Kirsten Thorne/Caetano/Pederson
Sarah Heller
Shooting the episode with Mark Bunker in the park — Sarah Heller called the CWPD to evict Mark but refused to come out of the office where she was hiding:
Emily Jones in happier times with her parents Phil & Willie and her brother Mike:
Emily representing Author Services:
The billboard Phil and Willie put up:
Amber O’Sulliven:
Other posts on the subject of scientology “arbitration”:
Scientology “Arbitration”: They Make Up the Rules as They Go Along
A Scientology Committee of Evidence is NOT Arbitration,
Concerning Scientology “Religious Arbitration”,
Shameful Scientology “Religious Arbitration” Destroying Justice
Mary, I agree. In Tony O’s article today about all the things Scn wants to delete from Leah Remini’s lawsuit against them, it is a joke. Since when does one side in a lawsuit get to tell the judge to not let the other side prove their case with exact time, place, form and event? How do they even think they can get away with this? I had to laugh because at one point the C of S accused Remini of breaking up families. Really? This is what the church does in spades. The church accuses others of the exact thing they are doing.
Wow, so young. It’s amazing how scientology can turn people into automatons, soulless automatons.
I feel so badly for Phil and Willie. – and for anybody who has lost children to this vile cult.