Over the past 2 years, there is only one recognized person who speaks on behalf of scientology: Marty Rathbun.
The two other recognizable “spokespeople” are never heard from — Ed Parkin sends out a stream of tweets and Karin Pouw’s name is affixed to the routine letters sent to the media written by others. They are never actually seen speaking. These 3 are the troika of scientology spokespeople today. Monique Yingling seems to have gone into retirement. Tommy Davis blew. Heber Jentzsch is disappeared. Even Bob Adams and Linda Simmons-Hight have vanished. And the other people who speak in videos are random former associates of those who are targeted by scientology. Only Marty Rathbun is a recurring presence with moving lips.
Though you never see any live interviews with Marty, his brown-jacketed videos are featured prominently on scientology sites and he is cited as a great authority. They have taken to referring to him as a guru.
Here is a recent STAND League piece by a Dean Blehert who apparently fancies himself as some sort of expert commentator on things of which he clearly knows nothing. Dean probably didn’t even write this — like Karin Pouw, his name was merely added to the planned article.
Scientology has lifted Marty Rathbun into the most visible (and according to them, truthful) official spokesperson on all matters relating to Leah Remini, me or any of the endless shitstorm of negative coverage, I thought it would be interesting to sample some of Marty’s thoughts about David Miscavige.
I downloaded these from Marty’s blog yesterday.
Dean, Fast Eddie and the other STAND stooges apparently place great weight on his words (though nobody else in the world does), so perhaps this will be enlightening for them to hear it from the horse’s mouth about their Dear Leader.
He has had a LOT to say (though it seems to have dried up since the lawsuit was dismissed). This is merely a small sampling. I kept the titles of the blog entries the excerpts are from so they are easy to locate — and because in some instances, the titles say it all.
Update From David Miscavige’s Bunker
When Miscavige directed Scientology Inc. to counter the truth with wheelbarrows full of ad hominen attacks directed at the four of us who spoke out, the Times followed up on several former Int base staff who had informed them that every word Amy [Pesch], Tom [DeVocht], Mike [Rinder] and I spoke was true.
Though I publicly warned Miscavige that if he continued to lie, that which he lied about would become his future, Miscavige continued to take not one ounce of responsibility and had then spokesperson Tommy Davis appear on several national television broadcasts denying what by then the world could see was patent truth. Miscavige had Tommy imprisoned and punished for so loyally following his own directions.
In order to continue to protect his lies, Miscavige instituted a policy of paying large sums of money to staff who could further corroborate his crimes and having them sign extremely restrictive non-disclosure agreements.
Imagine being in the skull of David Miscavige. Not only does he have to compute 24/7/365 his own lies – trying to keep his every lying utterance consistent with every past lying one (and they are legion); he has got to also keep attention units spread across the world attempting to continually dam the truth from emitting from so many others.
David Miscavige Killed Lisa McPherson
Lisa Mcpherson was fed the Clear cognition (that realization that – given it is accompanied by the UNMISTAKABLE meter phenomena mentioned above – signifies a person has honestly made it to Clear) many years before David Miscavige bypassed the entire international tech hierarchy to personally write a lengthy C/S directly to Lisa. Anybody knows that when a clear cog feeding occurs (and the pc is extremely obsessed with obtaining the cultural status that comes with being declared Clear), C/Ses and auditors have got to be extremely competent and wise in navigating the individual to the actual accomplishment of the state of Clear. The Miscavige C/S informed Lisa McPherson in essence that every other C/S and every other auditor she’d dealt with for the past ten years was criminal and out tech and only he, David Miscavige the Pope himself, understood that she in fact was Clear.
Not surprisingly, within weeks Lisa had a psychotic break…
David Miscavige imposed a months long onslaught of desperate, out-tech auditing programs. Those programs were enforced by his unquestioning, and all-powerful, RTC representative at the Flag Land base. That Lisa McPherson went insane during this ordeal should be no surprise to tech trained people.
Lisa McPherson was killed at the Flag Land Base.
David Miscavige killed Lisa McPherson.
David Miscavige: The Narcissist
Mike Rinder, Dan Koon, Raul, and many other former International Corporate Scientology base staff will attest that David Miscavige would never lift a single finger to advance any such campaign.
Anyone who has worked closely with Miscavige can also attest that he considers Latinos second-class, degraded people. Not only can he not translate Spanish, he cannot even pronounce a single Spanish word properly. I’ve only ever heard him attempt to use Spanish words to degrade Latinos or Latinas in his environment.
