There has been a massive amount of media following the ABC 20/20 interview with Leah on Friday evening.
One of the more complete stories covering the show was in USA Today (not normally their forte…) and within that story (and some others) they link to the Scientology response they regurgitated on Friday night (regurgitated because it is virtually the same statement they have made to every piece of media coverage since 2007).
That response speaks loudly to the mindset of scientology, the policies it follows in dealing with those it doesn’t like who happen to be covered by the media, and it’s inability to deal with the REAL issues that it confronts if it wants to have any hope of remaining even marginally relevant into the future.
First, of course, the response addresses NONE of the issues but is instead a personal attack on the character and motivations of Leah Remini. As it is with everyone who says ANYTHING the church doesn’t like. Each is labeled a bigot. Biased. Hater. Failed [fill in profession]. Publicity seeker. Defrocked apostate. Propaganda merchant. Anti-religionist. Wife-beater. Thief. Liar. Ad hominem should have its own page in the scientology dictionary.
There is little discrimination in their name-calling. Oscar-winner Alex Gibney in scientology PR-speak becomes a government agent intent on the destruction of scientology because his father worked for the CIA. Oscar winner Paul Haggis is a “failed Hollywood scriptwriter trying to get back at the church.” Pulitzer prize-wining author Lawrence Wright is a “hater.” Journalists of all stripes and colors, from Joe Childs and Tom Tobin at the Tampa Bay Times to John Sweeney at BBC Panorama and Maureen Orth at Vanity Fair — they are each and every one of them “bigots” and “merchants of chaos” doing one-sided “hit-jobs” that “neglect the real story of scientology.”
And anyone like me, or Marty Rathbun, Tom DeVocht, Amy Scobee, Jeff Hawkins, Marc and Claire Headley, Sinar Parman, Karen De La Carriere, Steve Hall, Haydn James, Ron Miscavige, Bruce Hines and many others (ALL of whom served time at the International Headquarters of scientology under the Miscavige regime), we are all liars and speaking out about our experiences because we are “paid anti-scientologists” (though the source of these payments remains a mystery, probably “Big Pharma” or “the psychs” — though in my case I HAVE been paid by some lawfirms to help them understand scientology policy and jargon, but it was hardly money to live on and cost me a lot more in lost income…)
This is all pursuant to the principles contained in scientology policy: NEVER DEFEND, ALWAYS ATTACK.
And the time worn “street-smarts” of every guilty person who has no chance of disproving the case against them – attack the credibility of the witness.
The next step, for any former scientologists, is for them to rewrite history to claim that the person was “expelled from the religion for ethical violations.”
Of course, the church fails to mention that the “ethical violations” to which they refer is speaking about their experiences in scientology. Yes, this is categorized as a “High Crime” in scientology, an act which leads to expulsion from the church and being declared a “Suppressive Person.” Speaking about scientology in an unauthorized manner. Talking to the media. Talking to anyone declared persona non grata by scientology. They have tried to claim that everyone who escaped from the international base (some with harrowing stories of being chased down across the country) were “thrown out.” I was the international spokesman for scientology when I escaped — appearing on TV. The church later claimed I had been “removed form all positions and thrown out.”
The church of course words their statements to make it seem that the “ethical lapses” are things normal people would consider to be unethical (like being a child molester or something). NOT speaking out about abuses rampant in scientology.
This is EXACTLY what they did in the case of Leah, claiming she was on the verge of being expelled for refusing to abide by the high level of ethics and decency Scientologists are expected to maintain. Yes, it is technically true – she was on the verge of speaking out about the things she saw wrong. But that isn’t the impression the church wants to portray with their disingenuous statement.
They accuse Leah of “rewriting history” — another classic scientology “always attack, never defend” means of trying to deflect criticism. They try to jump out in front of the problems they generate in their blatant distortion of historical events by claiming that anyone who is talking about them is the one “revising history.” It has a ring of possible truth to it — after all, who would put out a statement that says something is “revisionist history” if it was not the case?
Well, the answer to that is easy. The same people that claimed the reports that David Miscavige was having his father followed and told the Private Investigators who were following him to let him die when they reported they thought he was having a heart attack were “provable bullshit.” Those were the exact words Miscavige used. Even when the information about those events came from the public record of the prosecution of the two PI’s for carrying illegal weapons in their “stakeout” of Miscavige’s dad. It was THEIR statements to the police. The guys he had hired to do his dirty work.
So, beware bold and brash assertions from the church of scientology. They are pretty routinely, to use their vernacular, provable bullshit.
And in that vein, the provable bullshit in their “response” to Leah is not hard to find.
They claim her actions “led to an ecclesiastical review which resulted in her being expelled.”
Not before she walked away they didn’t. They may have held an “ecclesiastical review” after she was gone and had filed her famous missing person report on Shelly Miscavige. They did nothing BEFORE she left. No, right up until the end, it was David Miscavige himself that was “handling” Leah to try and keep her and her family in scientology.
Scientology’s statement is akin to saying “after the horse bolted, we closed the barn door — can you believe that stupid horse, we had been mistreating it for years, how dare it leave right before we were going to send it to glue factory.”
There was never any “ecclesiatical review” and what is so strange is the bubble mentality of scientology that they think this would even sound be appropriate to include in a statement to the media? In fact, this statement is targeted to the ONLY public Miscavige really worries about. The dwindling number of people who still call themselves scientologists. This press release is intended to appeal to current scientologists who may happen to see Leah talking about Miscavige and the church. To them, “ecclesiastical review” is a code word for “Committee of Evidence” — a procedure within the church that is intended to make “impartial” determinations of whether someone is a Suppressive Person or not. If Leah was afforded a “Committee of Evidence” (which she was not) it would make her “guilty” in the glazed-over eyes of scientology believers.
Then they pile on a few more of the ad hominem sentences like this one:
She now regurgitates the tired myths the Church has repeatedly debunked, circulated by the same tiny clique of expelled former staffers bitter at having lost the positions they enjoyed before their malfeasance and unethical conduct were uncovered. Ms. Remini is now joined at the hip with this collection of deadbeats, admitted liars, self-admitted perjurers, wife beaters and worse.
Let’s analyze this.
Firstly, she is not “regurgitating” anything other than HER OWN experiences. Not the “tired myths” of anyone else.
Secondly, though the church repeatedly states they have “repeatedly debunked” these so-called myths (about the abusive behavior of Miscavige) they have never done any such thing. As each person has come forward and recounted their experiences, in each case scientology has used this same line “oh, that tired old claim, we already dealt with that.” When and where? The last time you called them previously debunked? Or the first time you called them previously debunked? Trace it back. They have never debunked any of them. Not once. Let alone David Miscavige ever fronting up to the media or a court case to answer to the allegations. Despite the fact that he has been asked hundreds of times — and after refusing to participate he thereafter claims the media “refused to hear the church’s side of it.”
Third, Ms. Remini is not “joined at the hip” with “this collection of deadbeats, admitted liars etc etc” — she is not “joined” with anyone. But even if she were, this yellow-journalism tactic of attempting to impugn someone’s credibility by characterizing their friends as reprobates, is pretty weak sauce. No thinking person in the world falls for this. It went out of fashion with J. Edgar Hoover. Were this to be a fair way of judging someone then scientology would no doubt accuse the Pope of being a pedophile and unreliable because of the people he is “joined at the hip” with in the Catholic hierarchy.
The only substantive thing this statement addresses is Leah’s “dishonest, fraudulent report filed in 2013 with the Los Angeles Police Department that was declared “unfounded”” which according to scientology makes her “irresponsible and untrustworthy.” A couple of points to note here.
First, Shelly Miscavige has STILL not been seen publicly for many years. This is akin to Michelle Obama suddenly vanishing from sight. With no statement. No information. Just GONE.
Shelly was VERY prominent. ALWAYS by her husband’s side. And it is not without precedent for people to have “disappeared” in the upper echelons of scientology. Some have died, and the ONLY way this was discovered was for those OUTSIDE the church to find out about it and make it known to their families. Scientology is incredibly secretive about such things. When the church refused to respond to any of Leah’s efforts to determine whether Shelly was OK, she filed a Missing Persons report.
This is what a responsible citizen and friend would do.
It does not make her irresponsible or untrustworthy. Quite the contrary. I hope if I ever disappear without a trace, and nobody will talk about what has happened to me, that friends like Leah would make a stink and do whatever they felt they could do to ensure I was alright.
But in the end, this is what incurred the ultimate wrath of scientology. Wanting to know the whereabouts of the leader of scientology’s wife, who was a personal friend, was considered a horrendous “act of war” by David Miscavige. Why is it “none of her business” when the prominent wife of the leader of scientology vanishes? Miscavige chose to make his wife a prominent part of his scientology persona. She was present at all his official functions. She was his “Assistant.” It was not like she was a “private person” who was never in the public spotlight.
Miscavige and the church’s reaction to being asked about it should tell you everything you need to know about the mindset inside scientology. It is much closer to North Korea than anyone who seeks to defend it cares to admit.
If there was NOT something worth worrying about, why didn’t Shelly simply appear in public, explain what she was doing and make Leah Remini look like a fool? OR even call Leah on the phone?
And finally, they tack on what really is tired old news — the same “evidence” scientology tries to foist off as “proving” everything said about them is not true.
The Church has grown more in the past decade than in its first 50 years combined under the ecclesiastical leadership of Mr. Miscavige, a visionary parishioners and Church staff hold in the highest regard for carrying out the legacy of the Scientology Founder through the renaissance the religion is now experiencing. Mr. Miscavige works tirelessly for the parishioners and their benefit and to aid millions through sponsorship and participation in global humanitarian initiatives and social betterment programs.
