The Hollywood Reporter published an open letter written by Paul Haggis this morning.
In typical Haggis style, he zero’d in on the crux of the matter and showed himself once again to be a man of principle and dignity who clearly articulates his calm and well reasoned points.
Of course, Karin (David Miscavige) Pouw just HAD to respond. In a page out of their normal “attack the attacker” playbook, they launched an illogical, poorly composed ad hominem assault on Paul Haggis. It does not respond to a SINGLE POINT of his Open Letter.
It is so ridiculous that I am reprinting it here in full. The Church has finally sunk to the level where you can take anything they say and without comment, EVERY SINGLE PERSON who reads it is repulsed. Their venom has poisoned them and as they writhe in their death throes crying that “everyone” is targeting them, the world watches with a wry smile and a sense of witnessing the inevitable.
Here is Miscavige’s response in full:
July 31, 2013
Mr. Haggis is a status-obsessed screenwriter who in the words of The Hollywood Reporter has been in “the wilderness” professionally for three years. Mr. Haggis once again is exploiting his tenuous connection with Scientology to grab headlines. His statement that the organization anonymously comments negatively about those who leave the Church is delusional and borders on paranoia.
Desperately craving attention, his self-serving “open letter” is a transparent plug for an upcoming film still lacking U.S. distribution. If Mr. Haggis was as successful and prolific at manufacturing drama for audiences as he is at manufacturing it for gossip sites, then his career might have never gotten lost in the “wilderness.”
Despite his spin, the truth is that Mr. Haggis was an inactive Scientologist for more than 30 years until he orchestrated a disingenuous “departure” in 2009 aimed solely at getting media attention. As a result, Paul Haggis has no first-hand knowledge about the Church of Scientology but instead relies on a small collection of unemployed bloggers living on the fringe of the Internet who are obsessed with spinning myths about the Church.
Mr. Haggis has chosen to align himself with a small posse of lunatics with arrest records, who have acknowledged in depositions to being secretly on the payroll of tabloids and who have admitted on national television to outright lying. As for Paul Haggis’ real story, see profile-the-many-personas-of-paul-haggis.html. [Link doesn’t work]
As to the true story of Scientology, under the 25-year leadership of Mr. Miscavige, following in the footsteps of our Founder, L. Ron Hubbard, the Church is enjoying tremendous expansion as shown in our 37 new Churches opening in six continents and the many new parishioners joining their congregations. Our Churches are open seven days a week and many have public display areas to answer all questions or one can visit our website,
While I said it needs no comment, there are a few points I wish to make. Just because I can….
Mr. Haggis is a status-obsessed screenwriter — yeah, double Academy Award winner status hound looking for some publicity by talking about Scientology. He has said nothing about anything since the New Yorker article though there were PLENTY of opportunities for him to do so. This is really quite amusing, Miscavige seems to be admitting that exposing the bullshit of the church of Scientology is good publicity for movies…. I suppose he also admits that anything that is associated WITH Scientology is death at the box office (Will Smith’s last movie? Tom Cruise a Scientology mummy these days). I guess the celebrity gravy train that Miscavige rode for many years has finally tipped over and it’s pouring runny brown stuff all over his perfect coif….
His statement that the organization anonymously comments negatively about those who leave the Church is delusional and borders on paranoia — Really? Come now. Did you forget already that THIS MORNING you admitted to the SAME PUBLICATION in response to the Haggis letter that you have “never denied” that you provide content for the “anonymous” smear websites?
Desperately craving attention, his self-serving “open letter” is a transparent plug for an upcoming film still lacking U.S. distribution — As above. I hope his anti-church of Scientology stance results in a flood of distributors lining up at his door. (Funny, how come Miscavige and his sockpuppets aren’t talking about how the careers of Kirstie Alley and John Travolta and Jenna Elfman have all gone in the toilet??). Who knows if this is even true, but if what the church seems to be claiming — that it is good for business for movie people to trash the church, you can expect a LOT of bad news coming up Dave.
… relies on a small collection of unemployed bloggers living on the fringe of the Internet who are obsessed with spinning myths about the Church — this interestingly is because he is “completely uninformed” even though he was on the cover of the church’s Celebrity magazine. But again, the illogic slaps one in the face. Haggis is unreliable because he knows nothing. The people they cannot say that about (ie the unemployed bloggers on the fringe of the internet — myself “Exhibit 1” presumably) are unreliable because… well, just because. No, because we are obsessed with spinning myths. Hmmmm. So you either do know and just lie or you know nothing. It’s the black and white world of Miscavige PR spin….
