A Special Correspondent sent this to me. I felt it worth reprinting. Especially in light of the recent revelations about the new scientology push: “Voice For Humanity.”
It is an article in the UK Daily Mail about slavery/human trafficking.
The Correspondent noted the following, comparing the Sea Org to what is discussed in the article.
For instance note the signs of slavery below:
Slavery comes in many forms, people who show some of the signs below could be victims of slavery:
The person has no access to a passport/travel documents
They let other people speak for them, or act like they have been coached
Somebody always arrives to drop them off and collect them from work – often at odd times
He or she seems frightened, withdrawn or avoids eye contact
The person is paid nothing, or very little, and has no control over their money
He or she is often exhausted, hurt, hungry or sick
Threats have been made to hurt them if they leave
The person believes they are totally dependent on their bosses
The parallels are almost unbelievable.
Reminds me a little of when Katie Holmes went everywhere with her handler, l mean, best friend, Jessica
To the tune of Swanee
Davey – we won’t miss ya, we won’t miss ya
Our little Davey
We’ll see you on the street among the folks that S-C-O-H-B-elieve all the lies you’re saying to them,
Flailing at them with BFF TC
The folks up lines will see you no more when you walk through that prison door
I wanted to go into the Sea Org in 1973 .. it has looked as a very good idea, very great .. I have never done it. My two sons wanted also to go into the Sea Org, and did .. so I learned from the outside what it really is to be a Sea Org member .. I am happy that I never did .. for sure .. I would sit in the RPFs RPF for a long time because of my no compliance to orders .. that is all what I had get ..
My sons are not longer in the Sea Org ..
I am glad to hear that your sons are out of the sea org.
I have a question: is the billion year contract legal or is it just by that stage the signers are well and truly brainwashed and will not question the “cherch”?
Unenforceable clauses in a contract make the whole thing null and void. That’s why CoS go after SO who leave with “Freeloaders debt”‘ as they know that the contract is legally unenforceable.
Chuck and Cars covered this well, but thought I would put this all in one post concerning assistance with human trafficking and recognizing it. Posted this previously here in parts in response to other articles..
To the Scientology Lurkers here, those recently removed from their post or others seeking a way out of Scientology, now is your chance to leave and also get help. There are ex members willing to help. In the USA of Canada Call toll free 1-866-XSEAORG (1 866- 973-2674). This is a good number to call to hook up with old friends or find a place to stay if you’re just out. In the UK (London) call 020 8864 4940 (you only need 020 if you’re calling from outside of London). Chuck Beatty operates these numbers.
Human trafficking is also a crime in the United States and know that many of you are victims of Human Trafficking. Here is additional information about another resource and even more help that is available in leaving Scientology. They can assist with food, shelter and legal issues.
Please call. Be free… now, now, now.
Call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888 or text to BeFree (233733) to obtain local referrals, safety planning information, or to report a human trafficking situation.
Call if YOU or someone you know:
has had his or her ID or documents taken away
is being threatened by or is in debt to his or her boss
wants to leave his or her job but feels he or she cannot
is being forced to have sex against his or her will
Operators are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Interpreters are available for up to 170 different languages for those callers that require interpretive services. All calls are strictly confidential. Call 1-888-373-7888
Recognizing the Signs of Human Trafficking
Are you or someone you know being trafficked? Is human trafficking happening in your community?
Knowing the red flags and indicators of human trafficking is a key step in identifying more victims and helping them find the assistance they need.
To request help or report suspected human trafficking, call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline at 1-888-373-7888 (run by the Polaris Project). Or text INFO or HELP to us at: BeFree (233733).
Common Work and Living Conditions: The Individual(s) in Question:
• Individuals may be forced to work in highly exploitative conditions with little to no pay.
• Is not free to leave or come and go as he/she wishes
• Is under 18 and is providing commercial sex acts
• Is in the commercial sex industry and has a pimp / manager
• Is unpaid, paid very little, or paid only through tips
• Works excessively long and/or unusual hours
• Is not allowed breaks or suffers under unusual restrictions at work
• Owes a large debt and is unable to pay it off
• Was recruited through false promises concerning the nature and conditions of his/her work
• High security measures exist in the work and/or living locations (e.g. opaque windows, boarded up windows, bars on windows, barbed wire, security cameras, etc.)
Poor Mental Health or Abnormal Behavior:
• Is fearful, anxious, depressed, submissive, tense, or nervous/paranoid
• Exhibits unusually fearful or anxious behavior after bringing up law enforcement
• Avoids eye contact
Poor Physical Health:
• Lacks health care
• Appears malnourished
• Shows signs of physical and/or sexual abuse, physical restraint, confinement, or torture
Lack of Control:
• Has few or no personal possessions
• Is not in control of his/her own money, no financial records, or bank account
• Is not in control of his/her own identification documents (ID or passport)
• Is not allowed or able to speak for themselves (a third party may insist on being present and/or translating)
• Claims of just visiting and inability to clarify where he/she is staying/address
• Lack of knowledge of whereabouts and/or do not know what city he/she is in
• Loss of sense of time
• Has numerous inconsistencies in his/her story
This list is not exhaustive and represents only a selection of possible indicators. Also, the red flags in this list may not be present in all trafficking cases and are not cumulative. Learn more at http://www.traffickingresourcecenter.org.
Traffickers use violence, threats, blackmail, false promises, deception, manipulation, and debt bondage to trap vulnerable individuals in horrific situations. According to the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), severe forms of human trafficking are legally defined as:
Labor trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purposes of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery, (22 USC § 7102).
Sex trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purposes of a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age, (22 USC § 7102)
Finally, the FBI (and DHS) also investigate cases of human trafficking and the FBI’s victim assistance information is found here:
That web link has this information:
Help for Victims of Trafficking in Persons and Forced Labor
The U.S. government is trying to stop a very serious problem—the problem of human trafficking. We are giving you this information because we want you to know that everybody in the United States has rights and is protected by our laws. Freedom is one of the most important rights. In the United States, no one—matter how powerful that person may be in the United States or in another country—has the right to force other people to work.
No one can:
• Force you to work against your will;
• Collect a debt by using threats or forcing you to work to pay the debt;
• Force you to work using threats to harm you or your family;
• Force or pressure you into prostitution or to do other sexual acts;
• Use you for any kind of sex work if you are under 18;
• Take away your passport, birth certificate, or identification card to control you or your movements.
If any of these things has happened to you, you might be a victim of a serious crime.
You are not alone. Please talk to us. We can help you.
Your Safety…
We want you to be safe. Remember, you are now away from the people who hurt you, and we can help you plan how to be safe. We may also be able to help your family if they are in danger from the traffickers.
We can help you find:
• Emergency medical assistance;
• Emergency food and shelter;
• Translation services;
• Counseling and legal assistance.
