao! Their events have no longer featured orgs stats for two decades (!) Like ‘hours on the chair’ and ‘made auditors’. Just like you say a long history of downward trend and always looking for someone who plans world flaws to stop them. But they have been standing still for a long time. Furthermore, the cause is always INTERNAL. It is because of what hubbard himself says in dozens of policies and the reality of the facts. The fact that orgs no longer have an Ed int or exec strata to turn to should have already made many people think. Take care of you.
Lot of working from home it seems here in UK. Deepest Cornwall has our local buffoon John Mappin and his manservant Ted use social media to offer ‘Group Auditing’ sessions………. 😂 https://m.facebook.com/watchparty/583620045570642/
FB Watch Party = Content Removed
FB Watch Party. Why can’t we just put an ‘I’ in there and party like there’s no tomorrow?
Those ridiculous buses. You want to go from the Coachman to the Fort Harrison building or to other nearby buildings and you have to wait for a stupid bus to come. It would be faster to walk and be physically and mentally better for everyone, but no, David Miscavige decided it is better PR for Scientologists to not be seen by Clearwater.
Sea Org personnel walking to work single file and six feet apart would be a long line.
Richard observed:
“Sea Org personnel walking to work single file and six feet apart would be a long line.”
Not really. Flog is already deader & much emptier than they used to be.
Why can’t we trip one of them? It would make the day brighter!
Well, Chris, from the Dwarf’s viewpoint, if they were allowed to walk, they might take a wrong turn and blow…? Turn a corner and just start running…? What I don’t get is the blacked out windows. Maybe some of them are already sick and the buses aren’t full, or even mostly empty. Maybe they’re doing social distancing on the buses. Dunno.
They probably blacked out the buses so no more people can take pics and the public/authorities can’t see if they have people crowded together.
That’s it! They’re not worried that the buses are empty – duh! That was dumb of me. They’re PACKED. And now no one can see that. But its all going to be moot anyway if Florida goes the statewide lockdown route. Flag and all Florida Scientology orgs will have to close, period. And during this lockdown if some CW cops get curious about how many people are sitting in these buses, well, said police will have the right to inspect. I’m not holding my breath for that to happen but they’ll have the legal right to stop and inspect these vehicles during a shutdown.
Aqua, they don’t want outsiders to see/ record how EMPTY the busses are. That would prove their lies on how big they are (not).
The buses started in the late 90s I think. I was there in 2000-2001 for training.
There was a single Bus (former School Bus) for the Quality Inn property in 1979 – 1982 that did the QI to FH run for the heavy run in the morning and returned in the Evening to be parked at the QI. Other than that, there were 2 Full size (for that time) Vans that also transported between the Berthing buildings and also runs to the Tampa Airport. That Bus was Old and difficult to maintain, so it was broke down, or down for maintenance often.
When I was there they had maybe 4-5 full size buses in use and a bunch of “mini-buses”. There were a lot of Russian SO staff and they pronounced it meanie bus.
A mean bus? Who would have thunk it?
A Russian staff told me I was being moved to the “Tread wins”. When I got there I found out it was the Tradewinds Hotel. I still have a laundry bag that I wrote Tread wins on with a permanent marker.
I called the DC org today, 3/29, and was told they were open for business but only online. A very cheerful registrar would have been happy to sign me up right then and there. When I didn’t go for that she wanted to give my number to somebody else so they could call me back. she asked for my name a couple of times and I did not give it to her. I keep wondering if someone will call me back by using the Phone number they must have seen on their caller ID. We shall see.
Scientologist are always six feet behind their head. So they are keeping their Social Distance according to the law.
Actually its 3 feet but that is a funny quip and I’m stealing it 🙂
I stole it first, Aquamarine!!!
We can only hope, Aqua.
LRH wrote a Policy Letter entitled “The Criminal Mind”. He says that a criminal accuses others of the same crimes that he is commiting himself. So it is no surprise that they accuse others of violations of social distancing.
