The latest edition of Freedom magazine has hit the interwebs and it is doozy.
The front cover features the scarehead SURVEILLANCE – SECRECY AND YOU. And a subhead reads: The scope of private information now being swept up from all Americans is daunting — and the vast majority are kept in the dark
Now, whether you believe this is something all citizens should be worried about, or whether you think it is an overblown scare tactic is not the point of this posting.
The point is that scientology gathers more information about people than any government agency or corporation. Period.
The paid outside writers that turn out this yellow rag apparently know no bounds when it comes to hypocrisy. If there is one thing scientology is infamous for, it is gathering information on people, conducting surveillance and even hacking email accounts. Yet, from the tone of this magazine, and especially its “editorial” one would never know scientology is a proud and dedicated practitioner of virtually everything they claim to be “exposing.”
Here are some key passages from the editorial:
How to watch everyone without being watched—that’s the lust of every dictator, authoritarian, totalitarian, social manipulator and corporate voyeur. Many despotic endeavors have ascended and collapsed based mostly on their ability to spy on citizens.
The Church of Scientology, since its founding in the mid-twentieth century, has been a champion of civil rights, privacy and open government.
Freedom, the voice of the Church since 1968, has carried forward this mission.
In this issue, we pursue the dual quests for openness in government and the rights of citizens to be safe from all forms of official and corporate spying.
Well, that’s a good start. Change the word “citizens” to “members” in the first sentence and you have pretty much nailed it when it comes to scientology.
Scientology HAS railed against the government and extensively used the Freedom of Information Act. Decades ago. It was at it’s height AFTER the FBI raided the church and got thousands of pages of horribly incriminating documents. Scientology went on a roll with FOIA to attempt to prove the government was guilty of similar misdeeds as scientology (“Always attack, never defend.”). Since scientology gained tax exemption in 1993 there has been virtually no activity litigating Freedom of Information requests. When it was beneficial to scientology it was cloaked as an altruistic endeavor “on behalf of all citizens” but as soon as there was no direct benefit to scientology: crickets.
As for the “quests for openness in government and the rights of citizens to be safe from all forms of official and corporate spying” where was Freedom when scientology was being exposed for the following?
Eric Saldarriaga convicted in Federal Court in NY for attempting to hack Tony Ortega and my computers on behalf of David Lubow and the church of scientology. Read all about it here.
Scientology setting up a camera in birdhouse at the end of my street to surveil our home. And buying my trash. See story here.
Scientology sending “Squirrel Busters” to spy on and harass Marty and Monique Rathbun. Just one of dozens of stories here.
Following and spying on David Miscavige’s own father. See story here.
Employing private detectives and paying them more than $10 million to follow a single man for more than 20 YEARS. See story here.
And plenty more that I won’t bother to cite because they only repeat the point.
Even their fellow media have not been immune — watch John Sweeney’s Scientology and Me and Louis Theroux’s My Scientology Movie for a couple of examples…
There is an enormous amount of evidence to support these facts. In fact, too much for a hired propagandist like John Suggs not to be aware of. So one can only assume his journalistic “integrity” has a price. The term most often used to describe someone who surrenders their dignity and integrity for a price is whore. I prefer to stick with hypocrite.
The editorial goes on:
Technology has moved far beyond 1984—in both Orwellian and real time. The ever-watching eye of Big Brother is now encoded in gazillions of zeros and ones. Your computer, the ubiquitous cell phones and tablets, those Google ads that seem to know exactly what you were thinking of buying, the closed-circuit TV, the feeds from the camera on that drone you gave your kids for the holidays, the cop drones that will soon buzz across our cities’ skies (if they already aren’t doing so)—all information is everywhere all the time.
And someone is perusing that data. Sifting them. Combing them. Deciding if you might be a terrorist, a run-of-the-mill crook, or—what officialdom fears most—someone suspected of, as Orwell intoned, “thought crime.”
Hmmm, wonder how these lofty sounding editors feel about the fact that auditing sessions are recorded steno graphically and audio/visually? Every single session. And that these things are “perused” and “sifted through” extensively.
Wonder if anyone has ever even informed Suggs of this? Or that if he has been coerced into picking up the cans, that he too was recorded? Or is he just another Monique “Muffins” Yingling who takes their money, is sent out to defend their insanities, but has NO personal conviction about how they are in fact saving the world and every man, woman and child in it and refuses to participate in what he so ardently supports?
And his final stab at positioning scientology as the champions of all citizens comes with this wonderful bit of newspeak:
You are told that if you’re not doing anything wrong, don’t worry about the snooping. And if you believe that, you have no understanding of history. American officials have used such surveillance to undermine and subvert the legitimate activities of citizens. From the dossiers on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., to the criminal activities of agent provocateurs to disrupt peaceful protests, to the illegal spying on law-abiding citizens for no reason other than officials’ prurient curiosity, the government’s intelligence masters have used their apparatus in ways that would horrify the men who crafted the U.S. Constitution.
And would horrify the average member of scientology if they really understood what was happening with them.
There are too many accounts of how once the apparatus of scientology has decided you are unacceptable, the information is pulled out of the massive and detailed files and used to try to influence you not to leave the fold, or if you do, not to speak out, or if you speak out, to try to discredit you.
So much for the champions of everyone’s rights not to be spied upon…
so shocking to read considering its been reports that members inside the sea org have their letters read and they have no phone number to be reached at, you must call a main phone number and if you do succeed in getting through to them they have a “handler” coaching them on how to respond. if a member is going to visit a relative nonscientologist, they are coached on how to respond to criticism…and if the criticism is too negative influenced to completely cut off the family member…including their own children.