This is more provable bullshit. Scientology is and has been shrinking faster in the last decade than in any time in its 60 year history. Miscavige is trying to paper over this fact by buying buildings with the billions of tax free dollars the church has accumulated. With each one, he makes a personal appearance to conduct an elaborate “grand opening.” Those buildings, like Potemkin’s infamous villages are empty showpieces. Those events are staged “photo ops.” Once again, the parallel to North Korea is unmistakable. So too the fawning reverence for “Mr. Miscavige” that now appears in virtually every statement the church makes. Outside of repressive dictatorships, it is very difficult to find this sort of obsequious idol-worship put forth in media statements anywhere by anyone.
And a final note, just to repeat the obvious.
Scientology responds to NONE of the substance of the statements made by Leah or others who appeared on the 20/20 show.
What else is new?
The response of scientology is proof of everything that Leah Remini and others are saying.
I SUPPORT YOU REMINI, & RIDER! I have NEVER BEEN a member of Scientology! What I HEARD is FAR from being a Christian! Religion! And THANK YOU BOTH for SPEAKING OUT AGAINST Scientology! KEEP up the GREAT! JOB! you are doing?
Not a scientology member, but they gave me an IAS card…..weird. Anyway, DM, once a bully, always a bully. Does that mean tom cruise learned it from hom or visa versa. And yes I know mr. Cruise’s name was not capitalized, but why should it.
Hi guys, does anybody know who writes the Co$ press release responses? Is it from DM’s own hand?
And does OSA still read these blogs and relay back to him? Surely even these guys must see what is happening to their Church? And all of these fingers, ALL of them point directly at Miscavige.
Wake up and think for yourselves indeed.
Sociopaths can do, and see, no wrong in themselves.
“benefit and to aid millions through sponsorship”
“Never use lies in PR””
What you said, Mike. Every bit of it is good wisdom and true.
If I could add this to the mix, following from what Leah said about “being human,” Dave’s response to hearing that his father might be dying was, technically, inhumane.
in·hu·mane – ˌin(h)yo͞oˈmān/
adjective: inhumane
without compassion for misery or suffering; cruel.
“confining wild horses is inhumane”
If a human being, who, supposedly, loves his father, hears that he could be dying in front of people who COULD do something about it, they will implore that person to go over and help. I know this is overstating the obvious, but I would like to compare it with his reaction.
Dave has the humanity of a hardened criminal who cares only for his well-being and keeping his secrets guarded. I hate to glorify the little bast*rd at all, but he’s right up there with the likes of Capone. No sympathy, no compassion. Absolutely cold as a human.
Again, Caligula comes to mind. Funny how Dave started being megalomaniacal after his little stay in the hospital, too.
” Roman Emperor Caligula
When Caligula became the emperor of Rome, the whole empire rejoiced since they were looking for relief after the suffering they had faced under the rule of Emperor Tiberius. At a young age, with hardly any experience at all, Caligula was granted almost absolute power over Rome by the senate. Initially, he seemed like as a good a Roman emperor as the people were expecting him to be, but shortly after he came into power, he was stuck by some sort of a sickness suddenly. Many historians believe that it was this disease that brought insanity to him.
Following his physical recovery from this illness, he started behaving like a lunatic. Roman Emperor Caligula came under the impression that he was a god. He dressed up as the Roman god Jupiter and like him married his own sister. Some historians claim that he even cup open the belly of his wife and ate his own unborn child. It is said that he even had plans to proclaim his favorite horse a consul of Rome.
Emperor Caligula killed people arbitrarily and once while watching the gladiatorial games, when all of the slaves died before the final event that day, he ordered his soldiers to throw the people occupying the first two rows in front of the lions in the arena.
A oracle had once said that Caligula would have to walk on water before he become an emperor. So, after succeeding Emperor Tiberius, he built a bridge on water and went back and forth on it for three days. Even more remarkable is the war he waged against Neptune, the god of sea. He took his whole army to the seashore and ordered them to collect seashells. At the end of the day he declared that he had won the battle. Caligula was eventually killed by his own soldiers.”
An excellent and extremely accurate analysis. Whom better than you, who once oversaw all Media and PublicRelations for L. Ron Hubbard and Scn to break down their predictable and stale strategy. The only thing new in it that I see is that they have heightened the level of name calling.
Zzz…huh, what? Oh, it’s the same tired old bs script that I’ve seen used time and again by $camology. Let’s see…zzz…uh. Ah stuff it! Zzz…
So well put Mike. I love the church’s statement about DM, AKA DM’s statement about himself. That is actually Chairman of Bullshit’s sense of how he is perceived by all scientologists. What a fucking sorry sack of shit. Dear COBullshit, your lame “handlings” of “Black PR” in the media were one of the early things that made me wonder “hmmm… why is he not actually following the How to Handle Black Propaganda reference that’s on the course he has remade at least 3 times in the last 20 years? Why wouldn’t he actually disprove these points that the “SPs” are making?” Provable bullshit is a perfect example. Okay well then PROVE IT! You can’t keep this up for much longer you entrapping and enslaving deluded sociopathic piece of shit. BTW Mike, thanks for the great advice and all the help. Hope to have more of a complete update one of these days.
I wanted to take advantage of this post , and the fact that this blog is read by thousands, to propose a strategy that I had been analyzing since many months ago. I think that we have approached already a “make-break point” in terms of the effect that the many public exposure has created in the international image of Scn. The Church is now at its weakest point in its entire existence. They can no longer revert the effect of all the bad PR that they have received internationally, hence a “make-break point”. When the enemy is at his weakest, it is time fo finish him off with all the artillery before he can recover strength again. This is a military strategy.
I refer to you, dear posters, to the effect that millions of Egyptians had in taking down a suppressive government that had unstabilize the country for several years, with a massive protest in front of key government areas. It was called the “2011 Egyptian Revolution” , and lasted for 2 weeks, 3 days. I also refer to you to the profound effects that Dr. King’s and Gandhi’s protests had in reshaping the civil and human rights. This is a tool very underestimated these days, and even forgotten.
We have come to a point in time, after these last PR events such as the Going Clear doc, Leah’s interviews and her upcoming book, Ron Miscavige’s upcoming book, Theroux’s “My Scientology Movie” ; that the whole world is looking at Scientology. It is time now to plan our OWN massive protest at key locations around the globe. It is time that we -Indies, Exes, Antis, Never-ins – join together as ONE single voice with ONE single agreed upon message, and go there to the streets in what can become, the biggest and longest protest against the CofS in history.
ALL key players, those hundreds of terminals that one way or another have helped to expose the many abuses, MUST participate ; ALL of them, including John Attack , Wright , Gibney , Miller, Cooper, Hassan , and other Scn related writters. The list is very, very long, probably beyond 5 thousand. I am not talking about 100-300 people united ;listen well, I am referring to THOUSANDS. This can be coordinated and done, fellows. We would choose key locations, including FLAG, LA , IRS headquarters, ONU’s Human Rights comission building at NY.
Key terminals located at each location, with 3-5 observers in each ; lawyers trained at civil rights to serve as liason with the police and government agencies. The activities would be coordinated with the local police and applicable government agencies. The international press would be invited. Conferences can be arranged to be delivered in the open by individuals like Steve Hassan , Gibney, Wright, and other well known personalities. I want Leah and other celebrities as well. Stays can be coordinated at different hotels with negociated low prices. Transportation can be arranged as well , as well as food. Airfare as well. I know that it would be an economic sacrifice for many, but it all is for a very needed good cause. I want at least one full week of protests.
The enemy has heen weaken ; it is hurt and his defenses can no longer defend him. It is time to use the same tactic : ATTACK.
I wanted to wait to be more economically stable before attempting this. I wanted to get more professional at my handling of English ; my second language. But the CofS has already declared the war on me. Today I received a call from a private investigator (from a firm at Puerto Rico) subcontracted by a Big Private Investigator firm at California whose client if the Cofs according to this private investigator from PR. I told him to give me his personal inf first and that of his client so I could look into THEM first. He said it was ok with him. Something to do with “TradeMarks” violations. I am already checking into them with some sources.
It seems that the CofS doesn’t like my posts. Too bad for them. I am ready for you Mr. Miscavige ; make no mistake about it. I have no resources, no money, but the determination and strength of a thousand souls , and something you will never have nor can ever understand : FAITH. I fear no harassment, attacks, or suits. I fear no personal investigations, as I am more than willing to face my trouble past with courage and dignity. I am a very religious man and I fear no evil.
I have faced death more than once this lifetime. I know what is to not have anything to eat, and no place to live. I know what is to be totally bankrupt. I know the terrible pain to lose a love one. I know how exactly it feels to become crazy. I have suffered this lifetime pains of such magnitude that would drive most people crazy. I fear not to lose everything, I fear no death. I am a priest-like individual who can confront almost anything in life. You can’t possibly hurt a man who lived most of his life in a pain you could never understand.
I am tired of the human Rights abuses , of the hundreds of separated families. I have to confront their pain every day. The war has been declared. I am going after your head. A nobody will be the one to beat you, because he has nothing to lose at all.
Peter Torres
Puerto Rico
It is me, Private investigator Fernando Fernandez ; I told you that I would answer your clients, didn’t I ?
Mike as always cutting through the smoke screen of $cientology.
Excellent piece.
How very sad to think people are willing to be clearly lied to by the Angry Runt.
In the end, it all comes down to a willingness to think for oneself, which is the undoing of all things culty.
Paraphrasing Bruce Wayne (Batman Begins) re David Miscavige: “A guy who dresses others down like that clearly has issues.”
I was impressed by Katie Holmes statement that aired on 20/20, commented on it in emails to friends. It seems as though Leah was touched by it too.
She has class. She could have said nothing and it would have made no ripples. She chose to say something and it meant a big deal.