Now, check the following clip from the most recent IAS annual event and tell me, is there a single sincere bone in this cat’s body?
David Miscavige and Tom Cruise: Psychopath and his Movie Star Pal
Is David Miscavige a Threat to the Public At Large?
What follows is but one of many stories about how the taxpayer subsidized, mafia-like tactics of David Miscavige pose a danger to society at large. Ratchet up your confront of evil a couple notches. David Miscavige with a billion tax free dollars is capable of – and is trying his hardest to achieve – a tremendous amount of chaos and hurt even to those who have never heard of Scientology.
David Miscavige the Coward
A tremendous amount of International Association of Scientologists fees are being expended daily to run a black PR operation against me personally as well as a 110 day operation designed to impede me directly and make the lives of Mosey and I a living hell
If you’d go to the St Petersburg Times video interview of me, and watch the segment titled Reverse Dianetics at http://www.tampabay.com/specials/2009/reports/project/rathbun.shtml, you will learn that Miscavige did not have the courage to confront me man to man before I left (even with whatever security contingent he chose to bring with him, against me alone
David Miscavige the Cheater
The Radical Corporate Scientology view is that of its leader David Miscavige. Win at any cost; defeat the designated enemy by any means necessary. Become whatever it is that the leader has you resist. And above all, NEVER question the enemy status of anyone Botox Dave fingers.
Even on a personal level, there is no “game” Miscavige ever played that he did not cheat in order to “win.” In basketball, he blatantly and violently fouled his opponents and required his “teammates” to do the same (he also always made sure I was on his team, who back in the day could drain ’em from just about anywhere:). Of course, because of his position no one could argue – and by violent overwhelm, against all rules, Miscavige would invariably “win.”
Even in the card game Pinochle, which he required execs to play with him (nobody, and I mean nobody, ever played any game with the habitual cheat on his own determinism), Miscavige overtly grabbed the cards of his opponents to view them whenever he lagged behind on points.
The Psychosis of David Miscavige
For those who have not lived and worked around David Miscavige, it is sometimes hard to believe the magnitude of Miscavige’s psychosis. The following Blackberry message threads between Miscavige and “Lou” (Miscavige’s Communicator) on one side and Tommy Davis and Mike Rinder on the other end of the line gives a taste of what it’s like within the bizarre, insane world of Miscavige.
So, according to Marty Rathbun, David Miscavige is a:
Quite a complete rundown.
And out of interest, because it came up in the search when I put in “David Miscavige,” here is a piece Marty Rathbun wrote about me…
Mike Rinder: The Antithesis of David Miscavige
I’ve alluded it to it before. But, now I’ll make it crystal clear. Mike Rinder was beat on the order of fifty times by David Miscavige. The reason is simple. Mike Rinder was the shock absorber between David Miscavige’s psychotic intentions and the public at large. Pure and simple.
I witnessed many of the beatings. This is typically how they would play out.
Miscavige: Rinder, those protest signs are aimed at one person and one person alone, me! What the f*** is OSA doing about it?
Rinder: (calmly, coolly) Sir, we are re-routing the staff and public so that no one sees them. We are investigating the instigator to determine if some vested interest is behind this…
Miscavige: (turns to Marty) Did you hear that SP?! He couldn’t care less. Totally nonchalant. He is perfectly fine with ME getting smeared! (turns to Rinder) You f****** SP! I don’t want the sons of bitches “investigated”, I want them destroyed! Squashed like F****** cockroaches. Get that fat Nazi bitch Kurt Weiland up here Shelly. Get f****** OSA to make up signs now about the pig who started this – and get some real public who love me – unlike this SP Rinder – go picket his f****** house. (turns to me, points at Rinder) Look at him, he’s just sitting there…I have to handle everything, even my own defense…f****** pie face. (Miscavige cups his hand and whacks Rinder full force on the ear, storms out of room cursing up a storm).
(Rinder is his inimitable, diplomatic style quietly interjects himself back into the cycle, editing OSA’s signs so that they are not so blatantly unlawfully threatening. He also sustains another beating or two for reporting directly to Miscavige that the public in front of such-and-so’s home are creating a terrible PR situation. Ultimately, after three vicious beatings Mike survives when a PR flap of magnitude intercedes and Mike has got to clean up, dress up and appear on national TV as the public face of Scientology. Mike somehow regains his equilibrium and comes across as the calm, rational guy he is. Only then does Miscavige stop obsessing on the protesters and Wieland wisely and quietly follows Mike’s advice and calls off the dogs)
No exaggeration. I’ll give examples in my book – but this is a distillation of a day in the life of Mike Rinder at the International Headquarters of Radical Corporate Scientology.
