Karin Pinocchio Pouw — the woman behind the curtain that is the name affixed to the public statements of the man behind the woman behind the curtain, David Miscavige — has stepped in it once again.
Responding to reporter Dana Kennedy in a piece published this morning in the Hollywood Reporter, Pouw/Miscavige once again assert that disconnection does not exist, it is merely a “personal choice.”
Here is a passage from the article:
Karin Pouw, a spokesperson for the Church of Scientology, tellsTHR that there is no such policy of disconnection.
“While none of this is a comment about Ms. Remini, our general response is that the church supports families and has never had a policy which breaks up families, a myth perpetuated by individuals who are either misinformed or attempting to sensationalize their own life choices or those made by their family members,” Pouw says. “While the church encourages close family relations, in the end church members decide for themselves whether to communicate or not with a person who is openly antagonistic to them or their religion. When [disconnection] occurs, that person is simply exercising their right to communicate, not carrying out any mandate from their church.”
The brazen lie has been repeatedly disproven. Dozens of articles have been written disproving this lie — on my blog, on Tony Ortega’s blog, on Marty Rathbun’s blog, on Scientology-cult.com, in the New York Times, The Tampa Bay Times, in Paul Haggis’ original letter to the church, in Larry Wright’s book, Janet Reitman’s book and dozens of other places.
That the church — instead of ENDING the practice — continues to try and follow the Lance Armstrong school of public relations simply means that like Armstrong, they need to be hit over the head with a 2×4 a few more times.
Pouw/Miscavige then discussed the by now infamous “WhoIs” sites the church has created to smear whistleblowers. After trying to keep their distance (as they did with the “Squirrelbusters” until they were busted) they are now referring the media to these sites and admitting they are responsible for the “content.” That they consider these sites do anything other than cause the unfortunate who click on them to gag and wonder at the sanity of the people responsible for putting them together is astonishing. It is like the Freedom magazines the church publishes. They are so childish and so full of hatred and gutter sniping cheap shots that even Scientologists are disgusted by them.
It is a sign that the media inquiries are forcing the church to break their silence, and every time they do, they shoot themselves in the foot again.
Nevertheless, here is what was reported in THR:
Dozens of “WhoIs.com” sites have been published over the years, and those that are publicly accessible feature unfavorable material about a number of detractors and former supporters of Scientology. WhoIsPaulHaggis.com describes the Oscar-winning director, who left Scientology in 2009 after 35 years, as a “status-driven screenwriter” among many other derogatory statements. The sites contain no obvious links to Scientology but certainly reflect the church’s viewpoint about its most vocal critics.
Pouw, who has said that the organization does “not comment on its parishioners,” acknowledges that it has “supplied information” to the WhoIs.com sites for Rinder, Marty Rathbun and others but denies any involvement in the purchase of the WhoIsLeahRemini.com website.
“Regarding ‘Who Is…’ the church has never hidden the fact it supplied information for the websites concerning Mike Rinder or the other members of Marty Rathbun’s posse of lunatics you refer to,” Pouw says. “Despite the chronic whining you hear about the sites, each came about to document the truth about these anti-religious fanatics.”
As for Remini, Pouw says, “Let’s be clear: We have had nothing to do with any website about her and have no idea who registered the site.”
But the six shooter wasn’t back in the holster yet. As is Miscavige’s modus operandi the effort then becomes to shift the narrative. There are no responses to the topic of the story — the statements of Leah Remini and Paul Haggis. Their statements and claims are transformed magically into rumor peddlers hurling made up stories? And then they launch into the ad hominems about the “fringe bloggers”. As if the SOURCE of the disclosures are the bloggers?
“We find it disheartening to see the media provide a small group of rumor peddlers and gossips with yet another opportunity to hurl malicious, made-up stories,” Pouw told THR. “Unlike the self-promoters behind this orchestrated campaign, the church respects the religious beliefs of others and the privacy of parishioners. Numerous myths, gossip, rumors and falsehoods regurgitated over the last few days have their origins with a small collection of obsessive fringe bloggers exploiting others to promote self-serving, hateful agendas.”
Mike Rinder, who has not been able to speak to most of his family members still inside the church since his defection, told THR that in his opinion the information found at the websitewww.whoismichaelrinder.com could only have come from his auditing files at the church.
“They have letters purportedly written by my ex-wife and daughter about stuff that they could never have known about,” says Rinder of the website devoted to him. “Even worse, they take a kernel of truth and turn it into a lie. It says on the site that I stuck firecrackers in the butts of cats when I was a kid. What I actually did was blow up ant hills with firecrackers. Either way, it was never something I discussed with my ex-wife or daughter.”
Of course, there is another interesting point concerning letters from my daughter and ex-wife (that were emailed to me anonymously before appearing on the site). They are both Sea Org members. As such they are not allowed to communicate to me. The letters were written in their name by people in the church — probably Miscavige himself. They have NO access to the internet. They cannot have their own email address. It is just a further admission that the sites are 100% created and orchestrated by the church.
