Scientology’s quest for money is unrelenting.
They rake in tens of millions (perhaps hundreds) each year. But they have to spend at least some of it to satisfy IRS requirements. They don’t ever give it away. One of the things they spend it on is new buildings (they always say they have opened “a new church” but in fact they have not opened any new churches since the one in East Harlem NY and before that the one in Inglewood and before that, nobody can recall). Buildings remain assets on their books, so the statistic of “total reserves” does not go down (total reserves is cash, property, gold, stocks).
But these new, large buildings sit empty. Most of them don’t have enough staff to have even one person in each room.
So, they keep trying to recruit new staff. When it comes time to open their buildings they have to scramble to put together at least a pretense that they have staff — usually temporarily reassigning some from other orgs or sending Sea Org members there to hold the fort.
Recently a bunch of their promotional items have been sent to me…
This first one is a common pitch. They are not actually mentioning scientology at all, but try to persuade people to join staff by telling them what a great city it is… As if this is why someone who already lives there would join scientology staff? Or someone who doesnt live there would move there to join staff? It just makes no sense, but every city has done this….
Here is an appeal to the superiority complex that most scientologists have. They are clearing the planet and saving mankind and will be running things one of these days….
But if “running things” means operating like a scientology org, it’s a pretty grim, dystopian future in store.
Not a clue what this is supposed to symbolize? Hipster in Brooklyn? I will sell you the Brooklyn Bridge?
Join the Sea Org in NY and you might end up in Chicago…
And the old “ideal” orgs are still struggling to get staff. Not booming above and beyond the “make-break” point, they are actually not booming at all.
Remember when all the recruitment promo from Sydney was the dark, crossed-arm glares?
Now they are doing the Chicago thing. It IS one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But what does that have to do with scientology? If you are on staff in Sydney org you don’t have the time or money to appreciate it anyway.
And finally — the “cool” pitch.
Why? Nothing could be more UNCOOL than being on staff in a scientology org at this point.
Thats true, no one could even afford a single one great day off once being a staff member, thats really sad but also theres another way of procurement using people from third worlds countries like Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Russia, Guatemala, Salvador, etc., the mecca of stupid new staff flesh to easy handle procurement statistics
The oportunity to live in a great country while earning dollars is just a rippoff, those poor staff also ended up returning to their countries with a very high freeloader debt.
Quite insane.
Make Scientology your career because it’s a beautiful city? WTF?!?!
That’s MEST! That’s nothing to do with spirituality. Actually Hubbard said Sydney was one of three very dilettante cities on Earth. Sydney was in fact a trap with all it’s beauty.
I had a Sea Org officer explain to me how the “beauty” of Earth was set up as a trap to attract thetans and keep them focused on MEST.
Make up your mind scios. As usual, mixed messages, contradictions and nonsense. They are desperate
I wouldn’t trust ANY Scientology staff member to ethically and honesty do ANYTHING … and I have decades of experience in Scientology to make that judgment. ANYONE currently on staff in the CoS has deep psychological problems. The young staff members have been dominated by other determination their entire lives and are operating completely on circuit. The dwindling number of older staff are treading water just looking for at least a taste of action in their final years as they prepare for their next lifetime … What a totally pathetic group of losers …
“The young staff members have been dominated by other determination their entire lives and are operating completely on circuit.”
Thank you, Joe. For God knows how long I’ve had this concept of how young staff members operate, based on my own interactions with them over the years. I’ve had this concept but without being able to put it into words. You just did that for me. Its true; the young 2nd and 3rd generation Scientologists are all on a kind of automatic pilot – circuitry. I found them to be just that way. Not really thinking anything thru on their own analytical steam. Or even thinking it was necessary. Instead, “wired”, kind of, with standard, push button responses. Its circuitry, yes. They don’t think. They’re just mentally wired to respond.
“After all, We’ll be running things one of these days.” Wow! these people really have lost touch with reality. They don’t have enough staff to run their local Org but they still harbor fantasies of ruling the world?