…has chosen to align himself with a small posse of lunatics with arrest records — Hmmm, I miss out on this one. Though its not from lack of the church trying. They have filed I dont know how many complaints asking to have me arrested. But funnily enough, I have not been in touch with Paul Haggis for over a year — not until the church responded to his letter today. And I know Tony Ortega has not been in touch with him. Maybe Tony has an arrest record from when he was in college or for protesting against human rights abuses or something. I don’t think so, but by this standard, Gandhi would not meet the Miscavige requirements as a reliable source. Update: Tony Ortega has confirmed he has never been arrested, has never defaulted a loan, never been sued and has no tax liens…. Why am I surprised? I guess they weren’t talking about us….
Mr. Miscavige, following in the footsteps of our Founder, L. Ron Hubbard, the Church is enjoying tremendous expansion as shown in our 37 new Churches opening –– Now let me ask WHO it is that is trying to insert themselves into the media to get some publicity??? Surely “Mr. Miscavige” isnt going to try to get a plug for HIS 37 “new” churches AGAIN?? But he has a new twist — he is now “following in the footsteps” of “our founder”. Oh come on. Can anyone reading this imagine writing this ABOUT HIMSELF!!!
It sucks to be Miscavige…. Really.
The demise of Scientology is inevitable.
I deeply respect those that are freeing themselves from this miasma of thought control and abuse.
As a former Jehovah’s Witness I am very familiar with the process of freeing yourself from a group that insinuates itself into every aspect of your life both personal and financial.
Best wishes to all survivors .
That letter would be gold for a late night comedian like Letterman. Perhaps he can invite Pouw to the show, or perhaps he can stage a “What’s My Line?” skit with a Pouw/Miscavige look alike. At any rate, either Pouw is so desperate to keep out of the hole she has given up all pretense of reality,, or she truly has lost it.
Question? If Paul wasn’t active for 30 years (let’s say, if that’s true), why didn’t anyone notice and take care to make sure he was getting wins and gains? Why, because before he exploded in the last few years that he was involved, he was “just” a screenwriter with some misc credits (as far as CC was concerned) and was “never going to make it anyway” so why bother putting any additional beans into him? Why take any extra time and attention to make sure he was winning? He wasn’t anybody big.
This is why I always tell people to be nice to everyone in Hollywood (or anywhere). You never know what’s going to happen.
But this also reminds me of Michael Fairman. Apparently, he hadn’t gotten any auditing for almost a decade, even though he was in the films and flowing DM power through his talents, Good job, thanks a lot. But, when he got tired of not getting what he needed back out of it and went to an outside auditor, man, did they pay attention then. Whoosh! Straight to his house with a declare. I hope you don’t mind my telling your story out of turn, Michael. 🙂
CC has certain people in it who won’t give you the time of day if you’re not already big. As a matter of fact, one or two might actually tell you that you’ll never make it in your art, so you’re wasting your time so you need to come in the SP (oops, I meant SO) now. “Right now. No matter if you have roles and contracts, just come in now.” Disgusting that people who were trusted by Yvonne Jenszch to protect, care for and nurture the artists are betraying them.
Maybe the Cof$ (read David Miscavige) needs to look up the word “natter”.
As for Paul Haggis having been inactive for 3 decades, didn’t someone on here post that he was once on the cover of Celebrity? If correct, then that would have been – what? 30 years ago, when he was active?
Seems he was Patron in 2006 – forking over the dough is inactive, Dave?
As reported in Impact mag:
Great point! The response is pure natter! All generalities, no specifics! They might as well have issued a statement like this: “Paul Haggis is a funky horse.”
Interesting study material for a demonstration of the criminal mind (accusing others of what the criminal is doing himself):
status-obsessed: yes, the church is
exploiting … a…. connection … to grab headlines: yepp, that’s the church’s celeb strategy
statements… that are… delusional and border on paranoia: yes, the church does that
Desperately craving attention…: check
self-serving “open letter” – yes, the church just wrote one
If Mr. Haggis was as successful…: accusing him of his “PR” success not being real? hm, does that behaviour remind you of any person or organization…?
Mr. Haggis was an inactive Scientologist for more than 30 years: but the other MILLIONS are ALL active. On the “millions of scientologists” stat we count the book buyers we couldn’t reach for 30 years as active, but the guy who was IN for 30 years… we count him as inactive.