Sounds like the COS has lived by Hollywood elites and it will die by them too. Little by little these tinsel-town whales are exiting and telling their stories without fear of being publicly besmirched by the ecclesiastical empire. They’ve come a long way, baby! L. Ron and D. Moe both raised Hollywood Scientologists as THE icons for the faith. As these elites blow-out and tell their stories, how can parishioners NOT listen to them, especially after leadership publically and privately propped the elites up as reasons to step into the faith? The exiting-stars-dynamic will be a major quandary for the COS leadership team (AKA: David Miscavige); the church will have to develop a paradigm shift on its attitude toward celebrities or they may just have to sink down with the Flagship Freewind.
Tom Cruise is losing face after Going Clear, and now Leah’s book. I can envision him crying with Dianne Sawyer or with Oprah to how he was exploited by the COS. If Tom confesses his own past sins before the church gets a chance to confess his past dirty laundry, I bet America will be very forgiving toward anything Tom C. did before entering the church; anything after joining will be forgivable. What’s amazing to me is that it’s NOT a hard scenario to envision. Tom Cruise declaring “Let my people go!” would mirror Moses and Pharaoh — the public would love it; Scientology would loathe it.
” Tom Cruise is losing face after Going Clear, and now Leah’s book. I can envision him crying with Dianne Sawyer or with Oprah to how he was exploited by the COS. If Tom confesses his own past sins before the church gets a chance to confess his past dirty laundry, I bet America will be very forgiving toward anything Tom C. did before entering the church; anything after joining will be forgivable. What’s amazing to me is that it’s NOT a hard scenario to envision. Tom Cruise declaring “Let my people go!” would mirror Moses and Pharaoh — the public would love it; Scientology would loathe it.”
If Tom Cruise were to express his disagreement with just 2 policies : Disconnection and attacking the critics and dissenters ; he, just by himself, would alter the course of the CofS forever. DM would have to agree to a big public reform ; period. He would have no other choice. And no matter the discreditable creations of Mr. Cruise, the majority of the public would be totally forgiving to him. He would be a hero, in fact. Unfortunately, he is just too deep into the cult aspect of Scn. However, finding Cruise’s non-Scientologist opinion leader, and approaching this leader, might be an angle never looked at. Does anybody know if such a leader exis in his life ?
“Sounds like the COS has lived by Hollywood elites and it will die by them, too.”
Well said. This makes a lot of sense.
Another blockbuster (ballbuster!) in-depth comment from you Mike. The great leader doesn’t get away with anything around you now does he?
I wish your family would get a chance to read and reflect on what you have to say. And come to the revelation that you were right after all.
A remarkable and well sustained article , indeed.
One point I wanted to discuss regarding the CofS’s total membership is not only that it is not as big as they say it is – actually 90-95% less – , but that thousands of Scientologists have been leaving the Church since many decades ago. Most of them are not declared ; they just disappeared into the ARC broken field which is 20-30x bigger than all the “still in good terms” ones. I dare say that Scn is the “religion” with the biggest ARC broken field. That might sounds as a trivial , non-important datum ,but it is actually a very important one to use in PR against the CofS.
Coming up with a way to show this to others visually with published stats , and a stats analysis based on the last decades can become an excellent “Dead Agent” tool. A never-in started this project a while ago , but then stopped it. I’ll see if I can contact her to see if she wants to play again.
In terms of ARC-broken field, are you talking gross numbers or percentage of membership? If it’s the former, I’d say Roman Catholicism wins that contest hands down (of course, as an ARC-broken Catholic, I’m prejudiced). If it’s the latter, yeah, I’d say it’s Scientology. Your ratio of 20-30:1 seems a little high, but it’s definitely at least 5:1.
I was referring to percentage of membership ; in terms of total numbers, I agree that Catholicism is the champion. The 1:5 radio does seems more accurate ; I was just emotionally exaggerating. :-)))
What the public heard: “We couldn’t possibly be a church if we’re talking trash like this about our members”
What the public will remember: “Hey, Scientology never denied Knowledge Reporsts exist!”
Paul Haggis, a failed Hollywood director & scriptwriter??? He won the Oscar for best picture (Crash) many years ago.
Everything the cult says is made up. Everything…..
Yes, and that was the year after winning best screenplay for Best Picture winner, Million Dollar Baby.
Mr Haggis, if you are reading, I too am interested in becoming a failure like you….
The cult have become a creature, a modern day Golem, if you will, a half human, half clay, brainless hulk that unquestioningly serves its Hubbard/Miscavige master. The end for all is not pretty.
“…brainless hulk that unquestioningly serves. ” Michael, you just described the cult to a ‘T.’ They’re told what to think and how to act. They’ve given up their free will. And they did it gladly…
Thank you Mike. So very true.
Keep the K.R.’s coming Leah!
Louder louder more more!!!!!!
Dave, the news of Tom’s Ma leaving the Church is also starting to leak!!!!! You have her stuffed someplace dark??
Dave, you seem to have bad luck with the ladies. Keep it going, full regard for self and no regard for others. Keep working it Dave!!!
Thank you Mike. You break it down so honestly and thoroughly.
Leah Remini as X S.O. has done more to conquer Hollywood than David Miscavige. They worked her as a little kid. She rose up from that.
It must be a tough pill for Miscavige to swallow. And with C.C. Int empty now, she is a tough act to follow.
She out distanced him and out grew him.
And you can see how the Sea Org had it out for her. Cruise’s “handlers” write a K.R. on her every time she walks through the front door.
She goes to give him salsa lessons. Does she get a “thank you” note? NO! A fkn K.R. !
She agrees to attend his wedding P.R. production and bring A list stars Mark Anthony and J. Lo.
Does she get a “thank you”? NO! 300K worth of sec checks and K.R.’s up to the ceiling on top off that a$$ Tommy Davies smacking her down about “Rank”.
You can see the history of abuse from the Sea Org. They had no right to verbally, financially and emotionally run that kind of abuse on a woman who RESPONDED to requests for support. That was total injustice. And, those men felt totally entitled to use “rank” to smack around another man’s wife!!!
THEY are the ones that have been rude. If they didn’t want her to become an ATS, actual trouble source, they shouldn’t have abused her until she became a fkn sqeak toy!
What kind of “rank” does she have? 20/20 rank. She has every right, even a DUTY, to out those mfkrs on national television in front of millions of viewers!! She has every right to fight back. She is NOT a volunteer for domestic abuse!!!
Oracle, I’m sorry to have to inform you of this, but, YOU DON’T HAVE THE RANK TO ASK ANY QUESTIONS! Tommy “The Weasel” Davis will certainly rejoin the cult just to find you! Although, now he’s Thomas David. Sorry…had to be said. But, keep posting! You’re great!
LAUGHTER!! What is Tommy’s “rank” by the way these days? What a nasty slap down! Apparently you can dress him up but you can’t take him out anywhere. Unless it is to prop him up on national television to lie to millions of Americans. To stalk reporters and church runaways. He should be lucky Leah’s husband didn’t bitch slap him all the way out the exit door!!!! Who talks to another man’s wife like that? They say New Yorkers are rude? SO NOT TRUE. They aren’t 1,1! It says a lot for Leah that she placed the event above her own rights to smack him hard in the face. What an a$$!!
You know…if it weren’t for all of the suffering that has been inflicted Scientology really would be a joke.
Leslie, it really is a joke! Especially if you know about OT III. Yes, they have inflicted quite a bit of suffering, but, laughing at them is something they can’t stand. And, it’s so much fun for us! They are now a worldwide JOKE! So let’s laugh away at the stupid cult….
An idea that’s been rattling around in my head is what if someone had been fair gamed past the breaking point and decided to deal with the problem at the source? As a work of fiction some people and groups would have to be renamed but it may be doable as a novel.
I’ve written a little bit…mostly science fiction. But, yeah, absolutely! I mean, you really already have the subject matter, as we both lived it, so it’s just a matter of story boarding it and figure out the start and the end and work from there. I know you’d be using different names, but, I’m sure everyone would figure out it was from the cult! At least I was hoping they would!
I can’t say that I’ve lived it but there were some cult-like aspects to Objetivism that were a bit disturbing.
Write your book, Leslie!
Mike, thank you very much for this post, it goes straight to the point. That makes them very predictable and they just don’t stop the foot bullets. The things they say about critics are so obnoxious that it made me curious when I just got out and that’s how I discovered your blog!
I also liked very much our exchange with Alanzo on the internal handling of data and how it is very tightly compartmented. I am convinced that in spite of their millions of dollars, they are becoming less and less fashionable to say the least and finally there will be some politician who will have the guts to do something about the abuses or perhaps by then it will be fashionable for a politician to question the legitimacy of the tax exemption.
I bet Katie Holmes is feeling relief too. Now everyone knows exactly what she ran from, baby in tow. Fuck off Cobbles, Timmy Spews, and OSA goons.
If the Scientology criminals are so upset about being exposed by “bigots” then why don’t these insane crooks respond to requests by documentary producers to participate in said documentaries? Two dozen Scientology crime bosses were invited to work with Alex on the Going Clear documentary and every single one of them shit their pants and ran like cowards.
The only time you get these crooks to answer questions — even though they lie — is when they’re dragged up in front of Judges and juries.
Like you, Mike, I’ve been comparing the cult to North Korea for many years. The only thing North Korea has over the cult is it still has 20 or so million members that it can and does abuse. With one of the highlights being that Kim-jong Un executed someone who fell asleep at one of his conferences with an anti-aircraft battery. There was nothing left of him.