Yeah, I got choked up in Germany. And I’m choking up now because fact of the matter is every time (and they were multiple per week) that I served as a sounding board for Miscavige in this wise, I not only perpetuated the destruction of Scientology, I allowed a great man and a good friend to be tortured and denigrated.
But, Mike is the living proof of one truth Nietzsche offered:
What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.
Mike Rinder is perhaps the strongest man I know.
Mike Rinder was and is a better man than I.
This gave me the idea to look up what scientology has to say about Marty Rathbun — when they are not using him as their spokesperson and lauding his opinions. That will be interesting.
The last encounter I had with Bob Adams of OSA West US was shortly after Donald Trump was elected, so fall 2016. Without provocation (we were talking about something else), he darkly volunteered: “Trump has GOT TO BUILD THAT WALL!” Folks recall, DJT heavily ran on a promise he would build a border wall and get Mexico to pay for it.
Now, remember, this is not a political blog. My mention of this utterance from a highly trained experienced C of S spokesperson and PR handler + New OT 8 is not to invite political commentary. It is merely to say what immediately came into my mind: What about the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 13, part 2: “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.”
One of the grand super important 4th dynamic (all of mankind) global campaigns of the Church is their partnership with the U.N. to espouse, bring into understanding and into existence the fact of all of these human rights in every country around the world.
Another instance of cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy.
Pick a lane. Is the group in favor of human rights including the right to move and relocate to safety, or no, forget that?
Pick a lane.
In Central America there is a heavy successful penetration of “The Way to Happiness” to remedy, so we are told, citizens’ proclivities toward crime and violence.
This all again, in my mind begged the question: Well, which is it? Are we actively through Freewinds campaigns in these countries (that I have been asked to donate to, and have enthusiastically) helping to improve conditions, or are we… fully on-board with dismissing and discarding people in countries which are struggling with controlling crime?
Once again, not trying to be political. I am mentioning this because of the disconnect and, to me, deep oddity of what was not being just stated, but quite emphatically conveyed as something “effect” and dramatic and victim-y. Not a “Cause over life” or “We have solutions to all of man’s problems [and we are winning]” viewpoint that parishioners everywhere are so often told. With confidence, I might add.
If possible,people,try to watch the film Judgement at Nuremberg and pay close attention to Burt Lancaster’s final speech while being interrogated on the stand.It is riveting and one could compare it to Scientology’s leader and his psychotic lust for total power over everyone and everything.What a pathetic,delusional little man he is.
Marty Rathbun
Church hired gun
Lies that he’s spun
Truth’s on the run
I find it very difficult to comprehend Marty’s thinking. Even when he was “out,” and I had a very small phone, verbal, interaction with him, I found him brusque and lacking in empathy. Kind of scared me off him. But his flip flop in making those videos is so flabbergasting it’s hard to fathom. But when I read what he wrote about DM it gives me some insight into how insane THAT dude is. Playing cards he had to cheat? The guy just stacks the deck because he’s the guy in charge! That’s like a 12 year old. What do you get the guy who has everything that he took by force and by cheating? NOTHING! There is nothing that could possibly, ever satisfy a guy like that. (Buddha says ALL life is dissatisfaction but for THAT guy his level of dissatisfaction must be horrifying.) He has to be so freaking messed up it’s hard to fathom. That’s because most of us can’t possibly think like that. I am so glad I am out of that world.
Welllll….maybe their story is that Monique Yingling, Tommy Davis . Heber Jentzsch, Bob Adams and Linda Simmons-Hight have vanished & all have gone into retirement with Shelley M to parts unknown.
See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil…..their mouths are sewed shut, the “magic dust” was sprinkled over everyone of them and >>>PPPPOOOOOFFFFF…..they vanished Got to be the CAL MAG mixed in with the cupcake batter that keeps them at bay.
“Rathbun invents whatever story suits him”
My lord. That whole article was just about how DM had his feelings hurt and was publicly embarrassed. Do you really think an article that is on the COS page is going to make DM look bad. No, they are just going to attack the ones who know the real DM. That man is a narcissist. All this “religion” does is brain wash people. There is NO religion that you have to pay to be i, but this one, how people can’t see what this really is is amazing.