And in the meantime, Pinocchio was responding to a lengthy article by Fox News reporter Hollie McKay in which she finally identified for one and all just WHO the “unemployed fringe bloggers” are:
“The two bloggers who have been pushing this story have been obsessed for years with spreading falsehoods to smear the Church. They are unreliable. You really should look into the specific Internet sources being used in this story,” said rep Karin Pouw, adding “links with documentation of their unreliability” to http://whoismichaelrinder.com and http://whoistonyortega.com.
Around that same time, the domain http://whoisleahremini.com was registered, although the buyer’s information remains private.
The Church of Scientology did not respond to repeated requests for further comment for this story.
Wonder why? Ran out of bullets maybe and are taking a breather to reload?
Well – I just had my first experience with Sci’s WHOIS websites thanks to this post, Mike.
I say this without any hyperbole:
I cannot BELIEVE that any thinking human, cult, Sci, or no, could watch this shit and not burst into horrified laughter. It’s absurd. A SNL sketch.
I mean – who exactly does the church think they’re appealing to with this profoundly embarrassing strategy? Like, my auntie is going to happen upon Paul Haggis’ site and have her eyes magically opened by the “truth”?
It’s a joke. It’s a total fucking joke. What IDIOTS these people are . . .
Hi Mike
I take great issue with many of the activities you were involved with while in the “church”. I’m afraid a year in the Sea Org in the 70’s was enough for me. Although in fairness, I was 20 at the time, not an impressionable child although certainly also not a responsible adult (that still remains open to question) . Having seen the Panorama coverage with John Sweeney and some of the video with you and Marty, I can’t help but kind of like you, like I actually know you. I do not believe in LRH or many, not all of Scientology’s teachings and I despise the organization.
I just checked your “Whois” page that the contemptible church has up. I would think that would work against him. It is so vile, so disgusting, such transparent, obvious bush league propaganda that I can’t imagine how it would be effective influencing anyone to embrace this “church”. Frankly it raised my blood pressure and made me angry, even though I’m sure there is some truth to a few things. The letter from you daughter made me want to throw up. No father should have to have this kind of thing done to them by their children. No matter our differences, I wish you well, both personally and in your fight against something I consider truly evil; Miscavige and the Church of Scientology. (Resisted the quotes that time.
Hi Jane Doe, its Aquamarine. I’d love to be in comm with you but I’m nervous about putting my email address up here. Are you OK with posting yours? Or, this post of mine could serve as express permission for Mike Rinder to give it to you, if he wouldn’t for any reason mind doing that, OR, (lol) I could create a hushmail account and post it up here, although if truth be told, I’m even nervous about THAT. Sorry to be so paranoid, Jane! I’m not the most tech-savy person. It took me 2 years of lurking on Marty’s blog to get up the nerve to start posting there, and now here.
Did Annie Broeker die of cancer?
Typical wrong targeting of the diminutive dictator…. since he now finds himself moving BACKWARDS, what does he elect to do next?….. Why, blow his feet off, of course!
About Leah Remini is Yahoo news
Just about everyday there is something released by Leah.
I get emails when it happens.
Looking forward to David Miscavige hiding out with Sasquash ( Bigfoot)
Regarding the whois dotcom’s that have been mentioned a lot lately. I just checked to see if Karin Pouw had a whois page. According to Godaddy she does, and it’s openly owned by the org. Also it was registered about three months before whoispaulhaggis was registered. Also the org owns whoistommydavis.com as well (registered the same day as Karin’s .com, in 2011). So it’s apparent that the org is in the habbit of registering these sites.
I wonder if the site will “change hands” if she ever leaves the org…
Pardon if off topic
Leah Remini is s writing her Scientology book.
GO Leah !
JOse, this is amazing breaking news about Leah Remini! How do you know she is writing her Scn book? Where can we go to get more info on this?
I think Mike can feel Karen’s pain since he dealt with that insanity for so many years. Miscavige tells her what to say then when the whole thing blows up in the C of S face it’s all her fault. She can’t say “Well it was your fucking idea!” I hope someday soon she follows in your footsteps and blows the scene. I’ll bet you that she thinks about it every day (“how do I get off this Crazy Train?”)
I think you are right about Karen. I suspect she is constantly berated and longs to be saved from her predicament. It would be fantastic go see her rush toward her media counterparts in the midst of an interview and beg for protection from the church/Miscavige. That would be something to see.
Maybe the Dwarf suspects that she and others might do precisely that and so refuses to allow them to personally face any press.
The church does not encourage close family relations period. You only get asked how your 2D is going because they want data to find out if anyone on your 2D is antagonistic to Scn and it’s activities, or to get a ruin on you.
I can’t tell you how many times I was told that caring for my children and family first in my order of priorities was “off-purpose”, “playing with dolls”, or that I didn’t “fully cognite” on Scientology. I always considered that evaluation antagonism towards me and stayed away from people who did that.
