The response to Leah”s lawsuit is scientology’s standard “a bigot is being mean to us poor victims” drivel.
This one is especially unhinged, indicative of how worried David Miscavige is about this latest lawsuit naming him.
The greater the purple prose and insanity of the inevitable ridiculous comparisons they make directly correlates to the level of volcanic eruption that occurred in the COB suite when he found out about the lawsuit.
As Scientology responses go, this one is in the Hall of Fame.
I am including their whole statement here in indented italics with my comments following each section.
This lawsuit is ludicrous and the allegations pure lunacy.
Anyone who reads the complaint will realize it includes numerous citations to L. Ron Hubbard policy — followed by the specific details of how scientology has implemented those directives. This is what they are referring to as “ludicrous lunacy” and I guess they have a point
Remini spreads hate and falsehoods for a decade and is now offended when people exercise their right to free speech, exposing her for what she is—an anti-free speech bigot.
It’s the height of hypocrisy that Scientology always categorizes everyone else’s free speech as “hate and falsehoods” but their policy-mandated “destroy them utterly if possible” is merely exercising their “free speech.” They try to make it sound like they have sat silently for a decade and only now have responded causing Leah to lash out against them.
Remini’s complaints are like an anti-Semite complaining about the Jewish Anti-Defamation League for exposing the anti-Semite’s bigotry and propaganda.
Their upside down false equivalencies are another common Scientology bleat. They love to equate themselves with Jewish persecution. Yet they’re the ones with the prison camps and the mandated directives to exterminate their enemies. A better and more accurate analogy would be Leah and others who speak out are like those who opposed the Nazis and scientology is like the Third Reich exterminating anyone who did not goosestep to the party line.
Remini’s obsession with attacking her former religion, by spreading falsehoods and hate speech, has generated threats of and actual violence against the Church and its members as evidenced by multiple criminal convictions of individuals poisoned by Remini’s propaganda.
There is not one documented incident of this, despite the Scientology’s best efforts to invent connections to Leah concerning random acts of violence that have occurred in scientology facilities. Literally anything that happens they shout from the rooftops that it was cause by Leah (and me), including murder. Even when proven in court that this is not the case, they continue to make these claim anyway. Truth is irrelevant to scientology in their efforts to destroy their enemies. Hubbard tells them to “just allege it” and they do. The only recourse is to sue and get a court injunction. This IS what this “ridiculous “ lawsuit is all about.
All the while, Remini has profited handsomely from her fabrications, through the sale of hate books, hate podcasts and paid-for tabloid hate television.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
First, documentary TV shows are NOT a great source of revenue. Not even close to a sitcom. And podcasts are even less than that. If Leah was motivated by money (like scientology) she would have simple carried on her successful career as a comedic actress on TV and in movies. She chose instead to devotge her time to exposing the abuses of scientology.
But more significantly— scientology has exploited their supposed victimhood as a fundraising tool “we are under assault and only the IAS stands in the way of the SP’s winning and destroying all hope for mankind.” Tens, perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars have been raised by scientology under this ruse.
Now that Remini’s propaganda has been exposed, Remini has spun entirely out of control by filing a frivolous lawsuit attempting to stop free speech exposing her false propaganda. Remini’s decade of harassment and fabrications are all coming back to haunt her.
Well, this is rich. The fact is the decade of harassment and fabrication is now catching up with scientology and it is really haunting them. And the complaint is not about “free speech” but about ACTIONS taken by scientology to disrupt, harass and seek to destroy. Free speech does not protect anything someone does from liability — you cannot announce “I am going to destroy someone” and then proceed to take actions to do so and hide behind “I have a right to say whatever I want.”
If Remini can no longer get a job, she has nobody to blame but herself. Obviously everybody in Hollywood now knows what we already knew: That Remini is a horrible person and toxic to so many who have the misfortune to come in contact with her.
Oh generalities… “everyone in Hollywood”? Including all the people who voted to give her two Emmy awards and numerous other accolades? Seems like an awful lot people in Hollywood support Leah, but you know who they don’t support? Scientology. That’s why they’re constantly making scientology jokes. And why Paramount won’t allow Tom Cruise to even talk about scientology.