Now, Mike, as it’s obvious to everyone who’s kept up with the cult, that it is, in fact, failing. I’m just wondering how the remnant of remaining members are handling their situation? They can physically see that no new people are coming in and that every time a member does go into an Idle Morgue, they have to hand over money. It’s got to be tough to maintain their composure and enthusiasm in the face of overwhelming odds.
Really, really tough to be a Scientologist now….
I think those remaining in the cult use the same cognitive dissonance process that has been in use since the days of El Con.
It must really be a kick to be in good standing and be able to share with your friends how well everyone in the shrinking (oops, I meant stinking) cult is doing:
1) lots of highest ever stats (for filing bankruptcy)
2) lots of wins and gains (while redoing the same course for the fourth time …… or more)
3) Lots of excess cash in your bank account because of the massive wins from the Fleecewinds ‘Floursh and Prosper’ conventions. (AKA another Gavin Potter face rip)
4) Knowing that all of the new books, documentaries, TV coverage and such about how totally fucked up the Cult is happens only when the new Tech, as researched by Cee Oh Bee, (who is now the new haircut in search of a brain) is producing such stellar wins and gains that the SPs just can’t stand it anymore!
Yo Dave,
Doncha think that’s what happenin good buddy. What else could it be?
Anyway, I’m one SP that is really glad to know just how wonderful the shit that is going on in your Cult actually is. I fully expect you to continue to do well and expand Dave, because you have not seen squat as regards the howling that will become standard fare out here in Wogdome. And of course that can only mean that you and your minions are just having wonderful successes.
I just had one question Dave. Why is it that you have Karin Pouw say such stupid things in public when all the lies that you claim are being told are really only a sign of how much You are winning? I think you better do and ABC interview and explain how the bad news is all really good news……………..DAVE.
Hey dwarf boy! You better listen to Coop. You…yes, YOU, are a laughing stock of the world! And, you’re a coward! When are you going to come out and face the press? Oh, they’re all Merchants of Chaos you say? You’re a scared little boy about to piss in his tiny pants. I mean, you own father hates you! How bad is that! And YOU, wanted him to die, didn’t you? It’s all coming down and you’re not going to be able to stop it….
I don’t know what current members are thinking but the best gift Sci can give you is to be declared an SP!
Well, it could be a Meritorious, Emeritus, Gigantis SP declare. I like to get an SP trophy to put up.
Hi OSD, An SP trophy is something I would want too! But nothing like the “trophies” the cos hands out these days! Ann.
Yep, I got a couple family members still in. I don’t think that tough is quite the right word. It’s not like they talk to me ( I’m poison to them) but they do talk to my wife on occasion. The interesting thing is that scientology is NEVER mentioned.
My take on it is, is that they are in a continual state of wait. They are so non-confrontal that they live in a complete delusion about themselves. To coin a scn term in explanation, ‘service facsimile’ explains them pretty well. But remember a ser fac is a facsimile with a computation. No amount of evidence works to alter the hard core scientologist, it’s all computed to them being right. IMO it will take a nice solid reality changer to have any impact at all but they will probably have to go down with the ship first. Financially they are screwed but it doesn’t seem alter there commitment. Maybe it eventually will, through attrition and lack of food on the table.
It’s not easy and tough is right word to explain my predicament with them being family members. It’s an insane situation and insanity is called insanity for a reason – it’s not sane!
I Yawn, I’m very sorry you have family still in. I hope they wake up soon. What org are they part of?
LA area. Have no idea what org they favour now, probably none. I know they can’t afford Flag let alone the ship but their outright continuance with promoting scientology and expecting people to go to the orgs for “servicing” is sickening considering they don’t go near one themselves. Talk about justifying their own efforts – they want everyone to ‘feel’ and be just as broke as they are… pretty fucked up hey?
But their effect on their immediate family in the US is troubling to say the least. One of them pleaded to my wife not to mention anything to her daughter about scientology – go figure hey? We live in Australia so the gap makes sorting them out academic, they won’t listen to anything negative or contradictive about anything they don’t agree on.
The violent criminals also yark off in to their insane personal attacks against Judges, prosecutors, witnesses on the stand, victims of their NarCONon frauds, newspaper reporters, you name it, these violently insane Scientology criminals are a one trick pony of stupid.
Mike, I read your post every day. This is one of my favorite posts since it takes on every point that scientology uses time after time in its attacks on ex-members and critics. Thank you for your tireless work reposing the abuses of this toxic organization.
Hi Free Minds,It is very good to meet you.I liked your post alot.When I read through Mike’s excellent post regarding Scientology’s non-response and same old hurling back of insults at her and Mike too,I thought back to my74-78 years in Sea Org Asho F.As I pulled away and looked at the big picture,I saw two points that jumped in my brain.All these years later I now can recall in bright detail incidents from that time that I had buried inside for decades until posting it all here.Two policies that I feel have always been a huge thread woven through Scientology since it’s birth are:Never Defend Always Attack totally used on me and so so many others and the use of High Crimes to declare one an SP etc coupled with Disconnection.Of course the cult fusses and fumes that they never do that when caught utter bs but it is incredible to me that they still pull all this out when they are blatantly shown with both hands smashing the cookie jar!If I suddenly dropped out of sight forever with no forewarning to anyone,I sure would hope someone would file a missing person report for me too.And finally the glaring fact that Scientology is silent on all these books interviews blogs like Mike’s Tony’s and Chris Shelton’s and I am sure many others I have not explored,that silence is deafening.Mike is so right about that.I may have had a comm ev but done well after I blew so I could not defend myself.Got the golden rod alright and a $35,000 free loader bill which I sent right back to treasury and wrote on it I paid in full for all auditing and every single book that Ron ever wrote when I was at Asho F.You may look it up.Never heard from Treasury again on that matter.I read here everyday too helps keep me young and informed and yes laughter is so goog for me!Love,Ann.
Dear OSA, All Scientology Staff and public,
Do yourselves and everyone else a favor and take a page out of Edward Snowden’s book.
You know it’s the right thing to do.
+1. Nice post!
Look for the upcoming brand new release spearheaded by COB based on his thoroughly researched findings resulting in this brilliant Why: THE PRESS HAVE BEEN RUINING YOUR MIND!
This was arrived at by painstakingly sifting through all LRH policy letters and coming upon one missing item, misplaced by a long gone transcriptionist from 1963 that changes everything. This you need!
This incredible new release will make planetary purging a reality. This is THE GOLDEN AGE OF PR (GAP).
GAP, appropriately named as it is the missing link for all Scientologists, will change your life forever, speed up your bridge progress and give you the exact tech on how to handle any critic to the result of a thoroughly compliant non-attacker. It’s like CCHs for the mind.
Confirm yourself now to attend the New Year’s Event where you will witness the full, breathtaking breakthrough that will amaze you beyond your wildest dreams. You will never be the same again. Guaranteed.
“… they are each and every one of them “bigots” and “merchants of chaos” doing one-sided “hit-jobs” that “neglect the real story of scientology.” ”
The real story is LRH admitted he failed and that fact hasn’t been publicized, it sits still unappreciated in Marty’s 3rd book Chapter 24, and written about in the final 3 pages of Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear…” book.
LRH still was grappling with imaginary “body thetans” at the end of his life, Sarge notes and tells to Marty and to Lawrence Wright.
Bigger issues are the policies that are on the books, directing whoever reads those rules and policies, of what to do next, and Hubbard left a load of policies that open avenues to all sorts of continued troublesome cult movement membership behavior to themselves and the outside world.
The Office of Special Affairs Network Orders lineup of writings, all bylined as L. Ron Hubbard’s policies to the church of scientology, are troublesome major long term DNA problems for Scientology.
The real story of Scientology is a big dull one, of the Hubbard massive tomes of policy that guide this movement, and policy that really needs a whole lot of major reforming, but Scientology doesn’t have the Exec Strata people with smart enough to even revise and reform themselves out of the harsh Hubbard policies that Hubbard stuck them with.
Part of the real story is lack of a really nice big summary piece detailing the whole web of intertwining hard to reform policies that ought to be reformed completely out of this fake religion.
The Fake Church of Scientology will fail in the long run as its founder did. Hubbard failed as a scientist, a writer, an explorer, a father, a husband, a navy officer, a leader. Most important of all, he failed to overcome his inner demons and his own folly and that is why he died alone in a Blue Bird motor home with his brain in shreds and choking in his vomit after his second stroke, while David Miscavige was playing his gambit to outmanoeuvre him and Pat Broeker. All of Hubbard’s Policy Letters are the works of a brilliant madman with lots of imagination, but no one inside of the Scientology bubble has any perspective, critical sense and power to reform anything. Scientology will die because it is heading towards the brick wall or reality and they don’t agree so they will pretend it is not there. Well, the lack of agreement with this inevitable reality won’t prevent their crashing into the wall. It is just a matter of time.
Outstanding post, Alex de Valera. You nailed it!
Among other things, one thing Karen Pow really had it very wrong is: “former staffers bitter at having lost the positions”.
Bitter? No Mr. to the contrary, we have been so, so, so happy out here, living life, having relationships with people around us that happen to be natural, good people; they are not the ‘worthless wogs’ the church’s scripture and leaders disseminated about; we are, have been and will continue to be free to create each one’s own life and having lots of funning doing so. So, sorry, this statement is far from true.
Now, Leah’s actions have value, courage and speak more truth about the real scene of what scn is. Yet, this is another bombshell added to the already avalanche of exposure brought about by Going Clear, BBC documentary, legal court actions at France and Brussels, blogs that continue to spread people’s experiences in hell (called ‘religion of scn’) and the avalanche will continue until this criminal organization ceases to abuse others.
The so called ecclesiastical leader should come to realize that his crimes and abuses are, and will continue to explode on his face…period.