A very grim thought. I’d rather move to North Korea. I heard Kim Jung Un won’t attempt to bankrupt you every Thursday afternoon.
Every Thursday afternoon, Friday morning, Friday afternoon, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, ad infinitum.
Yup, esp. if the following Thursday already looks bleak, and the pickings are expected to be slim … lol.
The Libertarian Party of Minnesota was so small that I couldn’t get enough signatures on a petition to run for Congress.
Really enjoy your snark, Mike. You’re good. Still chuckling.
Ideal M’Org Fundraising was my major beef because I could never understand the logic behind it and no one on staff could or would explain the necessity for it. So in Hubbard Lingo aka Scientologese, I had a “crashing MU” on why my tiny org had to have a large expensive new building when our voices had long been echoing in the halls of our old one. When I left my org had optimistically 20 regular public and about 8 staff members. Pathetic, really. But yet, we were constantly regged for donations to buy a huge new building. New public would then “flood in”. I thought it was nuts. I thought THEY were nuts. And said so. Not in those precise words but my meaning was unmistakable. Fast forward 8 years later; they’re still in that same building and now there’s about 4 or 5 staff and with the Covid scene probably no public. I feel sorry for them but more exasperated than sorry, because I just don’t understand; how can they be so…dumb? Seriously.
I remember those lame “You can have it all” Melbourne Org staff ads, shudder.
Apparently they now lure people from other cities to sign “postulate” contracts to come staff the big remodeled facilities once business reaches a certain level – “expansion” that of course never happens, allowing them to claim to have met the requirement of about 200 staff for an “ideal” org opening, without having to get real people on the site anymore. I suppose you could say Scientology is starting to go almost completely virtual….
This reminds me of the old polemic: “Join the military. Sail to distant shores. Meet fascinating exotic people. And kill them.”
Their slogan could be: “Join staff. Get shipped to a distant hip city. Avoid fascinating cool people like the plague. And stand out like a dork in your gaudy uniform.”
They are all a bunch of ‘Terminals’ with ‘Held Down 77777777777777777’. Anonymous broke their momentum post-Y2K, and now we are witnessing the dark ages of Scientology. I wonder what a post-Scientology world will look like? Not the Dystopia that Mike mentioned, that’s for sure.
No more recruitment, no more covert hate.
I shall not leave this Post until I have personally sold this Bridge a thousand times over, Sir!
They will be running this place one day? That’s so weird to claim that. They will have some pretty stiff competition from NOI, BLM, Democrats, Republicans, China, United Nations…etc. Where do they think those organization are going disappear to? LOL
Mike, big fan of the Aftermath and now the podcast. I live in Belleair not far from all of this insanity over in downtown Clearwater. I am not originally from this area though so it is somewhat new to me. Last week’s podcast that went into how Scientologists “parent” their kids hit the nail on the head. I am told by another parent that my child’s school (Episcopalian based) has several Scientology families. I only know of one that is in our grade level. From I have seen, they barely raise their child. The mother exhibits bizarre behavior and she is never with the child. It totally matches the kind of parents you described on last weeks podcast. In the two years I have casually known them from class, the mother is always trying to get other parents to take care of her child. I have never heard of a preschool/Kindergartener having sleepovers with other children (and of opposite sex) when the parents aren’t even friends. It seems very strange to me. The mother is always anxious to be somewhere else when at events and has tried to pawn her kid off on me in every interaction. She has only spoken to me when she wants something and is usually very cold otherwise.
I do not answer if she calls.
I find them both to have little regard for their child’s safety. I only know they are Scientologists because I googled and they both come up on The Truth About Scientology. How can I keep my own child safe from this shit? I plan to educate on cults but I don’t want my child to seem intolerant at school. (Even though we know it is a cult and not a real religion.) It seems as this community as a whole thinks Scientologists are a nuisance. I noticed the Belleair Bluffs mission moved down the road. I am happy but dismayed to see their larger building down the road in Largo.
