Here are the comments people sent in yesterday about the state of scientology orgs in their local area.
If you have a minute and can contact your local org, I will add it to the update.
So far, everywhere seems to be closed except Flag (not sure about the other Advanced Orgs).
This is catastrophic for the scientology empire — the longer staff and public are away from the control mechanisms exerted on them in the bubble, and the more bored they get, the more likely it is they are going to come across something on the internet or TV that is going to start them down the rabbit hole of finding out the truth about scientology. Or merely the relief of not having to live under the constant pressure to “get your stats up” will be enough for some of the staff to decide they are simply not going back.
Questions from family, friends, work associates to known scientologists can start them down the slippery slope. If you know anyone involved in scientology, this would be the perfect time to drop some questions on them. Don’t be accusative, simply ask questions. “Came across Going Clear on HBO while looking for something to watch, I am curious whether you think the information from Hubbard’s wife is accurate?” That sort of thing…
Here are the comments posted about the org openings:
London Org:
We are going through some difficult and turbulent times and no doubt you all have your own stories at this time.
Throughout all this, no matter what you are running into, you need to know that the org and every staff member is fully available to you at this time.
We may not be physically in the building but we will be reaching out to you to make sure you are okay and to help you as much as we can.
You can also reach us either through the org reception which is being manned 24/7 for public enquiries or through any staff member that you know.
We will be sending out regular communications over the coming weeks to keep you inspired and to provide reassurance.
Much love,
The Team at London Org
Response from London org is that they are indeed closed. Asked for how long and was told they are following government directions and that they’d be open once they are permitted to be open per those guidelines.
I’m so glad I’m no longer there – I can only imagine the stress these people are under to handle their stats in this impossible situation.
I have now tried to call some orgs here in Italy but they have not responded. Some close earlier than usual on Sunday. Or after what happened in Florence they are more careful. I try tomorrow morning.
I just called Milano org. Someone is there in reception but are officially not opened. Then they ask questions who you are etc. They are performing a huge drill. But they have what’s app msg and other stuff organize the show and to see how to keep up stats. Like going to the auditor house or viceversa. A friend of mine got msgs till few days ago from somebody of the academy. They are on the “they are trying to stop US! ” drill.
I just placed a call at 11:41 am today,to the Church of Scientology in Buffalo. A woman answered and I just politely asked if they were open. She replied that they just had someone there to take in deliveries. She then said “I’m sorry, what is your name?” I just repeated again that I wanted to know if they were open. She said again that they just had a person there to take in deliveries. I thanked her and said goodbye. I know I caught her completely off guard, but I wanted to let you know what Buff Org had to say!
St. Louis:
I just took a spin by the St Louis mission. There were 2 cars in the parking lot along with an old beater jeep that is in questionable running condition. The curious and free personality test signs were not up and there was a note on the front door.
I called the DC org today, 3/29, and was told they were open for business but only online. A very cheerful registrar would have been happy to sign me up right then and there. When I didn’t go for that she wanted to give my number to somebody else so they could call me back. she asked for my name a couple of times and I did not give it to her. I keep wondering if someone will call me back by using the Phone number they must have seen on their caller ID. We shall see.
Well, the DC org isn’t “open”, but they were very happy to ask some very personal questions and will call me in the next 5 minutes…
I’m unwilling to call the Sydney Class V org, because I don’t want them to get my number. However, I walked past the org yesterday about midday, and the door was shut. There was a notice in the window saying that they are complying with government ordinances. The lights in the lobby were on, but nobody was at the reception desk. The way the ground floor is designed, you can’t see more than about 2 metres into the interior, so I couldn’t tell if anybody was in there or not.
I just checked with a friend of mine who is on staff (ttc intern) Boston fdn. She says the building is closed & she has been home all weekend. She said people are doing ext courses on line.
i called the one here in winnipeg canada , after driving by the place looks deserted. and empty . no furniture no one has
picked up the phone for the org or responded yo my emails
Church of Scientology of the Valley
11455 Burbank Blvd.
North Hollywood, California 91601
January 2021 – I was told that org is open and staff is onsite but all coursework is online.
View this video.
Philadelphia pa has an org in center city which claims to be open online but is not answering the phone. Seems to be closed.
I got a letter the other day from a Philly receptionist who cheerfully proclaimed that the org was open, did I want to come in for the Purif? (which I did already at Flag.)
Who knows where she was when she wrote the letter, but she clearly knew nothing about me, not even the one little book I’d purchased 45 years ago from a struggling little franchise over top of the Woolworth’s in a Philly suburb.
