The OT Committee of a Scientology Church represents the most active and committed of the local Scientologists. Until they have completed OT VIII, they are easy to pressure and control because they have to pass detailed “OT Eligibility” Checks and they get grilled as to their contributions to their local Church. If they fail the check, they can’t move on.
To see the statistics of an OT Committee is thus a somewhat rare and very revealing glimpse behind the curtain.
Scientology church staffers go to extreme lengths to hide the actual statistics of their organizations. This is because these statistics reflect the dismal situation within Scientology Churches around the world and their complete failure to make any progress towards their stated goal of lifting people up the Scientology Bridge through auditing and training. Even worse are the statistics of new people started on their first basic Scientology services. The number of new people started in Scientology was miniscule BEFORE the truth about David Miscavige’s depraved conduct became international news headlines starting in 2009. I have heard that it is close to flatlined now and these emails seem to bear that out.
OT Committees regularly publish what they are doing and occasionally slip up and give numbers . When you consider that an OT committee comprises almost all the active Scientologists around a church, you can get a glimpse under the curtain.
Church of Scientology of the Valley
Subject: Valley OTC Minutes, Jan 7, 2014s
January 7, 2014
{excerpted from email]
# of New People onto a Div 6 Service – Even at 0
# of all GAT2 starts – Down from 6 to 4
# of Books Sold – Down from 7 to 2# of Pre-OTs onto their next step – Down from 2 to 0
# of Clears onto their next step – Even at 1
So what they are saying here is pretty much ALL the active Scientologists around the Church of Scientology Valley managed to get precisely NO new people started on services and they sold TWO books. The prior week they also got NO ONE started on new services and sold seven books. For people living in the Valley, this is actually really good news. Not so much for the DM-following Scientologists.
I have seen the “OT Committee Minutes” from Sacramento, Santa Barabara, CC Int and several other areas. They are very careful to mention no specific statistics in them at all. If any of you under the radars out there have OT Committee minutes with actual numbers we would love to see them .
But this reflects the ACTUAL state of Scientology dissemination. There were 25 people at this meeting- all long term Scientologists and many trained auditors. They list around 40 members total. They are the cream of Scientology in the Valley. They got not one single person started on new services in their local org in two consecutive weeks.
PAC OT Committee
The PAC OT Committee seem to have no problem disseminating their statistics far and wide, but it’s kind of hard to imagine who they represent. I think most likely a conglomerate of AOLA, ASHO Day, ASHO Foundation and LA Day and Foundation orgs. The five largest Scientology organizations in Los Angeles. Once again the leaked statistics are incredibly telling about the true state of Scientology dissemination. This group is the cream of five very large Scientology organizations. According to “stat number 12” they have one hundred and sixty nine active members.
Take a look below and see how many new people these 169, cream of the cream Scientologists were able to reach.
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014
Subject: Chairman’s Update: 5 Ways to Help PAC OrgsChairman’s Weekly Update
Hi Team,
Our main focus this week is getting people into the PAC Base orgs for any and all services……
8– Number of Books Sold to Raw Public
4 – Number of Div 6 Services taken by a New Person on the New Introductory Routes
Zero– Number of Clears or NED Case Completions onto their next OT auditing step.
169- Number of Active OT Committee Members this week
Mike reported on the PAC OT Committee’s late December numbers and they had 6 people started on their first service and 9 books sold to raw public. Way to go guys.
But all the hype from the New Years event was about how much progress Scientology was making into the world around it. How much recognition it was getting. These numbers are the OT Committee saying – “Liar, Liar” to David Miscavige.
Now don’t get me wrong, they are not only working on new public dissemination. They list a whole slew of other equally pathetic stats. They list “51 : Number of public started on their Golden Age of Tech Phase II training and processing steps at a Mission, Org or SO Org this week.” Once again you have the problem that this 51 starts for four of five of the largest orgs in the Los Angeles area. What is telling about this number is that EVERY Scientologist has to do the GAT II student hat. Back on Dec 30th when Mike reported the numbers from that time they got 36 in one week. I thought Los Angeles was the largest concentration of Scientologists in the world? Looks like the PAC OTC is sending DM another message- “GAG me Dave!”