“We’ll be running things one of these days.” Really?
You know, I guess that is one of the very few predictions or boasts these scammers have made that I can believe. I am almost certain that one of these days ….
They’ll be running from their many victims who will have finally become empowered in several ways (mostly with lawyers and legal means) and they will be chasing them down – chasing them to all corners of the Earth seeking compensation for all the damage and crimes they have committed.
Also, they will be running from criminal law enforcement. The police, Interpol, the Navies of this world will all be chasing them to finally bring them to justice and they’ll be running for their lives.
Also, their victims will be hiring private investigators who may well be just as “noisy” as these criminals have been and they will be running from these investigators for fear of begin caught and imprisoned.
Then, there are also the process servers. Once Valerie Haney wins her law suit and collects serious damages, the floodgates will be flung wide open and so many victims will join class action suits and there will be process servers chasing the little dwarfenfart all over the world to get him into court. If you think Bill Cosby’s victims got a good chunk of change from him, that ain’t nothin’!!
Cosby may have been wealthy but he was a long ways away from Billionaire status. Those billions will be at risk and dwarfenfart will be unable to go anywhere – except maybe with one exception.
I hope there will be cameras present in Shelly’s prison when he goes crawling on hands and knees to Shelly saying, “Oh please darling! Won’t you please forgive me? There is nowhere else I can go. Everywhere I go there are people chasing me and I need your help now.” We are married, after all. Remember Shelly? We be married! Yes indeed. Remember? For better or worse! Remember?
I really want to see his face when Shelly kicks his teeth in. Oh Joy! Oh everlasting happiness!
How does that go now? “In the morning. In the evening. Ain’t we got fun?”
I just hope he picks up the fragments of his busted teeth and saves them for the tooth fairy. He won’t be getting any other income from then on.
Ha. Hah. Hah. Hah. It’s the end of the world calling you, Buddy. They want your teeth back. Hah. Hah. Hah.
Given the web, the internet, google, and utter negative reports in the press and social media the only likely candidates would hardly increase the IQ of who/what they currently have on-board. I did a one year contract in 1970 and walked after 10 months. “Very bad, not good, not good” (Necron 99)
This guy that jumped in the air…did he make it.
OSD. Not yet. I am sorry. They are still looking for him. They just found the left shoe.
That’s good enough for me!
Hubbard was a closet fascist. In the universes Tape, he clearly implies that Targs which are demons, entities, body thetans, and spirits actually prevent fascism in the thetan. Thus OT III- OT VII are turning people into fascists. This is true because you can just look at the fair game policy. When I did OT VII, I was in fact becoming Mussolini. On OT VIII he tries to lie his way into saying that the Buddha was indeed fascist. Only a stupid fool would reach that conclusion since Buddhism like Christianity posits universal love,
“Becoming Mussolini” is the mindset you adapt being around the CO$. I did my OT levels outside the walls of their indoctrinated environment, and I’m more “Do as you like, as long as you don’t hurt others”. When earlier in the CO$, I was continually referencing LRH, and shoving it down the the throats of others. Witness that leaked internal CO$ video of Tom Cruise lamenting the annihilation of suppressives … that’s pure “CO$ fostered nonsensical “Out-Of-Valence”.
This guy who did that flip…just wondering if he made it.
No, sorry to say. But they gave him a wonderful sendoff. Everyone who was there said it was fantastic.
OSD. We are still looking for him. But I wouldn’t put too much hope. We found he was flipping at 5th floor.
Instead the guy with SO uniform in Brooklyn got taken by some local gang. We don’t know anything yet.
I’m divistated. Nothing will be the same again. I have nothing to live for…
What I like of you is the humor and the optimism.
Humor is how I get through life, LMR. It’s really all we got.
OSD. Absolutely. Humor is the real universal solvent, not communication. Look at the cult communication and its results. Do well.
What I like about you is…ummmmmm…ummmmmm… I know!!! Ah…no I don’t.
The FIFTH floor???? What a chump!
