The “Cause Resurgence” Rundown is one of the greatest boondoggles scientology has ever foisted off as a “standard tech” “religious” service.
The Running Program, as it was originally called, was used to punish crew at Golden Era who were, in the estimation of Miscavige, performing poorly. “Run around a pole until you get your shit together.”
The first person to do it was David Mayo, when he had been declared a terrible squirrel. Hubbard ordered him to run around a tree at Gold “until he wore a trench in the ground”. He did so for weeks on end until he was physically spent. He escaped shortly thereafter.
There was a large circle of sand constructed on the property — you can see it in the picture above. I, and many others, spent a lot of time running around that tree. When this practice began being exposed in the media, Miscavige had the Running Program track at Gold bulldozed. “See, there’s nothing going on here officer. Never has been. Do you see any track they talk of?”
Hubbard claimed the “Running Program” was taken from “whole track” recall of a process “OT’s” had used to “straighten out their flows,” by circling a planet out in space for a long time.
Scientologists pay thousands of dollars to literally run around in a circle. That is ALL. Run in a circle. And the “supervision” is to tell you “Keep running.”
I have done this, as has almost anyone who was at the Int Base between the 80’s and 2007. This is the entirety of the “rundown.”
Miscavige decided he could make money from it. The top floor of the “Super Power” building was purposed as a “running track” with a lighted pole at its center, repackaged as a “Whole Track OT rundown” now called “Cause Resurgence” and sold as something exclusive, confidential and special, only available at Flag.
The sheeple show up for the “confidential” rundown and then announce their amazing “wins” as “OT’s” from running in circles.
Check out this one below from an “OT VIII” who thinks it is INTERESTING and wants to know what other “OT VIII’s” think?
Well, of course “this handled something never before handled — even by OT VIII”. That should tell you everything you need to know about the “wins” that person got from all the other services he took. Running around a pole dealt with something none of his other auditing did…. Sheesh.
The comments further down the thread are just as unreal.
And then there is this clown. One of the people they love to promote as a huge success. He has “completed” this 4 times. 4 times? Why? No stable gains?
This is as stupid as saying proudly, “I bought my car 4 times” or “I graduated high school 4x”. You really want to let everyone know? You have paid thousands of dollars 4 times to run around a pole? And you think that makes you look cool? Wow.
The Running Program highlights so much of what is so wrong about scientology.
It’s easy to grasp the concept of what a con this is when you consider that scientology can soak people for thousands, several times over, just for telling them to run around in circles by claiming this is “OT.” The other things one pays to do to achieve “OT” are no less ridiculous, they are just not as easy to grasp as they are done with the mind. This is literally an exercise in exercising you can do at the local YMCA… Or in a park by yourself. And at no charge.
Is it possible they’re experiencing a “runner’s high,” endocannabinoids natural rush and trying to attribute it to Scientology, when it’s purely physiological? Back in college, Psych 101 or thereabouts, we went over when humans experience something, they tend to look for an explanation. If they don’t understand all the facts, they create a reason from what they’ve got.
Example was, guy goes to a diner for breakfast. New waitress mixed up coffee pots, decaf and regular. Customer always gets decaf, but today he’s unknowingly, and accidentally, dosed with caffeine. His heart races, he’s nervous, looking for a reason, only thing new (he thinks) is the waitress. “I’m feeling this way because of her, I must be attracted to her.”
With the running, some, not all but some, could reach that place where a “runners high” kicks in. The body produces chemicals resulting in euphoria coupled with reduced anxiety and a lessened ability to feel pain. Interesting it may be, and free it’s available, but how many people would do that of their own accord given a choice?
They’re only there because it’s a rung on the ladder and they were coerced to pay a ridiculous amount for it I’m not doing it, even for free, even if endocannabinoids are waiting. If they’re not normally runners, not to the same extreme, slim chance they hit this state before. The credit would go to Scientology, because Scientology is there to claim it, however unwarranted.
Ding Ding Ding …
Fortunately, nowadays, in the eye of the general public Scientology is just another minor CULT robbing (legally) it’s members of their hard earned cash. Hopefully some day the IRS will grow the balls to tackle them. People like David Miscavige Master Conman can’t last forever.
I should also say that the reason (apart from David Miscavige’s stupidity) Scientology has no longer any credibility is due to the brave efforts and sacrifice of Mike Rinder and many others to expose the lies and crimes of the man who leads this cult; David Miscavige and his monstrous creation OSA.