Additional Note: Very interesting post on the South African Blog about declared and departed JoBurg Staff. It has a strong relation to Mike’s survey of “SPs” conducted last year – See here
Saw this video of DM headed for Colombia:
So I ask myself, what’s the best way to get the few straggler left in Scientology to leave this year? The madness of Scientology must end.
Bit off topic, But Marty is looking fir some help with court case. See his blog
This is of no surprise to me at all. I was an OT committee member at CC Int for quite some time back in 2000 and it was a bunch of scientology women having a tea party. Their stats back then were mostly recovering friends and family members. I remember thinking with disdain that if this was all an OT 8 could produce at CC Int then what of the rest of the world. Pomm Olsen the acclaimed ran it at the time. Nice woman but she was not expanding scientology. When I ended up in Div Six at AOLA the PAC crew had their OT committee meetings in the atrium. Not much of note going on there either. I remember in all the time I was on staff cursing them under my breath at the complete lack of any products.
Scientology staff and public have been in apathy for many years. Div Six activities are dead in the water as no one can confront it. With all the black PR and crap these days all you are going to get is the constant harassment of whats left in the ever shrinking field.
Reminds me of buzzards picking over the remnants of a road kill!
What does Mama Buzzard Say to Papa Buzzard?
“Squawk – Squawk.. .god damnit…can’t anyone find any fresh meat around here anymore?”
After being gone from the “church” for 20 years and only a few weeks back I found myself on the OTC. I had to have the term COB defined I was that new. Some folks were very nice, and some weren’t. One old boy,a very rich old boy (“whale” as we say.) was utterly creepy. Feudalism had returned, and I’d just met the new duke. Just about all that was covered was the “ideal Org”. I read the PL and could not figure out what they were talking about. The PL mentioned nothing about some fancy building. I had to get out of there. Fortunately. there was some sort of flap and the entire OTC was put in DOUBT. I wrote my doubt formula up and got the hell out of there. I figured if I was in the ORG I’d study. As a PRD and KTL grad, I can study. About the time my points were in the stratosphere, the ethics chits from the OTC began to arrive. The ED and sup protected me from the worst of it.
As a PRD grad and KTL grad, I guess you are done with that squirrel group, correct? You know, I’m hoping my old friend gets a clue soon, she also did the PRD. I did KTL and loved it. Good to hear from you on the blog.
Yes, I just want to get my money off account and I’m gone forever.. I’m working on it.
The KTL was SO good. A few years ago I asked the course supervisor if “the church” still offered that course. She said no one was trained to deliver it. (Now they have the abridged “student hat” that will solve everything.)
Numbers of scientologist’s in the World was published in the 1970’s
varied from 2 million to 5 million as I recall. This is when the Orgs
were full and Mission network expanding. I shudder to imagine the true numbers now.
I went off the reservation after Debbie Cooks email went viral and many things got better right away, I have had lots of real wins since. Better to have real enemies than Fake friends.
Jose, there were never millions of Scientologists. The membership figures you heard all the way back in the 70s were pulled out of thin air in response to demand by internal Churhch execs to come up with a membership figure. This is a well documented fact by those who were there doing it. They didn’t even try to figure out how many book buyers there were and then call them Scientologists.
The idea that there are millions of Scientologists has always been nothing but a PR figment of someone’s imagination that upper management and, later, IAS execs and COB, have foisted off on the parishioners. Yes, there used to be more Scientologists than there are now. But not by the orders of magnitude you imagine.
Sorry, but they had those stats.
There has been the stat of Central Files. 2 sections. All Central Files and on upper levels (above intro div 6 services). Munich org did have between mid 70ies before 83 starting crash 40.000 Central Files and 2000 on major services. If someone did write to no longer wanting mail or SP declared or whatever he had been deadfiled and did not count. Those stats had been reported weekly to FOLO and up to Int. So they had each week exact figures (if not false stats from the org). By the way, those 2000 active upper services stat crashed down to around 800. I can only guess but of those 1200 gone at least half had been SP declared between 83 and 84. The rest had to be deafiled as they openly stated to have gone and are in disagreement with current Scientology.
(most of them did send a „doubt forumla“ to the Ethics Officer.)
Correct Galactic Patrol. Around ’85 FSO had the name of EVERY person who had done ANY Div 4 type services for the entire history of Scn,in any org/mission. After de-dup’ing and taking out known physically dead people (but NOT subtracting those who left scn) the number was no higher than ~200,000 people.