The guy standing on the piano was singing We Stand Tall. That’s why the other guy flipped.
We stand tall?! Laughing loud!
We Stand Tall? It keeps getting better and better.
Chicago. the city with big shoulders, hog butcher to the world. And the home of Jake and Elwood Blues. I can ignore the deep dish pizza ‘pie’, and the inconsequential mOrg there.
If there is one word that describes today’s $cientology, that word is inconsequential. That is why they are ignored by law enforcement. That and all the safe pointing.
Sign me up! Miss those all nighters and ‘great’ food.
“We”l be running things one of these days.”
Yikes. To think that I used to believe that. But that was then. Today, I’m fortunate that I didn’t have a mouthful of coffee when I read that. This is now.
Chris I must admit you have a rich sense of humor. Each time the picture you are giving makes me laugh.
I used to belive the same chimera when still in the SO but then when I realized we were uncapable to run well for 2 days in a row things like food, dormitories and pay I knew we were just dreaming. Like lotus eaters.
I love how they say, join staff and experience the beautiful city lmao
When you’re on staff you don’t have a life. Forgot about spending time seeing the city, hell you don’t even get to spend time with your family. The cult is anything but a religion, no other “religion” makes you pay for spiritual betterment! Oh and let’s not forget the disconnection, stalking, gaslighting, physical, mental and sexual abuse as well. David Miscavich is one very sick demented guy!
And unfortunately, sick, demented and insane people like Dave have no clue if their own state of being!
If Scientology had made any where near he headway they are claiming then entry into the Sea Org would be by invitation only and only offered to the very best.
Instead, they have always used very heavy pressure to close any prospects they have. This has always been so.
I came to the end of a 5 year contract in the mid 80s and informed the correct people that I would not be renewing. As a result, a one-man mission was fired to my org with the purpose of digging up some dirt on me so that they could blackmail me into signing a new contract. I was also threatened with a Suppressive Person Declare should I leave staff and assigned to the Deck Project Force (a somewhat milder version of the RPF.) They cannot put a non-Sea Org staff member onto the RPF.
What they were really interested in was getting me onto a Sea Org contract. I steadfastly refused since
with a five year contract at least there is an end date. My Sea Org seniors did not wish to honor this agreement.
In the end I dodged the declare and succeeded in routing off staff but this was a most unpleasant experience for me.
I believed then as now that while it is acceptable to attempt a reasonable amount of persuasion to get someone to stay, if this fails then all that is left is to wish them well for the future.
Cavalier. True a lot of org staffs were called from Italy to Copenhagen and did the DPF. They were always running. Craziness. The SO even tried to sell it as a service. How much time lost for nothing and no results. Really a sick cult
O/T. It appears that Karen Bass has responded to Tony Ortega’s story on Monday.
Bass corrects explanation for appearing at Scientology event.
The VP finalist had said the church’s new headquarters was “in my district.” But a spokesman acknowledged Wednesday that it was not.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Rep. Karen Bass on Wednesday corrected her explanation for why she appeared and spoke effusively at the opening of the Church of Scientology’s headquarters in Los Angeles a decade ago.
The California Democrat had noted in a written statement over the weekend that the new building was in her state Assembly district. But the headquarters was well outside the boundaries of her district at the time, and Bass removed “in my district” from the statement after POLITICO contacted her office Tuesday about the discrepancy.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
$ci will take virtually anyone and promise them everything to get them to join staff. It is amazing that their few remaining members won’t believe their own eyes that their Orgs and Missions are empty. There are no OT powers. No one has come back, ever!
Not if you have taken LSD. Praise be to Ozzly, Leary and Ram Das! Lol
Back in the day, admitting to taking LSD was the easiest way to avoid the SO….but not class 4’s or missions.
Gordon when they see the membership is crashing down they turn the face to management (DM) who’s gonna give them some acceptable truth (a lie) and they will be fine and happy with it.
The IAS event will be held Live (today Ortega’s blog has a promo) I can’t wait to listen to the crap DM would say about expantion.