They are shrinking by themselves
We are in post pandemic internet era and scientology still continue working in Sixties policy, 50 years under reality.
A simple and not too smart search in google can get you a refreshing and wise advice about what is going on in the cult.
No one will start a service or a course, not even being paid for so.
Its a matter of maybe 10 to 15 years
After that planet earth will be cleared of scientologists
You’ve Got Me Going In Circles……
Sorry Luther……………This brings back so many memories
Buddy of mine was doing it at Flag.
I saw him right after he was done for the day a few days in, all kitted up in the gym outfit they give, carrying the matching gym bag, looking like he’d just really given’her. Exhausted but happy.
I went, “holy fuck, it’s some run till ya drop thing”
It was only 2 grand, which for flag, is practically free. It’s Purif cost.
and you could do it “several times”
and the big win they were pushing was you could “discover the secret to how a thetan creates energy”
or some such thing.
I went, “it’s a fucking SECOND WIND” you run till you drop.
It all just hit me, watching him bend over his gym bag, no longer lamenting how the months long stints at Flag was making him all out of shape, and he was vaaaaaaaaaaaaain.
And being a good little Scio, I knew there was NO ONE I could share my “knowingness’ with.
It was a confidential rundown, and I was an OT with ReSpOnsiBiliTies
his superpower is running in a circle shitting gold bricks for scientology to pick up?
The BEST “win” is likely a “runner’s High”, and is about as delusional as it gets; hallucinations from over exhaustion, low blood sugar, or whatever. Losing weight is another expected result. Heat exhaustion is gonna claim many, and a few who shouldn’t be exercising so hard will suffer worse outcomes
Without belief, there is no “big win.”
All talk therapies reportedly produce similar results, despite differences in procedure (ref Dodo Bird Verdict).
What scientology sells is expectation (aka faith).
And Hub’s sci-fi conditioning facilitates a potent placebo effect.
In short, Scientology only “works” if you believe that it can.
Fear & Faith I (placebo effect)
Fear & Faith II (faith)
good summation of what I too think.
Add in the Dumbo magic feather effect and it’s a wrap.
In scn, ya gotta continue the process until you’ve HAD the required and known expectation/ EP. then ya gotta write up a “success Story”™ saying how great it was to experience the required End phenominon (EP), sealing the deal.
That’s what I think too. Thank you for the references.
At INCOMM in late ’83 or early ’84 we had a guy who did it. We were told it was a “Pilot Program.” After he came back I asked him how it was. He gave me this funny look; the expression on his face was priceless. He wanted to say *something* but being a good $cientologist he couldn’t.
Last I heard he’s still in too.
Heyyyyyyyyyy … who misses those “INCOMM Staff member weekly reports?……
The amount of micro-managing complexities INCOMM introduced with its routing forms and weekly reports like tax forms is truly something of note.
An episode or two of anything could be done just on the massive scale injection of tail-chasing paperwork introduced.
Any archival staff member reports about? The HCO reports were pretty thorough. Every effin week.
checksheets and routing forms and fine print paper bridges
little boxes made of ticky tacky…. scientology all day long.
If they really want to run and do some physical activity they can come and help me.
I’m renovating an old house and a fourth-floor house with no lift, with my wife and daughters constantly changing their minds about what it should be like.
In my opinion they can attest “total cause on all dynamics, forever”.
Is it like NASCAR and all left turns?
My personal goal for next year is to walk a 5K race. The best I do now is walking a four block circle, but it’s a start
I’ve found that I have little tolerance of stupidity these days. Hey, you’re running around in an effing circle! Anyone who buys into that deserves what they get—more stupid. Ironic, perhaps from someone who was a Scn stupid for almost 30 years. But like that victim of a witch’s curse, who claimed she turned him into a newt, “I got better.”
I had to laugh at Larry Jaffe’s wins on running around the pole. He said when the going gets tough he runs around it again as a refresher. If that is the case, all this running around the pole should have him slim and trim from the cardiovascular exercise. But he’s as fat as ever on all his websites.
The great Cause Resurgence Rundown!
I ended up exchanging comments with the Scientologist and castle owner John Mappin.
He had a Facebook comment denigrating Stephen Hawking as an ignorant fool and degraded being, because Hawking believes in something he doesn’t.
A swarm of Scientologists commented on the post and gave a wide variety of cruel and ignorant insults.
I remarked that the Scientology they were bragging about as real advanced technology didn’t add up.
I remarked that with all the alleged thousands and thousands of people who had “recalled” millions of hours of alleged “past lives” many of which were purported to have advanced technology but not one idea of advanced technology has ever been remembered!
