Our friend ISNOINews provided another interesting article that I felt was more important than being left as a comment on a disrelated topic.
This is a lengthy article by Alex Rubinstein on a recent event held in Washington DC that scientology participated in. Alex has some fairly extensive mentions of scientology in the article, which I have excerpted below. The entire article can be found at the link above.
Using a friend’s company on my application and adopting a fake persona, I attended a three-day summit on religious freedom where leading figures in the Democratic Party including Nancy Pelosi, USAID Director Samantha Power and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken joined up with anti-gay Evangelicals, a slew of shady NGOs and multiple bonafide cults to ratchet up pressure against China.
An enormous number of US government representatives — as well as foreign government representatives — were involved in the event including Nadine Maenza, Commissioner at United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, Senators James Lankford, Chris Coons, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, Director of the Office of International Religious Freedom Dan Nadel, Representatives Henry Cuellar, Chris Smith, Ro Khanna, Jim McGovern, Jennifer Wexton, Michael McCaul, former Congressman Frank Wolf, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, David Saperstein, Former Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, US Commission on International Religious Freedom Commissioners Nury Turkel and Anurima Bhargava, USAID Director Samantha Power, Rita Stephan, USAID Regional Coordinator for Religious & Ethnic Minorities, Adam Phillips, Director for Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships USAID, Melissa Rogers, executive director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, Pam Pryor, former Senior Bureau Official for International Organization Affairs at the State Department, former Secretary of States Mike Pompeo, current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and potentially more.
Among the exhibitor partners is the Campaign for Uyghurs and the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office.
The Church of Scientology has in the past formed a strategic alliance with the Christian far right under the belief that the ostensible fight for religious freedom could ultimately benefit their operations; the IRF Summit being the latest example. In country-specific reports from the US State Department, alleged discrimination against Scientologists is frequently cited. As Scientology is banned in countries like Russia and China, it has found common cause with its one-time enemy, the United States government.
Scientology was founded by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard and teaches to longtime adherents who have paid $3,000 for access to “esoteric” knowledge that humans are bonded to alien spirits called “Thetans” which were originally sent to Earth by an alien dictator named Xenu in order to deal with an overpopulation crisis. He then gathered them around volcanoes and killed them with hydrogen bombs. These “Thetans” are said to be the cause of human suffering and Scientologists are encouraged to “remember” the experiences of their Thetans during interrogations.
The book The Road to Xenu by a former adherent of the cult quotes L. Ron Hubbard’s handwritten notes: “The head of the Galactic Federation (76 planets around larger stars visible from here) (founded 95,000,000 years ago, very space opera) solved overpopulation (250 billion or so per planet, 178 billion on average) by mass implanting. He caused people to be brought to Teegeeack (Earth) and put an H-bomb on the principal volcanos (Incident II).”
To gain access to these writings, even longtime cult members are forced to undergo interrogation in an “ethics clearance” which employs the infamous electronic “E-meters” that measure electrodermal activity and are used for “spiritual purposes” by Scientologists. During the ethics clearance, those seeking access to the supposedly esoteric teachings of L. Ron Hubbard are asked questions ranging from “Have you ever had anything to do with Communism or been a Communist?’” to whether they have ever enslaved a population or committed genocide.
Former members of this cult have accused it of everything from forced abortion, brainwashing, human trafficking, child sexual abuse, mysterious deaths and disappearances and physical abuse.
In an attempt to give Scientologists free reign in defense of the cult, L. Ron Hubbard implemented the “fair game” policy, allowing enemies to be “deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist.”
Journalist and author of the book “The Bare Faced Messiah: The True Story of L. Ron Hubbard,” Russell Miller, was trailed by Scientologists while writing his book, had his home placed under surveillance, his phone tapped and his mail intercepted.
Aided by Freedom of Information Act Requests and leaked documents from former cult members, Miller unveiled an unflattering portrait of the organization’s founder.
In an effort to evade authorities and set up a safe haven for his cult, L. Ron Hubbard unsuccessfully attempted to flee to Rhodesia, apartheid era Zimbabwe. He also believed he was British imperialist and mining magnate Cecil Rhodes (from whom Rhodesia took its name) in a previous life. But Rhodesian authorities refused to renew Hubbard’s visa. Eventually, Hubbard purchased a fleet of ships and took to the seas, where his inner circle consisted of “messengers.”