I think money was a fairly large part for his return to fold, so to speak, but in all honesty I would have to say that after so many years in $camology he just could not function well in the outside world unlike Mike and Leah and many others who did escape this vile cult and have come to relish (if that’s the correct term) the freedom that was denied them for years.
Wonder if Miscavige promised to let Rathbun secretly write OT-9 in return for his cooperation. So frustrating that we may never know.
This is an excellent theory. For Marty, I can imagine the chance to dictate tech might be even more appealing than just money.
Scientology clearly is driven by the psychopath Miscavige to win at all costs. As a survivor of the extreme gaslighting that goes on in the cult I can tell you that no member has any rights. And Marty’s integrity was ultimately destroyed and white is now black, up is now down and what was sweet has turned sour.
The message here is very clear. Scientology DRIVES PEOPLE INSANE. I almost went the way of Lisa McPherson so I have some first hand experience.
And so thanks go to in particular Mike and Tony that I am here today because of their courage. And I am sad that Marty is now a broken shell of an honest caring human being. Someday he will wake up when he sees the legacy he has left his child.
Mike your continued perseverance in exposing the truth inspires me. I love that Hollywood has seconded the motion with another Emmy. Rock On! 🎸🎶
Look guys. If you were offered a financial package that would not only take care of your wife, your children and your grandchildren for the rest of their lives, you might consider taking it also. Even if it meant defending a dishonest organization. Most of us would seriously consider that offer.
Ummm.. NO.
Most of us would not consider that… ever.
It’s called getting a job. There’s no reason Marty can’t work. And I think his wife does, too.
I find it very hard to defend the indefensible. But you’re entitled to your opinion, of course.
To be honest, I would have to say it depends on just what kind of illegal we are talking about.
I would not be interested in supporting any organization that hurts people – by forcibly destroying their families, by engaging in “fair game” tactics that hurt and harass people, by torturing people by following them with P.I.s and engaging in all manner of assults – even outright rape!
But if there was an organization that was just fed up with the current system of Justice being unable to help the victims of horrible criminal cults, I must admit that I would definitely give that some consideration. That is on the border line of “illegal” to be sure. But it has been 20 or 30 years since any lawful Justice organization has had the courage to go after this filthy cult, I think some people might just be fed up to the point where they may be willing to consider engage in some minor kinds of vigilantism.
Ok, fine.
But we’re talking about Marty Rathbun. He’s defending a vile, abusive cult. There’s absolutely no excuse for that.
When you were winning, making strides, with a lawsuit that could force DM on a stand and possibly lead to investigation and revocation of tax status, bringing the whole corrupt life stealing scam to oblivion?
Few to none of us with a tenth of Marty’s insider truth and experience would take a deal.
But Marty would. He’s been an arrogant thug since the beginning. He’s 100% self serving to his ego, no matter how he may have cloaked it as it suited.
Scientology didn’t make Marty a turncoat power reveling bully, it just gave him years of opportunity to lord it, inflict it on sweet people, and swim in his slimy pompous sea of selfish filth unstoppable.
Christ, read his old blog and comments. 100% gasbag ego tripper. Read a tenth of the BS he’s put out since.
No fucking loss at all.
I would add, if the money was not tempting enough, how about not feeling fear for your family 24/7, by taking the “deal”. I would think that could be a bigger motivation.
Never been a fan of his – as you know.
I’d bet a million dollars that Marty checks this blog often. He probably can’t resist.
Oh, Marty. How far you’ve fallen. You were finally telling the truth about $cientology’s horrific abuses; finally getting the truth out there; finally being honest; finally OUT of that insane, despicable cult.
And now look at you. You’re driving a clown car of your own making off the edge. I actually feel sorry for you. Kinda.
Did Ray Jeffrey ever file a second petition to investigate the Rathbuns finances?
Ray Jeffrey filed a petition but filed it in the wrong court. Then he gave up. Next thing we know – Marty Rathbun buys a new $300,000 house and Monique opens up a cup cake business. Then the Scientology Public Service Announcements start airing on his blog.
If Scientology was smart, they would have paid Ray Jeffrey on the side and then told him to fuck up the filing and do it in the wrong court. Tell everyone you just gave up – you just can’t handle this anymore and you are not going to do anything about it. Then Scientology would pay Ray Jeffrey a big fat check for services rendered for Marty / Monique Rathbun but state it was for something else. All wired to off shore accounts, which can’t be tracked.