(not sure anyone else brought it up)
In some countries, there is a legal obligation on organisations gathering information to declare what they gather on whom.
I give you: COSRECI and their all-purpose data slurp:
To me, this reads more like them dutifully ticking the boxes available. All the boxes available…
(And, yes, it’s an interesting question whether one can get one’s information removed, as is a requirement by the law; anecdotally not an easy task ….)
Type/classes of information processed
We process information relevant to the above reasons/purposes. This may include:
personal details
family details
lifestyle and social circumstances
membership details
goods and services
financial details
education and employment details
visual images, personal appearance and behaviour
We also process sensitive classes of information that may include:
physical or mental health details
racial or ethnic origin
religious or other beliefs of a similar nature
offences and alleged offences
criminal proceedings, outcomes and sentences
trade union membership
Who the information is processed about
We process personal information about:
staff, volunteers
complainants, enquirers
representatives of other organisations
individuals captured by CCTV images
Jens, in the US, if the data is publicly available or freely given, anyone has an innate natural right to copy and store such data.
I had read Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World when I was very young. I went through 1984 recently and I realised the Orwellian nightmare is a joke compared to the control and the mind bending that Scientology exerts on its members.
Heh – IRS and FBI – Caveat emptor for that Spiritual Freedom in a “Church”
Come on now – make that cult pay taxes and abide by the laws of the land.
Idle, the IRS & FBI have no power to declare something like the CoS NOT a church. See the U.S. Const. for more details.
the IRS giveth and the IRS taketh away
I would love to find someone with bottomless pockets who would pay to have DM followed and his every move recorded and posted to YouTube. We could get daily updates….. oh but wait…. no one would care…. he is just one more nut case cult leader who has empty minded followers. Never mind!
I don’t believe they are empty minded. I believe their minds are crammed full, with $cientology propaganda, The voices of Hubbard, Mcsavage. And terror. Minds full of fear.
Data Mining: THEY know more about you and Shelly than you know.
Nicely stated Robert. So very true.
I was sitting with a friend of mine recently when this subject came up. He told me we have known each other for over 30 years now. He is still in. He is not sure what I am and doesn’t ask. I mentioned in passing that we are conditional friends. He was taken aback until I explained that if I was declared he would no longer be my friend, by his choice. He looked silently for a long while and smiled, but said nothing.
It is true though. He and I have been through all kinds of things over the years and normally this would have guaranteed a strong bond. True for anyone not in. But in this case, a different set of definitions apply.
Answering Robert Almblad, elsewhere.
Human hypocrisy. It’s the one thing that can be counted on and humility is its closest cousin.
I think John “Saggy” Sugg, this rag’s editor, must be in a lower ethics condition if he’s not allowed colour printing any more…
A bit off-topic, and related to Tony O’s article today…
The use of the term “In Good Standing” is an interesting one. I spent hours with the MAA at my AO discussing the very subject. We went through dozens of references, including SIR. NOWHERE does LRH give you a definition of what “In Good Standing” actually means.
The MAA tried to convince me that “everyone knows” what it means. Yeah…right.
The closest we came to an agreement was: doesn’t not have a current Ethics Order against them.
I thought this was interesting, given how frequent the term is used.
One of the church’s problems is the shifting sands of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. It varies from org to org, country to country, MAA to MAA. There’s no standard set of official do’s and don’ts; which puts the public in a very uncertain position.
Many find out what is unacceptable by violating some unwritten/unspoken group moral. When pushed to get the church to commit to a definitive list, they will claim it is The Way to Happiness. But, all of the people I know that have been declared (inc myself), were never found guilty of any TWTH violations.
Conclusion: Nobody’s driving this bus. They’re just making it up as they go along.
They just change things on the fly now, don’t they. Maaaaany years ago it was very clear that “in good standing” or “not in good standing” was still a sort of slang but meant one was declared or not. But part of the mentality now is over-use of that scary control shit, so hyping up the use of a term like that makes sense.
Yes. To both of you.
Good standing used to mean not declared and has not resigned or not a “refund cycle”.
You could have a non-enturb order on you and you were still in good standing. You could have a court, hearing, or Comm Ev on the go, be in lowers, working on a liability condition, even be PTS anything and still be in good standing. You might be, “in ethics trouble” but your STANDING was still good.
OK, maybe not Type III. PTS type III meant you weren’t allowed on lines or in the org. You were hustled out. And some of the other PTS types meant you ‘had a sit to handle’. Maybe you weren’t allowed in auditing, but your standing was still ok.
It’s total BS to have people not in good standing without a goldenrod on them in hand. You got copies of all KRs and all ethics orders. Period. We didn’t hide what we were doing because we were right. (I’m an old EO) All reports and all ethics orders were given to the person. Period.
Just because you’re not actively on lines should not mean you’re no longer in good standing. Hell, you could even be GRUMPY and off lines. In that case, you were ARCX or “part of the ARC broken field”. AND… the ARCX field was the ORG’S RESPONSIBILITY. When it appeared the field was ARCX it was something THE ORG NEEDED TO HANDLE. We had programs to “clean up the ARCX field” and that was with people INVITED, carefully HANDLED to come in willingly, so we could give them a free ARCX session. Interviews, etc. Sure, you find the one who is stirring the pot or encouraging people to quit or something and ethics/justice actions might be taken, but the first blush wasn’t to blame.