People on Twitter have been reporting Flag to authorities in Florida. Here are some contact details:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Anyone who would like to join us in contacting Florida’s authorities:
The Governor- [email protected]
Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Scott Rivkees- [email protected]
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
I’m unwilling to call the Sydney Class V org, because I don’t want them to get my number. However, I walked past the org yesterday about midday, and the door was shut. There was a notice in the window saying that they are complying with government ordinances. The lights in the lobby were on, but nobody was at the reception desk. The way the ground floor is designed, you can’t see more than about 2 metres into the interior, so I couldn’t tell if anybody was in there or not.
What are the “legal authorities” gong to DO once reports of COS still holding in house meetings with “parishioners closer than 6 feet apart?????
Since some of the local authorities from “law & order to protect & serve” are being paid on occasion as “security people” for everything COS related….., does it sound like ANYTHING will be done about it???
Citizens of Clear Water….time to start calling the “local officials” & complain about these meetings……as in “Hello Mark Bunker”…..or Committee Member….
The fact is if they close their org building doors they will continue their practice probably at someone’s house. Unless there is a total lockdown.
I don’t see how they can do auditing and courses outside of an org due to their obessive high control system – at least not without effectively conceding that “ideal” environments and multiple layers of direct supervision aren’t essential. Which makes me suspect they will try to keep it up surreptitiously.
They’re obviously pushing extension courses, which at least attempts to keep members busy, but that only solves part of their policy problem with crashing stats and, especially, cratering Gross Income.
To try to adhere to policy and procedures, they’d have to try to run who divisions out of members’ homes – or maybe business locations.
A 100 foot table with “everyone sitting 6 feet apart”…..but using the same bathroom, kitchen coffee maker, touching the same door knobs, air conditioning unit, toilet flusher handle, etc….sharing pencils, hand wipes passed around/shared………………………..
What possibly could go wrong here.
Biggest question is will “they” bite the hand that feeds them…..those that work paid $$$ security after their shifts are over.
I just checked with a friend of mine who is on staff ttc intern) Boston fdn. She says the building is closed & she has been home all weekend. She said people are doing ext courses on line.
Not looking for a poor Peggy here at all. Just want to say that diseases, like cancer, can go undetected for a while, so any public member who comes in contact with someone carrying this virus is at a greater risk. I haven’t been out of the house for over a month, and have been told that no one should come into the house except my husband, and my daughter who only comes to help me when she can but she wears a mask and gloves. She is a health care worker and has a higher risk of coming in contact with people with the virus. This is nothing to be taken lightly. DM’s greed may just land him in trouble that even his highly paid attorneys can’t get him out of, not that that’s a bad thing. His arrogance is something I hope he has to pay dearly for.
Hi Peggy – It’s possible DM may end up paying the greatest price of all. When I heard that Prince Charles had tested positive, my first thought was “That’s what can happen when you’re surrounded by servants.” Not nasty, just fact. DM hasn’t done anything for himself for years, so he may well catch the 🦠 from some poor SO who caught it living in close contact with all the other SO’s.
I know Bridget. I don’t wish him physical harm, but it would be justice for a whole lot of people harmed by him to see him have to at last pay for all the horrible things he has done. Even the mighty fall, and generally due to their own arrogance and believing they were untouchable. His greed and lust for money and power may just be what does him in.
I personally think that DM would be getting off easy if he was allowed to die from the virus.
But, that’s just me.
No judgement from me 🙂
Oh, yeah!!! I’ve got plenty ‘judgment’ to go around! Just ask me!
Briget, I think Prince Charles was susceptible not because of his servants, although of course that would be possible, but instead because as a royal figure he attends events non stop, shaking hands with hundreds of people, talking with them, etc.
That’s true – hadn’t thought of that. Well, we know damn well the Son of Schikelgruber never does anything like THAT – mix with the peons? Not likely.
Right. Miscavige is not Pope Francis. He doesn’t MINGLE. But never mind. He’ll get his. I don’t know how or when, but he will get what’s coming to him, someday.
I agree Aquamarine, DM will have to pay the piper sooner or later. Things are stacking up, and even though some things seemed to have slipped through some very good attorneys have changed the circumstances from the initial plan. When one thing doesn’t work that’s the best way to keep the fight going.