Paul Haggis has no first-hand knowledge about the Church of Scientology: so you are saying that it’s impossible for a “simple celebrity public” to have inside knowledge, because the church keeps its internal workings strictly under wraps with confidentiality agreements and whatever else is needed to hide their real agenda? Got it.
living on the fringe of the Internet: – look at the church’s website only gets a spike in visitors whenever there is a scandal of another celebrity leaving. This blog has about the same reach as the OFFICIAL Scientology website. But this blog has NO advertising and the church constantly advertises its website to get more visitors. So if this blog is “on the fringe”, then how do you define those who can only reach “fringe level” by spending big budget advertising money?
obsessed with spinning myths about the Church: you talking about Miscavige? Sherman…?
has chosen to align himself with a small posse of lunatics with arrest records…: you referring to the government infiltration case where church staff and “volunteers” did jail time?
being secretly on the payroll of…: attorneys? PIs? “Who is…” bloggers? squirrel busters? real estate buyers? yes, we know there are a LOT of people secretly on the church’s payroll.
outright lying: the church would NEVER do that, would they
And the last paragraph… that definitely ISN’T a self-plug they are accusing Paul of doing…
Accusations speak loudly: “Mr. Haggis was an inactive Scientologist for more than 30 years”
Hm… I wonder… has the Church actively done Scientology in the last 30 years? Have church staff/officials received Scientology in the last 30 years?
I’d bet the first edit started with” Paul is smelly and has cooties and never let me play with his statues”
From what I read, more and more I’m being convinced that the Dwarf has actually given up all hope on the Church’s Div 6, and could care less what raw public potential Scientologists think of him or the Church, and that all of his communications, programs, plans, projects etc, have as their actual underlying, unstated purpose the preventing of shrinkage of Div 2 shrinkage for the duration of his immediate life. I think he figures that, given all his money, he can bluff it out somehow for another 30 years, blame all the SPs who can’t deal with the Church’s “expansion”, and die or retire a martyr.
I’m also being convinced he has a few individuals close to him, be they OSA, SO or wog or a combination thereof, who are being so extremely well paid by him (under the table, of course) that they will never leave him. My opinion.
Izzys Son, Are you the son of Izzy Chait? If so, tell us your story. How did Izzy Chait take it when you left?
Pathetic attempts to discredit Paul Haggis follow earlier failed attempts to discredit Jason Beghe, Lawrence Wright, Debbie Cook, Janet Reitman, John Sweeney, Tobin & Childs… god, the list goes on and on!
There has been a MOUNTAIN, an avalanche of VERY LEGITIMATE, data-driven criticism and whistle blowing of Miscavige’s ever shrinking Hermit Kingdom!
When will the Feds wake up?
Good points Joe. I’ve wondered in the past why the FBI wasn’t investigating this out of control group and all its many breeches of the law right here on US soil, re: things like the “hole” and the child labor, forced abortions, money extortions and payoffs, fraud, family destructions, etc.. Now I see one likely reason the FBI could be sitting on their hands. Why should the FBI expend time, money and effort on a group that is doing itself “in” faster than any FBI investigation could hope for. Save the time and money of all the legal efforts and manpower, save any chance of the “martyrdom” syndrome (for the CO$ – i.e. claiming being attacked by government which could bring new life to it by those who support anything that is opposed to government). They can just sit back and watch as the little dictator fires his pea-shooter straight down and vertical to his feet, having long ago cleared the path with previous shootings of other body parts.
Listening to the video against Haggis by Miscavige’s “directorial talents” (perhaps he could hire Haggis to show him how to make better film and scripts) was sad and pathetic. Tone level of sarcasm at its highest, not one ounce of decency reflected. I cannot imagine any other group or religion than an “out-of-touch in the bubble” cult such as this one, that would not see how ridiculous this comes across..
Dear Mike,
It’s no wonder you rose to high levels within the CoS. You are articulate and intelligent. I enjoy reading your analysis of all things Scientology.
The fair-gaming that is happening to you now is despicable. I wish you and your family happiness and prosperity. I have no doubt that you will create an Ideal Home for your family.
I was thinking Thomas Davis was the original loud mouth pushing Paul & Leah to examine why they put up with Scientology’s ongoing criminal activity for as long as they did. Many more Hollywood celebrities are likely to follow. If your trying to get a job in TV or the movies, having a Scientology tattoo on your ass is not good for one’s resume.
I think it was on Marty’s blog I first saw the word “footbullet.” And here the CoS goes again. Do these INCREDIBLY stupid people, who are WHOLLY incompetent in the field of PR have ANY conception of how this response to Haggis will play in the Hollywood community/entertainment industry?
Travolta and Cruise must be absolutely cringing upon reading this, probably dreading their next encounter with a director like Spielberg (who is too much of a gentleman I would guess to even mention the Haggis affair) just knowing what he must be thinking. No one in the entertainment industry who has ANY sense or is in their right mind would now even consider for a moment getting involved with this group. Not just for the general nuttiness and shit PR which continues to be revealed week by week, but in now knowing exactly what will happen to them if they DID get involved with in this loony bin of a “church” and then wanted to leave.