While Remini was in the Church, she had to restrain her antisocial traits. She said so herself—that Scientology was the only thing keeping her “monster” at bay.
Another of their favorites: “when she was a Scientologist, she was perfect. But then one day she couldn’t live up to our ethical standards and we kicked her out and now she is horrible [we of course are only responsible for creating the good parts].”
The Church is not intimidated by Remini’s latest act of blatant harassment and attempt to prevent truthful free speech. If Remini does not believe in free speech, then she should consider emigrating to Russia.
This is where they really lost it. This multi-billion dollar tax-exempt global enterprise is “not intimidated” by this “failed actress”? Your terror shines through brightest in this statement.
A lawsuit is an act of “blatant harassment” — unless it is filed by scientology. Yet it is their lawsuits have been found by courts to be “vexatious” and harassment. No surprise when you understand Hubbard said the purpose of a lawsuit is to harass.
”Emigrate to Russia”? Even for Miscavige this is over the top insanity.
The determination of who is exercising free speech and who is hiding behind it to justify their abuses will be decided by a jury. And this is what terrifies them. Because a jury finding against them in this case will be an indictment of their policies and everything they stand for in a very broad sense. It would force the IRS to review their tax exempt status. It would generate an endless flood of negative PR.
Captain Miscavige is correct in his assessment. This lawsuit IS a catastrophe.
Lisa says
This lawsuit will go on for years. Scientology will throw millions of dollars at it with the goal of bankrupting Leah with legal fees. I would like to see a GoFundMe or something similar set up to assist Leah with legal fees. There are many people out there like me who would like do something to legally expose these people. Creating a Crowd-Funded Legal Fund gives us this opportunity.
Take Care of yourself and keep fighting Mike. I have been cancer free for 22 years now. I hope you can say that too in the future.
Anne Eastaway says
I believe it is fraud to take money for something that you know you cannot deliver. If OT9 and OT10 do not exist, then extorting money from people who believe they will be delivered is totally outrageous. Thank you for continuing to expose them Mike.
I am currently reading your great book “A Billion Years”. It is great. I am so sorry for everything that you have been through. I hope that you, C, and the boys have many years of happiness together. I also hope that Ben and you will reconcile one day, when he is able to get away from the clutches of this cult.
Anne Eastaway says
Mike, you have a great way with words, I love how you describe things. I am sitting here smiling at the volcanic eruption that would have happened when little Davey was informed of Leah’s lawsuit. Be afraid little Davey, be very afraid. The work that all you SP’s are doing is going to pay dividends Mike. The world is watching. I hope you are doing well.
RetiredPRexec says
Two years ago, I believed that changes in COS policies, along with intelligent management and professional PR campaigns, had a slight chance of saving Scientology.
No more. They have now crossed the threshold on their way to self-destruction, over which they can no longer return. It’s too late.
The current management of Scientology will forever be known in history as those who destroyed what Hubbard had envisioned.
otherles says
One of the things that came out of the Nuremberg Trials was the idea of Personal Responsibility. Adolf Hitler gave orders to do horrible things but it was the rank and file National Socialists who carried them out. L. Ron Hubbard (and now David Miscavige) gave orders to do horrible things but it was the rank and file Scientologists who carried them out. Adolf Eichmann tried to excuse himself by saying that just following orders. That excuse wasn’t accepted and he hanged anyway. Some people did horrible things when they were in Scientology. Now that they’re out they’ve accepted responsibility for those things.
Annie says
The hypocrisy, unprofessionalism and sheer lies in the above statement are astounding as usual but not surprising. I just cannot for the life of me fathom why this cult is still called a church or religion and that the powers that be have not cottoned on that this cult and the beliefs it espouses is utter scifi bunkum made up to control people and make money for originally LRH and now David Miscavige and to use and abuse this power to suit their narcissistic, psychopathic, sociopathic tendencies. Arguably there are power hungry and very unsavoury people in power in many religions but it must be clear by now that there is a mad man at the helm of this cult that needs to be held accountable and the fact that Tom Cruise is in this cult and still gets taken serious in the entertainment industry is disgusting. I for one do not support anything that he has anything to do with. If I see him on chat shows I turn it off and would not entertain watching a film of his. All I see is a megalomaniac and not that great an actor.