Too bad it’s all so dangerous now and wasn’t back then. If I’d been hounded to death for money and threatened and bullied in the beginning I’d’ve saved myself a half million dollars and 3.5 decades of my life wasted on lies blinded by brainwashing and total BS.
Yes you are correct, Secret. After being off lines for 30 years and then arriving at AOLA for “my ethics handling” because I HAD not been onlines for all those years and had dubious “connections” the family were all up in arms – it was very sobering and confusing how things have changed. As I explained in my write-ups on this blog, I was onlines at AOLA getting sec-checked etc and was in the San Diego Org going to events etc……but I was apparently dead-filed. So I was able to be in communication with SD Org staff and public and be in comm with AOLA/PAC staff and public BUT I was not allowed to have any communication with my family in South Africa NOR my son – all of them were told to disconnect until I was fully “Handled”. It was so crazy and the thing I questioned the MAA constantly, but her reply was “they have the right to disconnect from you” EVEN THOUGH, the family members were ordered not to communicate with me. How does one explain all that??? CRAZY………….
This is all just nonsense. I have great empathy for all you’ve been through, and while reading about it and watching Aftermath, I’ve nothing but abounding compassion and love for your and your family and a desire to have your back.
Due to what I experienced, I was able to fully do a Matrix – I went from almost 4 decades IN to mentally exploded and never to return all within a very short time. IN, OUTTTTTT. DONE.
I have forgotten nothing and I still know the viewpoint, rules, and how I would have done things, how I did things, and what the HCO PLs tell us. I don’t believe in one damn bit of it, but I DO still fully KNOW it all, the policies and procedures, and bullshit still smells as bad.
We knew that those who wrote KRs or other staff member reports and didn’t cc the recipient, well they’re chicken-shit. And as EO I would dig into THEM a bit. I didn’t accept any report that contained generalities, HE & R, Entheta, etc. (“embroidered reports”) Upstat was upstat, etc.
The PTS handling tech you’re describing and the whole deadfile thing is just off. Why would you even be deadfiled? I don’t recall in your narrative anything about you writing entheta letters. 🙂
But then, I’ve read all kinds of insanity since my explosion out. DM was declaring his top execs, keeping them in a trailer and trotting them out when it suited, until they were done A-E? ??????????????? None of that follows any Hubbard policy at all.
You’re going to events, doing all the things they want, getting auditing, giving money, you can sit at the canteen and chit-chat with others during break time…. but your family is disconnected from you?
It’s squirrel scientology.
Which is kind of like complaining that the shit burger doesn’t follow the shit burger recipe.
and P.S. I understand fully why you put up with everything and how you persisted and why we do that. No blame.
Secret, yes I forgot to mention in my writeup about the dead file. I have NO idea. I had never ever written anything to anyone saying I was out or spoken to anyone, so that is what the weirdest thing is. In fact, my son Brandon who was working at the Org was also dead filed while working there! Also, my family in SA were not allowed to comm with either of my sons, Craig or Brandon who both worked at the org and who were upstat in their eyes. It was crazy. No-one could tell me why and believe me I asked many people, like the EO and the ED of the org etc.
just reading it fills me with frustration, I can’t imagine what it would be to have to live it and deal with it.
It makes no sense whatsoever and is just off policy. Yet you couldn’t scream to the heavens or you’d’ve just been fried.
Every time I was slaughtered as a staff member it was while pushing back against illegal orders and off policy actions.
As a public getting onto OT levels I ate the shit sandwiches so I could “go free”. hahaha!
Excellent points, Secret and Lois. The church isn’t even following their own HCOB’s and HCOPL’s and LRH written things. It’s all so arbitrary now and you can’t even demand that the staff follow LRH because that would be a for sure declare. The church doesn’t even have to put out goldenrod anymore. All they do is have HCO say to your friends, FB, work associates, family, that you are “no longer in good standing” whatever that means nowadays. They don’t bother to tell you why or even that you are no longer in good standing (at least in my case it was that way.) But with no goldenrod in hand, no written ethics order or SP Declare, all my Scn people including my two kids, disconnected me just on the “no longer in good standing” thing. It is the witch hunt that LRH warned against in the “The AntiSocial Personality” bulletin. The church took my best friend and had her spy on me for 3 months to get dirt on me. They had her ask how I felt about my son being recruited for the SO and that was reported (to see if I was “CI” or counter intention to it.) They had her spy to see if I said anything that was “natter” or “disaffection” against the church. So finally when she confronted me on “do this or I’ll disconnect from you…” she said she’d written a KR on me. I asked why she hadn’t given me a copy of it per policy? I forced her to give me the copy. When I got it, the date it was written was 3 months earlier. She had been spying for 3 months on me… I won’t bore you with all the details… but yes the definition of “in good standing” has changed and is purely arbitrary. And with that alone, a whispering campaign can oust you without even having to write the goldenrod.
Exactly Cindy, it has become the ultimate witch hunt and I have seen no precedent for that especially within the scn community who are not on staff or in the SO. Never before have I seen where the public have been targeted so viciously. It will ultimately bring down the church along with all the bad PR. Yes, witch hunts happened in the SO and maybe in the orgs, but usually it was very much more localized and once it got it’s foot in the door it was usually stopped. I am so sorry you have lost 2 kids in this. It is just awful and really is the reason I decided to come forward and speak out. As much as people like to demonize LRH and yes, it is his policies, but they are being used so robotically it drives me crazy…….there is even a policy to NOT use policy to STOP. Scn is very different from what I knew.