Ditto, when I walked free back onto the street after almost 7 years in the RPF, I knew the rest of my life would be a vacation, and it has been a vacation, compared to RPF life (but I also liked even a lot of my daily drudgery life on the RPF, some was fun and lots of outdoors farm work in the San Bernadino Mtns near the Int Base at Happy Valley was actually nice). The official Scientology matrix of totalitarian rules, and even extended way deep into a celebrity Scientologist’s life like Leah’s (she is really a great example of a 2nd generation Scientologist who became an elite class Scientology celebrity player to boot), she got the Truth Rundown, for criticizing Cruise and Miscavige, boy, so many nuances to even her being allowed to do the Truth Rundown, she was a real deal Scientologist about as extensively intimate in the whole shebang as a person could be!
From an ex Sea Org member’s appreciative viewpoint, I’m really happy to see Leah’s book and look forward to it.
Makes you think what kind of book Mike Rinder could someday write! This blog suffices, thanks so much Mike!
“…lots of outdoors farm work in the San Bernadino Mtns…”
Those mountains looked pretty fearsome to me when I was berthed at Happy Valley. It actually would have been relatively easy to slip away unnoticed from there and I did consider it many times but the desert with its rattle snakes and inhospitable landscape put me off. The lack of passport and money had I been able to reach civilization would have been an issue too. I’d heard stories about the Soboba Indian reservation that true or not put me off making contact with them. Has anyone successfully blown from HV on foot?
Silvia, isn’t great to REALLY BE FREE! And Chuck, you too. When you’ve been in, getting out is getting your former life back. Like, owning home, taking vacations, having gay friends, never working 112 hour weeks again, going to the movies, taking meds when you need them, not having to go into an org 7 days a week. I’m sure I can come up with more, but, you get the idea. When I was on staff in Hawai’i, I was never able to go surfing. The day I left, I had an outstanding surf session at Waikiki Beach within an hour. And that surf session gave me more “wins” than I ever got out of the cult. Freedom never tasted so good!
Mike wrote about Scientology’s “…..inability to deal with the REAL issues that it confronts if it wants to have any hope of remaining even marginally relevant into the future.”
Really the point to me today.
I’d like to see Scientology tone down its deflecting behavior tactics, but then that exposes itself to the fact that they do not “make OTs”.
It’s really simple, either Scientology’s OT making assembly line really makes OTs, or it doesn’t.
It doesn’t, so why do the subject?
Most average people instinctively know there are no OTs in human history, no soul flying human soul astronauts in human history, and none now with OT 8 Scientologists, none of the OT 8s are flying around as pure soul OTs.
That’s to me the biggest final crux of deciding whether to be part of Scientology.
Toning down the abrasive Intel Bureau Office of Special Affairs of the (fake to me) church of Scientology, would help.
They are really just a sort of self help club, and maybe they aren’t making OT supersouled members out of each other, but in some ways they are supportive of each other’s lives (when they are not bilking each other for the fixed donations and IAS donations).
Tame their self gouging, tame their OSA character assassination tactics, let them just enjoy their other Hubbard self help stuff and minus their strong arm Hard Sell heartless life ruining salesmanship on themselves, and just let them be a fake religion social club who believe in the hope of the OT supersoul powers that none of them actually gain but they believe they do, then sorta I feel kind of “fine”.
I say quit the whole shebang, learn what else is going on in life, get out of the whole thing.
Scientology should lose it’s major totalitarian thorns that’d be helpful and they could then carry on as a religion social club that isn’t being such an asshole fake religion. Just become a friendly social club fake religion and get their TRs in enough to talk Xenu and body thetans without failing their own Stress Tests!
True, Chuck. For me this was a pivot moment in deciding to leave. I knew many OT7s and 8s, NONE demonstrated any type of supernatural abilities. Many admitted that they had never been exterior. Scn’s OT power claims are rooted in “logical” assumptions, and held in place by dogmatic belief.
It’s a big hurdle for any still-in to overcome. But once you see for yourself that the church does not produce superhuman abilities, the big, juicy carrot just vanishes. And along with that the reason to put up with the mental and financial duress and hardships.
Scn is simply pop psychology with a “technology” twist, masquerading as a religion.
My mistake, statpush, was verbally wondering why Hubbard was so fat! I mean, he was! If he was the supreme OT, how come he couldn’t keep his body in shape? He died morbidly obese. You can imagine how much trouble I got into with those musings…..
You would be fat too OSD if you had all those pesky BTs hanging off your appendages. Most of the little bastards must have been stuck in ‘eat to know’ on El Cons know to mystery scale.
Hi OSD, I just read your post and I thought weird then what were all the pictures at Asho of Ron?He was not morbidly obese having been up and down in that department in this life, I would say he was chubby but not super heavy.
.But then the Kool-aid was so good and the dark side was so bad.Of course I was long gone when he went to Target 2 as the SO #- line always told me he would.Not that I believe 100% now.What a strange ride we all had.And so glad to have found this port and harbor!✨?✨???❤️Ann.sorry my I Pad went nuts!
I find your post intriguing. I never made it far up the bridge(loved the auditing, had wins, but too expensive). When I was in I assumed all the big stuff(exteriorization with full perception) was happening to Clears and OT’s. I just hadn’t gone far enough up the bridge. Now I have been out for years, I read about these Clears and OT’s that never had these major experiences. I wonder why they stay.
Hope. By the time you go Clear or start your OT levels, you have completely bought into the Hubbardian view of existence and the universe. The lack of wins, powers or abilities are explained away:
“Oh, that probably doesn’t get addressed until OT7…”
“It took trillions of years to get in this state, getting out is not going to happen overnight”
“Training is half the gain, I’d better get trained”
“GAT II sorted that out…”
The reason why they stay, while everyone has their own reason, for me it was, “the OT stuff is just around the corner.”
Eventually, as one persists your reasons for continuing up the Bridge become more about next lifetime. Because many who have reached the upper levels of the Bridge are middle aged, they continue because they want to be in good shape when they drop their body. And getting further up the Bridge will give them a leg-up next lifetime.
Point by point, Mike, you creamed their statements. Words, words, words, is ALL they can produce. There is NEVER anything actually provable provided by WindBag Willie to support his or (“Karen’s) – oops, I repeat myself – rather thin attempts to discredit the now many hundreds of proper reports. Proper mean, in scio terms, “time, place, form and event”. By them it is all just made up…somewhat like what Windbag does regularly. But the dribble then became a trickle, turning into a stream of adherents leaving noisily. To say nothing of the many who simply never turn up any longer, quietly excusing themselves from the madness they have finally come to realize.
Thank you Mike. Excellent and true.
It still baffles me how an organization like Scientology can still manage to exist after the wide spread adoption of the internet. I know most of the recruits are now coming from non English speaking countries, but how much longer can this group go on. Eventually they will lose their religious tax exemption and the selling off of ideal orgs will begin. Thanks for your dedication Mike and hopefully sooner rather than later miscaviage will be removed from power and hopefully jailed.
Money, Zeb. They have quite a bit of it. That’s how they can still manage to exist. However, as you stated, with the wide (worldwide almost) spread of the internet, that is the game changer.
Zeb, we all sure hope that is how it goes; followed of course by this line, heard ringing through the halls in incarceration on a nightly basis: “”Bring out the gimp!”
(For Pulp Fiction fans, I had to use this reference since the commentor is named Zeb…:)
Excellent report Mike.
I always liked “Unemployed bitter defrocked apostate that lives on
the fringes of the internet” but now “Joined at the hip with a collection of deadbeats”
is something to work serious overtime for.
Keep up the good work !!!!
Hey Jose! you’re now joined at the hip with me! Yeah, yeah, I know you wanted to be joined at the hip with someone else, but, YOU’RE STUCK WITH ME! BTW, can I have a bit of your sandwich?
Sure anytime.
Chicken wrap for lunch today !
with Starbucks treats
Your clear and articulate summaries are so appreciated. Thanks to you and all who have chosen to be so open and honest about the church and its inexcusable behavior. I am so glad to have escaped when I did.
Whoa! This must be what it feel like to be inside a NASA launch. Your blog is always fantastic, but this entry is dynamite and an excellent blow-apart of that horrific and silly attack statement from the cult. Their statement is not how “ecclesiastical” anyone writes, even about ex-parishioners. Heck, it’s not how a1st year PR student would handle a detractor in a student exercise.
Standing Ovation from me!
I love reading your blog Mike but Please, oh please. Please never compare Shelly Miscavige to Michelle Obama. David does not deserve to be compared to a US president. He may use it against you.
Great post, Mike.
Because of the celebrity angle, Leah’s story is bringing Scientology to the attention of many new people.
The feedback I’m getting (never-in here) from folks I know is unreal. By far, the majority response is absolute shock that a ‘church’ would issue such a petty, hateful statement about a former parishioner.
No legitimate church would do this. It’s in line with something the Westboro group would say.
It’s like watching someone hit themselves in the head with a hammer, repeatedly, trying to cure a headache.
Perfectly well-worded analogy!
Exactly my experience yesterday. I was with a group of people, who know I was once connected to this horrible, vindictive and soulless entity known as Scientology, and they were all talking about the “Leah/20/20” show. Each of them voiced their dismay and disgust for Scientology. Each saying Scientology should have just “wished her well and good-bye”. Now they all know Leah is truthful and Scientology LIES; they stated “how can all of the people who speak out be telling Lies?. No Way.” Thank you Mike for exposing their corrupt and evil lies. You truly are a person of Good Will whom we all should protect.
Well presented Mike. Scientology goes over the same ground time and time again.
What’s that saying… to do the same thing over and over expecting a different result?
I’ve always been a front line kind of person. In working in the trenches so to speak I value camaraderie above all else, particularly against set piece PR lies. I don’t happen to like the PR world and it’s warped sense of value. People need honesty more than they need lies.