I remarked that if the past lives were genuine then we would remember the technology and change the world with it!
John Mappin told me that Hubbard recalled advanced technology from the whole track to create the Cause Resurgence Rundown! He was quite happy to have that answer!
I of course told him that running around in circles is not advanced technology and he was shocked that I knew the “secret advanced technology” of Scientology!
He then blocked me on Facebook!
Just another example of scientologists who can’t confront squat, Mockingbird.
Mockingbird……as someone once said to me…..
I’m so glad you exist.
I thought OTIII’s were finished and had achieved the bestest, finaliest goal (until OT IX comes out or until davey can find a way to invalidate some of their bridge). What would EVER make them go do this when they’ve already achieved perfection?
Sheeple queuing up for their sheering.
Hey, what about that nifty track suit you get at Flag? Why it’s so OT and it only costs $47k (or some other magical number) and you get to do the purif again to get rid of all the ‘toxins’ you accumulated over the years! Be the first on your mOrg to get that nifty Track Suit!!!!!
Too hot to run in a track suit in the Florida sun (not that I’ve ever done that). You’d be better off running in $47K tee shirt and shorts
O/T. Frank Report — Review of IJCAM’s Scientology and NXIVM Comparison: The Eternal Commitment: Scientology’s Billion-Year Contract.
June 23, 2021
Paul Serran
Rafferty is as idiotic as his father Rick. He must have been given boatloads of $ as he hasn’t brains to make that much money himself.
He married into money. And is now lauded as a “successful businessman who is in Phase II.”
OSA tried to send Rick Pendery in as a plant on me. He was terribly bad at it….
Yes, the landed gentry are all in “Phase 2” as well. LOL
Rick was about as subtle as a bull 30 years ago. I’m sure he didn’t improve with age.
I bought an internet domain some years ago and decided to buy the .us one too, not knowing that it’s not possible to put privacy on a .us domain. Immediately I was bombarded day and night by a couple of call centers wanting me to buy SEO, website development services, and a raft of other site-stuff. In doing some digging, I discovered that the two “competing” companies were both owned by Pendery.
I decided to have fun with the poor call center kids when they would not stop calling me (even after a genuine threat of legal action). At first I would launch into a speech about Jehovah, but when that didn’t work I retaliated by ripping the sound from a hardcore porn clip and playing it to them when they called. After a month or so, the calls stopped.
….hmm.. “hardcore porn flicks”.
not a source I would have thought of. particularly that specifically.
(at first I was sitting here wondering if it was some techno sound track type reference..)
(“oh, my sweet summer child”)
I’m dead
Omg playing porn audio to them?! Genius.
An OTVIII can’t just fly around the pole? Pathetic.
Well, if there were told this is what they needed to do you would see numerous success stories attesting to the fact that they had done just that. And what amazing wins they had from just sitting there and flying around the pole “exterior with full perception”…
Tell a scientologist that it’s an “OT level” based on whole track recall to stand on your head and wiggle your nose for exactly 3 hours and 23 minutes in a room at exactly 63 degrees and then charged them for the privilege, keep it confidential and just watch them line up to pay and then announce the amazing “wins” when they finally manage the 3 hours and 23 minutes (it cannot be less than this as this is how long the upside down implant took that the 23rd Invader Forces instilled). Everyone will have a big breakthrough right at 3:23.
Hey Mike
You should start your own church.
The Rinder Toe Wiglers
The win: Being able to pick thing up off the floor using only your toes.
I’m game…. how much?
> And what amazing wins they had from just sitting there and flying around the pole “exterior with full perception”…
Incredible. Sign me up!!
Yes, it’s a classic twist on confirmation bias. Scientologists are conditioned to believe, or at least convincingly state, that they have achieved whatever the promised result is.
“Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one’s prior beliefs or values.”
I wonder what the end of scientology will look like. It seems like only a matter of time.
Will it just wither away and miscavige makes off with millions to some foreign country?
Or will some sort of justice be done and he winds up under some sort of litigation and jail time?
Just some thoughts that make me go “hmmmm”
SassMaster, THIS is what the end of scientology looks like. We’re seeing it in real time
Thank God!
Mike is it possible to do a squirrel version of this process and get some of the results? Occasionally I run around a running track when the weather cooperates, or sometimes I use the running track at the YMCA as you mentioned. So far I haven’t achieved any OT results that I am aware of. But I typically run around the track counterclockwise, did Hubbard specify that the correct technology was to run clockwise around the circle? And of course I don’t have anyone there to tell me to keep running when I get tired and feel like walking for a couple of minutes. Perhaps that is also contributing to my lack of results.
