The last in the “vacation series” — now home but haven’t yet had a chance to put together a new post. Stay tuned tomorrow for another new post.
Scientology is the only organization claiming to be a religion that has it’s own “intelligence”/dirty tricks branch.
It is unique in that the “doctrine” of scientology (i.e. the written and spoke words of L. Ron Hubbard) contain directives for scientology to engage in intelligence activities, including gathering information, spying, executing operations to intimidate and ultimately destroy people and even framing them. You can read many of Hubbard’s “scriptures” in my earlier post here: Dealing with Critics of Scientology: The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
Scientology engages in psychological warfare as described in Stefani Hutchison’s recent excellent post on her blog: Scientology’s Psychological Warfare Doctrine
Read Stefani’s post. It contains a lot of definitions/references and Stefani is, as usual, very clear in laying out the premise and conclusion. She is entirely correct in labeling the activities of scientology as psychological warfare. But I want to take it one step further.
Scientology is engaged in psychological terrorism.
This is how the term is defined by Merriam-Webster:
the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.
And here is how they define terror:
a state of intense or overwhelming fear
someone or something that inspires fear
This is precisely what scientology does with those it targets. It takes actions designed to bring about fear. That the target must do what scientology wants or… lose their jobs, lose their family and friends, be smeared, be watched and followed, have loved ones threatened etc etc. They want to get inside people’s heads and make them worry about what is going to happen to them.
The stated aim of Hubbard is to muzzle anyone critical of scientology. To destroy them utterly of course, if possible. Of course, someone can always agree to cease their “attacks” or even help scientology do its dirty work. The attacks will cease. This is by definition terrorism.
Typically terrorism is used to describe political action. Scientology terrorism is in pursuit of “religious” aims — their conviction (rationalization) that they are saving mankind and the lives destroyed on the way are a small price to pay for such an enormous accomplishment. Of course, this overlooks the fact that they are NOT “clearing the planet” or “saving man.” In fact, it would not be unfair to conclude that scientology has destroyed more lives than it has saved, even if you count everyone scientology CLAIMS is a “saved human.” The trail of destruction of scientology is well charted. There is no massive “good” outweighing the harm caused.
So, I believe anyone can rightfully label scientology as a psychological terrorist organization.
Spread the news and let’s get this label stuck on scientology.
In the immortal words of L. Ron Hubbard in his policy letter “The Positioning Era”:
“People only remember, they say, by relating one thing to another,
“A position is where you put a product in somebody’s life or mind and in relation to other products.”
I could not think of a better positioning for scientology than with terrorism. Everyone has an instant image they associate with the word. And that IS how they should think about scientology.
The end product of the Scientology organisation is sorrow imo.
It doesn’t seem like it most times as they are brutal in their misguided determination, but it is. Under many disguises they use a form of mental torture, called terrorism here but at the end of the day and at the end of the line, it’s sorrow. Some take a life time to work to work that out, most get out of it, & some are too stupid to ever notice but even Hubbard had to tell Sarg he failed. How do you think he felt in those moments sitting in his travel home hiding, old, sick & alone, with family smashed. I guess he got one thing right, sorrow sits just above death on the tone scale.
It didn’t have to be that way, but that’s the path he alone chose. The collateral damage still goes on, but at a much reduced rate thank goodness.
It would be the greatest justice of all that I can think of to see Miscavige fronting court (hopefully in cuffs) and watching the whole house of cards collapse. The sooner the better.
It’s waaay deeper than sorrow.
We’re talking about people driven to insanity. Physical and sexual abuse…and a litany of other crimes…ignored, covered up, or even condoned(“ethics protection”; how Orwellian!). Families separated and destroyed.People driven to early deaths via their adherence to “Dr.” Hubbard’s bullshit physical and mental therapies. Childhoods lost, minds twisted, spirits raped.Bankruptcies. Folks remodeled into twisted, sociopathic cultists, more or less out of touch with their emotions, cognitive abilities, and basic human empathy. Generational dysfunction multiplied. Collateral, often massive and multi-layered, damage to friends, family, associates, and communities.
There is no “tone scale” in real life…and in real life, people bleed, suffer horribly, and die.
Fuck Hubbard. He deserved every bit of misery and sorrow he may have suffered at the end of his life. “By his accomplishments shall you know him.”
A life dedicated to brutal, selfish, greedy, abusive, culty fuckery.
Reread his “Affirmations”.
Would love to see Miscavige actually go to prison for his extension and magnification of of Tilden Tubby’s evil legacy. I doubt that it will happen, but…Who knows?
Rant over.
Yes, I hear you. It’s insane, I know I spent 10 years saying “yes sir,” in that crap and another 10 to trying to come to terms with it and extract myself from its belief system. It was the first time I’ve ever felt hungry or destitute in my life being in that group, that’s Scientology for you.
I guess there’s different ways to accept, live or ignore sorrow. As a soldier, when a comrade dies, it’s a sorrow that defines getting angry for any length of time. It drops you in a loss hard to comprehend imo. We all have our ways of dealing with with it, some more radical than others, it’s a personal thing.
It’s not a rant per se when you try to explain what it’s like with the effects of betrayal and abuse created knowingly committed by that cult’s leader and its sheeple followers blinding following. I truly hope it gets justice served as soon as possible. Life is tough enough as it is, the Scientology organisation makes it worse.
Peace can be an illusive thing, difficult to hold for long periods, but peace to you.
Well said.
On the other side of grief, rage, regret, and loss…it IS possible to experience peace…May it be so for all of us, including those caught in the cruel lie of scientology…
The Devil went down to Clearwater, and he definitely stuck around. Absolutely everything about the cult is malevolent, and everything they say is a lie.
It’s really THAT stark and simple!
Can you someday do a detailed crtique of the OSA statistics. What are the Commanding Officer’s OSA stats?
What are the still to this day key divisional stats?
How do the Programs relate to their various key stats?
Because if the public and outsiders know what OSA is doing, routinely, how OSA decides whether to still count things on their stats, weekly, then outsiders can see to what degree OSA is active around the lives of outsiders to Scientology.
The “head on a pike” or the “enemies” which OSA focuses on, explain how the “heads” they are focusing on, and then all the persons they neglect or consider “handled” why and how do they give up and stop focusing on prior “enemies” of theirs.
And when do they give up on focusing on certain enemies?
How do they decide to freshly target some “new” enemies, how does an enemy rate getting a “Handling Program”?
How often does OSA revise their “Handling Programs” once they’ve started a “Handling Program” on one of their “enemies?”
What does OSA consider an adequate action on their part to count on their stats, in regardings to an “enemy?”
OSA’s stats and their actions against enemies, I do think relates to OSA’s stats, and to their “Strategic Programs” for OSA overall. Mike, you wrote numerous “Strat Programs” for OSA over the years i suspect.
All these weeds of OSA’ stats and when and how someone rates to be given a “Handling Program” and then have that enemy “retired” as an enemy due to other more important “enemies” showing up?
OSA is a machine running itself on Strat Programs, smaller programs, “Handling Programs” for enemies, etc, correct? And then their stats for all their targets and for their “main” stats per their divisions and for the DSA Offices, correct?
And that machine is likely going on week in and week out, year in year out, today still, correct?
(There’s likely even a Tracey McManus “handling” program too, right now, correct?)
Yes, it is terrorism. Even those of us who have realized the distructiveness of this subject still have to be concerned about the effects on others if we announce ourselves. Having to pretend allegiance, when none exists, means that we can’t truly end our connection to this group and fully recover from being in a destructive cult.