I have shaken DM’s hand 2 or 3 times when I was already HIV positive.
Of course, unlike the coronavirus, you cannot get HIV from shaking hands.
I had HIV on the Freewinds for 13 years (1989-2002). It was not detected before I had full-blown AIDS.
Well, the DC org isn’t “open”, but they were very happy to ask some very personal questions and will call me in the next 5 minutes…
Orgs could be continuing to do business, just operating off a playbook of evasion coordinated by OSA. That would obviosly including denying they are open to outsiders, and having a good “shore story” about why anyone is even answering the phone, plus finding ways to try to hide people coming and going as has been reported in Cincinnati and Plymouth.
Maybe they’re really starting to close, but I’ll believe it when I see absolute proof that they’re completely shut down, and not trying to sneak at least a few public in. It’s unfortunately not a good time to go out and reconnoiter or “audit” them – just the sort of situation Scientology might take advantage of to keep up stats and GI.
It also occurs to me that we’ve recently heard accounts here of absurd ratios of around 1:1 staff to public at local orgs. There’s obviously a huge amount of bureaucracy and make-work; if they sent a lot of the non-essential staff to work at home and just had those directly involved in service delivery stay on site to serve to their public, they could significantly reduce the number of people at the orgs and the comings and goings, so as to help hide what’s going on while keeping their level of actual business up.
I guess we’ll find out before long. I’m still hoping this produces a new wave of UTR informants and defectors.
“Orgs could be continuing to do business, just operating off a playbook of evasion coordinated by OSA.”
That’s the exact precise to the point and zoomed picture.
Ask Tom Cruise. He’s down there.
Down where? I need specifics! BTW, hey Tom! You did your daughter wrong! What kind of man are you? You just let the Dwarf run your affairs? Well….FUCK YOU! Really, just FUCK YOU! Prick!
SMP has a choice opportunity right now. A disaster of this magnitude is what media was made for right. So why isn’t COB using the multi million dollar studios and TV station that he bought to offer courses over SMP TV. Let’s face it if you could actually see any stats I would say that there is no one watching at this moment. NO ONE. If it were my TV station (if I was the COB) and a disaster like COVID was happening I would offer courses, Basics, TRs, even show and explain the route to Clear, how to audit…there are hundreds of things that could be put on TV.
In the old days money was made moving people up the Bridge. There were no donations that resulted in no exchange. If you gave money you got something in return. I believe Hubbard wrote about this in various places. All of that has changed now with “Move Up In Status Today” BS and fake reverse credit (really debit) ‘status’ cards that remove money from your bank account monthly. SO what is the current COB losing by offering courses on SMP TV (he’s greedy…I just answered my own question)? Emphasis is no longer on payment for the Bridge. He’s making them donate for no exchange anyway.
I have always thought that if he would just be honest and show the world what it is that Scientologists really learn he would start to see a rise in new public. There are always people looking for ‘the answer’ and will try out anything to find it. The internet has done away with the old mystique that Scientology used in the 50’s thru the 80’s of secret knowledge gained only by paying high amounts of money. Right now the closing of Orgs across the world gives SCN a choice opportunity to use SMP to lay out the Bridge and start showing courses on TV. So far SMP has been a colossal bust. None of Miscaviges pet celebs would ever show their face on the channel…not even his z-listers have appeared on it. Now would be the perfect opportunity to show the world just exactly what it is that Scientologists learn and all the Scientologists at home can do (or re-do) courses.
These are just my opinions on what I would do if I were the COB/ecclesiastical leader. I’m not an Indie SCN or a practicing SCN.
Linear. I looked at SMP and honestly it looks more like an extension of the official website. It’s more of a facade operation. PR more than trying to illuminate. A test in marketing is if any promo “catches you” in the fraction of a few seconds or less. It doesn’t happen to them. So it is to milk money or have they forgotten to do market research (surveys) that includes “tone level” and what people think of scientology. They try to force an idea. And get donations with false results about SMP. Morons.