It would certainly make sense to deter and sour any attorney’s looking to take any Scientology cases on contingency.
I am not saying that is what happened because I don’t know. But it would be smart for Scientology to do that. It would also be awesome to do in some thrilling Scientology cult Sea Org member making a harrowing escape from Scientology movie.
Yeah it’s not what happened. At least the Ray Jeffrey part.
I wasn’t aware of the fact that Marty bought a $300,000.00 house at that time.
I guess he got an offer he couldn’t refuse. Had to sell his fucking soul to get it though.
Not such a good deal.
I forgot the name of the bakery. It has very odd hours. It is hard to believe it is making money.
I am confused. If Marty trashed David Miscavige personally and defended Mike Rinder publicly, why is he the spokesman of Scientology today? Leaving the church, attacking the attackers, starting a squirrel group, and all of this is somehow forgotten when Marty went back into the church? He wasn’t put on RPF, but was elevated to a public facing role? Definitely shook my stable datum on this one. (Well written article. I thoroughly enjoyed it.)
Golden Era – you ask Why?
Cuz it’s Scientology.
If it made sense, it would not be Scientology.
If it wasn’t evil and cruel.
It would not be Scientology.
If it did not confuse you beyond belief.
It just would not be Scientology.
Right. You expect them to operate with the held down 7. I get it. The confusion was common too while I was a member, I unfortunately keyed that in too now. But there is hope if Marty Rathbun saw the light once, he will see the light again and blow once he witnesses some more BS.
I’d call him an informal spokesperson – and maybe even just a useful idiot, a categorization I know he would really bristle at. He’s useful to the CofS now because they have the same enemies – so I see it as an awkward alliance, sort of a version of the “the enemy of my enemy, is my friend” (or at least my financial patron)
My best guess is that he made some strange sort of compromise with Miscavige that he could rationalize as not “selling out,” like being paid for some sort of NDA only going forward – which would explain things like why his old content is still up on his website. And I think he considers that it also suits his purposes if not even justifies his deal, to be given a platform (the videos) to air his grievances with exes and critics, who he apparently thinks are not telling the story right and are missing the truth- believing that only he knows and understands exactly what happened, part of a longstanding pattern of overbearing righteousness – and thus deserve to be attacked.
Good point. They obviously wouldn’t let him back in unless they could put him in checkmate with confessions, NDAs, and other legalese tricks. I just feel sorry for his wife after I saw stories of her being attacked / fair gamed when Marty blew, and she wasn’t ever a member. I wonder how she is dealing with it, and it could be good to get an update on her for the ex-Scientology community. Even if Marty is a flip-flopper, she has to deal with all the drama as a non-Scientologist.
I used to read Marty’s blog every day when I was first in the process of getting out of Scientology.
I found it extremely helpful.
These days there is nothing on this site for me at all.
In fact, I can’t imagine who would take Marty seriously these days.
After all, there are only so many times you can turn your coat without losing all your credibility.
This site has changed a lot since I started reading it.
It was once a site for Indies. These days Indies feel out-of-place here.
But this at least is an evolution that is understandable.
Marty’s is not – not at all and one can only speculate on the reasons for his turnaround.
I am very surprised that Miscavige uses him. Miscavige does not seem to be a forgiving individual and I am sure that he would not trust Marty an inch.
The reason he uses Marty just might be because no one else will come close enough to him to spit in his face. Just sayin’ …
Nice work Mike.
Graham Berry in the house! 👍
I was quite excited when I saw the headline of today’s blog. Originally, I thought this was something that just happened – that MR just came out with these blistering remarks about DwarfenSadist.
But are these remarks something that have existed for a long time? If so, I can’t imagine how MR could have appeared to come back into the fold of this cult while leaving these remarks on the Net.
Can anyone clarify just when these remarks were made and if MR really means what he said about Mike being a better man then he is, then can we expect Mike & Leah to be interviewing him soon on their Podcast?
These are all from before they dismissed their lawsuit.
Can’t imagine why no one didn’t just grab the little freak by his hair and dangle him out the window for a while — test his so-called invincibility. No one would miss him. Bullies are never missed. Getting beat up by a guy smaller than you seems intolerable to me.
Judith, NO one in DM’s proximity wasn’t convinced that he was the “Pope”, and none could have raised a hand to protect themselves from his insane onslaughts.
Endanger his person!? Neva gonna happen. He had too many bodyguards.