But the CoS just continues on with their absolutely MORONIC attempts at public dead agenting, which not only does NOT dead agent their targets, but actually makes SCIENTOLOGY look insane (this technique only works on CoS members, who are so thought controlled and mind numb, that they will believe anything that comes from der fuhrer’s bunker).
Keep doing what you’re doing CoS. There is nobody on the planet who works harder at destroying the church of scientology more than the church of scientology itself. And ironically, LRH explained the mechanism. Commit enough and terrible overts and an individual or group will remove itself from the scene so as not to commit more. If I still identified myself as a scientologist, I might be too embarrassed to show my face and admit I was still in any way allied with this bunch of robotic idiots. Of course, thankfully, this is not the case with me.
Nailed it, Joe.
I know what at least some producers and directors think. Mention Scientology and they just shake their heads and laugh.
Had to laugh though. Reading that sheit written by the cult. Can they not be more succinct and original. I’ read some of their filth on “who is ” sites and it makes me feel positively sick that ” this ethic” group are so vile. As for Paul Haggis and Leah. Bravo. That is ethics. That is human kindness, honesty, integrity. I’m pleased he not only phoned her to show his support but also wrote this open letter so the whole world will know what a great person she is, and what a fantastic family she has. That says a lot. Where are Dwarf s family?
Hahahahahahaha greaaattttttt ………..Only 3 words for the church statement
Stupid Stupid Church
More, all over yahoo from page:
And of course, every time the Church issues a statements now, there are HUNDREDS of comments underneath from spectators all over the world adding negative comments about Scientology.
Creating far worse P.R.! What your donations buy under Miscavige! He gets the donations for the IAS then creates the wars that need to be fought! This is what happens when you are a total control freak! And a little kid in a man’s body with lots of toy soldiers to play with!
Spreading all over the front of Yahoo:
Church of Scientology in a cat fight with one of it’s customers.
Laughter! O.K., It has gotten to the point of comedy. Paul Haggis must be laughing to tears. I don’t think I can take this seriously anymore.
While the church considers this type of communication to be dead agent information, it is far more telling about church management; their level of responsibility, their handling of truth and ethic level. To say their statements are delusional does not begin to describe their collective mental state.
I’ve always known the church had created a bubble for its members, which I could almost justify in an effort to get people up the Bridge. But, when they step outside the bubble and open their mouths…good Gawd. This is really becoming The Truman Show.
Based on their baseless attacks on Haggis and others, we have gleamed that:
The Church of Scientology is run by a “small posse of lunatics”, who “outright lie”; they are “self-serving” and “status-obsessed”; they will “exploit their connections to grab headlines”; they are “delusional” and “bordering on paranoia”; they are “disingenuous”.
Just so, Statpush!
It’s all for the best. The entire world , and most importantly, all of Hollywood, can see for themselves now how the Church Fair Games celebrities when they don’t tow the line. Are you getting this Tom Cruise? Who the hell is going to want to go into CC Int now?
I think Miscavige or Scientology Inc and/or both have developed a serious case of Alzheimer’s.
One small, sore outpoint in their response:
His statement that the organization anonymously comments negatively about those who leave the Church is delusional and borders on paranoia.
As for Paul Haggis’ real story, see profile-the-many-personas-of-paul-haggis.html. [Link doesn’t work]
Link worked for me but only showed a video.
I just copied the “[Link doesn’t work]” bit with the text from the article to show to all and sundry that I was quoting source faithfully 😉
Wow. This reads like a low class, gossipy, tabloid. It’s so 1.1, I wonder who the little bitch was that wrote it. :O
Ugh! between 9:02pm and 11:12pm, got 9 emails entitled United for Valley Ideal! If I did this to my customers…It’s email abuse! Spam. Titles of emails: Hear from Humanitarians, Why I donate – From Aaron Gluck, Even Another Alumni!!!, Another Vanguard! They just keep going!!!,Building Expansion Director International at OTC!!!, 2 Statuses! Jeff & Kelley Pomerantz!!!, Britni is the newest Supporter! (little girl), Even more statuses!, Another new status!!!.
No emails about Auditors Made, Books sold or Clears made. Nope
Pinch me. I need to wake up from this nightmare! Oops, forgot I already did! Whew!
David Miscavige is using cancer patients to stalk harrass and engage in domestic terrorism on women.
He is also in an out 2D, which started all of this in the first place. If he hadn’t stuffed his wife in a tomb and set off to party hardy and get his butt rubbed in public at a wedding party in Italy, Leah would be on course right now and signing autographs at CC Int.