After 30 years “in”, and 4 years “out”, I have concluded that: NOTHING in Scn is what it seems.
In fact, it’s closer to 180 degrees opposite of what they say or claim.
You’re right Statpush! It’s Orwellian: “War is Peace” and “Truth is Lies” and “Champions of Human Rights are the Perpetrators of Human Rights Violations”. They do all the things they act so shocked and outraged about in others. As Shakepeare would say, “Methinks he/she doth protest too much.”
So very glad you’re out, statpush! 30 years is a long time in the cult. May the best day of your past…….be the worst day of your future. I celebrate your freedom!
…isn’t it astounding? Just lately I’ve been trying to come to terms with the idea that I fully devoted myself to the utterings of “one man” He had all the answers and everything he said was true.
How in God’s name did I ever fall for that?
I would have laughed you out of the room had you told me that would be the better part of my life.
and my friends are still in and still thinking this. Still wasting their lives.
We all drank the Koolaid Secretfornow – we were hornswoggled and bamboozled beyond belief. The decompressing and recovery may a long time. Be gentle, loving and kind to oneself while you are on the journey back to self and sanity. YOU WON’T GET ANY WORSE now that you are out of that mind fucking cult.
thank you for all of this. It’s really good advice. I need reminding. It’s a bit of a bumpy road.
“How in God’s name did I ever fall for that.” Welcome to the club, secret.
Not me ! ?
In more ways than one, the real enemies of the personal freedom we should be availed of in life are being exposed by such articles as this one. It seems a daunting task to know of these cretins and their insatiable but always vile and hidden intentions as ‘they’ hold the social and political power over us mere mortals. And now Scientology has earned its right to stand beside them. Probably the greatest lie Scientology tells its members is, “your Bridge to Total Freedom.” It is irrelevant if the tech exists for that accomplishment or not, for it will never be permitted to be used. How much evidence does it take for a human mind to comprehend the evil being foisted off on them by Big Brother and corporate identities like Scientology? – The Church of Scientology is a good place to start and research such evil and the double talk and veils it hides behind. It begs the question, how much truth is required to be aired before something positive occurs? Maybe it’s time for that slogan of the anti Vietnam War era, “Apathy Kills” to come out again.
I miss people like John Lennon, Frank Zappa & Lenard Cohen.
Thank you Mike. So very True and I am so sad that you and your family got the treatment & still get it. All of you that have to put up with the utter destruction not only of families but of privacy and personal safety. It is unconscionable to be spyed on by this cult. To the point at times of feeling real danger from the lunatic fringe inside the fortress bubble. I send all love and support. I feel the cult will continue to Contract especially with the concentration on Clearwater, although The RTC is still tearing up mountains etc. But the underpinnings of millions of book buyers = bodies up the Bridge have rotted away. Hard to keep up the facade with whales and celebs and those still chasing the Glitter OTs for infinity. ?
Wonderful essay today Mike. Thanks for listening.
Great article today, Mike! You of all people know all about how they Fair Game and spy on people because you used to head up OSA. I think you should write a book bringing many more of these things that you have personal up close knowledge about from your OSA days. Also to add to your article: it isn’t only auditing sessions that are recorded both stenographically and audio-visually. At Flag it is also the MAA sessions in the ethics department that are also recorded. Only those they don’t tell you about, so it is being recorded without your knowledge or permission. And on a personal note, the church did hack my email and use that against me.
The enigma is the person who believes.
The success of this pseudo-church depends entirely on its own ability to maintain complete secrecy about its structure and intention, and then to perpetuate itself through outright deception and false representation of itself – especially to its own followers.
To be a believer, one has to accept that there is only one source of valid information, at the same rejecting all other information from outside the bubble. And the church effectively does this by labeling the authorities that be, whether it be governments or the academic community or established religion, as “the enemy”. This is how a scientologist is overtly and covertly trained to think. This is the epitome of both coercion and subversion. It is an attack on the individual on the most personal level. As soon as one walks through the door, the hidden agenda of isolating the individual from outside information begins. That is the operative word, isolation.
Alone with the auditor, one reveals ones’ own vulnerabilities. And, yes, this will be most opportune for the “church” in due time. Inevitably, the organization will pit its weight against the individual as the personal need to express personal identity mounts.
Identity is the first thing they take from you. Once the identity of “scientologist” has been supplanted, well, then the true objective of taking your money and labor can be ever-so-easily fulfilled. This is the playbook of the founder, L. Ron Hubbard.
Civil and Human Rights
The advancement of science and human consciousness…
That Scientology would present itself as the leaders of these endeavors and all that matters in this life is the ultimate in hypocrisy, indeed. Turn away, I say, turn away and devote yourself to the pursuit of happiness and my promise to you is a better and far more fulfilling life, adorned with my praise and admiration.
It is fantastic how this pseudo church continuously, and relentlessly does the exact opposite of their PR front. Whether it be privacy, fair exchange, family values, freedom, volunteering, ethics…they talk the talk, but NEVER walk the walk.
Once you’ve seen what or ‘who’ is on the other side of the curtain, Scientology and Miscavige lose all credibility.
Most active Scientologists I know have almost no internet presence. I think this article is a scare tactic to keep Scientologists off the internet.
True. All what they do is for PR to the Meyers which are in the cult. Nothing more. They know that they are Loosers. So they – DM-Goebbels and Gang – take the money from these 20 or 30.000 believers and run.