Well said, Judith!
But it has been explained either on the TV show “Aftermath” or the film “Going Clear”. Someone asked a similar question and the person who was assaulted replied, “But would you hit him back if he was an Admiral?” (apparently the person who asked the question was in the military at some time).
So, with the evil dwarf beating on a larger man while there are other members in the room, they felt it would be obvious that as soon as they hit back, the other people in the room would have grabbed him and restrained him.
But I certainly do enjoy the thought of one or more people finally having their fill of this tiny monster and beating the shit out of him.
You might remember that after being beaten by DM, Marc Headley once tried to fight back, but was escorted off by Greg Wilhere and a couple of other hench people.
Also, he’d be surrounded by his nutty loyal sea org minions/robots who would have you on the floor in two seconds, kicking and beating you. Or depending on who’s there to witness it, as PartTimeSp said, you could get “escorted” away. He doesn’t go anywhere by himself. You would never be able to get a fun little one-on-one with him as you describe. Gotta think of other ways.
A man sells his soul for a fee
Witness the hypocrisy
Dissed Leah and Rinder
His torch but a cinder
O Marty we hardly knew ye
Good one, Scribe.
Scribe, it is better than good. Just like the rest of your work, it’s SUPERB!
Thanks Skyler.
Marty Rathbun about David Miscavige:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQQiLcEiXsU – “The truth rundown Rathbun 1 Miscavige’s spiral of violence”
Marty Rathbun about Tom Cruise:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilPgaontQPo – “Scientology NBC ROCK CENTER MARTY RATHBUN”
Norman Starkey (Executive of the Scientology Sea Organization, Trustee of Hubbard estates) to Anderson Cooper, CNN, about defector Marty Rathbun: (at 8:55 – 9:34) https://www.ronmiscavigebook.com/videos/norman-starkey.html#3
Sorry, the last link is wrong.
That one is from Norman Starkey’s North Korean style adulation of Supreme Leader David Miscavige and trashing Ron Miscavige and his book.
The link were Norman Starkey is talking about “defrocked apostate” Marty Rathbun (at 8:55 – 9:34) is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJN7eptXjY4 – “The Church of Scientology: A History of Violence Part 1 (Part D)”
(Notice also Norman Starkey’s crazed gaze.)
Interesting is also the detailed descriptions of David Miscavige’s violence by Marty Rathbun at the beginning of the video.
Marty, Marty, Marty…. Will you ever be able to escape the insanity you originally walked into trying to help others over 40 years ago? Will you ever find your way back to truth, honesty, integrity and most of all the ability to look in the mirror and feel good about yourself. I really hope so. Peace brother.
He can’t now. He is bound by contractual obligation’s.
Rathbun was partly motivated by origins in a family with a history of mental illness, including a brother who was severely afflicted, as well as his mother.
I wonder if he is less mentally stable than we might presume him to be. Perhaps he’s just what might be alled high-functioning, and maybe Scientology even helped him learn how to keep up that facade.
It’s possible he simply doesn’t even know what the truth really is about things that happened anymore, especially if he has been doing something like self-auditing that can really mess with memory. We now know from research and studies that memory can be surprisingly malleable, and auditing in particular actually even does things like ‘implanting’ false memories such as of past lives.
It seemed to me like he was earnestly seeking at one point, but he couldn’t keep the flaws of his personality as well as his demons from getting in his way.
I don’t know what made Marty flip. I wish I knew. I read his blog when I was UTR and planning to leave. It helped me a lot back then. His articles and the comments were enormously reassuring to me, back then. I’d go so far as to say that I’m not sure I would have had the courage to leave if I hadn’t read Marty’s blog for nearly 2 years, back in 2010 and 2011. He did a lot of good for a while, with that blog and in standing up to the Squirrel Busters. And there was his wife’s lawsuit – so courageous, at the time. And then, suddenly, and without warning, it was all over. No explanation from Marty or Monique forthcoming. Speculation about what had happened with the Rathbuns and why was rife. Marty’s infrequent answers were terse and cryptic. Strong circumstantial evidence later pointed to him making a deal with CO$. And he has since said horrible, untrue things about Mike Rinder who had been his very good friend. Someday possibly we’ll know the facts. Without denying, ignoring or disavowing the lies and harm he perpetrated since he flipped, I personally feel the need to “hold on” to the good he did me with his blog. Reading his articles and the comments and stories of all who read and posted there was of incalculable benefit to me in the state of mind I was in back then. I’ll always be grateful to Marty for that. The cult got to him in the end. Sad for him. Truly, I mean that. It is a huge loss that, out of their storehouse of dirty intimidation tricks one or more of them worked on Marty so that the cult was able to get him back in their clutches. Very sad.