Katie Holmes wrote a K,R. on Leah for “spoiling the wedding” ? Then she waits until Tom halfway across the planet and files for divorce? Has David filed a “waste report” on that?
I just cannot stop laughing. This is the funniest statement I have ever read.
Also excerpted quotes from Hollywoodreporter,
‘…I was working on a film about Martin Luther King Jr. at that moment and made the polite suggestion that even great leaders like Dr. King were human and fallible. Two of the senior church leaders leapt to their feet and shouted at me, “How dare you compare a great man like David Miscavige to Martin Luther King!”…’ — Paul Haggis
This is amazing but sad.
Arrest records? Why did they have to drag DM’s sister into this?
LMAO Oracle! Good one!
Haha! I hate to laugh at DM’s sister’s misfortune for being born his twin and having to put up with his suppression all these years but it is what it is. Why doesn’t he spend some money to get her cleaned up and in a better place than managing drug addicts somewhere in Florida?
Yes, How about we clean out own closets before we go poking our noses into others’, little man?
If you had taken responsibility for your sis a long time ago when nobody was documenting it for posterity, you might not be looking at her mug shot in the morning paper these days. Yes, karma’s a bitch, DM, and that bitch is barking and snarling at your heels.
David Miscaviage is a laughingstock and making a mockery of Scientology….IMHO
Could not agree more, Donna!
Why can we not get rid of this mother f****r yet? I wish David Miscaviage could be subpoenaed again and we got to see video of this c*********s testimony under oath. What a f***** piece of S****.
Sorry for so many swear words, but i really hate this m**********r
To any average Joe, the two responses read like this: Paul Haggis – Class Act. Church of Scientology (Miscavige, Pouw, or whoever wrote that garbage) – Fucking nut cases.
Paul Haggis’s open letter is brimming with class. He places himself in the background and compliments Leah. Paul Haggis is self-deprecating and complimentary of others. There’s just no other word for it but Class.
The response by Pouw, which we all damn well know was penned by none other than He Who Must Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige, comes across as a delusional diatribe by a bitter déclassé asshole. *That* is what the public sees, and *that* is why this “church” can’t “drive new public into the Orgs in droves.”
Sorry, I’m just not as good as Haggis so I come across as vulgar, but fuck it it’s the truth.
Can you imagine Jim Carey disconnecting from anyone because of a cult?
dm is dumber than the Water-boy.
“His statement that the organization anonymously comments negatively about those who leave the Church is delusional and borders on paranoia – Really? Come now. Did you forget already that THIS MORNING you admitted to the SAME PUBLICATION in response to the Haggis letter that you have “never denied” that you provide content for the “anonymous” smear websites?” EXACTLY Mike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How friggin dumb are these morons??
Their lies are starting to catch up to them.
I also want to say that what Paul wrote about Leah was so sweet. I got the impression that both Paul and Leah must be really great people. I knew Leah’s Mom Vicki back in the 80’s. May have met Leah too, but this was way before stardom. She was just a kid.
Not that Paul Haggis needs any defense, but his movie “Third Person” is in post production and stars: Olivia Wild, James Franco, Mila Kunis, Liam Neeson, Adrien Brody and Kim Basinger. He is the Director and wrote the Screenplay.
Yep, looks like he’s on the way out.
And ya know what, I’m not embarrassed for the Church. Guess I’m flat on it. LOL
Yeah, a screenwriter/director with multiple Oscars is just a bum in the wilderness. Not nearly in the class of the movie geniuses who wrote and directed that great masterpiece of film making “Battlefield Earth.” And please do not even suggest his work is even in the same league with LRH’s OT3 screenplay, which Ron couldn’t sell or get made no matter HOW strong his “OT postulates” were (eventually LRH had to settle for making his major directing debut with “The Secret of Flag Results”, which most movie buffs place second only to “Citizen Kane” in movie making annals). And Orson Welles didn’t offload and trash one of the major actors in his film as Ron did with David Mayo. But then again, Welles wasn’t Clear like LRH.
#1 They keep trying to trash the career of Paul Haggis. They look like idiots. Crash, Million Dollar Baby, Casino Royale. Oscar winner. Most people will stop reading their garbage at that point realizing that they are spewing bullshit. They are the tabloid.
#2 Paul Haggis – “status obsessed????????????????????” overts doth speak loudly…. The CHURCH is status obsessed!! Just got my Impact in the mail, thank you. Another new category Silver meritorious with honors which they explain is in between something and another something with the bigger trophy, I guess. Yawn.
#3 And Of course (according to the church), like the rest of us Paul Haggis knows nothing about the Church. (And Marty was never an important exec either and nobody escaped they were all fired!)