These messengers were “little nymphets in hot pants and halter tops who ran errands for him and competed with each other to find ways of pleasing him. Eventually they helped him dress and undress, performed little domestic tasks like washing his hair and smearing rejuvenating cream on his fleshy features, and even followed him around with an ashtray to catch the falling ash from his cigarettes,” according to Miller’s biography. Those who got on Hubbard’s wrong side were confined in darkness in the chain locker and delivered food in a bucket. Hubbard ordered one man who dropped a bow-line to be thrown overboard.
At the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office booth inside the Ambassador’s Ballroom at the IRF Summit, I picked up a large amount of literature, most of which was branded under Youth for Human Rights, a front for the Church of Scientology. Another human rights front for the cult is called United For Human Rights, which owns the HumanRights.com domain name.
One booklet I obtained branded under Youth for Human Rights claims that the organization is “active in 197 countries & territories” and that 50,000 schools, institutions and groups use their education program. In a DVD I obtained from the booth it claims “at the UN’s Human Rights headquarters in Geneva the voices of tomorrow’s leaders are given a form at the International Youth for Human Rights Summit. Young delegates from 42 nations speak out for human rights.”
The DVD shows footage of the United Nations with a United for Human Rights banner prominently displayed overhead. The narrator claims that “Linking with every like-minded humanitarian organization plus every minority organization, Youth for Human Rights became an official voice of the Danish Human Rights Council.”
”Then there is Guatemala,” the narrator continues, “where the United for Human Rights curriculum rolled out to some 22,000 Guatemalan soldiers from the National Naval Academy to the Security Army Brigade and the Ministry of Defense and Guatemalan Army Command, all culminating in a permanent partnership to implement United for Human Rights on behalf of more than 1.5 million people.”
The DVD then shows footage of Youth for Human Rights’ public service announcements playing “on Argentinian trains, at Cape Town International Airport, an Athens soccer coach convention, St. Petersburg shopping center.”
This is the first part of an investigation into the IRF Summit. In the next article I will reveal more cults sponsoring the IRF Summit which given de-facto endorsement by high level leaders of the Democratic Party. The following piece will also discuss the various “breakout session” attacking China and expose the shady characters hosting them.
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Alex Rubinstein is an independent reporter on Substack. You can subscribe to get free articles from him delivered to your inbox here, and if you want to support his journalism, which is never put behind a paywall, you can give a one-time donation to him through PayPal here or sustain his reporting through Patreon here.
Scientology is willing to jump into bed with anyone on any cause if their presence allows them to hobnob or associate with people who have real credibility.
They absolutely do NOT believe in anything the Christian far right stands for (except perhaps their anti-gay stance). They also have a general antipathy towards Democratic politics (as Democrats support healthcare which includes funding mental health and welfare programs that “reward downstats” and larger government and higher taxes). But if they can get photos of themselves standing with leaders of any stripe or have their name associated with any organization that has more legitimacy than them (which is virtually anyone other than identified terrorist groups) they will do so every chance they get.
This is “Safe Pointing” and it is why the “National Affairs Office” exists.
I walked past the National Affairs Office in DC yesterday. It’s deader than a doornail.
ALL politicians lap up what they are fed if given a spoonful of campaign contributions to go with it. The Dem party tends to be pro commie China btw. As it is closer to their idea of an econ model.
There’s another thing Scientologists have in common with the Christian Fascist Right, and that is a fanatical loyalty to Donald Trump. Many of them believe the “Big Lie” and in the wackiest Qanon conspiracies. I know an OT8 who believes that Trump was secretly inaugurated this past March, and will be publicly reinstated this month. It’s not just this one OT8, it is a whole group of them that believes this. They are in constant communication with the latest Q “news”. Or, this may be so wacky that it is from a source other than Q. I’m not sure. Let me just go ahead and paste this partial email I got from an acquaintance who is in communication with one or two of these fools:
“According to them it’s over. Bidens, Pelosi and the Clintons all executed in a military tribunal early this year.
Look alike actors are playing the Bidens,
the Clintons, and Pelosi for now.