Every federal law enforcement agency has someone who can help victims and answer questions. If you are a victim, this person can tell you about community agencies and programs that can help you. You can find the address and phone number of your local FBI office on this website.
We Want to Stop People Who Hurt You…
We will see if criminal charges can be brought against those who hurt you, but we need your help. We would like to talk to you about what happened to you. It is important to tell us the truth. If you are afraid of someone, please tell us. We will try to protect you and your family, and we won’t give your name or the names of your family members to the public.
Some people may tell you not to trust immigration agents, other federal agents, or the police. Don’t believe them. The people who say these things want you to be afraid of the people who can help you the most. Please call us. We can help you.
There may be ways for you to stay in the United States while we investigate your case, even if you don’t have the proper papers. If you are a victim of trafficking in persons, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement may let you stay in the United States. You may also get a work permit.
Staying in the United States or Going Home…
You also may be able to stay in the United States for a longer time depending upon your situation. Some of the ways you may be able to stay in the United States include:
• The T visa, a program for certain trafficking in persons victims;
• The U visa, a program for certain crime victims who have been hurt and are working with law enforcement officials;
• The S visa, a program for certain people helping in criminal investigations;
• Asylum, a program for certain people who have experienced or are facing persecution in their home country.
Help For Victims
There may be other immigration programs that are right for you. It is important to talk with an immigration lawyer or community organization that can advise you about your choices. A victim specialist may be able to help you find a free or low-cost lawyer.
If you want to go back to your home country, please talk to us or contact your victim specialist, a community organization, or your own lawyer.
For help, call 1-888-428-7581 (Voice and TTY).
Thank you for posting the phone numbers to call for human trafficking. This is important enough to be its own blog. Maybe post it again on the South African Blog. I hope many call the numbers to get help.
Thanks again Lurkness. Carry on.
Thanks and will do. Hope some people will avail themselves of the assistance. A prosecution or two would be icing on the cake. I suspect the fear of prosecution is why free-loader debt is not being enforced for the staff dismissed in LA.
Hey Everslave and Swampman, you ARE haters, both of you. I am not a “still in” or a masochist either. And you can take “hater” as a “label” if you wish.
You are taking advantage of Mike’s hospitality to spew your hate towards anything that L. Ron Hubbard ever created, discovered,or said, and towards anyone who finds any value in his teachings on his very educational web site.
Personally, I think that he grants you way too much leeway to belittle others.
Yours is the exact “tech” applied by RTC reps towards “lesser beings”…..belittling others.
Oh yeah, and you can kiss my ass, too.
I’m not saying a word here (but then of course I just have done) nor adding my 2 cents of support (but then of course I just have done) to these remarks. I sort of promised Mike that U would not get into firefights and, well, there we are! Haven’t said a word.
Typo: “that I would” not “that U would”
From an Interview with David Mayo – person who worked directly with L Ron Hubbard for decades:
I hope the story about making the old guy get on his hands and knees on the Royal Scotman and push a peanut around with his nose, while making his wife and children watch this torture is not true.
I’m sorry but it made me recall a friend from my childhood who had a very abusive father. For punishment, he would throw some steak into the dog bowl and make the kids get down on their hands and knees, like a dog and eat the steak out of the bowl. He would also beat his wife and make the kids watch. One sick fuck.
Did anyone call the police or Social Services on him? The kids should have been taken away cuz the mother wasn’t protecting them from the guy. How disgusting. What happened to them?
Pepper, the story about the old man and the peanut i true. I know two people who were there at the time. The children in the chain locker (which IS a potentially deadly place) is also true. smh
Cindy, the mother was on the Apollo. No, no one called the police on the mother nor, LRH while out at sea on the Apollo.
Believe it or not.
Cindy – we were just kids then and the mom was terrified and wouldn’t report him. Typical domestic abuse case. There were six kids in that family and they were just good kids who didn’t get into trouble. The man is an SP, and I don’t like throwing that term around either. He would always act nice to me too, every time I went over there; a real 1.1. It made me sick knowing what he really was.
My friend had a difficult life because she was also a lesbian but in the closet until the day she cut her hair off and started dressing like her brothers. She told me, “this is me” and I was afraid for her but told her she looked nice. She would get abused by kids at school as well as at home. I remained her friend in spite of being teased myself for associating with her but we were like sisters. It was heartbreaking at times. She is okay today and with someone she loves.
Wow, Pepper, what a life that girl had. But she was so lucky that you stuck by her. I’m glad she’s doing OK in spite of it all.
Espiritu, you crack me up! I make SPECIFIC, factual comments that have been OBJECTIVELY shown to be true. (now after listing a crime I might make an observation about the perp that is opinion) I notice that you haven’t been able to take specific happenings I talk about and refute. If you ever touch down in the fact based world, give me a call.
p.s. If I accuse LRH of something horrible that he DIDN’T do I’m sure that Mike will take my head off. Deservedly.
I believe this was directed towards me? I am simply describing one of Hubbard’s techniques. I am being matter of fact about it. He renamed things in order to get Scientologists to go along with them, such as calling eternal slavery the “Sea Org” or calling the brainwashing techniques he outlined in the Brainwashing Manual (psychopolitical control techniques of handling dissidents) the “pts/sp tech”.
I am saying if you ignore the names and just look at the purity of what each are, they are the same.
In the UK Daily Mail article, there was a phrase the captors used “your family is dead to you now”. Sounds familiar. Disconnecting people from family, from people who love and could protect them, as a method of gaining more control, seems to be an important marker on the road to being enslaved. Within one (1) day, of a minor inquiry about the SO, my daughter was told her dad & I were sps. The effort to create a wedge between us was immediate and forceful. It didn’t work. I got all sorts of intimidation about my other daughter, trying to get me to “see” she was an sp. That didn’t work either. The rcs is sp happy, trying to create wedges all over the place so people are alone and unsupported. When your intimate relations are all enturbulated and strained, one is much more vulnerable to intimidation and coercion.
Right again Hallie Jane. These atrocities are making me see red. To quote Mr. Hubbard: “If someone had put some H.E. [high explosives] under the Vatican long ago, Catholicism might still be going.” Substitute the RCS for the Vatican. I believe that by their actions, the current regime will take themselves out all by their little lonesome.
Just another note for those who have NO clue what LRH thought of the slaving S.O. members at his Int base. He wrote a policy that if a staff member up there were to be found unfit for post (FB’ed off post) they were automatically declared a Suppressive Person and no scientologist could communicate with them except the IJC.
I would like to read this policy, could you reference it?
This seems somewhat strange as I believe there have been many that been FBed off post at INT Base but are not declared SP. The idea if true, is somewhat arbitrary and I know of no LRH (underlined) policy or LRH FO or LRH Base Order or whatever, that is “arbitrary” i.e. nonsensical (alright – Disconnection was a bit wild but then he changed that). If someone was “unfit” then that does not mean they are an SP. If Swampy finds the reference and it is actually from LRH then of course I will eat crow.