Yes, they’ll take anyone willing to sign a contract.
At the same time, when they’re recruiting you, the pitch is that they really need YOU.
Not just ANYBODY.
YOU. YOU are needed. So very much.
The staff need YOU because YOU are…so aware…a Big Being…highly capable… with the potential, given the right training, of being even MORE capable…which is why they don’t just need ANY staff member, they need YOU to be a part of the group…because they clearly recognize that YOU could make a huge difference, a unique contribution …creating huge effects, marvelous effects… there’s no one like you…having you on staff would be winning the jackpot…
They say things like this to you when they’re recruiting you for staff.
Meanwhile, the truth is, it has nothing to do with you or whatever gifts or abilities or skills or potential you possess. Because they would say this same recruitment shit to any living, breathing, ambulatory mass of human protoplasm.
Its actually funny in a sick Mel Brooks kind of way and I’m chuckling while I write this.
We’ll be running things one of these days?
So much for predictions.
I have seen several references to “Alanon” recently. It is as if they either believe that the majority of people think Alanon is a beneficial and legitimate charitable organization.
As I recall, when I first heard of Alanon, I asked someone what it was about. They answered that it was some kind of sham or fake organization that was set up with the purpose of making money for Scamatology. But this person, as I recall, had no affiliation with Scamology or with any of its shills. I have never understood just how and why so many people seem to know about Alanon and seem to think it is a real good thing.
How did they ever get this idea? And if it works for Alanon, how is it the leaders of the scam have never tried to use the same devices with many of their other scam affiliates?
Al-anon is not affiliated with Sci inc. I think you must be thinking of Narconon which is Scientology’s supposed rehab front group. They charge huge amounts of money to unsuspecting addicts and their families and then shove Scientology down their throat during the lowest point in their lives. Nice huh…but Al-anon is an offshoot of Alcoholics Anonymous. It was founded by the wife of the guy that founded AA. There’s a good write up on it at Wikipedia.
Oh dear. My mistake. Thank you for your correction.
First of all congrats for the last episode (#2) of Scn Fair Game.
Just the idea of joining staff makes me sick. I have been in the SO for 15 years and when you leave you realized that you haven’t helped anyody. I saw people harrassed and losing their best years running behind a carrot. Only the scn reserves got bigger and bigger.
They haven’t been able to ‘clear’ a neighborhood imagine a country or the planet.
They always lie to their members about amazing expantion while the truth is a continuous regression that started from a position that was already then non-existent.
Joining staff is one of the worst things to do and the SO is even worst. You will never clear anything but just keep the cult alive while they continue to store wagons of money.
O/T. A bit long but IMHO significant regarding Scientology theology.
Church of Scientology National Affairs Office endorses legislation to allow people with certain drug-related convictions to temporarily receive welfare benefits.
More precisely the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office endorses the Removing Barriers to Basic Needs Act of 2020.
The Removing Barriers to Basic Needs Act of 2020 would temporarily waive section 115 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, 21 U.S. Code § 862a, as applied to the TANF and SNAP programs. The waiver would expire on December 31, 2022.
As indicated above, Section 115 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 is codified at 21 U.S. Code § 862a:
Section 115 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 currently requires denial of TANF and SNAP assistance and benefits to people with certain drug-related convictions.
TANF = Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. It is a federal assistance program that succeeded twelfare.policy Families with Dependent Children program, providing cash assistance to indigent American families through the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
SNAP = Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. SNAP is a federal program that helps millions of low-income Americans put food on the table.
In summary, by waiving section 115 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, the proposed legislation supported by the CSNAO would allow people who have certain drug-related convictions to receive SNAP and TANF assistance and benefits until December 31, 2022.
In other words the legislation supported by the CSNAO would make it easier for people to receive welfare.
I do not understand how this is consistent with the Scientology policy against “rewarding the down statistic,” but this is now an official legislative priority of the Church of Scientology.
ESMB Redux post with all supporting documents: