Scientology is the only organization claiming to be a religion that has it’s own “intelligence”/dirty tricks branch.
It is unique in that the “doctrine” of scientology (ie the written and spoke words of L. Ron Hubbard) contain directives for scientology to engage in intelligence activities, including gathering information, spying, executing operations to intimidate and ultimately destroy people and even framing them. You can read many of Hubbard’s “scriptures” in my earlier post here: Dealing with Critics of Scientology: The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
Scientology engages in psychological warfare as described in Stefani Hutchison’s recent excellent post on her blog: Scientology’s Psychological Warfare Doctrine
You should read Stefani’s post. It contains a lot of definitions/references and Stefani is, as usual, very clear in laying out the premise and conclusion. She is entirely correct in labeling the activities of scientology as psychological warfare. But I want to take it one step further.
Scientology is engaged in psychological terrorism.
This is how the term is defined by Merriam-Webster:
the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.
And here is how they define terror:
a state of intense or overwhelming fear
someone or something that inspires fear
This is precisely what scientology does with those it targets. It takes actions designed to bring about fear. That the target must do what scientology wants or… lose their jobs, lose their family and friends, be smeared, be watched and followed, have loved ones threatened etc etc. They want to get inside people’s heads and make them worry about what is going to happen to them.
The stated aim of Hubbard is to muzzle anyone critical of scientology. To destroy them utterly of course, if possible. Of course, someone can always agree to cease their “attacks” or even help scientology do its dirty work. The attacks will cease. This is by definition terrorism.
Typically terrorism is used to describe political action. Scientology terrorism is in pursuit of “religious” aims — their conviction (rationalization) that they are saving mankind and the lives destroyed on the way are a small price to pay for such an enormous accomplishment. Of course, this overlooks the fact that they are NOT “clearing the planet” or “saving man.” In fact, it would not be unfair to conclude that scientology has destroyed more lives than it has saved, even if you count everyone scientology CLAIMS is a “saved human.” The trail of destruction of scientology is well charted. There is no massive “good” outweighing the harm caused.
So, I believe anyone can rightfully label scientology as a psychological terrorist organization.
Spread the news and let’s get this label stuck on scientology.
In the immortal words of L. Ron Hubbard in his policy letter “The Positioning Era”:
“People only remember, they say, by relating one thing to another,
“A position is where you put a product in somebody’s life or mind and in relation to other products.”
I could not think of a better positioning for scientology than with terrorism. Everyone has an instant image they associate with the word. And that IS how they should think about scientology.
Hubbard was always dramatizing Original Sin as covered in the Bible. This is the root of his belief in psychological warfare and terrorism. His missed Pelagian Christianity when he rejected all of traditional Christianity. A Pelagian Christian would not have developed the idea of the reactive mind. Original Sin is somewhat like the reactive mind and Hubbard battled against humans on the basis of his misconception. Had the Ostrogoth, Theodoric the Great, continued a royal line, Hubbard would never have been so misguided because he would have had a brighter concept of life.
Original Sin vs. Free Will – Thetan vs. the rascally Genetic Entity.
The GE made me do it!
My GE loved my Reactive Mind and wanted me to break all of the Ten
Commandments but I overwhelmed him and went Clear! The BeeTees might still need some work or I’d be as pure as the driven snow. Your mileage may vary. 😇
As usual with your comments George, I got an MU and needed to do a follow up. (joke)
From wiki:
Pelagianism is a heterodox Christian theological position which holds that the original sin did not taint human nature and that humans have the free will to achieve human perfection without divine grace. Pelagius (c. 355 – c. 420 AD), a British ascetic and philosopher, taught that God could not command believers to do the impossible, and therefore it must be possible to satisfy all divine commandments. He also taught that it was unjust to punish one person for the sins of another; therefore, infants are born blameless. Pelagius accepted no excuse for sinful behavior and taught that all Christians, regardless of their station in life, should live unimpeachable, sinless lives.
not in accordance with established or accepted doctrines or opinions, especially in theology; unorthodox.
holding unorthodox doctrines or opinions.
I could make my usual flippant comments but $camatology as it shrinks is becoming more and more paranoid and delusional and that makes this cult more dangerous because all that’s basically left is the brainwashed zealots.
Oh yes, “flippant” – when you turn an ant on its back.
Scientology offers to help with the intention to enslave.