Mike, I just finished your book and read what you went through. Unbelievable that this is still happening to this day with all that has come out before and since. I hope that for once Leah Remini can actually hold David Miscavige and Scientology’s feet to the fire and effect some real change that finally blows it apart. I saw you in a recent podcast and I sincerely hope that you are on the way to being cured. I wish you and Christie all the best.
Cat Daddy says
David Miscavige I am in your bedroom watching you sleep postulating your liver shriveling up.
unelectedfloofgoofer says
The usual vaguely implied outrages they won’t ever discuss. The cult relies on misdirection and the public’s ignorance to prevent outrage from starting. So far, the public have given them an easy time.
Chris Shugart [email protected] says
When the COS publishes something this stupid, there’s really no need to refute any of it. It stands on its own for all to see: childish, amateur rhetoric. My only comment might be, “What maladjusted juvenile wrote this?”
Cindy says
If I recall correctly, didn’t Dan Sherman die recently?
Chris Shugart [email protected] says
Yes, you’re right. And I’m guessing that he came back as someone’s ventriloquist dummy, probably performing in some cheap dive in Vegas. I’d be comforted to know that he’s still in his element.
Cindy says
Ha ha ha. Love it.
otherles says
The United States Constitution upholds the rights of Freedom Of Speech and Religion. Scientology denies the validity of the United States Constitution.
David says
The box for Davey gets smaller and smaller and smaller. Soon the box will close in around him and he will have no where to go. Trapped, for eternity.
Get him Leah!!! He is reprehensible.
GL says
At the moment Little Demento Merdesinhispants most likely has cornered the market on brown trousers and Immodium. His paranoia must be in overdrive.
Mockingbird says
So, aside from a lot of observations on how unhinged and petulant and belligerent David Miscavige is for writing this drivel, I have one observation that stands out.
There’s no name on this!
Remember the reference we studied in Scientology that includes a remark about did the person who wrote it have the know how or authority to write it? If not cancel it and apply false data stripping as necessary.
Every single Scientologist should send a report on this quoting that reference!
If you can find it, it clearly shows that David Miscavige is not even capable of following this basic Scientology policy!
Cayden says
This is going to be huge. I applaud Remini for her courage. Standing up to these bullies isn’t easy. Remini will win. Miscaviage is in absolute terror and is now considering running and hiding to Russia or Brazil or target two!
Newcomer says
Yo Dave,
Whattabout Ukraine good buddy????? Time to git a few thousand pounds of those booklet thingys spread across the bridgeheads to calm the waters.
Ya might want to also deliver a bunch to the judicial system and while you’re at it, drop a planeload on Austin so You can open that Orgy to yer public.
I’d say ya better get busy buyin a couple forests! Yer gonna need a boatload of calming fer whats heading yer way.
On second thought, fergit the forests, buy more Scotch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dead Man Talking Bill Straass says
You are correct. Mockingbird. I was FSO staff when the issue came out. Unfortunately, few in the church follow even LRH policy. I have been out 21 years but even when I was in I could not get LRH policy followed. Only the policy that suited them. I was sent off to die on Mother’s Day 2002
of AIDS which I received in Curacao, the Freewinds home port from blood products probably supervised by the Freewinds MLO Julie Powiesnik. She soon married the self proclaimed only right arm Captain in the S.O. who screamed at me that no-one could tell him what to do, well maybe one person could BUT he would never do it. I had the responsibility of repairing every piece of equipment aboard.
For my service, I was sent to a grave with zero medical attention.
Hope the rest of you poor fucks in the Sea Org do better. Otherwise, we are all DEAD
Peggy L says
I hear this on a show talking about a person but I think it applies to scientology so I made my own comparison.
Saying scientology isn’t a dangerous parasitic cult that destroys families and lives is like saying your alligator is a bit nippy.
Cindy says
Love it. I would upvote your comment but there were no upvote signs.