There has been a lot of news recent and ongoing, indicating the continual contraction of official Scientology. It makes me sad and sadder for a number of reasons. One, I know a lot of people still in, hoping against hope that Church is the place to obtain spiritual salvation, but it not. I feel for them. Many are fine people. Second, I mourn that the Church has morphed into what is now. Scientology maybe has never been what it was presented as, but I got a tremendous amount of positive gain from Scientology in the time I was in the Church, even in my latter years in there, when the Church and subject were being driven further and further away from it used to be. There are lots and lots of things the Miscavige has done and gotten the Church to do which is despicable, worthy of criticism and condemnation. But to bottom line for me is that it is all very sad.
I probably have more experience at this subject than anyone posting here. For 8 years I did all the OTC stats at Miami. I was quite hardnosed about counting stats which led to a lot of butting heads over the year, usually with the I/C of the OTC. Her goal was to look good, my goal was to be truthful. nuff said!
To see 169 “active” is outrageous with what else was reported. I will slightly disagree with Galactic Patrol, well at least in principle. We stopped counting doing assists years ago – for the purpose of being active. However with that said, there might not be much “policing” of what is reported and so many may be reporting unauthorized stuff and counting them self as active. I know that whenever possible I would see that. People would pawn off almost anything to count themself as active.
The whole idea of these stats was nutty as there were inaccuracies. I once heard from the D I/C OTA that hours were counted because people complained years ago that they had no stat for all the time they spent. So hours became a BIG stat of useless information. I had OTC fundraisers reporting 40-80 hours some weeks and yet the fundraising was a pathetic amount, certainly not proportional to the time spent. So hours never = production!
Then I had one OTC member who shall remain nameless except for the EEOC lawsuit against him. He used to report voluminous amounts of book sales – EXCEPT I know he him self NEVER sold them – his office staff did! I never liked reporting those as stats – yet he accounted for the most, and all of EUS book sales.
I could go on and on, by why bother – IT’S NUTS! The irony of this stat report again is the 169 and nothing to show for it. By the way, when I did the stats I sent out an email to all the OTC with ALL the stats and how many. May be since then the powers that be don’t want everyone to know how little is being done.
To current moderator: You don’t have to publish this comment. I just wanted to say (1) thanks for continuing Mike’s work while he is away; many people obviously love this blog; (2) I’d love to see who is writing these articles. If the wish to remain anonymous under “Special Correspondent” that’s fine but I’m certainly curious. These guest articles written since Mike is away have been really well written and informative. I know I have an article with Mike right now awaiting publication and I want my moniker on it when it comes out 🙂
Well thank you, kudos are always appreciated. I slaved on these articles in a vain effort to approach what I feel is the stellar standard Mike sets in this venue. I am going to remain anonymous, but not because I am anonymous. I am a very well known participant in the rebelliion against Miscavige and his flock of flying monkeys. But this is Mike’s blog. He has put hundreds of hours, not to mention blood sweat and tears into this blog, and his name is the only one that should be associated with it. So I will take a silent bow, thank you for your kind words, and shuffle out gracefully in a few days.
Special Correspondent – you are doing a fantastic job!! Glad Mike could take a break and have some fun and you are willing to help fill in while is away!! I do look forward to this Blog several times a day….and it is always a good read, some enlightenment on the truth about Scientology and what is really happening!! I have a friend that was on the OT Committee – believe me when I tell you NOTHING gets done…..they said it is nothing but a waste of time. The meetings consist of reporting “NO STATS” by all members. The Organization gives them no money and no projects get done because of the paranoid crazy way Scientology works…you have to have everything CSW’d by upper management. These people get things done quickly and are effective and productive – they stopped contributing to the OT Committee meetings and group due to all the STOPS!! That is the standard application – STOP THE REAL HELP! They eventually blew and are hiding out on the fringes watching the ship sink! Now – that is OT and they are not even OT!! THEY KNOW!!