Here’s the thing, Linear. I don’t think COB actually WANTS a lot more people in Scientology. In fact, I think he made the decision about 20 years ago that he wanted LESS people in at that time. Easier to control. Thus any independent minded people (like me) were declared SPs. His con of the whales or even upper middle class folks (or even just plain middle class people who might own a home or have some savings or just credit cards) depends on SHUTTING UP ANY OPPOSITION who might sow doubt into the minds of the “marks.”. He’s kind of a genius really. Keep the numbers down to those who can be conned, keep bleeding them of money and hang on. Miscavige is about 60 now, no doubt has millions salted away and I bet he’s got enough “marks” in the CoS to hang on for another ten years if he wants . Who knows, he may call it a career and take off any day now. But it’s probably still a big kick for him to be king.
You are right, Joe. Heil Miscaviage.
So many places in lockdown. I had a friend tell me that they showed up at her place with an auditor recently. So, yea, I guess they’re ignoring the “stay at home” rules.
Question for all the Ex-Sci’s here…if every (or even most) Morgs are closed to the public, will staff still get in trouble for being down-stat? If all the Morgs are down-stat at the same time (and has this ever happened before?) will folks still be singled out for punishment? Also, I thought that most of the “Lie-ntology” exercises required in-person contact. Is there really much for the public to do (or purchase) on their own at home? And IF there ARE a lot of things members can do without going into the Morgs, doesn’t this argue against the constant “get in and on-stat” message usually pushed by the reges?
“will staff still get in trouble for being down-stat? ”
I’m not an ex, but even i know the answer to this one: YES.
Of course they will. Scientology is a highly controlled/controlling, rules based system. If LRH didn’t make an allowance for plagues in the rules, then it will default to blaming the worker for being downstat.
Of course, it is also a highly authoritarian group, so the principles of power come into play as well. Higher ups can ignore and break the rules if they feel like it, so long as their superiors don’t attack them for it. So a supervisor can ignore the “blame the worker/victim” rule if they’re feeling humane. Is that likely? Do humanitarian types rise in the ranks of Scientology? Or does the Sea Org create psychopaths?
NeverClear. The missions and the orgs (not the SO ones) are too visible and for this reason the ethics will be milder. They cannot dramatize ethics and disgrace themselves in front of everyone. But later, those who could do something but instead did not do enough or disregarded what was asked by the Ignw 88 will have to get right with Hco. In the meantime, at certain levels in the SO, miscavige is perhaps “grooming” a few people. And this will probably go on for a while. Since HE now has to put it all right and relaunch Scientology. But the reason for hubbard is always internal. In reality, DM canceled management nearly 15 years ago and took over. “Squirrel” stuff. And pathetic I would add.
Yes, those poor dumb bastard’s lives will be a living hell if their stats are down. There are no excuses allowed for being downstat; certainly not ” We have to follow the law.
I am glad I am not there to see it.
Well, if I had remained on staff I would have been dead and would not have seen it anyway unless I was dumb enough to report back for duty like my Fitness Board said.
The thing is I bet most of the people on that bus don’t have a clue what’s happening. They may read a headline here or there but they are so cut off from the real world they could claim ignorance. The people at the top…which is probably one man…knows what’s going on. OSA knows what’s going on. Those people on the bus??? Maybe not. The next 30 days will be interesting to say the least.
Interesting, Rosemarie. I didn’t think of that. Yes, very possibly the rank and file SO member doesn’t know!
I thought of it first, Aquamarine! And don’t you forget!
Yes, OSD. You thought of it first. I won’t forget. Also you said it first. And you did it first, and stole it first. There is no misunderstanding. I won’t ever forget. I promise.
(Nurse, he’s in here. Forget the jacket. No need to clip his nails. He’ll go with you, peacefully.)
I received this email from a Natalie Jones this morning:
It looks like they are now quarantined.
The fact that I only received this today suggests that they have only just made this change.
They are very late in the game.
London Org – We are still here for you!
We are going through some difficult and turbulent times and no doubt you all have your own stories at this time.
Throughout all this, no matter what you are running into, you need to know that the org and every staff member is fully available to you at this time.
We may not be physically in the building but we will be reaching out to you to make sure you are okay and to help you as much as we can.