Meyers means members.
In what language?
Mike – did you see Tony’s post today? This posting on your blog fits right in with Scientology Big Eye in the Sky “Knows all”
Who has been naughty and who has been moving up in status…or not…
How did they get the name of our anon poster that enlightens us here on your blog?
Can you shed some light on how they figured that out?
You don’t have to post my posts because I don’t want to upset TC – the anon poster
But in a round about way – can you comment on Tony’s posting about OSA’s shenanigans?
Any idea how they busted him?
OK, here is what I can tell you.
Someone submits articles under the name Terra Cognita.
Scientology claims it is “transparent” who this is. Well, it is only transparent if you hack into someone’s email as they are wont to do. Otherwise, there is nothing about anything Terra Cognita has said that indicates who he or she is.
Scientology has decided they know who this is. But they offer no proof of anything, just assert it. They claim that this must be someone that was named by Luis Garcia as a potential arbitrator. But everyone he names is “not in good standing.”
Terra Cognita has informed me that he/she has received NO notification, and certainly nothing in writing, that they are not in good standing.
Why would someone who posts anonymously on a blog automatically NOT be in good standing anyway? I thought scientologists believed that one is free to think for yourself and you have an inherent right to speak freely?
I assume Terra Cognita will continue to post and not “still not declared”.
Hey, if I was Terra Cognita, I would probably CONTINUE to post as “still not declared” unless they handed me a Declare Order on “Terra Cognita” 🙂 And then I would publish that to show how ludicrous they are. And until then, I would just keep laughing at them. It sort of shows how terrified they are of everyone and everything.
Idle, where did the “church ” publish the ID of TC? I have seen nothing. Where did you see the name?
Scientology’s response to Luis Garcia’s requests (regarding arbitration)
Scientology’s attorney states:
“In April 2015, the Ethics Officer at the Church of Scientology of Santa Barbara, where [he] undertook Scientology services, determined that [he] was ineligible to participate in religious services. [He] continued to express dissatisfaction and criticism with Scientology religious services to other parishioners. As a result, in early 2016, a Committee of Evidence determined that [his] activities were interfering with the religious services and spiritual progress of other parishioners, and issued an ethics order cautioning him against further such disruptive activity under penalty of being declared a Suppressive Person. As a result, he was not in good standing. To make matters worse, in May, 2016, [he] began posting, under a transparent pseudonym, a series of highly critical articles about the Scientology religion and ecclesiastical management on the blog of Mike Rinder, who is Garcia’s “legal consultant.”
Idle Morgue, that link does NOT give the ID of the person
Did you see the ad they had during the Grammy’s? WTH could not believe it, I had never seen TV ads from them?? Desperate??
This is their usual thing. They air an ad in select markets on local ad space for the Super Bowl. They then run the same ad at the Grammy’s. And probably again at the Academy Awards in local markets. This is to stroke the internal public that all the money they give to support the IAS and “planetary dissemination” is being spent on disseminating to the world. Problem is, it is probably the LEAST effective way to spend advertising dollars. Advertising to TV audiences is advertising to the same people who watch Going Clear and Aftermath and 20/20 etc etc.
But it sounds good to the sheeple.
Drive by LA Org or Pasadena today and note the massive influx of people driven in by the ad. Haha.
“….The scope of private information now being swept up from all Americans is daunting — and the vast majority are kept in the dark…”
Scientology is a fake operation.
Example: I was a 20 year vet of the Sea Org, and did 3 years at ASI, when in December 1995, in LA, me having just freshly been demoted out of ASI a couple weeks before, it came my turn to willingly (I admit my mindset and training was such I willingly wished) to go to the RPF.
My “pre-RPF” sec check was done by Gerda Herrera, RTC top Sec Checker, of that moment i history, December 1995, at Int, in the old Gilman House when the upstairs bedrooms were turned into the auditing rooms. I got the warmup sec checking by Heidi Stahli, one of my all time favorite auditors, just a wonderful alive woman, funny, really a wonderful individual, great auditor. Then Gerda did the stern hard all serious business sec checking to dig into my “scene”, why I wanted to leave ASI and Sea Org and all.
I cough up all the transgressions which I presumed and knew really, would land me on the RPF, my transgressions of the last year, including some truly trivial but somewhat colorful stuff, some hilariious but inappropriate to really get into, and then I’m done with Gerda’s sec checking. Gerda was to get the goods to decide what to do with me, as I had wished to leave ASI and also leave the Sea Org. Per the rules, one goes to the RPF and tries to deal with one’s transgressions and one’s false and evil purposes using the False Purpose Rundown crank pseudo-therapy and the Truth Rundown crank talk “serious” transgressions pseudo-therapy. As everyone knows, you read-it, drill-it, do-it style “co-auditing” with another RPFer, being in turn, each other’s patient and crank-therapist, using the Hubbard crank False Purpose Rundown and Truth Rundown to supposedly deal with all of each others’ whole long this lifetime and each others’ past lifetimes’ transgressions and the “prior confusions” that per Hubbard’s “tech” theory are the root of one’s this lifetime devient behaviors. It is bogus, of course, but that was all acceptable, when you are in the thick of this Hubbard long runway waste of one’s life activity of “high level” Scientology where the people actually waste their days doing the details of Hubbard’s intricate amateur crank therapy. (I easily could go into every detail of it all, but it’s so tedious and offputting to even spend one’s braincells, especially for outsiders, getting into every detail of Hubbard’s massively intricate crank pseudo-therapy.) And to boot, you are making up false memories the whole damned time when you make up all your past-lives transgressions and all your past-lives “prior confusions” that led to your mental (supposedly long ago, burried all these eons of time, in your soul mind, still causing you today to stumble mentally, supposedly) errors today in life. Nice, kind of, but bogus by any rational in depth accounting if today’s smart obersevers of Scientololgy who are also really smart psychologists were to be enticed to study in depth Hubbard’s crank therapy in all of the Hubbard layers and levels of process details.