Yes this is what they are claiming.”
My acquaintance promises me that he is not kidding or exaggerating, and I do believe him. I also know the OT8 well enough to confirm the tendency towards insane thinking. I know one of the others personally and can confirm that he is also nucking futs. This is what going up the Bridge gets you: Pure fucking insanity. And, an apparent love of fascism.
And……..This particular OT8 was there at the DC insurrection “rally” on Jan. 6th with other Scientologist friends. I do not believe that any of them stormed inside the capitol, but they were there participating at any rate. Participating in treason by cheering on a fascist buffoon who wanted to be Dictator of the US, and then cheering on insurrectionists illegally assaulting the capitol building.
That’s a fine bunch you’ve got there Slappy.
The bad news for Slappy (COB, presumably?) is money donated to political causes is not money running through his fingers to be spent on his personal projects.
@LoneStar—Copy completely what you write here. A Still-In pal, a Clearwater resident, die-hard Flag public = fully onboard for Qanon. Insisted that I adopt these beliefs same, pronouncing them to me with such conviction, like she was describing something that is tangible to anyone, able to be easily understood and observed. (Background is engineering, so this person does have it in them to discern and see things factually and objectively.)
Respecting that Mike works very hard to keep this blog non-political, I backup what you say, the item about “fanatical loyalty to Donald Trump.” I encountered this fervent passion and CONVICTION for the guy so frequently (public, staff, Sea Org members), that I formulated a theory that some C of S folks believe or have been told that Hubbard has taken over the person of Donald Trump or is—with Trump’s willingness—transmitting his will through Donald Trump.
Sounds “out there” but does it not also sound like ANOTHER belief that a group of Scientologists would take on? My Flag pal calmly and methodically explained me—as one in the know (which she is as a Flag loyalist)—that in 2015, Donald Trump “was hand-chosen, very carefully chosen. He is so able, and he was looking for a new game, something planet-wide.”
It took me leaving the group and enough distance from all this tapestry of mind-foolery to put these pieces together. It is merely a theory. The theory is inspired, as well (and explains), by some of the stuff Scientologists post on the Facebook Scientology group page (over-the-top adherence to and worship of Donald Trump).
While I do not historically identify with any political party (so would have no axe to grind with Trump or any other candidate), this fanaticism among Scientologists for this one PARTICULAR candidate hit me on a gut level as inexplicable and WEIRD.
Interesting, Lone Star, that you mention the events of January 6 in the U.S. capital. I have wondered if there might be, among those individuals arrested, a card-carrying C of S member or two. So far, nothing reported, but history, as well as the present, shows what a person (or group) will do when they possess an indomitable conviction in their beliefs.
Thanks Peridot. Yes, I have wondered if some Scilons think that Hubbard “took over” Trump. It certainly fits. Trump and Hubbard after all are so alike in their narcissism, and of course criminality with monetary pursuits. And the fanatical devotion to him reminds me of the Hubbard devotion among cult members.
To Lone Star – It’s a headscratcher of note, that’s for sure, the elevation and worship.
Categorizing Republicans/Conservatives as Qanon sympathizers and Trump worshippers and Democrats/Liberals as sympathetic to radical BLM activists and antifa is media hype to encourage an Us vs. Them mentality. It’s easy to get sucked in and difficult to pull out.
It never ceases to amaze me how Scientology (like its founder, L. Con) can just claim the most outrageous and over the top accomplishments and statistics that are just complete fabricated lies. 20,000 active members get represented as millions, etc, etc, etc. The lies and BS is just never ending. Every country, organization, family and person needs to be aware of and on the watch for this covert and destructive social leech called Scientology.
Mark Twain said it – “There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.” Scamology excels at all three.
Mike — Thank you for posting this as a story.
I would like to suggest that Scientology and the Religious Right share one other belief and goal, and that is an extremely broad, and indeed surpassing, definition of Religious Freedom. A definition of Religious Freedom that preempts and supersedes: (1) all other rights (e.g., the separation of church and state, particularly in the areas of government grants and education; LGBT rights); and (2) government scrutiny and regulation.
In short, both Scientology and the Religious Right believe that they have Religious Freedom to do what they want without government interference or restraint.