If only the Ex-Sci could rid themselves of the Terrorism thinking easily, or possibly see it in themselves and their treatment of other Ex-Sci.
I reread the Dealing with the Critic article. I assume posting on this blog would constitute a high crime? I use my actual name here and I still get correspondence from them occasionally. I would have thought I would have been taking off their list by now, but apparently not completely.
There are too many people like you now for them to keep track of Doug. They no longer have the resources. They might get to you eventually, but they’re so disorganized probably not (though I am trying to give you a hand here to get recognized)…
What I really want Mike is my SP declare. I don’t think it’s fair that some of you have received it and I have not. Maybe I’m not as deseving as you, Leah, Tony Ortega or Chris Shelton, but I still think I deserve one anyway.
I want a SP declare. The “Dead Prophet Sketch” or posting on this blog should be sufficient. My actual name is Leslie Bates. I am a veteran of the United States Army. Unlike LRH I actually served my country well.
I’ll join in here with my loud complaint of having not to date received my SP Declare. Was I Anti Social? You bet I was! How was I Anti-Social?
Let me count the ways:
Back in the day I put IN WRITING to the staff that I fundamentally disagreed with Ideal M’org Fundraising and why. I quoted LRH references saying why I disagreed and why it would lead to the org’s demise.
Next, I told them in writing that our org was off-purpose and should get back to delivering auditing of preclears and training of auditors, and backed THAT up with LRH references.
Next, I stopped donating ANY money – just turned off the spigots.
I committed all these offenses and yet – I’m not Goldenrod-worthy?
Its downright insulting, is what it is.
I want my Goldenrod! I EARNED it.
And besides, there’s this spot on my bathroom wall that’s been empty for YEARS waiting for this thing to be framed and hung.
The perfect spot, right across from the toilet. So that guests using my john can sit on there, and while they’re – you know – they can read my SP Declare…all my offenses, how Anti-Social I am.. more interesting than a stack of magazines certainly!
But no Goldenrod cometh and one sits on there and stares at a blank wall. Not fair. I’m mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore!
Aqua – laughter – Somehow my scn “Minister of the Church” certificate survived in the bottom of a trunk but I have yet to frame it and hang it on a wall. An SP Declare or Minister of the Church cert on a wall would be a good conversation starter.
After reading that Aquamarine, I don’t feel so deserving of the SP declare after all. My crimes against Scientology pale in comparison to yours. And I would probably feel guilty now if I did receive one and you did not.
Ha ha ha Aqua. If you’re serious (which I doubt) about wanting your SP Declare, just post your real name on the blog and that Aquamarine is your alias, and you’ll get a declare forthwith. That is because Dave and his OSA minions read Mike’s blog.
We had a lovely scene at an early protest in London. How early? So early that a Damnation Navy slave came out to talk to us… He puffed himself up and said “you realise I could get you declared SP for protesting?!?” We immediately pressed our names on him, hoping he would follow through with a certificate. Suitable for framing.
Sadly, it was just one more promise never fulfilled by the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology.
Yes but . . . Anyone who audited the public needed to be certified as a “Minister Of The Church”.
“Defrocked Minister” does not look good on a resume. Maybe best to keep hidden?
Precisely perfect positioning! While nothing could equate to the great loss of life from the 9/11 terrorist attack that shocked the nation, nonetheless thousands and thousands of those who left the insidious cult lost decades of their lives and are left with deeply scarred souls from psychological terror. Thanks for calling Scientology exactly what it is –psychological terrorism!
(I found this interesting reference about similar Nazi tactics: )
Mike, I love reading all the info you post and your podcast.
I recently listened to a podcast about the NXIVM cult (the podcast ‘Cults’ is really great if you haven’t listened yet). I’m wondering how you and Leah feel about how quickly authorities acted after the women came forward with their allegations. Why do you think these ‘whistleblowers’ were listened to about their abuses while you, Leah and other ex-Scientologist have not been?
Keep up your great work!
Raniere made the big error of not calling his cult a religion.
It’s great that the authorities did come through for the people who complained. But, as I understand it, earlier complaints had fallen on deaf ears and ex-NXIVM victims were harassed in courts – if not far worse. I’ve watched ‘The Vow’ on HBO, where earlier cases were mentioned in the last episodes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if ‘The Lost Women of NXIVM’ on Netflix addresses those who were not heard by law enforcement.
I agree entirely, of course. Law enforcement should step up. Never mind if the name over the door says “church” or not.