Pull out your knife and fork Foolproof.
There is an Int Base Order from LRH that says anyone found unfit for duty at the Int Base, or who leaves in an unauthorized fashion, is automatically declared SP.
And no, I don’t have a copy. I wish I had the foresight to take copies of everything with me when I left, but circumstances didnt work out that way. There are plenty of people who were at the Int Base that are aware of this edict.
You really need to take off your rose colored glasses.
I do not think LRH was a sociopath. But he did a lot of cruel things.
And by the way, he did NOT change disconnection. He reinstituted it, including the “High Crime” of continuing to associate with anyone declared SP by HCO.
He had a lot of enemies. But he thought there were a LOT more than there really were and he followed his own policy of “never defend, attack” so you see a LOT of “attacks” on a LOT of things on the basis of them being perceived “enemies” (like anyone who left the Int Base).
I am just starting on the Crow’s Nest soup now, followed by Pate de Fois Crow, with rice and beans. Okey dokey. I eat my humble pie – of crow.
However, “Leaves in an unauthorized fashion” we know about – that is the Leaving and Leaves PL. But what then did “unfit for duty” entail, or rather mean? How was that interpreted (which could be the crux of this particular matter)?
Yes, LRH did a few cruel things. Never said otherwise. But my rose tinted glasses are not black, like some others posting here, to be very frank. They are actually a whiter shade of pale – tra-la!
I always had (and still do have unless you can disabuse me) the idea that it was under DM’s “tutelage” that the (1982?) HCOB on Disconnection was er, re-published.
Sorry, I dont have time to regurgitate these things. You can find out about disconnection in a number of places on the internet, including Marty’s blog.
Unfit for duty means Fitness Boarded and found unfit for duty.
And no crowing! ha!
Foolproof, you need to post a video of eating it. It was an LRH issue that was given to all as part of their Int Base intro hatting. Do you REALLY think that I left the base carting around all the psycho, confidential issues? Well, one thing for SURE that LRH got right was the lack of confront of evil in most people. LMAO
Nope – never meant for you to actually produce the issue, it is rather obvious that no one would have ever left the Int Base with confidential issues in their rucksacks, but to remember the rough date and title is what I meant.
I am sure it was pretty tough being at INT Base.
And why should I post a video of me eating crow – or do you get off on that sort of thing? Sounds very much like what COB would want to see. Think about it before you start covertly accusing “most people” i.e. really me is what you meant eh? of lack of confront of evil.
This is the last comment in this back and forth. You are two ships passing in the night.
As a non-Scientologist, I have two simple questions:
1. Where in Scientology doctrine does it support the “Billion Year Commitment”? Was this something originally put in by LRH, or later added on by DM after he took over?
2. Some scientologists here who joined SO mentioned that they were surprised by the Billion Year stipulation when they saw it as they signed their contracts, as if that had not been taught elsewhere within Scientology…is this not taught elsewhere in Scientology to the rank and file members?
Thanks for everyone’s understanding..(Im an outsider but learning about all this, to be better informed)….it seems to me that the Billion Year commitment is much more well-known OUTSIDE of Scientology, versus on the inside amongst its members…
1. It was implemented with the formation of the SO in 1967, long before Miscavige.
2. It is VERY well known within the scientology world — I am not sure why you have a different impression?
Mike wrote:
“It was implemented with the formation of the SO in 1967, long before Miscavige.”
Miscavige was seven years old at this time and just getting involved in Scientology.
It is a testament to the power of a whole track SP like Miscavige that L Ron Hubbard was already going PTS to him, causing him to create a billion year slave labor contract on Scientologists.
I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, if it weren’t for David Miscavige, Scientology would be just fine.
Hi Mike, my wondering if the Billion Year Commitment was known widely inside Scientology was prompted by reading an earlier post in this thread, in which a reader (a former scientologist) mentioned how he was taken aback when he read that Billion Year stipulation in the SO staff contract, so I thought that perhaps some, if not many, scientologists may not have been aware of that….but I stand corrected,Mike —thank you for clarifying that….
I am one of those “wascally wogs” who was never in scientology, but I have had friends who were studying it, so I was naturally curious about the subject….
Your blog serves as a great learning resource to us “never-ins” , so thank you for all that you do to make such info known to all of us.
To draw a rough analogy to the TV series “Kung Fu”, I and others like me are the “Grasshopper” to you, our wisened sage “Master Po”….Thanks!
You’re welcome Bruce. I try to cover as much ground as I can and respond to as much as I can, but there are only so many hours in the day…
If James Byrne is to be believed, he said that some time after the first people were called together to be part of the Sea Project, LRH ask them to put a contract together that they thought would be reflect the suitable degree of commitment to the SO, blah, blah, blah. So James and some others (I think Owen Starkey among them) came up with the 1 billion number.
Whether this is true or not, I don’t know. But I know it’s the story James Byrne has told publicly several times.
And of course for those with a very high confront of evil please read, “the RPF Insider Series”. Note the introduction by Chuck Beatty. The RPF (rehabilitation project force) has been going on for years in the Sea Org. The stories are horrifying, minimally. Human rights violations abound. Here’s the link: http://www.lermanet.com/rpf-insider/
I joined the SO in 1971 at ASHO on Temple St. in Los Angles. I routed out exactly 3 months after I joined. The berthing sucked and it was a no win situation so I left.
Mike and Special Correspondent – thank you for posting this today. It’s an apt one to post from time to time. Like whenever the church talks about being Human Rights champions.
The phrase ‘Voice for Humanity’ being used by the CoS is truly disgusting.
In my experience it is mostly middle managers in Scientology who have spoiled the broth so to speak. Apart from the nonsenses that Hubbard carried out on the ships where it seem he was experimenting with human behavior (which is a nice way of saying it and doesn’t excuse it), all I have read of him and Mary Sue after this period was that they were always surprised when they learned that SO did not have libs or were being treated harshly and took steps to rectify it.
My point is that these middle manager dudes (and that would include COB) think or believe that by being harsh and unrelenting and treating staff like slaves they somehow get things done, it is a valence they have adopted – the real meaning of the blind leading the blind – these people are all in some senior’s valence that they have observed “operating” by doing things like “face-ripping” or whatever. They think that this is how to manage. It is like a group engram that is being dramatized by so called “Executives”. Yet all they are really doing is following someone’s very poor and actually psychotic example. This is really “the blind leading the blind” in the administrative sphere.Now in fact as we know and have experienced this management style has always turned out to be the complete opposite of building up anything, with smashed Orgs and smashed staff and decades of long-term down trending statistics, bad PR and wasted technical and managerial people thrown onto the scrap heap after having spent years being trained, because eventually they reach their own breaking point and say “screw you”. People do not respond to harshness, in fact they will soon turn against the perpetrator, as has happened right down through history and this is what has occurred in the Scientology network and organizations and smashed it – long term. Of course as well as that if you let managers take over who are dramatizing evil purposes and/or slave drivers then that doesn’t help the general scene either.