I get brought from the Int Base old Gilman House area when I’m staying by myself in the pull along airstream aluminum body small trailer as my “decks berthing” down to LA, with the then Security Guard Uwe Stuckenbrock, up to the OSA public conference room. Kirsten Caetano’s there, Glen Stilo’s there, Uwe’s there and the OSA lady who is a lawyer who crafts the horrible self-incriminating and blame shame you legal docs, where you are supposed to sign these horrible invalidative and completely “wrong indication” legal docs admitting WHY you deserve to be now going to the RPF. That type of legal doc isn’t today made to be signed, but mine was so immediately absurdly over the top, twisting my transgressions I’d coughed up 15 years prior making them sound like I had just committed those transgressions last week, the normal “I’m a sexual pervert” admission in a legal doc type of thing. It broke my mind (to use Nancy Many’s great observation of how her mind was broken due to Scientology’s betrayal of her, immediately also coming after Joan Diskin gave a horribly bad series of sessions to Nancy, massive wrong indications to Nancy implied and stated to Nancy, resulting in Nancy’s mental break), and I silently had my nervous breakdown in that OSA conference room, I kept it together, but I was mentally broken. It’s a horrible feeling having your world just get so thrust away from you, it’s indescribable, it’s like live being in a nightmare you can’t wake up from, you feel no where is safe, it’s all nightmare, no waking up.
It was a massive “wrong indication” in Hubbard’s crank theory terminology.
That job of rewritting a person’s history, is core Office of Special Affairs misuse of the language.
It’s a core wrong of Scientology.
I survived my own little moment of having the reality as I saw it of my whole life, now legally misdefined in this crafted OSA document, but this Eichman like team of OSA staffers, “doing their duty” for the protection of Scientology, and this unpleasant total throwing me completely mentally off balance, for that moment (and I had to relive it 9 months later when I asked for and received the Introspection Rundown on the RPF delivered to me by a very good auditor, Rich Gilbert and Bruce Hines was my then excellent Case Supervisor, Rich did the steps of the Introspection Rundown where he corrected the massive wrong indication moment of that OSA legal doc signing in the OSA conference room when my mind snapped.)
I totally sympathize with all persons who get their moments of this Scientology perfected psychological misuse of language to depict reality so foreign, so wrong, that it causes so much emotional turmoil.
Scientology tries to pin that turmoil on those who criticise Scientology.
Never on Scientology.
That generates this backlash of the ex members, re-learning how to describe their lives in outside world language, and see Scientology’s problems and at least talk freely out here about them.
Hubbard’s the baddie at the bottom, one realizes, once one adds ALL of the details up.
Hubbard wrote the rules OSA follows.
Hubbard wrote the “tech” to supposedly even mentally relieve the members when they wrongly falsely label each other in the ranks for all their errors at that staff jobs.
Scientology has a long trail of misusing words.
Hubbard made a “third dynamic” team, and OSA’s job is language defence of the movement and all the Guardian’s Office Sun Tzu tech.
I wish some wise ex OSA and Guardian wordsmiths would get their brains in gear and detail OSA history’s horrible tasks.
A day in the life of Glen Stilo.
A day in the life of the lady lawyer in OSA who writes up people’s whole lives summarizing them in the worst posslbe ways.
A day in the life of Kirsten Caetano.
A day in the life of Kathy O’Gorman, “KO”.
A day in the life of Linda Hamel, or Warren McShane.
There are so many more stories, someday, to come out, and books, from the ex OSA players of the last 25 years.
“Scientology is a fake, crank and institutionalized psychologically damaging operation/subject.”
Due to being a crank subject, there is no way the subject can fix what it messes up.
It’s a closed system, that can’t possibly fix itself.
Only those that wise up and eject and learn to describe the intricacies of their lives, I so wish ex-OSA staff would now come forward and start writing what they did!
Chuck I REALLY cringe when I read this crap. You are such a nice guy and hard worker.
I’ll tell you a little story of how I manipulated some execs using L. Con’s F.O’s.
The 2D issue L. Con wrote on the ship says what the penalty is for “Out 2D”. When I was at Flag there was as ALWAYS, a personnel shortage because recruiting for the S.O. was very difficult. So, being young I was having fun on the 2D. Public, staff, whatever. Good stuff. So, someone finds out and I’m told to go to the RPF. I pull out the F.O. and show the person that the penalty for it is being beached. So they could beach me but I wasn’t going to the RPF because it was “off policy”.
I didn’t go to the RPF but I DID go to the beach on my next libs. LOL
We used to have parties at the Honolulu mission. Sometimes we got a little out of hand. I took a girl from the org and took her to where I was living (there were about 14 people who lived there). We didn’t quite have sex (damnit) but we each had a good time. That ended up in my ethics file and came up when I had a B of I on me. However, the person who wrote me up, said we had sex (I wish!). But, going through all the KRs (I think my file was 1/2 inch thick) a calmness came over me as I knew Scientology was looney toons. I left about two weeks later…..never to go back! YEAH!!!