I will bet that these statistics, as pitiful as they are, are also complete exaggerations. I use to report “books sold” or “people contacted” to my OTC all the time, which were only 25 cent pamphlets passed out.. Was it a lie? Sort of. Bottom line was that I would do anything to keep these folks out of my hair, so I padded the numbers. I would bet most in the OTC do the same. Does a person into the org include a $2 tape play? probably. Most of us on staff, from way back when, did anything to look like stats were somehow up, even though we knew they were clearly down. BIS (Bodies in the Shop) once only included people attending a minimum of 15 hrs per week. As time went by, the stat became even those mentioning via phone that they looked at their extension course book. Paid starts became getting an OT to listen to a $1 book tape. In other words, stats are stats, but even these very ugly numbers are probably not telling the truth.
Interesting numbers. Interesting comments.
When I attended these committees a while back, it was often the case that one or two members created the bulk of the stats. Many had very small or zero numbers to add.
It must be miserable at these meetings.
It makes you think of the state of the scene, like some of the comments above. I have heard some bills of high-PR-value orgs have some of their bills paid by Int.
Over the months, this slow attrition is what will probably continue. The hard facts of below par numbers starting Gag 2 will start to bite and we will see more joining our ranks here.
It is a process and in my opinion it has a while to go to play out. Each article here and on other key blogs all add up and help those looking to make a move.
I have a few guys I am monitoring too see what they do about gag 2 and will let you know!
I personally knew several members of one of the largest OT Committees several years ago. I also knew about most of the other members and their reputation within the community. Two or three were dedicated veteran Scientologists, either OT 7 or 8, who led & managed the OTC.
The remainder fell into one of the following classifications:
– Maintaining eligibility for their OT 7 participation;
– Seeking status and control over others;
– Minions who would do anything they were told to do.
Women, by number and by action, dominated this particular OTC. (Don’t have theories as to why, other than perhaps they had the time because their husbands earned enough to allow them time for OTC participation.)
By the time I departed, several had died from either cancer or sudden illness, including the leaders. The new leaders weren’t as competent or intelligent as the old leadership. This was several years ago so I’m not familiar with the current composition of this OTC.
Especially after some of the veteran leaders died, I had trouble reconciling the competence (lack of) of the OTC leadership because I still thought that OT 7s and 8s possessed special intelligence and capabilities. The justification that I came up with to hold my cognitive dissonance at bay: The OTC members had insufficient training in either Scientology Admin or Tech.
Later I had to expand this justification to include almost ALL OTs when I personally observed many instances in my community of OTs acting “worse than Wogs”. Finally, after several more deaths of those close to me, I had to admit that I was living in a dangerous environment and moved to another city to get away from the insanity. Then I was able to reflect on all that had happened and started looking for answers.
Now I realize that OTC members’ inability to observe and act rationally is probably due to their closer connection to sociopath David Miscavige. They are trying to carry out his wacky programs.
What Wall, what OTC was this? Was it one of the LA ones?
Extrapolating from the above stats (and knowing that the 2 largest (AOLA & AOSH) do NOT work on getting new people into scn AND what we know about people leaving scn, it is clear that there is a net LOSS of public. There is probably no more than 10,000 scn’ers (not considering S.O.), on the entire planet.
Now, given the above in total, within a couple of years, if not there already, the “Church” will be in a negative cash flow position for the 1st time in decades. Davie will “solve” tis by liquidating assets. He’ll keep the Ship as a personal haven from enraged public, law enforcement, etc. What exactly happens after that depends on what his Exit Strat” is…
As sociopaths almost invariably do, I think Davie will play his dark game out to the bitter end. You might be right about that ending – There may be enough souls on the Freewinds to satisfy his domination lust in his waning days.
Sociopaths also bail when they get found out and just set up their psycho shop somewhere else. Disappear, fake a death, all kinds of interesting things. When he does bail he’ll have enough money to set up whatever kind of shop he wants anywhere in the world. Guesses as to what he does? Some sort of phoney self-help thing in Dubai…? LOL… Other than the blogs I’d like to see what his recent internet searches have been.
gato rojo,
Good points. Yes, exposing him will make him go somewhere else.
Let’s all postulate that DM has a darker ending, that he does the perp walk to jail or maybe he ends it like Hitler did when cornered.
I just became acquainted with two new brand public, They started at Sherman Oaks and continued to CC Int. After a month and a half the public had been regged for numerous services and when the person asked when he could start his auditing or Purif, he was told that he needed to do something before, and thus, needed to pay another service. He again was hounded to pay for more donations. At the end he departed the Organizations without having received a single service and because he kept being regged over and over.