You can also reach us either thorugh the org reception which is being manned 24/7 for public enquiries or through any staff member that you know.
We will be sending out regular communications over the coming weeks to keep you inspired and to provide reassurance.
Much love,
The Team at London Org
I’d be willing to be that Flag is closed to public and it’s just SO members going into their posts – writing letters, white gloving, writing up their overts, doing lowers….
Well, you might be right. But I bet they didnt send the outer org trainees home or the public from out of state or out of the country…
And those guys are not dressed to be doing MEST work/cleaning.
I hope they are shut down but I highly doubt it.
The fate of every man, woman and child depends on getting the stats up by 2 PM. Anything else is counter-intention to command intention which is to rape and pillage every dollar from everyone. Those who are reasonable and do not comply will be sent to the ovens.
Good points. And how interesting that Mike published an article yesterday that showed tons of SO being transported on the buses, being packed in there like sardines, no social distancing, and then tons of SO exiting the bus too. That proof along with the leaked edict from DM about how this is just a wog “bullbait” and it tells you he and the church aren’t taking steps to protect their SO and public. But it also tells you that DM and his minions read Mike’s blog every single day, because the day after that post, they have blacked out the windows of the Flag buses. They are reacting to Mike’s whistle blowing.
If the living and eating arrangements were in compliance with local laws before the virus then scn orgs would have no legal liability. Local officials might recommend or demand changes but they would have to do it across the board to all “group” living arrangements.
Oh, I almost forgot.
I spit on that man!
Scientology is setting such a positive example.
Response from London org is that they are indeed closed. Asked for how long and was told they are following government directions and that they’d be open once they are permitted to be open per those guidelines.
I’m so glad I’m no longer there – I can only imagine the stress these people are under to handle their stats in this impossible situation.
This is unprecedented of course but in scientology there is no policy that covers this scenario and it will be seen as just another ‘The Why is God’ when the inevitable ethics investigations kick in later.
I have now tried to call some orgs here in Italy but they have not responded. Some close earlier than usual on Sunday. Or after what happened in Florence they are more careful. I try tomorrow morning.
Yet another “Day In The Lie” of Scientology. With the curtain open to expose the true purpose, an efficient income producing mechanism be driven, never to stop. IT MUST BE FED AT ALL COSTS. ALL COSTS.
Good grief! I can’t believe they are packing into buses that way.
The local transit operation has set rules that no one can sit in the two rows behind the driver. Only 1 person per seat set, two rows between each passenger, no one in the seats on either side of the rear doors and boarding/leaving is only allowed through the rear set of doors.
What those Sea Orgers are doing is going out and courting a mass infection event. It’s completely insane.
Also relevant to Scientology Flag Land Base:
Florida coronavirus cases are growing fast. Here’s what that means.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Florida is doubling every three days, putting the state on a trajectory to see tens of thousands of infections in the coming weeks, a Tampa Bay Times analysis shows.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Deb Maxwell is in a cult that is arguably as annoying and off the wall as Scientology. When she brags about her cult proselytizing over a loudspeaker in a car their religion, she is no better than the cult that Hubbard founded. She would be run out of my neighborhood for doing so. (source: https://www.facebook.com/deb.maxwell.927 )
Yes, this is an interesting thing, but I have as little respect for Maxwell and cult as for Scientology and cult.
To add, I’ve run into these wackos in New Port Richey, where they protested at the library multiple times. Maxwell proudly talks about that on her Facebook page.
Vehemently anti-abortion and anti-gay. The enemy of my enemy is my friend does not hold. I don’t doubt her courage and resolve, but she exemplifies the cure being worse than the problem.
I just took a spin by the St Louis mission. There were 2 cars in the parking lot along with an old beater jeep that is in questionable running condition. The curious and free personality test signs were not up and there was a note on the front door.
The staff in St. Louis has all been sent home. As far as I know they are abiding the rules. No public is allowed in the building. There are no SO staff here. It’s all public staff. As far as the cars in the parking lot prob just someone checking up on things.