But the amazing thing is that again most of this is covered in policy and advices from LRH that are simply being ignored, as the valences that these middle managers are in override all reason – and policy. There are some policies where Hubbard says you have to be a bit “mean” now and then but they are actually few and far between and most of his advices states exactly the opposite to what is occurring. However the interpretation and emphasis from management has been the complete opposite – it is “let us be mean all the time”. See “An Essay on Management” as one of almost countless examples in policy. The point is that all of these middle managers who run around barking at staff are not in present time and not in valence. They have adopted someone’s apparently “winning” valence” and are running with it – into oblivion, for that is where the Church is headed unless it is turned around and they “come into present time”.
What I find also amazing is that no one LOOKS at the current state of Orgs and thinks something is awry here, and then takes steps to rectify it, which is what a good manager should do of course. But that sort of reasoning is way above the case level of Church management and has been for decades.
all I have read of him and Mary Sue after this period was that they were always surprised when they learned that SO did not have libs or were being treated harshly and took steps to rectify it.
I get the idea you are not very widely read…
This in my experience is true for Mary Sue. But she was relegated to the “worker oriented” pigeon-hole after she became persona non grata when the GO got caught.
Somehow calling Miscavige a “middle manager” of scientology is a very strange concept. LRH ran scientology from it formation in 1952 until 1986 (though he asserted endlessly that he had relinquished all control in 1967 and then again in 1980) — but taking the best case scenario this is 34 years. Miscavige has run the show since 1986 (really since 1982) until 2014 — worst case scenario 28 years, best case scenario 32 years.
Mike – I call him a middle manager as that is his mentality in the same mold as others of his ilk. That is what I meant. He’s hardly a top manager is he if one looks a the state of Orgs worldwide. Upstat he’s not. As to Mary Sue’s treatment that was not Hubbard’s treatment of her but Miscavige’s. And I am quite widely read which is why I stated what I stated – because I have read these reports. I have read many stories of people who were there with Hubbard – they are not my stories.
Yes of course Swampland I knew my comment would arouse a retort from you. Here again you are talking of 1 example (and there are probably others admittedly) but which does not make what you state generally correct – and I did not say LRH was perfect. If you read what I stated instead of just assuming that I am defending LRH at all costs, I differentiate between the good, the bad and the ugly of his time. You just automatically assume, emphasize and state that ALL was bad. And I have read the stories, of others, who stated what they stated. If I hadn’t read the stories I would not make them up.
Well, unfortuntely, I was there. With LRH and MSH and Miscavige. So I do have some perspective on this.
I never heard of a “middle manager” or “top manager” being defined by their results, only by what they were held responsible for. Based on this definition I would assume the various Presidents of the US over the past few decades are “middle managers”?
I cannot reply to Foolproof to whom this is actually directed, forMike, you’re absolutely correct!
I didn’t know LRH as Mike did and mercifully have never had any dealings with “COB,” but, Foolproof, as I’ve replied to you before, you’re getting there but…
I’ve been out For 39 years and even then it was obvious that many (most) staff members were dramatizing Hubbard’s valence and as his was, a priori and by definition, the winning valence it was seen as being the best one to be had.
Miss Cabbage is clearly dramatizing LRH and the rest are dramatizing him!
I will say it again: It is the MENTALITY not the position that I am talking about – and yes, most presidents were then “middle managers” – what have these presidents done for the American people apart from impoverish vast swathes of them and involve them in various wars all over the planet to protect and enrich their corporate masters – in other words they adopt a valence of sorts. Look at Obama – he starts off as the great hope of change and does more or less exactly the same as his forerunners.
Again my main point was “Executives” falling into a valence of what they think and observe from others that they should be doing, rather than following the policies and advices, which is what I mean by a top manager – a top manager would not do this – he would manage the existing scene and not base his actions on his or her observance of his or her seniors dramatizing something off the whole track. The “blind leading the blind”. Miscavige growing up under LRH’s so-called tyrannical rule on the film set is the perfect example. No one has to be a tyrannical asshole because LRH was a bit tetchy on the film set. This is the group engram I am talking about. If one actually reads the executive advices from LRH he stresses the group engram aspects of all this. These are my points. Because LRH was a bit tetchy on the film set (which film director is not?) does not and did not mean that Miscavige, and his juniors then in later years, should treat Class V and Network staff in the same vein. Did you treat staff unfairly? I don’t think or have heard that you did. I didn’t.
The almost perfect example of this is that of the then AO in Edinburgh in the late 60s where auditors who flubbed had their heads held in toilet pans and the flush pressed or the chain pulled as a substitute for “overboarding” as on the ship, which as I say was a nonsense carried over from LRH’s nonsense on the ships. Most of the Execs I knew from staff times would not have done or condoned such nonsense, as also with overboarding. Some did. There is no policy or advice which states “in handling staff go into my (LRH’s) valence when I was a bit tetchy or when the ship was about to run aground and I swore like a trooper at the 16 year old helmsman” (actually a young girl as I recall).
And to assume that LRH would not have preferred decades of upstats with thousands of auditors being trained etc. which would have been caused by decent management actually following his polices instead of ravaging the staff and crashing the place, is rather a misplaced idea, is it not? Which scenario would he have preferred?
Foolproof, you crack me up. Go read write ups from the people working directly with LRH post Ship and in the desert. He was tyrannical on the set towards SO members working their ASS off. BTW, that was the environment DM came up in. Just for those who wonder where he got his “management by tyranny” training from and, are in TOTAL denial about LRH the Slave Owner.
“… the nonsenses that Hubbard carried out on the ships where it seem he was experimenting with human behavior (which is a nice way of saying it and doesn’t excuse it)…”
Hi Foolproof — That is indeed a nice way to put it. It’s also a nonsensical way to put it. It’s exactly like saying that a boy who pulls the legs off of daddy longlegs is experimenting with arachnid locomotion.
Well, he could be…. LOL! I knew of an MAA once who had something like that on one of his
O/W write-ups.
My whole point is that one cannot blame Hubbard for those people who dramatized their own cruelty and viciousness on others and to try and define the group engram that has been run in on the Church for the last 30+ years. I and most others I knew did not go into that cruel valence. A few did. Unfortunately these few are still somewhat there in high positions although many of them have also been wasted as they couldn’t maintain the pace (of cruelty).
What is serious is that random observations and dramatizations of LRH’s peevishness and then later observations of some managers who copied this have been perpetrated worldwide and it has become a management ethos. I am not particularly worried that LRH had a few Class VIIIs in training thrown overboard (for watching an “F/N” swing 23 times – joke) especially as I wasn’t one of them but to have that mentality foisted on the whole group wholesale for decades thereafter is a serious matter and has resulted in serious problems for thousands of people. That is my point.