Leah is real type of person and her stance with her own integrity is one of the best examples of humanity I’ve seen. She’s got guts in anyone’s book, except of course scientology but they aren’t real people anyway.
Squirm miscavige, you have nothing else to do, your low status remains intact.
The Media should be asking the cult the obvious question
It’s been over 60 years, so when do you plan on rolling the first ‘Clear’ off the assembly line?
followed by
Does asking this question now entitle me to my very own Scientology created character assassination packet that will be delivered to my employer and neighbors?
Oh, you betcha!
For us outsiders who was never in a cult the whole matter is obvious: Miscavige is a psychopath, period. There is no fix for his mental disorder; the constipation, however, might be an easier issue – David, you’ve gotta get them prunes (scientologists loveee prunes) and do it soon!!
To all you people who managed to escape: you are supported in every way, we believe in you and we admire you for your strength, keep telling the truth, knowlegde/information is the most powerful tool against mindcontrol!!
Very interesting article Mike. I fully support Leah, and believe what she is saying about The Church of Scientology. She and people she has never met say the same things, use the same terminology, and speak of similar experiences. I hope Leah can find some peace. I could not imagine giving up being a part of something for thirty years and then making the decision to leave. She no longer has contact with people I am sure she truely loved and cared for a great deal. Thank you for validating Leah’s story. Of course the Scientologists try to discount anything she says to protect their image. I truely hope this is not a dangerous group who would retaliate against Leah or her family.
Whoever is running Church PR should be fired. Everything I’ve learned about PR & Marketing since being introduced to Scientology has been helpful for me and I’ve used it successfully in my and my husbands’s business. But what I have learned is the opposite of what I see the Church actually doing. If the Church would change it’s PR then everything would probably be much better. I’m not sure I believe that David Miscavige is really the one calling the shots in PR,m but if he is than he needs to stop and turn it over to a real pro.
From what I understand DM tried to turn over the PR
duties to a very high ranking PR company (WOG) but
they laughed at him behind his back and it just did not
materialise. Wonder why?
DM is a psychopath. He cannot turn anything over to ANYONE. He demands to be in full control of everything as he is totally certain that he is the only one who actually does anything. It’s difficult to wrap one’s head around anyone who is bizarre as he is. And, as I used to teach, the only true way to fully understand insanity is to become insane and see it from the inside. (Not recommended.) And that it is why it’s so very difficult to even begin to understand DM.
Thank you, Mike.
When the Soviet press reported that Yuri Gagarin had orbited the Earth it was a rare instance of honesty for them. It appears that the official CoS can’t even reach that level of credibility.
And furthermore:
I have noticed that the term “anti-scientologist” is getting used with more frequency these days. It is ironic that they use this term, as my motive for becoming involved in this dangerous activity was actually to help scientologists. I do it because I care about those who still call themselves scientologists, care enough to risk coming under attack from the very people I want to help.
Ironic, isn’t it. A lot of those still in will no doubt go to their graves never knowing that actually we’re on THEIR side trying to help. I was in EG Sainsbury’s today – not my usual shopping venue – and got the fixed dedicated glare from a still-in (before she hid behind the cold meat aisle). She and others will go on blaming us for “bringing down their Church” with that identifiable rightness that characterizes Scns above all others. Best not do it (help) for the gratitude, nor the fame or glory! Cos there won’t be much of any of that.
Yes, ‘they’ are ALL out to get you. For good reason.
Yo Dave,
I’d say you’re had good buddy. You are so frickin cornered you cannot even make a public appearance to defend your stupid little cult.
You know that if you did happen to open your yap in public, all three remaining cultites would bolt the paddock and then you would be all alone.
And how are your OSA stooges doing today? Keep reading comrades ……………. it’s only going to get more intense for you!
Basically, dwarf boy, you’re essentially fucked. And not in a good way……
Parsing the details of the Church’s response is irrelevant. More significant is the public’s response, even if it’s not being reported in the media. Consider this: Every time the Church attacks a critic, the blowback comes back to them in geometric proportion. Not only does it piss off Leah, but it pisses off her friends and family. Not to mention her fans. I know it’s LRH policy, but the math doesn’t work. For every “enemy” the Church attacks, they’ve created 100 antagonists against them. Some people never learn.
I remember LRH saying something like “It’s just us and a false them.” Seems the other way around.
Thank you for explaining so clearly what so many of us are afraid to say publicly. Leah speaks for so many of us who have not yet spoken out.
Thousands already did!
Great communication, Mike.
What’s your impression of the average media opinion of these lame responses by the cherch?
Think they are aware of just how much bull is in that sh_ _ they write?
I just a thought Mike:
When you mention “HIgh Crime” and “Always Attack, Never Defend,” I feel strongly that you should write the actual quote and sign it with Ron’s name.
The reason is it’s easy for new comers or news folks to falsely assume that you are giving your opinion or describing the situation from emotion.
Scientology is so strange that it’s almost unbelievable. So if you write the actual quote and write the source text with Ron’s name to it, it brings the truth and gives the actual SOURCE to this behavior and takes you out of the equation.
After all, Ron is source.
Another feather in the cap for writing the actual quote:
It gives journalists educated questions to ask. So for instance, a spokes person can ask:
Do you apply the writings of L Ron Hubbard?
The Scientologist would say, “of course I do!”
Then the journalist can say,” are you applying “always attack never defend” to Leah Remini?”
Always bring it back to Ron, because the behavior always comes from his writings. It may cause an “as is” if you will, to Scientology’s constant not is or alter is.
Tell our citizens where this dispicable behavior comes from.
Hi Brian, You are right.I used that quote in a post further up and should have attributed it to Ron.After all he is Source! Love U Always,Ann.sometimes I can forget newcomers here who are never in and I love them too,can get confused.My first week in Sea Org I actually thought everyone was speaking a foreign language! This is the first time I’ve said this because now it seems strange,but back then going into SO as a total wog I can see how the lingo first sounded.XO.
Brian here’s a good LRH reference to quote.
This is Hubbard Policy Letter 2 September 1970. It is on page 589 Org Exec Course vol. 6. It also appears in several other places.
“The first policy of a Scientology org, laid down on about 8 or 10 March 1950 is:
L. Ron Hubbard
Ask Paulette Cooper if she thinks Ron really meant that.
With all things Ron, it was about PR, not reality.
Really what he meant was:
Keep up a facade of “we are good people” so they don’t pull back the veil and reveal what’s really there.
Mr. Hubbard can be quoted admonishing a business to stay friendly to its neighbors. That isn’t exactly perspicacious advice but it is a bona fide example of the man at least making a concession to common sense. A man who, BTW, went out of his way to make enemies at every turn.
Dan : “Brian here’s a good LRH reference to quote.
This is Hubbard Policy Letter 2 September 1970. It is on page 589 Org Exec Course vol. 6. It also appears in several other places.
“The first policy of a Scientology org, laid down on about 8 or 10 March 1950 is:
L. Ron Hubbard
You got to be kidding me , Dan. Is this a joke or what ?
If interviewers knew the exact writing from Ron, that the Scio-mind-slaves were acting out, they would be in a better position to shine a media light on the their smelly duplicity.
For instance I would ask a church spokesperson:
“L Ron Hubbard stated that there are no absolutes in the material world. Do you agree with that”?
A Scio-mind-slave would say, “yes.”
Then I’d ask,
“if that is true, can you tell me one criticism that the bitter apostates have that is true. Because so far every single criticism, and they are in the hundreds if not thousands, have been discounted by you as entirely false. And that makes all bitter apostates absolutely wrong all the time. The bitter apostates are in the material universe, so there must be some true criticisms.
Knowing Scientology doctrine is a great weapon to use back on the Scio-mind-zombies. That is because all of them are applying some aspect of the “tech”. When the right tech is pointed out to them, that they are using, they can start to figit and look like they’ve been found out.
They are all assuming roles learned by study and word clearing. Point out the right writing by Ron and it may be like raid on roaches.
Excellent points, Brian, though in the end, my experience with having indicated off policy actions by showing the LRH reference was that they, whether staff or public, would just ridge up. I could almost see the wall they threw up between us, I swear! . To me if was obvious that they had no answer. And, yes, they fidgeted. Also they’d start glancing around, and the answers I got were inadequate or else they’d end the comm cycle by changing the subject or mumbling some excuse and actually leaving the room. Talk about confront! I would watch them go thru these gyrattions, all because I had pointed out an LRH reference, and it was sad and funny at the same time. That’s why I go back and forth between pity and contempt for the still ins, unless I suspect that they’re UTR, and I have this suspicion about several of them. But for the obstinate, won’t look won’t confront KA drinkers, its pity or contempt. Today its pity.
Indeed it’s sad Aqua. We’ve all been there to a degree.
My example would be in a media setting, with cameras rolling, on church spokespersons.
The questions would be asked in order to cause a figit, so that there demeanor is seen clearly by all watching TV or on radio. It’s Scientolgy policy that is causing all this insanity, so reveal their behavior by referring to the appropriate writing that tells them to behave like that!
I think it’s a brilliant strategy.
An excellent thing, would be to have HCOB’s and policy letters right there to show them when they start denying, lying and deflecting.
There is no mystery to Scientology’s craziness. It’s all written up. Right there for the taking.
On the other hand, there still may be some who can’t criticize Ron. The combination lock to their free thinking is still neatly denied.
Yes, I fully know what you mean, Brian ; that’s why I made it my business to find everything about the Tech, Admin, and Ethics. I’ve been using that technique you just described for quite some time to “Dead Agent” the usual faulty arguments from KSW supporters. It works every time. I’ve seen you using it many times at BIC and at MS2 before it got too hot for there. I would have joined you, but I was still, let’s just say, under LRH’s hypnotic trance. :-)))
Not to worry TC, the Second Policy was Fair Game! Old El Con was quite a guy …….taught the miscarriage perfectly.