Thanks for any guidance you can provide
You should probably sit down and write a success story and you will discover you HAVE had wins. Major, life changing wins. If not, you will be declared NCG.
Otherwise the C/S has responded. “Thank you for your origination. Keep running. The way out is the way through.”
Actually yesterday while driving home from work and my car stopped in the middle of the road. I first assumed I had major engine problems then had a cognition that my gas gauge was off and I had run out of gas.
I called AAA they came and put gas in the gas tank the car started up verifying my cognition was correct. So yes I did have a major win after all.
It’s pretty stupid to run out of gas when the gas gauge is right in front of you. I don’t know if they still do it but years ago in LA they gave drivers a police ticket if they run out of gas on a freeway and tie up traffic.
Another dumb move is to drive without a spare tire or one that is deflated. Once a year I check my spare tire to make sure it’s inflated. Driving tires normally lose up to 2 pounds of air pressure per month.
I meant “you” in general. Doug gets a pass if his gas gauge was faulty – lol
Pretty sure you get results ONLY when you transfer large amounts of money to the CoS. Try it!!
Doug, In outer-space while circling a star there can be no counter-clockwise or its reverse. It depends on which “side” the observer is viewing from. As “thetans” have no physical form they have no left or right.
Most of what Hubturd spewed was internally inconsistent. Much less in alignment with actual reality… THAT should be a BIG hint.
Sitting in a sauna for hours injesting vitamins and niacin, running around a pole, talking to ashtrays, yep $ci sure has the tech.
Sounds just like the Sweat Out Program that came out back in the late 70s. All crew had to run around town and then go sit a sauna for 2.5 hours a day. Recall one member who did it and I guess got so tired she ran off into the bay and drowned. Not an accident, it was just her way out.
When I was stationed at Fort Benning I used to run miles a day as part of my weight control program. I didn’t feel good afterwards.
You probably needed to sit down write a success story. The wins would have become apparent if you had done that.
i’m not surprised. GA is HOT
Scientologists think Xenu dropped the H-bombs in the ocean because the vulcanic islands of Hawaii and Canary hadn,t grown up and made it above the surface.
Xenu picked in the reality other planets.
Clams think they were bombed by Xenu but the truth is that he dropped the H-bombs on other planets.
Clams thinking they are H3O are in the reality H2O.
“Run around the pole until you get your shit together.” I remember those words so clearly, Mike — as well as the hours running around that tree in the hot California desert sun. Glad to hear they bulldozed it, but I’m sure there’s much more they’re doing behind the scenes that’s equally as torturous. Argh.
Thanks Anne. Nice to hear from you here. As I noted, everyone who was at the Int base during that era knows all about the Running Program. Just imagine PAYING for it!
Right??? Craziness. “I want to pay thousands of dollars to be tortured by running around a tree.” Oh wait — paying for torture is ALL of Scientology. And it’s nice to be here.
You paid. You paid with your life and your family.
Anne or Mike, just to satisfy my curious mind could you guys give more specifics? For example how long people were expected to do this daily for how many days ? Was this supervised, was their either a personal trainer in attendance, medical staff etc
Was it a one size fits all approach ? Ie was a 80 year old expected to do the same program a 25 year old was ?
Did the nutrition meet the program? Obviously excessive demand put on the body creates stress whereby nutritional needs are altered.
This program might be good for Mikes AFL side – send Collingwood there, they might win a game after increasing their fitness !!!
You were just sent to do it ALL DAY. For as long as it took for Miscavige to cool off enough to need you back on post. Sometimes that could be an hour or two. Sometimes weeks. Everyone was expected to do the same thing.
There was a Running Pgm In Charge — for a while it was Clive Rabey’s father. He had no training other than reading the “advice” from LRH. And telling you to “keep running.”
No change in nutrition for those on the program. If you ended up being on it for more than a few days you got a good tan and lost a good deal of weight.
Thanks for your reply, seems like LRH copied methods of his era – this one being akin to military punishment from back in the day.
We would occasionally hear of people doing something multiple times by choice. I myself had said something like “I should do student hat every few years” or some such thing. In fact I did do it several times, not necessarily because I wanted to.
Not surprising to hear this coming from the cult built on repetition and not reputation.
O/T. Christian Scientologist Joy Villa is promoting Scientology front-group The Way To Happiness.
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