Scientology is speaking as the PR representative of Tom Cruise. While he and his PR people remain silent. The man who laughs in the face of suppression and can confront and shatter any SP is apparently unable to confront some bad media.
It would seem David Miscavige was upset that “nobody was coming to the defense of Tom” and so ordered his minions to put out a statement. To me, this is further indication that the whole thing was a publicity stunt that blew up in their faces. Or at the very least, Miscavige had praised Cruise for his “tough guy” image and told him he was showing the world what a real scientologist and real man is. Then when the ceiling caved in, he yelled at his minions to “do something.” I have heard Miscavige scream at his underlings numerous times that “nobody ever defends me” after he makes his PR blunders. I can see him doing the same thing about Cruise. And that at least makes some sense as to why scientology would insert themselves into this mess. When it’s convenient to them, they claim “We do not comment on the personal lives of our parishioners.” But when it comes to Tom Cruise they are all about it.
And of course the statement itself is a typical scientology non-response. Rather than actually addressing whether it was true that Cruise’s rant was a publicity stunt (nobody has denied this at all — nor has anyone explained how this recording got off a set which has massive security precautions and everyone is made to sign NDA’S etc), they go on about how wonderful scientology has been in its response to COVID (they did manage to get a LOT of money from the government, so in the money-grab they were kind of “ahead of the curve”),what an amazing man David Miscavige is and what a terrible, unreliable person Leah Remini is. None of which addresses the point.
The Church of Scientology has done more than any other religious institution in promoting COVID-19 prevention actions–throughout the U.S. and worldwide. Long before ‘stay at home’ directives, the Church took aggressive actions to prevent the spread of the virus. The Church’s leader acted well ahead of the curve. Remini is an unreliable source who attacks Scientology for publicity and money – as she herself has admitted.
But, why would anyone expect anything different? Scientology CANNOT change its ways. Ever.
so the COS is buying into this Covid nonsense all derived from the RT-PCR test whcih is NOT a virus test at all.
Merely indicates an infection of unknown cause that the Leaders have decided to name covid-19.
I thought DM had dome OT III and would recognise the latest dramatisation of that evil thing?
But then he is New Woke like most people and will simply go along with it all until everything is gone and the west is run like China.
Hope I am wrong.
Let’s see shall we?
You don’t need to “see” anything further, you are plainly wrong.
Read Lawrence Wright’s fantastic article in the new edition of the New Yorker for all the information you could ever need and a whole lot more.
In yet another unremarkable move to not employ some of its own written down LRH technology the aspiring empire strikes back.
Any in the governing ranks who are Data Series trained should have some notion of sequencing out which exact tool applies to which exact situation.
In instances such as these, I commonly wonder why this self-characterizing high elite group puts out a response at all. There is an LRH issue wherein he talks of how Scientologists fuel entheta communication lines by engaging with them. He gives an example of how the Founding Church in Washington DC added to or helped to generate further entheta against them by responding to, thereby adding to and increasing these “lines” with their own energy and power.
Funny thing, this is one of those bits of wisdom noted by LRH that is useful and works. It may, too, fall into the category of “commonly known.” My mother advised when I was a kid that a good way to handle someone you feel is bullying or attacking is to not engage.
All the (instead) machinations and craziness, the “hate websites” — it is just exponentially making their image WORSE. Other common wisdom: When sinking in quicksand, the way to survive is make yourself light, not thrash and add to the “solidity.”
Until stepping out of the C of S bubble, I did not fully appreciate all this (other) LRH directive around “Attack, Attack.” As many of us find cause to utter in this forum: PICK A LANE already. Which is it—Are you the good guys “freeing people” and keying them out, raising up the culture and race to a new level, or are you just a bunch of schoolyard thugs doin’ damage and looking for opportunities to raise Cain?
To all Scientology lemming followers of David Miscavaige and Tom Cruise….please,shovels down because I am metaphorically drowning in your lies and bullshit.
I’ve been wondering the same thing…who leaked this audio of the Crooze Rant? The sets of his movies are like a fortress. No ‘unofficial’ photos or videos ever escape those shoots. Yet this one did. Where was the first place it showed up? A Facebook page or a mainstream media site? I don’t know. Maybe someone out there can find out. I just can’t see even a disgruntled employee leaking this because they would KNOW this could mean they would never work in Hollywood again. Crews have to be trustworthy. They sign major non-disclosure contracts where something like this would mean not only termination but a heavy lawsuit. Plus they can narrow it down to who was in the room when the Rant happened. But let’s face it…nothing comes off that set without permission from Crooze.
Great assessment.
As far as I can tell, the cult didn’t mention Leah in the recent statement about Covid.