I remember reading “The Auditor” out of AHSO LA about 10 years ago and there was an article about a BC student who had twin 11 year old daughters at home, cooking and cleaning all day for her so she could be on course full time and “Isn’t that great? Instead of whining and complaining, the girls are helping Mom go up the Bridge!”. My only thought was, where is the father in this? I knew this woman was divorced and wondered if her ex knew anything about the life of his kids (mostly likely not). I thought that If I was a man in that situation, I would sue for custody and take those kids away from that inept, self-absorbed mother, get them a proper education and a real life where they can be themselves; not a servant . I also thought that the article was horrible PR for the church if any non-scientologist were to read it.
I threw out “The Auditor” immediately because I was so disgusted. I really wish I saved it so I could post the article to demonstrate how the COS is so “family oriented”, and how they really feel about children; ‘whiners and complainers’, in their own words.
I agree completely Pepper. I got tons of inval and eval on raising my kids in a stable and full way. They both have college degrees on their purpose lines and are financially independent. 🙂 I also saw terrible neglect of children by both staff and public. A reg at AOLA actually told me I was going to go insane because I was spending a lot of time with my kids. It’s so weird that it’s ok to dump your 2D hats and responsibilities for the sake of 3D mania. “Dump your kids to clear the planet” reminds of that quote (Walt Whitman?) “I love the human race, it’s just people I can’t stand.”
Hallie Jane and Pepper, you are so right to try to raise your kids right and to instill a purpose to get a degree so that they can support themselves and not be a burden to society due to having no skills and no sheepskin etc. I know young staff member kids who have it drummed into them that college is a bust, and that they should never go to college because theya re doing much more important work, that of clearing the planet. And they’ll even quote you what LRH said about college, as a make-right for themselves for not going. And the poor SO kids who join and don’t even get their GED! Some get that and some don’t, but when or if they leave the SO, they don’t even have the most basic skills to survive in the real world because of all the sheltering of that stuff that was done in the SO.
Years ago I was standing next to a female SO member and a male public who were discussing the subject of prenatals. She told him about how she had been on the RPF while six months pregnant and that she had been obliged by the RPF I/c to do regular sit-ups. I got this picture of this guy forcing this six-months pregnant woman to do sit-ups. I was pretty revolted by that. I saw by the look on the guy’s face that he was feeling the same way I was. It seemed rather sadomasochistic to me. Creepy. She seemed to be pretty proud of herself for being a good soldier obeying orders, regardless of the possible health risk to the baby and regardless of LRH’s DMSMH advice on how pregnant women should be treated. I did some research and found that most ob/gyns recommend against that type of exercise at that stage of pregnancy – possibly not good for the mother or the baby.
Artists are another group that can have a hard time in the C of S. I once attended a seminar where a pretty successful OT 6 or 7 artist was giving career advice to Scientologist artists. She started off by remarking that artists in Scientology have to deal with the continual INVALIDATION that ONLY the Bridge is important, despite the aesthetic wavelength being the closest wavelength to theta.
“The Church of Scientology did not respond to repeated requests for further comment for this story.
Wonder why? Ran out of bullets maybe and are taking a breather to reload?”
…….or an emergency trip to the podiatrist?
Looks like they have dropped down scale from sadism to masochism.
I keep trying to understand what the strategy could be and then realize that I am trying to make sense out of the logic of lunatics.
It’s kind of a shame watching them make a laughing stock out of the organization that LRH set up to put forth his religious philosophy in an effort to improve conditions in this world. What criminals.
Funny, but sad, but funny. Imo, it would be easier if they joined us.
Interesting to see these
The cult was not smart enough ….
For DM they should have registered
And for Karin Pouw the site should be
I always thought that the organization was all about truth. Time-place-form and event. Now I know ( I ‘ve known for awhile now) that the SP that runs the joint is just trying to cover his ass. It is impossible to walk the road to truth in the radical corporate Scientology world. Dm is a loser and he ruined the legacy that LRH left. I still believe that it can be salvaged but dm is hard at work to destroy it.
Mike, I nominate you for the best photo headliners ever (and I thought I was good on some other Non-S sites). lol LMAO @ the footbullet dude. Perfect. 🙂
“Pouw, who has said that the organization does “not comment on its parishioners,” acknowledges that it has “supplied information” to the WhoIs.com sites for Rinder, Marty Rathbun and others but denies any involvement in the purchase of the WhoIsLeahRemini.com website.”
Just jaw dropping stupidity.
Ah Karin Pawn speaks……
You know she kinda reminds me of a Soviet Political Officer.
Nothing but Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
I don’t think that she’s done even an interview/statement by phone in a while. Anyone could be issuing those emails in her name. (Even if it is her, the words are probably dictated by the dictator.)
On the Internet, no one knows you’re Miscavige’s dog.
LDW, The Co$ Celebs have NO POSITION to take – if they did take a position to defend the church, miscavige or any of these glaring outpoints –
They would be machine gunned down in the press with laughter and ridicule! and they know it.
Just for fun I did a bit of reading on the internet. Checked out a few of the more recent posts on the Remini scene.
One of the things I noticed was a big “omitted.”
Omitted Tom Cruise, Jenna Elfman, John Travolta, Rabisi, Lewis, Corea, Presley, Meskimen, etc etc coming to Dave’s defence.
Only the lone, shrill voice of the fringe PR machine for Co$ spewing venom at all who cross their path.