4. “Desperately craving attention, his self-serving “open letter” is a transparent plug for an upcoming film …” Paul Haggis never mentioned the film in the open letter. Hell of a way to promote!
5. Alas, I too have no arrest record.
6. And the Church writes “As to the true story of Scientology…37 new churches.” Excuse me. Did I miss something. When is a renovation or a new building a new Church? And they have the nerve to use the word True in connection to this statement. My head may explode.
However I am very proud to be part of the LUNATIC FRINGE
Trying to post video:
Lunatic Fringe
“Status-obsessed” screenwriter?
Here is the first question you will always be asked by an IAS registrar and repeatedly within the orgs:
What is your status?
Bullshit like this is reason enough for me to not associate myself with the Church of Scientology any longer.
And I love Paul Haggis movies.
To be fair, TCs “Jack Reacher” was a good movie, too. “Oblivion” was crap.
I only saw Crash. I thought it was brilliant. In addition to the 2 Oscars, he’s won 3 emmys & about 31 other awards from around the world. Plus many nominations, including Oscar nominations. As I recall, the who is paul haggis web site portrayed him as rather a failure and didn’t mention his Oscars.
Right, Sophia13, and how many Oscars and nominations have Tom Cruise and Kirstie Alley won? And if the Church can lie by omission so blatantly about Paul Haggis’ s Oscars and achievements, imagine the hatchet job it would do on the career, reputation and personal lives of these two! No wonder they cower.
TC and KA, take this advice and buy up some “who is” domains for yourselves while you still can. Some day the fair game bell that’s tolling for Leah Remini could be for one or both of you. Could happen, y’know? In the meantime, enjoy your “freedom” and “status”.
The statement issued by the COS is just a demonstration of how they inferfere in people’s lives; sticking thieir nose in where it’s not asked for or wanted. Paul Haggis’ open letter was a communication written to Leah, was about his relationship and experiences with Leah and made available for all to read if they want. It was his way of publicly supporting her and shows he’s compassionate. Paul’s letter was not to the COS and it’s pretty clear he wouldn’t even want to communicate with them anyway.
As usual, the CO$ thinks everything is all about them: Masters of the Universe.
Good point, Pepper. The church gives a “response” to a letter that was not addressed to them!
It is an embarrassment.
I cringe.
I understand why even true blue kool aid drinkers remove any mention of Scientology from their web sites…
Even the biggest whale Bob Duggan completely avoids on all his personal and business websites any mention of the word “Scientology.”
I had to grab an airline sickness bag for the following line:
“How dare you compare a great man like David Miscavige to Martin Luther King!”
MLK isn’t really an individual of comparable magnitude because he never considered himself a great man and wasn’t a megalomanic psychotic sociopath claiming to be a “religious leader”.
You could only compare Dave to say Jim Jones, Charles Manson, maybe Werner Erhard, Robert DeGrimston or Anthony LaVey and other such two bit gurus.
You left out the man who started all this in the first place.
Yes, compare Dave to Jim Jones, Charles Manson, maybe Werner Erhard, Robert DeGrimston or Anthony LaVey, Adolph Hitler, and other such two bit gurus.
Hey, What about all of these Martin Luther King Boulevards in every city, and Martin Luther King holiday?
Can you see just it? “Turn left on David Miscavige Boulevard”. “The banks are closed to day for David Miscavige Day.”
Why the hell isn’t Karen Pouw in Washington arranging L. Ron Hubbard Day instead of getting in cat fights with Hollywood luminaries? Honestly, the “P.R.” statements issued from the Church these days sound more like testimony from X wives in court records!
I think this is the beginning of the end. The people around Miscavige are absolutely paralyzed. There is NO way for them to put his ethics in. When anyone from the outside tries, when anyone from outside tries to put his ethics in, as you see with Leah, the staff react like his reactive mind, and attack the only people willing to put his ethics in. How can they “put ethics in on the planet” when they can’t put ethics in on ONE simple staff member? He has is rigged so nobody can put his ethics in. He is in charge of all the bank accounts, real estate, assets, sole dictator. The Church management isn’t even supposed to have a dictator. He has violated every fiduciary trust as Chairman of the Board. He is on a motivator flow so huge people are getting sucked into it that would rather be doing something else.
I don’t care about his out ethics anymore. It is so blatant it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know exactly what he is up to. Louis Farrakhan has more power and good will and security than David Miscavige. All the new people coming in are coming under his wings. The Nation of Islam is accepted and supported planet wide and the last P.R. flap they had was in 1965. They are more civilized than Scientologists.
To paraphrase one of my favorite lines from Drew Carey “They’re pathetisad”. All this venomous trash does is reinforce the fact that they’re a sad little hate group along the lines of Westboro Baptist Church. Picketing funerals can’t be too far off.