He commented that the buildings are beautiful, but they are empty and people only reg; they don’t deliver (his own words).
Remember, these were two brand new people to Scn.
Very informative.
It would be really great to see the numbers from churches in Eastern Europe and Asia. For a while now, and especially since GAT2, it seems the numbers for new members in the western world are basically 0.
I think it is a negative number. More are leaving than arriving. They need a graph that has space below zero!!!
Stats from AOSH EU newsletters:
Clears made in 2013 – 203 (was 193 in 2012)
OT levels done in 2013 – 500 (was 407 in 2012)
That is very good news and I hope it continues to dwindle I hope 2014 sees the end of the greatest con in the world.
If there are 169 “active” members of the PAC OTC and close to zero results, you have to wonder what “activity” they were actually engaged in that week.
I would bet money that at least 50% of the “active” members are actually under the radar or dissaffected. I would bet even more money that if you were to count how many of these “active” members are actually going to course on GAG ME 2, you will find that it’s less than half. The others will be “scheduled to start soon” or some other lame excuse to remove themselves from the torture.
To be an “active” member, all you have to do is read a pamphlet, mention Scientology in a “dissemination cycle”, give an assist or even just think about Scientology for a few seconds. I’m totally not kidding here. Anything at all will serve to make you an “active” OTC member for the week and they call around or email desperately trying to keep this figure up (or even) week after week. Or they are even more intellectually dishonest and just routinely count their list without any evidence of activity at all. Can’t be downstat, after all. Otherwise they have to get a lecture from their local SO Div 6 Field Control Sec or, if they are downstat for too long, a Knowledge Report which they’ll have to deal with come Eligibility time. I think if you really dug in, you’d find a grand total of about 1-2 hours of actual work from the combined total of all these people each week.
If you think about it at all, 169 “active members” in a field of supposedly 10,000 Scientologists is by itself almost all the statistic you need to tell you how “successful” these people are. The sum total of their activities are the equivalent of a postage stamp on a football field, yet they truly believe they are about to win the Superbowl. The cognitive dissonance knows no bounds.
Can you imagine the cost to a normal corporation if they spent that many man-hours trying to get that miniscule little stamp pasted on the football field… and had to actually PAY all those people who were making those calls and creating those statistics? It’s mind-boggling the waste of time and money.
I hope that the IRS and FBI have found enough evidence to take back the church status from the Co$. Once they do that then the whole thing crumbles. Except that Davey owns all the buildings. And, I assume, has hired a lot of Bubbas to guard him.
Whadda lifestyle he has created for himself. He is already in jail.
Thanks, GP. Actually I knew the answer to that because I was often called by someone desperate to get their stats up. Had I been on course? Read a book or a PL? Did I mention Scientology to someone? Use the tech in my life that week, yada yada yada? For most people in the pressure cooker of an Org or a WISE business, the purpose becomes “getting the stats up” rather than making progress toward a long-term goal.
I had that same thought, Aeolus. Kind of like the old joke, “how many so and so’s does it take to screw in a lightbulb?” 169 OTC members and so few people starting course between the 5 orgs (LA Day and Fdn, ASHO Day and FDN, AOLA). Maybe it takes 1 OTC to get one start and 168 OTC member to hide those stats.
Takes one OT to have the thought of maybe starting someday and that counts as one start because after all ………….. when you reach the top of the bridge ……..intention is cause!!!!
I’d say the only real stat is the number of OTs floundering in the water looking for a lifeboat. The stern section of the Titanic is now straight up and vertical and it has one place left to go!
Yo Dave,
Grab your frickin ass because it is going to get cold, lonely and very quite very soon!
Oh yea, almost forgot to ask, how is it going with the shredders and getting rid of all that wonderful squirrel buster documentary footage you have been ordered to turn over to Ray Jefferies and company?
@ Jane Doe: It takes one OT to hold the light bulb, and 168 OTs to turn the universe around and around, because, you know, we’re cause over matter, energy, space and time. And light bulbs.
Way to go Aeolus and Coop, good answers to how many does it take to screw in a light bulb.
“It takes one OT to hold the light bulb, and 168 OTs to turn the universe around and around, because, you know, we’re cause over matter, energy, space and time. And light bulbs.”