Well, if you say so, Foolproof. I would have thought that the institutional cruelty instilled in Scientology was not some chance aping of Hubbard’s occasional behavior spasms, but rather systemic, by Hubbard’s intent and design. I could be wrong though.
Let’s assume your hypothesis is true for a second, and that this behavior of management has nothing to do with Hubbard, and that it arose spontaneously from “middle management”.
Things that arise spontaneously normally have a high rate of occurance statistically. I would therefore expect that this style of “management” would be widespread in the wog world.
I don’t see that this is the case. I have occupied many jobs, most of them in quite low positions, and I’ve never been beaten, threatened, or screamed at by “middle management”. Neither have anyone I know. Yes, some of them were talentless jerks with obnoxious personalities who would refuse a day off out of spite, but none of them got violent in their words or actions with me. I’m sure this kind of thing exists in third world workplaces, but that is not the context of the CoS.
Why then is this behavior so widespread in the CoS ? Not just in one or two instances, but systematically ? I think the simplest explanation is that this came directly from the top. But in scientology, the top is never blamed for anything – responsibility is inversely proportional to the actual power of the individual, and victims get blamed for being victims. That is the recipe for abuse, and it’s ingrained inside the system.
Yes, I agree with you Kemist. If Miscavige had a change of heart and said to all Execs worldwide “we are now going to treat staff nicely”, it would change. Just like that. Well, alright it might take a few months for the idea to trickle down and to be ironed out but my point is that they (the mis-managers) are all copying some sort of ruthless valence thinking that this is the way to manage. If someone sane with authority over them says “No!” they would soon change their minds – as they are reactively operating anyway.
No, I did not say that it arose from middle management – I said it arose from persons with a middle management mentality.
But the problem with this theory is that this kind of people exists everywhere. Else you’d have to wonder if scientology somehow attracts or worse, creates them.
From the accounts of people who were there at the beginning, it’s probably true that Miscavige made it considerably worse.
The question is, how could he make it that way everywhere with very little resistance, or keeping whatever resistance there was isolated and with no choice but to leave ? I think the answer is in the “management system” itself. Always blaming the lower echelon is not a good thing, and it appears to me that’s what Hubbard did.
You may think Hubbard did a good thing with auditing or the tech, but it seems to me his management system has proven to be a failure.
An excellent statement as always Foolproof
But you will be relentlessly attacked as you know its all LRH’s fault he is the bad guy every time.
Where people in the Org are atacked on this blog (often quite corectly when they do bad things) you must expect attack if you don’t go along with entheta posters.
Some people here would like to see change and post clever intelligent replies, an awful lot are simply twats who have too much BPC that they never got handled and are only interested in stopping and destroying.
Good luck to you
The generalities of ALL good and ALL bad are equally flawed. The attitude that any critical statement equates to only being interested in stopping and destroying is unhealthy. And frankly, is “thought stopping.”
It is admirable that you are trying to stick up for a viewpoint that you agree with. But don’t undermine it with generalizations.
I told you foolproof,
Don’t say anything nice about LRH, all these people knew him personally and dealt with him on a daily basis and they knew he was a monster.
Funny how these two faced craven wretched managed to work with him for years and years and years, isn’t it?
Huh? Am I included in your sweeping generality of all these people knew him personally and dealt with him on a daily basis and they knew he was a monster.?
I think you need to reread things I have written.
A promise of ‘freedom’ might be the only thing that will induce people to sell themselves into slavery.
“A promise of ‘freedom’ might be the only thing that will induce people to sell themselves into slavery.”
Isn’t that wild?
Look at all the freedom we gave up the farther we traveled on the “Bridge to Total Freedom”.
The “Freedom Button” has been used for a long time to lead people into slavery.
Well said Alanzo. Totally true. The “freedom button” is the main button we humans have. That is what money is — a representation of freedom.
Wow. I think the Sea Org should be disbanded.
Agreed, the SO should be disbanded because of all the human rights violations they commit, along with the OSHA violations, child labor laws, and the lack of common decency in how they treat their own.
Great idea Tony.
Oh what a beautiful morning
Oh what a beautiful day
I’ve got a beautiful feeling
Time to stop working for Dave
Here’s a Public Service Announcement for them to watch:
The above Sea Org contract says, “I do hereby agree to enter into employment with the Sea Organization”.
Employment ? I thought they were all “volunteers”. I thought that was the reason they can get away with the abuse and sleep deprivation and low pay and forced abortions and rice and beans and disconnection and running around poles for 12 hours a day and no contact with newspapers and TV and the many other gross human rights violations.
Steph. It is because they are a religious order probably. It’s the Constitution that is the controlling document.
I heard this from Robert “Bo” W., an early, circa 1967, SO member. The Commodore assigned someone the job of writing up the SO Contract. The first drafts had commitments of 10.000 or 100,000 years which the Commodore rejected as sounding too literal, as in “My SO Contract is up in the year 10,1967!”
A Billion was determined to sound just right so that’s how it came to be..
I had been on staff in a Class 5 Org. Sometimes it looked necessary that staff work hard without pay. But in fact it is not so. Sample: Org with 100 Staff. If you pay 2000 a month. Then you need 2000 times 100 = 200.000 a month. If you sell 1 hour of auditing for 100 then you need to sell 2000 hours of auditing. This makes 500 hours a week to deliver. 20 auditors (5% of all staff) each 25 hours. So, it can be done. Not impossible. The only reason why it is not even near that is that it is not intended. Even in the Sea Org would it be possible to work 25 to 30 hours a week, have decent food and sleep. In my org low on the org board I could make 800 to 1200 a moth for 4 years. After 4 years they changed the pay rules as Int management could not agree with that “affluence”. For me it has been evident that the pay policy change had been done to “enslave” people. A simple dramatization of evil purposes of Int Management. Time: 1992. So, I can totally agree that Int Management ended up int the hole. Sure they did end up there of other reasons. But they deserved it as Int Management people did dramatize evil purposes within Scientology. Or let me be a bit more positive here. They could not have fun. The devoted themselves to hard work, no fun, no real second dynamic and thus crippling their life and they thought everybody else should have some burden in this life. People are doing it not a body like a corporation or church.
Schorsch, I agree with your first half of the comment.
I do not agree with the second part.
For starters, I was never at Int and was never part of Int Management. But I believe you haven’t been either.
I believe I could accuse any Scientologist of those things (on a smaller scale) that you accuse the now defunct and enslaved ex Int Management. And I also note that you are using very much the concepts of “good old Scientology” (Suppressive Person etc) – which is this black and white thinking of “you are good” and “you are bad”, “you show this indicator and so you fall into category abc and must be handled according to xyc”.