I looked to see where the closet org was to me. Both of the Richmond, VA buildings are closed. The closet “Church of Scientology” to me is the D.C. location. Which I believe is hosting online only for now.
Kathleen, did you mean closet, as in “out of the…”, or closest? I’m not surprised that “FCDC” isn’t open. When I visited there nearly 50 years ago, it wasn’t a very going concern, and I’ve not heard of them since other than one call late one New Year’s Eve asking for an RSVP to their party that I could not possibly have made it in time for, traffic being what it was
It makes sence for Australian orgs to close because they can then claim job keeper payments for their staff. Their staff would be wrapped as they would have been getting paid $750 each employee per week. Going by what people say, staff members would never be paid that amount normally even on the best of weeks. Extra money for all, less overheads and would have continually tried to make sales through the internet – a win all round.
This is from the Melbourne, Victoria, Australia org website
The information is already obsolete.
We have moved to Stage 3 restriction since March 30 – Only 4 reasons to leave home: Work/Stud if not able to do so remotely; shopping for groceries/essentials; medical needs; exercise’. Max group size is 2 (two – not a typo)
And I expect that the exercise option will be retracted shortly, latest by this weekend, due to the idiots who are violating the max number restrictions.
Can I pose a question: With the advent of COVID-19, does this mean that the whole population is PTS? Is this Planet Earth’s payback for global warming/climate change. (Too good to not put this out??)
The Moose: THE opaque coverings on glass doors is a SURE sign that something’s going on behind them they don’t want ANYone to see easily.
The OEC Vol 3 policy on reserves, mentions saving up enough for last a year with no income.
This pandemic is grounds to isolate and shut down.
So they are doing correct isolation hopefully now, finally.
And I hope they trickle down funding to keep their staffs paid, fed, rents’ paid, which could all be done two ways. 1) SOR Sea Org Reserves, which would be per the Vol 3 policy principle
2) Reg the rich donors to donate madly to IAS now, to fund the staffs for the next couple months until normal “church” stuff is allowed again.
Sounds like actually a very correct decision to isolate.
Now, just hope Miscavige considers this an event, since it is, deserving to use reserves, as is policy.
Should Miscavige put this in writing publicly, it would do them PR good, in my opinion.
Chuck, policy may well specify treasury, the SO Reserves, expend cash to keep the orgs running, but to my knowledge, LRH never authorized such expenditures. It’s a safe bet Dwarfenführer won’t either….
Unless and UNTIL Davey’s personal security becomes compromised.
I’d bet on that. (& I don’t bet on anything but a dead-sure cinch. )
Jere, Another answer, the reason LRH never did, and that’s a fact, authorize expenditure, could also be argued is due to never having a worldwide shutdown type of crisis like this Coronona virus pandemic, also.
BUT, the point is, it is the policy option, and it is the type of worldwide crisis, this one now, and it likely won’t be lasting more than 3 months, maybe 6, and it is justifiable to implement that right now.
I’m a policy nerd, were my nerdness asked for, I’d say do it. Shutdown, reverse the money up spigot back down from IAS funding to SOR to continental accounts, to org accounts, pay staffs pay, rent, utilities, expenses to keep orgs alive, at this time. Period. It’s justified by the events, which never was there a PANDEMIC that shut down world economies like this one, while LRH was alive.
Is all. Is Scienttology ludicrous and definitely not the choice of “religion” or quackery to anyone to even try play around with, yes, I’d say stay away.
But should the do what LRH did put in policy, yes, they should shut down, and reverse spigot the money flow back to keep their Ideal Orgs afloat.
So those saying Miscavige won’t do it, while correct odds wise, it’s a greater chance he won’t, but he could.
ASI final LRH traffic, and the 339R and 339R-1 trickle down principle, of “think big” applies.
Miscavige like to think he thinks big, and this would be thinking big, and a strategic decision that LRH leaves him on the menu to use, should he choose it.
It’d do their PR good too, but Miscavige probably is more conspiratorial dictatorial minded and won’t sober up so much from that problematic ignorance he can’t see he’s got, to do the right thing, and shut down, and use reserves.
But were I there, that’d be my suggestion.
(Have you written up your 1975-1978 years you were Flag crew? I’d love to hear your history.)
Chuck, it seems that a lot of the small and failing orgs, and even more medium sized ones, are probably already being effectively subsidized to some extent, even if it’s being put on the books as “loans.” There have been a number of reports of such things going on when orgs couldn’t pay their bills, and must not have been able to squeeze local “whales” to cover the shortages, though no indication of how it is being justified.