Or, maybe the cult didn’t seek him out. Maybe he approached them, out of exhaustion, or despair, or whatever. Ok, I have to stop speculating RIGHT now or I’ll go on all night. This is what addiction to detective fiction has done to my so-called mind.
Mike, is it true that Leah offered Marty a producer slot for the Aftermath show??? As I recall the timeline, Rathbun was already seduced by the dark side well before the shows started.
It may be a tactical error to bring a lot of public attention to the “back pages” of Marty’s blog. Hard to understand why it has not already been officially memory-holed. It would be very sad if that did happen, at one point there was a pretty lively exchange of ideas going on over there. Strange, inexplicable, odd and pernicious ideas sometimes, but still worth preserving for future research.
Not true at all. I was not even a producer on the first season! She did ask him if he would like to participate. He declined. And spun it into a story that fit the scientology narrative.
This is an incredible compilation of sad, cruel, and hard to believe but true, horrible things about David Miscavige.
It is so bizarre that Marty, who was there, saw what happened, and reported the viscous beatings, then became a lap dog of the abuser.
I guess when the David Miscavige puts your balls in a vice financially, and then offers you some sort of pathetic monetary carrot, if you’re Marty Rathbun, ex-scientology enforcer, you take it.
When LRH concocted Dianetics with help from his science fiction writer friends, and it became the Scientology boondoggle it did, the policies he created never conceived of the internet. The “tech” was not prepared for the world wide web!
O/T. Yesterday, I posted the Politico story that Scientologist Trish Duggan is a huge Trump donor:
Today, Tony Ortega advances the story:
Now that Scientology mega-donor Trish Duggan is famous, will the ditched-kid story blow up?
He uses a lot of terminology in the article about Lisa McPherson that I don’t understand as one who hasn’t had experience with this stuff. Could you do a blog entry explaining how DM caused her psychotic break? I just didn’t understand the terms he used.
This is from the Wikipedia:
During June 1995, the Church of Scientology placed McPherson in an “Introspection Rundown” due to perceived mental instability. McPherson completed the rundown, and she attested to the state of “clear” in September.[4]
On November 18, 1995, McPherson was involved in a minor car accident. Paramedics initially left her alone because she was ambulatory, but after she began to remove her clothes, the paramedics decided to take her to the hospital. McPherson remarked to the paramedics that she had taken off her clothes in hopes of obtaining counseling.[5] Hospital staff agreed that she was unharmed, but recommended keeping her overnight for observation. Following intervention by fellow Scientologists, McPherson refused psychiatric observation or admission at the hospital and checked herself out after a short evaluation.[6] Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge Frank Quesada concluded:[7]
Lisa McPherson refused psychiatric observation or admission at the hospital; she expressly stated.
her desire to receive the religious care and assistance from her fellow congregants that she and
they wanted her to have.
McPherson was then taken to the Fort Harrison Hotel, also known as the Flag Land Base, where she was put under the care of staffers belonging to the Church’s Flag Service Organization (FSO). According to Scientology, McPherson was brought to the Fort Harrison Hotel for “rest and relaxation.”[8] However, sworn statements demonstrate that she was brought there for another Introspection Rundown.[8][9] Mark McGarry, an attorney with the Florida Office of the State Attorney, characterized McPherson’s care under the FSO as an “isolation watch”:[9]
My understanding now is, from talking to many, many witnesses, the purpose of her being there
in the Church, correct me if I’m wrong, she was experiencing some mental problems, and you
guys were going to stabilize her through an isolation watch. And after that watch occurred, there
was going to be a procedure run on her, and the procedure was an introspection rundown.