PeaceMaker says
The CofS’ “Psychiatry: An Industry of Death” museum is truly “is ludicrous and the allegations pure lunacy” – plus it’s tinged with anti-semitism, and based in their weird construct of hatred for and and a campaign of attacks on the profession as essentially a religious conflict going far back in history, so it’s effectively bigotry, too. If there are any slivers of truth they are mostly regarding abuses that were not as widespread as claimed and were were mostly ended 50 to 75 years ago, whereas the the claims of abuses by Scientology are well documented as being recent and ongoing.
But Hubbard like a typical narcissist accused others of what he himself was guilty of, and he created an organization that embodies that pathological dynamic – and others as well.
Anonymous says
As always, Captain Miscavige’s unhinged “responses” only demonstrate and reinforce the truth of the allegations against him and his criminal organization.
Yawn says
Feeling like a rabbit caught in the headlights Davy?
Newcomer says
He probably feels more reptilian, like a snake in the grass!
Karl Woodrow says
Hey Miscavige, Times Up.
You are a destroyer of good things.
You have destroyed families and relationships.
You have destroyed whatever possibility the subject of scientology had to help mankind.
You have groomed criminal multi billion scam artists and ponzi men to to steal from others (taking a cut for yourself of course.
You have deprived parents of the love of their children.
You have deprived children of the love of their parents.
You have destroyed your own family.
Your game of monopoly and manipulation is over.
Go to jail.
Go directly to jail.
Do not collect two billion dollars.
The world has had a belly full of your insincerity and evil meaness.
Time’s Up, David.
Smoore says
You said it all here. This is THE disaster from which Scientology won’t recover. Bravo to all the brave souls, like Leah and Mike, bringing this deadly cult to its inevitable demise.
Mikael says
Great article! All the best to you Mike
xTeamXenu75to03chuckbeatty says
“Scientology: Xenu Inside”
“Scientology: The Truth About Xenu’s R6 Implants After The Wall of Fire–Lectures About Xenu’s Big Impact on Earth and Why We Do Loads of Exorcism on OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7”
Jill says
Free speech does protect anything someone does from liability — you cannot announce “I am going to destroy someone” and then proceed to take actions to do so and hide behind “I have a right to say whatever I want.”
I think you mean does not protect….
Anyway, good article Mike.
Mike Rinder says
Yes I did. Fixed!
Cindy says
Mike, good to see you writing a blog again. I am rooting for you and know you’ll beat this cancer.
xTeamXenu75to03chuckbeatty says
Captain David Xenu Miscavige.
Naomi says
This is proof that there is no one that can control Baby Davey enough to stop him from publicly putting out this stuff. No lawyer he is paying millions would sign off on this… and I’m guessing the last few people who’s names he was adding to the bottom of these letters are now offloaded, in the hole, rpf, or scrubbing toilets. It’s almost shocking to me that DM doesn’t realize how unprofessional this is coming across! He makes himself the biggest clown of all… and hes too narcissistic to see it!
Glad to see your blog post. Hope you are doing well, and getting better. SPTV nation misses you dearly and are all praying for you and sending you positive and healing energy!
Much Love (bahahaha) to you Christie and the boys!
Glenn says
Excellent! I cannot wait for the case to be decided in Leah’s favor. About time the cult is made to pay for it’s deplorable tactics. And Mike, you and I know personally what they are.
Anti-Hubbardite says
The lawsuit will not be decided until Miscreant is dead and buried.
They may settle. But a civil lawsuit of this magnitude will take at least ten years to settle after all the appeals.
PickAnotherID says
I wonder if Miscavige realizes his over the top rant just went into Leah’s lawyers evidence file of $cientology’s attacks on her?
jim rowles says
Thank you Mike. You have come forward, as always, to support Leah and her lawsuit. You simply have to recover and continue to live the good life. Plus fighting to end scientology’s bad practices, especially disconnection.
As regards the scientology effuence/flatulence you reported on above: They always decry the very things that they practice themselves. They could simply hold up a mirror and squeal at what they see.
Again, thank you for being here and doing good.