If Scientology starts subsidizing all the local orgs now, I don’t see how they’ll ever wean most of them off life support again – the orgs are at least going to be hard-hit by members’ lack of money in hard economic times, if not even substantial defections. But that may just accelerate the inevitable end-game scenario of the number of insolvent local orgs increasing to be the majority of them.
For Davey to “think big” is an incredible stretch, don’cha know?
Chuck, don’t staff still have to be blamed for their stats crashing, even if by an reasonable measure it is now out of their control? That seems such a long-established policy and practice as to be almost inviolable; and if they made some allowance, then that would start to break the spell that they’re masters of MEST transcending the considerations of the wog world.
It’s interesting but not surprising that somewhere Hubbard wrote some contingency that could be used to justify a change in how they operate. They’re apparently already effectively subsidizing a lot of the small and failing orgs, even if they don’t admit it openly.
Excellent new.
They need to do a worldwide isolation, return to their houses, isolate like best practices worldwide.
I’m glad to hear this.
It’s a positive.
Worldwide isolation, good move, really.
I agree, Chuck:”Worldwide isolation, good move, really.”
BUT it’s only as a result of Dwarfenführer’s intransigence in acknowledging that there is a problem that the local governments have cracked down on scn’s “worst practices” in this specific challenge. I’m hoping there will be other challenges to spark them cracking down on scn’s most abusive practices and most glaring violations of law and human rights.
HI Jere, I remember you from Fort Harrison late 1975 early 1976 onwards a year or so, weren’t one of the 100 original hopefuls to become Class 12s on that “LRH wants 100 people on the TTC training up to Class 12” trainees, LOL, that lure kept me for my whole damned Sea Org career! YOu were there, correct, you either were on that too, for a tiny stretch ,then you went into FB or Flag Estates, or FSO, weren’t you? I’d love to rack your brains, my email is
Agred, but you know, David Miscavige is just winer of a losing battle leader of Scientology. I wish exteriorization were the guaranteed results of Class 12 L’s Rundowns auditing, but per the Class 12s who are honest, they never saw the one for one exteriorization results that LRH claims that he LRH got when case supervising the L’s.
I was a very long sap, until I had to admit that truth. NO “OTs”
The operation today, runs on hope of people’s spiritual advancement to this OT status, with the powers implied and promised. I wish the lawyers for Scientology were made do all the way to OT 8 before being allowed to be lawyers for Scientology, and none would make it, and thus there’d be NO lawyers working for Scientology, and then there’d be no intelligent defenders for this not intelligent Hubbard movement.
You are CRAZY. You are NUTS. You are BRAINWASHED.
I am amazed at how your mind is being controlled. Lord Jesus bless you and bring your mind up out of this hole.
You poor, poor, naive soul.
The Facebook page of the Lausanne Org (Switzerland) states that due to current events and health measures they are temporarily closed.
As I said before. . It won’t stop them. They will just go secretly underground. Like someone’s house. Let’s face it most orgs could do it as they barely have any public anyway.
I wonder what’s happening with Sea Org. Any idea?
Bluntly, this is the the break that most public Scientologists need to allow some truth about the cult to seep in while of necessity focusing on their finances, while at the same time this is just the crashed stat hell that all staff and Sea Org need to experience so that they can blow or route off, or, at the very least, seriously consider doing so.
So the Covid 19 pandemic is doing some good after all.
Suppressive of me, eh?
Well, what can I tellya? Suppressives gotta suppress
Aqua, I believe this is when a measured bit of schadenfreude (great word, Germans) might be appropriate, perhaps even beneficial to us SPs. I’m not going to gloat TOO much, since it was in the bad old days –– when we all were so frightened of this or that, or the other thing, when scientology expanded by giving false hope to we who had so little hope, we who had too-accessible a “ruin”. the coming days could supply a similar boost to scn’s ranks, through no fault of their own, no crafty new propaganda, either, AFAICT, and with NO product to deliver other than broken promises. But that last was always true, wasn’t it?
I hear you on all, jere. I’m not gloating (well, maybe a little) but I’m amazed that something has come along that is going to wipe out what’s left of this cult – just like that. Who knew? Of course, its going to wipe out the economy too, for a while. But with people’s health restored our economy will come back. The cult, on the other hand, has nothing solid, nothing honest, upon which to BUILD back. The cult has no firm foundation, in other words. Its gonna go “poof”. The cult will not survive the coronavirus pandemic. If – IF – the cult were REALLY delivering help, really serving its people, it would survive. But its not doing that. Its ripping its people off. And its been dying ANYWAY. If it were a body one could say it had an extremely compromised immune system. It will not survive this. You heard me say it
I love this:
“We will be sending out regular communications in the coming weeks to keep you inspired and to provide reassurance.”