I suggest they change the name of these things to “sad-tis tics”.
Honest question: Do celebs like Tom Cruise or Kirstie Alley (who on Howard Stern a few weeks ago said “there are tens of millions of Scientologists) or all those people in tuxedos and fancy gowns (not the staff, just the public) at the New Year’s Eve event…do they have any idea how badly their religion is floundering?
Best data and reports on this tend to indicate that the celebs live in a bubble when it comes to the reality of Scientology’s actual stats. Celebs have extremely busy lifestyles already and most are working pretty flat-out on their own promotion/marketing and actual career work, so they probably receive soundbyte-style statistics and briefings and they just parrot those soundbytes back to the interviewers or reporters that they talk to. They don’t really have any idea what they are talking about when it comes to Scientology’s day-to-day operations or activities. They aren’t that involved, just like they aren’t really that involved in most the day-to-day of most charitable activities or benefit organizations which they support. They are PR figureheads who are there to rally public support in short bursts. I can’t speak for any one individual celebrity, who may be an exception to what I’m saying here, but in general they are not nearly as involved as even your regular public. From what I saw when I was in, celebs aren’t crush regged to be on standard course schedules or even receive intensive auditing. They come in when they want, get what they want and leave when they want. They may get the occasional hardsell reg cycle for donations, but I don’t think anyone is showing up at Tom Cruise’s house at 2am to sell him a Basics package or a new Warehouse Mark VIII.
If and when Tom Cruise or Kirste Alley actually walk into an org, they are likely given a whirlwind tour with stand-ins or people called in to “fill the empty seats” just for the time that the celebs are in the building. Yes, that does actually happen and yes, I have been a part of that and seen it occur. What celebs see is a facade of what Scientology really is, sort of like what is presented at events.
They are also kept carefully insulated by their handlers from any “entheta” and are trained to attack anyone who questions in any way what the celebs are told is the real truth. Their reactions to John Sweeney are an example of what I’m talking about here, even though I personally thought John was going way too far when he started asking the celebs about being brainwashed. They are drilled on typical “attack” questions and what to say in response and they do just that.
Why they personally, as individuals, would fall for all this nonsense is up to you to decide. They’re just people too and they have their own foibles and blindspots and they want to believe that Scientology is their personal spiritual salvation just like the rest of the public. They don’t want to see their hopes and dreams fail so they believe what they want to believe.
GP, I appreciate the long, detailed response. Very educational!
Hi GP, I appreciate your reply here.
As to the explanation of why the celebs would buy all this hook line and sinker? There’s an old expression here in Hollywood, “Never underestimate the insecurity of a star.”
What does Scientology promise? Certainty. That you can be “At Cause.” And there is someone to listen to your problems and help you sort through things with the magic e-meter. ?? And they are treated like the celebs they think they are in their own mind with the minions fawning all over them. Very seductive in so many ways…. especially for a talented person living in a treacherous business with sharks circling all the time looking for a “bite.”
Add that to what you already said about sound bytes and working on their own promotion and marketing… and you have the perfect mix.
I repeat again because I know many celebs… “Never underestimate the insecurity of a star.”
nice post, but the truth is also your regular Joe scientologist working stiff is in the same boat as the “celebrity”. And that includes a scientologist small business owner or scientologist dentist or scientologist chiro.
Once on the Bridge, one has to make money and get busy busy to afford the auditing and time. And since everything from Int Management is such a rush, everything in the scientology world is in an emergency condition.
I know several OT7’s and they are busy busy trying to make money & time so as to do the six month checks and stay on the level to comp. And I’m talking several years now,
a few years in my eyes is two years, and several means beyond two years. And mind you, it costs $20-$30K per year.
Should one be a working stiff making $30-$60k year, why one gets to figure if one is only a grades PC, why one figures OMG, I got to get busy busy to go up the Bridge. Thus no time to research and look at the internet. One has been given the goal of OT to attain.