Hello! I live in Rochester, New York. I just placed a call at 11:41 am today,to the Chruch of Scientology in Buffalo. A woman answered and I just politely asked if they were open. She replied that they just had someone there to take in deliveries. She then said “I’m sorry, what is your name?”. I just repeated again that I wanted to know if they were open. She said again that they just had a person there to take in deliveries. I thanked her and said goodbye. I know I caught her completely off guard, but I wanted to let you know what Buff Org had to say!
“Are you open?”
“What is your name?”
“Just want to know if you’re open.”
“And your name is?”
They’re getting paranoid now, LOL!
You see, normal people would just say, “We are closed until further notice in compliance with our Governor’s statewide Covid-19 order.” Something like that. “…and we look forward to reopening/resuming service as soon as…etc. etc.” Invitations to leave messages; assurances that all calls/questions will be returned/answered. “Our staff want you to stay safe and healthy”.
That’s how normal people and non-essential businesses are handling inquiries.
Did I say “normal” people? Oh, wait…
Thanks for the video. Flag should be shut down for not practicing social distancing. I went to Home Depot today and they are in compliance.
When I was in Scientology, they needed you physically in the academy to do the “brainwashing” with the clay demos. Cannot see Scientology ever gaining membership over the internet. Sorry Dave but Hubbard put together all of the policies and rules in the 1950’s. It is now a different world.
Lutherans in my town spent millions on a new beautiful church. The sign say “Worship on line”. There are no cars in the parking lot.
It is just a matter of time until Pinellas County cracks down on Scientology. They are known as ruthless when it comes to Codes. Sorry Dave you are about to be outgunned.
Emmanuel Lutheran Church moved from North East Minneapolis (on my paper route) to a suburb.
Now that Mark Bunker got elected, I hope he blows the whistle on the church’s disregard for the rules about social distancing and gets them investigated for it.
From what I’m reading won’t be long now for Florida to mandate “shelter at home” and the closing down of non-essential businesses. Once DeSantis gives the word Flog will have no choice; it will have to shut up shop, as will all the other FL Scn orgs.
Florida politics are so corrupt and have been for decades. I hope DeSantis does the right thing and closes up shop. In Hillsborough County, a Pastor who held a large service on Sunday refused to comply and was arrested and jailed.
Florida’s governor is loathe to bite the bullet and order total lockdown. That’s understandable. He seems to be blaming senior citizen New Yorkers and otherwise retired and/or wealthy bi-state New Yorkers for bringing it in. Apparently, during the past month, in disagreement with the way NYS was cramping their life styles a number of New Yorkers hopped to Florida. And now its spreading like crazy in the South Miami area so the joke’s on them. I wonder if any of these selfish, asymptomatic possibly contagious idiots are part of the group that thinks that anyone over 70 should be OK with dying in order to preserve the economy for their grandchildren. I’d better stop. Its getting to the point where I almost can’t even hear the news anymore. Dr. Fauci’s updates are about all I can handle without feeling the need to Purell my brain.
Where is hiding on the Tone Scale?? It is not business as usual at Clearwater. With even fewer customers than usual, there is going to be a lot of make work and that will include some soul searching. Now would be a great time for ‘Call Me’ drive bys.
Good grief. This is such a huge violation of every single public heath dictate it’s insane! I’m pretty sure that this is not something people will tolerate….
Police already showed up at FLAG…saw them all leaving the buses and going in the building….they did NOTHING.
Police can’t do anything about that in Florida yet. Only if and/or when the state mandate to shutter non-essential businesses and to shelter at home goes into effect can the police do anything about what you described, Kim.
I thought they already said for non essential to stay home.
Oh, OK, I could be wrong. Last I read was that DeSantis was resisting closing non-essential businesses. That may already have changed!
COULD BE WRONG??? You’re just plain wrong! I know! Wrong, wrong, wrong!!! So there!!!
YOU COULD BE RIGHT???? You’re just plain right! I know! Right, right, right!!! So there!!!
People on Twitter have been reporting Flag to authorities in Florida. Here are some contact details:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Anyone who would like to join us in contacting Florida’s authorities:
The Governor- [email protected]
Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Scott Rivkees- [email protected]
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *