The hypocrisy of scientology knows no bounds.
While proclaiming “the psychs” to be the “source of all evil and degradation on planet earth” amidst announcements of programs to “destroy psychiatry”, “eradicate psychiatry” and “obliterate psychiatry” and promoting their “Psychiatry, An Industry of Death” “museum/exhibit,” apparently psychs are A-OK as long as they are an element of “dealing with an SP.”
This practice is known as “Fair Game” — and while the church claims “the policy is canceled”, the PRACTICE is demonstrated routinely as a fundamental tenet of scientology. And here we go again.
It is perhaps the most abhorrent thing to do in scientology — give any credence to a psych — yet it is perfectly acceptable if it helps smash and silence an ex-Sea Org member who was intimidated into having an abortion.
There are no morals. No “religious conviction”. No “humanitarianism” in scientology.
It is truly an immoral, profane and inhumane organization.
Can you imagine the righteous indignation of the church if one of its members “fell into the hands of the psychs”? Oh, no need to imagine, remember Lisa McPherson?
Or recall the “religious agreement” that was on Tony Ortega’s blog a few days ago, which reads in part:
Now try to understand how the church is requesting a court to ORDER a woman to be examined by a psychiatrist.
Judge allows psychiatric evaluation for ex-Scientologist suing church
Laura Ann DeCrescenzo also claims that, as a child, she was forced work long hours for the church’s elite Sea Org, which acts as an administrative unit.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Rolf M. Treu said the church’s request to have DeCrescenzo interviewed is reasonable because she has made her mental condition an issue by claiming emotional fallout from her history with the church.
“Indeed, plaintiff alleges that she suffers from severe emotional distress, including anxiety, embarrassment, humiliation, shame, depression, feelings of powerlessness and anguish,” Treu wrote.
Treu also said that he will not limit the scope of the examination as requested by DeCrescenzo’s attorneys. They wanted to keep the psychiatrist from asking their client about her legal history as well as any disability claims or substance abuse. The lawyers also wanted the psychiatrist to review their client’s deposition testimony and sworn declaration so she would not be questioned on the same issues.
“The court declines to impose such limitations and requirements,” Treu wrote.
Treu also denied a request by the plaintiff’s lawyers to limit the length of the mental evaluation to six hours.
He is scheduled to hear arguments on the motion Friday before issuing a final ruling.
DeCrescenzo sued the church and its Religious Technology Center in April 2009. In March 2010, Judge Ronald Sohigian granted a defense motion to dismiss the case. Defense attorneys said that nearly five years had passed by the time DeCrescenzo raised her allegations.
However, a three-justice panel of the 2nd District Court of Appeal reversed Sohigian’s decision in June 2011 and sent the case back to the judge to determine whether the church was permitted to raise the statute of limitations as a defense.
In October 2013, defense attorneys again argued for dismissal, maintaining that the plaintiff not only waited too long to bring her lawsuit, but that she also could not show she was intimidated by church officials from filing one sooner. Sohigian denied the motion and he is now retired.
According to DeCrescenzo, she began volunteering to do church work at age 6 or 7 in Orange County. She says that at age 7, she was part of a Scientology group organized to picket the very civil courthouse where trial of her lawsuit will take place.
She claims the demonstration showed the church’s ability to “go to every length to bring down people who filed lawsuits” against the institution, whose followers include Tom Cruise and John Travolta.
When DeCrescenzo was 12, she was recruited to join the organization’s elite Sea Org, which she said is responsible for overseeing the delivery of the religion worldwide, according to her court papers.
DeCrescenzo alleges she was initially required to work daily from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. and that two more hours were later added to her work day.
DeCrescenzo says she remained with Sea Org until 2004, when she was 25. She says she told she could not leave Sea Org and was released from duty only after she pretended to attempt suicide by swallowing bleach.
DeCrescenzo alleges she became pregnant in February 1996 and was persuaded by the church to abort her fetus to show her allegiance to Sea Org and its long hours.
DeCrescenzo was a member of the church until June 2008.
— City News Service
You actually rock
Shocking. Heinous. They want to cave her in. Anything will serve.
The invasion of the justice system by psychiatry is gross and utterly unacceptable and the Church, although opposed, now capitalizes on it. Disgusting!
Making progress. Hope Mighty Mouse is feeling the squeeze.
I have a question for anyone about this procedure: when medical people, psychiatrists, and so forth, are called as witnesses for the defense, are they paid? That is, are they paid over the table, legally?
YEs, they are paid. ANd they know which side they are on. Medical experts, psych experts, blood splatter experts, car crash dynamics experts — virtually any area you can think of you have competing experts. If you ever watched a trial (like OJ Simpson) you will see “experts” testifying and coming to opposite conclusions (or at least differing) on EVERY issue for which expert testimony is being used. The church “expert” here will conclude whatever the church wants them to say (or they will just go hire another expert who will) and the same thing will be done by the defense. Then it becomes a battle of the credibility and credentials of the expert that is used and how well they can talk….
Thanks, Mike. Interesting. So what you’re saying is that Laura’s team could hire their own expert/witness/shrink, and the 2 shrinks could be facing off in court. Somehow, I don’t think this scenario would be good for the cult.
Yes, exactly. That IS what will happen.
Then Laura, if you are reading this, stand your ground!
Laura’s legal team will definitely hired their own expert. Both sides will present their expert testimony. This is done all the time. In criminal cases, insurance claims litigation, pretty much anything. They’d better be real experts though. Judges will laugh them out of the courtroom if they don’t have the proper certifications in the field that they are testifying in.
Mike,are these psych experts,forensic people,etc….Scientologist’s? Or just people that sell their soul for a buck? Better yet,do they even have the proper credentials? This cult seem’s so powerfully devious,they could get up there,present made-up credentials,and act their way through a trial.
No need for fake credentials. These guys get paid a lot of money to give expert testimony to support your case. If they don’t perform they won’t get new clients. In many cases experts for one side try to throw some doubt on the expert of the other side when it concerns physical facts – ” I calculated the car must have been traveling at 80mph” and the opposing expert opines that it could have been 75mph because the winds are usually blowing at that time of day and the opposition expert forgot to factor that in.
But it’s different with psych experts. They will look at the same “facts” and because it’s not a physical science they will reach opposite conclusions- ” he is mentally incompetent to stand trial” vs “he is fully competent to stand trial.”
I assume the idea is that a psych will make her crazy. Like it’s some sort of spiritual assassination. Wonder if they’ll even realize it doesn’t work like that.
Not only do they hate psychiatry, but their teachings essentially say that psychiatrists are responsible for the ills of the world – along the whole track, not just recently!
See highlighted paragraph two above. The “Kidnap Clause”. This is what happened to Lisa McPherson, and she died at the hands of the scientologists applying the ‘Introspection Rundown’ to her. Lisa was unable to consent to this treatment due to her psychosis and unfortunately, her family was unaware of her condition at the time and thus she had no advocate.
All Scientologists who go for services at Flag or any of the other orgs are required to sign this document prior to receiving service.
Very scary.
Hi Pepper, You are so right. Very scary.That is why I will fight & stand until my last breath in this body for everyone who has been wounded hurt or felt they had to commit suicide because of the cos. As I have said when I joined The SO @ Asho F I had only read Dianetics & listened to The Incredible String Band Smiling Men With Bad Reputations was one of my favorites how true that is now love u Likky. Anyway when those above me realized I could write letters that pulled a lot of thetans in I was a letter reg @ Asho F.Before I had even gone to the Excalibur I got many letters back from all over the U.S. & whatever I dug up in CF.One day when I was very green with MU s on. certain Scientology terms I got a letter from a family that told me their only son had come to Asho for auditing. They told me he had committed R245. When I asked my superior what that meant she said oh suicide with a gun,now he really is dead filed.Could not have cared less.Well this upset me & I went and originated to Qual about this. I had only been in the SO for about 2 weeks when I was told because of my insubordination I was to go to the home of a very wealthy women in Bev Hills & spend as long as it took @ her mansion alone & prevent her from calling the cops or killing herself. She was a big donor.So off I went. Just an insane night with this person but that Kool Aid was so powerful I did what I had to.Ever after that a little part of my soul knew something was wrong with the cos but I really thought Ron was the be all & end all so I kept on.The thing was Quentin had developed a really strong comm with me when he wanted me @ the SO @ AOLA, & we met outside of the Hollywood Inn when he told me he was going to Saint Hill in England, A sweet kind soul & his Dad destroyed him.That is why I will always read this blog & support Mike et all.That is why along with other things the GOI beat me up mentally & physically.The real Truth burned & they could not stand it so I became the cause of it all.That is why I love all of you that broke away to free our spirits from this bondage that is the cos. XO Always Ann B.
Hi Mike, my old brain it was Rd 45 not R2. XO Ann B.
Thank you Ann. In the last few months I found out about two Scientologists that I knew from way back had committed suicide. The last one was Wendy Ettricks the other day. It depressed me. I have read the other suicide stories and a friend of mine son committed suicide at the age of 22 while he was auditing lines at the Celebrity Centre about 20 years ago. I also have a close friend that got really effed up on auditing lines. The kid was a newbie and they ran tons of security checking on him over porn and masturbation. It was really embarrassing and defeating for him and he already had a few mental health issues that were surfacing at the time. He went to the org looking for help for his anxiety and depression, and instead he got sec checked the life out of him. I appreciate your encouragement and courage very much.
Mike wrote:
“This practice is known as “Fair Game” — and while the church claims “the policy is canceled”, the PRACTICE is demonstrated routinely as a fundamental tenet of scientology. ”
Correct me if I am wrong, but in the Monique Rathbun lawsuit, didn’t their lawyers argue that their fair game activities of her were a religious practice protected by the 1st Amendment?
This is why Scientology is not just hypocritical and crazy, but also dangerous. It can engage in human trafficking (as we saw in the Headley case), and in other acts which, for anyone else, would be criminal. But because of Scientology’s 1st amendment protections, no court can examine Fair Game because it is part of their “sacred scriptures” and thus part of the free exercise of their religion.
Scientology’s criminality must be tried in criminal court.
Laura deCrenzeno’s, and Monique Rathbun’s civil suits must get some prosecutor somewhere to act.
Nice to know that you can appeal to a judge to order someone to see the shrink of your choice! This means David Miscavige can be ordered for psychiatric evaluation also!
P.S.Boom! The Church has opened a can of worms with this program!
Yes, The Church is also “anti drug”. But as soon as they have an unruly staff member or client, they head to the medicine cabinet. When I was on the staff they doped up one preclear so the chaplain could escort her home on the airplane (to dispose of her far far away from the base). They doped up Scott Campbell. They think nothing of resorting to tranquilizers when it solves one of THEIR problems.
True , Oracle , but those where or are “in house” treatments.
Psychiatric evaluation, from a psychiatrist of their choice!! for everybody to see , that’s the shocker , it shows a boldness , a certainty that they can do anything and not be accountable. Puke!
are you kidding me?!?!?!! I tiptoed around the aunt,all those years,about being on medication,then being dx’d with MS,hiding my daily injections from her,etc….FOR NOTHING?!?!?!?!?! For nothing??!?!?! She judged my mother,disconnected from her,for NOTHING?!!?!?! The shit keeps getting deeper and I keep getting more insulted,perplexed,angry,confused as to why this cult STILL exists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laura is so brave.
I am floored. It is a new height in the hypocrisy department.
I wish the family I lost would see this when they open their yahoo page .
This ^^^^^
Well, Scientology (OSA) is doing this not because they “believe” in Psychiatry, but because they believe the outcome will benefit them. The ends always justify the means in Scientology. The greatest good for the greatest number. Remember, Scientology is only a religion for tax and legal reasons. Even though they (OSA) believe that “the psychs” are “the sole cause of crime in this universe”, they are doing this soley because they think it will help their legal case. Never mind that they are being completely hypocritical by asking for this. Never mind that they consider psychiatry to be a total fraud and a pseudo science, according to Tom Cruise, the most dedicated Scientologist on the plant. Also, when you consider the kind of slimy shyster lawyers that they hire (Kendrick Moxon, Elliot Abelson, etc.), and also consider that they will do anything to win a lawsuit, then this kind of thing is quite understandable. If they thought it would help them, I’m sure they would also demand that the plaintiff receive psych drugs, a pre-frontal lobotomy and electric shock therapy as well. It’s just too bad that the plaintiffs can’t also request a psychiatrist to evaluate Miscavige, because if anyone needs a psychiatrist it would be him. Ironically, and fortunately for OSA, Scientology’s program of the total global eradication and annihilation of psychiatry hasn’t been too successful since I’m sure they’ll have no problem being able to find a qualified psychiatrist to evaluate the plaintiff. Unlike Corporate Scientology, the profession of psychiatry is expanding like never before.
…”a psychiatrist picked by the defense…” Oy.
What Miscavige is hoping for is that the Psychs will give her a label, like BiPolar or Manic Depressive. Then he can say she is insane….and report to the clubbed seals of his “win”.
It will back fire.
The Psych will most likely state that she is suffering from PTSD – a NORMAL side effect from being traumatized by a Church that is suppose to HELP you – not force you to kill your babies, enslave you for free labor, rob you of a life, not pay you fair wages or treat you kindly, and deliver something of value as promised but never done….
This will not fair well for Miscavige – his ignorance is showing and it will bite him in his IMPish Arse.
Tick Tock DM – Tick Tock!
Any psychiatrist hired to evaluate her and then testify on behalf of the defense will be paid very well to say essentially whatever the defense wants, paid “expert witnesses” are almost as big of a corrupt joke as CoS, so seems unlikely the psych will say the (honest) diagnosis of PTSD.
My aunt is in this cult,in Clearwater…she was a top auditor for many many years,blew in the early to mid 90’s,showed up,in the middle of the night at my parents,the house was watched constantly,phone rang constantly,she left the state,only to return and get amnesty and is now back in Scientologyville in clearwater…I know,every time she comes to visit,for the day,she,and my family,are watched,I know these freaks,were outside my mothers funeral,when my aunt came up from freakville…I love my aunt dearly,I do not judge her,she is a good person,that got lost in this “thing”…but when my family,my mother’s funeral,is being violated,exploited,whatever….That’s where I draw the line!!!!! When will this “thing” ever end?!!?!?!?!?by the way….we still,to this day…do not know why she blew in the middle of the night. We always had to tiptoe around her and be told “don’t tell—your on any medication,don’t ask—about Scientology” To hell with that! I am on antidepressants dear aunt!!!!! I have been for years! I also have Multiple Sclerosis,dear aunt,and take a cocktail of medications for that!!!!!!! idiots!
When will it end?????? Will this cult,ever be taken down????!?!?! EVER?????
An organization that is actively running a campaign titled “Psychiatry Kills” on every continent except Antartica, has selected a Psychiatrist to be alone in the same room with someone that said organization doesn’t like. Whaaaaat????? Oh….I get it.
No…… wait. Uh, no. I don’t get it. Mike, you made this up, right?
Hi Regraded Being,Scientology keeps getting crazier & crazier! Need a glass of wine tonight & relax knowing I am so happy I am out.May those in find the path out too. Love Always Ann B.
There are so many times I could have cried when learning about the brutality of this company but did not. This makes me cry. I’m not surprised by the hypocrisy. This is a demented way to mentally rape someone and take a souvenir. Sadistic fucks.
What I would tell this judge; Scientology is not a religion. My mother would not have been at all interested in LRH if this had been a religion. His teachings filled a need and helped her until it hurt her, and eventually caused her death.
Judge you need to go to a Scientology “service” and see for your self. Get on their mailing list and give them your phone number. Take note; when I went there I went to the chapel, big cross, folding chairs, nothing ecclesiastical, but you will see lots of LRH pictures.
How can a judge judge scientology if he does not know what a fraud it is?
Hi Sarah, I am very sorry for your loss.The hours I spent cleaning the long tables @ Asho F in the course rooms while the enormous photos of Ron followed my every move with the eyes.I was drinking so much Kool Aid in the SO,I actually thought it was all wonderful.That’s why we say how strong that Kool Aid is.A person will literally give up their life to drink more.That’s why to get out one has to blow & save one’s self.I would have passed in The SO if I had stayed.XO to you & yours.Ann B.
Sarah, it is illegal for a US Judge to make a judgment as to how much of a religion Scn is or, is not.
Bingo, Sarah. When I reached for Scientology, I had no interest in joining up with a “religion”. For me it was self help. Religion wasn’t even on my radar. And, according to I think Jeff Hawkins, who did all that successful PR for the cult back in the day, according to him, Suzette Hubbard White did a survey back in the mid-90s which showed that Scientology being a religion blocks the reach of 50% of all people who want self help. The religious angle turns them off, according to this survey he said she did.
Aqua, the same for me. I didn’t want “religion” from the CoS and it bothered me that it had “Church” in its title. I tried to pretend for a long time that it wasn’t about religion or being a church at all. I “pretended” that Scientology was a form a therapy and I likened it to psychotherapy of a sorts. It worked for the grades and the auditor training that I did. However, when I got onto the OT Levels, I had to reconcile that it truly is about faith and taking on a religious belief system. I tried to continue, telling myself that my disagreements had to do with the reactive mind, or that maybe I was just a bad person. I went up through OTV, and it was hell for me. Eventually I came to terms with what I knew to be true.
The train pulled up to the station and I disembarked.
i don’t understand what they hope to gain.
See Miscavige brag on Psychiatry Global extinction.
Karen, that video is very disturbing. I know who that man is in the video and I knew his parents who worked at AOLA, and two brothers. I don’t know if the youngest son is still alive today because he had health issues. I don’t want to say their names here. This is very tragic.
I meant to say that I knew that man when he was a teenager in the Sea Org, healthy and functioning. Not like the man you see in the video. This is what the Church of Scientology does for people with mental health issues and god forbid if you are in the Sea Org and need serious help. Born into the Sea Org, Cadet , Sea Org member and discarded, psychotic, to the streets.
The Church of Scientology’s demand for DeCrescenzo to undergo a psychiatric evaluation is an invitation for Scientology parishioners to sue David Miscavige for his failure to safeguard the ecclesiastical purity of the Scientology religion. By allowing Scientology’s attorneys to legitimize Psychiatry in any form Miscavige is squirreling. Worse, he has crossed over to the Psychs by validating Psychiatry for use in Scientology legal proceedings. What next? Mandatory GAT II Psychiatric exams in Ideal Orgs? This is “hats not wearing” on Psychiatrist Dr. Miscavige’s part and a gross violation of KSW.
High time for OSA to write golden rod on the rogue, the so-called COB RTC.
The scientology-selected psychiatrist will testify before the court, “I find the plaintiff to be a Suppressive Person.”
That was funny – Roger. LOL
Hi Roger, Made me laugh even tho the whole set up stinks! Lawyers psychs & cos always out for #1.I send waves of good to Laura Ann.XO Always Ann B
The end justifies the means. Hubbard in a NUTshell…
Just shows again that CoS only cares about power and control, using any means necessary…I am curious, what is the origin of that intense hatred of psychiatry? Is it because psychiatry/psychology is a threat, helping people to wake up and break free from the cult?
Some people speculate that Hubbard originally had a grudge against psychiatry/psychology just because the medical field didn’t embrace Dianetics as a revolutionary scientific breakthrough.
Google: psychiatry an industry of death museum for the answer.
After visiting there, I was inspired to write a book about a friend’s son’s horrific experience with psychiatric drugs……
You may then get the hypocrisy of the church using a psychiatrist to make this plaintiff appear unstable
No, it’s because 1) L. Fraud Flunk-Out requested psych help from the Veterans’ Administration after he was discharged and they said no, and 2) L. Fraud was butthurt after the American Psychiatric Association didn’t think Dianetics was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Simple as that, really.
Hi Espiando, You nailed it! XO Always Ann B.
Psychiatry and Psychology is basically called from LRH as stupid and not following the path of theta .. finally called as wrong goals .. as he descibed it on the SHSBC, but here he gave also some rightness to Sigmund Freud .. because of his work on the 2nd dynamic .. but he did still stay with the ides of wrong goals ..
Basically LRH did follow the idea of GPM .. which basically means that everybody got in all time a lot of wrong goals .. or irritated goals .. or destroyed goals .. there is a lot in his works about it said .. so he was convinced that psychiatry (with his idea of the body as cause) is suppressive .. and psychology would only manipulate goals in a less theta way as he himself wanted .. so that he has said ..
Psychiatry has a problem, because it comes out of priests who tried to handle groups. So they had to define strange behaviour in the first place .. and tried to handle that. It did not work, but LRH spoke only about that misconduct ..