Dwarf Midget is pathetic. Truly pathetic. The end is so assured in the eye of the public world with this nonsense that they continue to insist on driveling out. One wonders how Dwarf Midget thinks anyone will believe the crap he continues to spew in endlessly copious amounts.. Then one realizes the delusional world that Dwarf Midget lives in, where everyone surrounding him believes his BS no matter how outrageous, and one realizes that he TRULY believes that the rest of the world will do the same.
No one in the Cof$ is ever going to stand up to Dwarf Midget. But in the real world, he’s already a joke and one can only wonder just how much longer before the men with the badges and the handcuffs show up. OSA goons take note. You are on the payroll and you WILL be in the lineup when the sh!t hits the fan. Something to think about. The clock is ticking.
You said, “One wonders how Dwarf Midget thinks anyone will believe the crap he continues to spew in endless copious amounts…”
His comm is addressed only to those who are in and drinking deep of the KoolAid, and he not only expects but KNOWS that these people will believe him. And these people DO believe him.
I personally know 3 people in and they are perfectly comfortable with their beloved COB’s explanation that the SPs are attacking Scientology so vociferously because the Church is expanding so rapidly. This makes perfect sense to them, and is, to them, PROOF of expansion!! Of course, THEIR org is not expanding at all, quite the contrary, but the “evidence” (read, what they hear at Int Events), plus the expansion of square footage, plus the CONTINUAL REPETITION with no equivocation of the assertion of the fact of amazing expansion, is more than proof enough for them. And these are highly auditor trained, admin trained and ethics trained and intelligent individuals. They are also caring, helpful and honest, who are themselves worthy of trust. To them, entertaining even the possibility that their beloved, trusted COB would LIE to them about the expansion of Scientology which is the only hope of mankind – well, its just unthinkable, that’s all. They are just too honest and straight themselves to conceive of this level of dishonesty in their leader. The lie is just too big, too outrageous, too evil, for it to be even remotely possible.
Now, I relate here my direct experience with and knowledge of 3 people who are in. They may or may not be typical of the “in” majority, but I think they are. That’s my opinion though.
Wow. Thanks for that info. Really informative.
I hear you. It is sad that the Kool Aid drinkers are so stuck in delusion that they cannot see the contrary facts for themselves. Their orgs are empty, devoid of new public and the on-lines public becoming fewer and fewer. It’s a huge win for an org to sell a few books or get even one person onto a Purif, yet somehow Scientology is “expanding bigger and better than ever”. And they continue gazing in rapt admiration at this guy who is literally destroying the Church from within and they say “Oh he’s so great”.
Fortunately, while I know some of these enthralled Kool Aid drinkers myself, i also know that some within are waking up from the fog. They are seeing responses like what Dwarf Midget posted yesterday and they shake their heads and wonder what the hell are OSA and Dwarf Midget doing put out that kind of alienating, psychotic garbage. Not everyone inside is still fooled. Not by a long shot.
Dave, your the best!!!!
Oh yea, go fuck yourself as well.
Don’t worry. David Miscavige is right now arranging for Kirstie Alley to lead a “hate in” where the remaining Scientologist celebs will band together and express their hatred for Leah Remini, Academy Award winner Paul Haggis, Lisa Marie Presely, Katie Holmes, Academy award winner Nicole Kidman, Jason Beghe, Michael Fairman and all the other celebrities and VIPs that don’t believe in breaking up families in a good cause. This “express yourself” hate-fest will allow Scientology celebs to show their dedication to David Miscavige and their eternal support for his iron fisted disconnection policy. There will also be a swearing in ceremony where celebs will swear to disconnect from Paul Haggis not only this lifetime, but every other lifetime for all eternity. David Miscavige will preside over the swearing in ceremony and all attending will become know as Maximus Disconnectus Vainglorius assholes. Opps. Freudian slip there at the end.
Aside from the few facts (Paul left in 2009, etc) everything he says about Paul is about him (status obsessed, delusional, self serving, etc)
Meanwhile the abuse that Paul and Leah protested carries on.
Real story Dave?
You cannot be this evil and this stupid without your third act being monumentally painful.
Come on Church member Celebs! Your dear leader needs you more than ever to come to his defense – What’s the matter, LOST YOUR VOICE?
Too Bad the IAS Billion Dollar War Chest can’t buy some intelligent and coherent PR for Miscavige’s self propelled shit storm of bad news about now!
What’s the matter Dave? – I thought money could buy anything!
of course you know Mike,
this response from the church is all intended for the still in public who do not read the news or internet nor can freely communicate to anybody regardless of their bridge status. LOL
shatter suppression, you know.