DMs first policy……. Smile and appear very effusive and friendly to all.
DMs second Policy ………… Bitch Slap the bejesus out of anyone that smiles back.
Yo Dave,
We’re comin for ya and as you know ……………. none of this charade is going to end well for you good buddy. And do not ask for help ………… there is no help for your ilk.
That was good, Newcomer.
Mike, I have the deepest admiration for you and others, that have been able to fight back. I know what it is like to get pushed so far up against the wall in that place that one decides if they will not go “OT”, it is better to die with some integrity and severely flawed.
I used to think Miscavige and his minions had gone political when setting up a system to attack anyone daring to stand up and tell the truth. But after years of watching I have come into another viewpoint.
In truth. Miscavige is the only in the game to have a “starring” role.
Hubbard had this same thing going on, but at least he had much value , I will not be bullied into saying otherwise because this was true for me, whereas David Miscavige has very little. He has never written a book or made a release let alone a clear, as far as I know.
Not going on a rant about him. The world survived West Nile virus it will survive him.
The thing is, in this game what really gets to him, is if anyone comes even near to having a starring role.
Cruise “made it to the top” when he got a supporting role. In fact, the role of a wife.
Why can’t anyone that has explored Scientology have their own moment in the press? The Church comes out like a jealous co actor pushing anyone else into an “she or he was just an insignificant extra unimportant insignificant nobody” status. It is the Church that piggy backs on other people’s stories for press. Why do they always have to scramble for press time and attention?
It is none of David Miscavige’s business or Tom Cruise’s business what book Leak Remini writes, what blog you put up, what book Marty writes. You people have a life that matters too. You people have a story. And it is just as valid as anyone else’s story. David Miscavige really has an issue acknowledging someone else’s importance, value or meaning in society.
The statement he issued to the press, about Leah, knowing she has a child that could possibly read the internet, shows that not only does he not think she has any right rights to starring role in her own life, that her own child does not have the right to applaud her own mother. He is willing to run over children to maintain the starring role.
This is quite simply, really fkn sick.
I think if Dave did his routine at the Comedy Store he’d get lots of laughs but not the kind he likes. But hey, it’s attention!
Hi The Oracle,You tell it from the mountaintops!A wonderful post.There is some funny business right now with my posts(nothing new) so I thought I would send this reply your way.A poster wrote that it was shocking an American could be falsely imprisoned.I think the post referred to Mike’s about being in The Hole.I posted back yes that it was shocking that can happen anywhere around the globe with this bunch.This all made me remember and if any bloggers remember this too,that would help me,about my expediter work at The Manor now CC in the summer of 74, before I went on The Excalibur.One of the many tasks those first weeks was to clean out and then help FOLO move from The Manor to the Hollywood Inn.I spent many days and nights there,Scrubbing that blue dust off big pipes in the basements and sub basements.In one of the sub basements was an iron cage square like one might see in the older movies of western jails.I asked about this and was told not to worry about it,it was there if needed as a prop jail,like the brig on a ship.So I dusted the thing as best I could and got on with my work.Already I was becoming more in tune with the cult! Spooky! Now I say with a wink and a nod,”Yeah right just a prop jail to use if needed”If being the operative word!❤️❤️❤️❤️Ann.
Ann, that was likley an air duck which would be caged so persons didn’t use it for entry (or exit). There was one in the AOLA basement which exited out to the blue square of concret still sitting on it’s NW corner. It’s been completely sealed up now but it had a 4×4 door. Inside was a big fan. There was a ramp on both sides I kept my garden supplies on. One a shovel fell down to the basement. Since there was no way in from the basement I had William Kilmartin (when he was 6) lowered down on a rope to get my shovel 🙂
Hi Cece, Thank you for your post and the information.Wow,at six I just could not be lowered into a hole for anything! Not even at 64! Love U, Ann.
You raise some great points, Oracle. As a group, Scn habitually seeks to make nothing of the individual. Group members really have no say in what Scn does as a group. And it’s not just critics, even suggestions or ideas which are potentially beneficial are routinely ignored. Yes, for some time now, the group is all, the individual nothing.
It would be too easy to lay the blame on Miscavige, Scn’s problems are philosophical and are woven into it’s DNA.
Stat Push, “Scientology’s problems are philosophical and are woven into its DNA”
It’s called the writings of L Ron Hubbard, laid in the mind like stone through study tech.
A place where questioning authority (Ron’s writings) are considered a high crime and as evil and suppressive as HItler and Pretty Boy Floyed.
This is the recipe for schizoid craziness. Where the discriminating intelligence, the laurel wreath of being human, is threatened with punishment if ever expressed.
Sovereign free will is an illegal value in Scientology. But yet Ron claims to free you. And so we have a wonderful word:
When we see the higher ups in the church acting the way they do, they have been trained to be that way. Like junk yard dogs.
It all goes back to Ron’s written word.
L. Ron Hubbard’s philosophy encapsulated in the statement “May you never be the same again” seems to result in the blind acceptance by Scientologists of ALL of his writings, and thus we have the end result of “May you never be sane again.”
(I did a quick rewrite of the hit piece on Leah to correct OSA’s errors)
David Miscavige has become what he once declared he never wanted to be known as: “the dramatizing wholetrack SP who singlehandledly destroyed the Church of Scientology after Ron died.” As NSA Today wrote, Mr Miscavige “is as famous for being a malicious coward as he is for physically assaulting everyone in his immediate sphere.”
David Miscavige needs to move on with his life instead of pathetically blaming Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Alex Gibney and others for his untreated mental illness and violent behavior. Miscavige needs to stop shaking down and extorting Scientology parishioners for money to fund his lavish style and expensive campaigns of revenge against imaginary enemies. Miscavige really does think the Martians are after him.
Sadly, bitterness and anger are common threads through Mr. Miscavige’s life. Rather than take responsibility for self-inflicted problems, Mr. Miscavige is quick to blame others. When Mr. Miscavige was called to be deposed in the Rathbun v. Miscavige case, he hired 22 lawyers to argue that the Sea Org doesn’t exist and that his rank as Captain means nothing.
This outright lie erupted into a public embarrassment for Miscavige. Monique Yingling tried to help pick him up off the floor but he was too drunk and treated everyone around him in a degrading, bullying manner. His behavior was intolerable.
David Miscavige knows the truth he conveniently rewrites in his revisionist history. The real story is that Miscavige was always a terrible Scientologist and should have been declared an SP in 1982. However, he blackmailed and threatened Pat Broeker and then, over the years, destroyed anyone who was a threat to his dictatorship.
Miscavige’s repeated ethical lapses and callous treatment of others go unpunished by any ecclesiastical review because Scientology’s system of justice is meaningless and impotent when it comes to Miscavige. The overweight 315 pound IJC Mike Ellis has heart problems and is too much of a Miscavige bootlicker and toady to even dare to question Miscavige. Likewise with Linda Hamel.
Miscavige now regurgitates the tired lies that the Church of Scientology is expanding like never before, this while he conceals his daily fraud, malfeasance, and unethical conduct. Mr. Miscavige is now joined at the hip with a collection of deadbeats, admitted liars, perjurers, and physically abusive Sea Org members who keep him in power out of sheer terror of the man.
Mr. Miscavige also continues his bizarre efforts to have his own father followed by private investigators. Indeed, Miscavige has been obsessed for decades with spending millions of dollars in Church funds to spy on, follow, harass, and intimidate those people he fears.
This culminated in his dishonest, fraudulent statement that he did not know the private investigators with the guns and silencer whom he had hired to follow his own father. When a person makes disingenuous statement to the media — wasting the public’s time — they are irresponsible and untrustworthy.
Scientology is the only Evil Cult founded in the 20th century to begin a serious implosion and massive loss of membership in the 21st century. Scientology has shrank more more in the past decade than in its first 50 years combined under the phony, demented, and bogus “ecclesiastical” leadership of Mr. Miscavige, a mad lunatic increasingly viewed with disgust and contempt by Scientology parishioners for working feverishly to destroy everything Mr. Hubbard had built.
When he is not hungover or otherwise frothing in an hysteria of rage, Mr. Miscavige works tirelessly to feed his insatiable narcissism and stages six events each year wherein this incurable megalomaniac demands 3-4 hours of continued and nonstop applause from his fearful and deluded followers.
Instant classic.
Now that is healthy history telling!
Right. He is a DIva with a lot of cash and a movie star. A total copy of 1930’s forward standards? He is PTS to the “copy class”.
That is really fkn low but so true.
Funny, while reading the church’s response to Remini’s unaired interview, I couldn’t help but reverse it and apply it to the church. They really do falsely accuse others of things they are guilty of.
What I am waiting for is, someone in the media to make them accountable for these lies, really hold their feet to the fire. This is unlikely to happen since they have ceased to engage in any meaningful dialog with the press and the public.
Delusional doesn’t begin to describe the mental state of Miscavige and church officials. Remini has a fan base probably in the millions. What possible benefit can be had by trying to destroy her with generalized assaults on her character and bald-faced lies?
Once again, the church is doing what it does best – creating enemies.
Done Sir!
Scientology’s cry wolf strategies would work better on themselves, and instead read out their PR statements (with the names changed like J. Swift wrote) to themselves at their next Friday Staff Meetings worldwide.