Good times OSD, good times.
Walking out made me OT Infinitely…
Funny story, and using LRH refs is a way to get them to treat you more fairly, oddly, at times.
When I was waiting forever to get approval to “route out”, months of waiting, the RPF’s RPF MAA showed me the reference saying one only should wait 48 hours to get routed out of the Sea Org.
Yet that’s never done, and people then are induced to do the bad choices of something that does get them quicker ejected.
Such a mad mess of organizational and group institutionalized tripping over Hubbard’s crank nutty operatoin’s rules that add up to these ludicrous self-contradicting group behaviors and further oddball drastic staff solutions.
WORSE than Rube Goldberg cult Catch 22s!
L. Ron Hubbard 1984-isms-Catch 22-isms institutionalized on steroids.
Thanks for this completer picture, Chuck. Apart from the enforcement of the 2 “shuns” (invalidation and evaluation) in the SHSBC (now ‘no longer delivere’; lrh occasionally discussed Russian mental techniques and Lubynka prison,
the Soviet version of ‘Room 101’.
I wish it never happened….maybe we should contemplate Service Dogs for ex-so….?
Tom: “I wish it never happened….maybe we should contemplate Service Dogs for ex-so….?”
I too wish it never happened!
Another notable point, although secondary to having his mind “broke,” was where Chuck wrote that his “very good auditor…corrected the massive wrong indication moment of that OSA legal doc signing in the OSA conference room when my mind snapped.”
Ironically, there would be no need for “Service Dogs” if ex-so and other ex’es – or never-ins – could get their PTSD handled by a very good auditor.
Chuck, they didn’t use the time to brow beat them or make them feel like losers?
No, the added time, waiting, I think we’d need a former RPF In Charge to tell all the bureaucratic excuses, that befall the lowest of the low personnel categories which would be the RPF’s RPFers who want to route out. That sub group of “route outs”, unless you expedite them kicking you out, you languish.
The sludge Sea Org machine always delays delays delays things for the lowest priority personnel sub group, that’s default RPF’s RPFer life pace: dribbling on forever languish “waiting” “tone level” some where at the bottom of the scale.
Hastening the process one has to dramatically do one of the fast eject methods, and suicide faking works wonders, sadly!
Chuck the “trick” I found is that L. Fraud wrote SO many contradictory policies that I could always find one to allow me to do what I was doing. It was hilarious. As it came close to time for me to leave the SO I got REALLY audacious with using them. At the point the execs were glad to see me leave as they could never “punish” me because I knew all the loop holes.
Knowing the loopholes unfortunately if you stay to play out all the loopholes, only delays your stay there.
That would be also part of the problem, the members vying to play the loopholes and rules one against the other, and that in net total keeps Hubbard unscathed from blame.
It delays blaming Hubbard, his options for the members to defend themselves and blame each other contantly nonstop.
The game is always getting out of losing to the system’s rules, and correcting your fellows violations against you.
Hubbard’s layers of loopholes keep them hoop jumping in each of their learned and conditioned patterns, delaying them getting back out of the whole damned mess.
It sure did for me.
Naw Chuck, you didn’t play it to your favor. When I decided to leave I dropped a note to the MAA two weeks beforehand stating my intention and directing him/her to get anything arranged they want. I knew the In basket for that post was hugely full.
The day came and I walking into the office and said “goodbye” to the MAA. Who promptly stated that I was “blowing”. I grabbed the Scamology dictionary and fished out my dispatch to the MAA and corrected his MU word. I then walked out forever. I didn’t even get declared at that point.
LOL – Love it
chuck, thanks for that detailed and moving recounting.
I would say that the RPF co-auditing on those rundowns, is good part indoctrination, thought reform, and even brainwashing – similar to what was done during the Chinese Cultural Revolution and what is probably going on now in the North Korea. In North Korea people who are seen as having strayed are subjected to additional special “self-criticism” sessions on top of the regularly near-daily schedule of that traditional Marxist indoctrination process, though the reeducation prison camps are reported to have become more about degradation than re-indoctrination – quite like what seems to have happened with Scientology’s RPF.
Their hypocrisy and chutzpah know no bounds.
Hubbard’s “Crime” addition comes to my mind.
The “Crime” of creating a solution that becomes a problem.
That’s the whole of Scientology.
Hubbard’s realization of having “failed” which Hubbard despairingly told to Sarge at Creston Ranch near the end of Hubbard’s life, that scene of Hubbard and Sarge just so begs to be depicted on the screen in movie picture excelllent acting.
Hubbard’s admission of failure, has to be let known
It was so good to hear that Hubbard had some tiny bit of doubts about whether all his “work” was worth it or should all be chucked the frick out the windown.
Out the window I saw!
If you want to know what Scientology REALLY is – is look at what they are screaming about to members.
Everything they are accusing others of doing – Scientology is doing behind the clubbed seals backs and then gagging those that know.
Scientology – science of keeping secrets whilst they con and scam.
THEY are watching every move you and Lou make. GPS, much better than garbage tech.
With just about every paragraph of the magazine article that I read, I can’t help thing of the related Hubbard quotes:
“The criminal accuses others of things which he himself is doing”
“the overt doth speak loudly in accusation”
It’s interesting that the piece refers to “corporate spying” since almost every type of spying mentioned is similar to what the Scientology corporations engage in.