The cult’s statement appears to have been first published on December 17, 2020 by Yahoo Entertainment as follows:
“The Church of Scientology has done more than any other religious institution in promoting COVID-19 prevention actions — throughout the U.S. and worldwide. Long before ‘stay at home’ directives, the Church took aggressive actions to prevent the spread of the virus. The Church’s leader acted well ahead of the curve,” a spokesperson told Yahoo Entertainment.
A later paragraph in the same Yahoo Entertainment article includes this, “Mike Rinder claimed Cruise ‘probably leaked this’ himself. (A spokesperson for the Church of Scientology refutes any claims made by Rinder.)”
Since Yahoo Entertainment claims the cult’s statement was given directly to them, I’m going to assume they published the entire statement. The cult’s statement references the “Church’s leader” without naming him! It looks to me like DM did not want his name to appear in any more articles about TC’s meltdown. I wonder how TC feels about that.
So how did the statement about Leah Remini become part of the cult’s statement?
On December 18, 2020 a site called The Wrap published their version of the cult’s statement. The first two sentences match YE’s version. The change occurs in sentence three, “The Church’s leader acted well ahead of the curve,” a representative of the Church of Scientology said in a statement. “Remini is an unreliable source who attacks Scientology for publicity and money–as she herself has admitted.”
You will note The Wrap did not cite Yahoo Entertainment (or anyone else) as its source. The part about Leah has been separated from the cult’s statement, but it still reads as if it was part of the cult’s recent statement. Today in The Wrap’s comment section I asked about the discrepancy, but my comment has not been published.
On December 21, 2020 Cinema Blend published The Wrap’s version of the cult’s statement, citing The Wrap as their source. Numerous other internet news sites are also quoting The Wrap. Today in CB’s comment section I asked about the discrepancy, but my comment has not been published.
Quite a few internet news sites are quoting The Wrap’s version of the cult’s statement.
By now scn should have acknowledged that it is well beyond the point of no return. This is coherence.
Its longtime fascist nature and consequent actions are causing the cult to be slapped on a daily basis from all sides.
Yet they still try to prove they are right. Obviously this PR is only directed at those who are still inside.
A desperate attempt to avoid further public and staff losses. And fall into oblivion.
Very astute observation, LMR. Well done!
Money is a set of tools, a means to an end, not an end in itself. Some people (like David Miscavige) don’t realize this. A case in point is that the MV Freewinds needs to be replaced. Because of the pandemic replacement vessels have available sooner and less expensively than they would in normal times. But David Miscavige won’t spend the necessary money because he’s bought into the notion that the amount of money is actually wealth.
(Yes, I’m being critical, live with it.)
I disagree that “Scientology CANNOT change its ways. Ever.” Miscavige made it worse.
I would change that slightly to the present tense to say, “he is making it worse and has been making it worse for many years now”.
It will soon be so bad that it will not be possible for it to become any worse.
I don’t think their “response” even mentions Tom Cruise. All it does is accuse Remini of terrible hate speech, without revealing what she is supposed to have said.
No doubt some weak-minded folks will fill in the gaps in their heads, and be taken in by the devil-cult’s misdirection.
The comment in regard to: ” We do not comment on the personal lives of our parishioners.” is a bit of an eye opener.
Anyone with a working brain SHOULD know that when you become a celebrity of sorts you damned well better KNOW that you’ve now, like it or not, you’ve basically WILLINGLY OPENED THE DOOR TO YOUR LIFE…as in TV Star, Movie Star, Music Celebs, Sports figures, Governmental figures……….OOORRRRR…..
… many cases someone who has LEFT COS & is now being “tailed/followed/Squirrel Busted/ i.e. picketed…..received dozens of letters, visitors to neighbors with terrible tales about you…….photographed….& you don’t NEED to be a celebrity to have THAT done to you.
Sooooo “Tommy Boy” made a screaming Mimi Rant & is getting backlash for it…& so he SHOULD.
There was NO NEED for that when all it took would be a quickly formed SOCIAL DISTANCE MEETING with the entire group being advise “AS OF THIS MOMENT DUE TO THE PANDEMIC MASKS ARE REQUIRED FOR SAFETY OF EVERYONE…..not only TC.” THEN HAND OUT MASKS, SANITIZER, ETC.
Sounds like someone needs to make some COLD HARD CASH to donate to COS….Tommy needs to pull in some mega earning bucks to donate to the “Clear The Planet” campaign.
Needless to say….co star(???) Atwell was photographed sitting next to him maskless in a car…..also photographed walking NEXT TO HIM….HOLDING HIS HAND (GERMS GERMS GERMS)…….smiling….& Tom sure at HELL didn’t rant on her.