Were they told to back off? Or are they sick and tired of lying in the face of irrefutable truth?
I’d say probably told to back off. Kirstie Alley’s deliberately ambiguous snideness got such an immediate, negative backlash in the media that the cult know that if the other celebs bash, appear to bash, or even comment on Leah’s leaving, it will come across like they’re piling on and the media will have a field day with it. This kind of behavior is what communicates “cult” very loudly to most people.
I for one find it amusing that the RCS is handling Leah with such kid gloves. She could be the celeb who officially paves the way for the other celebs to leave if they are staying in out of fear. Because of the continual media scrutiny, the cult cannot or will not take off the gloves with her. If they can’t slime her, how would they be able to slime JT, TC, and the rest? Leah Remini may prove to be the official posterwoman for the death of Fair Game.
I say, “official posterwoman” because she stands on the shoulders of a number of very brave men and woman who said, “Enough!”, and left, who lost family, friends and loved ones for daring to disobey the dictates of a cult, men and women who decided to be true to themselves no matter the cost, and who, despite all odds, communicate the truth and will not be silenced, thereby standing up not only for their own freedom, but for any other being trapped in the cult desiring to be free. These are strong shoulders indeed. Leah Remini stands on them. I know I stand on them. Thank you.
It’s only death of Fair Game IF you are s powerful celebrity as Leah is. For the run of the mill lower echelon peons, Fair Game definitely does exist. I’ve been Fair Gamed and disconnected from and I don’t even have goldenrod out on me. And Mike, Marty and Karen have been as well as others whose stories I’ve read on the blogs. The church is afraid to Fair Game Leah because they know it would backfire on them and would create such a backlash that all would be sucked up into the whirling dervish’s black hole.
Yes, Jane, I see what you’re saying, and you’re right, the cult still has no qualms whatsoever about sliming non-celeb public and ex-staff who leave publicly, and Fair Game is still very much game-on as regards the non-famous. . I’m sorry for what was done to you, truly. I think my comm was unclear: what I should have said was that perhaps this is the BEGINNING of the death of Fair Game. and my glimmer-ray of hope is based on the fact that, only a few years ago the cult had no problem sliming Jason Beghe, Michael Fairman and Paul Haggis, but because of the media scrutiny, which in turn is due to the continual outpourrings of truth from the Internet, the cult now backs off from Leah. Look, I’ve never been fair gamed openly, although I’m sure within my org I’m considered at best “disaffected” and “CI” and I am definitely being shunned although not overtly as I’m not aware of anyone being ordered to disconnect from me. Instead, a number of people with whom I was friendly just dropped away, no explanation and a few stayed in comm, “handling” me (LOL) with a very careful, studied, “good roads, good weather” and I go along with that although I miss the former intimacy. I couldn’t pretend that I was on board with off policy and out tech, because that would have made me depressed and physically sick. And I was prepped in that I had begun avidly reading Marty’s blog and getting reality on the actual scene, and realizing that I was far from alone.. I ‘m under the radar still for reasons I cannot yet disclose, and the cult is getting no money from me. I take comfort in the reality of being true to myself, and, when I’m lonely, I remind myself that real friendship can only come from being true to oneself, and that if I have to lie to have friends or a 2D then I’d rather be alone. Also, as I’ve stated before, I tend to be an optimistic type. So, back to the original point, I am encouraged by the cult’s back off from Leah, and I see it as the the first death stage of fair game for everyone.
HI Aquamarine, Thank you for that clarification. I see now what you were saying and I too agree and hope that maybe this is the moment where the tide turns with Leah Remini. I hope it means that Fair Gaming will not be used. It was cancelled by LRH in around ’66, but the church has chosen to use a cancelled LRH reference to practice their OSA type thuggery and intimidation tactics. I hope this is the turn around and thank Leah from the bottom of my heart for bringing this to the media’s attention. On a personal note, what is your email so I can privately email you Aquamarine?
Please, John Travolta. Step out.
We don’t care what tKarin Paow says about you and neither does the world right now.
I believe that you and I (and our good friends here on this blog) know that even the “gay” rumors that are being spread around about you now are probably from David’s hand to keep you from really going out.
He’s said the worst that he can say already so you have nothing to lose. People love you and know you.
You are welcome here, Mr. Travolta. Not because “we will win and they will lose”, but because we care about you and your family and we care about the people who are still believing that being in is the only way to “protect their eternity”. The only way to “save their eternity” in the way that they mean it, is to get the tech delivered by the REAL experts (trained by LRH, etc.) AND by people who have no vested interest and no ulterior motive but to truly help people.
You can help. You are a true friend of Ron. I would like to respectfully request that it’s time to step out again, once and for all.
Hope to see you soon.
Mike. I see you are still shoving firecrackers into DMs anthill.
What a travesty of PR this article shows. You must shake your head in amazement at how low it has gone.
It seems his traffic into orgs will end before the money runs out. This seems to be the direction it is going. I think August September and October will be interesting months to keep track of and too see the outcome of the events, the building, the attendance and the effects it has on orgs when the outer org trainers return.
Lets see.
I’m guessing as much, too (membership before finance).
I may be wrong, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the tent capacity is higher claimed to be more than its actual capacity (e.g. claim 4k fit inside when it actually only seats 2.5-3k). Window dressing.
It’s just like camping tents; the capacity is always overrated: “Sleeps three people–if you’re all very small people, and very very friendly.” (Miscavige may be small, but I don’t think anyone has accused him of being friendly.)
Considering the audience inflation at recent Idle org openings, complete with wide-angle shots and bad photo-shopping, I’m sure that this event will set record attendance levels.
The only reason that Miscavige wants the tent is to prevent someone from taking a picture of the full crowd and counting. (I doubt he cares if it rains on the peasants. For the Canadian winter org openings, he had his personal hot-air blower. Tough if anyone else freezes during his long monologging. Maybe they’ll clap harder, if only to thaw their hands.)
Leah Remina lives self determinism, We will be able to connect up with her.
Don’t test Anonymous, other than that you are one of us, Mike rinder I love you n a personal level but I am notgoing for your compotition
Little words that are written on a page should never tell you what to think or say. No one will have that over me. Yea!
The Church of Scientology = “A small posse of lunatics and liars”
Scientology is now, “KNOWING how to GLOW”.
That is called Glib is it not in Scientology ?
Hello I am Niels Martens AKA Cat Daddy and I am going to camp out here so long as Mike allowws it.
This 2008 Video is my stable Datum and is what got me to help a bit on the internet.
And shooting off your pinkie toe.
Love your rants, Oracle. You are who you are and what you communicate is exactly what you feel and who you are. I admire that.
Step up, Oracle. With no sugar coating, it’s an ugly, ugly thing they are doing.
Serial Killers. Cancer patient abusers. All of it.
I hope the lurkers can see more clearly from your direct words.
DM is the whore of all whores with a stiff Caligula chaser.
I must have missed something on the blog. Who is the cancer patient you are referring to and what did DM do to the cancer patient?
Jane you can find the story of Jim Lynch at TonyOrtega,org dated the 30th of July
Damn girl!! Tell it like it IS! “He’s CREATING burdens for OTHERS to carry.” Spot on.
More False Reports. It has become part of the religion to false report. Imagine being part of a religion where it is your duty to LIE. Karen’s hat is to be a pathological liar. This is a “normal” condition in the Church. It’s part of normal there to lie. It is not based on survival either, it is a SER FAC. What would be so bad to admit disconnection? The Church of Scientology is NOT the only religion to practice disconnection. It is a basic human right to CHOOSE who you want to disconnect from. People are excommunicated from the Catholic Church, the Mormon Church, Latter Day Saints, just to name a few. The Church of Scientology is the only one to LIE LIE LIE about it. All they would have to do is admit it. They can not because they MUST BE RIGHT and make others wrong. They just look worse when they LIE LIE LIE DENY DENY DENY.
David touts himself as the “leader” but in fact he HIDES behind puppets. He knows anyone lying on national television or the press will lose ALL CREDIBILITY in the Scientology community, so he sets others up to do it. He won’t even take responsibility for the LYING and DENYING himself! What burden is he carrying anymore anyway? He is CREATING burdens for OTHERS to carry. THAT is his function now. He put the burden of finances and delivery on THE PUBLIC. “We have to have before we cane do”.
“We have to lie in order to survive”. “We have to deny in order to survive”.
All of the Sea Org staff are volunteering now based on LIES. They are not allowed to read the papers or the Internet, they too have been told of the hundreds of “new buildings” from here to the moon and the “vast expansion”. All the while David takes a pay check (over and covert) every week from their labor obtained, based on his lies.
It’s as muddy and murky as that. He is a pimp hustler from Philly. For those who don’t think with their dick he is selling “holiness and eternity”. Only the ones who can admit their own unholiness and OWN IT WITH A SENSE OF PRIDE, CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH THAT TWO BIT STREET PIMP. The rest PREFER to live a lie, to live to lie and deny.
I remember what that was like, and I am sooo glad I stopped, withdrew my allegiance, hard work and contribution (which was a pretty good bit of harm to the whole bunch of them) — and can now see it for what it is and contribute to the revealing of the lies when I know something that totally contradicts their stupid PR stories. And boy has it been fun. Thanks Oracle for making the bite a little deeper! You have a pretty nice way with words. Loooove it!
Wow Oracle,
Right to the point! “He is a pimp hustler from Philly. ”
Exactly…from all reports his use of expletives would put John Gotti to shame, as anyone who has been him will attest.
I am looking forward to the next scene of this play. Once the sound barrier has been broken (I am talking about getting online and finding out what is true) there is no going back. For those on the edge, you can do your bridge outside of the church so you will lose nothing, other than the ceaseless regging for off policy actions and wrong indications you are pressured with daily. Really? Yes, really. Have a look at this site! http://www.friendsoflrh.org/
His most famous quote: “Go suck cocks on Hollywood boulevard”. As if putting in some FAIR EXCHANGE instead of begging would be a degrade! He would move a step upward if he WAS down on on Hollywood Boulevard giving SOMEONE, ANYONE, some PLEASURE for a dollar!!!!!!!!!!! NO! He would rather sit on his ass up at Int and pimp cancer patients!