Step outside of that bubble think and look at it from a different angle. People got hooked and enslaved one way or the other and were taught by the great master (yes, it started with LRH and is continued with his apt “second coming”) to repeat on others what has been done to them. First you buy into in and consequently you live and apply it – to everybody. Just the Master doesn’t play by those rules his slaves learned to live by.
I could accuse you of not saving the pay system you used to like so that others could live better as well. Whatever happened, each one involved thought or actually didn’t have the means to change it. And even if you fought against the tide (and many did and can tell you by the most personal experience, as I can as well) that you just got steamrolled over by the other salves.
In the end all you could do was leave. And its good we all did.
And we all left too late, did we not?
But more and more are leaving or no longer participating and that’s how this entire crap will end.
It’s always a personal story in and a personal story out. Only while “in” was it so god damn similar.
the point is, that people do it, not a legal body. We focus on the legal body and cannot change it. As the legal body can only be handled via legal. And a legal body that has billions can buy the right.
We need to look at the person inside the legal body. For example: The Church of Scientology did not introduce the use of gangbang sec checks. This had been done by CMO Int and the head had been Marc Yager. So, he designed it and ordered it to be done. The person that did it in Munich org I know also as a person. This missionary did do gang bang sec checks and did teach the Ethics Officer and some others how to “correctly” deliver it. I know those names too that did it in Munich org. There had been 3 of them. Not 100 or all. So, we need to differentiate here a bit.
Yep, totally agree Schorsch. See my comment below.
All it takes, is the BIG decision to ACT — Decisively. Move in, seize the perps, free the slaves, hand the respective parties over for questioning/ debriefing.
There are PLENTY of agencies, prepared, & capable of doing the job!
They just need the ORDER to do so.
I was real green when I joined. I had only done a comm course at a mission and was still highly enthusiastic about “Saving the Planet”. When I expressed incredulity at the “Billion Year” Sea Org contract, the recruiter just looked at me and said, “Well lemme ask you this, what else are you going to do for the next billion years?” Since I couldn’t really think of my future that far out, I went ahead and signed.
A man walks outside, stubs his toe – Adventure…
If the Sea Org violates its own staffs’ human rights, then Sea Org members should go to the FBI Human Trafficking people and get the Sea Org’s ethics in.
I think the key issue is fear and hopelessness the Sea Org procedures enforce on their staff who want to leave Sea Org staff.
An abused Sea Org member FEARS often asking for their belongings and ID passport/card back and to just leave, immediately, people have rights to forgo the Sea Org procedures without duress and denial that Sea Org units enforce on “blowy” Sea Org members.
I think people in the Sea Org know that the Sea Org abuses their rights.
Sea Org members don’t even know they are being abused.
People on Sea Org staff have the rights to walk out, and NOT be unusually prevented leaving by denying them their ID/passports or credit cards or any other personal items or belongings.
People should blow, get to a phone, call 911, call your local FBI in LA or Clearwater! Look up the FBI’s website above from the library.
Get out of the Sea Org’s mentality to learn your rights.
Good advice Chuck. Perhaps the FBI numbers in Clearwater and LA should be posted on Mike and Tony’s websites as a quick reference guide. I can only assume that these agencies have been informed.
The general number for the FBI (Help for Victims of Trafficking in Persons and Forced Labor) is 1-888-428-7581. They can refer you to a regional FBI office as well as give out general info about Human Trafficking.
The following is the contact info for the regional offices in California and Florida.
FBI Jacksonville
6061 Gate Parkway
Jacksonville, FL 32256
(904) 248-7000
FBI North Miami Beach
16320 Northwest Second Avenue
North Miami Beach, FL 33169-6508
(305) 944-9101
FBI Tampa
5525 West Gray Street
Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 253-1000
FBI Los Angeles
Suite 1700, FOB
11000 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90024-3672
(310) 477-6565
FBI Sacramento
4500 Orange Grove Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95841-4205
(916) 481-9110
FBI San Diego
10385 Vista Sorrento Parkway
San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 320-1800
FBI San Francisco
450 Golden Gate Avenue, 13th. Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102-9523
(415) 553-7400
Chuck, here’s another resource for Sea Org members. I think it’s a safe and less intimidating resource for Sea Org folks, especially those from other countries, who might be afraid to contact law enforcement agencies or others who have been led to believe those are evil “wog” government departments. The NHTRC works hand-in-hand with the FBI and other LE agencies but wouldn’t immediately compel someone to file charges or other kinds of potentially overwhelming actions, AFAIK, at least not during the first few contacts. The NHTRC was started and is operated by the Polaris Project – http://www.polarisproject.org – which is itself an excellent organization. FWIW, Homeland Security, on its webpages dedicated to human trafficking, advise victims to call the NHTRC for help at 1-888-373-7888
The National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) – http://www.traffickingresourcecenter.org is “a national, anti-trafficking hotline and resource center serving victims and survivors of human trafficking and the anti-trafficking community in the United States. The toll-free hotline answered live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Callers can speak with the hotline in English or Spanish, or in more than 200 additional languages using a 24-hour tele-interpreting service. When you call the hotline at 1-888-373-7888, you can expect a specially trained and experienced Call Specialist who will speak with you about your needs, your options, and the resources we have available to help. The NHTRC is not a government entity. We are not law enforcement, immigration or an investigative agency.”
Hope this info is useful to you for your hotline work. And I hope many Sea Org members call it in the days to come, especially those caught up in the nightmare that must be going on at “Pacifica Bridge” and may they call home, too!
Ex Sea Org members can get assistance.
Mat Pesch said the FBI human trafficking people told Mat and Amy that they both qualified for the FBI’s Human Trafficking unit’s help, in Mat’s interview with Jeff Augustine, Mat mentions the FBI told Mat and Amy they qualified had they asked for it.
Today, Sea Org members leaving suddenly, blowing, who need instant help, can always see the contact info at this above website.
In turn, relating to the FBI info that leads to prosecution against the illegalities of the Sea Org is needed so long as the Sea Org abuses people’s rights!
Chuck, do you know if Mat or Amy actually received any tangible help from the FBI?
My story of human trafficking doesn’t compare to others who have endured years in “the hole” and frequent beatings but was considered significant enough to be picked up by the London Evening Standard http://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/london-life/meet-martin-the-raf-officers-son-from-surrey-who-endured-31-years-at-the-dark-heart-of-scientology-8218392.html Every one of the checklist in the Mail article applied. The government here have made a lot of noise recently about ending human trafficking but when I approached my local MP about my story there was just some waffle by way of reply. Governments generally it seems are still in some kind of thrall to Scientology.
Thank you for the link to your story Martin. I’m sorry that you had such a bad experience in the U.S. America is a beautiful country with a lot of good, decent people in it. Unfortunately you didn’t get to see much of that, being isolated in Scientology. I hope things keep getting better for you now that you’re fully out and wish you well.