AAAhhh….Ms. Atwell…were YOU THERE when Tom ranted….did you hear & SEE what you might be getting yourself into? Have you met David M….yet? Are you willing to join COS cause if you are NOT you WILL be gotten RID OF.
BTW…have a nice day everyone…..”Hey Ms Atwell….some of us will help you pack….
Management Training 101: Praise in public, criticize in private.
I don’t care how upset Cruise may, or may not, have actually been over what happened. You do not go off on employees using that kind of language in front of a crowd of people. It’s unprofessional and, in some places, can get you sued by the employees
Cruise was only channeling DM. I think DM was sooo very proud of his “mimi me”.
If this is how Defendant David “he is NOT insane!’ Miscavige reacts to Leah speaking out, imagine how well he is going to handle being in a deposition.
I mean, who believes that he will do better than the justly famous “1.1 club” explanation in the Ward / Henson deposition? I have high hopes for DM losing it entirely.
I have high hopes for DM losing his already-insane mind and eventually being deposed and sent to prison.
I beg almighty Xenu every day.. and twice on Sunday if I have the time 😆
To those who don’t look into the facts, the church has done great things with covid. And therefore, Remini is a bad person.
How stupid do they expect their readers to be? This is classic Hubbard style writing:
1. Start off with a lie which many will be too lazy to debunk (or before the interwebs, ill equipped to debunk), such as “we had the greatest covid response of ’em all.”
2. Based on the false premise present a false conclusion, such as “we are wonderful.”
3. Now go in for a complete sequitur, hoping that no one will notice: “Due to #2, this means that Remini is an awful person.” (Actually, it does no such thing!)
Hubbard had an excuse for engaging in this defective logic. He was a mentally ill drug addict. What is the excuse of the cult spokesperson who’s had the “benefit” of the Purif and the cult’s expert mental health handling in order to be allowed to speak for them? Or are we witnessing an entire tech failure here?
Of course, this is just the beginning of this parlor trick. Now we’re supposed to swallow that “since Remini is a ‘bad’ person we can’t believe a word she says” (an absurd notion that any freshman logician will tear to shreds).
However, I’ll bite. Let’s accept the cult “logic” and stop listening to Leah–whonever claimed to be perfect in the first place– altogether.
As is only fair, now let’s review Hubbard’s writings in light of the person he really was, instead of based on his self-mythologizing. Indies may not like this approach but it is what the cult and Hubbard himself are constantly urging us to do : “Come on, never mind that I am providing zero evidence and that people who actually know their stuff disagree vehemently. You can trust me, I’m man’s best friend, Uncle Ron. And you can’t trust anyone else because they’re not me”
Of course, accepting that “trust me” invitation is nothing short of qualifying for complete gullibility. It’s a recipe for disaster!
I love how in all of the gossip sites that ran the Cruise rant, every comment was either ‘TC is a $cieno asshole’ or ‘TC is a living god and all must worship him’. The ‘reputation trolls’ were out in force. And it did no good. TC has been permanently branded a couch jumping, psych busting $cieno.
The vox populi has spoken and thanks to everyone who has spoken out about the CO$, their reputation will never get any better.
Xenu’s long lost brother, Bee-Moo, needs return to earth, and St. Nicholas style deposit a new batch of implanted “body-thetans”
Gift all earthlings with a new round of R6(R-revised) of 36 and 1/2 days of implanted “body-thetans.”
It’s possible the old Xenu batch of “body-thetans” is starting to wear out in their effect.
And then Church of Scientology need to come up with new revised OT levels, and recycle all earth OT 8 super Scientologists, back through OT 3R, 4R, 5R, 6R and 7R. (More exorcism.)
That could be Xenu’s brother Bee-Moo’s Christmas gift to earth.
This entire episode is exuding a kind of “smell” that indicates to me, “The END is near.”
All of this sounds very, very odd indeed. Have I missed something or really TC-authorized PR (as an actor) really stated nothing official over the episode. Particularly as to origin of “leak”.
So this is how Scientology decorates for Christmas…
Can’t say the Star on the top of their tree impresses with so much shouting & swearing. Yet again, Tom is one of the big beings, ” he knows.”
Yes, the whole agonized future of Tom Cruise and David Miscavige for the next endless trillions of years depends on what the Church of Scientology and every member in it does for David Miscavige and his symbiotic other Tom Cruise. If Leah criticizes Tom Cruise, the face of the Church of Scientology, the world criticizes David Miscavige who IS the Church of Scientology.
That’s a good one
Good luck Scientology in trying to prove “Remini is an unreliable source”. She is popular, trusted and on the rise while Scientology is going down. Personally, I am going to contact Lois Farrakhan and tell him to take over Scientology. The time is now.
Laughter – I’ll sign a petition.