Scientology has been fined in Europe for violating laws about information privacy, and if I recall several of the investigations and legal cases have involved secondary allegations about information collected. And the their gathering of personal information, including recordings, has been one of the main issues in the investigations and raids in Russia.
Finally, the quote from the article that “You are told that if you’re not doing anything wrong, don’t worry about the snooping.” reminds me exactly of what Ron Miscavige wrote about how he was told to accept Scientology’s monitoring and interception of his mail and communications while he was in the Sea Org.
I have to believe OSA and other staff from Bridge, Golden Era Studios, and various other orgs that regularly send out promo with LRH quotes know–even if subconsciously–that these reflect poorly on Miscavige and the church and are direct indictments on his behavior. Sending out these pieces are their ways of getting back at him, of doing something.
Possibly they think that if enough people see this sort of promo, they’ll wake up and revolt and overthrow the dictator running the show.
Then again, maybe I’m being naive.
Scientology OSA top editors approve the Freedom stories before letting this go out in the Scientology Freedom magazine, which is NOT an independent journal, it’s still given the final okay or not to print, based on Scientology’s OSA and likely Miscavige, wouldn’t you say Mike?
I wish the actual OSA top people who likely give the “this is okay” authorization to an issue even being “okay to print”, I wish those persons were named by name.
The routine for publishing Freedom mags and who has the final say of the content of the articles being okay to print, I don’t think is in the hands of those that may write them.
A history of who the final editor and authorizers are, would be interesting to spell out.
Those persons are undebateable, unwilling to appear in public and discuss their magazine articles.
I wish the author of the piece were able to be interviewed publicly.
What is the procedure that these hack writers are obliged to follow, when outside media ask to interview the authors of these Freedom mag articles?
Getting those writers in public discussion would be interesting.
Getting the OSA wordsmith department and higher up “executives” in OSA who give the “okay to publish” “This is Okay” signoff signatures on the magazine going to print, I wish those persons were publicly available to speak.
Scientology seems to not be able to talk for itself in public.
“Always attack, never defend.” It seems as though they are taking this to a new level lately, making a big deal of being outraged by, and publicly addressing practices that they, themselves are guilty of – such as this information gathering and the human trafficking seminars. Divert, divert, divert!
Dessert, dessert, dessert? Whoa! Count me in! Wait…what? It’s Divert, divert, divert? Damn! Never mind…..
Thanks for the stories and links. I had missed the one with you, Mike and Tony Ortega on the Bunker. Wow!
It is time DM goes down. A few well-timed raids by DHS could turn Clearwater into a
‘water stop’, (old steam railroad expression) and the accumulated lucre in the off shore accounts could repay victims, and give the Feds much needed $ to service their loans.
Frankly, I would like to see murder charges brought, as the number of people dead from his “brand”
of Scientology just grows longer and longer. But there are other precedents:
This electronic\spiritual warfare was warned about in 1952:
“In the presence of an unlimited weapon, central government ceases to exist, as in the
historical examples of the first use of horses in warfare, or the use of assassins in the
Middle East some 800 years ago.
If you release the remedy, and if the remedy is fast enough before the forces of evil can
muster their machinations and use the overt act, the overt act can’t ever be used. There
is only one thing that could happen to Scientology, and that is to say that it would be
buried. The remedy would be buried. If it ever went out of sight, this world’s done. ….
Don’t ever think that a monopoly of this subject is a
safe thing to have. It’s not safe, not for man, not for this universe. This universe has
long been looking for new ways to make slaves. Well, we’ve got some new ways to
make slaves here. Let’s see that none are made……
Did you ever read poor old George Orwell’s 1984? That would be the palest imagined
shadow of what the world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology
with no remedy in existence…. Don’t hoard it. Don’t hold it. And if you ever do use any black Dianetics, use it on the guy who pulled Scientology out of sight and made it so it wasn’t available.
Because he’s the boy who would be electing himself “The New Order”. We don’t need
any more new orders – all those orders as far as I’m concerned have been filled.”
Philadelphia Doctorate Course (6th Dec 1952) Tape #20
Audio here:
I’d really like to read that magazine. Can I buy it at my local newsstand? I want to add it to my regular reading, along side of Girls and Corpses*, Portable Restroom Operator*, Miniature Donkey Talk*, and Fencepost*.
* These are actual magazines
You’re scaring me, hgc10!
hgc10, I just checked, and they do actually have a page where you can subscribe. But of course that might get you all sorts of other Scientology mailings, as well.
p.s. If it’s not already on your reading list, you might also want to add The Journal of Irreproducible Results – check it out. It’s a longstanding science field self-parody, but I guess you could say that it gets to the sort of “science” and “research” that Hubbard was engaging in.
Peacemaker, No, I’m not going to give them any hint of my existence by subscribing. In other words, my arm isn’t long enough to draw a target on my own back.
Thanks for turning me on to the Journal of Irreproducible Results. That’s a gem. They could have done a double issue for Dianetics alone.
Hey, I can draw that target on your back, if you need assistance.
…………Huh?……..OK. My bad.
“How to watch everyone without being watched—that’s the lust of every dictator, authoritarian, totalitarian, social manipulator and corporate voyeur.”
Ghostwritten by DM
I actually read that rag other day just to check it out. Hypocrisy and duplicity at its finest. Scum
They pretend to be your friend to get you to voice your innermost thoughts that they record and then they use those thoughts against you to destroy your reputation if you ever disagree with them. Nice friend.
The truth is, there are no friends in Scientology. There are no families. You park all that at the front door when you enter. Caveat emptor.