O/T. Regarding Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad, the Center for Countering Digital Hate says:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Kennedy produced his new anti-vaccine propaganda film alongside Tony Muhammad, a Nation of Islam minister.
Muhammad has spent years ranting about “wicked Jews” and “the Jewish controlled media”, claiming Jews are plotting to “control” African Americans.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
I am happy to say that it appears the Center for Countering Digital Hate may have used some of the screenshots that I made over the years.
Congratulations! That’s great!
This is most definitely a drop the mike post! Scientology practices and apparently relishes terrorism. I am here to help. My doctor is near Deavenshire in Hemet and I have had run ins with Scientology. They do not like being called out and are psychologically terroristic.
Great post!
Whynot categorize a post about scientology terrorism in the category “Scientology” with the tag terrorism, l ron hubbard …and so on?
LRH put together his intelligence/dirty tricks bureau in the Guardian’s Office, as well as his directives for handling “the enemy”, because, he said, he needed to stop the people who were working to prevent the salvation of all mankind and indeed this sector of the universe.
The irony of it all is that in his paranoia and destructive actions and the Soviet style fascist organization he established, he HIMSELF started the decline and ultimate destruction of his own organization. He didn’t need any help from the “SPs” that he imagined were out to destroy him.
Perfectly stated.
Exactly perfect written for someone like me who simply refuses to understand the emotional impact because it breaks my heart to much even though I do get it. (that sentence probably only makes sense to me)
A war indicates a battle, defending something
There is NO defending what Scientology is doing to people
Therefore, they are a terrorist group under the guise of a church that perform phycological terror on anybody who questions its existence.
Truly profound post.
Thank you.
One thing we must understand is that the actions of Scientology is a reflection of Hubbard’s beliefs.
What I don’t understand is why it is not possible for ex members of Scn or indeed anyone involved with them, to request via the Freedom of Information Act copies of all data held about themselves from Scn. Case files and OSA files would surely have to be revealed to interested parties if such a request were made? Particularly if dozens of such requests were made by dozens of individuals.
The Freedom of Information Act only applies to federal agencies, not to private companies or religious organizations.
The FOI Act applies to federal government files.
This might be close to possible in Europe under the GDPR, but I don’t know of people trying that on anything like the scale that should be possible. I believe that the key to using this effectively is to do large numbers of requests since processing by OSA and legal would be a bottleneck.
Living in Italy I unfortunately have a certain reality of what is organized crime.
Here we not only have the classic Sicilian mafia but also Camorra and Ndrangheta (currently the most dangerous).
What unites them are the methods of land management. Intimidation and threats are the primary tool.
And if one does not bend down, they set fire to their car, then house or shop and cut off the legs of his business because nobody will want to deal with or buy from them anymore. Until he gives in.
This is terrorism they use to control the territory. In fact I see little difference with scn – other than maybe they won’t shoot you from a motorcycle while walking the dog.
“Terrorism” You have stated this perfectly Mike.
I couldn’t have conceived what psychological terrorism was until I lived it with the church of scientology. And you don’t have to be its enemy and have it going after you to experience it and you don’t have to be a Sea Org or staff member to experience it. You can be a lowly member and have it start creeping in before you even cry uncle; it’s in its “regging” for money; its in its sec-checking; it in its ability to take your children and recruit them for the Sea Org; you’ll find it in your every-day living as you navigate around your thoughts and actions. Then, of course, when you cry uncle and try to get out, Katie bar the door.
The moral to this story is to learn before you go. This is the gift that Leah and Mike, Tony Ortega, Alex Gibney, and all the authors exposing the abuses of this cult gave to society at large.
Well said, Mary. I love the description of “terrorism” because this is exactly what it is. Religion is supposed to bring the member comfort and peace, not emotional and psychological destruction.
You’re one of those Stefani. Awesome job exposing this cult.
I heard you had a hand in the banning of those hateful Twitter accounts.
Congratulations to you Stefani.
Any chance you can help deal these criminals the death blow they all deserve?
By the way, for those of you who may not understand, “Death Blow” just means an act that causes the cult to be destroyed. No one must actually die to make that happen.
Excellent reply, Mary. <3
Indeed. The evidence of the abusive nature of Scientology is in plain sight on a daily basis and those sociopaths in training pat each other on the back for being “unreasonable”.
Beautiful, Mary.
Excellent article.