I have the distinction of having produced the music track for youth for human rights music video UNITED.
What a horror show. Talk about ungrateful. I had them take it down from youtube as I control the publishing. Scientology is having a lot of trouble safe pointing any more. Thank you Mike, Thank you leah, thank you Tony and a host of writers, podcasters and bloggers.
Sorry, but bashing China is not a bad thing. I follow developments in China regularly. The CCP has literally gotten away with murder for far too long. I guess we have to pick our battles, and I’m not inclined to get on scientology, the Christian right or whomever for going after mainland China.
I understand and agree completely. I too am not inclined to get on Scientology, the Christian Right or whomever for going after mainland China. I abhor what the PRC is doing. I personally am particularly concerned about the Uyghurs.
I sent this story to Mike, and have previously noted similar items in the comments, only to point out Scientology’s efforts to safe point the federal government, and to form an alliance with the Religious Right.
I seem to recall a HCOPL that instructs Scientologists to find out what movement or policy people support, and then to get out in front. To be for whatever the people are for; to be against whatever the people are against. If my recollection of that policy is correct, then this alliance against China is an example of that policy in action.
Thanks for your comment. It’s a tricky issue. Yes, I know what scientology is up to, and I’d like to see it destroyed. But, what the CCP is doing now, genocidal policies against the Uyghurs, the Tibetans and the Mongolians, the organ harvesting, etc. etc. is worse. I think the best thing to do about scion’s new anti-China policy would be to ignore it, and not give them any traction.
good story to spot some light on.
And I am kind of assuming that the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology is far more interested in garnering a foothold for influence in Washington than in the plight of anyone in China..
Uhhh…..your own government has gotten away with murder for far too long as well. You are falling for the distraction on this China issue. You better be worrying about the future of the US because the fascist threat is still very real and large.
Yeah, I guess you do have to pick your battles. And your distractions.
Crap. You sound a lot like a CCP troll. This is the standard tu quoque fallacy that Chinese minions spout all the time. Because the U.S. has allegedly “gotten away with murder”. it’s okay for China to get away with genocide is what you’re saying. The U.S. is. a free country and any of its citizens are free to criticize it, your comment being a case in point. If a Chinese citizen dares to say the same things about their own government they’ll be silenced pretty quick.
Oh no! You figured me out. I am indeed a CCP troll. Doh! I just hate it when I get made!
One day……one day indeed we will take away your free speech USA!! Unless the Right wing Christofascists along with their allies in Scientology and the NOI beat us to it!
Have a nice day.
Mike’s blog is not the place for this sort of ad hominem nonsense. I do want to say something about your previous post, where you indulged in classic whataboutism and with accusations that the U.S. has “gotten away with murder.” There’s not a nation in the world that doesn’t have blood on its hands. If you want to discuss American transgressions, fine. But, let’s talk about China first, shall we, and addressed the questions I raised before we go on to the U.S.
Out of respect to Mike and others who share here, the flame war is over. I won’t respond to whatever else you want to throw at me. It’s not helpful for all the hard work Mike puts in here.
Mr. Rinder, I respectfully request that you delete my first reply to bixntram, his reply, my next reply, and then his final reply. I regret that I made the first reply to him. This issue with scientologists and their current fanaticism toward Trump and Q really pisses me off and sometimes I communicate before calming down. I apologize for stinking up your blog.
REALLY Lone Star? The Commies in China murdered 20 million citizens in one go (and even more over time) and you equate that with the US. You are criminally insane.
It’s good to see SOMEONE actually investigating the activities of one of scientology’s front groups. It’s nicely done, too. I wonder if any other than us is getting to see this.
Ya’ gotta hand it to them. They almost sound legit, even to me, who was there when they/we suddenly shifted to displaying Christian icons, doing the (laughable) “Minister’s course, and so forth. If there’s a definition of religion that includes scientology, it would have to include the KKK and Mafia, as well.
I did that Minister’s Course. It literally took me two days and I cynically went around calling myself a minister. Even in my brainwashed state I realised it was laughable – but I had to do it as a prerequisite to some other course.
This is why I find it so hard to align myself with any political party or group. There are just too many assholes in the mix … in sheep’s clothing.