Sigmund Freud gave with his work a new idea to it .. you can change a mind .. so this is basic for whole scientology too .. I do not think that LRH had ever get such idea for his own. Why? Oh, his works went too deep into congnitive dissonance .. something which psychology is intended to handle ..
So Kathy H. .. scientology introduces cognitive dissonance .. and so it must be against psychology .. because it is given for handle that (if good done) .. scientology will only give more and more cognitive dissonance .. for sure ..
A judge Thursday issued a tentative ruling allowing a psychiatrist picked by the defense to evaluate a former Church of Scientology member who is suing the institution
Can’t wait to see who they pick and then find out later how deep that this “psychiatrist” is buried in DLHDM’s ass
I feel just as you do.
I cannot understand how any reputable member of the industry would agree to work for Co$.
I agree!!
“It is truly an immoral, profane and inhumane organization.”
And I will add — this immoral, profane and inhumane organization was founded by L. Ron Hubbard ergo he must be an immoral, profane and inhumane man. And as far as I can tell, he was.
Agree Windhorsegallery
From Erica: “It is so strange that people put the blinders on no matter what. That is some serious power and/or brainwashing.”
If you get an opportunity, Erica, find a copy of the 1950 book, “The True Believer” written by Eric Hoffer. Still very much in print and you can find a used copy at Amazon for under $3.00. He nailed it early on.
Thank you Windhorsegallery.
L Ron Hubbard condoned children being in the Sea Org and their recruitment. He is Source. His actions speak loudly. Were his own children allowed to follow a path in life of their own choosing? Were they given a chance at a proper or decent education?
The trafficking of children is heinous, and is committed by profane, immoral and inhumane people.
That is too much. Will any of the public members still in the “church” be able to see what it is doing? How can they do this in the face of all that they say about “psychs?” What mental health professional would ever work for an organization that condemns the entire profession? The entire field is demonized by Co$. With all that you have posted the last few days, I don’t see how people inside can still believe that this is “the most ethical group on the planet.”
They’ll never hear about it.
It is so strange that people put the blinders on no matter what. That is some serious power and/or brainwashing.
I realize how blessed I am to not be affected by Scientology in my personal life. I have never been in and have never had any association with anyone that stated that they are or ever were a Scientologist. Therefore, my husband is unable to understand why I am so fascinated with the subject of Scientology at all and then I read him things like this.
Laura, I am so sorry that you have to go through this. You and so many others have suffered so much for your freedom.
Thank you for seeing this through, I hope that it will end in your favor and soon!
Same here Yeahbut. Never in Scientology either, but one doesn’t have to be in the church to realize how utterly corrupt this organization is.
I liken it to Auschwitz and it’s local community. How many were aware of what was going on during that time and simply chose to ignore it. That our government doesn’t stand up to these bastards makes me sick.
Mike….that is my most perplexing thought?!?!?! I think about it daily. Are they in on “it”?
Very disturbing. The U.S. Court of law vs the Cherch is a total mind fuck and will continue to be so.
This is further proof that Scientology is warped and hypocritical. I hope the judge demands an explanation of why working a child for fourteen hours a day is not both illegal and immoral. When did she go to school? When did she get daily exercise? For goodness’ sake, even prisoners are allowed recreation time. Scientology is disgusting beyond words. Still waiting on an explanation of how this is not child abuse from Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Elfman, Masturson, Anne Archer, etc.
US prisoners are in most cases allowed visits with family,
have full dental and health care and 3 good meals a day
with time to eat. In California each prisoner cost the taxpayer
about $40,000 yearly (this figure is from a few years ago).
Now what do you think the SO is spending on each of its
member yearly? It has been said here before but it is
outrageously disgusting how these SO staffs are treated
and referred to as “particles”. And now these lawyers are
taking money to attack Laura. It is shameful and there should
be a law forbidding it.
Seems like it might be a good idea for her to also be examined by her own psych.
It would be a good idea for her lawyers to request a psych eval on the head of the church Captain David ” let him die” Miscavige. + I upvote your comment.
I vote for the judge to get an evaluation from psych.
Pot, meet Kettle…
+1. Nice, laddie!