Oh, brrrrother!
“We will be sending out regular communications to remind you that the Church of Scientology’s total control over your lives remains now and forever firmly in place.”
Yo Cult,
Consider me inspired and reassured.
In fact, so much so that I think I should write a Success Story.
Much love,
Aqua. Laughing. Perfect translation indeed!
Aqua, a masterful summation and a great punchline:
“Consider me inspired and reassured.
In fact, so much so that I think I should write a Success Story.
Much love,
Thank you, jere
The River at Tampa Bay Church held mass yesterday. The sheriff has issued a warrant for the pastor who led the mass. He has been arrested. Pastor claims he has been denied his religious rights. Sheriff says he violated the “stay at home” order by congregating a mass of people in a small area, putting people at risk for the virus
Is that a Scientology place though?
I called The Geltman Mission…they’re closed.
Hey Moose! Let’s try calling them! Wouldn’t that be fun?
News from flag as told to a family member : the staff is being told that they are safe because there are very few cases of Coronavirus in Florida. Flag is the safest place .
They are disinfecting and observing social distancing in meetings and in the cantine.
This is remarkable , very few cases !!
And whatever public was there before the confinement order is still there. I feel for these people !
Marie, thanks for the insider news. I wonder if those are token measures they’re taking at Flag where public might see them, since the videos show them packed like sardines on the buses that bring them from outlying housing – pretty much negating anything they might be appearing to do right, except maybe limiting transmission to paying customers, still more of a risk if the infection rate among the slave labor workers gets high. And that berthing staff are coming from has got to be a typical unhealthy hot zone, unless they’ve radically changed their practices for warehousing staff.
Florida is actually 6th in the US in COVID-19 cases – and possibly about to get much worse due to the governor’s and state’s belated response. They probably have no idea how many asymptomatic cases and carriers there are, but everyone is about to find out the hard way.
I was in Clearwater in September 2021. They are all wearing masks outside and on the buses and other work vans downtown. The buses were packed though.
Well Moose,
If they have tarps covering so that no one can see what is going on inside, it is a safe bet that something illegal is going on in there.
Mike true. A little destimulation from the bubble could wake up those who still think a little by themselfs. I just heard someone I know down in Sardinia (a public of the local org) and he said that it is closed and they do online courses. What I have understood is that this also applies to other orgs.
With all the other regging that goes on at Flag outside of regging for services, it’s no surprise that they want to keep these businesses open and running. I know a dentist that closed his practice for covid, and he’s at Flag now. It will take quite a bit for them to capitulate and as shutter up.
ultio et veritas received a response from the Clearwater Police Department regarding Scientology’s defiance of Social Distancing.
I called Tampa Org in Ybor at 10:57AM this morning. Quick answer and they are OPEN. So they say.
There was also the report from Plymouth UK that someone was lurking in the shadows of the darkened lobby and opening the door for people coming by, at least as of last week.
If they can’t keep up auditing and course work, how do they then deal with the crash of stats and GI? Doctrine and policy prohibit them from being “reasonable” and recognizing that MEST reality affects them and can’t always just be overcome – and so staff are offered no mercy for things beyond their control.
I also wonder if some staff who’ve been at home for an extended period, won’t want to come back to face the expected punishment, and whatever other messes and dysfunctions might await them at the orgs. Scientology would almost have to offer an amnesty or something similar for staff members’ stat crashes, but even if they did staff may be wary – if other things haven’t already shaken their allegiance.
PeaceMaker. I didn’t met ‘di persona’ DM but I have some good backgrounds on scientology having been a staff and working on specific lines, and so I can suppose that he is gonna use this situation to “relaunch” the cult and try to recover anybody they could.
However a key point that scientology keep missing is the ‘reality’ with the outside world. They cannot accept that ‘reality’ and so themselves can’t get real to the wogs as they believe to be the only to know the truth.
A slow suicidal activity.
Well, at least the staff will have some time to relax, read newspapers, watch some TV, catch up with some exercise and get programs like the Aftermath, Going Clear.
They will come out of the constant mind control they have been into for whatever long they have lived as staff members of this cult.
Hope some will react and decide to create their own lives.
Have a great day Mike.
Valley Org has tarps or some material covering their see-through doors so you can’t see in. I haven’t tried calling them.