I want to recommend to readers here to check out this YouTube channel: Scientology Recovery
About a week ago Molly McMullen began putting up videos about her experience in scientology. They are all pretty short and she is clear, concise and wonderfully “uncluttered” for lack of a better term to describe her.
Molly became a Scientologist in 1998 when she was 16, and left 10 years later.
She was fully committed, abandoning her plans for college in lieu of “bridge progress.” In pursuit of that she moved to LA and later worked for a WISE company in Portland.
She said she began to see scientology did not deliver on its promises, and had to come to terms with leaving a group she considered her second family. It took her several more years before she was fully un-indoctrinated.
This is the new introductory video to her YouTube channel that she recorded last night. It’s worth watching, as are the other videos on her channel.
Another intelligent and credible voice has added herself to the chorus of those exposing the abusive and predatory practices of scientology.
Welcome Molly!
Congrats Holly. I definitely will be watching your youtube channel.
You probably already have more views than scientology TEEVEE!
To anyone not yet familiar with scientology TeeVee, this incredible innovation from the mind of COB uses the latest cutting-edge technology, called TELL-A-VISION, to reach the mobs of unwashed WOGs and the TENS of DOZENS of scientologists worldwide like nothing ever imagined before!
Grab yourself a rocker and a bowl of popcorn, sit on the front porch of eternity (don’t mind the front porch of eternity screen door hinges – they might need a drop of oil or two) and tune into scientology TEEVEE today!
The cycle in scientology is “start, go and stop”. The cycle in a greater world is “start, go and continue”.
She’s indeed refreshing. It’s interesting to hear how a Gen-X (or early Millennial) “seeker” of the type that were so common among the boomers during Scientology’s heyday in the 1960s, was attracted to the CofS in the late 1990s – not really even recruited. Such examples have to be increasingly rare, with further societal changes and the explosion of information and media exposing Scientology since the early 2000s, but she explains and exemplifies how someone could still be attracted.
I particularly appreciated her way of explaining how Scientology turns spiritual seeking around into actually impeding personal development – in the CofS part of its mechanism for exerting control, including amassing wealth at the expense of the members. That even reminds me a bit of one of the early critiques of the boomer-generation “seekers,” that many had fallen into a sort consumerist superficiality sometimes referred to as spiritual materialism; and that was one of the grounds on which the (smaller) generation that followed them rejected such paths, contributing a big dropoff in interest and recruiting for groups like Scientology by the mid 1970s.
Molly seems to be a very nice person who seems to be making an honest attempt at helping Scientologists feel their way to becoming ex-Scientologists, which is a worthy goal. I transcribed the short video below, and after careful reading I am a bit worried about her ability to clearly state what she is about, and worried about the claims she makes.
Holistic Practices: The Antidote to Scientology,
Molly McMullen, June 5, 2020-06-07,
Some of the claims:
– Our bodies are hundreds of thousands of years old, and
– They contain all of our historic intelligence with the earth, and
– They contain our trauma pattern from our ancestors, including the stress that they were going through.
– Though she admits some medical science is legitimate, she says that because she is a ‘body worker’ and a meditation practitioner she has special insights that go beyond what medical science knows, such as:
– there exists something she calls ‘the intelligence of the body’ which is a ‘living intelligence’
– Trauma is held in the tissues of the body. There is “layers and layers and the years and generations of trauma that are held in our bodies and this trauma that has um you know been our history as human on this planet is what has caused our awareness to go offline to those parts and to go just merely just up in our head”
In order to get spiritual, Molly says one must “be authentic about what’s actually happening in your experience,” otherwise “most of our intelligence remains offline.” Authentic is a good word to use on Antiques Road Show, but when discussing spirituality relating to LRH, auditing, and Scientology I’m guessing she means one must tell the truth and not make up present or past life experiences. But how does one measure authenticity, either your own, or the authenticity of another person?
Some of her phrases are hard to parse, like “in the body where intelligence resides is sort of like the pathway to having a holistic spiritual practice that comes with, you know, that starts like I said with authenticity and it starts with being able to feel into the structures that make up who you are.”
If I’ve come down too hard on a very nice lady, please forgive me. I’ve had a very hard day, and just discovered my beloved German Shepherd is very sick, and I am dreading what the vet will say tomorrow. But back to the case of Ms McMullen, it’s just that when speaking of spirituality as she does I don’t much care for trading Hubbard’s set of woo-woo words and phrases for a different set of woo-woo words and phrases, especially not at $90 per hour.