If Miscavige is truly interested in HANDLING all the bashing Scientology is taking in the media
he should be willing to be located in space and time, and be willing to confront some force and some energy and some live communication. If he really was the “leader of leaders” he would have been out in front of this hell train from jump street. He would be HANDLING it. Actually, It would have been handled by now. Scientology would have been “safe pointed” long ago. The public at large would have a favorable opinion of Scientology and it’s VIPs, Celebs and stars would be looked up to by EVERYONE above 2.0 on the Tone Scale. The Orgs would be expanding (but in this case there would be actual people filling up those buildings TO THE RAFTERS) If David Miscavige really was the awesome guy that Tom Cruise says he is, then Scientology would be so well thought of that study tech would be used in schools across the country by now. The “Pyschs are bad” would have been replaced by HGC’s and the auditing of PC’s and training of auditors would be wide spread. Being a Scientologist these days means being in the unenviable position of having to reconcile the unreconcilable. And that is the HOW and WHY Scientology (and it’s leader) has become one of the most despised and ridiculed entities in popular media today. By his actions and commissions, David Misavige has made sure that Hubbard’s play book continues to keep Scientology in hot water, regardless of what Miscavige asserts to the contrary. Delusional perhaps, but I believe it’s knowingly being done to damage Scientology as much as possible.
You can write well J. Swift – well said.
+1. Bravo!
Excellent summary Mike and Leah if you are reading this, thank you.
Good job, Mike.
What does this say about their religion or tech when all these high level members and prominent actors and directors that were supposedly liars, bigots, wife beaters ect? They are admitting that they are not producing more ethical and superior humans and that Scientology really does not work are they not?
Yes, scientology REALLY does not work and does not product super beings. It’s main product is misery & insanity with a militant bent thrown in for good measure…
That is such an excellent point and goes to the heart of the issue. The Church doesn’t have the faintest clue about PR. They are really slitting their throat by saying that parishioners who have been in the Church for 30 years or so are liars bigots etc. It is really saying that the Church cannot help individuals improve at all, let alone become super beings.
Even the Catholic church is light years ahead when it comes to PR. When they had an abusive priest exposed, they would not launch into a barrage of criticism of that priest, but rather say that they regretted not getting him the help he needed.
Thanks Mike
You are a modern day historian keeping the record straight.
Without you, Miscavige’s bs would stand.
Thanks from all of us…
The whole ‘spokesperson’ thing with scientology is just weird and it comes across as VERY weird to mere ‘wogs’. I was always on the defensive when I was in and sipping the kool-aid because of this.
Recently I heard a debate on an NPR program. One of the debaters was putting forth some views that I most definitely disagreed with. However, he was civil, articulate, well informed and well spoken. Even though I did not agree with his views, I did have a lot of respect for him because he did a great job. I’ve had the same experience with some politicians, but this is become a rare event these days. Scientology spokespeople have an impossible job. Defending the indefensible. I guess this is why they never appear in public or show their faces anywhere. When was the last time Karen P. called a press conference?
Boom! Well, hey, didn’t they let Cathy XXXX, Desimone, whatever all the names come out to… confront cameras at the Int base?? Yeah, DM hid behind Cathy Desimone Xwives Frashier Hawkins whatever…. When reporters hit, DM sends women out to speak. This is not a rumor. You have seen it for yourself. He will send women out on the front lines but not go himself. He hides behind women, props them up to take the bullets. If every single person in the Church asked themselves. “What have I done for David Miscavige? What has David Miscavige done for me?” It would all be gone within hours.
I remember Cathy from my stint on the Freewinds. She’s a logical choice to send out to cool off the “mad dog press” and “confront” the enemy. I think she has more balls and is much smarter than Miscavige ever will be. I think the time is right for a mutiny.
Mike, were you at the Wedding of the Century? Or were you were in The Hole at that point? I’d love to hear your thoughts as to the whole J-Lo and Marc Anthony thing….I think it was odd for a) them to be.invited through another person and then b) not be seated with the friend who.invited them.
Since Leah was still in the Co$ at the time of the WotC, I am curious as to why the King of Pomp wanted to keep J-Lo and Leah apart
I was in the Hole. Leah’s book has a lot more detail about the wedding.
I’m hoping Leah’s book has a replay of the King of Pomp’s best man speech.
I’m wondering how long it was and whether it was a Mullet Man special.
I’m sure it included: ‘This wedding signifies the beginning of a new dawn for mankind. This wedding takes us into the stratosphere and beyond! It represents how the technology of LRH improves the human condition! Tom and Katie will be together for this lifetime and many more!’
I like to think that wedding is representative of Scientology itself. A lot of initial glam among the mutual admiration society (while ignoring the hard work of the people who made it possible) and then reality……REAL reality (not LRH reality) sets in and the bride makes a mad dash for freedom and sanity.
The fact that an American can make that statement, that he was falsely imprisoned, is shocking.
Hi Aurora, Nice to meet you. I like your name or should I say handle! It is shocking that a person can be falsely imprisoned in the USA or anywhere on the globe.The way the cult thinks is that in my case, I should be glad I am getting handled so I do not infect the group dynamic with my “crimes” Whacko and true.Other bloggers here please help my memory out.In 74 in Sea Org when I was cleaning blue dust off basement pipes at The Manor now CC and helping FOLO move to the Hollywood Inn deep in one of the sub basements there,I swear there was a small square jail structure.I asked about it and was told not to worry about it,that was just in case it was ever needed like the brig.Now with a wink and a nod I say “Yeah right!” Sad and crazy all at once! Always,Ann.
Hi Ann, I gave a response to this on yesterdays post. I believe this to be an old fashioned air handler structure installed in basements with a fan on the intake which would have been on the outside structure. It’s sealed off with bars or a grid to allow air but no persons or animal access.
Hi Cece, Thank you .Something intercepts my posts and sends them to,parts unknown, then a few days later they reappear. The cut and paste crowd must have ramped their antics up a tick.We replied to each other further up,but I love replying to you again! Love,Ann.
Hi Cece,Thank you twice.My IPad is on a vacation at times and my posts get swallowed up and then re-appear sometimes days later.The “invisible actions”of something or someone continue to try and upset me.Not working right now because I am very happy for Leah and Mike and all who keep stirring that cauldron.May this cult fall….Love always,Ann.
It’s a process that media critics call “factualization” – tell a lie, then repeat it as if it were true, so that those who haven’t been paying attention assume that it’s true.
Or in more crass terms, hammered bullshit.
Oh, no, BlindersOff! Hammered bullshit is not crass as all. Actually, it’s a little subdued….
There’s also phenomena of people repeating a lie to themselves long enough that they begin to believe
Some of these Scibots…..the sad thing is not that they are lying…the sad thing is they think they are telling the truth
I believe, at one point, they were trying to out do each other with the most outrageous Success Stories! I mean, when it’s only initials at the bottom, they say anything they want! And they do!
Silly Scientologists, Trix are for kids……
The only way to improve the overall perception of Scientology in the world, is for Miscavige to publicly apologize to not only Leah, but to all the others who have been mistreated and fundraised to the hilt, and the likelihood of that happening is the same as the majority of black Americans supporting the Ku Klux Klan.
I am in awe of you, Mike. Thanks for doing this. I just wish I had more courage to speak out what I have seen, but I still have that fear. You and so many others who speak out have such tremendous courage and that “I don’t give a crap” attitude of whatever repercussions. I am just so in admiration of you.
Do I have to use PayPal to send a donation? Is there PO Box I can send a check?
srl, Do yourself a huge favor. Use pay pal. Even if you only sent 5 cents. They wont come after you for 5 cents. They wont come after you for any amount. Take the first small step to regaining yourself and not being PTS to this organization. They do not deserve your fear. You do not deserve to be in fear. Begin to take back your self-determinism and throw off that emotional straightjacket. If you had a stroke tomorrow and could not speak, write, or move, how would you feel about having been so unable to express your feelings when you had the chance. If your fear is because your still pretending to be a member of this group because of family, then you really need to come up with a plan for the same reasons. Don’t count on Mike or anyone else’s efforts being enough to make your life right again. At least not in the time frame you may need.
Whether you speak out or not srl, know that you have support around you. From those who have been in and those who have not. Sending lots of love your way. ❤
How bout dem Saints, NOLAGirl?!? Who dat say who dat…..
Hi OSD, Go Saints! Hubby is a Patriots man so I need all the help I can get! Off-Topic Ann.XO.
Was that crazy or what? That game damn near killed me. LOL
Well, we’re big fans of Drew out here as he was once the Charger’s QB. And…he was great! And he’s still great! What is he now, late 30s. But, yeah, NOLAGirl, that game was totally bitchin’! Like you, I damn neared wore myself out! I mean, 7 TD throws to 6 TD throws! The interception killed ’em. Who dat say who dat?
Church of scientology: “For the MILLIONTH time, these lying criminals are all lying!!!”
Even if the official church responses are strictly for the benefit of the parishioner’s, it doesn’t alter the glaring fact that the critics are always Front Page News and the responses are always on page six.
Any chance of submitting this to USA Today’s editorial board to get it in print there, electronic or dead tree? That will really make the little bastard foam at the mouth like a rabid basset hound.
Wait…what? I doesn’t do that on a daily basis? And no question….he’s definitely rabid…..
Espiando, what do you have against rabid basset hounds?
The exodus
continues . . .
The exodus continues EXPONENTIALLY…
Great editorial Mike!
It is important that people like Leah Remini do speak out about the Church of Scientology. Things go wrong in the church every day that are never spoken about that can affect not only everyday people like me but important upstats and most recently celebrities. People are not trying to win Oscar nominations for speaking the truth about the Church of Scientology. It is an insane group of people that does not discriminate against whom it unjustly attacks. As someone once said, Scientology is not as good as the results it achieves in life, but how much one is willing to pay for those results. 🙂
I like your summary of the cherches statement. It rings very true.
as usual, you said it dear Mr. Rinder. thank you