So aside from Mike already saying all the things I was thinking of this absurd response from the church that only makes it look even more out of touch with everyone else on this planet…I just want to say…As a blogger here and there, I AM employed! 🙂
Well, you are not invited to the “Fringe Bloggers And Myth Mongers” club then Bela. Sorry….
But maybe you could get yourself arrested and we might reconsider…
OK, I’ll work on it, Mike! I hate being left out. 🙂
I could wander downtown and ask one of the nice policemen to arrest me…but they’d wonder what the heck for. *sigh* you just can’t win for tryin I guess.
I owe some back taxes and I watch Fringe, can I join?
🙂 Shoot ! I’m out-qual ‘ed also, but no worries, I’m off to to do a little shoplifting.
Rich, Mike! You’re good!
Hey, I want to be a Fringe Blogger and Myth Monger too. Please, please please.
The only “Expansion” Miscavige is,,,NOT ENJOYING is the ever expanding pressure in his oversized head about now.
The Church’s incompetence is delicious to behold. But I feel sadness, too. Statements like these reveal how the Church brutalizes its declared public, disconnects family members, and imprisons and silences staff. Over the years, the Church has interrupted literally tens of thousands of lives and wasted literally millions of years of life. Those are some actual straight up and vertical stats that are not fake.
The CoS will die a death of degradation. This letter gives reason to assume we are almost there.
The questions I have: is it actually possible to go any lower in rationality and sanity, as shown in this letter?
They sound off like morons.
Gerhard — I am afraid there is no bottoming out on stupidity. Every time I think they could NOT get stupider, they manage to prove the law in the previous sentence.
And did you notice in sock puppet Karin Pouw’s rebuttal, that she (read David Miscavage) added another line to their already over used trite and hackneyed and overused line of “We are expanding and have 37 new Ideal Orgs opening….” They added this to the usual, “…many new parishioners joining their congregations.”
That one line is proof to me that DM and his OSA Bots and Trolls DO read Mike and Marty’s blogs every day and that they are worried about what is said here. They put in their rebuttal, ” many new parishioners are joining the congregations of the 37 new orgs” etc because they know we have nailed them again and again on the outpoint of Idle Orgs being empty and devoid of public. Just because Karin and Davey say there are many new parishioners doesn’t mean that it’s true. It’s false. In fact, just prove it to yourself and walk into any Idle Org and do a head count at many different times of day.
I believe it is also denial to the extreme. They will be ‘winning the war’ until their final hour.
+1, YES Dollar, they will in their denial dub in minds, think they are winning right up to the time DM is taken away in handcuffs or right up until the time he goes missing when he blows with his money to some off shore banking place where he has all the officials in his pocket from bribes.
What a lot of empty gumption the Cof$ has. Can they not hear themselves? Maybe they should read their “PR” statements out loud to each other before humiliating themselves with their self-contradictions and non-sequitur commentary.
No it’s perfect this way everyone can enjoy it! 🙂
Lol! It’s just a giant Comedy of Errors, ain’t it?
Actually, I have a fantasy that some minion of DM writes down his verbal diatribes (taking out all the terrible grammar, swear words and non-sequitur sentences), while secretly snickering to himself, and saying to DM “You’ve said it, sir! This will really put those cock suckers in their place! No one can say it like you do!”
Remember, when you do not any self criticism you are not able to criticize self. dm said that was the respond, and all the Co$ bots tell each other how smart he is.
Y’all need to stop talking about “them” and “they” and “their” in reference to this phsychologically unbalanced diatribe of a response. We all know it is not THEM and THEIR it is HIM and HIS stupidity. There is only one person behind that response, David Miscavige, and he would let no one else change a word of it or give him advice. It’s jaw droppingly bad, actually. Who is his audience? It may resonate with those who are still in, but what the heck are the still in folks doing reading this entheta? If his audience is us out here in the real world, that statement is a miserable, semi-humorous failure that makes the church look like a bunch of paranoid kooks. The man’s sociopathy and concomitant lack of empathy makes him unable to craft a statement that rings true, and he refuses to see his own weakness and depend on others to compensate for this glaring hole in his personality.
The same narcissistic egomania that totally misses the mark in this statement is the same narcissistic egomania that is causing the slow, inexorable and painful death spiral of Corporate Scientology.
The current response from the “church” sounds like the shriek of the alien, in the flick of the same name, being sucked out through that small hole and into the vacuum of space — all screech and no substance — a regurgitation of a regurgitation of lies. Don’t these people realize they have become a stale joke that has been told over and over. They are as dumb as a sack of doorknobs.
Me thinks doorknobs would protest at the comparison. :>)
Sacks too….