As if being a slave master and a con man is above someone down on Hollywood Boulevard actually providing for a human want and need! While he is shipping women down to the fucking abortion clinics to murder, and creating serial killers! I don’t see the F.B.I. down on Hollywood Boulevard! They have been looking at maps of the Int Base! His custom cotton uniforms wreak of slave labor. Then he shows up to whore himself at events and through videos to boost beggar profits!!!!!!!!!!!!! Entertainer of the year! Using cancer patients as a vehicle for domestic terrorism! Using Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard and religion as a mask for his abuse and treason. I would rather suck cocks on Hollywood Boulevard seven nights a week than carry the burden of misery and treason and abuse that man represents!!!!!!!!!!!! Get REAL David!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And for YOU Karen Pouw, I would rather suck cocks on Hollywood Boulevard seven nights a week than use the comm lines of the world to LIE to millions of people and spread false reports and fair game people and set their children up to fair game them! You sick little bitch! Have you NO sense of decency in social intercourse! Is there no corner you won’t go piss in on command?
Sending a cancer patient to antagonize people and hoping, praying, wishing, someone would attack him physically? Or abuse him in some way, and then have to live with what you set them up for? That is as SICK as it gets! You people are DEPRAVED! Liars! Sadists! Pimps! Con artists! Kurt, you DISGUST me! Is it even possible for you people to put in an honest days living on Hollywood Boulevard or anyplace else? Or are you wholly committed to lying denying and wallowing in sadism for a living? Good luck with that ! The red carpet is not rolling out for you anytime in the near future! Are you COMPLETELY LOST?????????????? Are you TOTALLY handicapped???????????? Is it even possible that you could REACH OUT to someone out here for some HELP? You NEED HELP! We are NOT unmocked or DESTROYED! You are DESTROYING YOURSELVES and L. Ron Hubbard’s legacy.
Yes, I saw the web site you put up on behalf of Mike Rinder’s daughter fair gaming him. Really? Sending someone’s daughter out to fair game their father? And you people have the audacity to feel slighted because DM’s niece wrote a book? It wasn’t even about HIM, it was about HER! You talk about how bad this is and yet YOU set someone’s daughter up for a viscous web site attack?
I have no idea why you people think you are better than the Scientologists out here. There is NO evidence to suggest your behavior is better than the Scientologists out here. In fact, your behavior is WORSE! It isn’t your beliefs that make you a better person, it’s your BEHAVIOR!
Those “Whois” sites are discusting. I looked at yours the other day mike and my heart broke for you.
Because DM can’t stick a knife directly into your heart, he attempts to do it by posting a letter from your “daughter”. He is a heartless sick man. Really, there is something definetly wrong with that dude. And he doesn’t stop! Like a creature from a horror movie that just won’t die.
Sadists are mocking up those sites. You know where sadism is at right? These are the people that wallow in sadism under the mask of “Love for L. Ron Hubbard, KSW and mankind” while they suppress the hell out of anyone they can get a license to unmock. The basic purpose line for these people is DESTROY.
Yeah, my curiosity got the better of me the other day and I did look at the who is rinder website.
Is this a parody/satire site about scientology?
Geez ….. talk about non stop natter and criticalness!!!!! Do the web folks who put this up know how utterly ridiculous these dames’ rants sound to people who have trained in Scientology? Uhm, can you say “OWs”? (refer the 15 manifestations in HCO B ARCXs, MWHs)
Cathy Rinder said it took her THIRTY FREAKIN’ YEARS to scope out what Mike was like????
Now, THERE’s a woman who in her sea org career has gotten case gain and become more aware and able to observe and handle life!!!! Only took her THIRTY years!!! I do understand that these two women are not gettin’ any and that can make anyone cranky, but folks, appearances, appearances ….if you want people to think better of your religion, you put your BEST foot forward, your BEST. Not your nuttiest, capisce?
Perhaps a Jerry Springer show with Pouw, DM, Rinder , Rathbun and Ortega is in order here. I think they pay handsomely to all involved and would be great publicity for one and all. Maybe dave will show his throttling skills, Ill cook some popcorn.
In dm´s spirit:
What amazes me is the correctness of what LRH said, that lying becomes stupidity. It’s amazing to see it happen in real time. I think what goes on is that a person lies, becomes stupid, then begins to think that other people are stupid, too. Or maybe they become stupid, and lose track of the dots, and are asking for help to reconnect them. What a striking phenomenon.
Another striking phenomenon is the assignment of one’s own motivations to another. Pouw refers to hateful smear attacks and rumor-mongering and anti-religious acts and sentiments of the “fringe group of bloggers.” How interesting!
Interesting view of this Carcha. One of the definitions of case (paraphrase) is “the accumulation of your and another’s lies.” So they are piling on case and charge and becoming more aberated, in front of our eyes. Typical of RCS reversing the gains of everyone else, they are doing themselves in too. Even their so called public relations is done in reverse. It’s amazing to me how little they know of the subject of Scn.
+100 Dead on, Cat Daddy.
Betrayal is betrayal is betrayal.
This article is as good a time as any to mention a few of my experiences along similar lines. They highlight how tightly your personal and family associations are monitored. Disconnection is the extreme end of it–but the control of other communication of yours is rampant too.
I worked in the Sea Org at the int base, and when I left several years ago, I didn’t know how to use email at all and had only had access to the internet two or three times for very short times to find things I needed for a particular job I had to do. I hardly knew what the internet was, and for sure didn’t understand it’s power and use as a tool for….everything. I didn’t know how to google anything or search–someone else had to do it for me.
My incoming personal mail was brought to me after it was opened and read by someone in Security. My outgoing personal mail had to be put in the out-basket unsealed, so that it could be read by Security first and then sealed up and mailed by them if it was approved to go out. If there was something in my letter or communications that was arbitrarily not allowed, the envelope would get sent back to me with a note attached telling me what to change, or even the photos that were not allowed already removed, never to be seen again.
Packaged up gifts from relatives got opened and searched through before they were delivered to you. Gift wrap was opened. If you wanted to send out a gift-wrapped item you had to not tape it up and make it easy for Security to finish the wrapping after they searched it.
If there was anything not acceptable in mail or packages from others to you, you got pulled in to an interview regarding why anyone would send this stuff to you and what do you have going on so that you would be the recipient of such things. (Things like mentions about “you never come see us,” or complaints about what the person is doing; pre-paid travel tickets, demands or even jut invitations to come to family events, bad news about someone being very sick or near death, an ex asking about the kids, a gift of a computer or cell phone…you get the idea.)
We were not allowed to own personal phones or cell phones. If we needed to call family or anyone outside of directly job-related activities, we had to get a request approved in writing, give it to the switchboard operator for his/her knowledge and then they’d put you through. During your meal times only, not during work hours. Sometimes it was required that someone else be tapped into the conversation to make sure you didn’t discuss verboten subject matter. The switchboard operator also had the authority and responsibility to tap in occasionally (unbeknownst to you) to hunt around for anyone abusing these rules in their conversations.
If we were not at our station on the job (“off-base” as it was called, which meant mostly in your room asleep) there was no way for anyone to contact you. Famiily emergencies were dicey as to whether or not the info got to you in time. You had no cell, there was no phone in your room and there was one phone in the front apartment of the property where we “lived,” and there was a locked phone in the apartment that was used for medical help/illness.
The jist of it was that we had no communication with the outside world unless it was supervised and controlled and you followed the rules. With all that going on why not enforce dosconnection too? You would have to in order to ensure the communications of the family and friends still “in” was still being controlled. For example, if any of my dear friends had tried to write to me after I left (if they had any idea how to find me) and their unsealed letter to me was read by Security, they would immediately be interviewed and asked what their deal is and why would they still want to communicate with me? (Not to actually get an answer to the question, but more to get yelled and and made to feel bad and realize that their letter is not ever going to be mailed.)
I did send a few letters and items to friends who I needed to clean the slate with (a belated present for example) but of course I never received any acknowledgement of receipt. They probably were not ever given to those people.
So I would say that the practice of DISCONNECTION IS NOT A MATTER OF PERSONAL CHOICE–it is enforced by hounding and badgering and enforcing rules at every turn to govern who you talk to, what you say, and yes, how you think. Once you are intimidated, yelled at, embarrassed and penalized enough you do choose to disconnect.
Ms. Pouw conveniently doesn’t mention all that happens to a person BEFORE they make that personal choice to disconnect. Liar Liar.
My Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue was confiscated annually by HCO along with whatever else they found to be objectionable.
SO staff are becoming more like Amish with no internet access or smart phones. At some point this is going to break wide open like the proverbial dam breaking.
Mike’s site just keeps chipping away at the base of the dam. Sunlight acting as disinfectant.
Mark, I got those Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issues every year from 1981-1990 in CLO WUS, censorship must have have occurred after.
After Shelley “left”, Davey needed the swimsuit issues to ….. uhm …..well ….uh….look at.
Gato. Thank you for taking the time to describe the scene when you were at Int. it is important for those many people still looking.
Adding what you had to say, and taking a step back, sort of Ina new unit of time, it sounds totally bizarre
When you look back at that time it must sound crazy to you too I imagine!
I salute your original purpose in trying to help. Big time. It is a bit sad to see it come to this. I have a positive spin though, seeing delivery emerge in the field. I am assisting that to happen.
I read what you wrote. It’s just hard to come up with a reply. Well, let me try: It sounds like those people should do a thorough review of their Grade 0. Because it is out.
Wow Gato, that sounds so horrible. It’s so much like being in a real prison. I am flabberghasted by the gaul of someone thinking they have the right to invade a person’s privacy like this. I can’t believe this beautiful subject, based on truth and freedom has decended to this level. I hope you are recovering from your ordeal and learning any new thing that you want.
Take this one step further. It get’s worse.
Due to opening of personal mail of all staff, Security records and so knows that staff’s very personal: Bank accounts, credit card accounts, social security, date of birth, mother’s maiden name. This is information for the “Blow Drill” so that if anyone blows and uses their credit card their location is then known. Phone calls to the card company will reveal the amount and location of where it was used, using this identity theft and pretending to be the holder, so that the blown person could be contacted and brought back.
SOOOOOO creepy and invasive Sinar! Wanton violations of basic human rights. To me, Scn has always been about truth and freedom and this bizarre, coercive, behavior has no place in it.
Gato Rojo – wow – it sounds like a prison! Except in prison you can at least have visitors. And prisoners will not usually be sleep deprived. And prison sentences are not always for life. So glad you are out.
Gato Rojo, thank you for all the specifics there. It’s good to hear that you are out now and beyond their nasty reach.
Question for anyone who knows: How does the cult’s censoring / stealing your mail and presents before you can see them NOT considered interfering with the US mail service and how is that not a federal offense?
you HAVE to sign a legal waver that you are OK with them doing that. 🙁
Not the group I want to have “putting ethics in on” any planet I ever want to live on.
That was one of the things I thought about which caused me to leave the Church. Would I want the Church of Scientology to run the world. God, no!!!!!!! I had to look at that.
What must it feel like to dance whenever the strings are twitched? To mouth those transparent lies in quaint, stilted phrases (posse of lunatics, seriously)? I feel for Ms Pouw, she must be dying inside from the shame and humiliation.
And DM? Drunk with power, it would seem. Is it all straight up and vertical for Scientology in his mind? What does this game really look like from his perspective? What does he actually see when he looks at the world map and audiences? And what documents are most important to him, which are key to governing his empire?
This house of cards is falling at its own speed, but like many I’d be happy if it collapsed a little faster. A Scientology Inc.-free world… now that would be a relief!
Perhaps those with disconnection stories could send them to Claire Headley’s new site?
So you blew up ant hills with firecrackers when you were a kid? Well– guess that destroys your credibility and causes you to cede the moral high ground forever.
Unfortunately they changed ants to cats and ant hill to a**hole. But in truth it’s about as devastating as driving too fast. 🙂
I guess at some point you had to do an RPEC or conditions on this per the tech. If this is still floating around the universe as an unhandled condition they are they saying that ethics tech does not work, does this mean that you are unchangeable mike? But wait. The tech is the only tech that can save mankind.
Are you sure it was ant hills and not planets you were blowing up and the anthills were a dramatization! Surely some ethics officer got this condition fixed for you. No? Then for a person that long in the church and the tech never went in surely you would have been found out 20 plus years ago.
Oh I am so confused.
They continue to lie through their teeth!!! Anything to protect the monies the blind parishioners gives the cult. at all costs lie lie lie!!!! That is the MO of DM and C of S.
Super Pinocchio at her best but behind the curtain is the coward lion just like in the Wizard of Oz.
Hey. You guys are good.
And you are also skilled musicians. 🙂
That was great!
No that was a Scientologist musician who is out. Maybe an EX I do not know. Chris Mann
That this is at all possible is due to the perseverence of Marty Rathbun (200 days under siege and not giving up),Mike Rinder, Karen De La Cariere and others.
It’s about time we think about what we could do to show our gratitude. They should get a price for it. They already have their place in history !
Karin Pouw is a mouth piece of David Miscavige which
equals total Baloney. You don’t need the Super Idiot Rundown to see that.
Mike, if I may make a suggestion, I’m sure I’m not the only one who would be very interested in reading your insights about the evolution of the role of CoS public spokespersons. Have they reached a point where nobody will ever again step before a camera or microphone on the church’s behalf?
I suspect so. There are just too many landmines they are unwilling to deal with. Miscavige abuse. Disappeared wife. Disconnection. Empty buildings. Narconon deaths. Lawsuits. Celebrity defections.
Mike, knowing Miscavige like you do, what is his mindset right now? Do you think that he’s taking out his frustrations on those execs imprisoned in the ‘Hole’? Very curious to hear your response.
Yor Bor, how does that matter now? He’s done so, first hand attested and officially documented for years and years and years.
The MEDIA are no longer intimidated, and I am referring especially to CNN,NBC,ABC and FOX. At the national level, they NEED TO UNDERSTAND that there is a REASON WHY Paul Haggis, Lisa Marie Presley, Leah Remini, Jason Beghe and others HAVE LEFT THE BUILDING. They should bring their cameras, and let the viewers know that “No one from the Church would speak to us on camera. The Church has issued the following statement, which we note does not address the many questions of abuse emanating from the hierarchy. David Miscavige refused our requests for an interview.”
TV Cameras need to be in front of their precious buildings , camped in front of those expensive facades and demand answers. These things need a much longer news cycle.
Maybe Dave will send in the big gun himself…Dan Sherman!
This reminds me, why do we never see television reporters interviewing Scientology Staff and Public in front of the many very precious buildings to comment on the mountain, and yes, it is a mountain of allegations. They could certainly use the questions posed in Debbie Cook’s email, or better yet , her testimony under oath that caused Dave’s balls to shrivel up, as a template!
Just sayin’.