You got that right singanddanceall. And add to the severe GI demands, the fact that now they make you not only join an OTC but have an actual named post on the org board of it, and then you are expected to make extra money for the Ideal Orgs, Planetary , IAS,Dissem CCHR, and all the other groups. Add to that your family, job etc, 4 to 6 sessions a day, and it is a wild mad dash to try to make it through the day. And if you have a job, try explaining to your boss why you don’t have CS OK to leave as planned if you’re in the middle of a Sec Check and they won’t let you leave cuz you aren’t finished with it. I don’t know how people keep their jobs when the church makes a 1 week Refresher last a month or longer. So many on OT VII that are off the level tell me they are “relieved” to be off it and felt it was “a release” to be off the level. I finally felt free to create and live my life when I stopped auditing on OT VII. (I will finish in the Indie field and it will be much more sane and doable.)
Just saying, I had the experience of being love-bombed and I have never been by any stretch of the imagination a celebrity. Can’t give details but I’ve never been other than what could be considered fairly moderately successful in an unglamorous, pedestrian field.. Being treated like an important person by the staff of my Class V org was an attraction for me. For years I actually thought that they they, the staff, actually thought of me this way! Funny, right? Until I got informed that this kind of treatment was standard op procedure to get things out of me, case closed. Live and learn, as they say. Point is, those TRs-in flows of interest, affinity, acknowledgement and approval – when they’re done well, they work. Do they ever.
but the particle most valued above all others is admiration. From the Factors. Don’t beat yourself up because you responded to admiration. They use it on us all and we all responded to it. I have a nickname for the Flag IAS close used on so many: “the Big Being Close.”
Regarding what celebs are told or are allowed to see–I was part of those “VIP tours” the celebs got many times. First we’d have to stay up for a couple days in a row cleaning every surface, painting, fixing, repairing, hiding certain things like stat graphs and things we’d still use every day that were too broken to be fixed in 24 hours, making the whole place (the parts they will be shown) perfect-looking. We’d be on post all day and then at night just have to stay and clean, then work again the next day. Then eventually the tour would come through and we’d be so tired and zombie-like, faking how happy we were that the people came by.
Depending on the area they’d visit certain things would be set up to show off. People would at times even be lent new uniform parts to look better. Maybe a flower arrangement or two would be scattered around. It was a total lie. Only certain people could be around when the tour came through. Some had to do with appearance and some had to do with DM disliking them or they were “downstats.”
If the celebs ever came through and saw what life was really like on a day-to-day basis they would be horrified. They have NO clue. They are in a bubble inside the bubble.
BTW, these stats are awesome! I never thought I’d be happy with stats being down. Good work guys! Carry on!
As these are the areas with the largest concentration of Scientologists the numbers are dismal. I wonder does anyone else think that corporate Scientology’s demise is accelerating.
Thank you for laying out this posting so clearly and defining the OT committee etc. How can they afford these large buildings with these low numbers I most certainly don’t see anyway they can do it. DM is going to try to have some heads roll because these numbers go out.
Question for Mike and Co. What do they tell people was the reason that the new Emeters cut off if not renewed? To put that function on the Emeter should require an explination. Any word as to what that was?
(This is just my 2 cents, I’m not affiliated with the blog)
The legal basis they are attempting to use, to enforce their new policy regarding e-meters, is that the e-meter requires software, and this software is not actually purchased by the individual ‘buying’ the e-meter. What you are doing is purchasing a license to use the software, which expires in one year, or earlier if you violate the fine print in the agreement. This license is non transferable without approval from scientology.
There have been cases of people reselling expensive software suites that they no longer use on ebay (autocad) and I believe the company was able to halt the sales.
The hardware itself is actually not really important, as controlling the software (which is on much firmer legal footing), takes care of the hardware, as you can’t have one without the other.
An e-meter requires no “software” to work. It is a simple resistance-indicating (since it doesn’t use any units of measure) meter movement. Sure, you could hook it up to a digital software circuit which can turn it on and off, and be re-set over the Internet. But none of that has anything to do with the basic function of an e-meter, which is to provide a prop.
Mooser : here is a link to the mark viii patent. Figure 5 thru 16 show the general fuctions of the software.
I agree that an emeter doesn’t need software, IMHO the purpose of scientology turning an analog device –> digital is to enable the use of software which then can be used to control the device itself.
Same as it has always been. You are off policy to use an e-meter that isn’t currently Silver Certed….
“Once again you have the problem that this 51 starts for four of five of the largest orgs ON THE PLANET.”
The above sentence (from the blog entry) has been corrected. 😉