I’m so sorry about your shep and hope you got good news
The language she is using is very common in the world of spirituality. I’m not, nor have I ever been a Scientologist, (just obsessed with reading about its craziness!), but I am a reiki practitioner and energy worker and we use that language all the time. The only thing that gave me pause is that our bodies are hundreds of thousands years old bc…well, that’s impossible. Perhaps she was talking about the soul and referring to reincarnation? Soul level trauma patterns (or ancestral trauma) are also common terms when doing the work it appears she is doing.
You can definitely assess whether someone is being authentic – what are they triggered about? What gets them angry and do they acknowledge it? Are they passive aggressive? Those are indicators that they are not being honest with themselves about their own feelings and perhaps not honest with others. It’s not a conscious dishonesty, it is about denial and avoidance. Of course, I don’t know her intentions when she says it, but given the other content, it is possible that she is now on the spiritual path she intended to go on all along, but was sidetracked by Scientology. I imagine that is one of its major lures to people seeking personal enlightenment – that it can tell you something about how to grow yourself. Of course, it’s just a con to keep you under their control and get your money. Sadly, many spiritual systems function this way.
Hope this helps! 🙂
I love this girl. In my opinion she is very inspiring and helpful. Well done Molly.
I thought I would post this new Delphian student story here.
Of note is how many 2nd generation scientologists who were educated at Delphi,
departed the cult
I enjoyed watching Molly’s Youtube videos. She asked for feedback and I gave her some feedback items which I summarize here for your consideration:
1) The primary item I would like to suggest to you concerns your referring to this cult as a “church”. Many people who have gotten out refuse to call it that for two reasons. First, they refuse to give it the dignity of calling it that. Second, many people believe the most important thing that needs to be done with regards to this scam concerns their “tax free exemption”. If the IRS did not accept this piece of shit as a church they would never allow it to have the TFE
2) Money. IMO, this criminal cult is all about money. They put incredible pressure on everyone they can to get them to donate money. Can you describe how they pressured you to make donations? Can you tell us about your experiences with money and the scam?
P.S. I also gave considerable praise to Molly for having the strength and intelligence to decide to leave the cult after ten years in and to then act on that decision despite the ever-present threat of the “Fair Game” policy.
I told her that after ten years in the cult, the power of mind control would have been extremely strong and she must have a very powerful mind to be able to leave after that length of time.
If I was to give her any more feedback, it would be that I would very much like to hear about how she decided to leave and what it was like for her to leave. If she is willing to tell about the consequences she had to face for leaving, I would certainly like to hear about those.
Congratulations to Molly for having the strength and good sense to get out. Well done, Molly!
Thank you for introducing Molly. She is making a lot of sense.
Very well done class act. Interesting about her joining the Yoga movement. Peacemaker has noted that Yoga is key on this blog for some time. Hubbard hated meditation and she also meditates. One day about five years ago it hit me like ton of bricks. Auditing is the 180 degree opposite direction for anyone to take for any spiritual development. Welcome and good luck.
Are you referring to auditing, as in:
Introvert! Thank you. Introvert! Thank you. Introvert! Thank you. Introvert! Thank you. Introvert! Thank you.
VS meditation, as in: Let it flow through you…. Let it flow through you….
Correct. Well stated.
Yes Jim and be just the awaken witness without becoming anything. And great consciousness comes.
First, thank you for recommending the Scientology Recovery YouTube channel. While I might not agree with each and every thing Molly says regarding therapy (and I don’t need to), she has an approach and insights I haven’t heard before. I particularly recommend her video on Spiritual Bypass and following videos. I found that analysis to be especially helpful.
Second, O/T and to be non-sequitur 🙂 —
Scientology Youth For Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam says:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
As i have suspected;
This government is using #COVID19 & the murder of #GeorgeFloyd to push another avenue of genocide through vaccines. Bill & Melinda Gates have now pledged 1.6 billion to give to the vaccine alliance (GAVI) to push vaccines to health workers & Black people!
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
My tweet of the story:
Yes! I highly recommend for anyone considering scientology or leaving or gone. I had never heard the term “Spiritual Bypassing” but her video on this is another clear and concise way of describing what scientology does to an otherwise curious mind.
I also particularly recommend Molly’s video “Scientology Teaches Spiritual Bypass” —
— as well as her follow-up videos on the subject.
Nice intro video. What a calm, cool and collected person Molly is. By any measure, she appears to be someone who “has it together” and is doing well in life. For those in the cult still sipping their KSW Kool-Aid, Molly is a raging Suppressive Person who needs to be destroyed utterly. And that is not an understatement. For those of us ex-culties, we know this to be the case. For a never-in, they might be scratching their heads wondering how this could be. Just accept that as fact because the cult makes little or no sense to an outsider.