Scientology accommodated McPherson in a cabana and kept a “24 hours’ watch” over her. Detailed logs were kept on her day-to-day care. These logs were handwritten on plain white paper.[10] Most of these logs were kept, but the logs for the last three days were summarized from the originals and the originals were shredded. Brian J. Anderson, the then Commanding Officer of the Church’s Office of Special Affairs (OSA) in Clearwater, said in his sworn statement:[11]
I saw the handwritten notes, gave a cursory look to see if the summary—see if they matched and
matched, and I threw the handwritten reports in my shred basket, and I had the report, kept the
McPherson’s “care logs” narrate the last seventeen days of her life: she was incoherent and sometimes violent, her nails were cut so she would not scratch herself or the staff, and she bruised her fists and feet while hitting the wall. McPherson was given natural supplements and the drug chloral hydrate to help her sleep. A Church staffer noted that she “looked ill like measles or chicken pox on her face.” On repeated occasions, McPherson refused food and protein shakes that the staff offered. On November 26 and 30 and December 3 to 4, Church staff attempted to force feed her, noting that she spat the food out. McPherson was noted to be very weak, not standing up nor on some days moving at all.[12] Scientologists who questioned this handling were told to “butt out”.
The New York Times did more than one investigative article concerning Lisa McPherson, in 1997 and 1998. If one is a subscriber to NY Times, it would be easy to access. My place of employment at the time faithfully received the NY Times daily and this front-page article concerning my fellow group member, Lisa McPherson, was one time I privately violated the mandate to have no exposure to any media unfavorable to C of S.
Part of the back story reported how Lisa—once she relocated to Clearwater to be a good group member and dedicate herself to the Bridge—routinely “on-lines” included on registration and fundraising lines weekly. This persisted for months and months, is my memory of what I read.
The story reported how she had been expressing doubts to some of her family and friends in her hometown. I think this has been reported elsewhere, directly leading up to the car accident, she was communicating to non-Scientologists in her life that she was thinking of concluding her Clearwater life and moving back home.
I got a clear picture, she was a parishioner in a multi-months barrage of both intensive and after intensive of auditing, plus intense demanding “Thursday before 2” stat pushes demanding more and more money from her. I think she was donating a significant percentage of her salary (working for a WISE member company?). There was a part of her that was beginning to question: Is this not really a virtuous and help-filled rocket ride, but a de-stabilizing rollercoaster ride?
If you are an Ex-, this dilemma will be real to you. If you personally, or if you have been close to someone, who got robustly and ongoing thrust into WEEKLY Thurs. before 2 hard-core reg and fundraising pummeling, then you know that alone can drive a person around the bend.
I am so sorry for her, and the horrendous dwindling spiral she was repeatedly thrown into. It is rather unfathomable—save for, it sounds like, an undisclosed civil suit settlement—that no one in C of S had to pay for this SERIES of crimes.
Of course, for group members, what we do know came out of this was the big, beefy multi-page “I will not sue C of S” and “I authorize C of S staff to come retrieve me if I end up in the hands of psychiatry” mandatory form we have to sign before each service. I know many of us have now looked at this with a better set of eyes—all done to protect and benefit the Church. Certainly not done to protect or benefit the parishioner.
Dear Fellow, the article is not intended for persons who know nothing about the subject. It’d be awfully complicated to try to explain in other words
My personal idea is that DM knows very well the buttons of Marty and it was enough to push them for some time to have him changing his mind and back under his influence.
Another factor is the ego. Marty (as DM) have strong egoic personalities and this makes one to look the others and the reality in general in a very twisted way. The reason is that the person sees himself above a crossroad where everything passes and this “everything” must always be judged by him so he feels to control it.
Mike on many occasions you have apologized or were sorry for what may have happened while you were still in the SO. That I remember I never heard him apologize or have any repentance. This says a lot.
I spent year after year making comments on Rathbun’s Blog. It was a shock when he made the videos attacking Rinder and Rehmini. I always had the idea that Rathbun was objectively looking at reality. It became perfectly clear that he has his own personal viewpoint which is very, very strong. I see this personal viewpoint as thick as spades when he now makes comments. Any former follower of Hubbard has a critical decision to make. If one can see that Hubbard was totally wrong, it is easy to speak about Scientology. If there is the slightest cling to Hubbard, objective reality is impossible to see. At this point I see Rathbun in transition dealing with family issues.
Does anyone know if Mosey’s bakery is still operating? What is the name of her enterprise?
I searched Google. Marty Rathburn’s wife’s name is Monique “Mosey” Rathburn. But there is no mention of any “Mosey’s Bakery” that I can find anywhere.
Thanks Skyler. I think the bakery name is not her own name I just wondered if it is still in business
It’s called Bibby’s Cakes. Try Rathbun, not RathbuRn.
Thanks, Jodi!
He’s probably trying to convince his wife to let their child join the See Ogre at age 12. Dave probably made it a requirement for him to receive his monthly allowance.
Good one! And probably not too far off the truth.