Scientology: Total Freedom Delivered by Total Slaves.
OMG Alanzo, what a dichotomy! One can only wonder what was going through LRH’s mind when he formed this dangerous cult.
We probably do not want to know. Whatever it was, it can’t be anything good.
This is one of the more significant aspects of moral & modern criminality.
The truth about being both mentally and physically incarcerated within and to an organisation is hard to wrap your thinking gear around. Cult is a good label for it. Almost any person when questioned directly about modern slavery and if they could be shown examples would be sickened & horrified. Yet, the practice of modern slavery goes unchecked in organisations such as the Church of Scientology. The first point and really evil thing about that church is that as an organisation they DO NOT deliver what they promise – their whole organisational structure floats on a lie. Whatever technology and procedures they have/had and is written about in their scriptures has been altered and/or ignored. Their (promoted) products are purely futuristic and at best are figments of their own imagination – too many ex members can verify that. The Church is full of ‘experts’ on their own technology but none if them can or will apply it – even if they could they are NOT ALLOWED! . Otherwise there wouldn’t be blogs like this one. They keep promising over and over they have the solutions to the problems of the mind – well… ? (the truth is that the members of the CofS don’t have clue what Scientology actually is, they just kind of think they do).
I recall the Vietnam era slogan – Apathy Kills – they weren’t wrong about that back then, perhaps it should read “Apathy Enslaves” today with special regard to the Church of Scientology and other lying cults.
This whole mess makes you wonder just who the gullible ones really are.
There are a lot of human trafficking techniques used in CofS – like taking away the passports of foreign workers. Not paying the staff keeps them vulnerable and dependent.
Hubbard apparently wanted all men to be his slaves. The Sea Org IS actually “eternal slavery” but he has re-named it to make it harder for his victims to see that. He called this “propaganda by redefinition”.
Regardless of of whether you call it “the SO (and Staff)” or call it “eternal slavery”, the thing itself is still the same. You have to look at what actually exists, not the name. What actually exists IS called slavery in other groups, but Scientologists are deluded by a master illusionist and manipulator.
In general semantics (which Hubbard was familiar with, having read Korzybski) the phrase is “the map is not the territory” meaning you can’t get caught up in the description of something but you can’t forget to look at the thing itself.
Careful Everfree. Those who attack the criminal slave master get labeled as “haters” by the masochistic slaves who are still in.
Perhaps that is the actual reason behind the obsession with “misunderstood” words and dictionaries.
There’s another aspect to the eternal slavery gig called the sea org. Anyone remember those 1″ thick packs of Flag Orders, page after page of how an SO member is responsible for EVERYTHING? After reading that thing (and getting checked out on them all) I came away from it feeling hopeless that anything could be done, and I might as well just do whatever the one yelling the loudest wanted, because then they would be making the decisions about what didn’t get done, not me. Tricky! It let them be the macho boss.
So not only are you stuck there “honoring” this billion year contract, you’re in the mental condition where you feel you’re going to end up in trouble for something every day. It was a time I re-resigned myself to trying to carry on within this structure and try to save face, or stay out of trouble, or keep the flavor of the week boss happy (execs kept getting busted)….where did clearing the planet go?
All these things coming together in my mind eventually pointed out to me that I was a complete prisoner. I did see that. And while the Human Rights TV ads were on the production lines the one about slavery was absolutely correct about what I was experiencing, except where we worked was not ugly and dirty. Everything else in the ad transferred over completely to how we were being treated.
I escaped shortly after that. BIg win. 🙂
Well said Gato. Those Flag Orders were something that I have come to know have created a lot of confusion, where SO members were operating on data that other staff and public knew nothing about. It acted like and was hidden policy. It sounds like it was hell.
I should clarify that renaming eternal slavery “the SO” isn’t exactly propaganda by redefinition of words, it’s renaming. They are similar techniques that have to do with how words are defined and how objects are labeled – which we all know is something Hubbard had some skill and knowledge in and placed a huge amount of emphasis upon.
I have never been on staff. Never wanted to be. I saw too many of my
personal freedoms going away in a staff environment. In the late 70’s and early 80’s
I had friends in the SO. Some left and when they did I felt a sense of relief and regained
freedom FOR THEM. Funny how I got to know them even better in a non SO/staff environment.
They saw the freedoms they gave up and could have…..so they left. Got out when the gettin’
was good. I doubt the vast majority of SO these days can’t remember the freedoms they gave up
and the freedoms they could have. Living on the streets homeless would be a sense of freedom
and havingness those in the SO can’t experience.
I agree. Being homeless, there are services to help. Makes the costume party fundraisers look even more degrading in that context.
I pledge allegiance to the cause
Of The United Slaves of The Universe
One mission under Dave
With razor wire and sec checks for all
He or she seems frightened, withdrawn or avoids eye contact
He or she is often exhausted, hurt, hungry or sick
are symptoms or characteristics I notice in myself. Perhaps a leftover from the past?
DollarMorgue, sorry to hear this. I got out of the crazyness relatively early and went the public route, and so missed a lot of the bs, but my god, when I read some of the stories of those stuck in I find it hard to believe it could go so far south.
I hope you would consider seeing a good Independent Auditor!
Or licensed psychotherapist
Me too Dollar. I hope your getting help however you see fit. Do what works for you. I had severe anxiety for quite some time and I was always a public, never in the SO. I cannot imagine what it’s like for the SO member, or for a kid who was born in, became a cadet, then SO member. My thoughts are with you.
Thanks, Pepper. The funny thing about being in scientology (and probably any high-demand cult for that matter) is that the more you look, the more you see. What I mean by that is that after two years of examining the subject, reading the literature on cults and abusive relationships as well as developmental psychology, I am only just beginning to understand what happened to me and what the final result is (which I have to live with every day). Martha Stout’s Sociopath next door is an eye-opener, as are books and articles on trauma, PTSD and personality development. I think “normal” people with “normal” (relatively abusive-free) lives do not need to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to find themselves.
+1. I think you’re right Dollar.
I don’t know if you are aware of the International Cultic Studies Association but they seem to be a great online resource. For instance, on their FAQ page – http://www.icsahome.com/elibrary/faqs – under the “Can cultic groups harm people?” question, they list common problems experienced by people who leave high control groups, even if they don’t have PTSD. They also have information geared to SGAs, i.e. second generation adults. Other friends have told me they found this site useful, in varying degrees. If you decide to visit it, I hope you find something that is helpful to you or, at least, informative. Warm regards and best wishes…
Thank you so much for including that link to ICSA. It seems they’ve redesigned their site since my last visit. The FAQ and subsequent articles on SGAs and the cult pseudo-personality were particularly valuable to me. I really appreciate your caring, particularly as an uninvolved person.
Thanks for the link Cars. I have also been doing self-study on cults and have been looking for more information. Appreciate it.
I can, unfortunately, attest to the hungry and exhausted aspects of it. Here is an anecdote: early 2000s, the FSO staff had barely arrived for lunch and, being some many, it usually took some minutes to serve your plate and try to do your best in the 20 plus minutes you had for lunch. We had barely started to eat when an RTC Rep, now in his black uniform, arrived and called the MAAs and told them he was having 5 minutes lunch and it was unacceptable the staff were still there.
‘Command intention’ was taken literally and the MAAs started herding all the staff out of the dining room; it was implied they should follow the example of RTC.
Staff was overall exhausted, mis-emotional, down tone and constantly threatened with ‘no sleep’ if quotas were not made. As years entered 2004, 2005, 2006 things worsened and I am sure haven’t improved.
On the other hand, and fortunately for me and many others who have since left; I never believed I was dependent on ‘my bosses’ (dictators/abusers), so I departed and I am every day glad I did so.
The scene you described and the purported goal of total freedom is one of, if not the most glaring examples of cognitive dissonance.
I’m so glad you got out, Silvia!
+1 I’ll second that!
Silvia, I appreciate all of your posts. To read what you wrote here about the simple action of eating lunch being reduced to a competition of time so that the SO members don’t get more time than an RTC member…… makes me sick. These people are nuts. Psycho crazy.
Right on Silvia!
Here’s another one: On the GCT (Gold Construction Team) alias for a misrun and misused RPF, having worked for days with literally no sleep we finished the music studio in later 85 or spring of 86. Andre T. actually managed to validate us by showing the movie “The Dragon Slayer”, hint, hint we had slayed a ‘dragon’. Of course little was remembered of the movie as we were so dead tired.
I just remember FINALLY getting to my sleep place in Happy Valley and there was NO sense of accomplishment, ZERO havingness, nothing but utter exhaustion. This left a rather bitter taste connected with such ‘accomplishments’. Work makes free? – NOT!
This reminds me of Pac where we were told to spend 3 mins taking a shower. More time on post that way.
This is a perfect example where those pesky wogs don’t know what thar talkin’ about. I mean, what do they know about ethics? Our own Sea Org, now they’re the experts. After all it is their job to GET ETHICS IN ON THE PLANET, right?
The above description of slavery sounds like a GOOD day in the life of a Sea Org member. A good day is when you don’t get physically assaulted or mentally tortured.
From a SO point of view, the wog definition of slavery amounts to having a steely resolve, a fixed dedicated glare and being a tough sonabitch. What could be wrong with that?
Ooops, please add BLZ 700 100 80. Also some typos 🙁
The parallels are almost unbelievable! Heart breaking, unreal!
Exactly, almost unbelievably close – unless we didn’t experience it we probably couldn’t believe it.
But we do know that it is more or less exactly as described.
off topic:
Mike, I am too busy to post on my own blog. But I think this is important.
A correspondent sent me an email from KVPM (Germany’s CCHR). They are asking for money to invite people/prospects from the United Nations to the IAS event in England. Bernd Trepping (Head of KVPM) says “several experts”, but don’t mention any name, and calls it “extended Non-Ex”.
Once again, you can buy status:
“Unterstützer der Kinderrechte 2014 (250 Eur), Verfechter der Kinderrechte 2014 (500 Eur), Bewahrer der Kinderrechte 2014 (750 Eur), Schutzherr/frau der Kinderrechte 2014 (1000 Eur).”
First of all: “Kinderrechte” stands for “Children Rights”. The ones, who know my personal story, are aware of the fact that this does not include allowing children to see their non Scientologist dad.
The money is for flights, hotels, rental cars and the PATRON EVENING.
And to make their account public:
Postbank München
Account 86 584 804 (Konto)
Sort code (German Bankleitzahl or BLZ)
IBAN DE60 7001 0080 0086 5848 04
I do understand that CCHR/KVPM is just trying to spread good PR. Anyway, I do have my personal experience on so called “Kinderrechte”/”Children Rights” that my only purpose is to stop these hypocrites, who did invent a full blown story with the purpose to take my children away for good, just to give them to my ex-wife, who was in good standing.
United Nations, if you read this. Keep in mind that the “FAIR GAME” rule does not stop when children are involved.
And Bernd Trepping, if you read this you should know that you may have good intentions, but your organisation does not as soon as you express your wishes to leave.
The “Fair Game” rule does not stop when children are involved. There’s proof right there what the RCoS’s attitude is towards children and the family unit. Billion year-old thetans in tiny bodies, who just happened to pick up a fetus in a woman’s body and get going again. It’s only a cycle of action and the family is background noise.
A note on Sea Org recruitment of teenagers: they are told that they are billion-year old beings and because of that, they don’t have to listen to their parents.
I had macho young woman with a crass attitude tell my daughter (aged 14) that right in my presence. She said these exact words: You are a billion year old thetan and you don’t have to listen to HER!
Macho woman – Sea Org recruiter gestured towards me swatting her hand as though I were a fly. She didn’t say “your mother” or have the courtesy to even use my name. Just “her” with contempt in her tone of voice.
I just wanted to make my point clear in addition to what I said above.
Pepper, if that chick told me that now and I had a daughter or son, I would tell her to go fuck herself.
Yeah MJ! And throw her out of the house!
Pepper, what gall! I bet you wanted to do more than swat her for that! These heartless, soulless SO members who do things like that didn’t start out that way. They started out really wanting to help and then got suppressed and squashed and puliverized into the winning valence. And so contagion of aberration continues. This has to end.
“That’s right, my daughter, you are a trillion year old immortal being who doesn’t need to listen to the person who happens to be your mother this lifetime – no, you needn’t listen to me, NOR, I might add, do you need to listen to HER”.
Easy to be a Monday nite quarterback, Pepper, but that’s what I thought of when I read your post about that disgusting SO recruiter. God, these people are just too insane to be believed;
🙁 This is the main aspect of the way scientology and the management of it that bothers me. The signs of slavery as listed above are the most flagrant examples of what is happening to many if not most SO members but there are varying shades of these signs in the form of thoughts and agreements that contribute to the enforcement of this slavery.
Thank you for this posting, a good reminder and maybe a wake up call for lurkers. Reminds me of recent videos where scientologists are confronted by protestors. They run away, look away or use “ignore tech”.
About 15 years ago my family took in a woman who had been held in slavery in Brookline MA. She was brought into the country to be a housekeeper for 2 Saudi young men attending dental school. Thought she was coming for 2 weeks. She never got her passport or money. She was supporting 2 young children in Indonesia.
Naively, I thought we could get help for her through official US channels. Long story, big mistake. Last time I heard from her she was a nanny in Hong Kong. Took my American arrogance down a bit about “illegal immigrants”. If I truly wanted to help her and her children I would have helped her stay undercover.
Sorry for the long post, this contract brought back a very painful memory.